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Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 21

Sam closed his eyes as he started spreading his spiritual sense. He felt like his consciousness slipping into the platform and an illusory space came into his eyes. There was a human silhouette is in front of Sam's vision. 'The tower spirit' the thought came to his mind

"What is your name?" the tower spirit asked in a neutral voice.


"Imagine a suitable scenario to use your product and use it. Show its capability to its fullest. If you can't use your product yourself, you can imagine a cultivator with the requirements and use it. Test starts now." The tower spirit said and disappeared.

Sam looked at his hands. There is golden metallic object in his hands, it is clearly what he made moments ago. Sam closed his eyes and imagined a scenario......…..

It has been an hour since Sam has started his evaluation. But he didn't open his eyes. The crowd started growing impatient.

"How long is he going to take?" Someone said in the crowd.

"Yeah, it has been such a long time."

"Maybe he failed and just pretending." This time it is Leonard. But he himself didn't believe his words. He is dumbfounded from Sam's performance. He just hoped he would fail at last step. There is someone who also hoped he would fail. That is the receptionist. She forgot about the bet a long time ago. She is an Artisan of first rank and her cultivation is at peak of Acolyte. She became Artisan recently at 18 years of age. This is a great accomplishment. Generally, Artisans use take the test at late stages. But now she saw someone, who is at initial stage Acolyte and working with higher rank materials. The pride she had shattered into pieces. That is the reason, she wanted Sam to fail, so that her view of world would be proved correct. But there is a sense of foreboding that is saying her to give up the hope and it is correct.

The platform brightened suddenly as Sam took his hand. The screen on the wall near the platform, showed the result of the evaluation.

'Product name- Unknown

Product type- Weapon

Creator- Sam

Rank of the weapon- Rank 2' Below the writing there are nine golden stars.

Crowd went into uproar. The expressions of those who wished Sam to fail are burning with embarrassment. Sam's friends are jumping with joy. Sam passed and he is just not 15 yet. This is a major accomplishment to be a ranked Artisan at his age. All the knowledgeable persons are looking at the stars below the rank.

Sam understood what the stars meant. The weapons in the same rank are also divided in the quality and they are shown with the stars. The more the stars the more incredible the weapon is. The one star being the lowest and 10 stars being the highest. If a weapon has 10 stars it means its might can be compared to the next rank weapon. The badge of an artisan also contains the stars. For example, the tower head of this tower is a Rank 2 artisan with 6 stars. Just when Sam was deep in his thoughts, another string of letters came.

'Examination Evaluation

Candidate- Sam

Result- Passed

Rank - Pseudo Rank 2 weapon Artisan Rank 3 Scholar artisan.'

Looking at the result Sam let out an arrogant smirk. He wished for this result. The Pseudo rank 2 means, if an artisan of lower cultivation rank can create higher rank then he will get Pseudo rank title. That means, as long as he reached the required cultivation rank, then he can become a rank 2. Then with a blinding light a circular platform appeared on the rectangular platform on which Sam's weapon along with two circular badges which are 3 times larger than a normal coin, one is a golden badge with a symbol which indicates the number 3 in this world's language on it and under the 3 there is a scroll symbol. This is symbol of his Scholar Artisan. This is his Scholar Artisan badge. The other badge is black in colour. Normally, the weapon artisan badge is in silver in colour. The black indicates the pseudo rank. The badge has number 2 on it. There is a symbol of a hammer and a symbol of fire under the number. Back of the both badges, there is Sam's name.

Sam took the weapon and stored it inside the ring. Then he slowly took the badges and looked at them carefully. There are nine stars on the Weapon artisan badge. Indicating his position as a higher level among the other rank 2 artisans. Sam felt proud of himself. Sam slowly took the badges and walked back to the table.

Sam put on his vest and coat and started walking towards the moulds and started breaking them. There are several, glass tube like products and the small metallic products which he collected inside his storage. Sam tidied up the place slowly. Keeping the soil and scraps, he even cleaned the grinding stone. He cleaned until the room is back to its original way before he came.

Sam slowly walked outside the room and smiled towards Philip and his friends and walked near them. Sam took out the badges and asked Philip with a smile.

"I think this much of status enough. No?"

Philip didn't answer and just looked at Sam with grin as he gave him a thumbs up. All Sam's friends are shocked at excited. The thought having a pseudo rank 2 artisan made them excited even more.

"You hid himself too deeply." Philip finally said.

"Yeah. That is true." Paul said slowly.

"You better give me discount when I come to you." Marvin spoke.

"Damn it, Sam. How can you hide the fact that you are an Artisan from me? Don't worry, I will be magnanimous and forgive you if you…. hmph" Freya was about say something shameless again, but Haley shut her mouth with her hand.

Haley slowly looked towards and said in an extremely low voice. "Congratulations." That's it. No lengthy talks and only short and straight forward.

All the other spectators in the crowd just stared at them as they chatted. Nobody wants to interrupt; nobody wants to leave either. After all, it is not every day one would come across a prodigy and nobody wants to miss a chance to talk to him and try to make a connection. They are all Apprentice Artisans and rank 1 artisans. So, having a connection with a higher ranked artisan is always beneficial. But nobody has guts to interrupt. After all they all just stood and watched the show, when Sam was getting ill-treated at the reception. Not only they didn't interrupt, but also let the receptionist do and say whatever she wanted. Now they don't have any face to start a conversation.

"Excuse me, Sir." Somebody finally approached. The person is none other than the tower head. Sam turned and looked at him. He didn't reply at all. Seeing Sam's expression tower head didn't know what to say.

Of course, Sam wouldn't be courteous. He really didn't like the Artisan tower. Although, the mistake of one person being rude and unreasonable cannot represent the character of every person belonging to the tower, what bothered him most is the fact is nobody tried to stop the receptionist when she is being unreasonable. Even this tower head also came last and acted as a middle man rather than stop the lady being rude.

Sam directly ignored the Tower head and walked directly towards the receptionist and looked at her face. The change of the receptionist face can be really considered amusing. There is no trace of arrogance she showed a few hours earlier. Her head held down in embarrassment and she is gritting her teeth as she stared at the floor.

Sam stood in front of her. Sensing that someone is near her she looked up saw Sam slowly staring at her. There is an arrogant smirk on his face. His eyes stared at her directly without any trace of hiding the cold raw arrogance. He looked at her chest and saw a badge gold in colour and there is a number 1 engraved on it with a symbol of hammer and fire underneath. He looked at her eyes again and this time there is also disdain along with the arrogance in her eyes.

She saw the eyes filled with raw arrogance and disdain and felt her pride shattering. Nobody looked at her like that in all her eyes. It is her first time someone looking at her like that. From childhood all the people around her looked at her with adoring and admiring gazes. She was praised for her beauty and talents endlessly. Wherever she was, there are countless people looking at her with envy. But now there is a person right in front of him looking at her disdain. Endless disdain.

"I …." Just as she was about to say something Sam interrupted her.

"Pay up." Sam said as spread his hand. Everyone around was dumbfounded. They imagined countless scenarios, but never this one. The young lady also became fl.u.s.tered as she remembered the bet.

"Young sir, why don't we let bygones be bygones? So, please give some leeway." An elder from the Artisan tower said. Seeing that Sam is still young he wanted to mediate by smooth talking.

Sam looked at the elder and said with an amused expression. "Why should I?" Elder was stumped by the reply. 'Is he asking for a reason?' Elder thought and looked at the tower head with a look of hesitation. Then tower head himself spoke up.

"Sir, Sam. Kelly is my daughter and I failed to teach her properly. So, please give me some face." He said with a gentle tone. "Kelly, apologize." Then he shouted towards the receptionist.

Kelly felt her body shudder from his father's abrupt shout. Tears threatened to come out of her eyes. Looking at her expression, nobody could relate to her arrogant-self few hours ago. Every person felt their hearts tighten as they watched her beauty. Well, everyone except one.

Sam looked at her with the same cold look. When she looked at his handsome face and that cold expression, her mood became even more gloomy. Kelly wasn't able to speak. She wanted to say something, but she can't get the words out of her mouth. She, doesn't know if it was due to anger embarrassment.

"Hahaha. Did you see that? she doesn't even have anything to say. I am sick of waiting here." Sam said as he laughed coldly. He looked at Kelly and repeated. "Pay up." She still didn't reply.

"What? Do you really think I have all day? Pay up." Sam asked as his tone become harsh. Kelly almost broke into tears. He saw her face that was about to cry. Then he turned towards the tower head and spoke. "Aren't you the middle-man? Why are you staying silent for?" Listening to him everyone felt like he is not kidding. They first thought that he is just going to find some trouble to cleanse the humiliation and make a fuss here with his status a higher ranked Artisan. But it seems that he really is asking for money? But it is still trouble to them. Because even with the Artisan tower's income, it is not easy to pay 90000 spirit stones. They would need to explain it to their higher ups. So, the only outcome is to let her pay herself. And it is obviously impossible for a girl who recently became an Artisan. So, there is only one option left.

"Sir, Sam How about I pay it for her?" The tower head asked. Even though he said without hesitation, he felt his heart bleeding inside. He first thought that, since he had a conflict with his daughter and made her work at the reception, he would entertain her a little bit by just mediating the bet. He didn't really have any thought of making the bet. His initial assumption is that the young man is trying to bite off more than he can chew. So, after he failed, he would just take the entrance fee and give the rest back by convincing his daughter as well as teaching the guy a lesson on behalf of her. Even if the young man became a rank 1 artisan, he can directly use his seniority as a rank 2 artisan to mediate the conflict and put it off a joke. That is his initial plan. But the young man didn't follow the script. He just took the exam and out ranked him. These 90000 spirit stones are savings from past two years he has been making. Now all of them will be gone.

