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Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 33

At the viewing platforms, on the centre stage, there are two groups of people standing separately. One is the freshmen group and the other is the senior group, both of which just participated in the competition. Suddenly, a light appeared in the centre of the stage and a figure sitting cross-legged emerged slowly as light dissipated. As soon as the light appeared, all the spectators took a step back and cleared a significant distance. All the people are looking at him with various expressions. Some of them are looking at him in fear, some in admiration, some in resentment.

Who could it be other than Sam?

Sam just sat there and meditated with a peaceful expression on his face. Family heads of the noble families and city lord are looking at him as if they wanted to tear in to shreds and pieces. But Sam was not concerned about it and sat there as if he was in his own home. This made the other freshmen look at him with new respect. They clearly saw how ruthlessly he can kill someone. His methods are worst than death. But now looking at his handsome face with peaceful expression, they weren't able to relate at all.

Principal stood up rom his seat and broke the silence.

"The assessment for this year admissions are over and both freshmen and seniors performed well in the third round." He spoke as he looked at all the freshmen and seniors. Even though, he spoke as if he was praising them, anyone could say, he didn't mean it at all.

All the students who met his gaze hung their head low. He then continued. "The third round is won by the freshmen. Now all the seniors can leave, except the top three rankers." As soon as he spoke, all the seniors left the stage and walked deep in to the academy. There are only three seniors left on the vast stage. They are Mason, Dorman and another senior who is a fire elemental mage at late stage. Principal nodded at them and then looked at the freshmen. He then spoke again.

"From today onwards you are all the students of the Starwood academy. You will be given the living quarters inside the academy and you can sign up for the classes you think are suitable. If you can't decide, you can ask your seniors for help. Now except the names on the list all of you can step down from the stage." As soon as he finished a large screen appeared and there are only four names on the list and those names are of Sam, Melisa, Jack and Shawn.

After only the four of them are left on the stage, Principal looked at the seven members on the stage and then spoke. "Now the prizes will be given for all of you.

Third place of the senior team Howard. Five hundred Academic credits.

Second place of the senior team Dorman thousand Academic credits.

First Place of the Senior team Thousand five hundred Academic credits.

Now moving onto the freshmen team. You guys have three types of rankings. The second-round ranking. The third-round ranking. The overall ranking. I will announce all of them at the same time, since there isn't much difference.

Melisa – Second round ranking fourth, third round ranking third, Overall ranking third. A total of 1000 Academic credits.

Jack – Second round ranking third, third round ranking second, Overall ranking second. A total of 2500 Academic credits.

Shawn- Second round ranking second, third round ranking third, Overall ranking second, A total of 2500 Academic points." After announcing their names Principal looked at Sam, who is still meditating, with out giving a damn about what is happening. Just as he was about to open his mouth. Someone spoke.

"Principal, I don't think he is suitable to enrol in the academy." The one who spoke his Crimson flame family head. Principal frowned as he looked at him. At this moment other family heads spoke.

"I think Crimson flame Patriarch spoke truth. I also feel like he is indeed not suitable." Heart field family head said.

"I agree." The head of the Grey hound family.

"I think that I already made myself clear about the admissions. You don't have any say in this matter." The Principal's voice grew colder. Then the City lord's voice came.

"Principal, did you not see, how ruthless he is to his own school mates. He is at such a young age, but he is so vicious. He killed so many members for such trivial thing as insulting. If we were to rear someone like him. It would be akin growing a snake inside our own house. He is not suitable for the academy at all." Principal was about to say something, but suddenly an elder from the academy spoke.

"Principal, I think what city lord said makes sense. His character doesn't suit our academy at all."

Another elder chimed in. "He doesn't even bat an eyelid when torturing them, He is indeed ruthless."

"Yes, Principal. You have to think clearly. He is already too ruthless."

When principal saw these three elders and the looks on the family heads' faces, he clearly understood the situation. These Elders are all lackeys of the noble families.

"ENOUGH. Do I need to remind you guys who is in charge." The Principal raised his voice as made every elder shut up."

"Do I have an opinion here?" Suddenly a voice came from the stage. All the spectators looked towards the stage and saw, Sam who was meditating all this time spoke as he opened his eyes and slowly stood up. He stretched his body a little as he looked at all the Family heads and elders. All of them are looking at him as to listen to what he has to say.

Sam turned towards the Elders and said. "I want to ask a question. Did I break any rules?" As soon as they heard his question all the spectators were dumbfounded. That's right he indeed didn't break any rules at all. So, they have no reason to reject his admission. But these Elders doesn't want to give up yet. One of them spoke.

"Its not about the rules. You definitely lack character. With your ruthlessness, you will be a tumour to the society, much less an Academy."

Listening his answer, nobody believed it. But nobody called him out as well. Sam only nodded as he had a pondering expression on his face. Then he looked at the Family heads and asked.

"what is the problem with you guys?" The family heads were about blow their tops when they heard the nonchalance in his voice. But they kept their cool and the Crimson flame family head spoke.

"You killed our off spring. So, don't even think about using the academy to escape the consequences."

"Oh, why can't I kill them?" Sam asked with same nonchalance. The Crimson flame family head felt humiliated. He gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Carl is of noble birth.

He has a great future.

He has yet to see the world, how can he die in the hands of a peasant like you? Even if he tries to kill you, it should be your honour" He spoke as if he is stating a universal truth. Sam suddenly felt speechless as if he looked at the Family heads who are nodding their heads with approval.

He shook his head and spoke. "Do you know why they died?"

All the family heads frowned as they looked at him and he continued. "Because you guys rubbed your hypocrisy over them. You should have told them one thing. They can use their status to live in a society, but they can't live with it in a battle." He paused and continued.

"Let me give you a damn good reason why I can kill them. Because he provoked with insufficient strength.

So, what if he is of noble birth. He is weak.

So, what if he had a great future. He is weak.

So, what if I am a peasant. He is weak.

So, what if he had status. He is ultimately still weak. So shut your f.u.c.k.i.n.g mouths and stop showing off your hypocrisy." He then turned towards the Principal and said. "What do you guys decide about the admission?"

Before the principal could speak, an elder who spoke before beat him to it. "A disrespectful brat like you can only dream about getting an admission. Principal, I think we should teach him a lesson instead. You also heard how he spoke." Sam raised his eyebrows and took a good look at the opposing elders and then the family heads. Then he looked at the Principal and said.

"I actually don't like to talk much, but as it is about the academy where the future generations are nurtured, I will make an exception." He paused and let out a sigh. Then he pointed at the elders who spoke out earlier and continued. "An academy which has these people, people who could get their teaching values swayed by the things like power, authority and wealth as teachers. I don't have much expectations on it that it could nurture any good students. As far as I know, the student's quality will on depend on the teacher who nurtured them. So, I refuse the admission of this school."

As soon as he finished, he saw the surprise in everyone's eyes. Including the principal. Then he saw the looks of the noble family heads, who were a bit surprised but also happy. But before they could get fully excited, Sam did something that truly felt like cold water splashed on their faces.

Sam took out two badges and started rubbing them with his sleeves, then he pinned both of them on his chest over the coat, then he looked at all the dumbfounded gazes of the spectators before finally stopping at the family heads. He then spoke. "Goodluck killing me. But I have an advice for you. If you guys aren't completely confident enough to kill me or if you think there is even a slight possibility that I can escape. You better stay put and do nothing because if you miss, I will make sure that I won't miss at all." He got off the stage and walked towards the exit. The family heads' faces are looks to behold. They clearly saw what badges that Sam was wearing. They are the badges of the pseudo rank 2 artisan and the scholar artisan. They are now sweating at the fact on how they offended Sam. They even made advances to kill him. They regret it now dearly.

Looking at Sam's back, Philip and his friends followed him. City lord and the Crimson flame family head looked at Haley and Freya hesitating before leaving with same dumb expressions. But they didn't dare to stop them. They already are regretting about their actions; they don't want to offend Sam even more.

Philip and Others met with Sam. They didn't know what to speak at all looking at Sam's expression and just kept on walking together. But after sometime Philip broke the silence.

"Sam are you sure, you don't want to join the academy?" He asked in a concerned tone.

Sam just stayed silent. Actually, he was pretty pissed about the attitude from the teachers from the academy. Looking at his silent face, Philip continued.

"Actually, this time the academy's selection has much more than normal assessment. According to my father there is something big going on at the Count [Noble title] city. That is the reason, Freya, Haley and Paul all got admitted last year even though they are all at the initiation only. My father said the count needs the young talents for something. So, you might miss this opportunity, if you reject the admission."

At Philip's words, Sam has a change in expression, but he didn't say anything. He then looked at them and finally stopped at Haley and Freya. "Just forget about it. Let's go. I have something to do." He spoke and the rest of them followed silently.

After sometime, the group of six people came to a place which made Philip and others look in astonishment. They are in front of an inscription tower. When they saw Sam about to make his way in to the tower. They have a premonition that something about to happen.

