Dai Dann Doe! 7

#7 Dai Dan Doe!

Dan, Donie and Louie return outside the dojo.

"Dan, we're here so can you explain what just happened?", Louie said. Dan looked over at Louie then Donie.

"Alright, since you've been with me for so long. You deserve to know who I really am. But first, let me take a dump." Dan entered the dojo, with Donie and Louie following behind him. Dan went into the bathroom. He put the seat down and sat, he only used the bathroom as an excuse to collect himself. He thought about his current past, the memories slowly came flooding back in. Dan left the bathroom he told Louie and Donie to sit on the mat, while he stood and explained.

"As you know there was project R.E.D, it was an organization a part of the brown empire. They made super soldiers, made them slaves and expendable pawns. The brown empire was part of Britain, it wasn't really an empire. It was just a secret organization that was large enough to be an empire. There were five classes. Red, Low, Middle, High and specialized." Dan stood and explained this to them like a lecture, Louie struggling to process it all and Donie not missing a word.

"What class were you?" Donie asked eagerly.

"I was specialized, me and 4 others." Dan looked at both Donie and Louie to see if they could process any of this.

"You're actually British?" Louie glared at Dan.

"Yes I am British I just have an American accent now. Anyway there were multiple experiments that created living things. There was one that could use water as a weapon, he would transform into a giant monster capable of destroying mountains. Now he just inhabits toilets and ruins his own potential." Louie felt some kind of deja vu.

"I remember one other thing too, there was only one soldier to escape to the R.E.D facility. Besides you two there was a few more, promising powerful soldiers tall and buff." Louie and Donie looked at each other.

"Then who was the brown man trying to kill us?" Donie asked.

"Well that was Alexander, he looked up to me way back when, and aspired to be just like me. He slowly became obsessed with me, he even tried to copy me. He was a Low class soldier, he would've been a high class today if I didn't destroy the Brown empire."

"Well how was it destroyed?", Louie asked still glaring at Dan.

"Well I destroy it myself, The Brown empire had complete control over Europe. We were a powerful organization, I teamed up with one of the scientists and a few soldiers. It was us versus Europe, we won with major casualties. I promised myself after that mission, that I would never kill anyone again. I told them to kill me, but they tricked me and wiped my memories instead. Gave me a new life, with fake people and fake memories, the man who pretended to be my father was the scientist. My mother was his wife." Dan walked away from Louie and Donie, he wanted to end the conversation.

"Listen I'm gonna go in the bathroom for a bit, y'know I really just gotta use it." Dan entered the bathroom and locked the door.

Somewhere in the North Pole, a man with white snow gear is standing outside an igloo. He enters the igloo and a metal door closed behind him. The igloo had a kitchen and a bedroom, also a small living room. The man took off his snow suit and sat on his couch. His tea kettle whistled, he poured himself a cup of special tea. He sat back on his couch and sipped his tea elegantly. His telephone rang, he got up again with tea in hand and answered the phone.

"One of our founding members have died.", the man on the phone said.

"The lack of brown in this thing is sickening."

"Did you hear me correctly? One of our Founding Members have died.", the man on the phone said sternly.

"Do you think I give a shit? He was too weak and that's why he died, we don't want or need weaklings."

"I'm sorry sir, I won't waste your time again."

"Don't be so formal Oliver, just call me George like a normal individual." George hung up the phone in his brown lounging outfit. Brown T-shirt, brown shorts, and, brown tennis shoes. George sipped his tea, as he listened to music on a record player. Dan still in the bathroom while Donie and Louie wait for his return. Louie looks over at Donie, Donie is picking at the mat, he's anxious.

"Donie what hell is going on?" Donie was surprised and didn't notice Louie. There was also something wrong with Louie, he was scared and anxious but a more dangerous type of anxious.

"What's with you?" Donie stopped what he was doing and responded.

"Nothing I just- fuck, I just." Louie was holding his head like he was in pain.

"Louie remember what we promised when we escaped from Red?"

"To never lie to each other I know! I'm just scared Donie! Do you not see our past following us? One of the top ranking soldiers is just in that bathroom! I'm scared Donie, what if he takes us back? What then? We're dead!" Louie begins to tense up in fear.

"Listen, we know Dan and he said he took them down. Why would he do that? You sound silly " Donie tried to reassure Louie, smiling at him with his iconic grin.

"Listen Donie, there could be more out there! He could be lying to us, to gain our trust. I hate feeling this way! I don't want to feel this way! Don't let your feelings cloud your judgement Donie. I know I might act all cool and tough. But sometimes I'm scared that I'll fail and we'll die or I'll die, the only reason I have a passion for fighting is because I want to become stronger. Strong enough to protect all of you. Now I see this and I'm back to my old self, scared and not knowing who I can trust." Louie curls into a ball. The man who was cool and sensible, the one who took down all the enemies weak and powerful. Now he's curled into a ball scared. Dan heard all this and busted the door open, breaking it off its hinges. Dan turned, he was extremely disappointed in Louie. Louie got out of his ball, he back to slowly crawl backwards. Donie and Louie both frightened.

