Dai Dann Doe! 4

#4 Brown Shoes!

"Come out Louie, come and face the ToiletMancer 2.0!", the ToiletMancer was outside the dojo screaming for Louie to have a rematch.

"You humiliated me. That only made me stronger, now I'm stronger than you!", there was an awkward pause.

"Better come out before I come in there and get you!", ToiletMancer couldn't touch the dojo because he couldn't pay for it, he's broke.

"Louie, can you please get rid of him, it's too late for this!", Dann walked out of his room in the dojo with pajamas on.

"I don't feel like it, it's actually kind of entertaining and funny!"

"Well I'm trying to sleep!"

"Cmon Dann, it's not like you have anything to do tomorrow"

"I'm going to see my parents tomorrow, I'm catching a flight"

"Louie! Come out my Toilet is clean and not filled with shit!" , the ToiletMancer sat crisscross waiting for Louie outside.

"Dann you're really making me do this?"

"Yes so I can sleep"

"I hate you"

"Wrong", Dann stared at Louie

"I hate your guts"

"Wrong Again", He smiled at Louie

"And I hate your face"

"Wrong", He grinned

"Well actually the last one wasn't wrong, I want to punch your face sometimes Dann", Dann's face is frightened by his threat.

"Well you have a big ass forehead", Dann said with a smug grin.

"Dann, that was the saddest insult ever. First of all your forehead is receding."

"What's that supposed to mean?", Dann said, genuinely confused.

"You're bald Dann!", Louie yelled

"Alright I'm gonna count to 3 and if you're not out here by 3 this dojo will be nojo!", Louie walked outside and opened the door.

ToiletMancer charged at him but Louie sent him flying with one punch. Louie walked back inside for the next day. The next morning Dann is tying his shoes to get ready to go. Louie and Donie of course tag along to meet his parents.

"So Dann why haven't you talked to your parents?",Donie asked

"Well a long time ago, I ran away from home after me and my parents had a bad argument. I didn't wanna live by their rules, I told them I hate them and never loved them.", Donie and Louie both looked at Dann with a concerned face. Louie let Dann drive his car to the airport. He nearly crashed the car but got there in one piece. They got on the plane to New York, another man headed to the same place wearing brown attire. They got to the airport and found a decent hotel to stay at. Dann was getting ready to meet his parents, so he decided to wear a suit and dress formally. Donie and Louie wore polo shirts with cargo pants and dress shoes.

"Wow, you look great!", probably the only time Louie would ever compliment his looks.

"Guys I'm nervous, what if this goes wrong?"

"They're your parents Sensei, of course they'll love you regardless if you shut them out your life completely and told them you hated them and didn't love them"

"Donie shut up.", Dann, Louie and Donie set out to Dann's parents house. A man with a Brown hat happened to walk by. Dann arrived in his parents neighborhood looking for their house. Dann finds the house, he lightly knocks on the door. An old couple opened the door in shock.

"Dann, is that you?" The old man asks

"Yes it's me dad", the old couple cried on each other. Dann embraces them with a hug.

"This is Donie and Louie",

Donie and Louie, this is Rose and Henry Clover aka my parents.", Donie and Louie shook Henry's hand and hugged Rose as they entered their home. A man with brown glasses is sitting nearby on a bench.

"This is Dann as a baby, we always kept it safe because we missed him so much", Rose said hugging the picture.

"Hey he's not bald in that picture!"

"Aw he's so cute!" Donie and Louie spend more time with Dann's parents. Dann is outside getting some fresh air, thinking about the past. A man with a brown suit and black undershirt walks down the sidewalk. The man stops and looks at Dann.

"Hello, is this your flyer?", the man pointed at the picture. Dann couldn't help but notice the man's British accent and brown shoes.

"Yes, how can I help you?", Dann gets up and approaches the man.

"Yes you can start by fixing my car"

"Wow this is a nice place you got here"

"Thank you Louie, we worked hard for it", Dann goes flying across the home breaking through the wall and ending up in some else's.

"What the fuck?", Donie and Louie rush outside to see the man with brown shoes calmly sipping tea. Dann was out cold in someone's backyard.

"Who the hell are you? Why did you do that to Dann?!"

"I remember. It wasn't him it was you, the tall one with the big forehead and slicked hair.", the brown man answered calmly

"I'm gonna kick your ass harder than I was before!", Louie ran over to the man but he noticed something. He was faster than before. He hit the man and increased the wind pressure. The brown man was still sipping his tea unfazed. Louie sent out a barrage of punches at the speed of sound, still had no effect on the man; it was like there was a small invisible barrier stopping his punches from landing. "It seems he doesn't use it", the brown man mumbled. Donie came in with his increased strength, he attempted to grab the man's face. The brown man simply dodged and tripped Donie.

"Alright my turn let me show a glimpse of my power", the brown man held his tea cup with his left and let his right hand be free.

"I'll use one arm to make it a little more fair."

The man flash stepped toward Louie and flicked him, destroying half of the neighborhood in the process. Dann woke up and saw all the destruction and screaming. He saw his mother's legs crushed by a piece of debris and ran over to help.

"Holy fuck! Mom!", Donnie's face ran tears down like a waterfall

"Cmon Dann! just help lift it up and we'll carry her out!"

"Mom Dad I'm so fucking sorry! I didn't mean to-", Dann was interrupted by a huge burst of wind knocking him back. He hit a wall and was bleeding from his face.

"This power it's-", Dann was cut off

The burst of wind was caused by Donie being backhanded into the ground,

totaling the rest of the neighborhood in a giant crater. Louie ran back at the brown man. He simply sipped his tea, sweeped Louie and axe-kicked him. Dann ran through the giant dust clouds looking for his parents screaming their names, among the many thousands of people doing the same thing. Until he saw a hand. It looked familiar. He went to get a better look and it was father crushed. The picture of him as a baby covered in blood on the back of the photo was Dann Clover. Dann didn't know what to do with himself. He ripped his suit apart until he was shirtless and had a breakdown.

"That son of a bitch! He killed them….both", Dann grabbed his face and it started to sob he went on his knees.

"I didn't even properly apologize, I just told them some crummy apology and didn't even finish!", Dann's cries could be heard from a mile away. Louie and Donie rushed over to see a sight they've never seen before. Dann was crying, repeating Im sorry over and over again while holding his deceased father's hand.

"Dann, I'm sorry we were too weak to protect them."

"Shut up Louie I don't need you to be a jerk right now"

"Dann I-"

"Why is it you're always such an asshole? Huh Louie! Go ahead and tell me! You, Donie, always acting the way you do. I know you're mocking me!"

"Dann listen, we did the best we could!"

"You two always think you're better than me just because you're so powerful and cool! Well I'm done I'm going back home!", Dann picks up his torn up suit and waddles away.

Louie tries to run after Dann but Donie stops him, because it would only make him feel worse.

"Brown is such a Delightful color, I fancy a brown belt next. Oh wait I didn't kill them did I? Hmmm…. Well, it seems I'll have to do that. I should go after the weak one, Dann was it? Looks like I'm keeping this flyer then"

The brown man said

"But I could go for another cup of tea first."