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Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 40

Sam is now inside the tower's second floor. Since, it can be used for anything other than the cultivation purposes, he is now using this to make his goods. Right now, he is drawing an inscription circle and the circle is not your normal first rank inscription, rather it is for first rank inscription formation circle.

In the centre of the circle, Sam put a robe which is red in colour with a flaming design. This is the robe for male which he created. He used the Heaven Spirit silk moth which evolved with the fire elemental energy and used that silk to make this robe. The robe is mostly red in colour and the embroidery indicated as if it was burning with flames. He completed the circle and went to the node point. There is also a formation that is laid down in order to support the spiritual energy level to him.

Sam manipulated the spiritual energy and started infusing it to the complex inscription circle. The whole circle lit up and started converging towards the centre. The energy level inside the formation also started depleting as the inscription got closer. Soon, the inscription has completely formed as it appeared on the inside of the robe. By this time, Sam already fell on the floor and panted heavily while sweating profusely. After catching his breath, he stood up and walked towards the robe and then wore it. He then injected his spiritual energy and a transparent hemisphere appeared with him as centre and soon the spiritual energy started to gather towards him.

This is a spirit gathering formation. Sam inscribed this formation onto the robe directly. Actually, some people who are rich enough would buy an array disc and use it in expeditions or battles to increase the rate of energy gathered. But Sam used his research and experiments to inscribe it directly on the robe.

Since, the robe is also made of the Heaven spirit silk of fire elemental energy, it will also provide resistance against fire attacks for some extent along with a defence for the attack up to the level of peak level Acolyte. If he used some defence inscriptions, he can make it defend a Novice level 1 attack. Sam looked at the robe with satisfaction and stored it away.

He came out of the dimension and took a seat in his living room as he sighed and took a big gulp of water. He is really exhausted. This is the day of auction. For the past few days, Sam continuously kept on making clothes and inscriptions. This is auction material he is going to put on sale. The three days he spent on the clothes which is thirty days inside the tower, he made a single dress everyday out of which twenty-eight of them are to auctioned off. The remaining two, well he is a man of his words.

Sam came out of the mansion and looked at the river. He suddenly had an urge to swim. So, he took off his vest and directly jumped into the river and started swimming. After one hour of swimming, he finally felt satisfied and came out. It is already noon. He looked at the bright sun and smiled. The scene looked like it came out of a painting. His handsome face, his tall figure, his chiselled and bare upper body and black hair drenched in river water, the bright sunlight and his equally bright smile. The scene was mesmerizing. He enjoyed the feel for a few moments and walked back towards the Mansion entrance. He changed his clothes and wore the newly made feathered black coat and came outside.

"it is about time." He murmured as he walked towards the city.

Meanwhile in the Artisan tower, the tower head is pacing at the reception as if he was waiting for someone. Kelly stood aside as she looked at her father. Soon, two middle-aged men came with exquisite robes and dignified auras. Both of them have badges with number 2 on it. They both are tower heads of the inscription tower and Formation tower. When they looked at the Artisan tower head pacing nervously, they couldn't help tease.

"Hey, Harold. What happened to you? You are pacing like a dog." The Inscription tower head said as he chuckled.

"Falter, Felix you guys came. Now, that if that little ancestor arrives, we can go." Harold, who is the Artisan tower head replied.

Falter is the formation tower head and Felix, is the Inscription tower head. Since, these guys have more or less same position they are naturally friends and had some dealings.

"Why did you ask us to come all of a sudden?" Felix asked.

"Alfred's son, Albert seemed to be offended Sam. So, he asked me to arrange a surprise meet with Alfred to talk. It is not like you don't know Sam's temper. Just because he was called bastard, he made an artwork out of the kid from the Crimson flame family. This Alfred is arrogant enough in front of us, now his own arrogant son has to provoke this demon.

I am already had some differences with Sam. That is why, I want to mend the relationship. I want you guys to help me. After he comes, accompany me to the Pharmaceutical tower. This is the time when he teaches his apprentice. So, we have to make sure that we catch him at the spot."

"This is okay with me. Let us see, how that arrogant bastard will flaunt his arrogance at a Genius like Sam." Felix said.

"Let us see, how it goes." Falter spoke.

Soon Sam came to the Artisan tower head and looked at the three middle-aged men and looked a little puzzled. He walked towards Harold and spoke.

"Hello. Are the arrangements done?" He directly greeted and asked about the situation. He completely ignored the other two middle-aged men. Harold felt like gloating as he looked at his friends' expressions.

"Sir, Sam. These are Formation tower head Falter and Inscription tower head Felix." He introduced.

Sam looked at them and said. "Hello. I am Sam." His reply was short and onto the point. His voice was calm and collected. He really didn't treat them like seniors at all. Both the elders felt a little awkward as they were completely used to the flowery words from every junior they met. Now, only they felt how it is to meet a really capable one. The people with capability will not act subservient to others.

"Sir Sam, both of them will be accompanying us to the Pharmaceutical tower. At this moment Alfred will be teaching his apprentice or would be supervising the ground floor. So, if you want to surprise him, this will be best time." Harold said. 'Because, that jerk will be tooting his own horn at the newly joined apprentice' He inwardly thought.

"No problem." Sam replied and made his way along with other three tower heads and Kelly also meekly followed after them. She was really curious as how Sam would deal with this. She is also third year in the academy and clearly knew about Albert. When she heard that Albert had offended Sam, she immediately thought that Albert was dead. After a few moments only she realised that with Sam's current prowess it is almost impossible to kill him. When she heard from her father about how Sam wanted to meet Albert's father instead, she was quite surprised and confused. That is why, she is following them to see what he will do.

After a few minutes the group of five came to the Pharmaceutical tower. Now, Sam is wearing all his badges in open. When people saw the three bigshots along with Sam and all the badges, they immediately guessed his identity. This caused a commotion in the tower. When Alfred who is relishing in the admiration of all the apprentices in the ground floor heard the commotion, he was about to come out, but the group already reached the door of the room.

When he saw the other three tower heads with Sam, he frowned.

"Harold, what is with the commotion? Why make a big fuss when you come?" Alfred asked with a clearly displeased tone. He didn't address Sam at all. In his view, no matter how much of a genius Sam is, him greeting him first is loss of status, since he is now in higher status. In his mind a Pill master is higher than Artisan. That is why he didn't even budge when saw the rank 3 Scholar Artisan Badge.

Sam just sized up the arrogant and haughty Alfred. He is just like his son. His face will blend in the crowd naturally. Nobody would bother to pick him out of a group. He made his way to the room and looked around. The room has three big green lizards. Sam recognised them in a glance. They are green scale lizards. Each lizard is kept on a table and completely bound by various inscriptions and Articrafts. All three of them are at Level 2 Peak and all of them have their leg severed. Blood dripped from the wound.

Sam looked at the scene and immediately understood what is happening. There are three people standing near each table. They are healers, who are practising healing lessons. Actually, they use these Green scale lizards to practise because, the severed limb will grow as long as they were fed with enough water spiritual energy. All the healers are rank-1 healers. They will make a wound and heal it. They might make some mistakes as the beast level is at the highest of the rank-1 healer could handle and the wound will heal irregularly. They will repeat the process and after the practise is completed, they will sever the spoiled leg and place the lizards inside the water spiritual energy environment and let it heal itself. Even though, they might take a considerable time, the healers didn't care.

When Sam walked towards the bound lizards, he observed as he looked at them. Even though, he is ruthless, he felt that torturing the beasts without any particular enmity is still beneath him. All the healers standing there immediately walked away and stood behind Alfred. They felt their hair stand as they saw Sam's cold gaze.

"Mr. Alfred. I am Sam. I am here today to speak about your son Albert." Sam said without looking at him at all. He is still looking at the binding articraft chains on the lizards.

As soon as Alfred heard his son, his expression changed and he whispered something in a healer's ear and walked towards Sam.

"What do you have to say?" He asked with a frown.

"Well, your son Albert came to my mansion uninvited a few days ago and then ranted on that he wants me to do this and that for him as protection fee in the school. So, I am here to discuss that." Sam replied and took a seat in one of the three chairs in the room. "Please take a seat." He gestured Alfred to sit which the latter followed.

"Mr. Sam. You seem to be mistaken. I know my son. With your status isn't it beneath you to slander others. Young men nowadays are being spoiled." Alfred didn't admit. But he couldn't help feel disappointed in heart. He really said the truth and that is he really knew his son and his son would definitely do what Sam had said. But knowing is one thing and admitting is another.

"Dad, are you looking for me?" Suddenly Albert came in and when he looked at Sam, his face brightened and said.

