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Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 28

Sam took a nap for an hour and woke up. He saw that all the people assemble together while some people stood facing them. Sam saw them and recognised them as some of the elders of the Starwood academy. Sam slowly moved towards the group as they are still settling. After some moments, the elder in the lead spoke.

"As you all heard from the announcement earlier, this time the assessment is to compete with your seniors in the school. The seniors will be at the maximum cultivation level of the late stage Acolyte. The aim of the battle is to take away the golden sphere of the other team in their base on the other side and merge it with your silver sphere. Or you can eliminate all the other people from their team to win directly. This time you can use rank 2 weapons, but the inscribed weapons are still prohibited to bring from outside. Every thing in the testing ground is yours to use. The test will continue until the day changes and by the time the time limit is over and neither teams completed the objective, the team with the most people wins. As I already told, use your time wisely. If you are in danger you can escape by breaking the token. As the announcement said earlier, you will receive our help in critical times, but we might be late.

I have never seen or heard about the victory of the freshmen. The best outcome is that the freshmen proved themselves by eliminating as many seniors as possible. All the best."

The Elder finished and the elders beside him started distributing the tokens. This time the tokens are in silver colour. "Every candidate of the opposite team is worth one point. And the one with the most points will be ranked higher. Which will be individual ranking of the round. There will be the overall ranking which will be assessed later. There will be rewards for every rank." The Elder continued after the distribution of the tokens. Then a screen and a platform appeared. There is silver sphere on the platform and all the names of the candidates can be seen on the screen. When everyone looked at the name of the first ranker, they looked towards Sam, as they wanted to etch his name and face inside their minds.

"The third-round assessment begins." The elder said and left with the other elders.

After the elders left, all the people looked at each other as they were confused on how to proceed further. Sam just shook his head and went to the back side of the crowd and sat down as he leaned against the wall.

"We need to select a leader." Someone said from the group.

"I agree. But the question is who should be the leader?" As soon as he finished everyone looked at Sam involuntarily and then immediately rejected the idea. Then they looked at the ranking list and were thinking, who should be the leader. Then suddenly Harry walked to the front and faced the crowd as he said. "I am Harry from the city lord mansion, the city lord of the Starwood city is my father. So, I would like to take the position of the leader."

When everyone heard this, they exchanged looks for a brief moment and agreed. Even the nobles didn't have any objections, there are not many nobles left to begin with. Only the people from Evergreen family and the people from the city lord mansion were left and they both don't have any objections.

When everyone showed their approval, Harry felt satisfied with himself and gave Sam a proud look as if he defeated him. But Sam paid little attention to the whole thing, much less Harry.

Harry started giving instructions, to the people.

"Everyone, start separating yourselves into groups by the type of elements you have. Warrior mages will form two groups of main force. One to defend the silver sphere and one to obtain the other's sphere. The wood element and wind element mages along with a warrior team will act as scouts. Earth mages will divide into two groups to provide two lines of defence. Water mages are responsible for support on all the groups, with both attack and defence. Fire elements also join the main attack force and leave three people here at the cave. Archers and the rest of wind elements along with metal elemental mages will lay in ambush at this spot...….."

Harry indeed took a good command position as he instructed everyone as he showed them the directions through the map that was given by the elders. The map is the layout of the current battlefield. After Harry is done with the basic instructions, everyone started preparing for the departure. When the place near the map is somewhat cleared, Sam made his way to the map and started looking at it.

"Wait, what about him?" Someone asked as she pointed at Sam. This person is none other than the girl who challenged Sam. The one who asked about the formations. Sam looked at her with the surprised expression. He didn't expect she of all people would mention him at this point.

But Sam didn't say anything, he just stared at the map, as if he didn't care at all.

"What about him?" Harry asked from the side. Many people also started getting curious. They forgot about Sam when they are busy listening to Harry's instructions.

"You do know that he defeated all the people here single-handed right?" The girl said to Harry as if waiting for him to explain.

"He is not suitable for the team. We can do better if he doesn't get involved." Harry said as he averted his gaze. He really didn't wanted Sam to get involved in this operation as he didn't want him get any credit. So, he is using the power he had as the leader to oppress him. He waited for Sam to object him, but the one who is objected him is another person. It is none other than Shawn.

"Are you kidding me Harry? You are going to keep him out of the team, just because you got your ass beat?" Shawn didn't hold back at all, as he revealed Harry's true intentions. Shawn looked at Harry with disdain.

"He took down almost all fifty of us in a single strike and you are saying that he is not suitable for this battle." Shawn said again before Harry could reply. Harry only snorted in reply.

Then Sam suddenly turned around and walked towards the cave entrance as though the topic is not related to him. Just as he was about to leave the cave. Somebody shouted.

"Wait." Sam halted his foot steps as he turned around and saw the girl from earlier is walking towards him. She stopped in front of him and spoke.

"I am Melissa. Shall we team up for this round?" She asked Sam with a polite tone. Sam looked at her as he examined from top to bottom. Even though she is not as beautiful as the three goddesses she is still a rare beauty, she tied her long hair into a pony tail as she wore a battle attire. Sam examined her as he asked. "Why?"

"I think your skills are more helpful in this battle." She said without hesitation. But Sam's reply stunned her. "No, no. What I am asking is, why should I team up with you?" Sam's question stumped not only her but also all the other candidates.

As he saw she wasn't replying, Sam was about to leave. Then she stopped him and said. "I am the daughter of the formation tower head. Even though I am not a ranked formation master, I can assist you in laying the formations."

Sam looked at her and said. "You can come with me. But you have to follow my instructions." Sam said as if he wasn't going to accept no as an answer.

Melisa nodded an both of them started walking. But they were halted again by another person. This is none other than Shawn. Jack is standing beside him. Sam looked at Shawn with a questioning gaze filled with displeasure. His face said that, if Shawn didn't give proper explanation, he is going to beat him up.

"Well, you see. We don't like this Harry guy, so can we follow you. You don't have to worry. I am genius, and my friend here is also not bad. We won't drag you down. We will follow all your commands." Shawn said with a wide smile. Sam shook his head and said. "Suit yourself." Then the four of them left. Mathew hesitated, whether you should follow them are not, but he decided against it.

Harry gritted his teeth in anger as he saw four of them leaving. He felt that he lost a lot of face, as they rejected follow his command. "There are only four people, we don't have to care about them." Harry said to the rest of the freshmen and again started assigning the tasks to them.

At the viewing platforms, the city lord shook his head in disappointment. Right now, there are no younger generation people here as they all joined in the third round in the seniors' team. All the spectators are watching the scene.

Meanwhile in the cave similar to the one fresh were in, the seniors are discussing the plan. The one in the centre is Philip as he instructed everyone. Even though Philip is one of the lower cultivation level persons at level 5 Acolyte. He is known for his strategies and all the seniors gave him the command. He concluded arranging the tasks and then said.

"if you find anyone wearing black and doesn't have any armour and wields a bow or a staff. Don't engage unless there are three people in the group and all of you have to be at least middle-stage Acolytes. Otherwise, just turn your tail and run to meet other team mates, leave whatever task you are doing and inform others." Philip said in a solemn tone.

All the seniors felt a little puzzled and someone asked. "Philip, who is this guy, that you gave him such high evaluation? What is his cultivation level?"

"Well, we can be considered friends. As for his cultivation level, he must be at Level3 Acolyte stage." Philip said with a smile.

"Hmph, just a trash at Level 3 Acolyte. He is mine. Everyone, if you encounter him, capture him and I will trade for him with you for 1000 spirit stones." Carl said from the side as he left along with his squad. Philip only shook his head and said.

"Guys, I am not trying to exaggerate here. He killed a 'Blazing earth bull' which is at Level 2 initial stage in a single punch when he is at only 9th level of initiation stage. You can understand how great his combat prowess is. As far as I know, he is a warrior mage now and of fire attribute. I don't know his full prowess, but he has many tricks up his sleeves. If he just wants to escape and survive until the end, with his speed, nobody will be able to stop him." Philip said in a grave tone. Then he let everyone disperse and only Philip, Marvin, Paul, Freya and Haley are inside the cave looking at the map.

"Haley, who do you think the commander of the freshmen team will be?" Philip asked.

"I think Harry will take the charge." Haley said with certainty.

"Then what do you think Sam's position will be in the team." He asked again,

"According to my understanding of his character, he won't give Sam any position which will help him take more credit." Haley said.

"If he hinders Sam for at least half of the time, that would work for our advantage. If he can't even use an excellent trump card like Sam properly then he is really foolish." Philip said as he shook his head.

"If Sam's movements are restricted and dragged down by the team, we will win without much trouble." Marvin said. Rest of them also nodded.

But they didn't know that Sam is completely let loose and he didn't have to follow any orders at all. He is right now at the river which divided the territories of both the freshmen and the seniors.

Sam looked at the stone path which is the only safe way to cross the river. He observed it as he looked at from the river bank. Melisa, Shawn and Jack stood behind him as they just looked at him doing weird observations.

"Do you know what place this is?" Sam asked them as faced them.

"This is the dividing line of the territory. Harry said that there is only this one bridge to cross the river safely and the river is filled with dangerous water bound beasts." Melisa said. Sam then nodded and continued.