"Oh, did she use your mouth to act arrogant in front of me?" Sam asked a question which made him stumped. 'Now you are being completely unreasonable' The tower heard inwardly thought. But he forced a smile. Then Sam said again.

"Forget it. Just return my spirit stones back and send me a whole set of equipment that is in that room." Sam said as he pointed at the room in which he has just taken the test. Hearing this the tower head sighed in relief. The equipment is not an issue at all. Particularly for an Artisan who is in second rank there is a significant discount on the basic smithy equipment. Even though it will cost him some spirit stones, he wouldn't have to go broke. Sam took a piece of paper and wrote something and passed it to the tower head.

"This is the place where I live. Send it after the Starwood academy admissions are over. But you better keep the place a secret." Sam then turned around and started walking. Then he stopped and looked at Kelly and then continued to walk away. There is a look of disregard in his eyes. The intense disdain before was also gone. It was as if his eyes were saying to him. 'You don't even deserve my disdain.' This left her a bitter taste and finally broke into tears. Her father came forward and took her into his embrace. She just lost her head in an impulse. She never wanted to take it out on a random person who has nothing to do with her bad mood. But it happened on an impulsive decision of hers and now that random person trampled on her pride and even disregarded her existence. She was in awe with his performance and unique skills he displayed, but she never got a chance to express her admiration. All she got was an intense disregard in his eyes, first time in her life she wanted a person's acknowledgement. She wanted to own up to her actions, but she chickened out at last minute. She hated herself. Both father and daughter just stood there in each other's embrace as everyone left them alone.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 22

A person had a lifeless expression as he walked out of the Artisan tower. This person is none other than Leonard. His body covered in cold sweat as he thought about what he should do. The country bumpkin whom he thought he could trample upon anytime is now an existence, he shouldn't provoke. But he and his family already provoked him. "I will just stay silent about it. There are a lot of people in the city who wants his wealth. So, if news won't spread there would be a possibility of him dying. So, I will just stay out of this." He muttered as he ran to his house.

Meanwhile in a nearby costly inn. Sam and his friends are having a meal as they chatted cheerfully.

"Okay attention every one. Here let me give a toast for our very own artisan Sam." Marvin stood up and made a toast with his wine glass. In this world, the people who are 16 years old are considered a.d.u.l.t and can drink as they want. At the table only Sam is still underage. Even Paul is 16 years old. So, everyone except Sam is having wine while he was stuck with a fruit juice.

"Sam, how old are you exactly?" Suddenly Philip asked from the side. Everyone looked at Sam curiously. They really want to know how old Sam exactly is. Even though he said that he will reach 15 in about two months, it had been a vague answer.

"I think I will turn 15 in few days. Sam said without any interest. But the other's expressions turned gloomy. Sam observed that and asked nonchalantly. "What?"

"You do know what that means right?" Freya asked.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked with confusion.

"How come you are so dense even with your mind like that. Even though you are just about to be 15 you already have become an Artisan, that too a higher rank. Do you know how people feel when they compare themselves to you?" Philip explained.

"Well, its their bad, if they think like that. If it wasn't for the fact these nobles are eyeing me, I cannot be bothered to take the examination." Sam replied as if taking this exam itself is a tiring job. All the others sitting at the table felt that they didn't have anything to talk about anymore as they heard his reply. They just stayed silent and finished their meals. After that the two girls went to their home and the rest of the boys shamelessly followed Sam to his mansion. As soon as he entered the mansion, Sam was greeted by Yanwu. Before Sam left to the Artisan tower, Yanwu said he wants to go out to do something and then left. Seeing that Yanwu has returned Sam felt relieved. Sam felt that Yanwu has something on his mind but he didn't ask anything.

Sam and other boys sat in the living room and chatted. Philip asked in between.

"Sam do you know how the admissions take place?"


"Well, then I will let you know. Actually, we cannot call it as simple admissions. Because it involves people students who are already admitted in to the academy last year." Philip said.

"Why?" Sam asked with a confused tone.

"The thing is the process is not only for the admissions but also for the assessment of the previous years students. They will put the previous year students against the candidates for the examination in the final round of the competition. So, that is why we are also involved." This time, Marvin answered.

"Actually, what are the qualifications to attend the exam?" Sam asked.

"The first and foremost age and cultivation. The first round of assessment is this. The candidates must not be older than 16 and must not be younger than 15. The age will be assessed with high precision, measuring up to days. Me and Paul, wanted to take the exam at same time. So, I took the exam last year. Now I am about to reach seventeen and he is about 16 years old.

When it comes to cultivation assessment. The minimum requirement is the 9th stage initiation and there is no problem, the one doesn't reach the late stage of Acolyte." Philip finished.

"The second round will be eliminating the major number of candidates by a free for all competition. It changes every time. But it will always have some danger with in. There will always be some deaths. The ones who are still left after the competition will be having an admission to the academy." Marvin continued after a slight pause. "The third and final competition is the group fight between the Seniors and the candidates left after the examination. In this competition they will rank the freshmen and seniors according to their results and there will be a significant reward based on the score." Marvin finished explaining. Sam started thinking and asked a question. "Will there be a restriction on weapons?"

"Any weapons above rank 1 will be rejected. Candidates cannot use the array discs and inscriptions as such as well. Pills and other medicine are also not allowed. Philip said.

"Okay then you prepare well for the exam then we will not be visiting you tomorrow. See you at the academy." Philip and others left, leaving Sam alone. As soon as they left, Yanwu came and landed in front of Sam.

"Sam, I need to go out for a few days." Yanwu said as soon as he landed.

"What happened?" Sam asked Yanwu as he sensed his seriousness.

"I need to investigate something. I will be back within ten days." Yanwu said reassuring Sam. The tokens Sam got from the city gate for the beasts leaves a special aura on them which makes the security of the city guards to recognize them. So, Yanwu can come and go as he please. Even if he doesn't have that, he can still turn in to an ordinary crow and travel as he please.

Seeing that Yanwu is not willing to talk more, Sam didn't ask further. "Okay stay safe. If you have any problem, just let me know." Yanwu nodded and flew away. Sam just sighed and slowly walked to his bedroom to sleep.

Sam laid on his bed and just stared at the ceiling. After sometime his eyes closed as he slowly drifted into sleep.

Next day morning, Leonard really underestimated the scope of news that a 15-year-old pseudo rank 2, artisan will bring. The whole city by this time knew that there is a young and highly ranked artisan is in the city. This news even got more attention than a young man buying a mansion at a high price in an auction using fire spirit stones against the noble families. But nobody seemed to made a connection between these two young men.

Sam walked on the streets as he heard people talk about him. He made his way to the Artisan tower. As soon as he entered the tower, the workers in the artisan tower went stiff. Generally, the first floor is a weapon shop and a receptionist will be there to attend to the people who came to the tower for purposes other than buying weapons from the shop. There will always be several staff attending to the customers. If a high ranked artisan like Sam entered the tower, then they will jump in joy to serve him. But now nobody dared to approach him as they had ruined such chance from giving a bad impression yesterday.

Sam walked towards the reception. When he saw the person sitting at the reception, Sam couldn't help but feel surprised. Because the person in the reception is same as yesterday. The Kelly who is daughter of tower head. He didn't expect her to work at the reception the very next day after such commotion. When Sam looked at her, she also looked him and their gazes met. When she saw him, she couldn't help but feel fl.u.s.tered. She lost all the pride arrogance from yesterday, there is no sign of the wilfulness she displayed yesterday. But Sam didn't feel like interacting with her.

He just stopped in his tracks and looked around. He then looked at a young man who is not attending any customers, he called over him. "Excuse me." The young man immediately stiffened but he still walked over and stood in front of Sam.

"Can I trouble you to look for an elder here? I need to ask them something." Sam asked the young man with a polite but neutral tone. As soon as he finished, the young attendant nodded his head and left in a hurry. They are not that far away from the reception. So, Kelly clearly heard their discussion. She felt somewhat lost. Actually, it is the receptionist's job to inform the elders if somebody came to meet them, but Sam didn't even bother to talk to her. She felt the same disregard that he showed her yesterday.

After Sam left yesterday, she stayed alone and reflected on her behaviour. She then understood that, she has been too used to going everything her way within the Artisan tower. That is the reasons, she acted arrogantly after she became an Artisan at 18. She has become drunk of being called a genius and started acting wilfully. Now when Sam trampled on her like nothing, she understood how delusional she really is.

Sam then called for another attendant and asked for some materials. Then the attendant brought those material and Sam completed the transaction. After that Sam waited for a few more minutes.

The young man who left earlier came rushing from upstairs, behind him was the middle-aged tower head.

"Sir Sam, what can I do for you?" the tower head asked Sam with a humble tone.

"I need to borrow a forging room for a while. You see there is the admission to Starwood academy day after tomorrow. I need to make a weapon for myself." Sam said with a polite tone.

"Sure, sure. You can definitely borrow one. I will lead the way right now." The tower head agreed quickly and started leading the way. Sam followed him. Behind them, Kelly looked at Sam as if she was about to say something but she didn't say anything.