Finally, after two hours they came out side, with Sam in lead. Sam has a red colour badge which has a '1' and 9 golden stars below it. Then there is a symbol of brush and scroll and a rune below it. All the people in the tower and the staff are in uproar. Philip and the others are also looking at him in awe, they are still in daze as they followed Sam without even thinking what is going on. Before they knew it, they are at another place. Then they were dumbstruck again. They were in front of the Formation tower. This time they felt their hearts come out of its place. They looked at Sam as if they were looking at a monster. When they compared themselves to him? Never mind...

After sometime, Sam has a blue colour badge with same '1' and nine stars, but at the bottom it has a formation flag. Looking at the badges on his chest Sam felt quite satisfied. But he then took them off and pinned them inside of his coat and then turned towards Philip and others. "Let's go my treat today." Then he walked towards River side mansion.

It already became dusk. At the river side mansion Sam and Philip are sitting around the fire. There are several birds over the flame. Sam took these bird type beasts from the assessment grounds. As the birds were grilling everyone was silent as they don't know what to say. They had too many surprises today. First is Sam is way more powerful and second one is Sam is becoming a rank 1 inscription master and Formation master.

Sam looked at their faces and spoke after he sighed. "Ms Freya, Ms. Haley. I am really sorry. I know its not comfortable for you guys, but I must say. I can't just leave your kin, just based on our relationship. Because I don't think our relationship is close enough. So, if you want to stay away from me. I won't stop you. We could act as strangers." As soon as Sam spoke both Haley and Freya froze for a moment then Freya spoke.

"You don't have to apologise. Actually, me and Carl aren't close anyway. He is an illegitimate child of my father and we are not any good terms. In fact, I hate him to the guts. It's just that I was afraid, you will hate me for what my family did." As soon as Freya finished, Haley also said.

"I also don't have anything to do with what happened. Even Harry is also son of a concubine. You don't have to apologise." She paused and then took a deep breath and then looked at Freya. Freya also met her gaze and they both nodded and turned towards Sam again as Haley continued.

"Actually, we are the one who should apologise for what our families did. We also have a favour to ask. We hope you can be lenient if our families don't provoke you further." They both looked at him with a pleading gaze. They were both afraid. Because, with Sam's status as an Artisan, Inscription master and a Formation master, all he need is to say a word and make some promises, then there would be a lot of individual cultivators, that are willing to take revenge for him. That is why they are pleading him. Sam then nodded and didn't say anything. They then had small talk as they ate the grilled meat peacefully.

Meanwhile many people in the city are in uproar as the news about Sam rejecting the admission and his status as an Artisan spread among the city. Then they heard another shocking news, after leaving the exam site, Sam went to Inscription tower and the formation tower and passed the rank 1 exam. The Family heads in particular are restless. They wanted to make a visit and compromise. But they don't know how they should proceed. There is another person who is also restless now. That is the Principal of the Academy.

He is already a little regretful, about Sam not taking the admission. Now that he heard that Sam is also an inscription master and Formation master, he immediately lost his cool. "I have to action immediately. Otherwise, the losses... I can't let him go." He muttered as he walked outside.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 34

Sam was eating along with others at the riverside, when he saw a middle-aged man approaching them. When he looked at him, he felt quite surprised, not only him even Philip and others also felt surprised. Because, the person who came is none other than the principal of the Starwood academy.

Principal has an awkward expression when he saw Philip and others eating together with Sam as he realized he came at a wrong time. After all, who would like to be disturbed while eating. Looking at his awkward expression, Philip and others exchanged glances as and stood simultaneously.

"We will look for you tomorrow Sam. Good Bye." They bid farewell and left Sam and the Principal alone. After they left, Sam stood up and invited the principal inside the mansion and took a seat. Then he finally spoke.

"For what do I owe the visit of the respectable Principal?" He asked with a calm voice. Principal hesitated a little and then finally spoke.

"I want you join the Academy." As soon as he heard the words, even though he expected it Sam still felt quite surprised and confused. Because, no matter how much combat prowess or talent he had, he is still an Acolyte. But the Principal is at same level of the City lord himself. So, it is surprising that he would humble himself by coming here to invite him personally. He then asked with same nonchalant expression. "Why?"

Principal again hesitated a little. After a brief silence he seemed to made up his mind, he said. "Actually, if it was normal time, I wouldn't bother to ask you to join the academy, but this time this is quite serious. You might and might not know, this year in a few days we have to send a batch of young talents to the Count city as the count is looking for young talents." Hearing this Sam nodded. He indeed knew this as he heard it from Philip. The Principal continued.

"But there is more to it than what meets the eye. The one who is looking for the new talents is not Count but the Emperor himself." At this revelation Sam took a deep breath. The Emperor is looking for talents even this remote place. He has only one question in mind. 'Why?' As if sensing the question, the Principal said,

"I also don't know why he is looking for young talents. But the search is happening around the whole Empire. That means the whole Western continent. The main criterion for the selection is not the power but the potential and talent. The news is not privy to the noble families of the city. Even the Count himself didn't know it. All he knew is that the Duke has asked him to look for talents. I only have this info because, my relative is quite powerful and have notable influence." The Principal paused again and looked at Sam. He wants to see if Sam gets tempted by the news, but he was disappointed by that same calm expression. Then he heaved a long sigh and continued.

"All the cream of the crop talents will be gathered due to this selection process at the Royal capital in three years. Precisely, for the Princess' eighteenth birthday. There will be a tournament on that day and those who performed well will be rewarded. That is why I want you to enrol the academy and I will send you to Count city. This will be a great opportunity." He said and looked at Sam's eyes only to see a tranquil expression. There is no change at all. Under that gaze Principal finally gave in and said.

"Actually, if the candidates do better, the one who selected will benefit as well. The Starwood academy will be given more resources and opportunities." Finally, Sam nodded. He didn't believe one bit that the Principal only came here so that he wants to help Sam get the opportunity. How could there be something so good in this world. He thought for sometime and asked.

"You want me to go on behalf of the Starwood Academy so that you could benefit from it?"

The Principal nodded.

"So, you want to offend the Noble families here and even the city lord?" Sam asked again.

"What is there to offend them? More like they don't want to offend you. Maybe they might be some bigshots in the city. But they are all subordinates of the Count. If the Count knew that they offended someone with your talent in cultivation as well as the professions, he might come over himself and deal with them. They might even visit you by tomorrow morning to make amends to your relationship." Principal sneered as soon as he thought of the noble families.

"Okay then. 100,000 spirit stones." Sam spoke and Principal froze in shock. 'Did he hear it clearly? 100,000 spirit stones. Why don't you go and rob someone?' Just as he was about to reject the idea, Sam spoke again.

"What don't want to pay? Okay then. I will make a visit to the Mountain lake city and the Misty River city tomorrow and see if they want to pay." As soon as he heard this, the Principal wanted to greet Sam's eighteen generations in a single breath. 'Damn it, I was being too naïve. I really thought of him as a fifteen-year-old and told him everything and now he is fleecing him clean. He gritted his teeth and reluctantly nodded.

"Okay the, you may leave. I will report to school tomorrow." Sam bid farewell. The Principal cursed in his heart as he left the mansion.

After sometime Sam took out the weapon he used to kill Carl and others and had a satisfied smile on his face. The weapon worked exactly as he thought it would work. His design didn't let him down at all. His weapon has made so many people think on how it works as it can transform in to two modes. The answer is actually pretty simple. Sam used the most basic of the fluid mechanic laws and that is Pascal's law. He just used the principle of the Pascal's law, which is that the pressure is equal in all directions. This is generally used in brakes of vehicles in modern earth as there are material and fluid constraints to use them on higher levels. But here Sam used the Blood of the beasts as fluid and compressed it with the pistons made by the Golden blood tiger bones. This is one of the toughest rank 2 materials. What he did is to simply place the pistons and compress the fluid and place the bocks in the position. The wedges are the locks which are making them to stay still. As soon as he applied more force on the wedges by moving the Double S symbol, the weapon would expand.

Sam placed the weapon on the table in front of him and then took out a sharp golden object. It is one of the claws of the golden blood tiger. He held one of the nails and started carving on the weapon. After he is done, he lifted it up and looked at the names that he wrote. There is one word on the each of the blocks. On one side, the word 'Golden' is written and on the other side 'Crescent' is written. Sam nodded in satisfaction as he placed the weapon in the storage. This is the first weapon he created in this world. Just when he entered the Bedroom, he saw a crow enter from the window. At first, he thought it was Yanwu, but soon he realized it was not. Just as he was about to throw it away, he felt a familiar presence and observed the crow closely. There was something tied to the leg of the crow. It was a small piece of black cloth. Sam took the crow in his hands and unwrapped the black cloth. Then he saw a golden feather as well as note.

He immediately recognised the golden feather. It belongs to Yanwu. Then with a puzzled gaze, he opened the note and then read it.