"Right now, both teams' scouts are making their way here slowly so that they won't leave any tracks behind, but we don't have to do that because, we are not using this to cross the river, rather, we are using this to trap them." Sam said and turned towards the bridge.

"Shawn can you destroy the path?" Sam asked nonchalantly.

The three of them furrowed their brows as they heard Sam's words. Seeing his expression, he didn't seem to be joking.

"Sam. Isn't it a bit risky." Melisa slowly asked.

"You, don't have to worry about it. I have another way to cross the bridge. Judging by the speed. The main squads won't come near the bridge until the late morning and even the scouts take few hours. Now, both the teams will use the darkness as the cover to place the traps. So, don't worry. I have my plans. Shawn make it as smooth as possible without much noise." Sam instructed.

Shawn couldn't do anything and used his earth elemental control to completely drown the stone path.

Sam then took out a few corpses of the blood hyena and dropped them in the river where the path is used to be.

Soon a large number of alligator type beast gathered near the meat. These are the 'River gators' and a water type beast. Right now, all the beasts are at level 2 middle stage, when they saw 10 something River gators coming, they slowly stepped back. Only Sam remained there as he looked at the River gators which are slowly making their way on to the land. Suddenly Sam released a peculiar aura which all the other people couldn't comprehend, but they saw all the River gators stopped in their tracks and prostrated in front of Sam as if paying respects.

Sam released his Golden Crow blood line power. Before the three could understand what is happening, Sam gave some commands which made them stupefied.

"Relay my commands to all your kin. No one should carry the river easily. Any one who dares to cross the river from this area should be stopped by you guys. You can only let them cross it, if your life is in danger. Otherwise, don't let them cross at all. One mile on both sides is your job to guard, do you understand?" Sam commanded the river gators as he is commanding his own subordinates. But even more shocking thing is that all the River gators nodded their heads excitedly. Sam then took out all the corpses of the blood hyenas and gave them to the river gators.

"This is your compensation for guarding the river. If you guys have a life-threatening danger, you can stop the duty. You don't have to keep your life on line. Now let us cross the river." Sam said and as soon as he did, the biggest of all the river gators walked forward and entered the river. Sam and others stepped on its back. Then the river gator swam across the river and left them at the other bank of the river.

Even after the beast left, Melisa and others are still in daze as they couldn't understand the situation.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 29

After crossing the river, Sam and the other three separated to scout for a while to find a temporary safe point. After finding a safe point, where they can avoid the both teams, Sam and others sat in a circle as they discussed the plan.

"There is an open field which has to be crossed to arrive at the cave of the opposing teams. I think in a while after the first batch of the scouting teams of the seniors' team returned to the base after they searched their territory, the main attack force and support force will move to take advantage in the dark. There is a narrow pathway which is the only route for entering and exiting the path as the trees are denser and the other two sides are territories of two beast packs. One side is the lair of the Dark wind wolves and the other side is the territory of the Myriad illusion snake." Sam said as he started drawing the outline of the map of the on the soil. The other three had serious expressions as they are trying to comprehend how to utilise the information. Well, at least two are trying, while the other one is already speaking as soon as Sam finished.

"Oh Sam, your drawing skills are good. Even though they are not as good as mine, they are okay" Shawn said with a narcissist smile. All three of them looked at him with speechless expressions.

Sam looked at the calm and collected Jack and then looked at Shawn, then said to Jack in a pitying tone. "It must have been hard on you to handle this guy." Jack first time had a change of expression as he looked at Shawn and then at Sam. His face was filled with helplessness as nodded his head.

Sam then abruptly stood up and kicked Shawn who sat on his left side on his butt. Shawn fell face first in to the soil as a lot of sand went straight to his mouth through his c.o.c.ky grin.

"Sam, that's a bitch move. What has my handsome bum has ever done to you for punishing it? You must have been jealous of my butt. Seeing that yours is bony." Shawn stood up and roared at Sam furiously. Sam didn't say anything and instantly disappeared and kicked Shawn on his butt again as soon as he appeared behind him. This time Shawn is a little prepared and avoided the face first fall as he supported himself with his hands.

Just as he was about sigh in relief another kick landed on his bum and Shawn rolled on the ground.

"Pfft." Melisa couldn't hold on anymore and laughed as Sam kicked Shawn repeatedly on his butt. Meanwhile, Jack is looking at Shawn who actually felt quite vexed and helpless. 'Seems like I need to employ the same method in the future.' He thought.

"Truce, Truce. I will hear you and won't speak for the rest of the plan." Shawn immediately told as soon as he understood why Sam literally kicked his ass. Sam nodded and then moved towards the drawing he drew and continued.

"Actually, Academy arranged the layout of the cave vicinities almost same. For our freshmen team cave, we have to pass through a narrow path inside a bamboo forest. The both sides of forest are also occupied by two beast packs. One is Black mane gorillas and the second one is the Wind tailed panther." Sam said.

Listening to this information the three felt surprised. Previously, when Harry explained the plan, he also pointed out the lairs of the various beasts. But they didn't notice this peculiar similarity between the layouts. Ignoring their thoughts, Sam continued.

"The thing is, the academy wants to see how the participants are going to face the situation when we have to face the enemies head on from a single direction. When the team members move from the cave and cross the narrow path, they will enter the open field I mentioned. Between the two open fields, there is a complex forest which is equally divided in to two halves."

All of them nodded as they understood the basic layout now.

"How are we going to proceed in the competition? Are we going for the sphere or for the kills?" Jack asked the question. Melisa also nodded as if she also wanted the answer and looked at the Sam's Handsome face. Sam had a mischievous smile on his already devilishly handsome face, which gave him a unique evil charm.

"Of course, we are going for the kills. Even if we manage to get the sphere from the senior teams, we cannot reach our team's sphere and merge them ourselves. The entire team is against us." Sam said as if it was obvious.

The three have very different expressions. Jack nodded as if he expected the answer and Shawn had an expression as if he trying to listen everything with an incredible concentration. Melisa was surprised by the decision. Sam then looked at her and explained.

"Even though you might think that stealing is a better method as our numbers are low. You are forgetting something. What matters to us right now is points. The more points we get the higher the ranking will be. the elders won't expect us to win the battle anyway." Sam said with a faint smile.

"At least in this way, we will have our individual rankings a bit higher." Sam finished.

"Okay what is the plan?" Melisa asked.

"The thing is, the senior team has an advantage in the cultivation level and they clearly know about the beast territories and won't take any measures to defend there. Same goes for the freshmen team. But the Senior team don't know that we are completely by ourselves and they won't expect to act against the norms.

What we will be doing is that we would set a very basic trap at the exit of the narrow patch way from this side and conceal it with the concealment formation. As far as I know, some noble family candidates who saw performance may be cautious against me using the attack formations. But we are not going to do this." Sam paused and then turned towards Jack and spoke.

"You have to guide Shawn to do something according the instructions I will give, as I will leave along with Ms. Melisa to get something. You guys have to be careful." Jack agreed and Shawn only nodded his head.

"We will move as soon as the Main force and their support leaves the ground. We will lay the trap and flush the defence team as well as the defence support outside towards the trap."

"How are we going to do that?" Melisa asked Sam.

"You will see. But first go and get your hands on as many bird type beasts as you can. You have to kill it in a cleaner way as I need their blood. I will collect some necessary herbs." Sam said and moved; the rest of the teammates also moved.

After an hour Sam and others met at the same point.

"Shawn make a pit of two feet deep and one metre wide." Sam said and immediately took out some odd-looking grass like herbs which are in red colour. Shawn made a pit and Sam started crushing the herbs and the rest followed suit and a red coloured fluid came and poured them in the pit. After crushing all the juice from the grass, Sam said again.

"Extract blood from all the birds and fill the pit."

Everyone got to work and started filling the pit with blood. When the work is done, Sam gestured them to get back from the pit and started heating the blood and plant juice mixture with the golden flame. After some time, a pleasant fragrance came from the pit making all feel strange.

"Don't breathe, hold your breath" Sam's shout made their minds clear as they immediately held their breath and tried to calm their minds. Soon Sam finished and collected the liquid of this in a big leather bag used to carry water. He stored all of it inside various bags and kept them way in rapid pace. Then only all of them released their breaths in relief.

"We will be going, by now the main attack team will be gone. We need to move as soon as possible, before they take any preventive measures." Sam said and moved. The rest hurriedly followed even though they have many questions they wanted to ask.

At the viewing platforms,

"What are the four kids doing? They are hunting bird type beasts and that guy is collecting that weird grass."

"Oh, they finally met."

"What are they doing? Are they making any concoction or something?"

"What is the mixture? Judging from their looks, that seems to have some weird effects on them."

Everyone is discussing the weird actions of Sam and his group. Only a few people who are knowledgeable are having some thoughts about Sam's plans. But even they felt a bit confused.

Actually, Sam got this knowledge on how to use this grass from the beastuary as it is something only available near the Myriad illusion snake territory. Not many people know how to use it more effectively. Sam and others moved fast but stealthily as they finally reached the area near the exit of the narrow path. They could faintly see the tracks left by the attack team and the support team. Sam guessed that there are at least forty people moving.