"Are you done with my order?" He didn't even see his father's expression when he said that. He was really enthusiastic when he saw Sam. But he is bound to be disappointed.

Sam looked at Alfred with a hint of mockery and disdain.

"What are you waiting for? Take out the goods." Albert didn't see the situation and just demanded again. Alfred suddenly wanted to bash his son so hard, that he would lay on the bed for a month. He is now in a spot because of him. His didn't see the bigshots and people and directly trying to extort from a genius.

Suddenly, Sam missed his gun, He really wanted to bury a whole magazine of shots in this Albert's chest at point blank range. He stood up and walked towards one of the Lizards which are tied up and then placed his hand on a binding chain. He looked towards Alfred and spoke.

"Mr. Alfred. I am here because I have something to say. Because, you might find this useful in future." As he said that the chain he touched suddenly turned into powder and he moved to another chain on the lizard. The spectators are looking at it incredulously. He didn't seem to care and continued.

"You might not know. But I am a person, who advocates Pride and arrogance, because I am quite proud and arrogant myself.

Your son Albert wanted to use his status as a Novice to extort something from me." As he said this all the bindings on the lizard are in powder state.

"Your son also threatened me using your position as a Pill master. Indeed, the people from the Pharmaceutical tower have higher status in the society. But I know that there are differences in the statuses between the people from the Pharmaceutical tower as well. For example, a healer is high ranked than a Pill master. Isn't right?" Sam said as he placed his hand on the wound of severed leg of lizard. He looked at Alfred and said.

"An advice Mr. Alfred. Your son's arrogance for your status will be just liking healing spell. He can save himself from some people. Just like how they he can heal some wounds just like this."

As he spoke the golden light started emitting from the hand and in a rapid pace the new leg started growing and with in a few dumbfounding seconds, there is new leg. Sam then patted the lizard's head and then took the severed leg in to his hand.

"But if he is drunk from arrogance from your status excessively. This might happen."

As he said that, suddenly the leg in his hands turned into a meat paste in his hands. Even the bones were not spared. All the spectators took a step back and felt fearful.

"I came here to tell this today not because, I am afraid of your status or something. I could have dealt with your son with many means. But the you will interfere with your revenge pursuit with unlimited hypocrisy, which I hate to my guts. That is why I am informing you directly. If your son comes to me again. Remember that my cultivation will not stay same all the time." He said and walked towards the entrance along with the three bigshots and Kelly.

The three bigshots didn't say a thing today, because they just wanted to watch the show and try to help Harold a little to improve his relation with Sam as his main trade is Artisan. But when they looked at Alfred's current expression.....

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 41

After Sam left with the group, the rest of the members of the Pharmaceutical tower also left as they looked at Alfred and Albert. Now, father and son were the only people left in the room. It took a long time for them to come back to their senses.

"Dad, what does he mean by this?" Albert was still confused as he looked at the healed Green scaled lizard and the meat paste of the leg on the ground.


Alfred suddenly slapped Albert out of nowhere.

"Why do you have to provoke someone you can't afford to offend?" He yelled at his son as slumped back into the chair with a dejected expression. He just looked at the healed leg of the lizard. He clearly understood one thing from what Sam told him. He can be as arrogant as he wants, but he can't provoke him.

From what he saw, Sam has a light attribute and he is proficient in healing spells, and he has so much control on his spiritual energy that he can even perform regrowth. Even though, it is easy to perform the regrowth on the Green scaled lizard, it is still more than what his skill level can catch up to.

If he tried to provoke Sam with the higher social status as a pill master, he will just come and become a certified healer and then with his young age and potential, he will be in higher status in no time and even without it he can just get a few people to do his bidding. But there is one thing that confused him, that is why didn't Sam just take a healer exam and attain higher status, with having proficiency in all main professions, he can enjoy so many privileges, after all that type of genius is absolutely unheard of.

The three bigshots also had same doubts and Felix asked him directly.

"I have my reasons." This is the answer that he gave without any more reasons.

"Sam, do you want to accompany us to a meal?" Harold asked.

"No, Thank you. I have something going on. I have to go to the Evergreen family as I have some items to auction off. Maybe next time." Sam bid his farewell and looked towards Kelly. He also nodded at her in a polite manner made his way to the Evergreen family.

Kelly looked at his back as if she wanted to say something but held herself back.

After half an hour Sam went to the Evergreen family house. He is sitting in a room which seems to be where the head of the Evergreen family entertains the guests. There are two people along with him. it is head of the Evergreen family Marcus and his son Philip.

"So, Sam what is it that you want to auction off today. You even said that it is a big haul." Marcus asked as he looked at Sam who has a calm expression.

"Mr. Marcus, do you by any chance have a squad of 14 people in Evergreen family who has a better coordination and it would be better if they have some fire or ice attribute in the squad." Sam asked with confusion.

"Well, before that let me show you something." Sam said and took out the robe that he made today morning and wore it. "Mr. Marcus how does it look?" Sam asked with a smile as he looked at Marcus who is looking at the exquisite design of the robe.

"The robe is quite good and the quality of the material is great as well."

"Mr. Marcus, do you have a sparring room?" Sam asked with a smile.

"Sure, let us go." Even though Marcus felt quite puzzled on why Sam asked for a sparring room. he didn't question him and just led the way.

When they went to a training room, Sam entered the sparring ring and seeing this Philip entered the ring. He looked at Sam and said. "Sam, I finally have a chance to spar with you? Even though I know that I am not your match at all, it would till be a tough fight."

Ad soon as he finished, he made some hand seals and a fire ball appeared in his hands. He immediately threw that towards Sam. But his opponent only stood there with a faint smile as fire ball hit him in the chest. Marcus and Philip were surprised yet scared. They didn't expect that Sam will take full brunt of attack. But when the smoke cleared, they were even more shocked because, there is not even a single thread damaged on the cloth. Sam just stood there with same smile.

Philip was still unwilling and this time a raging fire appeared in his hands. This time he didn't pull his punches at all. The fire flew as it was a river of flames and came towards Sam. This is a spell called incineration. But the outcome didn't change. The damage is non-existent. When Sam was about to say something, he saw something else. Philip concentrated his spiritual energy as some metallic sheen could be seen on his arms. He immediately took out a sword and made a move towards Sam. A loud sword keen emerged along with a fiery blade as it hit the target.

But the outcome was still not what Philip wished for. He saw Sam blocking the sword with his hand as the sleeve glowed a bit due to injecting spiritual energy. This made the expression of the Father and son change.

But the most surprised one was Sam. Because, according to information and what everyone knew is the Philip is a Fire attribute Acolyte mage at level 5. But what Sam saw now was that Philip is a Metal and Fire, Dual Attribute Acolyte Warrior-Mage at Level 7. He was quite perplexed at what he saw and was dumbfounded. Philip is hiding his prowess all the time. But he didn't question it and just stayed silent. Philip also retracted his sword and looked at Sam and both of them nodded in tacit understanding. Then Sam turned towards Marcus and said.

"Mr. Marcus will you please come and assist me?"

Marcus was dumbfounded by this and stared in daze for a second before he asked.

"Are you sure?"

"I am not going to have a spar with you. I just want you to make a move so that I could demonstrate my product." After hearing what Sam said. Marcus slowly made his way to the ring and stood there.

"You can attack me with a power level of around fourth stage Novice." Sam said as he took a defensive position.

Marcus hesitated a little and then took an attacking stance. A huge blazing flame blasted towards Sam and hit him. This is a Novice range spell called Inferno. When all the smoke cleared up. Philip and Marcus almost fainted from shock. Because, Sam is still standing there without a single scratch. But the whole robe is glowing as a big energy barrier formed around Sam. When they saw this scene, they finally understood what Sam's product is. This is an extraordinary product. Just this robe alone will be centre of attention of the monthly auction.

Marcus took a deep breath and spoke first. "Sam, how many of these do you have?" He really wants to buy this robe. If possible, he just wants to buy every robe off. But knew this is not possible.

"Mr. Marcus. Aren't you being a little hasty? Demonstration is not finished yet." After he spoke, he took out a thin book and passed it to Marcus and then said. "Please read this." Both Philip and Marcus took the book and flipped through the pages. There are some well-images and also numerous details regarding the robe and how can it be most effective. When they finished skimming through the book, Philip and Marcus stared at Sam as if they were looking at a monster.

"Sam, this is a set for seven?"


"Then why did you ask for a fourteen-man squad."

"Well, I have more than one set."

