Planning (pt.2)

"If we were to go with the second plan, how would we convince the person at the drop-off point to work for us? Of course, that's only the case if they aren't humans" asked Alicia as she thought of ways to solve the problem.

"Aren't you the heiress to some super powerful vampire clan? Maybe you have enough wealth to buy his services? If you don't I probably could" suggested Arthur. In truth, it is not a bad idea at all. However, Arthur didn't account for a few possibilities.

"No, I refuse to ask that hateful bastard for anything. Also, I ran away from my clan, if I went back and asked for money they would be able to track me" replied Alicia as she frowned at the thought of her father.

"Simple. We will simply coax the man by asking him what he wants along with some flattery and get it for him." replied Marcellus, with a slight smile.

After all, having an instantaneous answer to any question felt amazing! He then continued, "After all, the best way to make a deal is to find something someone wants and break them for it while getting what you needed to make a deal for in the first place"

"..Dude, that was dark, especially for you" muttered a slightly shook Arthur. And judging by how Alicia subconsciously nodded her head, Marcellus felt the need to clarify, " It was a quote!" he shouted in indignation.

"Is there any way we could do both?" asked Alicia as they stopped joking around.

"There most likely is but we would need more information to find it first" replied Marcellus in a serious tone.

"Now that we have all of our goals for the first plan and a basic outline of how to achieve them" Paused Marcellus as he once again held up his hand with only two fingers up this time, "Our second goal is to figure out a way to stop more people from coming after us".

"For this one, I think we should use Chuck. We will have him record a video of Alicia being taken away by her fathers people. Since they are after her, we might be able to keep them off of our tails if they think that we don't have her" explained Marcellus as he took a breath to continue.

"However, this plan would require Alicia to stop coming to school as well as her moving somewhere else, a secret location. We would also need to regularly bring her blood bags, since she wouldn't be able to leave" finished Marcellus with a sigh.

"I don't really like the idea of it but it is only temporary and the only plan we have, so i'm in" responded Alicia with a deep sigh.

"I'm in as well, I think I have a place that fits all the requirements as well" Arthur said with a carefree smile.

"Alright and the third goal in all of this, put a stop to whatever the plan involving Alicia was. Although, we can't make a plan for that until later on for the first two" said Marcellus as they finished talking.

"I'll go get the secret location ready. I won't tell either of you where it is until after we are there, just to err on the side of caution" said Arthur as he stretched a little and stood up.

"Chuck shouldn't have had time to leave yet, so I will go get him and bring him to a meeting point designated by Arthur. We can question him then compel him to live life as normal unless we call" offered Alicia as she also stood up.

"Yeah, while you guys do that, I am going to take a nap" said Marcellus as he finally stopped using 'Data Inference' and opened his eyes.

It felt as if before, he was working on a high intensity problem, running through tens of calculations, almost like a computer, now, everything was silent and he could breathe a breath of relaxation.

Using that ability during that 30 minute meeting that they just had was truly taxing on him. Along with everything else that happened tonight, with the interrogation of Chuck, the breaking of his world views, the attack of a genuine werewolf, the fear of almost losing a friend and the guilt of killing a person, he was truly tired.

After he got home with Alicia, Arthur had taken 2 hours to get here, making it currently around 3am. Although, as a vampire didn't really need to sleep physically, mentally he was spent.

So, like any self-respected man after a hard day of work, he got slumped!

When Alicia and Arthur heard what he said they didn't find any issue. Afterall, they both knew that a lot happened to him today. Plus, there really wasn't anything else that needed to be done at the moment. So they both came to the silent agreement to just let him rest.