"Louie! You think after all the shit we've been through! Absolutely everything! For one second you have the nerve!" Dan's face was extremely red, he took a second to calm down.

"Listen guys, don't be scared of me. We're best friends, I don't want that to change because you know who I am. I wouldn't do anything to harm you guys. From you first setting foot in here, the guy who stole my first toilet, getting hot babes at the beach but also getting my ass kicked. Are we really just gonna shrug those memories and experiences away?" Dan opened both his hands, he reached out to Donie and Louie. They grab grab his hands and Louie comes back to his senses. Louie smiled feeling like a Jackass. They all had a group hug.

"Y'know, this is the last time you're gonna see me like this." Louie announced with a big smile.

"Whatever you say Louie." They're interrupted when someone entered the dojo. It was a tall black male about 6'6.

"Hello" the man stood there like a robot.

"Hello there sir how may I help you?" Dan walked up to him.

"I'm here for Dai Dann Doe, it looked totally badass in the poster." He said said it in a very serious tone.

"Wow! That's great, but uh- do you know how to clean good?" Dan asked he felt kind of guilty for asking that.

"Yes I can, my name is Jack but in Africa they call Ishibub. But just call me Jack, please sir." Jack picked up the broom and began to sweep.

"Oh well that's nice, I suppose we should get to work too." Dan tried to slip away from their gaze.

"Get your ass back here Dan!" Dan turns around caught off guard.

"Hey Um Louie can I borrow your car to get supplies to clean this place?" Louie looks over at Dan and hands him his keys. The group and their extra Jack, clean up the dojo to make it more presentable to get more people. When they finish Dan wants to add some finishing touches.

"One more thing I need to before we officially open, other than fixing the flyers." Dan walks outside and put up the new sign Dai Dan Doe. No more Dann, the original is back Dan. Dan walks back inside to his new office, to take care of those flyers. Donie walks in after him. He closed the door behind him, Donie's heart was racing you could even hear his heartbeat.

"Oh, hi what's up Donie?" Dan turned around confused.

"Hi Dan. I have something I need to tell you." Donie Clenched his fists.

"We'll at first I thought it was a deep admiration, but then it slowly became something more. I just didn't know how to feel, or what it was at first. But now I'm sure that these feelings are real." Dan looks over at Donie surprised.

"What exactly are you trying to say Donie?"

"Dan, I'm in love with you" Dan was about to trip but he caught himself.

"Donie, that caught me off guard man. It's not everyday one of your best friends confess their love to you." Dan looks at Donie, Donie was very anxious almost like a child looking a candy.

"Look Donie, I'm flattered but I don't feel the same way. I'm not gay I'm sorry Donie. I'm sure there's someone better for you. As our dojo expands, it'll give you options. As our friendship grows we'll look back at this moment and laugh." Donie looked down at the floor, not in disappointment or sadness. Because he was able to get his feelings out of the way, he felt relieved like a weight had be lifted. His heart stopped beating and he relaxed.

"We'll that's fine with me!" Donie walked outside happier than ever, like he was back to his old self. He smiled and closed the door behind him.

"So how'd it go?" Louie asked

"He rejected me." Louie and Jack looked at each other.

"Dude I'm sorry."

"No it's perfectly fine! I'm happier, I feel better, I am better! So it's perfectly fine wouldn't change a thing, even if I could." Jack watched Donie walk away.

"He took that surprisingly well." Jack whispered.

"That's Donie for you, can't break his spirit. Also don't Ever whisper at me again, your breathe stinks." Louie walked away to go clean somewhere else.

"Fuck that guy" Jack whispered.

"What was that?" Louie looked over at Jack.

"Oh it was nothing." The peace in the dojo was ruined by the ToiletMancer down the street yelling for Dann.

"Dann where are you? I wanna talk!" ToiletMancer yelled. Louie entered Dan's office, to see him reading interesting magazines.

"Yo Dan, the Toilet guy is here to see you." Dan threw the magazine.

"What were you reading?"

"Dont worry about it." Dan marched to the front door. To see ToiletMancer waiting outside for him.

"I keep losing to Louie, and I know why. Because he has such a great master!" Dan looks over at Donie and Louie.

"Care to explain to the giant Toilet-man?" Jack asked, but Louie and Donie shushed Jack.

"Go on, so you've come to my awesome dojo to learn Dai Dan Doe?" Dan lifted his eyebrow up.

"Yes! Please! Train me Master" Dan looks at Donie.

"Hey Donie that's what you sa-" Louie smacked Dan in the head.

"Yes ToiletMancer, you may join. Dai Dan Doe!"

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