Even though, he had the speculation, after he heard the confirmation, he was quite shocked. He immediately ordered for a 14-man team to come to the training room. Mostly they are at Acolyte stage and there are some fire and Ice attribute mages in them.

Sam took 14 robes, half of which are red and another half are blue. He then explained about the robes to the 14 people and then turned towards Marcus.

Half an hour later. Marcus was full of smiles and had a fascinating expression on his face.

"How about it Mr. Marcus? will this do? Are they worthy enough to be auctioned?" Sam asked with a faint smile.

"Sam, how many sets do you have?" Marcus asked directly.

"Four." This reply made Marcus to take in a deep breath.

"Sam, I want to make a deal with you. I will buy two sets directly. Name the price." Marcus asked.

Sam pondered a bit. He really didn't have any objection on selling these things to Marcus as he didn't have a bad opinion of Evergreen family. But these things are his money-making opportunities. After some brief thought, Sam finally replied.

"Mr. Marcus, I have no objection in selling you. But about the price. I will let you auction two sets of the robes and I will take sixty percent of the price of the least expensive set from you. But you have to waive the auction commission for me."

"Okay." As soon as Sam said, Marcus agreed.

After making some small talk, Philip and Sam went out and Marcus went to make some preparations.

"Philip, can you invite Freya and Haley for a meal? I have to talk something." Sam asked Philip

"Sure." Philip asked two servants to inform them while he and Sam walked towards the inn. The two servants went towards the Academy and informed Haley and Freya about the matter.

After Sam and Philip waited for a while in the inn, both the young ladies came. They greeted and sat down quietly. They ordered the dishes and finished the meal quickly. All this time, they only made some small talk and the girls didn't talk much at all. They are still feeling awkward around Sam.

"Can we go to my mansion?" Sam suggested as soon as they came out. Then all four of them walked towards the mansion.

After they arrived at the mansion, Sam directly took them to the tailoring room. When they entered all three of them were dumbfounded as they saw what was inside the room.

There are two wooden mannequins which are displaying a dress each. Both the dresses are similar in design, except that one dress is red in colour with golden colour embroidery and the other is ice blue in colour with white colour embroidery.

The dresses have two components. The top and a pant. The top has short sleeves and there is a phoenix head embroidered on the left side chest for the red dress and the body was embroidered along with it and extended towards the bottom of the waist where the tail begins and from which the golden coloured feathers are embroidered along the back side of the top. The top is short in front as it covered a little more than the lower abdomen from the chest as the back of the top is quite long as it extended a little below the calf. The pant is also red in colour. Which is simple without any exquisite designs.

The Blue top also has similar design, but the feathers are white in colour and the phoenix embroidery started from the right chest to left. The pant is also in icy blue colour.

When the two girls saw these dresses, they froze on their spots. Even a man like Philip is amazed by the dress. Most importantly, the dresses can not only be worn formally, but also in a battle. But the design on the dress will make the girls quite reluctant to battle with them on.

Haley and Freya exchanged glances as they slowly walked towards the dresses and started examining them. They felt the fabric the design and everything were quite great and the craftsman ship is quite excellent.

"Hello, ladies. You should pay before you take the cloths." Sam interrupted their actions from behind.

When Freya and Haley came back to their senses, they again became awkward.

"Ten spirit stones each. Pay up and take your dress." Sam said as he reached out his hand with a smile.

Haley and Freya couldn't help but smile at Sam's behaviour. How much is Sam's worth? How rich is he? Ten spirit stones are not a matter at all. They exchanged glances and took out the spirit stones and passed over.

"Sam, this is not fair, I asked for a dozen dresses. You only made one." Freya was back to herself again. Since, Sam can still remember their request for dresses, that means he is still treating their friendship normally, irrespective of their families' actions.

"Can you not be that shameless?" Haley also smiled as she scolded Freya.

"There is a surprise, in the dress. If you are in a dangerous situation, direct all the spiritual energy into the dress right before the impact." Sam said from behind. Freya and Haley felt quite confused and Philip was the most bitter one.

He already knew what Sam can do with a normal robe. If the people who buy Sam's clothes in auction knew that two such clothes are sold at 10 spirit stones, he wondered how they felt.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 42

After the girls took their dresses and left the mansion, Philip and Sam sat in the living room.

"Sam, can I ask you something?" Philip asked he hesitated for a while.

Sam just looked at him and nodded without replying. Philip took a deep breath and said.

"I want to you to teach something for me."

"What would that be?" Sam was surprised for a second and asked with an amusing smile.

"I want to become an Artisan. I once wanted to try my luck with the Artisan tower head, but you came. What attracted me, is the different techniques you are using. Different things you are making. And you can make things that are beyond what your cultivation rank allows. I want you to teach me how to become an Artisan." Philip said as he let go of his hesitation.

"Why do you want to become an Artisan?" Sam asked as he looked at Philip with a faint smile. He really does know that there would be someone who wants his techniques. But he really didn't think that the first one to come after his techniques is the first friend he made after rebirth. Even though, they aren't that close, he really didn't have any bad impression of Philip. But there is one thing that bothers him is that Philip is not as simple as he portrayed himself to be, there is definitely a veil of mystery.

Philip thought deep and hard about the question Sam asked him. He understood that Sam felt something was off about him, but he didn't really bother as he himself made it known to Sam by unsealing his cultivation.

"Because, I like to create something." Philip finally came up with an answer.

"Make yourself clear. You want to make something or create something?" Sam asked again.

"What is the difference?" Philip was left confused. 'Isn't it same in both cases?' He inwardly thought as he asked.

"Even though the meaning of both words is same, in real life they are different. That difference is also so thin like a cicada wing but making a large variation between a maker and a creator. If you want to make something, all you need is to know is the answer for a question 'how?' for whatever you want to make.

Creation is different. You need to know answers of more questions other than 'how?', you have to know the answer for 'why?' and 'what?' also." Speaking up to this point, Sam looked at Philip who was confused and pondering. "If you have to clarity on what I asked, meet me again and ask? As I am your friend, I will teach you. But there will be certain price to pay." Then he walked towards his room leaving Philip alone to think things over.

At night. Evergreen Pavilion. The place is filled with people as guests are streaming in. The monthly auction is going to take place after all. Sam and his friends are already inside the private room, they sat before as they are looking at the guests filling the auction house. The attendants of the Evergreen family are greeting everyone as they guided them to the seats. Soon, the auction house is filled up and only private rooms are yet to be filled.

All the spectators are waiting for the auction to start. Soon, the crowd fell into an uproar as they saw who is coming to the auction house. The head of the Crimson flame family head could be seen. They were shocked beyond belief. Even though the monthly auction is a grand event and the other noble families also had to show some face to the Evergreen family, but the head of the families would never come to the monthly auction, only they would come to the yearly auction. But now, the Crimson flame family head has come to the auction this time and everyone felt that there is something special in the auction this time.

The Crimson flame family head was greeted by the Evergreen family head and then made his way to the private room reserved for his family. He looked at the Private room, Sam previously sat in and felt reassured that the room is occupied.

Soon, when audience were about to come out of their shocked states, the people from the other families arrived. And the situation is same as the Crimson flame family and their heads also arrived. Even city lord and the tower heads also arrived at the auction. The spectators were totally convinced that there is definitely some special item in today's auction.

Even though, their thoughts are correct, they don't know that all the bigshots have varying reasons for that. Crimson flame family head came to make it up, for the past. The rest of the family heads and city lord on the other hand thought that the Crimson flame family head has sniffed something valuable in the auction that he needs to come to the auction personally. So, they didn't want to miss out on the treasure and made their way here. As for the tower heads, they only came because they want to see what Sam had put in the auction.

Soon, auction began. The beautiful elder sister of Philip is still the auctioneer. She enthusiastically started auctioning the items one by one. The finale came.

"Now, the auction has come to the finale. This time I won't explain or describe the product. You can see the demonstration yourselves." Eva said with an alluring smile and left the stage.

Crimson flame family head also knew the time has come. Even though, he didn't know initially what item Sam is going to sell, he pulled some strings and finally got the answer. The item is the finale. He immediately became attentive. Although, he prepared to bid whatever the item is, he still wants to see, what kind of item did Sam has to sell in the auction and that too worthy of finale.

Everyone, immediately became serious and watched the stage, then an acolyte mage came to the stage wearing the red robe. This is precisely the robe that Sam wore this afternoon. While demonstrating the product. Then another acolyte and a Novice entered the stage and demonstration has proceeded in the same way as Sam did in the afternoon.

The guests are already in awe of the robe. Even though, the armours will do, if opponent is really too powerful, he will definitely deal a major damage. So, they will have to maintain high quality armours which are costly but clearly not good looking either and might even look bulky. But when they saw the exquisite robe, they were completely thrilled of its capabilities.