'Sam, this is Yanwu. Right now, I am in middle of something crucial and cannot come to you for the time being. I am sending this note to inform you that, I won't be able to make it in the ten days' time. I will be back as soon as possible, but if possible, make a trip to the "Falcon cliff city". I just wanted to say that you shouldn't have to worry about me. I am safe here. Good bye.' Sam frowned as soon as he finished reading the note. He was worried a bit. Because, someone who could write a note, definitely has to be a human and as far as Sam know, no human can really control the greed of having a saint beast like the Golden sun crow as a pet. Sam didn't believe humans that much. So, he had to make a trip. But before that he has to find out how to go there. As he thought, he just wanted to go out to fish out info from Philip. But from the dark sky, he abandoned the idea and went to bed. He had to take some rest after all that he had done in the assessment.

Next day morning. Philip made his way to Sam's mansion early in the morning. The rest didn't come because, they had to prepare for the first day of school after the vacation. But, does that mean he doesn't have anything to prepare? Absolutely not. But there are some advantages he possesses as an Elder brother. He took his time slowly walking towards Sam's mansion, mainly because of the gossip among the crowd. Everyone is talking about the Principal's visit to Sam's mansion. He was trying to get some details and when he finally got the news, he just stood on the spot for a few seconds.

The news is that Sam accepted the invitation of principal to join the academy. Then he hurriedly ran over to the mansion and saw Sam slowly walking outside. He directly blocked his way and questioned.

"You joined the academy?"

"How do you know?" Sam frowned. He and Principal should be the only ones who knew it right? Why did Philip have this knowledge?

"What do you mean, how do I know? Everyone in the city is talking about it. Come on, tell me. Why did you change your mind?"

"Doesn't matter. Let us go." Sam directly ignored the question and started walking as Philip followed him, seemingly not willing to give up at all.

After walking for a while, they finally arrived at the academy. Sam suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Do you know where Falcon Cliff city is?" Philip stopped and asked.


"Nothing. Just tell me."

"It is the Count city which our city is under control of. What business do you have there?"

"Nothing much. I just want to visit it once." The conversation ended. Then both of them walked inside the academy.

Philip left Sam and walked towards his own accommodation. Sam went to the place all the freshmen gathered. When the rest of the freshmen saw him all of them maintained a certain distance. But they cast him weird glances as they whispered. But he didn't think much of it. Soon some people made their way towards him. They are Jack and Shawn. Melisa is looking at him from a far seemingly hesitating to come or not.

"Hello, Sam." Jack greeted him. Sam nodded and looked at Shawn who had an awkward expression on his face.

Shawn now understood why Sam kicked his butt so many times. Because he said that he would kick Sam's butt before with Jack. But at that time, he really didn't know who Sam is and in a moment of impulse he made some boasts and as a result, he is still feeling sore in the butt. After all, Sam heard that words loud and clear.

Jack didn't care about his friend's awkward situation and spoke to Sam.

"I want you to make me a weapon." He asked Sam directly. Sam lifted his brow feeling a little amused.

"What kind?"

"A sword. I will provide the material."

"It would be expensive."

"How much?"

"It would depend on your requirements. But rest assured that it would be a bomb. Are you sure you want me to make it?" Sam asked again with a smile.

"I am sure. About the price. We can discuss later." The conversation ended. Shawn looked at the two who are treating him like thin air and gritted his teeth. Just as he was about to say something, Principal came. He could only take it lying down.

"Welcome to all the freshmen. I won't waste the time with pleasantries. I will make quick. First of all. I apologize to Mr. Sam who was treated unfairly yesterday. I have already dismissed the elders from their position. So, you don't have to worry about them causing trouble." As soon as he finished the freshmen including Sam were all surprised. Now, all of them understood why Sam came to Academy.

Principal didn't seem to care about anything and continued. There are mainly four areas in the school. The testing grounds, which you are not allowed to access. The training grounds which you are have full access to. The teaching area and finally the student accommodations. Other than these four areas there are some important buildings which are the library, the mission hall, the credit market. In this academy, everything would depend on the academic credits. You can buy resources through credit shop and you can enrol into the courses you like using the credits. The Credits are not only valuable in this academy but also in any other academy in the whole of the western continent. So, please use your credits wisely. In some time, you will be given the identity tokens which will also be the storage of your credit cards. Initially, you will all be given 10 credits each and you can use them to enrol in basic courses and any more than that you have to earn them yourselves. You can graduate from the academy as long as you break through to the novice stage or you can stay here until you earn 50,000 credits. If you earn 50000 credits you can directly enter the Academy in the Count city to further cultivate. I hope you will make use of time spent in the academy worth it as you will be removed from the academy in four years even you are nor graduated. I wish you best of luck. The senior student will take it from here." He finished and left without turning back.

He didn't spare Sam an extra glance. After all, he still owes him a 100,000 spirit stones. Soon, a senior in the academy uniform came. He seems to be of third year as there are three-star marks embroidered on chest of the uniform. He first distributed some cards which are silver in colour.

"These are the identity cards for you. Inject your spiritual sense and mark it, just like how you would do with a spatial storage. After marking it when ever you send a wisp of spiritual energy it will display your name and the amount of credits you have." The senior explained.

Many freshmen including Sam did what senior said and looked at the features. Sam has a total of 4500 credits in his card. He was quite satisfied with it. After explaining how to transfer the credits which is to tap with another card and direct the number of credits with your will, the senior guided them to the student accommodation. Sam, followed and finally found his accommodation. It is a simple stone house similar to the one he had in the Lava rock village. Sam didn't care much about it and went inside. There were already uniforms prepared inside. He tried it and felt that it felt that it fit perfectly. He was quite puzzled as how they knew his measurements. He didn't dwell on his thoughts and came out of the house and walked towards the teaching building along with other freshmen.

By the time he came to the teaching building there are already a lot of freshmen browsing through a big notice-board. That is the list of the teachers and the type of courses they teach along with the cost of course. Sam just took a look and didn't take another glance. He then went to the library.

The students were discussing on which course they should take and they didn't take notice of him. But there is a person in elder robes watching Sam's every movement. Sam slowly made his way to library. When he looked at the large section of racks and books, he felt quite surprised as he didn't expect the academy in a rural city like this would have this amount of knowledge reserve. Then Sam slowly walked towards all the sections and stopped at a rack named 'Artisan Section'. Sam came to this section, not because he wants to learn Artisan techniques, but rather he wants to know about the Artisans of this world. Because, the word Artisan has a different meaning in this world from his original world as there are only two types, weapon Artisan and Scholar Artisan. So, that is why Sam is curious about this. Sam took a book titled 'Who is an Artisan?' and sat at an empty table. When he looked around, he saw that the number of people is on complete contrast with the number of books. He opened the book and started reading. After a few hours Sam finally had his answers.

The word Artisan in this world is more or less same as that of his original world. It is just that many people didn't know about this. According to the book, there are many types of Artisans. Weapon Artisan and scholar Artisan are only two of them. They are tailor artisan, Painter artisan, Golem artisan, Wood Artisan, Puppet Artisan, Jeweller Artisan, Architecture Artisan etc. Then why didn't the Artisan tower have these categories?

Actually, they do. It is just that in such a long time there are no other artisans in this area that people forgot about them and the staff at the Artisan tower also got used to it. That's it. In fact, even in the count city Artisan tower he can find many other types of Artisan.

Sam looked at the book and had a mischievous smile on his face.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 35

After Sam was done with the book in the library, he walked back to the accommodation, but he was blocked by someone at the entrance. He looked at the person who blocked him and he didn't recognise him at all. So, he just ignored him and went around him.

"Stop right there." The person who blocked him shouted, but Sam didn't even care at all.

"If you don't stop right now, you are going to regret it." He shouted again and again didn't get anything in response other than the door slamming sound. He just gritted his teeth and turned around cursing under his breath.

Sam entered the Divine dimension and was now in library. He walked through the racks and then finally halted in front of the rack. The rack consisted of several divine wills. This the ore encyclopaedia. The rack consisted of the divine wills which have information about the ores available in the world. This info includes the material properties, rank of the material and as well as the availability of the material etc. Sam absorbed the divine will and then sat cross legged to digest the information.

Meanwhile at the accommodations of the third-year students, the guy who blocked Sam earlier is standing in front of another third-year student obediently and said.

"He is too over-bearing boss. He didn't even bother to listen what I have to say and just treated me as if I was thin air. He is way too arrogant."

"So, what if he was adept in various professions, does he not know who my father is? My father is the rank 2 Pill master. Does he really think that the Artisan and Pill master are same? Pill master has contacts with all types of power houses, healers and anything that had to do with the medicine. I think he doesn't know what is good for him. Watch over him and tell me when he gets out of the house. I will teach him some manners myself." The guy snorted as he spoke in an irritating manner. The lackey who reported the news just stayed silent as he slowly made his way out. Then he spoke in under his breath. "This freshman is going to have a hard time. Last time this jerk Albert used his father's status and almost ruined a girl's life and now he is trying to push around a genius freshman."

At this moment the guy named Albert who bragged about his father being a Pill master is thinking about how to make use of Sam. He doesn't know what his father might actually think if he knew this.

Just like in Artisan tower, the Pharmaceutical tower also has multiple professions and they are Pill master, Healer and the Potion master. Since, these guys usually deal with the medicine and health of the cultivators they really have a certain high standing in the society than the other professions. But this time Albert might have foolishly estimated this value to be too high. As for why…..

