
Grand Duke Liam, elder brother of the late King Regan of Houya, sternly expressed, "To surrender all our men would leave the gates of the fallen kingdoms unguarded. Such a request is simply too much".

Her patience waning, she let out an inward sigh at their persistent refusal. "Let me be clear, I am not asking for the entirety of your troops, but merely a modest portion" She reiterated.

The young man beside the fallen Grand Duke spoke up, "We understand your request, but conceding 89 per cent of our military might leave us exposed to any potential attacks".

'And whose fault is that?' She thought. The men before her were more shameless than she had imagined.

From her observation, the young man was none other than Prince Murdock of the Houya Kingdom, son of the late King Regan. While she could not determine his exact position of power, his presence among the leaders indicated he was a likely contender for the Houya throne.