157. Let Me Go

Dave's face turned pale. He stared at Clara expressionlessly. He was distraught because of the problems Lea and their baby were facing. Now, Clara said something that broke his heart.

"Did you get drunk last night?" Dave asked, swallowing hard. Dave tried to distract himself by tidying up the pile of documents on his desk. "You spent a good time at the bar?"

Clara shook her head. She approached Dave and said again, "I did it consciously, Dave …. I chased after the man, tailing him like an infatuated woman. When he invited me to take revenge on you, I agreed. Not just once. I enjoyed it. We did it several times."

Instantly, a fire of anger burned Dave's chest. His face was red, obviously from rage. He raised a hand, about to slap Clara. However, he was still sane enough to hold back. He clenched his fists so tightly that his hands ached.