Duel With No Consequence

Both drew their cards and began thinking of strategies that they could use to win this duel. A moment later and they both looked at each other and smiled, ready to begin.

"I'll make the first move, draw!" Jaden went first and started the duel. "I summon Elemental Hero Clayman in defense mode and set two cards face down." A large man with a wide chest appeared on the field and kneeled down, crossing his arms in a defensive posture.

Elemental Hero Clayman: Atk 800 Def 2000

"I end my turn, you're up." Jaden passed the turn and allowed for Clay to make his move.

"My go, I draw." Clay observed the card that he drew and smiled. "I summon Summoner Monk in attack position." Clay placed the card and a blue skinned man wearing dark robes appeared.

Summoner Monk: Atk 800 Def 1600

"When Summoner Monk is summoned in Attack position, he is automatically switched to defense mode." The blue skinned man knelt down and crossed his arms in front of him. "Next I activate his ability. By sending a spell card from my hand to the graveyard I can summon one level four or lower monster from my deck."

Clay selected a spell from his hand and sent it to the graveyard, then proceeded to look through his deck for the card he wanted. He found the monster and proceeded to summon it in attack position.

Soitsu: Atk 0 Def 0

"Woo, it's been a while since I was out on the field." Soitsu, the small green man, proceeded to fly around a bit before returning to his original position. He looked at Clayman and proceeded to talk trash about it. "Hey, you dumb lump of rock, I bet you can't even defend from the air in front of you!"

Clay had a sullen look on his face as Soitsu bad mouthed his opponent. He wanted to run over and knock some sense into him, but Jaden's laughing stopped him from doing so.

"Hahahaha! He's got quite the spirit." He didn't seem to be offended when Soitsu called his monster weak which Clay was happy about. When the duel was over, Clay would make sure to give all his spirits a talking to about their behavior.

"I'm sorry about him Jaden, he usually isn't like this." He apologized even though Jaden seemed fin with the spirit's attitude.

"It's cool bro, no harm done anyway. Now we gonna keep dueling or what!" Jaden pumped his fist in the air and caused Clay to get back into the groove.

"Alright, I activate the continuous spell card, Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen." The surroundings shifted, causing the waves and the cliff face to vanish, being replaced by marble pillars and pristine quartz. "Using the effect of my spell card I am allowed to special summon my Koitsu from my hand."

A second small man riding a paper plane appeared, this time with his blue skin on display. He flew around the area just as Soitsu had then returned to the position he was summoned to.

Koitsu: Atk 200 Def 100

"Oh yeah, let's do this!" He pumped his arms and did a few flips on his plane as he waited for his opportunity to work.

"I activate Koitsu's effect, allowing me to attach himself to any 'Itsu' monster on the field, giving that monster and extra 3000 attack points. I choose to attack Koitsu to Soitsu." Koitsu flew over to Soitsu and parked his plane in the other.

Soitsu: Atk 3000 Def 0

"Soitsu, attack Elemental Hero Clayman! Green Nosedive!" Clay declared his attack and the green man charged forward on his plane. He glided above Clayman then proceeded to dive and spiral his plane, making a small tornado in his wake.

"I activate my trap card, Hero Ring." Jaden declared the activation of his card, and as if the sun had risen from behind Clayman, a ring of light surrounded him causing Soitsu to call of his attack. "Hero Ring stops any monsters with more than 1900 attack points from targeting my Clayman for an attack."

"Interesting, you have a monster with more defense points than I can target it with attack points. I have to say Jaden, I'm impressed, you created a very difficult situation to get through." Clay paused and allowed Jaden to smile wide before continuing. "Difficult, but not impossible."

Jaden waited in anticipation for a further explanation, but Clay never continued this train of conversation.

"I'll play one cards face down and end my turn." One card appeared behind Clay's monsters and remained flat.

"Alright, I draw. Sweet, I play my spell card Polymerization fusing my Elemental Hero Avian and Burstinatrix to make a new Hero. Elemental Hero Flame Wingman!" Jaden called out the cards and they swirled into a vortex, eventually coming back as a new monster with a dragon head for a hand and a singular wing.