Next day morning. Sam finally came out from the Dimension. He spent almost eight hours' worth of time of outside world in the tower and that means he spent more than three days inside the tower only digesting the information. He has a slight head ache as he walked out to the living room. Just then someone came to his house and that is none other than the Principal of the Academy. Sam looked at him a little surprised as he didn't expect him to come this early.

"Honourable Principal, do you not know what privacy is?"

"The door is not locked." The Principal replied expressionlessly and made himself comfortable as he sat on a chair. Sam walked over and sat on a chair opposite to him and said.

"Anyway, what do you want that you came early this morning?" Sam asked directly.

"Do you have any manners? Can't you be more respectful towards the academy principal?" The principal was displeased by Sam's behaviour. Sam raised an eyebrow and said in nonchalant tone.

"I am not here to study. I am here only as part of the business deal. You didn't even uphold your side of the deal even after a day is passed since I last visited the academy and you have gall to ask manners from me using your status. Where are my spirit stones? We can talk about manners after you made the payment." Sam didn't leave any face and directly asked for payment.

Principal felt his eyebrows twitching. "You know, any student will be honoured that I came to their place and you are talking like this. Are we going to have a proper conversation?"

"We can talk after you pay up." Sam didn't budge. He really didn't want to have a conversation with this man. Because, he knew that the Principal himself is the one who leaked the info of him joining the academy. Why was he so sure? Because, the Principal is the strongest of all people in the city and who dares to spy on him to eaves drop the conversation much less leak it to public.

Then Why did he do it? Simple. He just wanted to make whole city known as soon as Sam agreed to make sure that he didn't go back on his words. A second rank Artisan is going back on his words. How shameful would that be?

"I will pay you up afterwards. First, I want to talk to you about something. In two weeks, we are going to the Count city which is the 'Falcon Cliff City'. I want you to prepare everything and get ready to go. You may not come back for a while if you get selected."

"Okay. What else?"

"Well, I want to have a business deal with you"

"Oh, what do you want?" Sam became alert as soon as he heard the words business. Principal really wanted to bash up his head as soon as he saw Sam's change in attitude.

"I want a rank 2 weapon made by you." Sam raised his eyebrow as he looked at him.

"Are you sure?"

"what do you mean 'are you sure'? the principal is starting to get irritated.

"I am expensive."

"How much? I need a spear made of Fire steel. I will provide the material and you only have to make it."

"Spear with fire steel?" Sam started to think and he finally gave a reply. "10,000 spirit stones." Principal immediately became angry.

"Do you really think I am stupid. How can a spear cost that much which is at rank 2? And I am giving you the materials."

"That's my price. If you don't it you don't have to agree."

"Hmph. Ii would be a fool to agree." He then stood up and turned towards the door and started walking. Just before he was about to open the door, he turned back and said.

"In two weeks', time, the team will be moving to 'Falcon Cliff city'. There will be ten members in the team and you are already one of them. The rest of the team will be decided in a few days. Get ready before the time is up." He finished and opened the door, just before he was about to step outside.

"Wait." Sam called him from behind. Principal has a smug smile as he turned around. He really wanted to give Sam a hard time now that he has something to ask. But as soon as he heard the next words, he immediately wanted to hit himself.

"You haven't paid me yet." Sam said as he stretched his hand and demanded. Principal gritted his teeth and took out a spatial ring and tossed it towards Sam. Then he turned around and left. He really just wants to get out of this place right now.

Sam counted the spirit stones with a satisfied expression. Then he turned towards another room and shouted. You can come out now. Then Philip along with Marvin came out.

They both had embarrassed expressions. They both came early in the morning and saw that Sam is not in his bed room. So, they went into another room to look for him and then they heard someone coming in. When they saw it was principal, they thought something serious happened and were afraid, then they saw Sam suddenly come out of the room and felt shocked. They don't know how Sam came from the room. After some thinking they left the thought on the back of their minds and was waiting for principal to leave in order to play a prank on Sam. They really wanted to see this serious guy getting fl.u.s.tered once. But they didn't expect Sam to sense them. So, they just came outside and gave an awkward smile.

Then as though he remembered something Philip spoke. "Sam, so you came to school because, the Principal hired you to participate in the Count city." He was quite surprised when he heard this. After all, most people would die for the opportunity and here Sam is extorting money to take the opportunity. He really wants know how courageous Sam could be.

"Leave the matter alone. How long is there for the next monthly auction of your family?" Sam ignored Philip's question and directly asked him.

"Well, in one week. Why are you asking?" Philip replied.

"I have something to sell this time." Sam replied as he started thinking. Just then another person came inside the house. This time it is Jack and Shawn is not with him this time. Sam gestured him to sit down and turned towards Philip and Marvin.

"You better be careful. I heard that Albert has eyes on you. His father is a pill master and he is used to bully the juniors. He might try to get some benefits from you since you are an Artisan. So, you might want to stay away from him. He is after all the son of the Pharmaceutical tower head. Even though his father has to give face to you since you are of similar ranks, this Albert is stupid and is still in a delusion that his father has higher status than you. He is at novice stage. That is why I am warning you. We will take our leave then." Philip said as he stood up and started walking along with Marvin.

When Sam heard of the Albert guy, he really wasn't afraid. After all, even though the rank 2 Artisans have to give face to rank 2 Pill masters and Healers, Sam didn't have to do that. Because his age is of key factor. How old is Sam? 15. How old are the rank 2 Artisans? So, the respect is not for Sam's rank rather it was to his potential. Not only that. What is Sam's cultivation level? Level 3 Acolyte. At this stage normal cultivators will only have an apprentice level in any profession because, they don't dare to attempt the exam until they are at late stage. That is because at the late stage, the chances are high to pass as the energy level is high. Sam quickly came out of his thoughts and then looked at Jack who sat there and looking at him.

"So, what kind of sword do you want?"

"First take a look at the material." Jack said and then took out a large leather bag and placed in front of Sam. Then he opened the pouch and showed the material.

Sam was quite surprised to see the material as he saw the huge amount of Black metallic sand and touched it to inspect it. "Black meteorite sand" Sam said unconsciously. Jack nodded as he smiled.

"It is indeed the black meteorite sand." Sam was surprised after hearing the confirmation. The black meteorite sand is one of the best materials that are available to make a weapon and that is not the best part. The best part is that the sand doesn't have a specific rank. Not only this any meteorite sand doesn't have a specific rank. Because the rank of the material increases as the time passed. The meteorite sand starts at rank 1 and increases its rank as it absorbs the spiritual energy.

Even after it was forged into a weapon or articraft, it would improve along with the cultivator who formed a bond with it. If there is no cultivator particularly supplying the spiritual energy the process would be slow but that would not stop it from improving and even this is not the main part, the main advantage is that anything that is made of the meteorite sand will nurture a spirit after it was nurtured to a certain level. The weapons or articrafts with spirit are very powerful than any weapon of the same rank. That is the reason the meteorite sands are highly sought after particularly when they are in lowest stage. Because if they are at the lowest stage cultivators can refine them with their own spiritual energy until they attain spirit which will make the bond between weapon easier.

If anyone from knew that Jack is showing the Black meteorite sand to Sam, then there would be chaos in the whole Starwood city. His status as the pseudo rank 2 Artisan genius, as youngest inscription master will not be of any help at all. The warriors and Artisans would go to any means to get their hands on this material.

Now, this material is in hands of an Acolyte. He felt chills just thinking of the consequences. He looked at Jack and didn't speak anything. After a few moments of silence, Jack spoke up.

"I know it would be dangerous task but I think you are the only one suitable to do this. I can't trust anyone to keep the secret of the valuable material."

"You trust me?" Sam asked with a surprised expression. After all, they only knew each other for two days and only spent less than 12 hours together. It is hard to trust a human in this short time. At least, Sam believed he can't trust someone in that short time frame.

Jack shook his head and said. "I don't trust you, but I trust my intuition. My intuition is telling me that you are a guy who can be trusted to make a deal." Sam just nodded his head and didn't speak at all. Then after some silence he spoke. "what is the deal?"

"You make the best sword you can make with your current abilities and I will pay you."

"what is the payment then?"

"The rest of the Black meteorite sand is yours." As soon as he finished speak, the air around seemed to turn still. The words repeated themselves in Sam's head. The payment is not what he expected.

"Are you sure?" Sam asked to confirm he didn't hear it wrong. Jack nodded and said.

"I don't have any use for the sand right now. This will only be a burden for me. The price is not only for the processing but also for the secret you have to maintain in order to not implicate us."

Sam pondered for a while after Jack finished his words. He is not pondering whether to accept the deal or not. He is pondering on what to do with the remaining sand. He smiled and stood up. He looked at Jack and said.

"I will do it. But this is not the right place. We have to do it in the most secret place. Let's go." Sam said as he became energetic. He really can do a lot of things with the meteorite sand. So, he is quite enthusiastic to work on it as soon as possible.

Soon both of them came to the Artisan tower. Sam met with the tower head.