Tower head led Sam to a private forging room. This room didn't have any transparent walls, instead it has fully opaque walls respecting the privacy of the Artisan. The platform is also only having a single groove which can only be operated with a badge. Sam examined the room and nodded in satisfaction. Then he turned towards the tower head and nodded. The tower head got the hint and turned to leave, albeit with reluctance.

Sam stayed in the forging room making something all the while until it is evening. Nobody knew what he is doing. When sun is about to set, Sam finally came outside. His face looked exhausted but there was a satisfying smirk on it. His handsome has a unique charm attached to it because of that smirk. When he looked straight there was a beautiful and s.e.xy woman standing with her head down. It is Kelly. Sensing his gaze, Kelly looked towards him and as soon as she saw him, she made her way towards him and stood right in front of him. Sam was about to move away and leave.

"Sorry." She said in a sweet, alluring yet timid voice. Sam halted his footsteps and looked at her with a questioning look.

"I just want to apologize for my arrogant behaviour yesterday. I know it won't change the fact I was arrogant and unreasonable; I just hope you can just forgive me." She said in same timid voice.

Looking at her appearance, Sam understood what was happening. She never felt the disregard he shown yesterday before. She felt that her existence has always being valuable. But know a person is not even acknowledging her existence. Seeing her Sam sighed.

"Why do you seek forgiveness?" Sam asked. She was stumped and stared at him in silence. She wanted to say something but she doesn't know how to voice it out. Sam then continued.

"I don't care if you are arrogant. In fact, I myself am arrogant. Even though you being arrogant caused me displeasure. That's about it. Nothing more. That is not enough for me to completely disregard. At most I would be laughing at your naivety for acting arrogant in front of a superior person. you not being able to back your arrogance and losing will bring you disdain. But if you can't even keep your words, that is when you will be an existence that I will not acknowledge." Sam finished and left there without turning back. Kelly stood at the spot with a pondering expression and after sometime she smiled and looked at the direction in which Sam has left.

Actually, Sam doesn't like to talk that much. But when he saw Kelly, he saw himself in her. In his previous life, there was a point of time when Sam wanted nothing but the acknowledgement of others. When Sam started having results of all his hard work and talent, he wanted nothing but acknowledgement of everyone superior to him. He wanted them to feel that his existence matters. Kelly is in similar situation. Sam doesn't know why she is like that. But he felt that is the case.

Sam came to the first floor, where another young man is taking the shift as a receptionist. He walked to the counter and asked. "I want to buy some arrows." When the receptionist saw who it was and stood up. He immediately acknowledged his request and immediately asked. "Sir, how many do you want?"

"I need 10 rank 1 arrows and 200 normal arrows." Sam said. The receptionist nodded and Sam left the tower after he completed the transaction. Sam slowly made his way to the mansion. There is nobody from the noble families targeting him now as the admissions are right around the corner. On the way to his mansion, Sam bought several items needed for inscriptions and left to his place. That night he just lay on the bed as he stared at the ceiling. He didn't know what he should do. Things are moving too fast since, he came to this world. He suddenly thought of a little girl. 'Stella. I hope you are in peace now.' Sam thought as he slowly muttered something.

"Happy Birthday Sam." Today is the birthday of Sam of this world. Now it would be his birthday from now on. He slept as a small teardrop came through his left eye signifying his loneliness, in this unfamiliar world.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 23

On the day of the admission of the Starwood academy. As soon as sun rose everyone in the city is making their way to the academy. The academy occupies a large amount of land. All the streets were bustling with people. Everyone is talking excitedly. There are many people who came from various villages under the jurisdiction of the Starwood city. Every village will send their suitable candidates, to take part in the examination. There is a large crowd gathering at the academy. There will be hundreds of people gathering at the academy to participate in the admission. There will be better guidance and resources if they were able to enrol into the academy. There are five villages under the control of the Starwood city. Anyone from these villages are suitable for joining the examination. Everyone is here for opportunities

Sam slowly walked towards the Starwood academy. As he slowly walked towards the academy, the crowd became denser. There are lot of people gathered in groups and talking. There are a lot of counters with queues. These counters are here for registration. Sam walked towards one counter and joined the queue. When his turn came, he took out his city resident token and registered his name. Then he slowly made his way, where all the candidates are gathered. After the registration process is completed, a group of people in same type of clothes came. They have a symbol of Starwood tree on their clothes. They seem to be staff of the academy. They guided all the candidates through the huge gate into the academy. After passing through the gate Sam started observing his surroundings. The place is a huge empty ground. In the centre of the ground there is a huge stage and there are several tents in the ground.

There are several viewing platforms on the other side of the huge stage where several groups of people can be seen seated. Each platform belongs to each major power. The central two platforms belong to the city lord and the Starwood academy. On the platform belonging to the city lord, there is a middle-aged man with a majestic appearance in Ice blue colour robes sitting in the chair. That is none other than the City lord. He is a Baron ranked noble who is in charge of the territory under the Starwood city. He is the strongest of all people here. Only the principal of the Starwood academy is his match. There is a familiar face beside the City lord. She is Haley. She seemed to searching for someone in the crowd of candidates.

Sam then turned towards the Starwood's academy's platform. There are several elderly figures in the same uniform sitting there. There is a middle-aged man who seemed to be a little older than the city lord sitting in the main seat with his eyes closed. He has a scholarly air around him. His eyebrows are clear indicating his peaceful state. His figure is not muscular and more on the lean side. He has bronze skin giving a faint l.u.s.tre of unique charm. He is the principal of the Starwood academy who is also the only match for the city lord.

Sam then looked towards other platforms and found some familiar faces. Marcus Evergreen can be seen as he is chatting with Philip and Paul is also trying hard to get into the conversation. They seem to be in good mood. Then Sam saw another familiar face on another platform. It is Freya. There is a robust middle-aged man who has a fiery air around him sitting next to her. He has a scowl on his face as he seemed somewhat unhappy and Freya also has a pout on her face. She wore her battle robes today which she wore when she came to Sam's shop in Lava rock village. Sam then turned towards the Grey hound family and searched for some one. When he found Leonard and Raymond. Sam gave a wicked smile. He really wants to see how Leonard will react when he saw him.

He then saw other four platforms. They belong to the four towers. When he saw the Artisan tower platform, he saw that Kelly is also present along with the Tower head and other friends, Sam didn't care much about them and just started looking around with the calm face.

But the rest of the candidates are not as calm he heard two boys chatting.

"Oh, look there three goddesses are all here. I feel like I am already in heave. A handsome young man said to an average looking man who has a sword on his hip. The average looking man has an irritable expression as he spoke. "Shawn, keep it low."

"How can I keep it low? I can see all the three goddesses at same time. Jack you should let me loose sometimes and stop your nagging. When will you understand my youthful and handsome self? Learn to appreciate beauty." The handsome young man whose name is Shawn said with the exaggerated sigh. The man named Jack didn't know what to reply and just sighed. Shawn then continued.

"Look at the three goddesses. Fiery goddess Freya, Ice goddess Haley and the Artisan goddess Kelly all are here at the same time. Do you think that anyone of them will take interest in me? Oh, by the way do you know that Kelly is daughter of the tower head. They hid this too deeply. I heard that an arrogant young and talented not so handsome artisan has humiliated Kelly. If I know who is I will kick his butt…" Shawn kept on blabbering.

Hearing his words, Sam furrowed his brows. 'He wants to kick my butt. We will see then.' Sam thought and then started thinking about the other point. 'The fact that Kelly is tower head's daughter is hidden is new. That is why Philip didn't strongly oppose, when I had a conflict with Kelly yesterday. If he knew he would probably have stopped me.' Sam thought to himself.

"Attention Everyone." The principal of the academy came to the stage and started speaking. "Today is the day our Starwood academy welcomes new blood. You will all be the future of the academy and also the kingdom. So, I wholeheartedly thank all the candidates for appearing here to join in the exam." The principal paused and looked at the candidates. The first round will be age and cultivation assessment. If you don't meet the requirements you will be disqualified to participate in further. Now, there are around 400 students and we will only select the top 100 students today. So, I request candidates to go to any of the tents to complete your assessment." The Principal finished and went back to his place.

There are around 20 tents in the ground. Sam walked towards a tent and stood in the queue. Coincidentally, Shawn and Jack are in the same queue. When Shawn completed his assessment he had a proud look as he came out of the tent and a grin showing all his teeth can be seen. After a few minutes Jack also came out of the tent. Both of them have a bronze colour token in their hands. This is token saying that, they are selected for the next round of assessment. Within no time Sam's time came. When Sam entered the tent, he saw a young man in his twenties sitting behind a desk. The desk has two crystal balls of volley ball size resting on it. After entering the young man looked at him and asked.



"Please come forward and place your hand on this left crystal." The young man said in a low voice. Sam placed his hand on the left side crystal ball and the crystal ball glowed. Sam, then felt a prickling sensation on his palm. Then a string of letters projected on the crystal ball. '15 years and 1 day.' Sam felt dumbfounded. Even though Philip said that the age will be measured up to the days, he didn't think that it would look this cool. He was awed by this age measuring device. Then he saw the young man behind the desk. He also had a shocking expression on his face. But his shock is for a different reason. He is shocked because of the close shave Sam had. Then he came out of his daze and said to Sam.

"Now, please keep your hand on this crystal." He said as he noted down Sam's age in the book. Sam nodded and kept the hand on the right crystal ball. This time also another string of words projected.

'Acolyte level 3'. This time the young man felt his world turn upside down. A fifteen-year-old at Acolyte that too at level 3. This time young man almost had a heart attack. He stood up from his chair in shock. Sam felt quite puzzled from his actions.

