Lucy arrived at Michaels school and on arrival she was almost knocked off her feet

" welcome aunt" he gave out a radiant smile

" that's little pumpkin now let's go in " he led the way.

Everyone was left in awe on seeing Lucy and those who knew here we're very excited to see her

they all surrounded her asking for autograph and selfies

meaning while the spy was busy trying to create way for his boss which was impossible

" give way " he screamed but it was of no use

" don't worry you can all go I'll take it from here " his boss said and squeezed himself through the crowd to go have his sit .

" Gem what's causing all this "

" sir actually the lady from last night seem to have a relationship with one of the kids attending this school "

" oh really"

" yes sir and also lots of people seem to love her "

" well that's none of my business all I know is I need a detailed report about her in the next thirty minutes "

" ahem , sir that's actually a problem as we can't even trace any information related to her past or even her family

even our specialist couldn't even find anything about her previous years before she joined the business world.

They said an higher authority is protecting these information and all they could out is that she's related to the master of all tycoons

Lucian Devi "

" and seems that master is trying to make his niece a queen in the business world" he smirked

" we would be taking the stairs since the madam has blocked the elevator what show off "

They both followed the stairs and he couldn't stop cursing Lucy in his heart

Gem on the other hand kept wondering what his boss was going to do now that he was really annoyed .

Michael excused himself to make a phone call but was shocked by who he saw

He followed the person to make sure he wasn't daydreaming and was furious when he found out that his assumptions were right.

His eyes became flames and anger was visible all over his face

he was well experienced in using his powers as Lucy has been his and the twins tutor ever since she found out they had higher power aptitude unlike their mum .

He followed the person was hearing him talk about his aunt Lucy the way he did made him remember the unbearable pains she's been through

He teleported to the end of the stairs waiting for them

" I have never climbed a stair for the past three years and this miss made me climb four hundred and eighty stairs "

" you were just troubled a little today and you're complaining what about the pain you've made my aunt go through for the past three years Mr zack ken "

Zack couldn't imagine the nerve and gut's this little boy had to question him and demand for answer

something about this little boy made him feel as if he's seen him before

but he couldn't decide when and where.

" hello there little guy I don't .... "

" DON'T " Michael screamed as zack was about to get close to him .

He's eyes were burning flames and he's hair were flying around

" I might have left you the last time but this time if you cause any harm to my aunt Lucy I won't think twice before killing you.

I'm clear sentence I'll kill you " he said and disappeared

Zack wad left speechless

he knew that the little boy who was Infront of his was no mere human

but he couldn't comprehend what pain he caused the little boys aunt

" s..s..sir "

" let's go " he commanded

poor Gem was just a mere human got scared and from the reaction of his boss he knew thing's were about to go blazing.

" Michael" Lucy searched for him but couldn't find him anywhere

" mich..." she called again and spotted Michael walking towards her from his eyes she knew that he was really annoyed so she hugged him

" Michael " she called

" yes aunt "

" what's wrong " she inquired

" it's just some kids they annoyed me " he lied

" oh am sorry but you've got to keep your powers in check okay " she pecked him and he nodded

" now give me a big smile unless I'll leave " she winked and he smiled

she held his hand and led the way

they both took their sit and she couldn't explain the joy she felt when she saw Michaels smile

This was the scene with ness by Zack

he didn't know why he felt a connection with the both of them

" B...boss thats his aunt " gem informed and Zack made his way for his sit as he wasn't ready to die yet

The event went on smoothly and gifts were given to everyone except Micheal

I couldn't help but feel pity for him

" and for the final award for this event would be given to the best student with the best the best grade in the entire school and his class .

And thus award goes to Michael Abigail ken " and their was an uproar in the crowd

" we would like to call on stage Mr Zack ken to present this award " on hearing Zacks name I felt a cold breeze which made me feel sock

Michael got on stage and collected his award.

I could see he was hesitant a bit and when he came off the stage I held him by his hand and led the way to the exit

I was in so much hurry that I bumped into three people on the way

when I got to the parking lot I first helped Michael into the car and made my way towards the drivers seat when someone touched me

" Excuse me" I turned to find Zack

you're just a golddigger

I heard voices in my head

I closed my eyes but they become worst

" Shut up , just shut up am no golddigger and the next time you show me your face I'll blow off your head "

I wiped off my tears and got into the car and drove off

we arrived home and mum was busy in the kitchen, while mum Alicia was sitting in the sitting room

I rushed upstairs as I wasn't in the mood to answer any questions.

" shut up, just shut up am no golddigger and the next time you show your face I'll blow your head off " Lucy screamed at me

she wiped off her tears and drove off

I couldn't help but wonder what a nephew and aunt duo they were both threatening to kill me on the same day

I just wanted to return her purse but she yelled at me as if she's chu chu upstairs

I opened her purse and found her identity card and her passport and other things

from what I saw she lives in the Devi villa

" Devi villa " I said

" sir it's just a thirty minutes drive from here "

" you can go home I'll take it from here

I instructed gem and left for Devi villa

on my way taught of Lucy kept on coming up in my head

I kept wondering why I felt to connected to her

I got to the villa and was stopped by the security guards

he came close and I stepped out

" ahem ....good evening " I greeted nervously." wow sir Zack it's been a long time you last visited

please come in ma must be waiting for you " he opened the gate

what a strange welcoming I got

have never been here but still he claims to know me

he must be drunk

I said to myself

I drove in and stepped out

made my way to the door and a lady on black t shirts and blue jeans came out holding a tray.

another lady wearing a summer yellow gown also having similar features with Lucy joined her

I walked towards them both and the lady holding the tray dropped it immediately she saw me .