Just as they thought that the demonstration is over another six people with almost same attire entered the stage and this time a middle stage novice also entered as their opponent. This time the crowd became even more shocked to see. There are only seven Acolyte and the opponent is a Novice. They can't possibly deal with him. Or so they thought.

When the Novice made a move, the seven people also made their move at the same time. One of them went directly to the opponent head on, while the remaining six people surrounded in and took a certain position. Suddenly, the robes of them started glowing and a binding formation appeared, stopping the movements of the Novice for a split second in which he was dealt with a blow from the remaining seventh person. They then immediately took a step back and immediately took another battle formation as Novice attacked them. Their robes glowed dimly again and then a barrier appeared fending the attack off. This is a pure defensive formation. Finally, they took another position and this time their robes glowed brighter and as the energy of the six people gathered towards the centre person as a huge fire ball appeared. The fire ball immediately shot towards the Novice almost getting him off the stage.

The demonstration was finished. But the audience were completely dumbstruck and were still in daze. They understood the first two formations but they didn't understand the third attack at all. Even the big shots like family heads and tower heads, didn't understand.

Of course, how could they understand. It is the result of Sam's continuous research and experiments. The robe set is filled with various inscriptions he created. He used the inscriptions he modified by the experiment and then used them as the energy nodes by the position of the members of the squad creating the instantaneous formations. As for the third attack, it is combination of the formation and the attack inscription. Basically, there are both consumable and permanent inscriptions that are inscribed. But the attack inscriptions are almost all consumable. So, Sam used his understanding of the behaviour of the runes and combined the formation knowledge he had and created the last attack, which can deal a blow even to a middle-stage Novice. The energy of the all the six will be condensed towards the seventh one where it converts into the fire type energy and form a fire ball,

All the noble family heads and even city lord feel completely determined. They should obtain these robes. If they could train a batch of these Acolytes specially, they can be of great advantage. Even though there seemed to be quite a few numbers of Novices in the city. Everyone knew, that the fighting force of the city or even nobles are mainly dependent on Acolytes. This is backward place after all. So, they were quite determined to get this.

Eva came back to the stage and a set of the seven robes was neatly displayed on the mannequins. Sam made two sets of fire and ice type. So, the Evergreen family reached an agreement to get one set on each type. So, the other two sets will be displayed.

As soon as they saw the robes, they just wanted to snatch them away. They saw a notebook was also displayed along with the robes and felt confused. Then Eva came to the stage.

"Dear guests, this is the set created by the special guest and is provided with the notebook filled with instructions on how to use it properly. The starting bid of the set is 50,000 spirit stones. The minimum increment will be of 5000 spirit stones."

As soon as she finished the audience became agitated and then started bidding.






Some rich merchants started bidding. Even though they are not that rich, if they could fork out some money, they can sell it to a higher city and can make some profit out of it and thus they are trying their luck.

"120000" suddenly a voice silenced everyone. The city lord bid his price and the merchants came to their senses. The noble families still have to bid. Soon, they started bidding.



"140000" All the noble families started competing, but there is still someone who is silent, it is the Crimson flame family head. That didn't mean he is giving up. But he is even more determined since he knew who the seller is and he has come especially for that. He is merely waiting for time.

"200000" finally the bid came to this and it is still the city lord. Everybody became silent. They didn't want to pay more than that. Eva looked around and just as she was about to announce. Another bid came.

"250000" this is crimson flame family head. He raised the bid by 50000 making even city lord grit his teeth and stayed silent. He didn't expect that there is still competition.

"250000. Once, twice and sold." Eva confirmed the purchase and a lot of people were extremely disappointed. There are only two people who were grinning. They were Sam and the Crimson flame family head. One for the money and the other for resolving the grudges.

Just as the auction house was silent and gloomy. Another set of blue colour robes came making all the other noble families to see hope. They immediately became alert and started bidding. This time Crimson flame family head completely stayed out of situation and then the price of the robes reached the same 250000 and this time the city lord really bid it as their family has many ice type Acolytes. The remaining noble families felt indignant and they pulled strings to get their hands on the maker of the robe set. But the Evergreen pavilion gave them the answer, they immediately dismissed the ideas.

They clearly understood, why Crimson flame family head came and bid so much even going against the City lord. He is not only after the product; he is also resolving the grudges. They understood it because, they clearly knew about his visit to Sam. They immediately connected the dots and regretted not paying the visit themselves to come to an agreement. But it was too late.

Sam was grinning ear to ear in his private room. Philip said from the side. "Sam, you are filthy rich. The Noble families you have sold had been sucked dry and your money now can be equal to half of the savings of a noble family. We should squeeze out some benefits from you."

"Yes, I heard that you gave gifts to the girls. How is that fair? You can't be that biased. Why don't you give some gifts too?" Marvin said from the side.

"Don't involve our dresses in this. Marvin, do you have any shame? You can even be petty at that? If you try using my dress as leverage, I will beat you up. Moreover, we paid for it." Freya immediately lost her cool. This time even Haley didn't stop her.

"Hmph. Freya, how can be so shameless? You can even call that payment. Did you see the demo earlier? Ordinary robes can be so formidable, if made by Sam and I heard from Philip that the dresses are 10 times more exquisite than the robes and from Sam's character he would have made even more formidable tricks to them. Yet, you can shamelessly say that you paid for that by just giving 10 spirit stones. You might as well not pay it. Are you really from a noble family?" Marvin immediately shot back.

"Alright, you guys better stay silent. I will also give you guys sell you something later. Don't be irritating." Sam said as he saw situation going out of hand as they are starting to argue. He is almost regretting not selling something to Marvin and others. He almost judged their EQ by his standards and forgot that unlike him, they are actual teenagers.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 43

Sam went back to his mansion with his huge sum of money. Out of 500000 spirit stones from the auctioning the two sets, he got 475000 spirit stones and the rest was the auction commission. Other than that, he got 350000 stones from selling the other two sets to the Evergreen family. When he received the large amount of spirit stones, he felt so happy that he can't get rid of the grin on his face.

He walked to his mansion gleefully and slept peacefully on his bed. But right now, the people who bought the sets are completely sleepless. After all, they just saw a new creation which would help their elite Acolyte subordinates and increase the efficiency of the team. So, they really are sleepless and so are their sub-ordinates.

At Crimson flame family.

The family head and another elder are sitting in a private room. There is no other person in the room and they are looking at the robes sets as they were thinking about something.

"Are you sure, you don't want me to take a look?" The other elder asked with a solemn expression. He is an inscription master of the Crimson flame family. Even though he is at Novice stage, he is only at the rank 1 inscription master stage. Because, it is not that easy to become an inscription master much less promote the rank further. Because, the energy levels and control required for becoming an inscription master or any other professional is not that low. That is the reason, many people will get their rank1 examination only at the late stages of the Acolyte.

The inscription master is looking at the robes with obvious excitement and greed. He really wants to see, how a young brat has used the inscriptions to make a robe this powerful. That is the reason, he came to meet the family head as soon as they came back to the house. If he could study and observe and even better duplicate the robe, he might improve his skills as well as make a lot of money.

The family head however, is completely oblivious to the thoughts of the inscription master before him. He held a note passed over by his daughter, Freya in his hand. There is a confused expression as well as hesitation written all over his face.

Meanwhile, somewhere else there is another person who is not as hesitant as him.

The City lord as soon is currently in a private room in a city lord mansion along with another two people, who will be recognised by Sam easily as they just got acquainted today. They are Falter and Felix. They both sat down across the table and on the other side, the city lord is looking at them seriously and asked again.

"Are two of you confident that you can replicate it, if you examine them?" He asked with a solemn expression. But the greed in his eyes cannot be hidden at all. The two tower heads looked at each other and Felix said with a confident expression.

"Even though, he might be a genius, he is after all inexperienced. I think we both can understand the concept behind the manufacturing process, once we examine it."

"Okay, then. You can take a look." The city lord agreed and then he took out the seven robes, which are icy blue in colour on the table. Felix and Falter both took each and started examining them. They touched the cloth and didn't even know what material it was, but they left the thought and searched for the inscriptions all over the robe without leaving a single corner. But they didn't find it, which made them frown in displeasure. After examining for some time, they finally found something odd. There is an inner lining to the robe. When they saw this, they immediately rejoiced and tried to probe with their spiritual sense only to be blocked.

"I will try another way." Felix said and tried to infuse the spiritual energy directly into the robe to observe carefully. But before he could observe anything the inscriptions directly activated and he felt helpless for a second.