"Excuse me, what should I do now.?" Sam asked.

"No- Nothing." The young came out of his daze and handed a bronze token to Sam. The bronze token has a symbol of Starwood tree engraved on it. Sam took the token and left leaving the young man.

The first-round assessment went very quickly. Sam underestimated the number of eliminated contestants. Sam thought that since rules are not hidden, he felt that not many non-eligible contestants will attend. But they are many who still came to just try their luck. This is because there are special concessions made for special constitutions. But there are very rare. Now, there are only two hundred something people left.

Sam came and joined in the group with the bronze tokens, there he saw someone familiar. It is none other Oliver. The c.o.c.ky son of the village head.

When Sam saw him, he also saw Sam by coincidence. Sam gave him a smile. Looking at Sam, Oliver immediately broke out in cold sweat. He still remembered the way Sam, ruthlessly dealt with his lackeys, if it wasn't for his father, he would have suffered miserably, just like his lackeys. Both of them are crippled. Sam just made their worthless. One of them can't bear the torment and committed suicide. Oliver didn't want to provoke Sam again. Oliver then turned towards the viewing platform of the city lord. Sam also looked towards same direction and saw someone he failed to notice earlier. The village head of the lava rock village. He is standing behind the City lord, along with four others. These are all the village heads of the other four villages under the city lord. Sam turned towards Oliver again and gave an evil smirk. He really wants to see, how the village head is going to react after he was finished with his son. Then a voice interrupted Sam's thought.

"The first-round assessment is completed. All the candidates with a bronze token are eligible for the second round." The Principal said as he stood up and walked up the huge stage.

"The second round of the assessment will begin in a few minutes. The second round will take place in the testing grounds of the Starwood academy. The condition for passing the second round is quite simple. You have to survive. In the testing grounds, all of you will be assessed at the same time. The last hundred who will stand are eligible for the next round. There will be ranking in this round. The one who has more points will have highest ranking. In this round the candidates have a free for all royal rumble competition in the grounds.

Along with the candidates, there will be some Level 1 and level 2 beasts in the grounds. Each level 1 beast carries one point. Each level 2 initial stage beast carries 2 points. Level 2 final stage beast carries 3 points.

Other than the beasts in the competition, every other participant is also an enemy. The last hundred to survive will have extra points according to the ranking. The person who ranked in the hundredth place is awarded with 101 points. The candidate in 99th place will have 102 points, then so on so forth. Even if you have killed many beasts and have gained so many points, if you failed to survive till top hundred, the rest of the points will be deleted. So, be careful.

Your lives are your own responsibility. If you are in a life-threatening danger and wish to give up. Crush the bronze token and the hunting grounds formation will protect you. But if you don't do that and continue, your life is your own responsibility. You can use any means except for the external assistance to survive in the competition. If you use external means like inscribed weapons, inscriptions and array discs, that would be tantamount to the provocation of Starwood academy and you will be bearing the consequences."

Then the Principal turned towards the noble families and said. "The eligible families from the noble household please come forward and join the group." Then a group five to eight people came forward from each house-holds viewing platforms. After all the people joined. The Principal again addressed the crowd and said.

"You will be following this Elder to the testing grounds. You guys will be placed in different locations in all of the testing grounds. If another candidate is nearby you will get the signal from your bronze token. The time limit is until dawn tomorrow. May the most qualified win." The principal said and went back to the viewing platform.

The Elder who is pointed by the Principal gestured all the candidates and took them towards the gate behind the ground. The gate led to the entrance of a majestic looking place, which looked like a city square. There are various buildings. The world behind the gate itself looked like a city. Then the Elder guided them to an entrance which can allow only one person at a time. On both sides of entrance are majestic looking tall walls banning the view inside. The Elder gestured the first person to go through the entrance and the person vanished.

'Teleportation Formation' the thought came to his mind. Then Sam felt confused. Even the lowest quality teleportation formation needs a rank 4 formation master. But the Starwood city only has a rank 2 formation master. How did they get it done? Sam thought inwardly and finally his turn came.

Sam felt a little dizzy when he opened his eyes. He landed on his back as soon as he teleported inside. When Sam looked around all that came into his view are trees. He is in a place like woods. After he stabilized a bit. A voice came in his mind.

"The Second round assessment begins"

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 24

At the stage where first round assessment took place all the people on the viewing platform are looking the stage. Now the stage is not empty. There is projection of a forest like place on the stage. This is the projection of the testing grounds. All the people here are spectating the assessment. A backward place like Starwood city cannot get this type of high-level equipment. Sam's guess is right. Nobody is responsible for this in Starwood city. All the formations and the Equipment all over the academy are arranged by the royal family itself. The education in the whole western continent takes priority among other aspects. That is the reason the royal family arranged this kind of facilities for the academy even in the backward country.

Inside the testing ground. Sam finally stabilized from the after effects of the teleportation. Then he stood up and climbed a tall tree near him to get a clear view around him. Sam didn't see any beasts or other candidates near him. Judging from the view, he seemed to be appeared in a particularly isolated location. Sam climbed down, picked a direction and started walking. He is pretty care free.

After walking for a half an hour, Sam finally had a reaction from the bronze token in his pocket. He immediately became vigilant and jumped of to a nearby tree and hid behind the leaves. After a few minutes, he saw a pair walking towards his direction as they talked.

"Didn't I tell you? We are going in the right direction. Didn't we feel the reaction from our badge. There is definitely someone here." A male voice can be heard.

"I still doubt this is the right direction. I think we should have gone to the opposite direction instead." Another male said. After a few seconds, two people came into Sam's view. They are wearing identical clothing. They belong to the Heart field family. Sam immediately felt amused as soon as he identified their identities. Sam immediately jumped down the tree. When two people saw, Sam suddenly appearing in front of them, they immediately drew their swords and took a fighting stance.

"Who are you?" One of the two pointed his sword towards Sam and asked vigilantly. Sam gave an evil smirk and didn't reply. He suddenly made his move. Sam immediately disappeared form his position only leaving after images and immediately went behind the person in the left. Then he immediately punched the person below his ribs. The person gasped for air as he dropped his sword and immediately collapsed on the ground trying to reduce his pain. He is a second level Acolyte warrior and his strength is not weak by any means. But he felt himself quite weak before Sam's monstrous punch.

The one on the right immediately reacted and swung his sword at Sam, but all he hit was an after image created by Sam. Suddenly, he felt some one poked at his back. He immediately swung his sword but he hit nothing but air.


He then stinging pain on his face. He was slapped. But when he turned towards where the slap came from, he saw nothing. Then he suddenly felt someone poking at his throat. When he looked down, he felt a finger pointed at his throat from behind. When he immediately reacted to catch the person, he caught nothing but air.

Suddenly, he felt chills along his spine and he broke out in cold sweat. Only one thought came into his mind. 'If other party wanted him dead. He would become a corpse.' The other party had touched him so many times. But he couldn't even see him. Then he immediately dropped his sword and raised his hands. He gave up fighting this guy. This guy is an absolute nightmare. But he felt unwilling. He can't give up just after little more than half an hour of the assessment. So, he spoke.

"I surrender. We are not a match for you. Can you let us go? We are from Heart field family. If you let us go now. We will remember this favour." He said as looked around but he found no one. Meanwhile, the one who was knocked down earlier also stood up and picked his sword. He is looking around vigilantly. They both are waiting for reply anxiously.

Meanwhile at the viewing platforms. All the spectators are watching various candidates battling. Suddenly, someone from the Heart field family noticed their two candidates meeting up and walking together. He smiled. The rest of the people also looked at it and cursed under their breath for the luck of the heart field family. Then they saw someone appearing suddenly in front of the two candidates and initiated an attack.

"Wow, what speed?"

"Yeah, he is so fast."

"They can't even see him. He is practically toying with them."

"Look that guy gave up. Tch. So much for a noble descendant."

"I think they he is negotiating."

All kinds of comments came from the spectators. The head of the heart field family has a weird expression on his face as he looked at his family candidates being toyed with by someone. Leonard from the Greyhound family saw this scene and started sweating. Even he can't follow Sam's movements. All the families are watching this battle with interest.

"Please leave us now. We will definitely repay the favour." The candidate from the heart field family pleaded again. Suddenly, he felt a slap across his face. This time the slap is much stronger and he was immediately sent flying. After landing on the ground he spat out some blood and a tooth fell down from his mouth. He immediately took out his bronze token from his pocket and broke it. He immediately appeared at the viewing platform and sighed in relief.

The other guy who looked at his companion's state he immediately gave up fighting and was also about to break his token. But then suddenly a hand caught his arm with great strength. Then he looked at the person who stopped him. He saw handsome young man wearing black. His handsome face has an arrogant smirk and his eyes are filled with a mischievous light. He then took out a folded paper and shoved it into that person's hands and said. "Bring this to your family head." Then he let go of his arm.

The candidate from the heart field family took the letter and immediately broke his token. He was also transported to the viewing platforms. He stabilized himself and looked around. There is only one more person and that is his companion. The first two candidates to be eliminated are actually from the Heart field family. This is a great shame. Then he looked towards the heart field family's viewing platform and seeing the gloomy expressions from his family members he looked down in shame. Then he remembered the letter and then walked towards the viewing platform timidly. When he passed the letter to the Family head, he almost pissed his pants from the family head's look.

The family head took the letter. He knew who passed the letter as he was watching the whole time. He read the letter and immediately frowned after seeing the content.

