Chapter 30

"What? That's nonsense. That can't be true... right?" Kiefer said to himself and laughed as he scrolled some more.

The more he read other people's experiences that were similar to his, the more he got nervous.

While there were some who succeeded in dating their best friend, there were only a handful of them and most ended up becoming strangers.

That day, Kiefer had a hard time trying to keep things off his mind that he actually started studying.

Fast forward to the following week, the two of them went back to usual. They now stood side by side as they waited for Jacob's mom to take the car out.

She was going to drive them to school since it was exam season and it would be better for the two to get to school early and study a bit more before the exam starts.

On the way there, the three of them were silent. Jacob was busy going over his notes and Kiefer... well, he was busy looking at the drills he answered during the weekend.

Jacob was smart even without studying and Kiefer was, in truth, smart enough to become an honor student. However, the thing is, the alpha never pays attention to class and only ever studies when he's with Jacob.

They quickly arrived at school since it was located near their subdivision and the two got off after thanking Jacob's mom.

"It seemed like you studied this time," Jacob said while walking to their classroom. "Change of pace. I was pretty bored without you," Kiefer grinned at him.

"You're all grown up now," Jacob chuckled and patted the alpha's head, barely reaching the top of his head.

'Crap. I wasn't expecting that,' Kiefer thought as his entire body turned stiff as they walked.

He thought he was doing pretty well in acting natural around Jacob, but now that the omega had initiated physical contact with him first, he couldn't help but feel all giddy inside.

"I guess I don't have to teach you anymore," the omega smiled at him.

Kiefer froze.

That was not what he wanted at all. However, before he could even retort, Jacob continued speaking.

"We're gonna be in college soon with different degree programs. It's only natural," he said as he looked at Kiefer's face.

"Oh... Right. College..." Kiefer said, now realizing that they won't be pursuing the same thing anymore.

In the universities Jacob applied to, the programs in his options were Biology, Civil Engineering, Geodetic Engineering, and Computer Science—all in the fields that Kiefer hated.

While it was true that Kiefer was smart enough to become an honor student if he wanted to, he disliked sciences and mathematics the most. There was no way he would want to choose the same major as Jacob, who excels the most in the STEM field.

As opposed to Jacob, Kiefer's options were in the humanities. His options were Communication, Linguistics, Anthropology, and Media Arts—none of which were the same as the omega's.

"Yup. Let's go. We have to get to the classroom earlier if we want to study a bit more before the exam begins," Jacob said as he started to walk again.

Kiefer didn't even know how they got to the classroom. The next thing he knew, they had already begun reviewing their notes and the exam soon began.

Thankfully, the topics he made sure to study during the weekend were all in the test. Although some topics did not appear, he felt relieved enough knowing that everything he studied for did not go to waste.

Of course, he wouldn't have had an easy time studying without Leo's tutoring, and that thought pricked the alpha's conscience once again.

A couple of days passed by and the exams were finally over. The students were given the rest of the week to comply with their missing assessments and finish the projects that they needed to pass in some subjects.

Luckily for Kiefer, although he slacks off during classes, he always makes sure to pay attention to his projects, especially since all of them have to be submitted individually. Therefore, he had no problem with them since he only had to polish them for the next few days.

"Hey, Jake? Can you take a look at my lab report? I'm not really sure if I answered this correctly," Kiefer said as he turned his laptop's screen to face the omega.

Currently in Jacob's room, the two of them started working on their projects as soon as their exams finished. As exhausting as it sounds, it was actually better for them since they would have plenty of time to rest after that without having to worry about anything else.

Jacob started reading the alpha's lab report and while he was doing that, Kiefer unknowingly started staring at his face.

While staring at him, Kiefer noticed that Jacob's jet-black hair had grown longer than before. His bangs were at a length that the ends of his hair might prick his eyes.

Other than his hair, nothing much changed. He was still as handsome, or maybe beautiful, as ever.

His long eyelashes fluttered as he blinked his eyes while staring at the laptop screen, and his blue eyes still looked like expensive jewels. His tall nose, thin reddish lips, and slightly angular but rather soft jawline suited his face very well.

He was indeed...

"Handsome..." Kiefer mumbled.

"Hmm?" Jacob turned his head to face the alpha and saw that he was staring at him as if he was trying to memorize his features.

"Your hair grew longer. Should we get a haircut together?" Kiefer said as he gently touched Jacob's bangs and moved them to the side.

Jacob was silent for a while.

"Sh... Should we?" He asked as he smiled at the alpha.

It took Kiefer off-guard. His smile made him tremble that he immediately withdrew his hands, causing Jacob's bangs to fall back into place.

He nodded.

"Yeah. Let's go together after we get the exam results," Kiefer smiled back at him.

As if nothing happened, Jacob went back to reading the alpha's lab report and Kiefer decided to just stare at his laptop instead.

'Man... How did I manage to deny having feelings for him for years?'