First day of school

As Marcellus woke up that morning he felt surprisingly full of energy. He did his morning routine but when he looked in the mirror, he was mesmerized.

'Is that me? When did I become so draw, droppingly handsome, and I got taller? Thought Marcellus as he inspected himself.

*SIGH* 'I don't want to but that girl, that vampire, did something to me, I need to talk to her to find out what. Thought Marcellus in resignation.

"Well, no sense in worrying about it now, got to get to school" said Marcellus in an attempt to cheer himself up. To forget and lock away what happened last night in a vault, before throwing the key into a volcano.

He left the house and walked to school, along the way wishing he could collect on his deal with Arthur.

He started to run faster than the cars in the street but managed to control himself enough to look like he was walking…at a speed that a normal human could consider an impossibility but not that eye-catching.

He saw Arthur at the entrance of their school and went to ask him about what happened.

"What happened to you?!!!" Arthur screamed in shock as he pointed at Marcellus, he drew the attention of everyone around them. After feeling embarrassed he asked again in a lower tone.

"It's really hard to explain so I'll tell you at your house after school, when I come to get my lamborghini" said Marcellus, as he used this chance to 'subtly' drop a reminder of their deal.

"Oh yeah, it's fine but you'd have to come when my dad isn't home, cause ya'know, grounded and all '' said Arthur with a wry smile, still regretful at getting caught.

"Anyway, what happened on your side yesterday?" asked Marcellus.

"My dad caught me and drove me home because there was an active murder investigation involving that house, also I can't go to the party on saturday because my dad found the police scanner" sighed Arthur wistfullly.

"Great, just what I needed," sighed Marcellus in a low tone.

"Say something?" Arthur asked as they started to walk to the first period.

Marcellus felt like he was taking 1 step for Arthurs every 10 but he still kept a slow pace that matched Arthurs.

"Nothing important," replied Marcellus.

They went to class, nothing interesting happened until they got to 6th period, lunch. As soon as they went from class to the lunch hallway, they saw two people, one boy, one girl. They saw Zachary Johnson and his girlfriend. As they saw each other, all four of them stopped and stared at each other. By now that it's junior year, everyone has heard about the constant fights between Zachary and Marcellus, so now that they were once again face to face, everyone was quiet.

"...Zachary" said Marcellus with an expressionless face and a venomous tone.

"Marcel" replied Zachary with an arrogant snort.

"My friends can call me Marcel, you can call yourself an ambulance, go ahead I'll wait." spat Marcellus as he crossed his arms and pretended to check his watch. His face returned to his usual smirk.

"Oh, you're approaching me?" replied Zachary as they started walking toward each other, or in Marcellus' case slowly trying not to run toward each other.

As they stood face to face getting closer and closer, Arthur and Zachary's girlfriend, Emma, stood at the side. Seeing Emma's face filled with contempt as she looked at the two looking about to fight, Arthur looked straight in her face and said in an emotionless tone that a fight wasn't going to happen.


"What do you mean, they are clearly about to fight" said Emma in confusion, what was this idiot talking about?

"Nope, watch" Arthur said, smiling mischievously as he approached the duo.

He put his hand on both of their shoulders and said loud enough for everyone eavesdropping to hear.

"10k, to the winner, in three months time, a straight street fight, at the empty park on west street, you're all welcome to watch" Arthur declared as he raised his hands in grand gesture.

"Humph, he's not even worth my time, but nobody in their right mind would say no to free money" stated Zachary with his usual arrogant expression as Emma also snorted in disdain.

"..." Marcellus just calmly looked back and forth between Arthur and Zachary. He felt this excitement rising from him and he got a tingling sensation on the lower part of his spine. Unknowingly his eyes started to glow a little brighter as they flashed his eye color like lightning bolts in his irises.

'What's this feeling? Why am I so giddy?' Marcellus thought as his hand started to shake. He grabbed it with his other and came back to reality. Everyone involved and everyone eavesdropping was waiting for his response.

'Whatever, all I know is that this is so fun!!!!!!!!!!' thought Marcellus.

Pfft…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"Marcellus tried and failed to hold it back, then started laughing as he grabbed his head and threw it back as he laughed in hysteria.

"Well, you all heard him," said Marcellus after he calmed down a little.

"LET THE HUNT BEGIN" screamed Marcellus as he started to exude an aura of a war general. This invisible aura roused the blood of everyone near him, making everyone cheer with him.

"Yeah" "Fight" Fight "Fight"!!!!!!!!

"Yeah" "Fight" Fight "Fight"!!!!!!!!

"Yeah" "Fight" Fight "FIGHT"!!!!!!!!!!!

Marcellus then started to walk away with his usual smirk, looking a little manic. As Arthur followed him they left school early to avoid teacher problems.

"Let the hunt begin indeed"muttered Marcellus as he reaffirmed himself.

Later after they arrived at Arthur's house….

"So what the hell was that all about?" questioned Arthur with a rarely seen serious expression.

"I-I don't know" sighed Marcellus.

"I just felt so much rage after seeing Zachary I wanted to punch him" started to explain Marcellus.

"Then when I was about to hit him, I felt your touch as I snapped out of it."

"When I heard your words all I could feel was excitement and thirst"

"Past the anger I felt about him almost killing me, past the sadness of my once best friend betraying me, past the bravado, past the fear" Said Marcellus as he went into a deeper state of mind. He was remembering what he felt.

"I felt hunger, with me now fighting him, all I can think about is beating the shit out of him, not from anger but because…it would be fun" replied Marcellus as he started getting worried about his mental state.

Arthur hearing this did not even think of joking about it. So, he just said what he honestly thought.

"I don't know what happened, nor can I understand how you are feeling but if you say jump, I am already in the air" Arthur said.

"I can't promise to help but I can promise to try and no matter what you go through I promise to never give up on you, Marcel, you're my brother" Arthur let his feelings fly free and smirked at Marcellus.

"..." Marcellus was speechless, but the more he thought about it the more moved he was. He stopped thinking about what happened to him and just braved himself to face it. He gave a genuine smile at Arthur as they did their handshake.

"And I, you Arthur" Marcellus replied as they gave each other a bear hug.