"Hello Family head of the Heart field family. This is from the humble one who was once blessed with the presence of the representatives of the heart field family at my river side mansion. On the account of sending someone to congratulate me on the very same night I bought the mansion through the auction. I humbly beseech you to accept my repayment this way. Don't worry, this is not the end. If I meet the other people from your family, I will treat them with utmost care. – Sam."

As soon as he read the letter, his grip tightened on the hand rest. *Snap* the hand rest broke and everyone looked at him. But his is completely focused on the letter and particularly the words 'River side mansion'. He clearly understood why the young man toyed with the candidates of his family. But that didn't make him any less angry. He is even more furious. A junior at the Acolyte stage is slapping face. He is angry. All the other noble families are watching him with curious looks. They want to see what is in the letter. But the family head of the heart family clearly didn't have any intention of showing them and diverted his attention to the projection.

"Seems like the younger generation of the heart field family is getting weaker and weaker. It is only half an hour and two of five are eliminated." Someone from the crimson flame family said with a mocking tone. The heart field family head didn't reply and just looked at the project.

Everyone also turned towards the projection. Now battles started in many regions as the candidates got closer. A young man particularly caught the attention of the spectators.

"The handsome is a genius. If you guys go away now. I will not pursue it any further." The young man said. This is none other than Shawn. He is surrounded by three people. These candidates came from different places and formed a temporary alliance. So, they can a little longer. When they heard his words, one of the three immediately attacked. Suddenly, Shawn made some hand seals and chanted something. Then the soil beneath the three candidates became soft as the three of them got struck in it.

"Didn't I tell you I am a genius? You guys didn't listen. Now, you better quit yourselves or I will make you suffer." As soon as he finished the three of them felt their bodies sinking in to the ground slowly. They immediately took their tokens and they were all vanished.

"I am so awesome." Shawn spoke with a grin as he started walking again.

All the spectators in the viewing platforms looked at him in awe.

"Not bad" One of them said.

"It seems that we have a few good seeds to nurture." Someone from the Starwood academy said. the others also nodded. Then a screen appeared suddenly beside the projection of the testing grounds.

"They finally encountered some beasts." Someone said. The screen is the quite large and a list of names can be seen on it with some numbers beside them. This is the ranking list. It shows the points of the candidates who are hunting the beasts.

"Look there, near the lake." One of the spectators exclaimed. Near the lake a young man with a sword is fighting with a bunch of snake type beasts. This is none other than jack. There are around 10 beasts of first level around him. His name is on the top of the list right now.

By the time he was finished, he has 12 points beside his name. "He is not bad."

"Yes, his sword play is good." Spectators all commented. Soon, names started to appear on the list. All of them are mostly candidates from the noble families.

Sam is right now in middle of climbing a tall tree. He just encountered the tree, which seemed to be tallest among the nearby tree. When he finally climbed the tree, he got a clear view of surroundings. He saw several candidates battling with beasts. It seems to be that no one is interested in eliminating others. Rather they all are interested in acc.u.mulating more points. Sam looked around and saw a pack of hyenas near a small hill. There seemed to be a lot of them. The hyenas are red in colour. These are Blood hyenas. Sam immediately recognised them and all of them are one of the cruellest animals in the wild. They grow their strength from consuming the blood of others. The pack is filled with level 1 and level 2 beasts of initial stage there is one level 2 middle stage also. Sam felt that he hit a jackpot looking at them. He immediately climbed down and used his light energy to move faster. Sam named this technique as 'Phantom steps.' Sam used his phantom steps to get near the hill.

Just as Sam was a few meters away from the hill, he sensed his bronze token has reaction. Someone was nearby. Sam immediately moved towards the direction that signal is coming and hid behind a tree. He saw a group of people in a crimson red battle attire. They were five people in total. They are all the candidates in the Crimson flame family. Sam immediately recognised them because of the red flame crest on their armour. He gave an evil smirk.

The five candidates are in a defensive battle formation as they observed their surroundings vigilantly. In the centre is a young man with the battle attire, who seemed to be the young master of the Crimson flame family. With an evil smile came out of his hiding and stood in front of them. All of them looked at him vigilantly as the young man questioned.

"You? Aren't you the friend of Freya?" The young master asked. Sam was a bit surprised as he looked at him but it only stayed for a second. He just stood there and smiled silently. Seeing that Sam is in silence. The young master continued.

"I am Carter of the Crimson flame family. Freya is my cousin. Since, you are friend of her, I will let you leave if, you handover all the fire spirit stones you have with you." Sam still didn't reply.

At the viewing platforms

"This young man is in trouble."

"Yeah, its his bad luck to encounter the Crimson flame family group. Even though he is strong how can he win 1 vs 5."

"What are you even talking about? Carter alone is enough for beating him. Why do we need to gang up? Carter is already at 4th stage acolyte mage. The young man will be defeated in a single blow." Someone from the Crimson flame family said. He is sitting on the other side of the Family head.

"Carl, since you are so confident, why don't we make a bet?" Philip said to the young man who just spoke.

"What do you want to bet on?" Carl asked.

"All five of your people will be eliminated by that guy alone." Philip said.

"Really? You are so confident in him? I will accept your bet then. What is the wager?" Carl replied in a confident tone.

"How about 5000 spirit stones?" Philip asked. Hearing that amount everyone looked at him with interest. Even the Family head of the Crimson flame family looked at Philip. Carl hesitated on hearing the Big amount.

"Don't chicken out now." Philip said again.

"Who is chickening out? I am in." Carl said and immediately looked at the battle. Philip also looked at the battle. So, does all the spectators.

Meanwhile near the hill.

Carter is growing impatient as Sam didn't reply. He then immediately said. "Don't blame me now."

As he said that all five of them surrounded Sam, and three of them including the Carter started making hand seals. While the other two wielded their sabres as they lunged towards Sam.

Sam kept his smile as three fire balls and two Sabres came to him from all side. Sam didn't move at all and just circulated his spiritual energy as Golden flames covered him and devoured the three fire balls completely. He spread his hands at the same time and caught the two sabre wielding hands at the same time.

As the smoke cleared out, all the five people saw is Sam's handsome face with an evil smile without even moving a bit.

All the spectators at the viewing platforms are also stunned.

Sam slowly started twisting the hands he caught. The two warriors loosened their sabres. Both of them are at Level 2 Acolytes, but now they are like children facing an a.d.u.l.t.


Cracking sounds appeared as slowly twisted their hands. He soon broke their hands and threw them away. They started holding their hands and wallowing in pain. Sam then slowly looked towards the two other Acolyte mages as he raised his hands.

Spiritual energy started gathering in his hands in form of sphere. Both of them wanted to get away as they sensed the danger, but their legs felt so heavy all of a sudden. Sam then slowly looked at Carter and said slowly.

"I was just going in search for a prey. But who would have thought the Prey itself will come looking for me?" Sam said coldly.

"Prey?" Carter was furious.

"Yes, you are my juicy and delicious prey." Sam said coldly and as soon as he finished. The spiritual energy in his hands suddenly turned into giant golden fire balls as he launched them on to the two mages. Both of them were sent flying as their armours and clothing turned into ashes.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 25

Carter saw Sam walking towards him. He broke out in cold sweat. He felt his legs shaking and his palms are almost dripping sweat. If possible, he just wanted to turn tail and make a run for his life. But he felt that if he made a move, he might even die. His instinct told him that the best decision is to stay still. So, he did.

Sam slowly walked and stood in front of Carter. Then he just stared at his eyes without even blinking. Sam slowly raised his killing intent slowly and released his aura of blood line. He just stared at Carter like he was staring at an insect.

Carter observed the eyes, the killing aura and felt like he was about to die just like that. He felt like the decision of whether he should live or die is not his but in the hands of the person standing in front of him. He felt like the air around him became still as if paying respects to the existence before him.

Sam then leaned forward and whispered in Carter's ear. "Do you know why you are still alive? Because I disdain to kill punks like you." Sam then stepped back. He took out a letter and gave it to Carter. "Give it to your family head." Sam said and turned around and walked away.

As soon as Sam left, Carter immediately fell to his knees and he looked at the letter in his hands. His body is soaked in sweat. He doesn't have any strength in his legs. Just when he was about to break his token, he heard Sam's voice. "Take away your lackeys with you. If I see them again, I will definitely kill them." Carter immediately stood up and walked to other four people and started breaking their tokens. After that Carter broke his token and left the place. When he appeared at the viewing platforms, he saw a furious Carl who stood up from his chair and looking at him coldly. Then he saw the family head who is also extremely disappointed. Then he slowly walked towards them and didn't say anything. He just passed the letter.


Carl slapped Carter and said. "Trash"

Carter didn't try to explain himself and just stood there his head held down. He waited for the family head to reprimand him, but no voice came. So, Carter turned towards the man standing behind the family head. It is his father. When he looked at his father, he just patted his shoulder and said nothing. Maybe Carl didn't understand but both the family head and Carter's father clearly understood the situation as veterans. They clearly knew what kind of situation Carter is in, that is why they didn't blame him.

The family head opened the letter and read. When he read the content, he almost puked blood in anger. Then he looked at his daughter who is gloating as if saying 'you asked for it.' Now he finally understood why the family head Heart field behaved like this. He already in a bad mood today because of his daughter. Because, when heard that a young and genius artisan has emerged in the city and the rumour said that they saw, Freya came along with him, he asked to invite him over, so that they can strike up a relationship. But his daughter refused to give any details regarding that person's identity and he didn't connect that Sam and that artisan being the same person. As he thought that a genius artisan like him don't need to attend this normal academy. But he doesn't know he can't be anymore wrong.