Elemental Hero Flame Wingman: Atk 2100 Def 1200

"Flame Wingman, Attack Clay's Summoner Monk!" The monster flew high into the air and swooped down where Summoner Monk rested. Fire burst from the dragon head and the temperature rose in the air.

"Nice, even though your monster was in defense position Flame Wingman deals damage equal to the attack points of the monster he destroyed to your life points." Jaden explained the special ability as Flame Wingman appeared in front of Clay and opened his dragon head with a red glow appearing within.

Flames burst forth engulfing Clay from head to toe. After the flames died down, he was left with ash covering his face and his hair messed up into an afro.

Clay: 3200

Jaden: 4000

"Good going Jaden!" Syrus cheered on his friend from the side lines as he saw his friend doing good against his other friend. "You can do it Clay!" He then proceeded to cheer for his other friend and his hopeful comeback.

"Nothing else to do but end my turn there. Your move Clay." Jaden passed with a smile on his face after having dealt the first lot of damage in the duel.

"Alright, I draw." He looked at the card he drew and proceeded to place it with the rest before grabbing another and proceeding to use it. "I activate the spell card Harpies Feather Duster, destroying all of your spell and trap cards Jaden."

As he spoke a large feather appeared in the sky and swept over Jaden's side of the field. The sweep covered all of his cards, but when the sweep moved away there were no spells or traps where there should have been.

"Dang, where did you even get that card, isn't it like super expensive?" Jaden knew about the card, Mai Valentine had used it in her deck back in the day.

"I had it lying around so I thought I should put it to good use." The truth was that he had found it at the bottom of the well. He didn't understand why someone would get rid of a card like this, possibly a mistake or a mix-up, but he wasn't going to complain.

"Next, I'll summon Outstanding Dog Marron in attack mode!" A small, fluffy, brown dog appeared on the battlefield and barked, announcing its arrival. It sat down and panted, waiting for instructions from its owner, Clay.

Outstanding Dog Marron: Atk 100 Def 100

"Aw, well isn't he just the cutest thing you've ever seen." Jaden instantly started cooing over Marron's cuteness which was able to stop any womans heart.

"Now I'll activate my face down spell card and equip Marron with the spell card Moon Mirror Shield." The dog's pendant glowed, and it began morphing from a bone to a circle. "Now Marron, attack Elemental Hero Flame Wingman!"

The dog barked in acknowledgment and began its charge to the flying hero. The Hero in response to seeing this small puppy charging at him scoffed and held its dragon head up to release a stream of flame and incinerate the dog.

"Any monster equipped with the Moon Mirror Shield, whenever it enters battle, will always have their attack points altered so they are always 100 points higher than what is needed." As Clay explained the effect of the spell, Marron began growing in size, easily towering over a human now yet it was still as cute as ever.

Outstanding Dog Marron: Atk 2200 Def 100

Marron jumped to the side, avoiding the jet of flames and proceeded to pounce on Flame Wingman, tearing his wing off and leaving him to disappear in a burst of flames.

Clay: 3200

Jaden: 3900

After finishing its job, Marron returned to Clay's side where it proceeded to return to its normal size and rub itself against his leg. Seeing the cute animal rubbing itself against him, Clay couldn't help but reach down and pet the animal.

After wasting a few more moments playing with the dog, he returned his attention to the battle and declared his second attack.

"Soitsu, let's not mess it up this time, attack Clayman! Green Uppercut!" With the new attack called Soitsu flew his plane to Clayman and positioned himself under his head. With a great leap, Soitsu reached the monsters head and brought his fist to his chin. The monster fell back and shook the earth as it fell apart into a pile of stones.

"When a monster equipped with Koitsu battles a monster in defense position, I am able to inflict the difference in attack and defense points as direct damage to your life points!" As if a strong gust of wind blew under one of the rubble pieces it flew and attacked Jaden, knocking him on the head and causing him to fall.

Clay: 3200

Jaden: 2900