
Has he really lost his mind that he couldn't see the obvious?

Jerry laughed, his boisterous laughter echoed through the stillness of the night, reverberating across the endless sea as his eyes remained steadfastly fixated on the magnificent vessel shimmering in the moonlight

In his eyes, there was no greater captain than his own.

His Captain was a man who grew and learnt from his mistakes and those of others. Jerry had, directly and indirectly, taught him whatever he had to offer. He had guided his growth and watched him mature into the ruler of his sea.

And now, their journey together has come to an end.

It has reached its final port.


"Yes. Sir Jerry".

He would no longer toil endlessly for a king who doesn't care about his happiness and satisfaction.

"Set a course for the 18th fleet. From there, we will sail to the rest and inform them of the plan".