How to be a vampire 101

"So, do you want more about the other races or just vampires?" asked Alicia after she finished her last explanation.

"..More about vampires for now" replied Marcellus, excited about hearing about his powers as a vampire.

Alicia, hearing the childish excitement in Marcellus' voice compared to when he thought they were monsters, started giggling.

"Ok, hahaha" said Alicia with a small laugh.

"So, there are some, not really weaknesses but more of side-effects. Your emotions are heightened compared to humans, you see more clearly, you feel more vibrantly and hear emotion in a way a human never could.

"..I had noticed that" replied Marcellus' slightly embarrassed because of his outburst at Zachary.

"Then there's also the reason we are in the car having this discussion. Vampires can't enter a human's home without an invitation, it is simply not possible" continued Alicia.

"So, that's why you want to live with me, because my mom is human?" curiously inquired Marcellus.

"That, also the fact that you're my responsibility. If my dad ever caught me and I had created a vampire without teaching him control, I would have spent 100 years in the garden, which is a prison for vampires to desiciate" replied Alicia with a tone of dissatisfaction.

"What does desicate mean, also does that mean vampires are actually immortal?" asked Marcellus in trepidation.

"Well, most vampires can still die but no, we don't physically age after the age of 25 years old. Also, desiccation is what happens when a vampire doesn't have blood for a long time. We would turn into what looks like a decomposed human corpse, feeling all the pain that comes with that because of us still being alive. Desiccation is when a vampire becomes a living carcass." explained Alica as they both felt a shiver run up their spines.

"..." Marcellus didn't say anything in response but he did reach into his bag and pulled out two blood bags.

"Want one?" asked Marcellus.

"Hahahaha, sure" Alicia responded after a small chuckle, liking Marcellus' reaction.

"So, I think that's about it, let's get into powers now" said Alicia with a smile as she and Marcellus talked as they drank.

"We have superspeed, super strength, super hearing, mind compulsion, another mind related power, immortality, super senses, blood healing and one clansmen power, so which of those do you get and which of them do you not get?" patiently explained Alicia, like a teacher.

"The mind powers and the clansmen power? What are those?" asked Marcellus in confusion.

(Author interruption: The next part of this won't have any speech but it will be Alica telling this to Marcellus.)

Every vampire is born or made as an unranked vampire. As well, just like every human is different, every vampire has a different mind power along with the basic ones. The rankings go like this with each new rank gaining double their previous strength compared to the last.

The rankings:

Fledgling x5

Unranked full vampire x10

Knight x20

Baron x40

Marquis x80

Count x160 ( Even though it is only still double in power, it is a bigger leap than that because of the multiplier.)

Duke x320

Archduke x450 ( it gets harder to advance into this stage and also archduke is basically a buffer stage. Too much power for the duke rank and not enough for the next one after arch duke)

Elder/King/Queen X640 ( depends on who you ask but it is still the same thing)

There are 7 different clans in the vampire world. Each clan is named after the elder rank vampire who owns it and each clan has a specific power that the clansmen inherit from the leader of the clan.

Ascelin Infernim clan (Norman origin) meaning "of the moon". (sunlight control/fire manipulation arts)

Orpheus Alucard clan (Greek origin) meaning "the darkness of the night". (Shadow manipulation arts)

Ingrum spectrises clan (Norse origin) meaning "angel-raven". (Transformation into anything or anyone that the user has killed partially or fully. Time limit for being the same thing is one month at a time.)

Lilith Bathory clan (Babylonian origin) meaning "night monster" or "of the night". (Blood manipulation arts)

Luna noctis clan (Latin origin) meaning "the moon". ( Hypnosis/ the ability to mind control every race except for vampires of the same rank for a limited time.)

Kali Ambrose clan (Indian origin) meaning "dark goddess". ( Can induce illusions that work on everyone lower than the user's rank, works less and less the higher the opponent's rank is from the user, and can transform the body into actual mist that consumes lots of energy. More than any other clan's power at the same level.)

Damon Von Dracul clan (M) (Greek origin) meaning "subdue" or "to tame ''. ( Able to copy the abilities of the person's blood that he drank, but not improve upon it until he drinks more from a higher rank. The vampire has to die for it to work permanently.

You gain the clan's power of whatever clan you're born or created into. However, once you get to the Marquis rank, the clan leader might let you learn the power of another vampire clan if you win the tournament. There is a tournament for every rank every 10 years however the prizes are worse the lower rank you get.

(Author interruption: The next part will be back to the conversation)

After taking a minute to process the information told by Alicia he understood almost everything.

" So, which clan are you and I in?" asked Marcellus.

"The Alucard clan, we have an affinity for shadow arts" said Alicia as she made a figurine dance on her palm, that was made of shadows.

Marcellus looked fascinated by that display and wanted to try.

"Can you show me how to do that?" asked Marcellus in excitement.

"Sure, but I only know the basics and it will take a lot of time" replied Alicia with a smile.

Marcellus then just got quiet and started thinking. He had heard the powers of the clans and his power didn't fall under any of the clans.

'Maybe my speed is my personal mind power?' speculated Marcellus, deep in thoughts.

"..." Alica just watched this with a small smile on her face while drinking another blood bag.

"Hey, your mom just pulled up, quick tell me your name" Alicia shook Marcellus' shoulder as she saw his mom getting out of her car.

Marcellus, understanding everything in less than a second, introduced himself.

"I'm Marcellus but you can call me Marcel" introduced Marcellus as he bowed a little with his usual smirk.

"Hello, I am Alicia Alucard but you can call me Alice" reciprocated Alicia with a little curtsy, playing into the joke.

Author Note:

I am sorry for missing a chapter. I had the first day of school and I had to do so many things. I was running on no sleep yesterday, so as soon as I got home I fell asleep. It won't happen again but anyway, I hope you enjyed the info dump. The next chapter wont be one like I had previously thought because I managed to get all of it in this chapter.


Instagram: @king.aamir69