Distress Call

Clay and Jerry hugged for a few minutes, Clay not wanting to seem inconsiderate continued to hug Jerry back until he let go himself. He wiped the tears from his eyes, sniffling from time to time, making himself more presentable than before.

"Don't worry, I won't abandon you like the others did, I'm here to look after you." Clay smiled, hoping to look reassuring for Jerry and have him talk to the other spirits on his behalf.

"I hope you're telling the truth, I don't know what I would do if you abandoned me as well." Jerry had at this point put his sword away, deeming that Clay wasn't here with malicious intent. "What are you doing here, there are useless cards here that were abandoned."

"I said I was here to collect some cards, but I also wanted a few new friends." Clay began walking to the well, climbing over the side and down the ladder. "There are some spirits down here and I was hoping that they would be able to tag along with me."

Jerry floated down the well, followed by Soitsu who remained silent during the heartfelt moment between Clay and Jerry.

"You want all of us to come with you?" Jerry was shocked, all these spirits were called useless by their old owners, wastes of space in decks, yet here someone was that wanted them to come with him.

"Why wouldn't I want you all to come with me? You are all so cool!" Clay had almost reached the bottom of the ladder so he decided to jump the rest of the way down. Instead of landing on his feet he ended up landing on his behind. "OW!"

"HAHAHA!" Jerry burst out in laughter as he saw Clay fall down.

"Damn that hurt." Clay brushed himself off as he stood back up. He looked around at the ground only to see it littered with cards everywhere. Monsters, spells, traps just lying on the ground with no end in sight. "That is a lot of cards."

Jerry had finally composed himself, floating down next to Clay. "Of course there is, this well has been a dumping ground for years, even before I was here."

"Those bastard Obelisks, they don't care about their cards at all, just if they will win their duel or not." Clay picked up a few cards near him, dusting them off. "I will make sure that none of you guys have to be abandoned again."

A few orbs of light rose out of a few cards and began floating toward Clay. The light they emitted began shimmering, taking the shape of weak and low level monsters. Key Mace, Dog Marron, Scapeghost and other low level monsters could be seen circling around Clay now.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to get rid of more 'useless' cards like us?" Key Mace got right into Clay's face as it spoke. It seemed to be of the mindset that every person they see will just dump cards they don't need, just like what Jerry had been like when Clay first came across him.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I am actually here to get a few cards." Clay took a step back so Key Mace wasn't right in his face and explained his reasoning for coming here. "I was hoping you'd be able to help me find the cards I was looking for."

"And why would we help you? You'd just get rid of it when it doesn't get useful." Key Mace had turned its back now, waiting for the excuse Clay would use.

"Well, I was actually looking for all the cards here." Clay made a grand gesture, twirling around and pointing everywhere in the room. "I want to take you all back with me."

Key Mace dropped its mace on the ground, shocked at the words it just heard. Eventually it picked its mace back up and turned to face Clay.

"You... want all of us?"

"Of course, after all, there is no such thing as a worthless card." Clay held out his hand, hoping for a handshake to solidify the partnership between the duel spirits and Clay. "What do you say, want to come with me?"

Key Mace floated closer to his hand, hesitating to reach out and shake it. Eventually the thought of being stuck here forever caused the small fairy to shake Clay's hand, officially becoming one of Clay's new duel spirits.

"Interesting." A deep voice resounded throughout the room, echoing off the walls of the well and becoming louder and louder. Clay had to cover his ears from the noise at it was too much for him. The duel spirits around him looked concerned, they apparently hadn't heard anything.

"Clay, are you okay?" Soitsu came to Clay's side at this stage. Having been with Clay for the longest he was also the most concerned about his wellbeing. "What's wrong? What can I do?"

Clay couldn't hear any of this though, the voice was so loud it stopped any other voices from reaching his ears. As time passed the noise died down and Clay was able lift his hands off his ears.

"Did none of you hear that voice?" He looked at the other spirits and they looked confused, they had absolutely no clue what Clay was talking about. "No one just heard that deep voice?"

