Dai Dann Doe! 5

#5 Archangels!

Dann was sitting in his bathroom, sitting there thinking about his life. Dann looks up at the light on the ceiling.

"Where did I go wrong?", Dann hasn't eaten in days he was extremely pale. The brown man was in an abandoned rail way in Britain. There was someone wearing an all black hoodie and outfit to match. The brown man walked up to this mysterious character.

"Servious, I have some new targets for us today." , The Brown man said with a smile

"Alexander, what is it you need?", Servious turned around

"I've got some cunts to take care of, they're quite weak actually I was surprised." Alexander pulls out a brown pipe and starts to smoke it.

"Yea very well, I suppose I was running low on souls."Servious looked at his black sword, it emanated black mist.

Alexander threw his pipe and shattered it.

"Well first we're going to get some tea", Alexander looks over at Servious's teleportation bracelets.

"Let's use those to get your target", Alexander pointed at the bracelets

"Yes, that is the most logical way to do it. There are rules of course, you can use them in places you can visualize. Do not slam these on anything or throw them. They will break and teleport anything within two hundred feet to a random place in the universe", Alexander giggled

"Yes I know Servious, you've told this one hundred times!" Alexander grabbed the bracelet and disregarded Servious. Louie and Donie at the home of Dann's mother and father, apologizing and begging for forgiveness. Servious appeared nearby Louie and Donie looking for them. Servious floats around with grace looking at all the destruction Alexander cause in such a short time.

"Lucky he was holding back", Servious said

Servious saw his 2 targets, a small naive one and one that's tall with a big forehead.

"Hello there, may I ask you gentlemen your names?", Servious said calm and politely

"Yes, my name is Louie and he's Donie", Louie had a huge frown, while Donie stared blankly, losing his innocent touch.

"Do you know of a fellow named Dann?", Servious asked sharply

"Yes he was our friend, it's been 2 days since….. what happened", Louie trying to keep himself together while looking down at Donie.

"Thank you very much indeed sir", Servious pulls out his black blade with grace.

"Your service will be appreciated, perhaps god will bless you in heaven", Servious teleported them to a desert.

"Here you shall die and not disturb a soul", Servious slowly approaches Louie and Donie.

"Where are we what's happening?", Louie puts his hand up preparing to fight Servious. As Servious swung his blade Donie stopped it. Servious quickly floats back with grace, he is much faster than Donie and stronger than Louie. Servious coats his blade in dark mist and sends 3 slashes toward Louie and Donie. Servious Destroyed the desert canyons without any effort. Donie throws Louie to close the gap between them. Louie and Servious engaged in combat. Servious out classed Louie quickly, he knocked the wind out of Louie and threw him at Donie.

"Just raise your arms over your head Louie!", Donie yelled

Servious charged at Donie, he blocked it with his shin. Servious grabbed Donie by the neck and slammed him into the ground. Donie kicked Servious and knocked him back. Louie finally was able to breathe.

"Who the hell are you?" Louie and Donie ask

"Well it would be rude if I didn't tell you, I'm Servious the fallen ArchAngel", Servious brings out his black feathered wings.

"So you know god?", Louie asked

"Yes, I also know a lot about you two hideous creatures who strayed from God's creation. You were both man made. Freaks of man before God, As children Louie had no limbs , and Donie had only a fourth of the human brain. Your parents sold you away because they couldn't stand the sight of you. Who could blame them for taking one million dollars over two useless creatures.", Servious charged at them. Louie and Donie stood back to back.

"You're wrong! Our parents were trying to fix us, not get rid of us!" Louie screamed

"You don't know a damn thing about us, I try to forget the past. I have nightmares thinking about what would've happened if we didn't escape" , Servious had no interest in what Donie said he hates beings without the creation and grace of God. Donie is too slow to react to Servious and he cuts his shoulder.

"Protected by the grace of man instead of God, how pitiful!" Servious raised his sword growing for an overhead slash. Louie went to tackle Servious, Servious easily dodged.

"This is just pathetic, you don't stand a chance, I could do this even with your combined power.", Donie remembered. He remembered learning how to form like Tank, Croc and Pie

"Are you sure this'll work", Louie asked

"We have no choice but if we don't, we'll die" Donie said .

Louie and Donie lock arms together and try to form into one. Servious attempted to cut both of their arms off. Louie and Donie disperse and dodge his slash. Servious uses his wings to fly and grab Louie, he throws him into a desert canyon.

"Damn it! He's trying to separate us!", Donie uses his speed to quickly get over there. Servious stops him by flying over his head and kicking him in the face. Donie went flying but was able to sink his hand into the ground to stop himself. Louie had to break his boundaries. He began to run again but it was different, he was rapidly increasing in speed. He surprised Servious in speed, tearing up the ground as he ran. He made it to Louie. Louie stood up and locked arms with Donie. They used the combination of their wills, Louie and Donie had the same goal to defeat Servious. There was a huge burst in energy coming from Donie and Louie , the ground shook.

"What is that abomination? It's hideous!" Servious screamed. It was the combination of Louie and Donie, a stronger version of themselves. Lonie. Servious powered up what seemed to be energy as well, the ground exploded and a huge tornado of wild appeared and violently stopped. Pushing Lonie back a little.

"I'm guessing you guys don't use Reene", Servious made a shield and sword.

"What's Reene?", Lonie asked

"Manifestation of your life energy", Servious was tired of talking and wanted to kill that thing.

Servious charged strategically at Lonie. Donie and Louie using Lonie, was like them reading each other's mind, they were able to control, read, and direct each other. Servious charged in for one final strike that could possibly destroy the continent. Lonie Charged up

his right hand preparing for a swing. Even without Reene Lonie clashed with Servious, they destroyed the ground and changed the cloud formations, entire canyons shattered. Lonie was able to knock back Servious and shatter his sword. Lonie charged up a left jab for Servious and sent him through multiple canyons. Lonie suddenly appeared in front of Servious and smashed his face into the ground. Black ooze came pouring down on Lonie's shoe. Donie and Louie accidentally deform.

"I'm glad that's over", Donie said cheesing

"Oh come here short stack!", Louie hugged Donie

"Well we should find Dann and apologize, and the brown man I'm gonna kill him myself", Louie had never seen Donie so Angry in his life.

Alexander appeared near where his was car was totaled. He walked down and followed the posters. Alexander followed them until he saw Dai Dann Doe. Alexander dramatically stopped, due to tea. Alexander stopped once again not because of tea but because he was going to kill Dann.