"How about we directly cut open the lining?" Falter suggested and both of them looked at City lord asking for his approval. City lord felt quite conflicted by their suggestion. After all, it is not cheap. He pondered for a bit and then finally he decided.

"You can do whatever you want. But make sure that you can reproduce them."

Felix nodded and then with a wave of his hand a wind blade appeared and cut open the lining inside the robe. Just as the three were about to rejoice, a completely unexpected thing happened. Blazing flames started to emerge from the tear as they started burning the robe instantly. Before they could react all the robe left was a piece of rag and remaining turned into ashes. They didn't even have time to respond as they looked.

The three of them stared dumbstruck, not knowing what happened. Felix was the first one to come to the senses and picked up the rag as he said. "This brat sure is sly. He set up a trap. If anyone tries to pry into the process, they would completely lose the product." His face was a little gloomy as he spoke. Then he looked at the rag cloth and was stunned.

By this time, the city lord slumped back into the chair as he looked at rag in Felix's hands and when he directed his gaze to Felix to howl out the curses, he was confused by the latter's expression. Soon, the expression on Felix's face turned into that of shame and anger and finally rage. He just wanted to blow his top, but couldn't find an outlet.

Falter saw his face and also felt quite puzzled. He took the rag and saw it, he also felt like vomiting his blood in anger. Looking at the tow big shots getting angry even after destroying his expensive robe, City lord just snatched the rag from, Falter's hand saw a string of letter on it.

'You want to copy my creations with your measly abilities. Not any dog shit expert can do that. You are a life time too early to do it.' When he saw the words, he also became embarrassed and angry. He is after all a City lord and even though the other party didn't know he was scolding him, reading the words, he still felt like he was humiliated.

He just wanted to go to Sam's mansion and give him a beating. But up on remembering the other party's status, he immediately lost all the thoughts and stayed put as he slumped in the chair. He regretted doing this now as he looked at the remaining six robes, which had their value depreciated greatly due to loss of one robe of the set.

In Crimson flame family mansion.

The inscription master left the private room angrily and stomped away in fury. Inside the room, the family head is still sitting in the same place as he looked at the note, which has words. 'If you don't want to suffer any losses, you better not mess with robes or you will regret it- Sam' this is the note passed to him by Freya. He looked at the seven robes on the table and sighed as he muttered. "I hope, I made the right decision."

Sam woke up early the next day. He made a visit to the academy and met with the Principal.

"I heard that you made a big haul in yesterday's auction." Principal asked as soon as he saw Sam.

"So-So" Sam replied nonchalantly as he took a seat.

Hearing his reply, the Principal gritted his teeth in anger. If not for the fact that he was considering his image as an elder, he really wanted to drown Sam in curses.

"Why did you come?" Principal forced himself to calm down and asked.

"When are we leaving exactly and how many days it will take us to reach the Falcon cliff city?" Sam asked without bothering about other party's expressions.

"We will leave in six days' time. I am going to conduct an assessment for all the students to choose. There are 10 spots in total. Even though it would be difficult to select them, I came up with a plan to pick them carefully. One spot is already fixed for you and there are only nine spots left.

I will inform you after the team is selected. It will take a week to travel in a horse carriage. If we travel on the beasts, we can make it shorter though. What do you think?"

"What do you mean by that?" Sam asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"I heard that you have two beast pets at level 2 middle stage." Principal said with a smile.

"So?" Sam asked acting dumb. Seeing this Principal got irritated and spoke.

"If you can help with the transport, we can reach there earlier."

"Why should I help?" this is the only reply he got for his blunt request.

"You are coming with us too. What is wrong with transporting us?" Principal said a bit enraged. 'This brat. Why is so difficult to get a small favour from him.' He thought inwardly.

"Of course, there is nothing wrong. But they are mine. Why should I give you guys a free ride?" Sam asked as he ignored the anger of Principal.

"I am already giving you a free pass. Can't you just give us a ride? Why is it that you can't bear to do that? If you don't give us a ride, I am not letting you off easily. You are so rich and still want to fleece me for a ride." Principal stood up and pointed a finger at Sam as he spoke.

"Fine. I will let you take advantage of me for this one time." Sam conceded. He stood up and just as he was making his way to the door, he heard Principal speaking.

"If you want, you can bring one or two followers with you. It is for giving us a ride and I am providing a special privilege to you." Sam just acknowledged silently and walked back to his mansion.

At the river side sat along with the panthers which are munching on some deer like beast and was deep in thought about his past life. Apart from Stella, he missed three things mainly. His wrist watch, His motor bike and his flute. Then he thought about the claws he used to fight with. At first, he thought of using the Golden Blood tiger claws to make a set for himself. But he got the news of the availability of the Meteorite sand and that too of various types, that is why he stopped himself. After all, the better the material and the better the possibilities. He sighed as he looked at the bare left hand without any wrist watch.

"Right now, I don't want to make these things with a low rank material. I might as well wait to get my hands on the meteorite sand. Meanwhile, I better figure out a way to solve the problem of the engine and its fuel." He muttered as he looked at the river.

Even though he can make a steam engine easily, he really has no interest in making one. After all, even though the steam engine is one of the turning points of the technology back on earth, for Sam right now, they are nothing but money makers which he didn't lack much. He just wants to make something that he has other uses. He fell deep into thought and finally came to a conclusion.

"Let us first think of a way to make some fuel. Then, I can create an engine according to that. Anyway, I need to get a bike as soon as I can. I really miss the feeling of riding." He spoke as he stood up and stretched his body lazily.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 44

Next day The Principal of the Starwood academy is in an extremely good mood as he felt that he got one over the money- grubbing brat, Sam. That is why, he is full of smiles since morning as he followed, he attended his duties.

But this smile didn't last when he met two people waiting at his office for him. He furrowed his brows as he recognised them as an Artisan and his assistant who runs a business in the city. He is good at making carriages and all the carriages in the noble families and merchants are made by him. When Principal saw him, he was quite puzzled. He invited them into the office and asked them.

"Why do you want to see me?"

"Sir, I am here to collect payment for an order." The man who seemed to be the boss said in a low voice.

"Payment? I don't remember having made any deal with you and even the academy doesn't have business. Are you here by mistake?" Principal grew more and more and confused.

"No, Sir. If you look at this, you will understand." He said as he passed over a letter to the principal which he took and read. As soon as the Principal read the content, he immediately became enraged and wanted to punch someone in the face. But he forced himself to calm down and looked at the boss in front of him and asked.

"Did this happen yesterday?"

"Yes, sir." The boss said. Even though, he is an artisan, he is merely a rank 1 and doesn't have much status as he skills were low. That is why, he started using his knowledge to make the carriages instead of weapons. He was nervous, when 'that' person came to his shop yesterday and placed an order on behalf of the Principal's name. But he quickly dismissed the thoughts as he knew that a person of 'that' status doesn't need to bother to make him go against the Principal to deal with him. That is why, he became more confident and came to look for the Principal to foot the bill. But looking at the Principal's expressions, he is starting to doubt his decision.

Principal suddenly heaved a sigh and looked away from the letter and asked. "How much is the bill?"

"5000 spirit stones." The person said slowly looking at the Principal's expression and as expected, he saw the Principal's expression turn dark and ugly and he immediately explained himself.

"Sir, He gave us a special order and the design himself, including the materials to be used. If you want, you can take a look at it." Boss passed over a huge scroll. Principal looked at the exquisite sketches and the designs of various components and became impressed, but when he looked at the list of the materials needed, he almost puked blood in rage. He held back his anger and returned the scroll for the boss and finished the Payment along with. Boss left the academy happily.

After making sure that nobody is around, Principal immediately roared in rage as tore down the letter.


He became so enraged at the content of the letter. The words are written like this. 'Honourable Principal, yesterday when we discussed the travel arrangements, you only mentioned about the beasts of mine and forgot to mention about the carriage. So, as a humble student, I took it up on myself and ordered a specially made carriage for our team and I am writing this to remind you complete the payment. You don't need to thank me as it is my responsibility to help you do these minor tasks. – Sam.'

Principal immediately understood Sam's intention of getting himself a new carriage under the expense of him. But he can't lose face and get embarrassed by exposing the truth. Because, if he exposed the truth, he has to action against Sam for blatantly using the Principal's name which he obviously unable to do. That is why, he can only curse in his heart. Just when he thought he took advantage of that brat, he made him lose another 5000 spirit stones.

Meanwhile at the river-side mansion, Sam just came out of the river after taking a swim and started walking towards the mansion. Two panthers, also followed him along playfully jumping around. Even though they are big now, they are playing like kids.