Carl looked at Philip who is grinning from ear to ear. He reluctantly took out the spirit stones and passed it to Philip, who took them as his grin grew wider. Carl then looked at the projection gloomily and he swore that he would teach Sam a lesson.

Meanwhile in the testing grounds, Sam is making his way towards the hyenas as stealthily as possible. He just didn't want to alert them. He took a high vantage point on a tree and looked towards the Blood hyenas pack. There are around 100 plus hyenas in total. There are around twenty level 2 initial stage, a level 2 middle stage and rest of them are all level 1 beasts. He looked at them and pondered on how to take them down. He really didn't have any points right now as he didn't encounter any beasts on his way here. Now, he finally understood why. This is the territory of the blood hyenas. He started observing the surroundings of the lair and finally came to a conclusion.

Sam took out a bunch of formation flags as he disappeared from the tree. All the spectators at the viewing platforms are puzzled from his actions. They are now paying special attention as he took out the whole group from a noble family.

Sam is moving around stealthily with a high speed as he placed the formation flags in various positions.

"What type of formation is he laying?" A young man from the formation tower's viewing platform. The rest of the people also looked at the formation tower's head curiously.

"It's a type of illusory formation." The tower head slowly. He recognised the formation. It is one of the most difficult rank 1 formations. This formation has only one effect. The appearance of the people in the formation will change in the perspective of one another. But the formation tower head didn't understand, what is the use of the formation in this situation. In fact, nobody at the viewing platforms understood, except for one person. The Principal of the Starwood academy is also looking at Sam laying down the formation with a faint smile.

Meanwhile Sam quietly finished laying down all the formation flags except for the one which acts as the formation energy core. As soon as the energy core is laid down. The blood hyenas will definitely sense that something is wrong with the energy flow nearby and this will cause him some trouble. He took a deep breath and threw the last formation flag to its location from a distance and as soon as he did, before even the hyenas could react, he took out few bottles of read liquid and threw them in between the pack and ran towards a tall tree and climbed it up. When hyenas finally sensed the weird energy fluctuation, they smelled blood of various beasts. This blood is precisely the liquid Sam has thrown inside the pack. Sam bought these bloods for making inscription ink. But now he is using them to confuse these hyenas.

Actually, blood hyenas are very cunning and intelligent hunters. So, even if Sam distorted their view and make them see their companions as other animals, they won't be easily fooled as they still have the sense of smell. That is the reason Sam used the blood of various beasts because, the blood hyenas immediately lose their rationality as soon as they smell blood.

Sam saw as the blood hyenas tear each other apart. He just stood on the tree from afar and saw the hyenas trying to kill each other as if they are mortal enemies. All the spectators are dumfounded at the viewing platforms as they saw the scene. The points beside Sam's name are soaring high as he slowly overtook the position one by one. Finally, he settled in the top position, but his points are still raising.

Sam observed the hyenas as they are rapidly decreasing in number. Then he saw that the leader of the pack stopped its killing spree. Sam understood that the Leader of the pack observed something and he just waited there.

The Pack leader of the blood hyenas sensed the energy fluctuations due to the formation a bit later after they started killing each other. It looked around as to sense the cause and finally saw a anomaly and ran towards the core of the formation. As soon as it sensed the formation core it immediately crashed into it to stop the illusion, but the backlash from the formation sent it into a half dead state as he flew over and hit a large rock. There are several broken bones protruding out of its body. As soon as it took a look after it the illusion is gone, it saw a miserable scene. There are only about 12 hyenas that are still alive and all of them are really in a miserable state. They can even be killed by a single critical blow. Sam took out a black colour bow, from his storage and a took some a rank 1 arrow. This bow is forged by Sam himself in the private forging room. Since, he learnt that rank 2 weapons are a not allowed in the assessment

He nocked the arrow on the bowstring and stretched it for its limit as he aimed at the pack leader, who is now surrounded by the rest of the hyenas which are alive. He then started circulating his spiritual energy as a ball of compressed golden flame is started forming at the tip of the arrow. When the ball of flames grew into the size of a soccer ball, he finally released the arrow.

The arrow hit the Leader and an explosion of golden flames took place spreading it to the rest of the hyenas which are alive. After a few minutes the hyenas were completely burnt to ashes leaving only a pile of bones. Sam slowly made his way and collected the corpses of hyenas which are not stuck in the explosion.

All the spectators at the viewing platforms are stunned by how the scene played as they watched how Sam dealt with a pack full of hyenas. Then they noticed that Sam has already obtained 124 points in total and then they looked at the second ranker. The second ranker is someone from the city lord mansion. His points are a little over thirty. The third and fourth places are rapidly getting caught up with his pace.

The difference between the first and second places is so huge. All the noble families sighed at this and felt ashamed after seeing the performance of Sam and compared it to their younger generation. Sam collected the corpses and his formation flags as he started his journey again. Soon he found a river. He sat down at the river bank and took out the corpse of a hyena. He cut the hyena into small pieces as he threw them into the river which is flowing slowly. As the smell blood started spreading slowly inside the river, slowly fishes came, but Sam didn't make a move as he stood still with his arrow nocked.

After waiting for sometime a huge crocodile like beast came and jumped to the surface. Sam immediately released the arrow as it pierced right through the eye of the crocodile. The crocodile halted its movements briefly. Sam this time took a ranked arrow and shot it imbued with the spiritual energy. This time the arrow pierced in its other eye and the crocodile dropped dead.

Sam then slowly approached the corpse. After making sure that it is really dead. He started dissecting it with a dagger, he had forged in the private room. He slowly and neatly separated the hide on its back and put in his storage and started grilling the meat on a fire.

Sam sat beside the fire as he just stared at the horizons. Then Sam saw two people walking towards him. They are both familiar faces to him. They are precisely Jack and Shawn. Sam had a mischievous smile on his face as soon as he remembered Shawn's words.

At the viewing platforms.

All the spectators are watching Shawn and Jack move towards Sam with some expectations. Both Shawn and Jack took third and fourth places in the point ranking right now. So, they wanted to see them fight and know who is stronger as they didn't see the full extension of Sam's battle prowess.

Shawn and Jack stopped in front of Sam and stopped. Shawn spoke.

"Hey buddy, where are you from?" Shawn asked and Sam didn't reply and just smiled.

"Oh, you don't want to say. Okay. The meat you are eating is smelling so good. Could you sell us some?" Shawn asked.

"Not possible." Sam said. Shawn had a disappointed expression on his face. Then Sam continued.

"If you want it. You can take it after you beat me." Sam said and took a big bite of meat. Both Jack and Shawn furrowed their brows. Then Sam stood up and made his move.

Sam disappeared in front them and appeared at the back of Shawn and he unceremoniously kicked his butt. Shawn immediately screamed in pain. He is a level 4 acolyte, but he still felt a groaning pain as fell forward.

Immediately Jack made his move as he attacked Sam. But all he hit was thin air. Then Jack saw as Sam appeared behind Shawn who just got up and kicked his butt again. Shawn again cried out loud.

"My handsome bum. How can you do that?" Sam felt speechless at this narcissist. Meanwhile Jack drew his sword and lunged towards Sam. But Sam easily dodged as he disappeared and by the time, he reappeared he saw a hand wielding a sword coming towards him at high speed.

Sam felt that he couldn't dodge. So, he grabbed Jack's hand and stopped it from moving. Sam smiled faintly as he felt the momentum and smile.

"Impressive." Sam said genuinely impressed. But before Jack could react, he felt that he was held by a python as Sam immediately moved and locked him in a hold as he pointed a finger at Jack's neck. He then whispered. "But not good enough." Jack felt helpless as he tried to free himself but failed to do so.

"I lost." Jack surrendered. Then Sam released his grip and walked towards Shawn who is still holding his butt as he stared in shock. Sam then kicked his butt again and said.

"Well, you guys can have rest of the meat and you don't have to quit the competition. Thank you for the spar. I enjoyed quite a bit. Sam then smoothly disappeared as they stared at him with their mouths open.

They two who are at level 4 acolyte were toyed with a level 3 acolyte. Shawn felt even worse as he didn't even have a chance to fight back. Both of them sighed as they looked at each other.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 26

At the viewing platforms

The spectators are not any less disappointed by the fight between Sam and the duo. They still didn't see how strong Sam really is. They could only wait in silence.

Time passed slowly. More and more people were being eliminated. And slowly approached dusk. Sam is currently slowly advancing forward as he slowly took care of beasts. His pace is slow and steady. But the difference between him and the second place is still a lot. Right now, the candidate from the city lord mansion dropped to fourth place as Shawn and Jack took second and third place respectively. They are with 64 and 63 points respectively and they are hunting together.

Sam stopped his advance and looked at the sky. Seeing as the dusk has arrived, Sam started looking for the tracks of people instead of tracks of the beasts. Sam just started following the candidate's tracks. He followed them with a rapid pace. When he finally encountered the first group of people, that is the group of three people. They were fighting a 'Earthen Bear'. This type of bear like beast is a lot difficult to defeat as it has an amazing defence. Sam didn't stay there for a while as he made his move without disturbing them.

When the spectators at the viewing platform saw this, they were quite confused as why Sam didn't eliminate them directly. They felt the same confusion when he left Shawn and Jack. Because he didn't even hesitate to take down the noble groups for even a second.

