MOVING PIECES 7 [X] (Ch. 101)

Raven paces his breaths even, his frozen heart pumping with ferocity, he ignites his striker technique: 'Force' Compression', he blurs towards his mark his feet inexplicably missing the mark by one fifth of a hairs breath, as his kick swings by he detonates the compressed 'Force', little matter as Kevin's leg blurs sweeping his standing leg out from under him with his hands rooted firmly in his pockets,

"Again", Raven heeds the call, blurring to Kevin's left while Shifting muscle concentration then delivering a blow toward's his side, the world spins moments after as he crashes head first into the hard soil ground, Raven empowers his Enforcer pushing 'Force' to his achilles as he blurs forward leaning to lunge, the ground gives under him as his leg whips towards his opponents head, Kevin leans away, Raven reverses the flow instantly, the point of compression swiftly re-centerd to his torso, this action allowing him to twist and maneuver in seemingly impossible fashion back into a strike aimed to crash into Kevin's chest, the latter smiles tilting away from the straight heel strike, Raven had already switched to his Striker, his 'Force' compressed from his knee down allowing him to hack across one he detonates, Kevin leans back, his spine folding with the grace of a seasoned gymnast, Raven finds land quickly sinking into a leg sweep, Kevin transitions seamlessly into a backflip before twisting and striking Raven in the jaw with his shin,

"Again" , like this the hours bled away in similar manner, rince and repeat, Raven's frame pushed its limits, his body previously one of heat adapting slowly to cold, the restrained Nitrogen in tha air a little matter to Kevin but a great boon to Raven. After several hours and the center of noon rapidly approaching Kevin for the first time in hours spoke another word,

"I've seen what i have too, you'll be changing your fundamental techniques, your striker will become your auxiliary",

"Is that even possible?",

{Without a doubt}, Silver pipes up, {your body is currently the closest it would be to a blank slate, it's time you mastered proper techniques},

"You thought me these" ,

{Indeed, they we're the most efficient for your person at the time, real layered techniques take time and practice, you had none} Silver replies,

"What do you suggest?" Raven inquires turning to Kevin,

"Wouldn't you be better off asking the living encyclopedia?" Kevin says in return,


{I already have a combination mapped out kid, from now till the Nethers come, you train till you drop} Silver declares and Raven could just see the little box's evil smile,

(This bastard is finally getting his wish) he grinned.

Kevin speeds toward's the given destination, minutes later he's arrived, parking before a small lounge he makes his way in, unbothered about stating his business as he heads straight fir Anya's office,

"You're here" she states without looking away from the documents in hand, "Sit" she calls, Kevin complies, "i'll be frank with you, it's impossible",


"It's currently in possession of someone where far from capable of dealing with",

"Whom is?"


"Hmm" Kevin mumbles as his brain works like clockwork, "it would seem we need to bring the boys mother into this",

"Are you sure about this?",

"It's the only way, without the heart he'll never be ready in time",

"Very well then, i guess whe know where our next stop is",

"Voss industries"

(He has allies), Rachel ponders as she stares out the scraper window, (is the chinese?, Perhaps the Japanese?, Maybe both, nevertheless i need to keep my boy safe, he's currently at Volts place, but doing what?, It seems i'll have to give him a visit, oh... speak of the devil), she smiles, pulled away from her thoughts when the call rings through the desk speaker, Rachel pushes a button accepting the connection,

"Ma'am you have unscheduled visitors",


"Kevin Voss",

"Send them in" she states having since sensed the two, barely minutes later her doors open to Kevin and Anya stepping through, Kevin raises to speak but Anya interjects first,

"It's been a while...aunty" she smiles,

"My, it's been years you unfilial child, i just got back from seeing your father" Rachel grins, "I'm guessing you're here for this" she continues as the two watch in astonishment,

"THE HEART OF JOTUNHEIM" Kevin declares.

Vin's Domain collides with Garinth, every step it another feet plus of his Domain wiped from existence, Vin blurs toward his opponent striking him, Vin connects, Garinth saw no need in dodging, he was infallible, Vin slowly compresses his fully Enacted domain, his will allowing him hold the mounting pressure in place,

"You already know the path, you simply lack a companion" Garinth's voice booms, not from his towering figure but from the area around them, Vin holds gis Domain to his skin, his movements slowed, every movement from him twisting reality itself, Vin compresses further bitting back his body's rejection as he cycles the 'Force' within him to mitigate the pressure of being a living mass point, the rotation quickly picks speed and event then Vin continues to compress, ambient 'Force' begins to swirl around and into him even as he moves,

"You seek to embody yourself and create your own relic?" Garinth questions as he watches Vin advance, his white pupils dimming to obsidian,

"I rely on no power but my own" Vin responds,

"I see, commendable, your journey will be long and arduous, that is if you lack understanding",

"Understanding?" Vin questions now puffing on a cigarette, Garinth pulls out what Vin instantly recognises as a relic, before he has more time to survey the small totem Garinth crushes it, before Vin a baffling phenomena takes place, the 'Force' within said relic is consciously absorbed by him, to Vin's knowledge such an action should make no difference, but understanding dawns on him, the world's will handled how belief cores if weapons function, simply put even an object that had no fame or infamy could be a God tear artifact, what mattered was impact, weather good bar or neutral, energy cannot be destroyed, destroying said artifact would release it's energy, the imprinted 'Force' had to go somewhere, in essence,

(The stronger the Relics or Artifacts i destroy), Vin grins,

"It's more effective when said Relic or Artifact possesses a wielder, the 'Force' held by free relics like these except in weak relics are difficult to absorb, they hold the imprint of their previous wielders",

"I see" Vin replies in understanding, "one with a current wielder no matter how small will assimilate with it's wielder, a weaker being than it's previous wielder...or potential it's creator"

"This is my gift to you unwelcome guest, i have business to attend" Garinth states as his body return's to ice,

"A golem" Vin chuckles, he'd known he hadn't been battling the man himself, (i couldn't even leave a scratch on it!) Vin grins excitedly, (relic wielder's huh, that'll take a time, i'll simply subdue the relics awareness if need be wielded or not) Vin ponders holding absolution in belief in his own being, his journey had just begun, where next he wondered,

"Ah" an epiphany strikes, "i was always a fan of his, it's been a while since i've been there" he murmurs as he makes his way though the Russian winter forests,