"We didn't hear anything, you just suddenly collapsed on the ground." Soitsu spoke to Clay, still utterly confused as to what had just happened.

"So, you can hear me?" The voice spoke once again, but this time it was a softer, soft enough that Clay didn't have to cover his ears.

"Yeah I can hear you, why is it that the others can't?" Clay spoke to the voice, but to the others it seemed as if he was talking to the air.

"I can only be seen by the champion of time, the others are not the champion of time but you seem to be." The voice sounded as if it was getting closer to Clay and he could feel his spine tingling. "You are special, more than just being able to see duel spirits but also in the fact that you are able to see me."

Clay was very cautious at the moment, he was talking to a being that he couldn't see so it was obvious that he would be nervous. At that moment however, a shape was beginning to form around Clay, circling him and the other spirits.

A purple serpentine body with red and silver highlights was forming around Clay, as if a snake was coiling around its eggs to protect them. As Clay looked the body up, eventually reaching the base of its neck, the sight of a spiraling galaxy could be seen.

"What are you?" Clay stumbled back onto the ground. This was his first time seeing something like this, he had never seen this monster anywhere, even in his old life.

"I am Anotherverse Dragon, ruler over several dimensions, yet captive to this dimension." The dragon spoke its name, declaring its power and titles for Clay to hear.

"Clay what are looking at, who are you talking to?" Soitsu came up between the mighty dragon and Clay, blocking his vision of the mighty creature and allowing him to regain focus.

"You don't see the massive dragon circling around us?" Clay asked the spirits around him. They all turned their heads to find this so called dragon, but they couldn't see a thing.

"I told you, I can only be seen by the champion of time." The dragon spoke once again. This time Clay paid attention to what it said about only being able to be seen by this champion of time.

"Are you saying that I'm this champion of time?"

"Yes, and since you are so I think I may join you on your journey. It has been so boring not being able to talk to anyone in years." The mighty looking dragon drooped its head, the loneliness being the worst thing it had ever experienced.

"Yeah, that's fine, I need all the help I can get at this point so you are welcome to come along." Clay held out his hand, waiting for the dragon to shake it. Anotherverse Dragon reached out its claw and touched it to Clay's hand, releasing a blinding light. Within moments the light had faded and the dragon was gone, leaving only a new card in his hand to prove it was real.

"No way, there was a duel spirit there!" Soitsu looked at the card in Clay's hand, marveled at what had just transpired. "You were really talking to a dragon then weren't you?"

"You bet I was!" Clay jumped up and down, he had managed to get a dragon as one of his duel spirits! Before he could get ahead of himself though, there were other things he needed to do before he could celebrate.

"I'm not sure how many of you guys there are, but to all the duel spirits in this well that want to leave I will take you with me!" Clay shouted his declaration at the top of his lungs, hoping to get as many duel spirits as possible to come with him.

Within seconds, dozens of orbs of light were seen heading to Clay and the other duel spirits. These were all the spirits who had been stuck in this well for years and they were desperate for a way to leave it.

"Is it true? You'll take us out of the well?"

"Please, take me out of here!"


"I can be useful, I promise!"

"Calm down everyone! I can take you all with me, but first I need your help. I need to gather all of the spare cards on the ground then I can go, taking you with me." Clay instructed the spirits what to do and they spread out quickly, hoping to finish as fast as they could.

Within minutes of the spirits starting the task of gathering the cards they were done. Clay was honestly very impressed.

"To everyone that wants to come with me form a line, turn into your card and I can take you out of this well in no time." Clay held out his hands as if he was accepting candy, and in seconds cards started to pile onto them. There were dozens of cards, only adding to the amount of cards he got from the cards without spirits.

In his back pocket Clay could feel his PDA vibrating, signaling that he had received a message. He put the cards in his hands away and pulled out his PDA only to see he received a message from Alexis Rhodes of all people.

"Clay, if you get this I need help! Someone is attacking me at the abandoned dorm, please help me!" The message abruptly stopped after.

"Crap, why did he have to appear today?!"