After leaving the first group of three, Sam encountered another two groups of people and they are all candidates from different villages and commoners. He just left them be. Sam continued on his journey in search of candidates but he left all the commoners alone. Finally, he encountered a group of three people. There is a familiar face in the group. This guy is none other than Raymond. Two other people from the Greyhound family are with him.

Raymond and others sensed a presence near them with the bronze tokens and are in their guard against them. Seeing them, Sam didn't even bother to hide as he saw the group and made his appearance. As he stood in front of three with a smile, Raymond became surprised for a moment then he gave a wicked laugh.

"Bahahaha, I wished that I could find you, but who knew that you would come to me on your own violation. Seems like even heavens are not on your side as they sent you directly to me. This is your karma for humiliating me like that. Now if you don't want to be eliminated right now, you better kneel down and apologize, otherwise, even if you beg me after I made my move, you won't get away." Raymond said to Sam coldly.

Sam didn't even bother to reply as Raymond blabbered. Seeing that Sam is just standing there smiling and didn't even bother to reply, Raymond got angry and just ordered his subordinates.

"Beat him up, until he begs for forgiveness." As soon as he finished, the subordinates immediately made his move. Both of them are at Level 2 Acolyte warriors and immediately formed a pincer attack as they wielded their swords from both sides. Sam didn't even bother with their as he immediately disappeared from the spot and immediately punched Raymond in his guts. Raymond was immediately sent flying. As soon as landed he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The spectators at the viewing platforms are all looking at him surprised. They didn't understand why Sam completely left all the people he encountered alone and attacked the candidates from Greyhound family. Particularly, the people from the greyhound family are all anxious for Raymond. As Raymond is a direct line descendant of the family, him being in the academy is important for his growth. But when they saw Sam fighting Raymond, they clearly understood that chances if Raymond being making the cut is almost Nil.

Sam slowly walked towards Raymond. The two lackeys immediately attacked him from behind. But they missed again and by the time they came out of the shock of missing on landing an attack from behind they saw Sam kicking Raymond who is already on the ground in the stomach and sent flying again. Then both of them stopped moving. They understood one thing, if they made a move, then Raymond has to bear the price. Sam then slowly walked towards Raymond who just sat up painfully. He squatted down and locked his eyes with Raymond and said.

"You and your guys better quit right now. Otherwise, I won't even hesitate to kill you." He enunciated every word as he released enormous amount of killing intent. Raymond almost peed in his pants. He picked his last bits of courage and spoke from his gritting teeth.

"Do you know what you are doing? The Greyhound family will not leave you and definitely get revenge." As soon as did, he regretted the very next moment.

As soon as Raymond finished speaking Sam immediately moved. He held Raymond by neck as he lifted him up from the ground. Raymond has difficulty breathing as Sam increased the pressure on his neck. Sam then turned towards the lackeys and said. "You better not do anything funny. Both of you be obedient and get lost from here. Otherwise, don't blame from taking your dear young master's life."

The two lackeys immediately reacted and broke their bronze tokens. Then Sam turned towards Raymond and just smiled without saying anything.

At the spectator's area the head of the grey hound family rose to his feet and his aura increased as he saw Sam holding Raymond's neck. All other people just looked at him without saying anything. The Grey hound family head also quite helpless as he couldn't do anything to help his son and this made him only more furious. Leonard just stayed silent as he already predicted this outcome. From Sam's status, his father can't do anything to take revenge. And only him and the people from the Artisan tower and Sam's friends know of this.

Sam didn't know how furious he made the Greyhound family head and even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Now Raymond is panicking in his hands. Sam didn't say anything as he just increased the pressure on Raymond's neck. Raymond finally gave in and immediately took out his token and just when he was about to break the token, Sam took out a token and shoved into Raymond's clothes and said. "Bring it to your father." Then he let go of Raymond and just looked at him as Raymond broke his token and vanished.

When Raymond came out of the formation. He took deep breaths as he looked around. When he saw the ranking screen, he felt quite disappointed. There is still a bit more people to enter the top 100. They are currently over 120 people inside the testing grounds. He slowly made his way to his furious father and handed the letter Sam gave him. When the family head read his letter, he involuntarily released his aura. Leonard became more anxious as he saw his father's reactions and became more worried of the consequences. There is another person, who is more anxious than Leonard. It is none other than the village head of the Lava rock village.

He clearly knew that the enmity between Sam and Oliver is not a small one. He is afraid that Oliver would be dead if he got into Sam's hands. All he could do was pray that Oliver won't encounter, Sam.

As time passed, the sky is getting darker and it became increasingly difficult as they are reduced. But the members in the testing ground just kept on decreasing slowly and steadily. Because Sam is on hunt as he eliminated the noble candidates one by one. After Raymond there are 10 candidates who got eliminated. And out of 10, six are from the noble families who got eliminated by Sam. They are from the heart field family and Grey hound family. Now all the noble families are eliminated except for the candidates from the Evergreen family. All the noble families became extremely furious as they stared daggers at the evergreen family head.

"Marcus. Did you plan all this?" The crimson flame family head asked as he looked at Marcus.

"Don't blame me for this. You are the people who made a move against him the very night of the auction. Do you really expect him to take that lying down? You guys are reaping what you sowed. I just left him alone that night and he just left my candidates alone. It is that simple." Marcus Evergreen said with a smile. All the family heads snorted. The city lord listened to this and finally understood who this guy is and why is he targeting the noble families? He heaved a sigh as he felt lucky that all the candidates from the city lord mansion didn't encounter Sam. But his sigh froze in the middle as he looked at the projection.

Sam changed his direction as he felt a large presence from his bronze token. This seemed to be a big group. When he arrived at the group, he hid himself and looked. The group is the biggest he encountered. When he saw who the people are, he immediately smiled. This is the group he was searching for. This the biggest prey as they are the people from the city lord mansion and there are other people in the common clothes also. The people are none other than candidates from the other representing the village heads under the city lord mansion. He felt so because Oliver is also present in the group. He smiled coldly as climbed a tree nearby and took out his bow and aimed.

The people in the group are looking around vigilantly as they are afraid of the sneak attacks.

"Who is it that is hiding? Come out now." The person who seemed to be the in charge spoke. Sam didn't reply and just released the arrow. The arrow tore through the air as it pierced into Oliver's hand.

"Ahhh" Oliver gave an ear-piercing scream as he looked at his hand. The crowd looked around and they made their move towards the central figure who spoke earlier. Just before the guy in the centre gave another warning another arrow pierced Oliver's another hand, making him unable to move them at all. Then Sam came down from the tree as he made his way forward and stood a few meters away from the crowd and stood there with a smile.

"Who are you? I am Harry from the city lord mansion. You better leave before I make a move on you. Or you won't be able to escape even if you want later." The man in charge said to Sam.

The city lord became quite anxious at the viewing platforms. Even though he thought that probability of Sam winning against 10 people is low. He still felt quite anxious. He looked at the screen and noticed that there are only 6 extra people left in the testing ground. If by any chance Harry gets eliminated before. He would lose a lot of face.

Sam didn't reply to Harry's question. Instead he took out a black coloured metallic rod which is a bit over six feet long. This rod is one inch in diameter. This is also one of the things he forged in the private forging room.

Harry and the others all became vigilant. Just as they were about to make the first move, Sam beat them to it and moved towards them head on. He spun his staff as he moved towards the crowd.

When Sam swung his staff towards the first person in the group. the black staff has a golden glow as a golden sphere of flames formed at the tip of the staff. When Sam hit the person, an explosion occurred as the staff made contact with his body. The man was sent flying as he became unconscious and his skin scorched black. Before the crowd could react, Sam made his move and sent another person flying with another swing.

Harry immediately turned his tail and began to flee. He felt afraid of getting hit by Sam's attack. He only has one thing in his mind. To flee. Sam didn't bother with him. As soon as he dealt with the rest of the people from the city lord mansion, the people from the various village heads already broke their tokens and fled.

When the city lord saw the number on the screen, he sighed in relief. Even though he felt a bit ashamed from the fact that his descendant is fleeing, he didn't really care as long as he survived. Sam slowly walked towards Oliver.

Just as he stood in front of Oliver, a loud voice reverberated from all directions.

"Only hundred people left. All the people left in the testing grounds are now eligible for joining the Starwood academy." Sam heard the notice and didn't react. He just looked at Oliver coldly.

Oliver also didn't feel happy as he heard the notice. He just felt his legs shaking as he stared at Sam. He wanted to break his token and flee desperately, but his hands are in no moving condition. Sam punched Oliver in his Guts and made him sit down.

Oliver who fell on his butt looked at Sam who squatted with fear apparent in his eyes. He felt that he is jus staring at a devil rather than a human. Sam just had an evil smile as he stared coldly at Oliver.

Sam kept his staff away as he slowly took Oliver's hand into his hands and started stroking his fingers.

"Sam, please I beg you. Just leave me now. I won't ever interfere in your life ever again." Oliver pleaded in a shaking voice.

*Crack* "Ahhhhhhhhh.." Sam didn't even bother to reply as he broke one of Oliver's fingers.

"Oliver, have you ever thought this day would come?" Sam said as he further twisted the broken finger as some shards of bones protruded outside. Sam slowly moved for another finger and again broke it. In the woods with the absolute silence, only sounds of cracking and screaming could be heard.

At the viewing platforms. The Village head of the Lava rock village stood up as he looked at his son pitifully screaming as he got tortured by Sam. All the people from the noble families felt lucky as they felt lucky for not going overboard on scheming against Sam. They looked at Oliver with pity as they wondered what kind of enmity they had. After sometime Oliver disappeared as Sam broke his token after taking away is spatial ring.

