"I'm watching him right now boss, it's quite a group they have here at central"

"How long would it take to sweep Central?"

Pausing briefly while observing the group a venomous smile spreads over his face, "One day"

Sitting off to the side Jimmy stares at the group standing towards the class door,

"Nice, it came out great" Jay states looking at the group picture in Raven's hands

"Let's all get a copy" he replies

"It's great but Kaytlin's not in this"

"That's okay" Kaytlin replies

(I'm invisible, i was there too, but they don't even remember?, They even took those photos without me)

"Let's head to the cafe" Jay states


(They didn't even bother asking me but i'll go, everyone else is....)

"Jimmy what are you waiting for?, Let's head to the cafeteria"

(Raven Voss.....if only i where you)

(Every day is so exhausting) Stepping out of a convenience store Jimmy walks past an ATM before pausing momentarily at the sight of the familiar face of tge person seated on it,

(Jarrett dong. What the hell is this lunatic doing here?),

"Excuse me sir you can't sit or SMOKE near or on an ATM!" The security guard states waving his baton fiercely.

"Sorry sorry" he replies before putting out the cigarette's bud on the ATMs keys,

The security guard growls prompting the boy to raise his hands in surrender while flicking the dead cigarette away,

Jimmy who'd stuck around to watch shakes his head. (He hasn't changed),


Freezing on the spot he turns around to face Jarrett whose eyebrows scrunch as he his brain seems to carry more than it was designed to handle.

"You seem familiar",

"Junior school" Jimmy replies,

"Oh so you w where in school together?, Remember that time i lit a camp fire in class?!" His eyes glow as he puts an arm over Jimmy's neck.

"Yes i....."

"Oh hey do you have an ATM?" He interjects

"Yes i..."

"What's your number?" He interjects again

Calling out his bank number Jarrett uses his account to transfer and withdraw a sizable sum of money,

"Hey!, lets keep in touch" the teen states still wearing his unusually wide smile, swapping numbers with Jarrett Jimmy hastens out of sight praying desperately that Jarrett wouldn't reach out to him.

After arriving home evening dusk quickly arrived after him.

"Fuck!… Why won't he stop calling!", After minutes of constant ringing Jimmy reluctantly picks up Jarrett's call.

"Timmy where are you?"

(It's Jimmy!) "I'm..."

"Come to third street's karaoke bar"

"Wai....", Getting cut off by the sound indicating the calls end Jimmy Sighs in defeat as he forces himself off his bed and trudges towards his wardrobe.

Jimmy heads to their karaoke room and finds himself seated beside Jarrett who thanks him profusely for allowing him to use his account

"Really thanks again man"

(He's being nice to me just because i helped him out?),

"Hey do you have any cigarettes?"

The girl seated to his side speaks up causing jimmy to stutter and blushing in response, "ye..yes" (they're fake though),

The night rolls on as the group entertain themselves, before finally getting pursued out by the building manager, Jarrett leads the group towards the parking lot while the group question his motives,

"Jarrett what are we doing here?"

"This" grabbing a metal pole and a huge rock he smashes the rock against the car windscreen then proceeds to smash up the car while the group laugh in unison,

"Jarrett there's a camera!", Jimmy calls, turning towards the camera the boy smiles at it while he continues to destroy the vehicle.

Picking up the mighty rock he hands it towards jimmy whose hands quiver as he receives it"

"Hey!" The group bolt at the call while Jimmy tosses the rock aside as he huffs to catch up with the group.

A day's becomes several and Jarret slowly but surely ingrains himself in Jimmy's life.

"My birthday?",

"Yeah...." picking up the ATM and account details he'd made for Jarrett he hands it to him, "i won't always be around, the card's pin is your birthday, here it's yours"

(I registered it through my number though, but that should be fine)

A while later Jimmy still laying on his bed while starring indecisively watches his phone closely, (Should i message her?) He contemplates as he stares at the picture of he and Jarret's mutual female friend, exiting by mistake he notices the Comments on his posts, "Comments?, Are they bots?"

Jimmy bolts to his feet staring at the comments of countless accounts labeling him a scammer, and demanding him to send the 'products', clicking the head comment he sees a post tagging his account as a scammer account used to scam him of five thousand credits for a new phone.

"What!?" Jimmy quickly closes his face-files account before dressing up and heading towards the hangout spot.

(I need to get to James!) Heading up to the highest floor of the six-story complex he pushes the door aside,


"Huh?" Missing his shot Jarrett he cocks an eyebrow response.

"The account!",

"What account?"

Jimmy's lips freeze as his brain runs over Jarrett's reply, (wh..what account?)

Jarrets opponent hits his shot before smirking triumphantly.