Sam and others halted and checked whether there any traps or ambushes left by the team. When they found that there are no traps, Sam felt that something is not right. Then suddenly Melissa spoke. "Actually, it is not common to use basic traps in battle, as the cultivators can sniff them out easily. That is the reason, I am also waiting for the kind of trap you are going to set up." Sam nodded and started his command.

"Shawn, you have to dig pits at least 12 feet deep in all the points, I am going to mark. The pits should in circular shape, with at least one-meter diameter. We have to finish it as soon as possible. If I am not wrong, the next batch of scouts will be coming in search for the tracks of the main attack force of the freshmen team. I will lay down the concealment formation. Then you guys can proceed."

Sam finished laying the formation in a few minutes, this speed dumbfounded the other three, especially Melisa. She saw this speed only when her father laid down a very basic first rank formation. But her father is a rank 2 formation master. When Sam is done, he ignored their surprise and said with a faint smile.

"You guys should proceed. Jack cover for them. Melisa, as soon as Shawn finished a pit, you use your water element and make a swamp inside. The swamp should make them struck at least knee deep when they fall from this height. Melisa, after you are making a swamp, you should drop all the liquid inside the pit. Shawn after you are done with this you are going to close the mouth of the hole with a very thin layer of soil. It shouldn't even have any traces of being dug out." Sam finished saying and Melisa immediately asked.

"Sam, do you really think these common traps will work?" Sam smiled and didn't answer her immediately, then he looked at the dark sky and said. "Ms. Melisa, when a person thinks he got stronger, he starts ignoring the most basic threats. Now, the seniors will be thinking they are stronger than us and in fact it is true. So, it is natural to become a little complacent. We are going to use it against them. They wouldn't expect us to use these basic traps. They might even think that we may use an attack formation as they knew about me. But they wouldn't expect me doing this. And the concealment formation is of visual type. So, they can't see any difference and all they can see is the area before we set the traps. You will understand when they come." He paused and then addressed all three. Out of 10 pits we dug, total four are mine and the rest are yours." They nodded their head. Actually, they are not really counting on these traps.

"Okay, Shawn and Melisa, please finish this as soon as possible. Jack do you have any long-range attacks at your disposal?" Sam asked. Jack nodded his head and didn't say anything else. Sam also didn't pursue and started making preparations and took out another type of plant and started making juice out of it. They didn't ask him anything and just let him be.

Shawn and Melisa are efficient and completed this in half an hour. Sam also finished his preparation and said. "You guys hide in the trees and stay away from the pits for some time. I will lure the people out as soon as possible." Sam said and was about to leave.

"Will you be able to do this alone? If you want, we can help you." Melisa asked and Jack also looked at him. Sam just shook his head and left with a smile. Melisa fell in to a daze as she looked at Sam's handsome smile. Sam didn't notice and started moving towards his next destination.

Meanwhile at the viewing platforms. All the spectators also quite puzzled as they saw the actions of Sam and his group. One of the noble elders sneered. "These guys are still too naïve to think that these common traps would work. They really think that they can win themselves. They are too c.o.c.ky to leave young master Harry's leadership. This guy is one of the elders from the city lord mansion. City lord also nodded and said.

"They really are naïve. Particularly the young man in black named Sam. He is strong, but if he can think that he is strong enough to take on all the people at the senior team with his little group, he is really foolish. I don't really think he is fit enough to join the Starwood academy with that thinking of not joining a team." City lord spoke as he looked towards the Starwood Academy's viewing platform.

All the nobles immediately caught on what he is implying. The city lord wants to deal with Sam and wants him to not enrol in the Academy. If he gets into academy, he will be under the Academy's protection and making a move against him is provoking the entire academy. All the nobles immediately started singing the same tune as City lord and said.

"City lord is right indeed. This guy is ruthless and ambitious at the same time. He left the team to gain all the credit himself. He really is unfit to join the academy. The Crimson flame family head said.

"I think the City lord is right."

"Me too." All the noble family heads agreed. Only the four tower heads and the Evergreen family are just watching in silent.

"I wonder what the Principal thinks." City lord asked all of a sudden and everyone became silent. All the nobles who spoke earlier are waiting eagerly. The Principal didn't speak and just watched the projection. Seeing this City lord said with a much colder tone.

"I hope the Principal will make a wise decision." This is a hidden threat. All the people understood that city lord is quite serious.

"It is not your place to decide who should or shouldn't join the Academy. Isn't is right City lord?" The Principal directly spoke after City lord threatened him. Everyone who spoke up earlier immediately shut their mouths. City lord just snorted and didn't speak either.

"Look, he is entering the wolves' territory." Someone spoke from the crowd and everyone immediately turned their attention back to the projection and were quite surprised.

Sam is indeed entering the Dark wind wolves' territory near the senior team cave area. The Dark wind wolves are of Dual elemental attribute. Darkness and Wind. Sam is going to use these wolves against the senior team.

Sam waited for some time and moved as soon as sky brightened a little. Dawn came. He moved deep inside the territory and soon found out the main lair of the wolves. Sam hid his aura completely and observed the wolves from a hidden corner. He is saw the alpha of the pack which is at the Late stage of level 2. All the wolves are close to it.

All the wolves are just waking up one by one slowly as dawn broke. Sam looked at them and immediately took out several small glass bottles which are filled with a green fluid. This is the plant juice Sam made while setting the traps. Sam gave an evil smile and started his preparations.

Meanwhile at the freshmen cave. Harry and only another person were left in the cave as he sent everyone else outside. He walked towards the platform and took the Silver sphere and kept it inside a leather pouch and hung it to his belt. He then turned towards the other guy and said.

"Build a thick earthen wall." The other guy was quite nervous and just nodded his head. After that he used a spell and an earthen wall was formed in front of the platform hiding the platform. After it was done, Harry nodded and said. "You better keep your mouth shut." Then he walked outside along with the other guy.

When they came out all the other freshmen candidates are waiting outside for them for a sometime. Mathew looked at Harry and asked. "What is the delay for?"

"Nothing, we were building an earthen wall as an extra defence." Harry said casually. No one doubted him and Harry along with another thirty members including Mathew started moving together. They were the attack team of the team and the scouts' team and ambush teams already left. There are only twenty people left at the Cave. Even though many objected that twenty is very few and are not enough, Harry didn't listen and just kept them here and another twenty people are left at the edge of the open field and remaining people are scouts and ambush squad.

Harry didn't mention the sphere at all to the others. Because he has another motive. The points for merging the sphere are fifty, which exceeds another people by large number if he did it. He didn't really trust his team members that they would let him do it that is why he took the sphere along with him. If his team members know, they wouldn't agree as it is dangerous to take it outside and it would help the senior team if they knew. But the senior team knowing is quite impossible. Or so he thought.

As soon as everyone left the cave and started walking a team of three emerged from within the soil behind the earthen wall.

"We should thank these freshmen really. Particularly that guy Harry. He made it a lot easier for us." One of the three said.

"This Harry really won't change. He only cares about himself. If he had used that guy in black, we would have a difficult time." Another guy said as he shook his head. He is from the Evergreen family and he also saw the second round along with other noble children.

"Who is that guy actually? Even Philip said to stay vigilant." The remaining person spoke with curiosity.

"Well, he is a friend of Philip and came from the Lava rock village. He is not only monster in battle taking on multiple opponents at same time. He is really proficient in archery and also formations. You guys didn't see, what he did in the second round. He actually defeated the top hundred all by himself using formations. And from the rest of the top ten, four guys including harry all gave up even before they fought." The guy from the Evergreen family said.

"He really is good then. Judging on this Harry's character, he must have held grudge against him and didn't give him proper opportunity and kept him in scouts team or something." The other guy replied.

"Okay it is time, we need to send the information to Philip and the attack squad to intercept Harry and his team. We are going to win this easier than we thought." As soon as he finished, all three of them entered the tunnel. Then they emerged behind the cave. There are about seven people waiting for them.

This is the scout squad who are responsible for scouting the main base of the Freshmen team. The three people who entered the tunnel are Late stage Earth elemental mage Acolytes. The decision to infiltrate the territory when it is still dark is very beneficial to them.

As soon as they relayed the information to the rest of the seven members, a guy took out a paper and wrote everything. Then he took out a bow and arrow. He tied up the paper to the arrow and shot it towards the bamboo forest. He is a wind element mage warrior. The arrow tore through the wind as it smoothly reached a tree and struck to it.

A guy emerged from the dark and took the paper from the arrow and shot it again in certain direction where another guy picked it up. These guys are from the second scout team. Actually, Sam made a mistake of guessing that the scout teams still haven't crossed the river. They crossed the river even he before he broke the stone path. So, twenty people slipped through and sent the information to the base and then to the attack squad.

The attack team of seniors has twenty people only. But more than half of them are at late stage and other at least at peak of middle stage Acolytes. Most of them are warrior mages.

By the time the information came to the attack team, they are almost nearing the river crossing. The leader of the team smiled as he spoke.

"The Team leader of the freshmen team is just as we predicted, Harry, the son of the city lord. The information says that the silver sphere is with him and even his team members doesn't know it. We can finish it quickly if we cross the river and set an ambush at the other side.

The others also became excited as they moved faster, but when they saw the river crossing, they immediately dropped their excitement. There is no usual stone pathway over the river is not there. The team leader gritted his teeth and said.