The Village head didn't say a word and just looked at the scene. Oliver's name has been placed in 100th position. But he didn't feel the slightest bit happy.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 27

Sam walked towards the other three people from the city lord mansion and broke their tokens after he dealt with Oliver. After staying there and recovering his spiritual energy for some time, Sam stood up and looked at the darkened sky. He took out a bunch of spatial rings from his pocket. These are obtained from the noble descendants he knocked unconscious. After forcefully erasing the spiritual senses of the original owners, Sam took out a large number of weapons in from them. There are normal swords, spears, Axes, Sabres and there are even some ranked weapons. There are around fifty weapons in total. Sam looked at them and looked at the surroundings. As he looked at the plain ground, he smiled as a light flashed across his eyes. He immediately moved as he took out some formation flags.

Sam placed one formation flag after another in a rapid pace. All the spectators looked at him dumbfounded as they looked at the sheer number of the flags, as far as they knew, there is no rank-1 formation which uses that many formation flags. The spectators at the viewing platforms all turned towards the formation tower head as they waited for his explanation.

"He is laying a number of rank 1 formations at the same time. As for how many and what are they even I can't guess it from here." Hearing his answer all the spectators were surprised as they kept all the concentration on the projection.

Right now, the battles in the testing ground are not taking place as everyone is waiting for a right chance. Nobody wants to be the first one to break the balance.

Sam finished laying the formation flags. He took the weapons as he kept them in various places and placed spirit stones along with them. Sam then walked towards the centre of the arrangements as he took out his bow and an arrow. He nocked the arrow and he aimed at the Sky. He spread his spiritual energy and the arrow started glowing with a golden light as a light sphere started forming at its tip. Sam released his arrow and the arrow flew towards the sky and exploded giving a brilliant flash which could be seen all across the testing grounds. Sam kept the Bow and took out a formation flag and kept it in the centre and he leapt towards a tree and stood on its branch.

Everyone in the testing grounds saw a bright flash. As they saw it, they couldn't help but feel startled. They didn't think that someone would break the delicate balance using such a flashy method. Whoever it is responsible for that flash is definitely confident in himself or he must be a crazy person. Whoever it may be, this is a declaration of fight with them. He is asking them to come and find him if they dare.

All the candidates left are not pushovers. They also had some pride as they reached the top 100. So, everyone moved towards the direction. And when everyone moved towards the same point, different people will cross paths and battles are inevitable. The delicate balance was broken again. The eliminations increased as they battled against each other. The nobles and other spectators couldn't help but shake their heads as they saw various people falling in to Sam's obvious trap.

But there are still some people with enough brains to think what is happening. They avoided the fights and moved carefully towards Sam's direction. They are carefully looking around for any traps that were setup. Sam fired another shot towards the sky as if he was asking them to hurry up. This made the candidates who are moving slowly to turn red in anger as they felt like they are provoked.

There are only fifty candidates left in the testing grounds. All of them are making their way towards Sam. All the spectators looked curiously. They wanted to see what kind of trap that Sam has prepared. When finally the first person appeared, all he saw was the empty open field which is surrounded by the trees, Soon everyone made their way and all the forty nine people stayed as they stayed silent. Finally, someone broke the silence. "Who is the one that gave the signal?" This none other than Shawn. Nobody answered. Then somebody from the crowd shouted.

"Whoever it is that gave the signal, come out and speak. Don't tell me you have guts to create the commotion but not admit to it." Someone spoke in a mocking tone. As soon as he finished, there is a whistling sound of wind as an arrow tore through the air from a dark corner. The arrow hit the formation flag which was hidden in the centre of the grass field. As soon as the arrow hit the formation flag a dazzling light appeared as it blinded everyone.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh*

Then suddenly all kind of whistling sounds appeared as a lot of weapons flew and hit everyone.



"My hand…"


"Ahhh, it's a trap.."

"I can't see,,,,,,,,,"

Screams of all kinds appeared as the light slowly dimmed down. By the time everyone adjusted again, there are only ten people who are left standing. The rest are groaning in pain, as they rolled on the ground with their hands clutching various wounds.

At the viewing platform all the spectators stared at the scene with their jaw dropped. This is the scene, they didn't expect. They thought at most a few people will fall into Sam's trap. But only ten people left.

The ten people who left are all not in best conditions. They used all their might to keep themselves from getting injured. They looked at each other vigilantly. As they were all thinking who is the mastermind behind the trap, a black figure suddenly appeared and stood in the middle. It is none other than Sam.

All the ten other people understood that this guy is the mastermind behind everything. They stared daggers at him as their eyes were filled with hatred.

Sam didn't bother with them and looked at the people on the ground and said. "You guys better quit right no. Otherwise, you wouldn't have a chance later even if you want to."

The candidates on the ground all wanted nothing but tear Sam apart. But they didn't have any energy left as they were in state of complete exhaustion. They reluctantly took their tokens one after another as they disappeared. On the screen at the viewing platforms the rankings are being fixed as people broke their tokens.

After all the injured candidates left Sam finally turned his attention to the remaining people. There are a few familiar faces to Sam. They are Shawn, Jack, Harry and another person from evergreen family. He is a cousin of Philip; his name is Mathew. He is the only one left from the Evergreen family group.

The remaining six people are all wearing regular clothes, they don't belong to any of the noble families. Sam stood there and observed each of them. There is a total of five men and a single woman in the remaining six. He looked at them and observed them carefully.

"What formation did you use?" The young woman spoke directly breaking the silence, without any courtesy. She directly spoke about the point she needs and ignored all the formalities about introductions. Sam didn't reply and just stood there.

"As far as I know, there are no formation masters at your age that are registered in the formation tower. It is impossible to use the formation discs, so you definitely laid the formation yourself. Who might you be? May I know who is your teacher?" The young woman continued. Sam didn't reply to her questions and said.

"I don't have any obligation to tell you. But if you still want to know, you can beat the answers out of me." His voice was as nonchalant as it can be. She furrowed her brows as she made her move. She immediately formed a few hand seals at a rapid pace as she formed a water sphere directly and launched it towards Sam. But the water hit nothing but a tree as Sam dodged it. She looked around to find where Sam is, but before she could react there is an arrow that came towards her throat, she immediately lunged side-wards to evade the attack, just as she was about to make hand seals for another spell. She felt a searing heat coming from her back. As soon as she turned around, she saw a fireball making her way and behind it she saw Sam looking at her with a cold smile. She gritted her teeth in hatred as she took out her bronze token and broke it. She immediately disappeared as the fire ball immediately hit a tree which burned into ashes.

The remaining candidates looked a little baffled as they saw the fight concluded before they could even react. They didn't even manage to catch Sam's movements much less predict his attack. They really felt surprised. They wondered if they could manage to defend the attacks of Sam. But they felt that it was nigh impossible. All of them looked at each other, then a burly guy said. "Let us just attack him together." He said and waited for others to reply. The ganging up idea is alright, but the first person who did so will definitely face higher risk, that is the reason, nobody answered.

Just as the burly guy was about to say something, someone spoke.

"I quit." The person was none other than Mathew Evergreen. His cousin Philip said before that if he faced against Sam, even if in a group, he should immediately compromise as he said that Sam won't pulling his punches at all. So, he quickly took out his token and broke it. Following him Shawn and Jack also looked at Sam and nodded and then they broke their tokens at the same time. They too don't want to fight with Sam as they were already shown mercy once. They are not naïve enough to think that Sam will show them mercy again. Looking at the three people who quit, Harry also took out his token and left. Now there are only five people left. They looked at each other and simultaneously launched their attacks towards Sam.

Sam saw as various spells and weapons were launched towards him. In front of everyone's eyes, Sam disappeared leaving only an after image. The five candidates all looked around vigilantly. But suddenly an explosion came and one of the candidates flew into the air, with his skin scorched. The remaining four started feeling anxious and another arrow hit the burly guy who spoke first and he also flew with an explosion. The remaining three didn't dare to hesitate any longer and immediately broke their tokens. Finally, Sam is the only one left in the testing grounds. Then a voice came and resounded.

"The second-round assessment is over, the candidate who left please, break your bronze token." The voice came and Sam took out his token and broke it.

Sam reappeared at a place and looked around. He felt quite puzzled as he was in an unexpected place. He thought that he would be out of the testing grounds, but he was in a place which looked like a cave and all the other people with in the top 100 are in it. Then the same voice which gave the announcement earlier came again and resounded.

"Now all the top hundred candidates are selected and you will be participating in the next round assessment tomorrow. You will participate as a team and have a group battle against the senior team. The senior team only has people who joined last year. Some elders will be monitoring your battle and interfere, if there are any critical situations. You will be given new tokens and use it to escape as soon as you can if you can't handle the situation. Even though the elders can save you, it might already be late. Your life is still in your hands. Since, some of your seniors are already in late stages of Acolyte, you can use weapons up to rank 2. But the inscribed weapons and inscription scrolls and pills are still prohibited. Those who want to get healed, there will be an elder visiting you to heal you. Finally, fighting is prohibited amongst yourself." The voice finished the announcement in rapid pace and disappeared.

Sam then looked around the people in the cave and he felt so many sharp glares at him. He then shook his head and smiled as he walked to the corner and sat down as he stretched his body and closed his eyes. But he can still feel the hatred filled glares. The glares only stopped when the elder came to heal the injured. Sam sighed and leaned against the wall to take a nap.