"Pay up man"

Jarrett slowly walks up towards him,

"oh your zippers down", he comments, looking to check it Jarrett slams his knee into the boys balls then smashes the pool stick against his head repeatedly quickly leaving the boy bloody and unconscious, Jimmy witnessing this turns bolting out of the room, after getting back to the ground floor he heads to the nearest branch of the bank he'd registered the account with,

"Good afternoon how can i help you", the polite accountant states towards Jimmy

"Pl...please i borrowed someone my bank account and ....."

"Borrowed?" The woman interjects, "you do know giving someone your account is a crime punishable by law with a minimum of a three to two hundred thousand credits fine and jail time depending on the situation",

"No i mean it got stolen but i..i know who stole it..bu...but I can't get it back!"

"Alright, whats the pin?"

"Pin?".....(shit!…what's the pin? It's his birthday....when was it!?....yes it's...),

Telling the accountant the pin Jimmy finally calms his frantic heart waiting expectantly for the good news,

"Sorry that's incorrect" Jimmy's eyes bulge as he feels the whole world crashing down against him, "he changed it?....but how!…i didn't get any messages!" Turning around he bolts out of the bank as he heads over to the nearest cafe, Jimmy starts his search by searching every popular third party selling site then search up his old number till he gets a hit, after arduous hours searching he finds his old number active, checking the seller history section he almost loses consciousness on the spot at the amount of scams Jarrett had performed.

"Hey Jimmy boy… what are you doing?",

"What are you scamming people now?" Another class mate states staring at the comments.

"Leave me alone!" He shouts swinging the keyboard at the classmate,

"Are you insane?" The classmate replies grabbing the Jimmy up by his collar, raising his hand to strike he's held in a vice grip by a looming figure behind him, turning they see who he finds Jay standing behind,

"leave the kid alone would you? and stop picking pointless fights" Jay concludes before releasing and looking towards Jimmy,

"You think your different?, Your just like him, you drank, smoked, and beat the shit out of people, Stop acting so fucking self righteous!....did you ever even think of me as your friend?",

"You're right" Jay replies shocking the boy with his acceptance, "i won't make any excuses, but have you ever thought of us as friends?, You only stick to us because of the benefits involved, If you wanted to be friends try being more honest with yourself"

Unable to reply Jimmy remains silent as Jay takes his seat before going through the comments,

"Scamming?.....what kind of trouble did you get yourself into this time?"

After several minutes of explanation and interrogation from either side, Jimmy leads Jay to Jarrett's hangout spot, upon entering the group turn towards the new intruder,

"Jimmy?, What happened to your phone?, Why didn't you pick up?....hmm?, Who's that" Jarrett inquires pointing his bloody pool stick at Jay,

Jay keeping his glare on Jarret while walking towards him is quickly intercepted by a big framed teen with at least three feet on Jay's six one frame

(Shit? Jay!. Kevin's huge, The size difference....)

Jimmy stares with bulging eyes as Jay drops the giant with one fist, Jay stares at his fist while clenching and unclenching, swerving back the a new guys fist stops inches from his face, Jay smashes his fist into his elbow shattering it with a sickening crack before following with a quick hook to the jaw putting him to sleep, rolling away to the side he dodges the pool stick swung at him recovering quickly to block the another swing before smashing a cupped palm into the side of the assailants head most likely rupturing his ear drum, staring at his work he looks again at his hands a shocked by the ease at which he'd done it, (is this what coach meant by telling me not to fight like boxer?, I didn't even use those strange techniques he thought me),

"Wow your fucking awesome, like Jackie chan!" Jarrett shouts mimicking different karate moves while Walking up to Jay, he frowns upon getting closer before pointing towards Jay's trunks.

"Hey... Your zip..."

Jay looks down in a hurry, Jarrett's out swung foot is caught by Jimmy who groans in pain, Jay's face hardens as his veins bulge with his face slightly tinted red, steam rolls around his person,

"Thanks Jimmy" his distorted voice croaks as he spins before smashing his fist into Jarrett's face in a pitcher's throwing motion, sending him twisting in a somersault from the force, Jimmy watches in horror as the boy lands in a heap of trailing blood, unmoving,

(Fuck fuck fuck he might be dead!), Jimmy wonders

"Check his phone" Jay states, dropping to a knee while clutching his chest as breathing quickly becomes difficult, Steam forces it's way out of him before freezing like a pause then returning into him in a repeated motion, Jimmy looks through Jarrett's with haste phone finally finding the text where Jarrett had sold the account,

(He sold it?!), Jimmy tries the line but the number remains unreachable,

"Jimmy" ignoring Jay he continues to call the line while tapping furiously,

"Jimmy!" Jay snaps as his voice raises pulling the him out of his trance,

"lets go, they most likely use burner phones, we'll need kaytlin's help" he states pulling the boy along, upon getting back to the cafe Jay calls up the gang up telling kaytlin to come by with her sister and the tech genius.