"Are my equipment ready?" Sam asked as soon as they met. Tower head's smile froze momentarily. He just wanted to make some small talk with Sam but the other party is not even giving a chance. He felt helpless and answered.

"They are ready a long time ago. Actually, I wanted to send them tomorrow itself, but when I heard that Principal came to your mansion, I thought it would be inappropriate."

"Okay then, send everything now. Install it by afternoon. I have something urgent." Sam said and without waiting for any reply left with Jack after he bought a log of high-quality Starwood.

Both Sam and Jack arrived at the mansion and after sometime later, the staff from the Artisan tower came and Sam showed an empty room in the ground floor to them and instructed how to install them in the room and went back to sit with Jack.

He took out the Starwood and took out a dagger. He started carving as Jack observed him with interest.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 36

Sam carved the wood until the installation is done. Jack just watched with interest. Both of them didn't utter a single word at all. Finally, after all the staff was gone Sam went to the forging room as Jack followed him.

"Would you mind, if I leave my signature?" Sam asked Jack as both of them walked.

"Okay." Jack replied seemingly not minding at all. Soon they entered the room.

The room was full of equipment needed for forging and there is a lot of space left even after the equipment was fully installed. Sam went through all the equipment as he examined them closely. Then he took out some formation flags and proceeded to lay a formation and took out some fire element spirit stones and laid them at the formation nodes. Soon the room was filled with fire elemental spiritual energy. Jack just watched the whole process without interrupting. He really wanted to see what gave Sam, the edge above others to become a rank 2 weapon artisan with such cultivation level.

After the formation is done, Sam took out the soil which he used at the Artisan examination and started preparing a soil mould for a pattern he made. It looked rectangular and it got a small vertical slit in it. After he finished making the mould, he walked back to the cauldron and then took the Black Meteorite sand. He poured a little amount in it and started melting it with the golden flames. Jack frowned as he looked at the small amount of the ore but didn't comment on it. He just continued to observe as Sam just continued on working with it.

After more than an hour the Black meteorite sand started melting and soon turned in to a liquid. Sam poured the liquid in the mould and put the cauldron back into its place. He then took a deep breath and took out some threads out of his storage. These are threads made by the silk of the Heaven Spirit silk moth. This is of neutral spiritual energy property. He took out them and started picking out some of the same length which is around two metres. He placed all the threads he picked to the side and stored the remaining away.

He moved to the cauldron again and poured another small amount of Black meteorite sand. This time the amount is even lesser than the previous time. He started melting it and after the ore turned into complete liquid, he picked up one thread from the side and dipped it completely inside the pool of molten metal. After the thread completely soaked inside the molten metal pool. He reached out his fingers which are currently under Elemental fusion and picked up the thread by holding the tip carefully and with other hand he squeezed the thread and went through the whole length squeezing the dripping liquid metal.

*Gasp* Jack took a deep breath as he steadies himself looking at the scene. After all, it is not easy even for the fire elemental mages to touch the molten metal, but Sam did it without even a change of his expression. He was completely surprised. Of course, he would be because he didn't know that Sam is using elemental fusion.

Sam didn't seem to care about what thoughts are going through Jack's mind, he is completely concentrated on the process as dipped each thread and squeezed them out. He left all the threads to the side and let them cool down.

Sam then pored the soil which he used to make a mould all over the empty ground and flattened it Now the floor is like it was made of the soil itself. He built the boundaries all around the soil.

He took out the bag of Black Meteorite sand again and this time he poured one-third of the bag. Even that amount is a lot as the bag seemed to carry at least thirty kilograms of Sand. He poured sand and started melting it. This time he is not directly using the spirtual energy in his body, rather he is manipulating the fire spiritual energy around which is due to the formation he laid earlier.

He did so because he didn't have sufficient energy to melt all the metal as the Black meteorite is harder to process the Golden Blood tiger bones. Time passed as Sam kept on increasing the temperature of the big lump of metal sand and the sun set by the time it started showing signs of melting. Soon, it turned dark and the metal started melting and by the time it is on verge completely turning into fine liquid Sam started increasing the heat. By this time, Sam already turned pale as his vest was soaked in sweat. He cursed himself for not taking it off earlier. After the metal finally turned into a pool of liquid, he finally stopped the flame. By this time the spiritual energy obtained from the formation completely depleted and Sam is also on his last legs. He quickly moved and poured the molten metal on the soil floor evenly all over like a thin film.

After pouring it he put the cauldron back in its place took out some fire spirit stones and started absorbing spiritual energy. After an hour or so, Sam opened his eyes and walked towards the thin liquid film which by now almost solidified but is still very hot.

His hands glowed in golden light as elemental fusion took place, he then folded the metal sheet by exactly half and took a hammer as he started hammering it as he put the sheet on the huge anvil.

Sam right now is using an old technique used by Japanese swordsmith on the modern earth. He doesn't know if there are people who knew this technique in this world as there are some mythologies that are popular in the world are real here. But he learnt this technique with great difficulty as he was curious about this process. He went to great lengths in his previous life to get a hold on the last remaining old swordsmith who know the process. Generally, this method is used to make Japanese blades like katana and wakizashi, tsurugi etc. But after learning this technique he tried and implemented with normal swords and it worked with some skill. So, he is using the same technique which he improved on.

In this process the blade is made by folding the metal layer by layer and hammering it as it get heated again and again.

Sam right now, is applying heat with one hand and hammered it with the other hand and he folded it in the middle. The layers are no where to be seen as he hammered it with brute force and technique. In the wide room of the mansion at the quite riverside only the sounds of metal hitting metal can be heard as the floor tremored.

Jack just saw as Sam using all his strength to beat the metal into shape, with a new found respect in his eyes. He understood why Sam is proud of himself. He also understood why Sam got an edge over others, his techniques are unconventional, his way of doing things are different. Generally, many Artisans will handover the overly physical labour to other apprentices or assistance when they make weapons for others. Even if they did do it, they will think of the easiest and efficient way to do it. After all, with their status who will question that their method is wrong other than the higher rank artisan who can but chose to stay silent as they felt that it is beneath them to interact with the lower rank ones.

But Sam is not behaving like that. His seriousness made him think of the request he made. 'I want you make the best sword you can.' And judging from the scenario, Sam is indeed doing it. Jack looked at Sam thinking that his intuition was right.

Jack was right. Sam is trying to make the best sword he can as he made the final two folds and the blade finally took the shape. Sam hammered the unevenness as he made the blade endure the beating of its life. After an hour of hammering the blade in various frequencies. Sam lifted the blade. He took out a big glass bottle which is full of beast blood he collected in the testing grounds and then poured all over the blade evenly. The Blood evaporated with a bloody smell and red vapours as soon as it hit the blade. Sam is using the blood in order to maintain reduce the heat slowly instead of doing it directly with water because he was afraid it might crack and that is why he used the blood which also contains a certain amount of spiritual energy. After the vapour is gone, Jack finally got to take a clear look at the blade. The sword has a straight edge one side and the other edge is also parallel to it except that when it reached the end, it converged into a curve as it created a point of the sword.

The Black colour was giving of slight glint under the illuminating device in the room. Sam looked at the blood with a satisfied smile. He then placed the blade carefully on the anvil and went back to the mould he made earlier at the start of the process. He collapsed the mould and took out a black metallic object. This is the handle. He cleared the dirt off of the handle and went to the grind stone as he started. The handle is circular cross section which gradually decreased from the bottom. At the junction there is a complex shape Sam came up in random to make it look better on one side and on the other side there is the double S symbol.

Sam finished grinding the handle and then heated the slit. He took the blade into his hands and then heated the pointed protrusion on the bottom of the blade which should go into the handle. He heated the protrusion into the red-hot condition where the fusion of the metals is possible.

After joining the handle, he started grinding the blade slowly and smoothly, with a faint smile on his face. Jack observed the scene and he felt dazed. Sam didn't look like he is grinding a sword instead he was like a parent grooming a child. He sharpened the blade with utmost precision and care as the blade slowly became sharper while leaving behind the metal powder.

Slowly, the night became deeper and deeper and Sam didn't seem to notice at all. If any other Artisan of same rank was in his place, he would have already fainted. But Sam didn't seem to know the fatigue at all as he worked on the sword. When he was finally done, the dawn is only an hour away.

Jack looked at the blade which is giving of a sharp aura, just as he was about to reach out Sam gestured him to stop. Under his puzzled gaze, Sam took the sword and picked up the threads he left to cool down. Then only Jack remembered the threads which are dipped inside the molten metal. The threads are now in complete black colour and just as Jack thought that they became solid wires, he saw them falling like an actual thread when Sam picked them up. Jack was puzzled but Sam was not.

Because, he used a technique that was widely used in the Indian traditional textiles. In India, particularly in Kancheepuram of Tamilnadu of south India is quite famous for the traditional Indian saree. They use a technique in which gold is used along with the traditional silk to make gold threads from which they make sarees which are valuable and they generally make them for custom orders or for the offering for the goddess.