"We have to cross this as soon as possible. Let us go. Water elemental mages and Warrior mages, you guys move first."

Five people of the twenty moved. Four of them are Water element Mages and the fifth one is mage warrior. All of them are at peak of middle stage except one person who is at the late stages of the Acolyte. All four of them entered the water as they moved and reduced the water resistance by controlling the water flow. The rest of the team are also following them from behind. When they are in the middle of the river flow suddenly a river they stopped moving.

All the members gulped down loudly as they looked around nervously. They are surrounded by the river gators. Suddenly, all the river gators attacked and started biting them. "Move" the team leader shouted as they tried to retreat. But they are quite slow and are a far away from the both sides. Then they decisively moved forward while fending off the attacks from the River gators. After a desperate struggle they got an opening. But a guy screamed.

"Shit. Vile beasts" He screamed as he broke his token and disappeared then followed by him other three people including two women also broke their tokens. All four of them are fire element users. One of them is even Warrior mage. All of them are late stage. The rest of the team members cursed under their breath as they started moving hysterically towards the other side.

By the time they reached the other side, they lost another team mate and only 15 people were left in the team.

"Shit. These wild beasts. I want to kill them all." A guy shouted as he stood up.

"Stop, we need to move towards a safe place. We have to engage the attack team as quickly as possible." The team leader stopped the guy and lead the rest of them to the forest.

At this moment at the Viewing platform all the spectators are whispering while glancing at the city lord. They are really disgusted by Harry's actions. By the time they are getting heated by the discussion they saw the scene of attack team getting attacked by the river gators and five of them getting eliminated. Their jaws dropped. They saw the scene when Sam commanded the River gators but they never expected this to actually work. Then they saw the change in the score board. There are five points next to Sam's name. The first one to gain points is Sam a freshman instead of any senior.

"How can the attacks by the River gators count as his points?" An elder from the city lord mansion shouted.

"He commanded the beasts to attack and they obeyed. Thus, they are his subordinates, we can even call them as his weapons. So, naturally the points are his. Even the formation spirit of the testing grounds accepted it. Why, do you have a problem?" An elder from the Academy's platform said. Everyone became silent and didn't speak.

Then suddenly score board changed again as points appeared beside ten members of the senior team. Then everyone noticed that the scouts' team of the seniors' team at the cave attacked the defence and took them out only one guy from the freshman is left. He is none other than Oliver. He is left out as his fingers are not completely healed. The Elder said that he needs to rest the fingers for at least a month, before he can fight or do anything else. That is why he was left here and used as watchman for the cave. One of the seniors questioned him.

"Do you know Sam?"

"Yes" He replied in a shaky voice. As soon as he heard the name, he involuntarily broke into cold sweat. He himself didn't notice, but the seniors did. They patted his shoulder and said.

"Where is he now? Which area is he assigned to?" The senior asked again.

Oliver forced himself to calm down and said in a low voice. "He is not participating with the team."

The seniors frowned and asked. "What do you mean?"

Then Oliver recounted what happened and the seniors' mood became gloomy.

"We need to inform this to Philip." One of them said and took out a paper. But they don't know it would be too late.

Meanwhile at the Wolves' lair. Sam finally finished his preparations and started moving, He has a very small glass container in each hand as ran towards the wolf pack. Sam then threw the containers and took out another one from the storage. Just like that before the wolves could react, he threw a lot of containers with the green liquid, the black wolves with blue eyes all inhaled the green vapours emitted by the green liquid and started shaking with irritation. They looked at Sam, who is running and all the wolves including the alpha started chasing him.

Sam ran at a fixed pace. He is visible to the wolves, but kept a constant distance between them. He ran straight towards the cave of Seniors' team. After running for a while suddenly the cave entrance came into his view and he increased his pace.

"Philip the wolves are chasing someone, he is leading them this way." Someone who is on the watch duty outside the cave ran inside and said. Philip and others ran outside and saw. They didn't recognise Sam. Because Sam changed his clothes and covered his face. He ran in the front and the wolves followed.

There is a total of thirty people inside the cave and all of them came outside and looked at the incoming wolves with fear. When they looked at the guy in front, they all want to greet all his ancestors for luring the wolves here.

Philip looked at the team members and said. "This guy is definitely a freshman. He must have provoked the wolves accidentally and brought them here. We need to take the sphere and move out of this place. Let's go."

All of them went inside and then stared the screen in dumbfounded manner. They looked at five names which are dimmed. They are all from the attack squad. "Damn, it there are already people from the attack squad who got eliminated." Someone said through his teeth. Philp also felt quite surprised. But he didn't dally and said. "Paul, take the sphere. We have to move quick."

All the defence team at the cave moved towards the narrow path and then met with the other defence team which has twenty members, now all fifty members started moving towards the narrow path. Even though they have fifty members, the thought of fighting the wolves didn't even cross their minds. They just kept on fleeing. But how can they be faster than Sam and Wolves?

Soon Sam along with the wolves met the group. The group which is orderly suddenly became chaotic mob and all of them started fending the wolves as they ran towards the path. Sam removed the clothes covering his original attire and threw it away. Then he took out a big glass container which contained the same red liquid he made and threw it in the middle of the battle as he held his breath.

The wolves and the candidates all started feeling dizzy as they took in the vapours emitted by the red liquid. Philip looked at Sam and the liquid he threw and immediately cursed.

"F.u.c.k, hold your breaths and move out of this area." He said as he moved towards the narrow path and entered it with great difficulty. Sam moved to the back of the battle field and didn't follow them towards the path. He looked at the people who fell unconscious on ground along with the wolves. The Wolves' cultivation is not enough to make them as intelligent as humans. Yanwu is intelligent because of his high-grade blood line.

As soon as the red fumes dissipated, Sam moved towards the unconscious seniors. Out of fifty, half of them fell unconscious. The beasts all fell unconscious because they aren't intelligent enough to hold their breath. Sam slowly broke the tokens of Seniors. They disappeared and Sam looked at the wolves and pondered. Then he shook his head and dismissed the idea as he walked inside the narrow path.

Sam came out of the other end of the path and looked at Melisa, Jack and Shawn. Melisa has a cheerful expression and Shawn has a grin. Only Jack is calm as ever. Sam looked at the pits and slowly took a detour around them. He then looked at Melisa and asked with a smile.

"How is it?"

Then only the three noticed Sam and almost jumped out of their skin.

"Sam, you are not handsome as me. So, if you surprise people like that you will scare them to death." Shawn said in a vexed tone. Both Melisa and Jack looked at him speechlessly. Sam didn't speak and kicked him on his butt directly.

"Sorry, sorry." Just as Sam was about to continue, Shawn pleaded. Then Sam slowly walked towards the pits and looked at the people inside. The seniors inside are all cursing.

"Damn it we fell into their traps. We are done for."

"Who came with this despicable idea?"

"I want to kill them."

Actually, all the seniors aren't unconscious this time. As even though Sam and others dropped the liquid, it has been long time and their effects will be reduced even though the hole is closed. That is why seniors are just feeling weak instead of unconscious. Sam slowly moved towards other pits and finally found someone.

He looked into the pit, coincidentally all of Sam's friends are inside that pit. Philip, Marvin, Freya, Haley and Paul. All are looking at Sam with angry looks. Even cold as ice Haley is looking angry.

"Sam, can you be any more despicable?" Marvin shouted from pit.

"Good to see you too. Marvin" Sam spoke in sarcasm. Then he looked at Philip and said.

"Philip, didn't expect you to be the commander."

"Me too. I didn't expect you to be here. I thought based on Harry's character, he would try to suppress your involvement." Philip said as he smiled. Even though he is angry he is in a better mood than other four.

"Well, you are not wrong completely. You guys just gave an unnecessarily high evaluation to his intellect. He just said that, I don't need to be the part of the team and do however I want." Then he gestured Melisa and others to come and spoke as he pointed at them. "These guys followed me and here we are, setting up half of the Senior team." Sam finished.

Hearing to what he said. Philip and others immediately want to be buried in the same pit. They felt that this year is the most embarrassing of all years for senior team's performance.

"I guessed one thing right. You are indeed troublesome." Philip said and gestured to Paul, who took out the golden sphere out of his pocket and threw it towards Sam. Sam caught it and said. "Thanks, I will treat you guys to dinner. So, don't hold against he alright."

"Next time. At least let us fight you man. You are too ruthless. You are not even giving us chance to fight and directly making us lose." Marvin complained from the side. Sam nodded and waved his hands. All of them took out their tokens and broke them. Sam's points increased by another five. He then walked towards the other three. He then said. "You guys can take the other pits. I had enough harvest." And then he moved towards a tree and leaned against it to rest. The three nodded and walked towards another pit. Shawn and Melisa took seven points each and Jack got six points. Then three of them walked towards Sam and also sat down as he waited for him to recover.

As soon as Sam opened his eyes. Melisa asked. "Sam how did you do it?"

