After about an hour a laid down and unable to sleep he decides to take a run in an effort to clear his muddled mind, changing into his running gear,

(i guess buying one for this body too was a good decision), wearing the black long sleeve sweat shirt and a matching pair of fitted joggers he puts on his black sneakers and jogs towards James's house to get Nue.

He and the dog jog down the street arriving at the park grounds in good time, Raven takes a seat on the bench when Nue's barks pull him from his wandering thoughts, looking up he spot's the Rottweiler in a tussle with a black dog in a jacket,

(A German Shepherd?), getting up to intervene a blonde almost gold haired teen walks up before quickly separating the dogs,

"Sorry about this" Raven says petting his heaving dog,

"She yours?" The sun blonde boy inquires.

"Yeah ... " He says replies lightly, Raven get's back to his feet, before pulling Nue to a nearby tree then he ties her there while the boy watching does the same following at Raven's side as the two jog out of the park

"Do you work out frequently?" Raven inquires

"Yeah i do",

"i've never seen you around here though"

"I'm just in town for a hair-cut"

"you came all the way here to get your hair cut?, This hair cut?" Raven replies taking a long look at the teens messy hair

"Oh...yeah" the blond teen replies with a ruefully smile,

"Wait so your not from around here?"


"Zagreb huh?….Cerberus" Raven murmurs offhandedly, unbeknownst to Raven the sun blonde boy's eyes widen slightly at his words,

"you know of them?"

"Uh?,oh yes?, Not really though, i've only heard about them, If your from Zagreb i assumed you'd know them?, I've been told they indulge in a lot of shady activities"

Frowning deeply at Raven's words the boy hides his expression quickly before replying, "hey lets race"

Minutes later the two find themselves sprawled out on the grass at the outskirts of the park

(I lost!…he's even faster than Jay),

"I can't believe i actually almost lost" he comments from Raven's side as the two pant heavily, "you must have been jogging for a while, how far?"

"Hmm.....about six miles" Raven heaves in reply from his side

The blonde's eyes widen to saucers as he turns to stare at the boy panting hard

"what's your dog's name?"

"Nue, yours?"


"I've never met a dog with that name" Raven muses

"What about family?",

"I've got my mom, how about you?"

"Well my my only family" he replies solemnly

the silence stretches out between the two as they stay laid on the grass

"We should get to the dogs"

"Yeah", ge replies with a slightly pause, "Raven"


"My name" Raven states

"Oh.... Daryun" the blonde replies

The two arrive suprised to find their dogs missing with the collars lying on the floor and the ropes still tied to the trees, searching around the park in vain, they proceed to go to the homes around the park when they see a group of teens seated on the grassy field,


"Huh? Hi?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but please have you seen a pitch black German shepherd in a black jacket and a golden rottweiler?"

"What? Someone stole your dog's?"

"Yes, have you seen them?" Daryun interjects sharply, turning away from the duo the boy looks to his female friend, "do you think it's that old man?"

"Which old man?" Raven interjects.

"There's a creepy old marine"

"He's always carrying bags around" the girl interjects "i saw him walking away cautiously, now that i think about it, the bag was definitely moving"

The duo look to the other

"I think he lives in one of the apartments near the complex where the litter box he's always complaining about is"

"Show us"

The duo walk towards the complex just a street away from the park,

"There" the girl states pointing at the top floor of the four-story complex, stepping into the complex the two race up the flight of stairs coming to a halt at the sight of a metal cage like construct sporting a metal padlocked door, the pungent smell of bile and rot invade the duo's senses as raven forces down his rising bile

"The front door on the other side is open" raven states

"Step back" Daryun replies grabbing a hold of the construct then the metal door he pulls it apart breaking the metal padlock with ease,

{Bone control....} silver states

(Now you decide to speak)


Noticing silvers return to silence Raven steps in after his partner,

"Daryun. We can just.."

Ignoring raven Daryun walks straight in through the door, extending his senses the familiar smell of dried piss assaults him

"That's dog pie" raven states, walking deeper into the apartment they notice a brown worn out door,

(The smells coming from in here)

Opening the door ravens eyebrows furrow as he sports a hard frown while Daryun's frown hardens at the sight of two puppies and one cat

"Hey!" The gray haired old marine comes rushing in from the front door, grabbing the man by his collar Daryun lifts him of the floor bringing his face close in as his eyes blaze, "where the hell is Anubis!"

"He..hey wait!…i'm just trying to help them, i can show you where your dogs are, i rescued these from there"

Daryun stares the man down working out he best option. Choosing to believe the man he drops him as he leads the way to the dogs, arriving at the front door of an apartment only a floor below his own, raven steps forward banging the door.

"Nue!" Getting a bark in response he hears the familiar bark of his dog from just behind the door.


Quickly growing irritated raven turns to the man.

"Can we get the police to help"

"Those guys won't do shit" Daryun replies stepping up towards the door, nodding in agreement the old man steps in front of Daryun, "we can't just break the door, it'll affect what you're trying to achieve in the long run, we'll just have to wait"

"I can hear my dog just behind this door grandpa" raven states grabbing the door handle while placing his palm against the wall before forcing the door open, Daryun's eyes widen in shock (did he just...copy me?), Raven forces down his rising vomit at the scene before him countless dogs, cats and their children, all dirty, most malnourished some dead, the animals rush out of the apartment in a wave carrying on them the pungent stench of shit and piss raven gets down on a knee clutching his dog while phoning the police,

"Helloo sirrr this is the poli...ce hotline yo...ur service" a man states tiredly

"I'm here to report about the stolen animals"

"Dear god not this again" the tired voice states irritatedly

"I have visual proof"

"Which is?"

"I'm at the scene of the crime"

"Where" the voice states quickly turning sharp

"The housing complex near the grand park"

"There?!, How did you get the lady to come out?"

"Destruction of private property" raven replies cutting the line

"Looks like i owe you one raven" Daryun states from behind him, turning raven's eyes widen, taking a better look at the back of Daryun's jacket, "CERBERUS", grinning hard Daryun says nothing while petting Anubis, Raven drops the call much to the dismay of the shouting officer

"I'll be waiting down in Zagreb, come over sometime, we never abandon our friends" Daryun states, raven stares as the blonde boy walks off, after reaching a safe distance Daryun picks his cell, before placing a call

"Jamie i need you to do something for me"

"Yeah boss?"

"Do some research on someone"



"No last name?"

"My height, pitch black hair. Handsome... he's most likely a shifter"

"Hmm....consider it done"

Cutting the line Daryun's eyes cloud as he reminisces on ravens actions, (he's definitely a shifter, copying the door trick isn't hard, even a lunin can do that so i can't be sure,..... I've tried scanning him but i can't accurately judge his level, though running five miles and still being on oar with me at full sprint would make him at least at the third stage of..... breath control"

"He even knows about us, so is he one of Vins?".