Sam used the same technique to make these threads and of course he is not going to explain it to Jack. He took the threads and then sat down as he placed the sword in his lap. Then he took one thread and then started rolling it over the handle and by the time the whole handle was done, there is only small amount of thread. Sam stood up as he felt the sword all over with a satisfied smile. He then infused his spiritual energy and then swung the sword over the anvil. The sword keened as it tore through the air and directly passed through the anvil. After a few seconds of silence, the upper part of the anvil slid over and fell down. The sword gleamed as the sun rose and a ray of light hit the blade. The blade shone as if showing its magnificence as he lifted the sword high in the air.

Sam smiled and slowly fainted on the spot. Jack quickly reacted as he caught him and took the sword from his hand. He felt a weird sensation as he held the sword. The sword looked like it was a ruler that was above all the other weapons. When he tried to move it, he felt a faint resistance from it.

He looked at Sam with a deep admiration and only saw a satisfied smile on his face as he fell asleep.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 37

Jack carried Sam to his room and laid him on his bed and came downstairs. He looked at the Black sword that was placed on the table. He took the sword and caressed each and every part of it carefully feeling the expert craftsman ship and the superior aura coming from the sword. The sword in total is a little less than three-foot-long and the blade itself is a little bit more than two foot. It is a single edges blade which is fine and sharp. He can even feel the aura emanated by the beast blood used to quench it.

Black sword is exquisite that a single look and he wants to wield it and don't want to put it down. He tried to swing the sword and then he felt the slight resistance. The sword is not heavy. It is around 12 kgs. But for the cultivators it was light like a feather. But the Black meteorite weapon has a special property that the density of the metal increases as it increases in rank further. Now that it is only at rank 2 it is not that heavy.

Time slowly passed and Jack just held the sword and tried to wield it to get comfortable with it and slowly the resistance started fading. After a long time, a few hours away from the noon, Jack heard the foot steps from the stairs and he saw Sam walking down the stairs with his usual calm expression. He came down and took a seat and gestured Jack to take a seat.

Both of them sat there for a few moments maintaining the silence. Sam finally spoke.

"Is it good enough?" Sam asked as he looked at the Sword. Jack also took a loot at it and felt its sharp edge, then he looked at Sam and said.

"It is more than what I could ask for."

"Are you sure, you want to give the rest of the Black Meteorite Sand to me?" Sam asked as he felt that no matter how he looked at it the deal was completely beneficial to him only. After all, making a sword is only around a day of time for him, nothing else. For a day worth of time, he didn't think that someone is generous enough to present around more than twenty kilograms of level 2 Meteorite sand.

Looking at Sam's expression, Jack just shook his head with a faint smile and then replied. "I don't have any use with it. But an Artisan like you can make it real treasure. After all, with me, it would only be a more valuable sand. Anyway, if you think the price is too high, then I can ask something from you. You just have to agree for one request of mine in the future, but don't worry, the request wouldn't be disadvantageous to you."

Sam pondered a bit and nodded his head and then he stood up and shook Jack's hand who also stood up. Then after thinking for a second, he said. "I have something to do, you can stay here for a while if you want." Jack hesitated for a minute and asked.

"Are you going to make something with the Black Meteorite sand?"

Sam just nodded and didn't say anything else. Jack took a deep breath and said.

"If you don't mind, can I watch it?" Jack asked with hesitation. He knew his request was rude. After all, an Artisan's technique is a valuable knowledge and not everyone can just spectate it. Last night, it was still not over the line as sword was made for Jack himself. But today, Sam is working for something of his personal use. So, it is indeed not appropriate for Jack to watch it.

But he can't just convince himself to let go of an opportunity to see how Sam is going to work with the Black meteorite Sand. He felt that Sam's techniques were unique and something of his own, he really want to see, how Sam is going to use the precious raw material. Sam thought for a moment and said. "Sure." His reply was so nonchalant. Jack was a bit dazed and wasn't able to react as Sam moved towards the Forging room. He came out of his daze and ran towards the room, afraid that he would miss something.

Sam slowly walked towards the cauldron in the forging room and picked up the bag of Black Meteorite sand. The bag was still two-thirds full and he poured a quarter of it in the cauldron and he slowly started heating it up.

After a few hours powder started to melt down and soon a pool of molten liquid metal could be seen. Just as jack was expecting Sam to do something, he saw Sam taking out the same silk thread he took earlier. This is the same Heaven spirit silk moth's neutral thread. But this time the thread is not a small amount like before instead it is a big bundle. Sam dipped the thread bundle and started pulling out while squeezing as he repeated the earlier actions again and started making the threads. The process went on for hours. Seeing this, Jack couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He didn't expect that Sam would do something like this again. Suddenly, he came to realization. Sam agreed readily because, he already saw the technique. Jack only sighed.

If Sam knew Jack's thoughts, he would definitely praise him for deducing accurately. Even though Sam was confident that not everyone can use his skills just by watching them and not everyone can copy his ideas, he just wanted to be careful. After all, no one could be cautious enough in this dog eat dog world. It was almost evening by the time Sam finished making the threads and half the bundle almost dried by the time he finished taking out the last bit of thread from the cauldron. There is only a small amount of metal left in the cauldron.

Sam took out a very wooden carving and prepared a mould. He again started heating up the remaining metal, so that it could become finer liquid again and after that he poured the metal in the mould and left it to solidify.

Sam left the thread bundle and sat down as he started recovering his energy. Then only Jack noticed the large thread and shocked. He was so focused on Sam's techniques and busy on being disappointed, he almost forgot the size of the thread bundle. The size is almost of two basket balls combined and he has only one thought. 'what is he going to do with that?'. He just looked at Sam with anticipation as he waited.

Sam opened his eyes only after it became dark outside. He took the dried bundle in his hands and started walking to the next room and Jack followed. When Jack followed inside the room he was completely stunned. There are wooden mannequins and big table. There are all the tools required for a tailor. He looked at all the equipment and Sam. Never in his life did he think that this cold guy would be a tailor.

This also first time Sam came into the room and inspected all the tools. This room is prepared by Philip when he was training for two months inside the Divine Dimension. After inspecting everything, he took out his Black feather coat, which he kept in his storage when he was forging and placed it on the table.

He took out two big needles from the table drawer and inserted the thread inside the needle hole. These needles are called tapestry needles which are a very common instruments for weaving a fabric. He started weaving skilfully with high dexterity and speed as he used the light spiritual energy.

Jack stared at the after images of the hands and was feeling dizzy. He looked at Sam's concentrated face and then compared it with the him, who tore away Carl's limbs without even giving a second thought or batting an eyelid even when all the blood splashed on his face.

There is no comparison at all. Nobody, would imagine that the Sam who could kill someone making everyone who even looked at him with fear is now weaving a cloth. He even ignored the fact that Sam is using an extremely precious material like the Black Meteorite Sand as a thread for a cloth.

Time slowly flew as Sam just weaved and big peace of cloth came to take a shape as it laid on the table. The time flew and it became mid-night. After the thread is over, Sam took put a piece of chalk and started marking as he took out a set of measuring ribbons. After that he took out a pair of scissors and tried to cut.

*Clang* With an annoying sound, the scissors broke. Then only Sam came out of his zone and then looked at the broken scissors and then at the cloth. Then only he realized that he can't cut this cloth with a normal scissors. He looked around and he finally landed his gaze on Jack who is staring at him with a dumbfounded expression. He suddenly got an idea and then he walked towards Jack.

"Can I borrow your sword?" Sam asked.

Jack came out of his daze and then took out the black sword from his storage. Sam held the sword and then passed the cloth to Jack.

"Hold this cloth at these two places." He guided Jack to hold the cloth as he spread his hands. Then a clearly drawn chalk line could be seen. Sam took a step back and held the sword tightly then with a swing a sword keen could be heard in the room and the cloth became two.

Jack almost jumped out of his skin as he saw Sam making his move. After he came to his senses, he couldn't help look at Sam in admiration at his control over sword. He can cut a solid anvil and can also cut a bolt of cloth without escaping the range.

Soon, sword keening could be continuously heard as Sam and Jack repeated the same actions and a number of various sized cloth pieces could be seen. Sam walked towards the mannequin and then only he remembered something and immediately ran over to the forging room.

After a few minutes and he came back. He has a black needle in his hand. Then he placed the clothes over mannequin and started sewing with the same left-over thread. After the work is done there was a coat on the mannequin. Jack looked at the coat and then looked at the Black coat with the feather patterns on the table. But just as he was about to compare the two, he saw Sam burning the feather coat and, in a few minutes, there are only a pile of black feathers left inside the disappearing golden flames.

Jack was surprised by two things this time. First one, the feathers are real. The second one, Sam couldn't burn the feathers. He was wondering how Sam could do that. Never in his mind did he think that feathers are of precious material. He just gave all the credit to Sam's fire control. Of course, he couldn't be more wrong.

Sam took the feathers and started his embroidery just like he did before. Jack had same feeling as Philip and others as he looked at Sam working with a smile on his handsome face. The smile and devilishly handsome one at that, didn't even match the cold-blooded demon who could kill that ruthlessly. He just stood there as he looked at him working. By the time Sam was done there was birds chirping that could be heard from outside.