Sam smiled and replied. "Actually, it is quite simple. The red grass is from the territory of the Myriad illusion snake and it only grows there. It is known as 'Mind numbing grass'. If it is mixed with the blood of the bird type beasts which is usually warmer natured than the normal beasts and heat it up. It will make people unconscious. But it only works on Acolyte level and it the person is more vigilant, it might not even work. Then the green liquid is taken from another grass which also grows in the same territory. It is called 'turmoil grass'. It will make the temper of the ones who inhaled it to immediately lose and attack their enemies in frenzy. I used it on wolves and lured them towards the senior team main camp. Then the rest you know." As soon as Sam finished all three of them dropped their jaws. Not only them even the spectators at the Viewing platforms are all in uproar. Sam stood up and said.

"Don't you guys remember the words of the elder? Everything in the forest is our resource."

Sam started walking as the rest of the three stared at his back in daze. They really heard and remembered the elder's words, but only understood now, how much those words can mean.

"Come on, only half of the seniors are out, there is still other half of them roaming around. I think it won't take long before they figure out something happened to their main base. Let's just go to their main base and rest for mow and we can plan further." Sam said in an unusually loud tone. The three of them were quite puzzled but didn't mention anything and followed Sam.

As soon as four of them left, a black shadow moved and started travelling in the opposite direction. He is none other than a member of the second scout team.

Sam halted in his steps in the narrow pathway and turned around completely. He smirked as he looked at the back of the figure who is moving at a rapid pace. Sam then spoke.

"Change of plans. We need to set a huge trap inside the main cave and let then find another hiding point." The three of them were obviously confused by Sam's decision and exchanged glances. Sam shook his head and said.

"Trust me. The information of us going to rest is already on its way to the rest of the team which is still in out there, I really underestimated Philip. He really did a great job forming an information network. Okay let's go before the wolves wake up. We need to make our preparations as early as possible." Sam said and started running towards the Main cave of the Senior team.

Meanwhile at the viewing platforms. Everyone stared at Sam as if they were afraid to miss any of his actions. They really broadened their horizons. They saw Sam making use of the most common traps and then taking out half of the Senior team all by himself. Even though there are other three, they really didn't help much. When they looked at the screen showing the score, they saw that out of 55 members that are eliminated in senior team. 35 are under Sam and the rest of the twenty members are under the remaining three who followed Sam. The remaining freshmen team really did nothing.

"This guy is too smart." One of the elders said and rest couldn't help but nod in acceptance. Sam really used every resource in the forest as if they were his own personal tools. They really felt that Harry made a mistake without using him properly. Now, not only is he humiliating all the seniors by making fools out of them by using these tricks, he is even decreasing the chances of the remaining freshman team. The nobles felt like they should really take care of him as soon as possible. Because, with Sam's intelligence and talent and the way he remembered and took revenge for all the grudges, they might really be in trouble.

In the testing grounds.

While Sam and the other three are planning on how to deal with the remaining senior team members, something major happened in the forest near the Freshmen Base camp vicinity. This situation even diverted the attention of all the spectators at the viewing platforms from the Sam and his group.

At a place not far from the river crossing. The Senior attack team and the junior attack team are both in a confrontation. Both the attack teams are in a stand still not daring to make the first move at all. Even though the junior attack team has out numbered the Senior attack team by more than twice as they were around thirty members and the senior team has only fifteen members left, the junior team is at a major disadvantage as there are more late stage Acolytes in the Senior attack team.

Harry looked at the team members of the senior attack team with nervousness apparent in his eyes. He really didn't think that he will land in this kind of situation. He thought that he can go around the attack team and then directly confront the defence team of the Seniors at their main base and try his luck at merging the sphere in between the battle. Never in his dreams did he think that the senior attack team will directly clash with them. He almost wants to curse them all.

"We are in luck to meet Harry the son our City lord this early in the competition. What do you think everyone?" The leader of the attack team addressed his teammates in a sarcastic way.

"Mason, don't get too c.o.c.ky quickly. We haven't even battled yet to know who is the winner." Harry said in anger as he heard the team leader's sarcastic manner.

"Well, you guys think too highly of yourselves to think that you can beat us, just because you outnumber us." Mason, who is the team leader of the senior attack team said. He is the son of the captain of the city guards. So, he is clearly acquainted with Harry and both of them didn't get along well at all.

"You are overconfident." Harry retorted with a sneer.

"You could say so, because you don't outnumber us by as much as you think. ATTACK!!!!!" Mason roared, but neither him nor the team mates behind him made a move. Just as Harry was getting puzzled, three men suddenly came out of the ground beneath the freshmen team and attacked by catching them off guard. They each took care of people at same time and eliminated six of the freshmen team.

The freshmen team was immediately in chaos. Just as Harry was about to command something and control the situation. Mason and his team moved and started attacking. Fire balls, water spheres, wind blades were flying through as they started hitting each other. This is not like a battle at all. It is more like a mob fight.

Out of nowhere, more members from the senior team came joined the battle. Harry sweated profusely as he tried to think of a solution. Just then a whistling sound came as an arrow tore through the wind and pierced through his back.

"Ahhhhhh." Harry screamed in misery. The City lord immediately stood up in his seat as he saw his son got injured. But he couldn't do anything.

Harry looked at the direction from which the arrow came and saw a young man in the senior uniform aiming and shooting at the freshmen. Harry realised that winning is impossible. 'Flee'. This is the only thought that is left in his mind. Even if the team here is eliminated. He has still twenty people at the defence and another forty-five people in the form of various scout and battle teams. If he can escape now and gather them at a same place and fight back, he might actually stay for more time in the test. This is what Harry thought as he tried to flee. Then another arrow pierced his leg. He fell down and started screaming in pain. Mason slowly moved towards him and stood in front of him. Then he made various hand seals and a lot of vines grew from the ground and tied Harry in his place. Then he said with a smirk.

"Harry, you better give up now and handover the sphere. You already lost."

Harry gritted his teeth and his eyes are filled with unwillingness and resentment. He wanted to shine in this competition and wanted to be titled as the best freshman, but first Sam came and foiled his plans and now he was caught by the senior attack team and that too in the hands of the son of the subordinate of his father. He felt like he is humiliated. He looked at Mason's face and wriggle his hand out and reached into his pocket. Mason thought that he is going to break his token, so he didn't stop him. But Harry took out the silver sphere and started frenziedly injecting all his spiritual energy. Mason widened his eyes and just as he was about to make a move, he realized it was already too late. The silver sphere burst into several particles and turned into a powder. Everyone saw what happened and were dumbfounded by Harry's actions.

"Hahahahaha, If I can't have the bonus of merging the sphere, nobody can have it." Harry said hysterically as he broke his token. All the seniors started cursing under their breaths as they watched Harry vanishing from the spot. The freshmen had even more unsightly expressions as they saw the sphere destroyed. They were more concerned about the sphere being here than the fact that Harry has destroyed it. After all they didn't have much expectation on winning against the senior team. But they didn't expect their team leader to be this self-centred and didn't trust the team members at all. He just wanted the points of merging which will inevitably make him the best freshman with the highest number of points.

"Shit, this ass hole" Mathew cursed and then spoke to the one beside him. "Give the signal and tell all the team members to assemble at the cave. All the members retreat." Mathew said as he started running. The rest of the team also followed and the seniors still kept on pushing with long range attacks. By the time the remaining attack team of the Junior team were in safe place. They were only ten members left. Mason, didn't give the command to follow as he saw a scout coming towards him in a hurry. He thought that something happened and just ordered everyone to stay.

After a few moments the scout finally reached them and said in a shaky voice. "Mathew, the main base is compromised. All fifty members in the defence are down."

As soon as the rest of the members heard this news, they were all stupefied. After a few seconds silence, Mason spoke after he took a deep breath. "How?"

"According to the scouts from team 2, four people from the junior team, lured the Dark wind wolf pack towards our main base and made them move towards the trap they previously set. Fifty members are already out." The scout said.

"How did you guys know this?" Mason asked again after digesting the information.

"The team 1 sent us an urgent report which has to be delivered to the main base. The scout who is responsible went there and saw the scene where the scenario happened and the four freshmen discussing the plans for further action. Apparently, they were going to our main base and hiding there until we return." The scout finished saying in a single breath.

"I knew this would happen." The earth element warrior- mage from the Evergreen family, who is also part of the trio from the first team said as he sighed. Everyone turned and looked at him in a puzzled expression.

"Dorman, what do you mean?" Mason asked.

"Previously, when we took out the defence team of the Freshmen team, we got a piece of information. The person named Sam, about whom Philip had warned us against has been set free and another three people followed him." Dorman said.

"What do you mean set free?" Mason inquired. But some people who saw the second round had already understood.

"Actually, this guy Sam is the first ranked candidate and he defeated the rest of top 100 by luring them into a trap by setting up a formation. He is not only good in hand in hand combat, he is also good at formations and archery. He even defeated Harry when he was surrounded by all of Harry's lackeys. So, Harry took the leadership role and then completely didn't include Sam in the team and kicked him out. What Philip said is that with Harry's petty character, he would drag Sam down by giving him as worse task as possible, but he really overestimated Harry's intelligence. Now, Sam not only is free but also has some helpers. He will be really dangerous as he is very proficient in setting formations and plotting strategies. If we can't catch him as early as possible, he will be a head ache." Dorman said as he sighed dejectedly.