Sam dried himself normally without use of any spiritual energy. He tried his best to live like a normal human whenever he can and taking bath and having sleep and even taking the meals regularly is for the same reason. After he changed into a new dress, he went to a room where a large table is there and a scroll is fixed over on it. Sam looked at the half- finished design and was in deep contemplation. He moved towards another small table at the side, which is filled with all sorts of calculations and writings.

He is trying to design the things he missed. The calculations are for making a wrist watch and he is designing them on the scroll. After that he has to think of ways to make use of the resources to run a motored vehicle. In fact, he wanted to make an engine full of inscriptions to convert the spiritual energy in the spiritual stones to the shaft power required. But he immediately rejected the idea because, this will make use of the complex inscriptions and high-level skills and experimentations on them, which are restricted by his cultivation level. That is the reason he rejected the thought and another reason is that, this world doesn't have something like patent and if a high ranked inscription master gets hold of this, it will make his effort go to waste as they can easily imitate it. But if he were to use a new type of fuel and an engine with a similar and complicated mechanism to the modern world engine and make some tweaks with very delicate components, he can make sure they can't produce a working model even if they get hold of the mechanism and that is the reason, he doesn't want to make use of simple spirit stone powered engine.

But he is still in contemplation over what type of fuel, he should make and if he can proceed with his initial thoughts.

He then looked at the design again and started drawing the remaining components of the watch. He is slow and steady as he took his own sweet time, because even if he can design this faster, he cannot make the watch, because of the lack of materials as he included various meteorite sands in his design.

He just kept on drawing as he is trying to make himself busy. Because, lately Sam is feeling a little bloated and unable to be at ease. The cause of this is the overflowing spiritual energy within him. He is at the limit of his Level Acolyte, but he can't break through easily because, he needs to exchange energy with his contract beasts. Even though at later stages, he can break through directly, at his current level of cultivation level, he can't do this because at the foundation levels of cultivation, he has to increase along with beasts, so that he can have maximum efficiency. That is why he completely let go of anything that is related to spiritual energy and just concentrated on his designing of his new components.

This went on and on as he maintained his daily routine like a normal engineer from earth and worked on his designs slowly.

But the rest of his city is not at all boring as Sam's life. The Principal announced the city about the selection tournament and the noble families, became excited as their speculations became correct. They all are filled with hopes that their geniuses would be selected, as the criterion for the selection is the potential rather than the cultivation level and are making their plans to make their children perform better.

All the noble families attended the assessment test which will be going on for three days straight. All the students were excited to try their best to get into the team. When they heard that they have only nine spots they felt a little disappointed and more than half of the students just dropped out of the competition but some of them felt weird as they thought that selection of nine members is a bit odd.

All the assessments were taken place inside the test grounds and the assessment this time is not fight against students but rather there are number of trails to assess their potential in various aspects.

But Sam was oblivious to this as he was in between in a pile of paper scrolls and continued to do his work.

Soon, the assessments are over and there are only two days left before they can start their journey to the Falcon cliff city and Sam finally got a message from the Principal to meet the rest of the team mates to get along before going to the competition. Sam also needs to visit the Evergreen family to take back the Blazing earth bulls, so he made a trip to the academy first.

When he reached the academy, a senior student received him and then led him to a room which already has ten people waiting for him.

When he entered the room, he saw Principal addressing the nine people sitting in front of him and felt a little surprised as he saw a few familiar faces there. Philip, Freya, Haley, Kelly, Jack are sitting along with another four people. He didn't recognise the other people.

But the one with the big surprise is not him but the others in the room. They all felt weird at first when they noticed that the overpowered freshman, Sam didn't participate in the assessment and now that they saw him here, they were shocked. 'So, He is already in the team.' All of them thought and understood the odd selection 9 members, because the 10th member is already decided.

Between those surprised gazes there is one with some disdain. Sam came out of his stupor and walked towards the Principal.

"Hello, Sir." He greeted him with a nonchalant face. The rest of the people also came out of their stupor and looked at Sam.

"Hello, Sam take your seat." He said as he pointed at the seat.

Sam nodded and took a seat without greeting anyone else. He just gave his friends a look before turning to look at the Principal.

"Now, that all the participants are here, I will say a few words. We will be going to the Falcon cliff city day after tomorrow. The ten of you are going to represent the Starwood city in the tournament that is going to be conducted by the Count himself. There will be teams from the other cities under the jurisdiction of the Count and people from the Falcon Cliff city will also participate in it. I can't tell you what the rewards are but the tests would be on various aspects and the winners will get the recognition and rewards beyond imagination. I hope you guys will prepare well and work hard in representing our city and the academy." Principal spoke as he looked at the ten participants.

"Sir, how many days is the tournament going to be conducted?" Philip asked as he raised his hand.

"I am not quite sure. But you will know after we reach there. I and City lord are going to accompany you all. Eisen, you are going to be the in charge of the team." Principal said as he looked at a person and that guy stood up. He is the one who looked at Sam in disdain. Sam saw the three stars on his chest. He seems to be at the initial stage Novice.

"Sir, do you mean that I am the leader of the team?" Eisen asked as he looked straight at the Principal. The latter nodded.

"I have an objection regarding the team." He said with an arrogant tone. Principal raised his eyebrow as he looked at Eisen.

"What would that be?" Principal asked in a low voice.

"I don't want someone who used their status to get into the team through the backdoor. This will not do justice for the team members at all." Eisen said as he looked at Principal straight in the eyes without noticing the change of expressions on other members. But everyone could understand that he is talking about Sam and then all of them looked towards him. They wanted to see how Sam would react to that, but all they could see was a cold, emotionless and nonchalant face without any reaction. Then they heard the reaction from another person.

"So, Eisen. You mean the Principal of this academy, me is a person who is influenced by the people's status and open the backdoor without considering their capability." Principal asked as he voice sounded a little colder.

Eisen was dumbfounded for a moment when he heard this. He really dared not agree to what Principal said. How could he agree that Principal is a person with out morals? That would be courting death. Even if he really felt that, he wouldn't dare to say that.

"No sir. I-I mean that someone might have u-used their status to threaten...…" He started in a fl.u.s.tered tone and was interrupted by the Principal.

"Enough. I am not going to ask your opinions nor do I care. You are only a leader of team because of the cultivation level. Don't think that you have some say in the team members selection simply because I gave you the position. You better keep your mouth shut. Everyone you guys can leave. Meet me at the Academy gate at morning in the day after tomorrow. You are dismissed."

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 45

After the meeting is ended, Sam walked out of the academy and started walking towards his mansion. But he some people stopped him on his way and the person in the lead happened to be Eisen.

Sam didn't speak and just looked at Eisen with a cold gaze as he raised an eyebrow as if questioning him of the purpose. For some reason Eisen got irritated looking at Sam's nonchalance and said in an arrogant tone.

"You better withdraw from the team." He just made a statement as if he was ordering his subordinate as he looked down with his height two inches taller than Sam. There are two people behind Eisen and one of them is part of the team and another one who seemed to resemble Eisen a bit, looked at Sam with a gloating smile.

Sam didn't reply anything and just walked around the group staying completely silent.



Two shouts came at same time and one of them is Eisen and another one is surprisingly Jack who is running towards them. When Sam looked at Jack and didn't even bother with Eisen, he became angry. Because, he felt that his pride got hurt. He is the champion for the assessment and senior in the Academy and most of all his cultivation level is higher. So, a junior and one without any test is really a thorn in his eyes.

"Let's speak in the mansion." Sam said to Jack as the latter nodded and both of them started walking.

Seeing the blatant disregard from both of them made Eisen grit his teeth in rage. "Sam, do you think you are a bigshot. I am also an inscription master and a Formation master and my father is the head of the Formation tower. Even if you have more titles than me, then what of it? I heard that you don't even have a teacher and you are self-taught. How far do you think you can go? You better stop being arrogant and ne humble. In front of me you are nothing." He said as he released his aura of a Novice stage.

Sam didn't even bother with his words and just kept on walking, but Jack stopped in his tracks and looked at Eisen with a cold glare full of hostility. So, he also had to stop and turned around and patted Jack on shoulder.

"I don't have time to sniff every piece of shit that is on my way. We can just walk around and ignore it." He said and pulled Jack along as he started walking.

Eisen and the two people behind him immediately had ugly expressions and Eisen had it worst as he saw people looking at him in weird way. He was about blow up, but then he remembered that, he is near the Academy and the heart of the city. So, he forced himself to calm down and gave Sam's retreating back a hateful glare before leaving the place.