Then only Jack came out of his daze and realized that it was already morning. Sam took the new coat off of the mannequin and wore it.

Jack just looked at him standing majestically as he wore the coat and gave a supreme aura. Sam felt a sense of dejavu as he wore the coat. It was just like how he did it last time at the Lava rock village. He couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at the coat.

*Grumble* Suddenly a stomach grumbling disrupted the silence and Sam looked at his stomach as he felt an immense hunger, then he looked at Jack who just came out of the daze and said.

"Want to eat something?"

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 38

Sam and Jack are sitting at the river side where Sam usually eat along with Philip and others. This time there is a huge bird that was roasting on the fire. Sam looked at intently as he was waiting for it cook waster. Even though he, could make it faster with the Golden flames, the feel of waiting while roasting the meat on an open fire is really good.

"Sam, I want to make a deal with you?" Jack broke the silence.

"What would that be?" Sam asked as he flipped the bird.

"Do you need more meteorite sand?" This line caught Sam's attention completely, he turned towards Jack and looked at him with a serious expression.

"You have more?" He asked.

"No, But I know a place where you can find it." Jack replied with same calm tone.

"Why should I believe you?" Sam asked a little cautiously.

"The Black meteorite sand is a proof itself."

"That is what it is making it more suspicious. Even though you and I might not have any grudges, you might have some other intentions to bait me with it. After all, if you really know the location where the Meteorite sand is, you can make a deal with a High-level noble family or better yet the royal family. You can live your life in luxury. Why would you come all the way here to a backward city like this and make a deal with me using that precious resource." Sam said bluntly.

Jack shook his head at Sam's speculations and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"What should I do to have you believe me?"

"Nothing much. Just tell me the truth of the whole matter. Why do you want to make a deal with me? Where did you get this Black meteorite sand and how are you so sure that there is Meteorite sand at some place and how did you know it?"

Hearing Sam's questions, Jack hesitated a little and finally came to a decision. "I don't know if you will believe me if I tell you the truth, but since, you asked, I will tell you.

My father is originally from the royal capital. He once accompanied a group to an expedition. At that time the group went to the small island and then discovered a large amount of all kinds of Meteorite sands. My father and the other members in the group are very happy to find it and everyone took a small amount of a type of Meteorite sand and then made an agreement that everyone should keep the island a secret and all of them could only come back once a year to take a small amount at the same time in order to not to draw any suspicion. They took a soul oath and all left their own ways after making an agreement on the next time they should meet.

But they didn't know they were already betrayed. One of the guys already sent the news back to his organisation even before they made an oath. They already put some tracker spell on the rest of the group and hunted down in the very next days.

But my father already had made some preparations as he prepared to along with my mother and me. But they still managed to find us out and he took the enemies on and let my mother and me escape. My mother then fled with me to the village. The Black meteorite sand I took out yesterday is the one that my father passed." Jack said as he felt a bit sad.

"How long has it been?" Sam asked calmly.

"15 years" Jack replied in an equally calm but sad tone.

"Then you are just an infant at that time. How do you know all these?" Sam asked with some suspicion. Jack just let out a sigh and shook his head. Then he took out a scroll and passed it to Sam.

"I only found it recently. My mom died a year ago and then she passed me this scroll. She said that this given to her by my father to be passed on to me after I turn 16. But she passed away last year as due to her past ailments."

Sam took the scroll and read everything. The scroll contained more or less what Jack said. But there is an extra info. That is the name of the Organisation. It is called Black water Organisation. Sam looked at Jack and asked.

"What is the deal then?"

"I want your help in the destroying the Black water organisation." Jack said in a cold tone.

"I am not a person who kills for money. Even though I believe you. The Black Water and I don't have any grudges. So, I have no reason to destroy them." Sam said.

"Take a look at this." Jack tossed another scroll to Sam.

Sam opened it with a puzzled look and frowned up on looking at its contents, it is a lot of information about the organisation. There are all types of shady businesses they are a part of. Sam remembered the Mafia back on modern earth. This Black water is this world's version of the Mafia. Just as he was about to say that it is none of his business if the Black water is involved in these kinds of business, he saw the last of the list and frowned.

He fell into a deep thought. He really didn't care much about the starting of the list as there is not such as an absolutely good society. The underworld is common. But the last of list made him really despise this organisation.

"Where did you get this info?" Sam asked as he looked at Jack. Jack sensed that something was wrong. "My father used to work from royal family. My mother said that after he came back from the expedition, he started investigating everyone that went along with him using all his resources, they he came to knew that one of them was from the Black water. So, he collected all the info he can and passed it to my mom along with the other scroll."

After Jack finished Sam stayed silent for sometime and then looked at the last line with some hesitation. Then he took a deep breath and said.

"I will help you, but not in a direct way. I won't just directly attack the organisation with force and I am not going to come into lime light directly. But whenever you are going to make a move, you have to tell me and I will plan it in such a way that you can give them the maximum damage. I will only come to lime light when they put their sights on me. I will only take the payment after you feel satisfied and I will only take it for the work I provided. So, if you want to take the deal, I am okay with it."

Hearing Sam's words, Jack was a bit puzzled. He was mainly asking Sam for this deal because of the immense potential of him. His combat prowess is off the charts and he seem to have a lot of talents in auxiliary professions. But when he heard confidence in Sam's words, he couldn't help but feel a bit tempted but he can't bring himself to completely accept it.

Sensing his hesitation, Sam spoke again. "According to the info in the scroll, the Black water is an immense organisation with many branches. Let us give our deal a test run. If we go to the count city there might be a branch there. We will make some arrangements and eliminate the branch over there. So, you can think about the cooperation after that."

Jack though for a moment and nodded his head. "I am okay with this, but when do we go to count city?" He asked as he looked at Sam with some expectation. He really is too eager to get revenge.

"We don't have to go alone. You go back to school today and then you wait there. There will be a team of people going to be selected to be sent to the Count city in 12 days. So, there might be a news of selection and you can try your hand in it. If you can make it, we will be having a free ride." Jack was a bit surprised and calmed down. He nodded at Sam and extended his hand.

"it is deal."


Then soon became silent as they munched on the meat.

Meanwhile in the Crimson flame family the atmosphere is a bit gloomy. The meeting room was filled with this sadness as the family head sat on the main chair and all the elders took a seat. There is woman who is sobbing sat next to the family head. Freya stood in the centre and looked at the family head.

"Freya, can you do this for the family?" The family head asked Freya with a pleading tone.

"No, father. I already asked you before to not to make a move on him. You refused and sent people to assassinate him. He got the news. Then when he is taking the academy assessment, you also asked Carl and others to make a move just because he took revenge for what you did? Now, you want to meet him just like that because he has status that you cannot offend. Sorry, father. I already did what I can and already requested him to be lenient towards us. If you don't provoke him any further, he will be lenient. I can't bring myself to make a request for him to meet you. After all, even though he is magnanimous and can do that for me because of our friendship. I won't have any face to show him after that. I still have some shame left." Freya said with a tone filled with disappointment.

"Freya, how can you say that? You have to do something to our family." An elder from the side suggested.

"And why should I do that? I am not the one who created the mess. You the esteemed elders did and you have face to ask me to clean up. Dream on." She said and left without any hesitation.

All the elders looked ashamed being berated by a young girl.

"What a pity? We have lost a genius like Carl and we also lost a chance to maintain a good relationship with such a monstrous talent. And worse, we have offended him."

Someone from the side sighed as he thought of the situation.

"Maybe those from the academy already knew that. That is why they didn't send the elders to save Carl. They truly are meticulous when currying favour."

"No. they didn't intentionally stop the elders from saving him. It is more like they are not able to at all." Suddenly the family head said making all the room silent.

"What do you mean? Family head"

"The judge of the assessment is the not the academy elders but something else. There is another rule that the Principal didn't mention as it has become the norm since so many years that the rule was implemented and there was not a need aroused. But due to Carl and others the rule was used after a long time." The family head sighed as he remembered about his son.

"What kind of rule it is?" One of them asked.

"When somebody issues a death challenges and keep their escape tokens as wager the other elders can't interfere in the fight while they are in the testing grounds. Actually, the judge won't allow it." The Patriarch said in a low voice.

"But isn't the judge also the part of academy and isn't he also human. He can bend the rules, right?"

"No, the formation itself is the judge. No human is fit enough to judge the assessment as they can influence the judgement."

All the elders felt confused. "What do you mean the formation is judge?" Someone asked. But this time there is no reply.

Meanwhile. Sam finished his meal and went to the city along with Jack. They went to the market and Sam bought a lot of materials for tailoring, raw materials for forging and a lot of materials for inscription ink. Jack looked at the Sheer amount of the materials and took a deep breath.

"Sam, why are you buying so much?" He asked failing to hide his curiosity.

"I need to make some money." Sam said and continued his shopping spree. It was already afternoon by the time Sam came back to his mansion. Jack has gone back to the academy.

After entering his mansion. Sam took a seat on a chair and after a moment of silence he spoke.

