MOVING PIECES 6 [IX] (Ch. 100)

Yanick exits the airport, waiting at the immediate exit are Konan and Maya. Yanick pauses several meter before the two as silence take momentary reign, 

"It's bee..." Yanick begins when the two tackle him with a hug, 

(Yeah), "it's good to be back" he murmurs.

Seated on a rock weighing several tones Mari scrolls leisurely through her phone, beneath the moving rock is none other than Dennis, each step sinking inches into the hard dried ground, several hours had gone by like this, several hours more did.

Dennis lays the rock aside exhaling as he falls into a lotus position, with his recent advancement to Bone Control the exercision of his 'Force' arts would have room for evolution, what he would need to do now is understand, how could he evolve his 'Force' arts in relation to his advancement?,

(At least that's the bullshit she's having me do), "what's the point of this Mari, we both know my Force arts are designated as 'Complete', there's no room for evolution, there's no need for it" he states, 

"You may be right" Mari replies, "nevertheless you need a defence technique, we're not stopping until that vulgar urinal you call a brain shits up something" she concludes, 

"My lady!" One of the maids comes running towards the duo,

"Rai what's the fuss all about?" Mari inquires,

"My lady it's you sister!, Master Evelyine!" Rai calls,

(So she's back) Mari mules with little change in expression, 

"I'll be in in a bit" she replies, 

"Doesn't seem you're to glad to see me" an alluring ethereal voice reverberates from behind the rock, Mari turns sharply as strong arms bury her face first into the holders bosom,

"How's my little baby doing" the beyond existencial white haired beauty smiles as Mari struggles in vain, eventually she releases Mari who gives space immediately, 

"When did you get back" Mari questions vigilantly,

"Just now" Evelyine replies humouring her, 

"What are you doing here?" Mari questions further,

"Can't a mother see her daughter anymore?" Comes her reply,

"I don't remember sister and mother meaning the same thing",

"I raised you didn't i?" Evelyine chuckles, 

"Unfortunately" Mari quips in reply,

"Aww c'mon Mi Mi don't be like that, I've done a pretty good job if i do say so myself" Evelyine replies the glint in her eyes changing causing the ends on the other three present to stand on ends, 

"ATTUNEMENT at your age is simply fantastic, you even managed to keep your pet on a leash" she states without need of turning to Dennis who bites down his displeasure, 

"I've told you not to call him that" Mari frowns, 

" bad Mi Mi I'm so..",

"And don't call me that either" Mari interjects,

"Calk you what?" Evelyine questions, veins bulge on Mari's head as she bites back her retort, engaging in verbal warfare with the woman was never a good idea, 

"Enough... what's the task" Mari questions with practiced efficiency,

"This" Evelyine replies holding up a folder, Mari collects said folder flipping through it's contents briefly, 

"This all?" Mari questions, Evelyine shoots a smile, the former nods in reply,

"Got it"

Jimmy paces the apartment he'd been given with a panicked expression, his expressions ever changing his mind working like clockwork,

(He's finished) hos guard ponders silently to herself as she watches the boy, seconds later a call rings, Jimmy hesitates momentarily before answering, the caller exactly whom he'd expected, 

"What is your use" came the first question, rhetorical, but Jimmy gave an answer like a man emboldened, he would do what he always had, survive, 

"They betrayed me, no rather their head did, i have a mole, he'll relay their plans, they won't be a problem and if any possibility of them interfering in the war becomes a reality i will be informed" Jimmy rambles, desperate to appeal to his principal, 

"Again you've wormed your way to survival, there will be no more mistakes" 

"YES SIR!" Jimmy bellows in relief, he slumps into the couch behind him sinking in as new possibilities and realities become apparent,

(I survived again...for now, as of now he's unaware of my lie, i need to get an ally among the emissaries quickly, how though?, I don't don't even know a single member, nevertheless it's becoming clear, at some point, i'll have to betray this bastard) he ponders, (alas there's little i can do, especially not with a hawk hanging over my shoulder).

"Why was this meeting called?" Katuro inquires, 

"Firstly to notify you all that we'll be heading to Novy prague",

"For what purpose?" Matteo questions, 

"Get your weapons ready if need be, expect conflict" Leonardo replies,

"Is this pray tell the result of your loss?" Ellsy questions, 

"Hardly" Leonardo growls, "the bastard betrayed us, he planned to use us as pawns"

"And how exactly did you acquire this information?" Gerhard questions, Leonardo replies by sliding the bundle of folders before him forward, Gerhard reaches first and the rest follow suit giving the documents and pictures within them a survey,

"I see" Nuwa replies,

"You've failed to answer my question" Gerhard states,

"You seem to misunderstand something German" Leonardo sneers, "I do not answer to you, this is not!, and i am not your subordinate, you want a hold in UWA, you need me, not the other way around, not anymore" Leonardo declares looking each of the table holders dead in the eyes before speaking further,

"When i call for action i expect you all to be in Novy Prague as will i, i'll speak no further on the objective at hand before the time is right",

"Essentially you're saying there's a mole" Nuwa states offering a malevolent smile, 

"Take it as you will, this is simply an alliance of joint interests",

"Agreed" Gerhard replies,

"Well then, this meeting is adjourned" 

Jhon Wuu steps through the nostalgic metal doors if the Mercanery hall's underground training center, hell's gates, on his shoulder is a blade, his kitana, his steps are light against the pounding sounds of fles against metal flooring and booming laughter of his teacher, 

"Is that Wuu i sense?" Kaiser grins turning to address his student, "to what do i owe the pleasure?" He questions,

"I need to advance",

"Then fight",

"I need a sword master",

"Hmm?" Kaiser questions cocking his head to the side momentarily then a lightbulb gies off as his laughter boom, "YOUR MY STUDENT ALRIGHT!" he booms heartily, "you think you'll last a second against her?",

"No, and that's the point, maybe she'll become my new teacher, help me find Rachel Voss", He states, a figure blurs striking at Kaiser who's hulking six feet nine frame blurs vibrating in place momentarily as the body gets blasted back crashing against the metal wall several hundred metres away with a sickening crunch, 

"It seems you've kill..." Jhon begins before pausing and staring at Nathan intently, 

(He's healing way to fast, ah i see, a 'Force' art),

"How do you fancy my work of art" Kaiser grins, "he's my next project"

"KAISER" Jhon calls before the former finally gives a leisured smile, 

"I'm disappointed Wuu, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out by now, she's much closer than you think" he replies before turning to meet Nathan's strike, Jhon's eyes glaze over as he ponders Kaiser's words seriously, "Rachel Voss" he murmurs, (wait) his eyes widen as an epiphany comes upon him him, "VOSS!" He exclaims, but surely he ponders, (I must be mistaken, surely...) He mules.