Chapter 3


"We're going in, babe," Jacob said with fire in his eyes, determined to get seats inside the cafe and of course, that 25% off discount.

"Sure, babe," Kiefer smiled back and held Jacob's hand.

It wasn't the first time they had to pretend like a couple just to get what they want. They have been doing that kind of thing since they were in middle school, so it wasn't anything new to them.

Acting so naturally while holding each other's hands as they made their way in the sea of people in front of the cafe, they finally got to the door and then entered together.

The staff that was standing by the door welcomed them with a smile and said, "Good afternoon. Are you a couple?"

Kiefer smiled at her and raised their hands that were holding each other. Jacob then looked away and pretended to act all shy because his "boyfriend" was proudly showing the staff that they were dating.

'Ahh, youth. How nice,' the staff thought as she looked at the two who looked so in love.

"Of course, you are! How silly," she laughed. "You're in luck because a couple just left. We have a vacant table over there," she said as she gestured her hand in the direction where the table was. "We also offer a 25% discount for couples. Our cafe is self-service, so please head to the counter to order your food," she continued while smiling.

"We'll do that, thank you," Kiefer smiled. He turned to Jacob and said, "Let's go, babe?" Jacob just nodded shyly and avoided the staff's eyes as if he was too shy to face her.

The two of them then proceeded to walk to the vacant table that the staff was referring to and as they made their way there, smiles curved on their lips because their plan was a success.

'Works every time,' Jacob and Kiefer both thought as they looked at each other.

Upon arriving at their table, the two of them decided to leave their bags on the chairs so the staff would know that the table is already occupied. Kiefer and Jacob then proceeded to head to the counter where plenty of sweets were displayed. The omega's eyes sparkled with excitement and happiness as his eyes feasted on the variety of sweets in front of him.

'It's kinda amusing how his face looks blank, yet his eyes look so excited,' Kiefer thought as he smiled while looking at Jacob.

The person handling the counter also couldn't help but smile upon seeing the way Kiefer looked at Jacob.

'Ahh, youth...' he thought while smiling, feeling fuzzy inside just from looking at them.

"I'll buy. Pick anything you want," Kiefer said, still smiling at Jacob. "No take-backs," Jacob said as he smiled at the alpha. "Haha, no take-backs," Kiefer chuckled.

"I'll get an Egg Tart and a Caffè mocha please," Kiefer said to the staff with a smile on his face. "You choose yours too, Jake," he glanced at the omega.

And just a few moments later, Kiefer immediately regretted what he said to Jacob. The omega was taking almost every type of sweet on the counter, and Kiefer couldn't help but gape his mouth open.

He took his phone from his pocket and started computing how much he's gonna pay for all the food Jacob chose. 'I thought he was gonna go easy on me this time. I guess I'll have to bring homemade lunch starting tomorrow, then,' Kiefer thought as he stared at the total amount of Jacob's order.

"What are you doing?" Jacob asked upon noticing that Kiefer has been on his phone for a while now. The alpha lifted his head and looked at Jacob, and before he could even say something, the omega spoke.

"I already paid for everything. Let's go. Help me with the trays," Jacob said as he took one of the trays of cakes and other sweets. "I said I'll pay, though?" Kiefer looked at him with a confused expression.

"Next time," Jacob smiled at him and proceeded to walk back to their table. Kiefer couldn't do anything but follow what Jacob said, so he took the other tray and followed behind him.

"Don't look so down," Jacob said and chuckled as he placed the tray on their table. "You cooked me dinner last time, so it's my turn to treat you to something now," he continued as he sat on his chair.

"Then, I'll cook something for you tonight, too," Kiefer said with a smile as he placed the tray and sat on his seat too.

Jacob was evil laughing deep inside as he thought, 'Hehe, I knew he'd say he's gonna cook for me. I'm looking forward to his food more than the sweets in front of me.'

"We were gonna hang out at my place after this anyways," Jacob shrugged as he took a fork and a cake.

As he started eating, Kiefer couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle as he watched Jacob stuff his face with cakes. 'His mom told me I have to stop him from eating more sweets, but I love watching him eat like this,' he thought as he smiled while looking at Jacob who was eating messily.

"Slow down. No one's gonna take your cake away from you," he laughed softly as he stretched his arm and wiped the corner of Jacob's lips with his thumb. The omega just ignored what he said and proceeded to slightly sway his torso side by side as he ate another type of cake.

'Cute,' Kiefer thought while smiling and started eating his Egg Tart.

After a few minutes, their names were called, meaning that their drinks were already ready. "I'll get it," Kiefer stood up and immediately headed to the counter to get their drinks.

'It's funny how he's obsessed with sweets but likes drinking a bitter Americano on the side,' he thought as he smiled while walking back to their table.

And like that, Kiefer and Jacob pretended to be a couple the entire time they were inside the cafe so as to not look suspicious.

But little did they know, even if they are not intentionally pretending to be a couple, every person inside the cafe would still think that they were dating.