"I don't like guests coming uninvited. So, you better come out while I am being nice."

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 39

As soon as Sam's words were finished a person came out from a room slowly. He is a tall young man who seemed to be eighteen to nineteen years of age. His looks are quite average and he would just blend in with crowd. The only notable thing about this guy's is the nose that is completely in the air. If it is possible, he might want to touch the sky with it. He is arrogant to the bones.

He came in front of Sam and sat down in a chair opposite to him unceremoniously and made himself comfortable. The young man sized him up and said with arrogance.

"You must be Sam. You are just like how the rumours mentioned. You are really a brat who doesn't know manners. Do you not know how to pay respect to the seniors in the academy?" He said as he puffed his chest to make sure that Sam can get a clear look at the three stars on the uniform. But what he got was the calm look of Sam without any emotions.

"Anyway, I heard that you are a proficient Artisan, Inscription master and Formation master. I want you to make me some Inscriptions. I want them to be attack type, defence type. Don't give me some trashy things. Since, you are an Acolyte warrior mage with fire attribute, you have to make the inscriptions of fire type and I want at least a fifty of each of them. I also want a rank 2 spear. I am a warrior, so I will be using it. So, make sure that I you do your job properly. Make some inscriptions on it as well."

Albert didn't even bother to look at Sam and said whatever he wants. Sam didn't stop him either. He just went along. Albert continued.

"I will give you a week time." He said and then turned around to leave.

"Wait." Sam said as Albert stopped in tracks.

"What, you have any objections? This is the protection fee I am collecting to take care of you in the Academy. After all, you don't want a Novice mage sneak up on you when you are in your accommodation or a Novice warrior trying to kill you at your mansion, right? You better think carefully." Albert threatened with a smile.

"Who are you exactly?" Sam asked with a cold glint in his eyes.

"What? Do you really want to pressure with your status? I am Albert. I am son of the head of the Pharmaceutical tower. You can flaunt your status at anyone. But you have to keep your tail between your legs in front of the Pharmaceutical tower. After all, it would not be good, if no healer comes to your aid with in the city when you are hurt?" He said with a mocking smile as he left the mansion. He didn't even have a thought that Sam would reject him.

Sam is looking at his departing back with an intense disregard. He is looking at Albert as if he was a brainless fool. He understood one thing. Albert is a frog in a well. In his eyes the Starwood city is the only world he knew. After all, if he could think with some common sense, he can understand that threatening Sam with his father's status as head of the Pharmaceutical tower was quite foolish. Sam suddenly heard someone coming and saw two panthers pouncing at him.

There are the two cubs he picked up. He rubbed their heads as they snuggled in to him as if Sam's embrace is the only safe spot in the world. Right now, they are already at the peak of the Level 1. Sam didn't know why, but these panthers are growing exceptionally well under his care.

"Say little ones, do I really look like that much of a Vegetarian?" Sam asked as he stroked their mane with each hand. The too panthers looked at him with puzzled expressions.

"Never mind. I should really think of a way to make sure this guy knew I am a non- vegetarian. After all, I still at an eagle for a breakfast. He said as he walked to the bedroom along with the panthers. Then he disappeared and reappeared inside the tower.

Sam slowly walked through the racks as he observed. Then he stopped at a rank named, 'Usage of Light element'. He looked through various shelves in the racks. There were all types of auxiliary uses of light element listed there. Like 'long time illumination' 'short term illumination' 'Night vison' etc. He finally stopped at a wisp named. 'How light element works in healing?' He stopped and took the wisp in arms as he started absorbing the knowledge slowly.

Actually, Sam didn't really want to become a healer immediately. He wanted to study this field after he left the Starwood city. But now he changed his mind.

Sam went through the healing procedures and spells carefully. Actually, healing spells are quite simple and they are very few of them. They are diagnosis, basic healing for wounds, Purification for Blood and toxins, Advanced healing which is used for high level injuries when libs are torn off and then finally regrowth which is growing a missing organ. But the regrowth is almost lost in the world and only a few very high-level healers which can be counted on one hand can perform it.

The healer spells are not considered like the attack spells which are classified using the power level. But the healer spells are classified by the level of control. The only requirement to heal the spell is that the mage has to have a light attribute and then he has to have an exceptional control and another condition is that adequate spiritual energy. The more spiritual energy a healer has the higher level of injury and the higher level of the cultivator he can cure. From the information Sam came to know that the healers are ranked rather differently compared to other profession. The healers will be ranked on how high the level of the cultivator they can cure. That means, if a healer who is at an Acolyte stage can cure a cultivator at Novice stage for an Advanced injury, he will be ranked as a rank2 healer.

Sam went through the information and started observing how the spell works. He observed and analysed each and every spell one by one. After a while, Sam noticed something in common in all the spells. The spells all depend on the control of the spiritual energy and are inducing the mitotic division by exciting the vitality of the already present cells in the body. Basically, a human body is made of so many cells which are formed by mitotic division which is started from a single cell and this will stop after reaching a certain stage and will only happen in small amounts such as when healing some minor wounds on the skin. But this mitotic division will stop making a new organ or limb because they become stable. The light elemental energy full of vitality will make the cells escape from the passive stage and increase the rate of healing.

Sam opened his eyes and went to the second floor and started practising in simulation environment. He kept on practising his control over his elemental energy as he stood in a single place motionlessly.

Time flew by slowly and he kept on practising and soon fifteen days passed inside the tower and only one and half day passed outside the tower. Sam finally came out of the tower with a satisfied expression and slept on his bed peacefully.

Next day morning, Sam couldn't help but grumble. Three days have passed and only two days are left for the auction and he couldn't help feel a little down. He wanted to use this chance to make a fortune in the city before leaving it. But now he can only earn a little less.

When Sam came down and thinking of what to do to earn more money this time as he ate along with the panthers, he saw another group of uninvited guests. But this time he couldn't help but feel a little serious. He saw two middle-aged men walk towards his mansion through the window. They are the Artisan tower head and the Crimson flame family head. When they entered the mansion, Sam didn't say anything and looked at the two men with a cold look.

"Sir Sam, I have something to discuss with you. But the Family head of the Crimson flame family also has something important. If you can spare your time a little." The Artisan tower head spoke in a mellow tone. But Sam didn't say anything and just gestured them to sit.

As soon as he took a seat, the Crimson flame family head spoke. Sir Sam, I know that you and our family has differences. It was my mistake to send people after you due to my greed and it was Carl's mistake to go after your life in the test. I know it is not easy to forgive us, but I still hope that you can be magnanimous this time. If you want to punish anyone, you can punish me. Please, leave my family some way out." He didn't beat around the bush and apologized directly. His voice was so dull and lost of all energy. He is really being sincere. Sam just gave a cold smile and said.

"Sir, are you making a mistake? How can a low-level puny cultivator can possibly take your apology?" Even though his words are humble, they were filled with mockery. The Family head didn't know what to say?

"If you really want to show your sincerity, I have a request. I am going to auction some items in next monthly auction at Evergreen family. I hope family head can patronize me." Sam said after some thought. He is trying to use this chance to make some money. Even though he can extort from him, he didn't really want to do that and stoop so low. In this way, he can at least give Freya some face. He can't leave the Crimson flame family alone after what they did. But he can't directly annihilate the family on account of Freya. Even though their relationship isn't deep, he really didn't want to leave the first friends he made in this life on such a sour note.

Crimson flame family head was ecstatic after he heard the news. He really didn't think that matter could be solved with money. After all, he was prepared to worst case scenario where Sam wouldn't forgive him at all. He stood up and thanked Sam before leaving as he sighed in relief.

Sam then looked at the Artisan tower head.

"Sir Sam, it is just that there is an important issue. That is why I came to disturb you. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to disturb you." The tower head hurriedly explained. Sam just looked at him calmly and said.

"Just get it over with."

"Yes. There is a notice from the Count city's Artisan tower. Usually, when there is a genius Artisan, the immediate superior Artisan tower will make a visit to him to give their appreciation and offer to move to a better environment. County city's Artisan tower also wants to send someone over. So, I am here to confirm your schedule." The tower head explained his purpose.

Sam pondered for a moment and said. "I will be going to the Count city in few days. I will visit the tower myself. They don't have to make a visit here."

Tower head didn't speak anything and just nodded. He clearly knew about the tournament and already thought that Sam might have already made it to the team.

"Then I will take my leave." He bid farewell and just as he was about to make his move, Sam stopped him.


"Sir Sam, you have any thing I can help you with?" He asked with a bit of expectation. He really wants to mend their relationship.

"Do you know the tower head of the Pharmaceutical tower and his son Albert?" Sam asked with a casual tone.

Up on mention of Albert, Tower head immediately understood. "Sir Sam, does that brat Albert find any trouble with you?"

"I need you to arrange a meeting with him for me. Better, if it is a surprise visit in the tower itself." Sam said avoiding the question.

Tower head thought for sometime and nodded. "I will see what I can do. I will send you the details tomorrow." He said and bid his farewell.

Sam then sent him off and took out the bunch of materials, he bought two days before and said to himself. "Now, it is time to make preparations for auction."