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Syrus who was off to the side just stood there in silence as he listened to his friends speaking about spirits. He had no idea what they were talking about, but it seemed to be serious from the way that they were talking about it.

Clay took out some cards and let Jaden look through them, he also looked into the air as if he was talking to someone. After a few moments of deliberation, Jaden decided what cards he wanted to take from Clay and handed the rest back to him.

"Thanks Jaden, just make sure to look after them and use them a lot. It doesn't have to be in any big duels but make sure you use them from time to time." Clay smiled at his friend who had a large grin from ear to ear.

"No prob, to be honest I should be thanking you. If you didn't tell me about the spirits, then I might have kept Kuriboh alone forever." He rubbed the back of his head and chuckled to himself.

"Now, as much as I would like to keep dueling with you guys, I should probably head back to my dorm and give my deck another once over." Clay turned his back and waved his hand behind him. "Oh, and Sy, if you want, I can probably set up a meeting with you and your brother. Just give me a call or something."

With nothing left to say, Clay began to run back to his dorm, leaving the two friends by themselves once again. Jaden had a smile on his face as he saw his friend's back in the distance while Syrus had a conflicted look on his face.

"Syrus, let's go back to the dorms, I want to check out all these sweet cards Clay gave me." Jaden gave his opinion on what they should do now, mainly trying to think of how he could play them in some new decks.

"Yeah, sure thing Jaden." Syrus agreed, yet had a contemplative look on his face as they walked back.


"Are you sure that was the wisest thing to do?" Anotherverse Dragon asked his question after seeing Clay give away nearly half the spirits, he had gathered from the well. "If you had allowed those spirits to bond with you, not only would they be able to passively gain energy without dueling, but you would also gain powerful allies."

Clay just shrugged his shoulders as he walked into his dorm room. "Whether it was smart or not, I'm not really sure. Was it the right thing to do? Who knows? All I know is that now, with more people using their cards, they will be able to gain more energy and have fun. I'm not going to be able to play their cards forever so having someone to help is nice."

"So, you were only doing it because you believed you were insufficient to complete the task alone?" The dragons deep voice spoke out, not really talking to anyone in particular.

"Yup, and once I get those cards, I've ordered I can have Riley help me use them as well. I'm not sure if he can see spirits but that doesn't mean he can't give his energy." A smirk appeared on his face as he thought about Riley's face when he showed him the deck he was cooking up.

"Why are you interested in this boy? I have not met the boy, but I feel that if he was something special, he would have revealed something by now." Confusion could be heard in Anotherverse's voice. He never had to rely on anyone when he conquered different dimensions, so he didn't understand the benefit of having others to help.

"Actually, as far as I know there isn't a thing special about him. He was actually an opponent in a big duel I did before meeting you. It was a 20-v-1, him being in the 20, and he was the only one of the group to deal any damage to me." Clay held his finger to his chin as he recalled the epic duel, he had against those Obelisk students.

There was nothing more to be said on the matter. Clay began lying back on his bed and closed his eyes. It was still a bit light outside but there was no reason for him to remain awake. He had looked over his deck nearly a hundred times so he was sure that there would be nothing for him to worry about.

It didn't take long for him to fall asleep, after which the spirits that decided to remain with him appeared and floated around him. Some even floated to the bed and laid around him, falling asleep with him.


It was bright and early in the morning; Clay still didn't have to go to school because of his suspension so he walked to the store to check on his order. To his relief, the cards he wanted had finally arrived.

"Thank you so much Ms. Dorothy." A beaming smile appeared on his face as he took the cards from her hands. He didn't buy any booster packs today, he was running a bit low on DP, so until he got back into dueling other students, he would have to make do with the cards he had.

"No worries, don't hesitate to come see me if you need anything." Ms. Dorothy also had a smile on her face as she spoke with Clay. He was one of the only students who helped out around the shop, not even asking for anything in return.

"Will do. Now if you don't need me for anything then I'm gonna put these cards together and build a deck the likes this world has never seen!" He turned his back and ran with all his might to his dorm to gather the rest of the cards he had ordered and bought.

They had all been lying on his desk, just waiting for the rest of their group to arrive and finally make themselves useful. What Clay didn't know was that some of these cards also had spirits in them.

It wasn't until they were all together that they decided to make themselves known to him. After all, they were a proud and noble group of spirits, it would only do if they all introduced themselves at the same time.

"Finally, now I can show this deck to Riley and show him that Life Points shouldn't be treated as only needing protection." Clay didn't notice the spirits that were summoning themselves behind him, being silent as he worked and making sure all the necessary cards were present.

It took almost a full hour before Clay was finished with the deck and turned around. He didn't expect to see any spirits, so seeing a large group caused him to jump in fright at the unexpected guests.

The spirits in front of him were humanoids, wearing old noble attire as if they were some aristocrats from the medieval period. Their skin was pale, as if they didn't have any pigmentation in them, yet they were still fairly good looking despite this fact.

Clay instantly recognized the group of spirits, after all, he just spent an hour looking at their cards. They were the Vampires, a group of 'zombies' who upon destroying an opponent's monster were able to bring it back to their side of the field, among other things.

"Please, don't give me a heart attack." Though he didn't need to, Clay bent down and began breathing deeply to catch his breath. After a moment he returned his gaze to the spirits and began some basic introductions. "I don't think we've properly met, I'm Clay."

One of the female vampires stepped forward, being dressed in an extravagant gown that looked to be held by some bones of a creature that couldn't be identified. She also held a scepter with a red gem in the top, walking with grace as she walked forward.

"The Vampires give greetings to their new master." They all bowed down on one knee. This caused Clay to panic, after all, he wasn't going to be keeping this deck, only using it in a duel against Riley as he demonstrated how to use his Life Points effectively.

"Uh, I think there has been a misunderstanding." He backed up into his desk, holding his hands in front of him as he was confused about what to do. "See, I know that I'm the one that brought you all together, but I'm not the one that will be using you."

At this one of the other vampires walked forward. She was dressed in tights and a shirt/jacket that revealed her stomach to the world for all to see. She appeared before Clay's ear and whispered into it.

"We can still serve you, just say the word and anything you wish shall be done." She backed away with a mischievous grin on her face. "After all, Vampires only serve those who gather them, not someone who merely uses them."