Mason also remembered what Philip said and so did the rest of the team. Honestly, they first thought that Philip is just exaggerating as some of them are confident that they won't fall for his tricks and some of the people who saw the second round thought that since, they saw it, they can avoid it. But when they heard about the news of fifty seniors getting eliminated, they were at a loss of words on what to say. They really didn't think that Sam would be this troublesome, just as they were feeling happy about their overwhelming victory on the freshmen, they got a news that their team has got reduced by half.

"That despicable sc.u.m. He is nothing but a trash who has to resort to these kinds of petty traps and tricks. He is nothing but a coward." Just as the whole team were silently thinking on what to do, someone cursed. When they turned towards the direction, they saw Carl gritting his teeth and his face was red with anger. Not only him the rest of the noble household students are all in the same state except the people from the Evergreen family. Carl noticed all the gazes and said.

"I will lead a team and eliminate him." Even though he didn't mention who he was speaking to, everyone can make a guess and turned towards Mason.

Mason thought for a moment and said. "No need for you to go. We will all first attack the main base of the freshmen and move back to deal with Sam and his followers. You already heard how he lured the wolf pack, if we separate now, the rate of the success is very low. We already lost more than half of our team, which is the first time in history. The highest the previous freshmen got against their seniors is at most less than half of our losses. We can't afford to lose anymore and humiliate ourselves. Scout team 2 will keep watch in them"

Everyone in the team agreed and nodded. Seeing that he can't convince them, Carl gritted his teeth and just followed the team. So, the team all started walking towards the freshmen main camp.

At the freshmen main camp, right at this moment, all the freshmen are gathering. All the scout teams and ambush teams all came and formed a group. Mathew took the responsibility of the leader and spoke.

"The defence team at the main base is eliminated and we are the only ones left in the team. The senior team is coming to attack our main base. We are going to take a stand here and are going to defend and survive as long as we can. We have to drag as many people as we can with us."

"Yes" All the freshmen shouted and started moving to take their positions. After a few minutes the senior team came. There are about 35 people in the team. Right now, the senior team has assembled all the team members on this side of the river crossing. Only ten people are left on other side and all are part of the team 2 scouts. The team 1 is of 10 people and team 2 is of twenty people. The people of team 2 are responsible for information transfer. Now, all are assembled.

The battle at main base of the freshmen started and is completely one sided. Even though there are more people on the freshmen team, they are completely overpowered due to their inferiority of their cultivation base and soon all of them are eliminated and the senior team had to pay a price of five people.

Senior team took some rest and all of them stayed silent. Nobody, is happy as they lost a total of sixty people and this is a clear humiliation and all of this is due to four freshmen. In fact, it could be said that it is all due to one person. He only with the help of three others took out more than half of the team. This only made their mood gloomier.

After a few hours. The sun is already high up in the sky and there is still more than 12 hours to the finish of the competition. Due to the fact that Harry destroyed the sphere, there are only two ways to win the competition. First one is to eliminate all the candidates from the opposite team and second one is to eliminate a greater number of people than the other team before the time limit is up. That is the reason, Mason declined the idea of Carl leading a team to eliminate Sam and his companions. He doesn't want any mishaps to happen. If Carl and the team he led got eliminated, he would surely regret it.

Mason and the rest of the team are currently at the river crossing, they probed and further confirming that the river gators are gone, they crossed the river and then started walking towards their main base, On the way the rest of the team also joined and the remaining forty people of the senior team slowly and cautiously travelled until they came to the narrow path leading to the open grounds before their main base cave.

A team of ten people cautiously travelled through the narrow route and came out from the other side. When they saw that there are no traps like the pits they saw earlier, they started checking the flow of energy for any presence of the formations. After confirming that everything was clear, they immediately signalled the rest of the group to come.

Soon the group slowly made their way to the cave and cautiously entered it. On their way, they clearly saw the tracks of the wolves. But to their luck the wolves already returned to their lair after they became conscious. When they finally entered the cave and confirmed there are no traps, they heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed a bit. But Mason has a gloomy expression and was in deep thought.

At the viewing platforms, the spectators all observing the scene without batting an eyelid. Because, Sam and his companions right now are on a small hill top near the cave and are looking towards the cave.

Sam was watching the scene of the Seniors' team entering the cave cautiously as if they were walking on the egg shells. He has a cold smirk on his face as he looked at their looks of concentration and vigilant expressions. The remaining three are all looked at Sam waiting for his next move.

Sam looked at the cave which is not far but not near either. He then took out a weapon out a black metal bow and nocked a ranked arrow. He then pulled the string to its limit and injected his golden flame energy ready to fire at any moment. He then said to the other three.

"Get ready we are going to have a melee combat with them after the initial attack. So, as soon as they get out of the cave hit them with your best long- range attacks. Move now and inform me when you are ready." As soon as he finished the remaining three immediately moved. After a few moments the signal came and Sam immediately released the arrow.

The arrow tore through the air and entered a hole which is previously created by Sam and entered the cave and hit the ground in the middle with a loud explosion and a crashing sound of glass could be heard as a red vapour immediately filled the cave.

Mason immediately felt that something is not right and shouted. "IT'S A TRAP GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!". But it was already too late. Some of the people in the cave already fell unconscious and the rest of them ran outside. Just as they were trying to catch their breath, suddenly they felt a sense of danger. Mason immediately looked around and out of blue he felt an acute pain in his leg. He looked down and saw an arrow pierced through it and then he looked towards the direction where it came from. He saw a figure clad in black as his outer cloth swaying slightly wind. That man has a bow in his hand as he shot arrow after arrow at the senior team, with a speed so high that he can't even see his movements.

He came out of his daze and turned towards his teammates to give orders to hide, but he saw they were all being attacked by various long- range attacks. Some people are struck in soil and some people are being attacked by some flying daggers, some water spheres could also be seen. He shouted. "Be careful. Defend yourself." He shouted again as he took shelter behind a think rock.

Soon the seniors came to their senses and started defending themselves, By the time they took shelter and the commotion died, they saw only fifteen members of the team are still conscious. There are around ten people who fell unconscious on the ground and the morale of the senior team died down.

"Don't worry, they are not yet eliminated. As long as we can take them down and not let them break the tokens of our team members, we can save them." Mason shouted to his team members as he tried to boost their morale. All the seniors looked at their friends and then exchanged glances. Soon, someone spoke.

"Yo, kids. Is that all you got? Are these little tricks the only thing you know? If you have guts come and fight me?"

"Yes, what is the name of your leader again? Sam, right? I heard you are so great in close combat and are not afraid of anyone. Why don't you come out and let us see for ourselves?"

"How come you guys are not coming out?"

"Come on, let us fight hand to hand instead of these cheap tricks."

Everyone started to provoke Sam and others as they continued to spout endless nonsense.

Not far away Sam and the other three are also hiding behind a rock. Now that the seniors are on guard against them, it is almost impossible to attack long range. Sam is hearing the provocations with an amused smile. Suddenly, he heard Shawn shouting from beside.

"All of you call yourselves seniors. We are four and you are more than ten and some of you guys even have cultivation above us. And you have gall to ask us to fight head on." he scoffed loudly. Immediately all the provocations died down. Suddenly, another voice came from the seniors' side.

"Sam, you despicable piece of shit. Come out if you are really a man. If I don't make you regret living today, I won't call myself Carl again." Hearing this all the seniors looked puzzled and dumbfounded. Then another shout came.

"You country bumpkin, come out and accept your fate."

"You piece of trash come on if you have balls."

All the noble family students in the senior team are insulting Sam. The other seniors felt quite confused.

"Sam has a feud with all the noble families except for the Evergreen family. Due to that feud he deliberately targeted all the other candidates from the noble families and eliminated them very early in the second round. Now only Harry and the candidates from the Evergreen family are the only students belonging to the noble families in the freshmen." Dorman explained to the remaining seniors and realisation dawned on to them. They felt this Sam is crazy to have a feud with the noble families and eliminate the juniors of the family making them fail in the admission. 'No wonder, this Carl and others are all angry.' Everyone thought. Then Dorman continued.

"Carl has an extra reason. He lost a bet with Philip and five thousand Spirit stones are gone because Sam beat his cousin in second round." Everybody looked at Carl with a weird look. 'Why bother betting and why bother taking it on someone who didn't even know you lost because of him? Damn, so much for being a noble. You might as well blame the tree, since the bird pooped on you has a nest on it.' All the seniors who are a little broad-minded have thoughts like these.

Carl glared at Dorman and then he felt the gazes of all the other seniors he felt incredibly ashamed and shouted. "SAM, I WILL F.U.C.K.I.N.G KILL YOU TODAY."

Meanwhile Melisa and others all looked at Sam, whose expression got colder and colder as they heard all the insults hurled at him. Sam suddenly stood up and took out a staff. This is not the black staff he used yesterday. Instead, it is golden in colour and is shining brightly under the sun. The staff has smooth surface and there is a symbol of 'Double S' (Cover) near one end of the staff and there are some engravings near it. Sam looked at the three and said.

"Cover me from afar. You don't have to directly attack anyone. All you have to do is distract them if anyone tries to sneak up on me from behind." Sam said and started walking.

"Sam. Its dangerous." Melisa said from behind. But all he got in reply is a cold stare which seemed to say. 'Do what I say'. He then left without turning back.