After some time. At Sam's Mansion.

Both Sam and Jack were sitting across each other in the living room. Sam has same nonchalant expression on his face, but the coldness toned down a little. Jack seemed to be hesitating about something.

"Are you going to speak or not?" Sam asked as he looked at Jack.

"I need a favour." Jack said slowly. An expression of unwillingness on his face.

Sam didn't speak and just gave a questioning look and maintained his silence. Looking at him, Jack just took a deep breath and continued.

"I know you don't like doing favours, but I don't have any other choice. Do you have any way to take Shawn along with us to Falcon cliff city?"

"He didn't pass the test. Why did you want him to come?" Sam asked.

"it has something to do with Eisen. Before the final round of the examination, he and his two underlings jumped on me and Shawn to get the spots. But their plan partially failed and I was able to make it safe, but Shawn wasn't that lucky as he got took the first attack in full force. He wasn't even able to participate in the final round." Jack explained.

"So, Eisen is telling me to back off because he wants another spot and he thinks I am an easy target, since I don't have any background?" Sam muttered to himself. Then he spoke to Jack.

"Even if I can get Sam to join us in journey, how is it going to help? He can't join the team, right?" Sam asked in reply.

"Accidents happen." Jack replied with a cold tone.

"Sure, just bring him along with you." Sam smiled and agreed. Jack immediately became relieved and left after he thanked him.

Sam just walked to the rooms and started making the preparations to leave the city. He collected all his design scrolls, his tailoring tools and some small forging equipment. He asked Philip that to search for a buyer for the Mansion and to his surprise, the Evergreen family itself bought the mansion for half the price he bought it in the auction.

Right now, he has a total of 825000 spirit stones he earned from the auction and he has a 2000 fire element spirit stones still left after his, Yanwu's and Panthers' consumption. Along with the 15000 spirit stones he got from selling the mansion and the 100000 spirit stones he got from the deal with the Principal, his total net worth is 850000 spirit stones approximately which made him feel a little satisfied. This habit of being satisfied of the money he earned himself is from his past life. Even though, Sam is famous for his intelligence and abilities the most, the other trait that most people knew about him is his extravagance. He liked spending money and making money, he has a lot of materialistic needs and reckless spending made all the second-generation heirs burn with jealousy. He doesn't know exactly why he got this habit, but he knew that that had something to do with his childhood poverty. Even after rebirth, Sam still has same materialistic love and he didn't have any thoughts of getting rid of it.

The day of the departure finally came and Sam left the mansion early in the morning and started walking to the Academy gate. When he reached, there are already some people waiting there. There is big carriage made of the top-grade quality Starwood and some other rank 1 metals. The Carriage is completely black in colour and it looked mostly like a modern-day caravan of celebrities and in fact Sam actually designed it to be such. It has every thing that a caravan should have except the engine and the driver compartment which gave him an extended space. At the front of the Caravan are two Blazing earth bulls attached just like how the horses would be.

Sam ignored the people that are waiting walked towards the two bulls and patted their heads, for which they rubbed their heads in a docile manner against his palm. The other people who are appreciating the large carriage with interest are stunned when they saw the scene. Sam owning these two beasts is not a matter which is known by many people, so when the other students saw this, they were stunned. After all beast taming is not a common or easy thing to do.

Sam didn't care anything and just examined the bulls. They grew, not only in size but also in their level. Before he came to this city, they were at Middle-stage of level 2 and now they are late stage of level 2. He wondered how the Evergreen family took care of them.

Sam then looked at the other students, who are chatting. There are three people here and two of them are the people who are part of the team and other person seemed to be their person. The extra person is a boy who wore a Starwood academy uniform. The two team members are a boy and a girl, who is the fourth and last girl other than Kelly, Freya and Haley. They are giving Sam some side glances as they whispered among themselves. Soon, people started arriving. Philip, Freya, Haley came together and greeted Sam and Kelly arrived a bit later and she greeted him in low voice and started chatting with them. Of course, except with Sam. She is still a bit afraid.

After a few moments Jack came along with Shawn.

"Sam, thank you so much." Shawn spoke as soon as he appeared. His face is still a bit pale an obvious sign of him recovering from his injuries. Sam just smiled at without giving any response.

"What is this about?" Freya being Freya asked directly while the rest of their group are becoming a little curious. After all, one of the top rankers in the entrance examination, Shawn is somewhat familiar to them and they knew that he had some partnership with Sam at the entrance examination. They were first surprised that Shawn was unable to make the team and now him thanking Sam directly out of blue is making them curious.

"Nothing much, Sam said that I can come with you guys to the Falcon cliff city. Even though, I don't might not have a chance to participate in the tournament. I can cheer you guys and broaden my horizons." Shawn said with his signature grin.

"Who said you can tag along? Did you ask for my permission at all?" Suddenly a voice interrupted him from behind attracting the group's attention and they saw Eisen along with the two people that stopped Sam yesterday.

"I am the team leader. Did you ask my permission to bring someone?" Eisen asked directly walking towards Sam with an arrogant gaze. He is eighteen years old and he is naturally a bit taller than Sam, so he wanted to intimidate him with his stature and his cultivation. But all he got in response was a nonchalant expression.

Nobody reacted to his statement and everyone seemed to deliberately ignoring him in Sam's group and they are just carrying with their chat as if he was not there at all. Situation suddenly became awkward for him and his face turned red with embarrassment and anger and just as he was about to blow his top…

"Seems that everyone is here." Principal's voice came and along with Principal another person also followed him which surprised everyone and that person is none other than the City lord of the Starwood city. Everyone started to bow and greet him.

"Greetings. City lord."

"Greetings. City lord."

"Greetings. City lord."

"Greetings. City lord."

But there is always an exception and that is Sam didn't even take a second look at him.

He didn't bother with them at all and just walked towards the carriage door which is in the middle and opened the door. Seeing this everyone thought, he is going to open it for city lord. But they couldn't be more wrong as Sam directly walked in after he opened the door, leaving them stupefied. Before, they could come out of their stupor, they saw Sam protruding his head out side and saying.

"Philip, Jack, Shawn, ladies come on board, what are you even waiting for?" He asked as if there are no other people here.

Principal looked at Sam and cursed inside his heart. Sam looked at him and gave a provocative smirk. 'You wanted to get a free ride and do you think I will just be okay with fleecing you with some money. I will make you grind your teeth to dust in embarrassment.' Sam thought as he made his way inside.

City lord also stood there awkwardly in silence. He understood Sam's cold treatment. Who can he blame for that? Rest of the team mates are all surprised not knowing how to react, then suddenly a voice interrupted their thoughts.


Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 46

Eisen got nothing in response, but he felt a hand on his shoulder, and he turned to look and was about to lash out, only to see the Principal who just gave him a glare and then looked at the remaining students and said.

"Okay, don't waste your time. We are ready to leave. All of you get on board." He said and walked towards the carriage and the students followed inside. When they went in, they were amazed to see inside the carriage. The carriage is like a long rectangular room. On the one end there is the door. There are windows on both sides of the carriage which are made of glass and are now closed. But what amazed them the most is that there are no seats inside the carriage, instead there are protrusions on both walls which are in the height of their thighs. There seemed to be a small partition at the back of the carriage, creating a small room which is closed now. There is big seat just before the room's partition and is made of quite exquisite leather and on both sides of the seat there seemed to be carpets of white fur shining. After everyone boarded the carriage, they all looked confused on where to sit.

Sam walked towards the central seat and whistled loudly after he took a seat. Suddenly, too black shadows entered the carriage with in a few moments and landed on the carpets on either side of Sam, they are the two panthers.

Now Sam sat on a luxurious black leather seat with two black panthers on both sides resting on white fair. Compiled with his handsome features and sharp aura everyone just stared at the scene.

"Take a seat." Sam said to Philip as he gestured towards a protrusion nearest to him. Philip walked towards the protrusion and pulled it and an exquisite leather seat appeared. The seats are like foldable chairs but the upper half is directly linked to the walls and the lower half is the only thing that can pulled to open the seat.

Philip smiled and took a seat and gestured to his friends who along with other students were in daze to take a seat. Which they followed. Soon, the students took seats one after another including the City lord and the Principal. The only thing is that the seats on the right- side carriage wall are facing the seats on the left side carriage wall. One looked and we can easily say that the carriage is a complete personal carriage and Sam took the host seat and the rest are his guests. All the people felt this including the Principal and the City lord. But even they shut their mouths silently and shook their heads with a wry smile. There are only three people still standing there and they are Eisen and his two underlings. He gritted his teeth as he looked at Sam with a hateful glare. Howa can he not understand now that he saw this? The carriage is definitely Sam's and the beasts too. He is burning with envy as he looked at the Black panthers on both sides of Sam acting docile and meek.

