Meeting the Storm Dragon(2)

"What!? A mere human dares to propose friendship to the mighty Storm Dragon!?"

Lucas looked at him with an annoyed gaze and said, "what? You don't want to? Fine, I am leaving then."


"Nobody said I d-don't want to!"

Veldora said in a shy manner.

'Tch. Tch. Such cringe I have to handle. I hope this interaction is over quickly and I get to do other things.' Lucas thought to himself while looking at the shy dragon in front of him.

He walked close to him and put his fist on the crystal and said with a smile, "then, let's be friends from today onwards."

Veldora nodded his head and put one of his sharp fingers close to the crystal.

Lucas then said, "by the way, do you wish to get out of this prison?"

"What!? You can get me out of here?" Veldora asked with visible excitement.

Lucas shook his head. "Of course not. I am just asking."

Veldora became dejected but answered, "I do wish to be out. As I said, it's very lonely here and if the magicules that are currently being released from my body continue then…"

Veldora sighed.

Lucas knew the answer to that but still asked, "then what?"

"Nothing. I'll just die after 200 more years." Veldora said with a tired tone.

"Oh, I see." Lucas tried his best to give out a natural reaction to that response.

The two didn't speak and stayed silent for a few minutes.

Lucas then said, "you know… I know a bit of divination and can try to see what happens in the near future. It'll just be an estimate really and not something that'll have a one hundred percent possibility of happening. I can just give you a small probability of a few things that may happen."

Veldora was confused as he heard that and the more he listened, the more confused he became.

"What is divination? What do you mean by possibility? Probability? What is that?" He asked, not understanding a single thing Lucas said.

Lucas cleared his throat and said, "no worries. I'll just do a few things and you'll know about it yourself."

Lucas grabbed a sharp rock from the ground and started inscribing a big circle on the ground.

He then inscribed a triangle in it and then an inverted triangle. He then drew a few circles at the outside of these triangles and wrote a few things in various languages from Earth that he knew which consisted of Arabic, Hebrew, Portuguese, and Greek.

Veldora didn't understand a single thing that was written below and he became even more confused as to what Lucas was doing.

Lucas wrote nothing but bullshit in the circle. He knew how to write a thing or two in different languages because of events that happened in his school and college.

There was a day on Earth called 'World Tourism Day' where there were a lot of activities present and also lots of prizes.

To win meant to get those prizes and these prizes were generally food hampers, vouchers, money, and various other goods that helped a student.

Lucas was very poor and couldn't afford even a single day's meal at times back then. Winning these prizes was very important to him and so he had to learn various different languages and cultures.

He thus knew how to write in different languages and he was doing just that.

Lucas made sure that he didn't write anything stupid in there. He kept in mind that Veldora may have memories of this and if he made this same design again and showed it to some Otherworlder or Earthling that reincarnated here things would be troublesome.

What if those people could understand the language?

So to be safe, he wrote some meaningful lines in different languages.

The one written in Arabic was:

سبحانه وتعالى ، أسعى إلى الطريق

What he wrote translated to 'Almighty, I seek the path' and he continued this sentence in Hebrew. The continuation was:

Ο θιασώτης έχει χαθεί

Followed by:

as bênçãos devem curar todos os problemas

And lastly there was:

ας είμαι ευλογημένος και όχι καταραμένος

The lines meant:

Almighty, I seek the path.

The devotee is lost.

Your blessings shall cure all problems.

May I be blessed and not cursed.

Lucas inscribed a very complex looking circle on the ground and the inscriptions on it made Veldora bewildered.

He had never seen such inscriptions in his life before and this was not a small thing.

He became very interested and kept looking at what Lucas was doing.

Lucas then sat in the middle of the inscriptions. The space present between the two triangles and started circulating the magicules in his body to disturb the magicules present in the surroundings.

He caused the magicules in the surroundings to vibrate, making them wave around and soon had them revolve around him.

Lucas then chanted a few mantras in one of the ancient languages of Earth and this dumbfounded Veldora even further.

Lucas was basically conning Veldora but in such a way that it was simply too profound for him to even have an ounce of doubt.

Lucas caused the magicules in the surroundings to fill all the gaps in the ground and take the shape of whatever he had inscribed there.

The magicules did that and after it was formed into the proper shape, Lucas lifted the magicules.

It now looked like a very profound magic circle and Lucas had it rotate and revolve in a fast manner behind his back.

Lucas then replicated this circle and made four to five such circles revolve all around him, making Veldora speechless and also amazed.

Veldora had never seen such a thing in his entire life!

He wanted to scream 'SUBARASSHHHHII!' but he stopped himself from doing so since that would mean he would end up disturbing Lucas.

Lucas absorbed all the magicules that he had let out from his body into his body again and dispersed the circles around him. He also ensured that everything on the ground was cleared.

Lucas was in a meditative position currently and had his eyes closed.

Veldora could figure out that he was comprehending something important and so he didn't disturb him again.

Lucas stayed in this position for a few seconds and slowly opened his eyes. He looked at Veldora and said:

"I have seen your future."


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