As soon as seniors saw someone walking towards them, they looked at him and saw Sam walking towards them with a golden staff in his hand. His face was as cold as ice and the aura around him is completely chilly and evil. Sam's expression is now completely sinister as he stopped a few meters away from them. He then held the staff on one end and kept the other end on his shoulder and said in an emotionless voice.

"Those who called me can come and say all the shit to my face. Of course, the context his that you have balls to say that." His voice is soft but cold. He didn't even glace at them when talking and looking to the side as if it was beneath him to look at them and treated them as thin air. The seniors looked at his arrogant demeanour and felt like they were humiliated. But none of them made a move and looked at the seniors who called out Sam and waited. Soon, around seven members came out of their hiding spots as they looked at Sam with angry eyes. They were instructed by the family. 'Kill him, if chance arrives.' Even though they know that Sam can escape as soon as he broke the token, they still had to try their luck.

The seven surrounded Sam. There are three who are at late stage Acolytes and all of them are seventh stage. Carl is one of them and is the only mage warrior. The remaining four are all middle stage Acolytes. Out of which three are at fifth stage and the last one is at sixth stage. Sam looked at them nonchalantly as if he doesn't have any pressure. This made them even more infuriated and one of the guys in middle stage made a move. He is a warrior and swung his sabre at Sam with a ferocious aura. But just as he was about to hit, his target vanished and appeared behind another one of the middle stage Acolyte, who didn't make any move.

Before anyone could understand how Sam escaped, they saw Sam swinging his staff in an extreme speed. All they saw is a golden blur and flash of a golden flame sphere at the point of contact between the staff and the person. That's it. Before they realised, a golden flame explosion occurred and by the time, the flames are gone, they saw the senior who got hit lying there unconscious with his body scorched black.

They all looked at the place where Sam stood and before they could make sense of the situation, they saw another blur and another guy also got scorched black as if he was grilled on fire. This time Sam didn't move and stood there. He placed a foot on face of the guy and placed the staff on his shoulder and looked at all the seniors who came out of their hiding and scanned them with his cold gaze.

Then all the people there heard Sam saying. "Tch, TCh. What a shame they fainted." Then he looked at Carl and said. "You are right to call me trash. They are still breathing after all."

All the people who heard Sam's words were utterly dumbfounded as they looked at his cold and emotionless face and then looked at the person who is scorched black under his foot. Even though he is alive now, he wouldn't be able to take it for long. He will definitely die if he isn't treated in time. Now, they understood why Philip said so many times to be wary of him.

Mason looked at Sam with his mouth wide open. 'It is really our luck that he doesn't have patience to deal us one at a time. That is why he is using the traps. If he took it up on himself and started hunting the seniors one by one patiently, we would have been in even more trouble other than worrying about winning the competition.' He thought as gulped hard.

The most shocked is still the noble kids. They really didn't expect Sam's strength to be that great. They were now regretting stepping out. The other two middle stage acolytes are already trying to take their tokens and escape. Suddenly, Sam moved and the first person to take the token felt some explosion on back of his head. Under the surprising gazes of everyone present. The senior student fell motionless on the ground and he doesn't even have the faint breath that the first two victims have. 'He is dead.' This is the thought on everyone's mind. Mason soon came out of his daze and came forward and started making hand seals and soon, some vines started sprouting from the ground and coiled along Sam as they tried to tie him up.

Just as Mason was about to give commands to his teammates who were still in daze. He saw a big ball of golden fire burning in the place where Sam stood. After a few seconds all the vines started turning into ashes. Sam came out of the fire and walked towards Melisa and others who are standing out of the hiding place and are watching the fight with awe. He stood in front of them and said.

"Our cooperation ends here. Take the ones who are inside the cave and get out of here. I am not responsible if you got involved in between." He finished and didn't wait for any reply and turned around and started walking.

"Do you need our help?" Shawn asked from behind. Sam halted in his footsteps but didn't look at them and said. "No need." The he walked away again. They watched Sam's back as he walked majestically with a staff in his hand. Soon they came out of daze and started running towards the cave. The seniors just saw the scene and didn't do anything. They are just watching who is still walking towards them.

Sam walked towards a central point in between the group and said nonchalantly as looked around the seniors. "I don't care if you are seniors, I don't care if you are from the noble families or common families. But today I am going to take their heads no matter what." He said as he pointed at the remaining four noble family senior students. The four of them started sweating profusely. They didn't expect the insults they used to provoke Sam would have this much reaction from him. They also felt bit puzzled. They clearly saw Sam only has a cultivation of third stage acolyte. But he has that much power, that he could go toe to toe with a seventh stage acolyte and he might even win with a proper planning and weapons.

"If any of you got any objections you can also join the fight. But remember one thing. If you join the fight make sure I am dead today. Otherwise, even if you leave, I will make sure to pay you back later." Sam continued with same nonchalant expression. Just as all the seniors were hesitating Sam moved suddenly and appeared beside another guy who is in the middle stage acolyte and broke his arm.

*Crack* "AHHHHHHHHHHH" a blood curling scream came from the guy. He is one of the first seven who provoked Sam, when they saw him, they noticed that there is the token in his hand. Sam has broken his hand because he wanted to escape. Sam threw the guy away and stood there and looked at the seniors who aren't part of the conflict. All of them took a step back under his cold gaze. Even Mason felt hesitant about helping the others. His instinct told that even if they could kill Sam now by ganging up on him, they had to pay a terrible price, which might even cripple or even kill many of them.

Carl looked the scene as the other seniors are all backing down with fear apparent on his face. Just then he thought of an idea. "If you guys don't help me now, all of you will be enemies of all the noble family descendants. If we make it out of here alive, I will take revenge on all your families." Just as he finished his words all the seniors who were about leave stopped in their tracks. Meanwhile the people who fell unconscious due to Sam's trap also woke up.

Sam turned towards the cave and saw that no one is there. So, he heaved a sigh and looked at all the seniors who are around him. Including the people who just woke up there are around twenty-three people around him and eight of them are at late stage acolytes out of which six of them are at seventh stage and two of them are at the eighth stage. The two are precisely Mason and Dorman. Sam noticed Dorman's clothes and looked at him with a questioning look.

Dorman understood and said. "I am from the Evergreen family. We don't want to have a conflict with you. So, I will just stay at side." As he spoke, he and three middle stage acolytes moved to the side. The rest of the crowd except Mason all surrounded Sam with dejected expressions. Sam then looked at Mason.

Mason shook his head and spoke as he matched Sam's gaze. "Can we drop this? It is not good for any of us if the conflict blows out proportions." He tried to mediate. He knew that he can't convince these noble kids. So, he tried his luck with Sam. But he was disappointed looking at Sam's expression. Then he just looked at the seniors who came from the common families and said. "You guys can step back. You have nothing to with this." As soon as he said this the rest of the seniors who were threatened by Carl earlier, took a step back and heaved a sigh in relief. Even Carl was gritting his teeth and didn't have anything to say. Technically, Mason is not a noble. But his father is responsible for the security of the city and he reports directly to the superior of the City lord. So, he didn't dare directly antagonize him.

As soon as Mason took his stand, Sam moved. He was like a phantom as he moved around the seniors and touched them. The four seniors were caught off guard. There are 4 of them, but none of them was able to catch Sam or block him, he was like a ghost and his presence seemed to disappear. They noticed that his speed also improved so much then previous time.

Right now, Sam is gritting his teeth and completely focused on his and left all the defence off guard. If they could land a hit on him now, they might even win in a single strike. With in few seconds Sam came back to his original place and stood there while sweating profusely. Now, all the seniors already are in attack position. The mages all started making hand seals while the warriors drew their weapons but when they saw what is in Sam's other hand, they felt like their heart dropping. There are a lot of leather pouches in his hand. These are the pouches in which the seniors kept their tokens. Now, they finally understood what Sam was trying to do. He didn't have any intention to attack at all. He is stealing their tokens.

Sam didn't care at all and took out a big leather bag and kept all the pouches in it. Then he took his token from his coat pocket and put them in the leather bag and closed it. Then he threw the bag towards the place he and his teammates hid.

He turned towards the seniors and said. "If anyone want to go out, the other party has to die." Just as he finished, he held his staff and started his attack.

This time the whole staff is glowing in a golden l.u.s.tre and is covered with golden flames. He swung the staff as he hit a senior at Middle stage Acolyte stage. As soon as he landed the hit. The flames covered the certain area as if an explosion occurred. The senior who took the hit only fainted, but his injuries aren't light either. Sam is using the atmospheric spiritual energy for these attacks instead of how he used his own energy to attack earlier when he killed the previous guy. This is to make sure his spiritual energy lasts long. But this method will make him mentally exhausted. When Mason saw Sam's attacks, which became less ruthless he relaxed a little but he still felt a little tension.

He really didn't want Sam or his team mates die in this battle. Because they all are going to be in same academy. That is why, he is standing out of this. If Sam got defeated, he would step and save his life making him owe him. Then he can use his authority over seniors and mediate the dispute. As for Sam winning, he felt that it would be possible and if that happens, he has to stop this by making the seniors step back before things got serious.

