Dai Dann Doe! 3

#3 Flex those Pecs!

Donie and Louie enter the dojo to see what they thought was Dann carrying a refrigerator on his shoulder. But they both rubbed their eyes to see it was actually a microwave he was struggling to carry with two hands.

"You… two…. Look tired" Dann said struggling to carry the microwave. Louie walked farther in the dojo and saw a refrigerator in the hallway.

"I could've sworn I saw you carrying a refrigerator on your shoulder"

"No of course not, I can't even lift this microwave by myself. I got some guys to move it in for me this morning, did you get enough sleep last night?"

"No because Donie forced me to stay up and do your dumb ass routine". Louie sat down on the mat dozing off.

"Sensei, do you have more training for us?" Donie said while bowing

"Yes I do, we're going to the beach at Santa Cruz, do a little workout and also pass these flyers out to see my awesome dojo. Especially the hot babes!" Dann said while smiling lewdly. Louie opened one eye in confusion.

"Yes sure old man, like you could land any."

"You say that now but I don't look a day over 20".

"Yeah but you're 40 Dann, you're creepy too has anyone ever told you that?" Dann looked at Louie in disbelief trying not to shed a tear. Dann continued to pack Louie's car with beach supplies, and slapped on a pair of shades to match his Hawaiian themed outfit.

"You look like a loser". Louie said while getting in the driver seat. Donie and Louie sat in the front while Dann sat in the back.

" I figured once we've gotten a good amount of people, we could play some volleyball and maybe score some hot babes."

"Can you shut up about the babes already, you're not gonna get any old man."

"I'm sure Sensei can get lots of babes and you're just jealous Louie"

"Why are you on his side Donie!"

"Of course he'd be jealous of my stunning good looks" Dann said while slicking his bald head.

"Haha you're so awesome sensei!"

"Oh whatever Donie."

They finally arrive at Santa Cruz

"Alright, the first place we're going is the beach. All the strong buff guys are there". Louie and Donie follow Dann to the beach. On their way there Dann sees a girl and winks at her, but she completely ignores him and moves on with her day. They finally made it down to the beach. Louie and Donie play a 1 on 1 volleyball game while Dann hands out his flyers. To everyone's surprise Dann didn't successfully hook anyone into his gig. Until he saw 3 shirtless buff guys with cargo pants, not too far from Donie and Louie. "Dude I can't believe Jessica broke up with me! I need something to take my anger out on!" Dann approaches the buff guys.

"Hi do you- holy shit you're huge!"

"Yeah about 8 feet what's it to ya!"

"What's your name"

"It's Tank, the one with the beanie is Croc and the other with badass shades is Pie."

"Well you know what else is badass? My Martial Arts class called Dai Dann Doe! I-". Tank slap the stack of flyers Dann was holding and cut him off.

"So you're the bum handing out these dumb flyers? Nobody wants or needs you or your teachings, especially when they look like me". He said while flexing his pecs

"Oh yeah Flex those Pecs!" Croc said, hyping him up. Tank breaks Dann's arm and punches in the face, and sends him flying toward Louie and Donie.

"Sensei!" Donie yelled

"I'm gonna kick the shit out of whoever did this!" Louie also yelled

"That would be me, the name's Tank the one wit-".

Louie socks him the face and breaks his nose cutting him off.

"I think they wanna fight bro!"

"They wanna fight bro!"

"I think they wanna fight bro!" Croc and Pie said. Croc runs at Louie and sends two hooks in his direction, Louie blocks both and side kicks him into a rock. Pie dropping in the sky with a drop kick. Louie blocks it with his forearms, grabs his legs and slams him in the ground making a small crater. Tank wakes back up angry, he walks toward Louie and punches him so fast he couldn't react. Louie wiped the blood off his lip and jumped at Tank with a Superman punch. Tank grabbed his punch but Louie's punch cracked his bone. Tank threw Louie in the air and kicked him into the rock wall next to them. Dann woke up and screamed from the pain in his arm. Louie rushed out enraged and threw a rock at Tank faster than a bullet. The rock went right through Tank's chest like butter. Tank got Croc and Pie up to form the Ultimate Squad.

"Let's show this fucker why No One can beat us!" Tank said.

Louie runs over to upper cut tank but is stopped by a right hook from Croc and head butt from Pie. Tank Grabs Louie's face and slams him into the ground, they create a shock wave. Louie is in a small crater in the ground bleeding from his forehead and lip. Louie got up and walked toward Donie and Dann.

"Donie put Dann in a safe place, it's time to kick ass".

"Yes, I've been waiting for this Louie!" Donie said smiling.

"You think you two shrimps are enough? You're so retarded it's hilarious!" Tank, Croc, and Pie laughed in their faces. Donie ran over and broke the sound barrier almost like Super Speed. He punches in the guy tank and launches Louie at Pie, sweeps Crocs leg, punches him on the ground and throws him with his speed. Sending him high into the sky. Tank loads up 2 bags of energy drinks. Tank throws them ridiculously fast, sending hundreds of them at a time, hard enough to pierce rocks. Donie and Louie work together to dodge every single one and stop them from hitting Dann.

"Holy shit this is crazy, the babes weren't worth it!" Dann screamed

Croc lands back on the ground, the 3 of them stack onto each other like cheerleaders. They formed a 10 foot man who jumped in the sky, and turned into a giant fist that was bigger than Santa Cruz. All the civilians screamed in terror.

"This is bad"

"This is no problem, remember the sound breaker punch?"

"Oh yeah that was totally awesome!"

Donie grabbed Louie's leg and jumped into the air, he spun Louie around with his super speed. Louie flexed his entire arm and punched the giant fist. He turned sound off for a split second and broke a giant hole in the clouds above them, sending the 10 foot man to the sun. Louie falls from the sky and Donie tries to catch, but somehow with super speed he misses.

"Donie! How the hell do you miss me with that speed!"

"Um… rusty?" Donie said while smiling.

Dann moved from the rock wall, he was standing next to the ocean looking into the distance holding his arm. Louie and Donie approach cautiously.

"So were you guys always this powerful? Why do you even take my class?" Donie looked over at Dann to see his face totally blank.

"I mean that's just a waste of money"

"Dann, listen we're not in your dojo for your teachings. We're here because we're friends! We haven't had a friend like you before." Donie said while opening and relaxing his palm.

"Yeah man as I hate to admit it, I actually care about you and consider you a friend Dann." Louie scratched his messy hair and genuinely smiled.

"Y'know I don't say this much but I've been alone for years living like a bum. I can rest easier knowing I can have friends that actually care for me".

Dann began to cry, he had been alone for 15 years living like a bum. Two boys walked into his life, gave him money to afford more items and live better, but better than all of that, filled the 15 year void of pain.

A man with brown shoes sees Dann's flyer and looks at it.

"Dai Dann Doe huh? Those guys wrecked my car!" The man with brown shoes crushed the paper and stuffed it in his pocket.