"Principal, I heard that the trip is only for people in the team. Why do I see extra candidates here?" Sam asked without even turning his attention to others. Suddenly, four people tensed. They are Eisen and his two underlings along with the extra friend of the other two participants. His friends also got nervous and were about to say something but they were interrupted by Sam's voice again.

"You can get down." Sam said as he pointed at the guy who looked similar to Eisen. This made Eisen angry.

"You also brought an extra person and they also have an extra person, what about them?" Eisen retorted as he turned red with anger. But Sam didn't even pay attention to him and picked on his nails and said. "Shawn is my friend and carriage is mine. That guy is the one who came to assist in driving the carriage. Do you have a problem with that?" He looked at the Extra person and his two friends who smiled and nodded at him gratefully.

Eisen was about to blow up when another voice came from outside.

"Principal Sir. Can we leave now?" This is the voice of the carriage driver who was arranged by the Principal, who gave a look at Sam and the extra guy behind Eisen.

"Eisen, tell him to get down." He said in a deep voice.

Eisen looked at the City lord unwillingly only to see the latter avoid his gaze.

"How much do you want?" Eisen asked as he looked at Sam in a low voice.

"Don't talk money with me. You are not there yet." Sam said with nonchalant tone. Eisen was fuming in anger and released his spiritual energy and ready to make a move any time only to be interrupted by someone.

"Sir Sam. His father is a friend of mine. Can you please do me a favour and let him on board. I will definitely repay you." City lord said in amicable smile. Sam didn't reply and just looked at him coldly without giving any reply. Then he turned his gaze towards Haley who seemed to be struggling at her father's situation and finally nodded.

"1500 spirit stones." He said in a low voice. Eisen gave a snort and tossed a leather bag while city lord sighed in relief. Sam took the bag and passed it to Shawn and said.

"Medical expenses."

As soon as he said those words, Eisen lost colour in his face. He didn't know until now that Jack has guessed it was them who jumped on them. Now that he knew that Sam also knew the info, he became afraid of the consequences. He sweated profusely as he looked at Shawn and Jack as they looked at him with an extremely hostile gaze as if they want to tear him apart. Slowly, the carriage moved and took the road towards the Falcon cliff city.

Sam looked outwards through the window as he stared at the scenery passing in a rapid speed while wind is blowing against his face. All the people are engaged in a casual chat.

"At this pace, we will reach the city in two days at the latest. It would have been taken at least five days if we go by the best horses." Principal said out loud as he looked through the window on the opposite side. After all, the window near the seat is behind his head.

"We will stop for the night." Sam said as he looked at the window.

Nobody responded. But Eisen said. "It would delay the journey. Why would you want to stop?"

Sam didn't respond to the question but said something else. "If I hear your voice in the carriage one more time, you can find your own transport."

Eisen immediately burned in resentment, but didn't dare to say anything, he only looked at the Principal and City lord, but they also behaved as if they didn't hear anything at all, making him even more furious.

Journey continued smoothly as sun set and evening came. They halted near a river bank to make a camp. Sam slowly walked towards the river and washed his face and the he took out some left-over meat and tied it with a rope before he threw it in the river. The river flow is slow and with the rope the meat stayed in place. Soon a school of fish surrounded the meat and Sam immediately made his move as he rapidly threw one fish after another with his bare hands. A dozen or so fish are on the bank now. The fish are normal ones with less spiritual energy, so they were easy to catch. Sam made a fire and the skewered the fish over the flame and sat along with his friends around the fire. The rest didn't try to strike up the conversation with him

The night was serene. Sam laid down on the grass as he looked at the sky as if trying to peer through the mystery of universe. When the cooked smell of fish came, he looked up and to his surprise there are only 10 fish left and rest were gone. He looked at the rest of the batch and they were just chatting and seemed that they didn't eat at all. He walked towards the flame and took the fish from the skewer and then placed them on the make shift plates made of the leaves.

He arranged one fish in each plate and kept the remaining two back on the flame, but this time the distance is bit large. He gave them to his friends but this time his concentration is completely on the remaining three fish. The rest of them didn't see anything different as they enjoyed their time. He sat down near the flame and just looked at the fish even while eating.

A black shadow passed by and at the same time Sam moved along with the fish that disappeared. He followed the black shadow, towards the woods. His abrupt actions made everyone alert and just when Jack was about to make his move and follow him, Principal stopped him and said.

"He is not irrational. If he doesn't come early, I will go and find him." He said while he looked at the direction Sam left.

Eisen is also looking at the same way, but his thoughts are entirely different. He is expecting Sam to have some accident. After all, the forest is in most dangerous when it is night.

Sam meanwhile, didn't care about what others are thinking. He is running with all his might, chasing the small black shadow. Which is moving in an extremely fast pace as if it is part of the darkness itself. Sam leapt towards it and finally caught it as he rolled over the ground and crashed into a tree upside down. He immediately got up and saw around and heaved a sigh after finding out that there is no one else around here and didn't see his embarrassing situation.

*squeak* *squeak* a sound came as in his hands and when he saw, a purplish black looking mouse which is three time larger than the normal mouse.

"Shadow mouse" Sam muttered as soon as he saw it as his eyes widened in shock. He was almost felt like he was hit by lightning, because the species of the mouse should be extinct or that was what written in the beastuary. He is looking at the mouse as his grip unconsciously tightened on it.

*squeak* *squeak* {leave me alone, I will die.} a voice echoed in his mind. Sam came to his senses and looked at the mouse and released his aura of the golden sun crow. The mouse immediately shivered as it stopped the sounds. Sam then started observing the mouse completely by infusing the spiritual energy and then he became surprised again.

'This is not a shadow mouse with purest blood line. The blood line has various impurities.' He thought inwardly. The way of inspecting the bloodline is from the Blood line evolution and refinement he Ling Tian gave him.

*squeak* *squeak* {who are you?} The little mouse's voice came to his mind again and Sam looked at it and spoke. "Where is your tribe?" He asked as he looked at the mouse. This is mouse at Level 2 initial stage, but it is still as fast as him. Of course, this is mostly dependent on the fact that this is night time.

*squeak* *squeak* {there are only ten people left. All are dead. We used to live in another part of the forest and a snake like beast attacked us. Only ten of us were able to escape.} The voice was low and funny to hear. But Sam didn't care about it and looked at the mouse as if he wanted to peer through its secrets.

For some reason, the mouse became scared at Sam's look. Didn't know why it said so much, but it knew that all the info just came out as if it was only right thing to do based on the instinct.

Sam looked at the mouse before thinking and said. "Lead me to your place." He said and a man and mouse walked to a place where a huge tree and a burrow at its roots. Soon there are precisely ten mice in total as they looked at Sam with fearful expressions. The Shadow mice is a species with almost no combat strength. But they have a special bloodline ability which can make them move very stealthily in dark and they can move by merging with shadows. If not for the fact that the mouse chose to steal the fish openly, even with his acute senses, Sam wouldn't be able to catch its presence.

"Your tribe is almost extinct and you are the last ten which were left alive. Your bloodline is full of impurities. I will give you an offer. I will evolve and purify your bloodline and you don't have to live in fear at all. I will provide you with the food you need. All you have to do is follow my instructions." Sam said as he increased the primordial aura of the Golden sun crows, which is obviously higher-grade than Shadow mice.

Actually, the shadow mice are a very intelligent species. That is why, they were able to survive all this while, without any combat abilities. He really, has many uses for these mice. Mice looked at each other and squeaking sounds could be heard in the night. Sam waited patiently.

*squeak* *squeak* {How can we believe you?} one mouse said abruptly stopping the discussion.

Sam only sneered. "what do you even have for me to betray you? You guys will die sooner or later in this forest. You have no combat ability that I can make use of, but there is some use of your abilities for me, which in fact I can manage on my own with some more effort. Even I want your life, I can just kill you guys now and you can't do anything about it. I am just doing this because, I don't want a species like you is too precious to be extinct. Take it or leave it."

*squeak* *squeak* {we are in} The mouse which was initially caught by Sam said as soon as he finished. Sam immediately finished the beast taming contract with them which is entirely different from the one he did with Yanwu. He kept all the mice in the divine dimension and gave them food, after which he walked towards the camp, where by this time, the Principal is getting ready to enter the forest.

Seeing him coming back safe and sound everyone heaved a sigh of relief. Well everyone except one.