But looking at the fight he felt that it was in a deadlock. The seniors weren't able to land a clean hit on Sam, since the beginning due to his extreme speed. But Sam also was having a bit hard time, because of facing three superior cultivators at the late stage acolyte. Even then he is not at disadvantage. The scene looked majestic as Golden flame was flying in all directions with Sam as centre.

*BOOM* Suddenly a fire blast came and hit Sam and he took a few steps back as he tried to defend the attack. He is currently facing two warriors and a mage all at the seventh level Acolyte. Carl is the mage with fire attribute. Out of seven who came at him, he already killed and one and the rest of three fainted, Now, all he has to do is to deal with the three people in front of him and everything will be settled. Sam took a deep breath and looked at the three seniors. He is having a little hard time. Just as he was thinking how to deal with it, Carl spoke.

"You little Bastard. Where is all the arrogance from earlier?" Carl spoke as he blasted another fire ball at Sam. When the flames cleared, they saw Sam standing there with his head down. When he lifted his head up and looked at Carl, his gaze became sinister. He is like a mad man as stored his staff. He then took a weird golden coloured object from the storage and held it in his hand. This is none other than the weapon he made at the Artisan exam. The crescent blades shined with golden l.u.s.tre as it reflected under the sunlight. All the people are looking at it with awe. Even at the viewing platforms all the people are looking at the weapon with puzzlement. Only the people from the Artisan tower are watching it with anticipation. Under the surprised and confused gazes of all, Sam suddenly made his move.

He disappeared from place and he started moving towards Carl with a dangerous aura surrounding him. He is emitting an ice cold killing intent which is complete contrast with the Golden flames he is emitting from the weapon in his hands. Just as he was about to reach Carl, he was attacked from behind. The warrior hit him on his back with his axe. But just as he was about to land the hit. Sam turned around and blocked the attack with the blunt part of his weapon, then he waved his hand and one of the crescent blades was pierced directly in to the warrior's body as he directly pierced it from a spot near the collar bone. When Seniors saw this they all took a step back. The warrior who was pierced can't even let out a scream. When all of them looked at the blade, they noticed that the not a single part of the crescent blade is out. It directly entered the other's body slashing all the internal organs on its way. Blood splashed on Sam's face as he pushed the blade deeper and deeper. When he can't push it anymore. He directly landed a knee kick on the ribs of the warrior.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

Cracking sounds could be heard as Sam kicked continuously with his knees on the ribs of the senior. By now, all the ribs on the one side are broken, when there is no more cracking sound, Sam looked at the senior's face which is filled with pain and hanging on his last breath. He held the weapon tightly and pulled it down completely.

*SLASH* The upper body of the person was slashed in to two as blood and the internal organs which are now in pieces came out along with the broken bone shards. Some of the seniors even puked out at the scene. But Sam didn't even bat an eyelid and then moved towards Carl again. This time, he is not even running, he is just walking step by step. But the other warrior didn't even make a move. Sam stood in front of Carl and immediately slashed at him. Carl finally came out of his daze and tried to dodge his attack. But he failed to and had a deep slash on his chest as blood gushed out.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Carl released a blood curdling scream as he fell to the ground. He looked at Sam with resentment and fear at the same time. He hurriedly aimed at the sky and shot a fire ball. Sam didn't bother by his actions. He just slashed again and this time he aimed at Carl's arm. Just as the blade made contact with the arm. Sam sensed the danger from behind. He abruptly stopped his actions and swung the crescent blade as he hit something. When the object which came towards him made contact with his blade it made a clanking sound and the surrounding wind turned chaotic for a second. Sam looked at the object and saw it was an arrow. He then coldly looked at the direction which it came and saw a guy in white, standing there with a bow in his hand and an arrow nocked on it. He is the wind element mage warrior who was a part of the scout team of the seniors.

He released another arrow at Sam. But this time something unexpected happened. Sam swung his weapon as the arrow appeared and the blade this time slashed the arrow into two. Carl is slowly crawling backwards. He felt lucky that he made a deal with the archer earlier. He then looked for the bag in which Sam kept his token. When he saw where it was, he kept his looks on Sam who is fending off the arrows. He was very careful to not gather his attention. Then suddenly Sam turned towards him and gave him a smirk. He felt a bad premonition.

Sam jumped behind rock to take cover. He then held the weapon as he made the double S symbol face him and looked at it. Right now, the symbol is not straight as it is tilted a little. Wedges on both sides are against the symbol as if they are blocking it from getting straight.

Sam held the weapon by its handle horizontally and made the symbol face upwards. Then he held the symbol with his other hand and straightened it forcefully as it pushed the wedges into the blocks. The crowd around him including Mason is looking at his weird actions in daze. Even the spectators at the viewing platforms are all looking at him.

When he straightened the symbol, the weapon suddenly elongated as two blocks protruded out. The tendon stretched to its limits. Sam then turned the weapon vertically and pulled the tendon which a little. The weapon now like a bow. The spectators all dumbfounded. They didn't expect the melee weapon which suited Sam's ruthless fighting style when he killed the warrior earlier, but when they saw the weapon turning into a bow, they were clearly surprised. Sam took out a ranked arrow and nocked on the bow, then he came out from the hiding and aimed at the archer far away. The spiritual energy turned into a huge sphere at the tip of the arrow, then it suddenly started condensing as if it was being compressed forcefully. Then the small sphere suddenly turned golden colour and brightened. Sam gave a cold smile and released the arrow. The archer on the other side immediately smelled the threat and was about to leave. But the arrow is too fast and when it landed on him leaving a trail of fire on its way. There was a huge explosion and the surroundings all burned to ashes, even some rocks started melting. By the time the explosion was cleared, all they can see is a huge crater in midst of which a burning corpse lay down.

Sam didn't even look twice at the explosion and walked towards Carl who was staring the scene with a dumfounded expression.

He slowly reached to the double S symbol and turned it so, it can change back into its original form. When he finally came in front of Carl and looked deep into his fearful eyes and emitted immense killing intent. He then spoke in a low voice.

"What did you call me earlier? Can you repeat that? I didn't hear it clearly." Everyone finally came out of their stupor and realized what had Sam done. Particularly, Mason is wiping his sweat. He fell in to daze from the point when Sam changed his weapon. The rest of the events happened in a blink of an eye. He looked at Sam, who is emitting an immense killing intent. It is so intense that he could almost smell blood in the air.

Carl peed his pants as he felt the full brunt of Sam's killing intent. He then stuttered. "Cri- Crimson Flame F-family would ne—ever forgive you, I-if you k—kill me." This almost took out all the energy Carl has left. Sam didn't reply and just jabbed the blade directly into the shoulder of Carl which cut half of the joint. Then he grabbed the hand at the wrist and tore the whole arm off from the shoulder.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Carl screamed in agony. The rest of the seniors took a step back and just wanted to stay away. They almost couldn't bear to see the scene. At the spectators viewing platform, the head of the Crimson flame family stood up from his chair as he released a terrifying aura. But Sam didn't know any of it. His full focus was on Carl who is shivering like a leaf as his handsome face was filled with tears and snot. The arrogance from earlier was completely gone.

Sam then jabbed the blade into other shoulder and said. "Come again. I didn't hear you clearly." His cold voice and the sinister smile on his handsome face made him look like a devil in a human form. Carl didn't know what to say. In fact, he didn't dare to say anything.

Sam looked at the pitiful Carl and said coldly. "Do you know what I hate the most?" Carl shook his head. "Someone calling me a bastard." He then tore the other arm off and jabbed the blade in one of the legs at the thigh and pinned it into the ground and proceeded to tear off.


"No oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, noooooooooooo"



Carls screams finally stopped. Not because the pain has stopped, but because he didn't have any energy left to scream. Sam stopped after he tore off all the four limbs. He then stored the weapon and held Carl's leg in his hand. He tore off the flesh and took the bone in his hands, then he broke the bone into half and looked at Carl, who is now lying in a pool of his own blood. Everyone's blood turned cold as they looked at Sam's ruthless actions. They thought that Sam was like a demon from hell. They even forgot that he was a human for once. Then under everyone's gaze, Sam directly pierced the bone's sharp edge into Carl's throat. Carl could only groan in pain as he waited for death to come. He just wanted to die in peace. But his wish didn't come true. He heard Sam's cold voice.

"I hope you will be born dumb in your next life. Otherwise, you will die a dog's death just like now." As finished speaking he slowly spread a golden fire on Carl's body, burning him alive. For the last moment until he lost his life. Carl didn't have a moment of relief as he felt an extreme pain until the final moment. He died with pain and regret filled his eyes as he looked at Sam's eyes which are completely cold and emotionless. Under everyone's gaze Carl turned into ashes.

Sam then turned towards the remaining Warrior from the seven before. He immediately took a knife and slit his throat himself. He felt that suicide is better than suffering Sam's torture. Then Sam's gaze turned towards the four people who fainted previously. They are now dead because of lack of treatment. Then only he relaxed a bit and sat down in meditation. The rest of senior team exchanged glances and then turned towards Mason.

Mason took out his token and broke it without saying a word. The rest of the seniors all followed suit. All the seniors disappeared. Then only Sam left in the ground and an announcement came.

"Third round assessment is completed. Winners are the Freshmen team."

At the same time at viewing platform another loud scream can be heard.