Spirit Partner

Hi Author here,

I just looked over the last chapter and realized that the amount of cards Clay used didn't make sense. I've gone and changed it, but don't bother going back to read it. Just know that instead of having two face down cards, they've been changed to being the spell card Moon Mirror Shield instead.

This is the only way I can get it to make sense without having to change the entire chapter. Sorry about that guys, I'll try to look out for that in the future, but just realize I am not perfect, and it may happen again.

Anyway, enough with this.



Jaden stood up once again after rubbing his head which had a red spot. His head injury didn't stop him however from continuing the duel.

"Is that the best you got Clay? Come on, I can handle it!" Jaden urged on Clay while the latter only looked at the former with concern in his eyes. He didn't know if it was Jaden's regular personality that was encouraging him to urge him on or the possibility he got a concussion from the blow, but that wouldn't stop him either way.

"Well that's good and all but I have to end my turn there." Clay shrugged his shoulders and passed the turn. He had a smile on his face as he watched Jaden get ready for his play.

"Alright then, I draw." Jaden inspected his cards but couldn't think of anyways to make them win for him. "I'll summon my Wroughtweiler in defense mode and end my turn."

Wroughtweiler: Atk 800 Def 1200

Clay drew his card and placed it in his hand before looking towards Jaden and grinning. "You said you wanted me to go all out, well here it is! Marron, attack that fake dog!"

Marron proceeded to charge forward, growling at Wroughtweiler all the while, as it also increased in size becoming twice the size of Wroughtweiler. The robotic dog itself turned its body and began pawing the ground, preparing itself to pounce on Marron, but it never got the chance as Marron also pounced.

The clash between the two dogs caused sparks and dust to go flying, obscuring the scene from the two duelists, but when the dust settled, what remained was Marron carrying around the robotic dog's head in its mouth.

"You're wide-open Jaden, I attack you directly with Soitsu!" The small man flew high into the air and proceeded to do a hit and run, knocking Jaden on the head before flying away and returning to Clay's side of the field.

Clay: 3200

Jaden: 0

"Game over!" Clay walked up to Jaden as he held out his hand, offering it to his friend for a handshake. Jaden shook it and started laughing.

"Jeez, I know I asked you to not hold back but you could have at least let me plead my case." The smile on his face and the tone of his voice showed that Jaden wasn't actually upset with losing, something that Clay greatly admired about the young man.

"Nothing ever seems to get you down Jaden, what's your secret?" Clay honestly had no idea how Jaden did it, he was sure that he would be at least a little bit sad or annoyed that he lost a duel, yet Jaden showed nothing of the sort.

"What's my secret? I don't really have one, I just keep trying to have fun and if that means I lose sometimes then so be it. After all, I got to hang out with my best pals." With an inquisitive look Jaden began thinking about his positive outlook on life.

"You really are something else. Anyway, that was a sweet duel. I have to say, that Hero Ring, Clayman combo was really cool. If I hadn't drawn my Harpies Feather Duster spell card the duel may have gone on for a lot longer than it did."

"You too man, who knew that a cute dog could be so intimidating while still looking cute." As Jaden was complimenting Marron, said spirit appeared between the two friends and started barking. "Hey there, you were sweet in that duel." Jaden then proceeded to bend down and pet the small fluffy dog.

"Huh, not many of my spirits choose to show themselves to others, guess Marron took a liking to you Jaden." Clay wasn't offended that Marron chose to appear before Jaden and demand pets, but he was surprised that the dog appeared at all.

"Wait, you mean to say that you have other spirits?" Jaden's eyes sparkled as he heard Clay's words. He wasn't aware that there was a lot of spirits on the island so he believed that they were exceedingly rare.

"Actually, a lot of my monster cards are spirits. A while back I found a well full of cards that were thrown away and the spirits of those cards were trapped in there. I decided to rescue the spirits and they decided to help me in my duels." He explained the spirits origins but didn't go into too many details such as how many there were.

"Are you serious? People were just throwing away their cards, that's horrible!" Jaden was appalled by the idea of just throwing away cards, so the thought of someone getting rid of a spirit, even unknowingly, and trapping them was something unforgivable.

"Yeah, I grabbed all the cards I could find down there. This little guy here happened to be one of the spirits I found." Clay bent down and scratched the dog behind the ear, something the dog seemed to appreciate. "I don't know how long he had been down there, but he was running on fumes, nearly all of them were."

"What do you mean?" Jaden didn't know what Clay was talking about. He wasn't aware of how spirits actually worked, only that they were monsters from cards that had come to life.

"You see, duel spirits are real creatures, they were even before duel monsters was a thing. They lived in a separate dimension from ours, but the ones that had come to this world needed energy to survive." (I'm not entirely sure the lore behind the duel spirits so I'm just going to come up with something I think makes sense.)

"When the Egyptians started dueling with monsters the spirits used that energy to fuel themselves, kind of like their kind of food. Nowadays, spirits use the energy we give off during duels to keep themselves alive." Clay explained what he understood about spirits to Jaden who was listening intently.

"And the spirits that were trapped in the well couldn't feed off that energy because they weren't near any duels." Jaden finished the explanation, understanding the implications of not receiving enough energy.

"That's the general idea, now I try to use the spirits in as many duels as I can. Of course, I can't use all of them all the time, so I sometimes need to swap out decks. That's also why I'm constantly getting into duels with people, that and I like seeing their faces when they lose to a 'weak' monster." There was a mischievous grin on his face as he explained his motives for dueling.

Jaden had a contemplative look on his face as he took in all the information. He didn't realize that there was so much at stake when someone duels, this revelation caused him to reconsider a lot of his past actions as well.

"Hey, I have an idea." Clay broke him out of his daze and started looking through his cards not part of his deck. "Why don't I give you some of the spirits for you to use in some duels. I'm sure you're Winged Kuriboh could use the company as well."

At the mention of his name, Winged Kuriboh made a sound and appeared floating behind Jaden. It seemed to be looking at Clay with an intense scrutinizing gaze that seemed to look through his very soul. After moments of silence, the small fluffball made another sound and floated in front of Jaden's face and communicated with him.

"For real, I'm sorry Kuriboh. If I had known, I would have tried to do something about it." Jaden bowed his head and apologized to the Kuriboh who just floated down and pat his head with its claws.

Jaden then turned his gaze to Clay and gave a serious look. "I'll look after them, turns out you were right, Kuriboh was a little lonely so these can be his friends." Jaden waited for Clay to offer some of the spirits before grabbing any of his cards.

"Alright, now we just need to see who wants to go with you and who wants to stay with me. This could take a while." Without saying anymore Clay turned around and a bunch of spirits appeared before him.

This caused Jaden's eyes to once again sparkle in admiration and awe, the scene was like nothing he had ever seen before. Even the Winged Kuriboh's eyes twinkled a bit seeing so many spirits in the area.