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Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 47

Sam entered the carriage and dropped the partition, which happened to be a bed that has a hinge below and stood up and vertically. Behind the partition is another big bed that is sufficient for at least four people. Sam offered the bed to the ladies and he slept on the partition bed. Philip, Jack, Shawn slept on the extra mattresses and slept on the floor. The other girl who is not familiar with them also took an extra mattress and slept a distance away and rest of the people were left alone outside. Sam didn't even bother to ask them what their plans on sleeping and he just laid down on his bed and drifted into sleep as he looked at the view through the window.

Next day morning, everyone woke up early and started their journey. If they travel faster, they can reach the city by the evening. The journey is smooth as there are no mishaps. Sam just stayed silent as he thought about what to do in the Falcon cliff city and about Yanwu's message. He wants to see how Yanwu is doing.

With their own thoughts, the group arrived at the City before it got dark. They stopped at the city gate and the Starwood City lord went to the guards and took a letter out to show them. After the guards examined the letter, they looked at the extravagant carriage and felt quite surprised. Clearly, these guys are not the only city that came here, but they didn't see anyone making such an extravagant entrance with level 2 beasts as the carriage steeds. They let out a sigh and allowed them to enter.

Sam looked at the city through the window and felt quite surprised. The living conditions of this Falcon cliff city are way better than the Starwood city. He estimated that the city is around four times bigger the Starwood city. Principal led the way towards a street which is full of inns and some of them are booked for the contestants for the tournament. When they entered the inn designated inn and showed the required doc.u.ments, the attendant guided them to their respective rooms. But when they saw the rooms, they couldn't help but shake their heads. The rooms are narrow and they are not even one-third as big as Sam's carriage and except for the Principal and the City lord, everyone has to share a room with another person.

Sam looked at the Principal with a questioning gaze. Principal excused himself and went to find the manager and came back after sometime with a gloomy face and a box along with him.

"The manager said that the inn is totally allocated and we are only left with these rooms and the authorities responsible for this also approved of it. Here, these are the tokens that you need to have through out the stay here." He said and opened the box and passed the tokens. There are 10 tokens with numbers from 1 to 10 and two tokens that have word 'supervisor' and five tokens with 'extra' on it. There is Starwood city written on all the tokens. Principal distributed the tokens to all the students and distributed the 'extra' token to the students who are not a part of the team. While, he and the City lord took the supervisor tokens. Every student took their respective tokens that can kept on their waist bands. Eisen, looked so proud as he looked at his token with '1' on it. He gave Sam, who is examining the token number 10 token a proud and disdainful look which the latter disregarded without even acknowledging.

Sam looked at the token and tried to store it in a normal storage ring but was unable to. Then he hung the badge inside the coat and then started walking outside.

"Where are you going?" Principal asked as soon as he noticed.

"Just to take a look around." He said and without even turning back walked towards the entrance. On the way, he noticed the other people who seemed to be from other cities and when he looked at the room through the open doors, he felt quite surprised by the difference. The students have separate rooms for each and the rooms are neat and spacious. He went to the receptionist and asked.

"Can I know, how many inns are booked for the contestants?" The receptionist looked at him with a strange gaze and said.

"Three inns are booked. The one on the right and the one on the left." Sam thanked and left to look at the street. The street has inns on both sides and each inn might be having around twenty to twenty-five rooms. He walked towards the inn which was not taken by the students and asked the receptionist.

"Are there any rooms left?"

The receptionist sized him up a bit and asked. "Are you a student from other cities here for the tournament?" Sam nodded his head.

"Then, we can't give you a room. There is an order from Sir Arlo that the rooms can't be given to the candidates or the supervisors from other cities. If we get caught by doing so, we will get our inn sealed." Sam raised an eyebrow at the reply.

"Why?" He asked a little bit curious. But the receptionist also doesn't know.

Sam came out and walked towards the allocated inn. This time all the people from the Starwood city are coming to the dining area for the meal. Sam encountered them and joined the meal. But when they entered the dining area, they were held up outside and weren't allowed enter for sometime as they said that the dining room is filled. They waited for sometime until the others came outside the dining room and when they entered and took the seat, they were only served with some porridge. All of them frowned and asked the waiter who replied.

"The dishes are over and there are no ingredients left. I hope for your understanding." Even though with their cultivation level, they can stay without eating anything for a while, they still felt indignant for the treatment. Sam looked at the Principal and Starwood City lord and asked.

"Do you guys know who Arlo is?" Principal felt confused and shook his head, while City lord's expression changed and sorrowed his brows. Sam understood and didn't say anything and just walked outside. When Philip and others were about to follow him, he stopped them and said that he would come in a while. He went to the carriage and stored the whole along with the bulls and the Panthers into the divine dimension when there is no one near and walked back to the dining room and looked at Philip and his friends.

"I don't want to stay here. How about you guys?" He asked them without looking at the two middle-aged men. Philip, Jack, Shawn, Freya, Haley, Kelly shook their heads. He looked at City lord and said.

"How many days is the competition due?"

"A week from now at the Falcon Cliff academy." He replied in low voice.

"We are leaving. We will meet you at the day of the competition. Everyday one of us will come here and you can relay any message if you have." Sam said and turned around to leave.

"Where do you think you are going?" Eisen asked even before the two supervisors. Sam didn't bother and this time Principal asked.

"Sam, where will you stay? How about we go to another inn?"

Sam shook his head and said what happened when he went to find a room. He looked at the City lord and said. "You can clean up your own mess. I don't want to bear the consequences for whatever you have done." He then turned around again and when he was about to leave, Eisen yelled.

"You aren't allowed to leave. I don't agree." Sam halted and looked at him with a cold and sharp gaze. Looking at that Eisen continued. "Where do you think you can stay now? You said that they are not giving any rooms for us." Sam smirked at his words and said.

"Who said I am going to inn? I am going to my own house."

"How can you have a house here?" an underling of Eisen asked him.

"There is none for now, but there will be in a while." This time he didn't stop and left with his group without even looking back. Principal shook his head and led the rest to their rooms. Now that the seven people left, there is more space and some of them got single rooms to sleep.

Sam and his group are walking on the streets as they watched the bustling city which is many times livelier than Starwood city. They wandered the streets and at a random restaurant before finding their way to a shop. This place is a Pawn shop. Sam asked around the streets to find out where he can buy a house and most of the people said only one thing. "No matter you want to buy, you can find it in the Vickers's Shop". He finally arrived after finding out the directions. The shop is so big. It is almost in the size of his river side mansion.

Sam along with the group walked inside the shop and were surprised as soon as they entered. There are myriad of things. Weapons, Articrafts, animal remains, carcasses, special treasures. There are almost all kinds of things in the shop.

There is a counter where a middle-aged man sat lazily. The middle-aged man is wearing a bright red outfit and he has his eyes closed as if he was dozing off. He has a short beard and moustache. He has a bronze skin and his face has a mischievous charm.

They slowly walked towards the counter and just as they were about to wake him up. He immediately woke up and looked around. His eyes brightened up as soon as he saw Sam and his group.

"Welcome to Vickers's shop. How may I help you? Whatever you want, if it is available near the premises of the Falcon cliff city, you can buy it. We will not only accept money, but also trade with treasures." He then looked at Sam and sized him up. His eyes narrowed and a mischievous smile appeared on his face.

"I need a house." Sam said as in an emotionless voice and cold voice.

"Oh, you came to the right person. What kind of place do you want?"

"Quiet, Peaceful and Spacious. It is fine even if it is in a deserted location."

"Aha, I have a perfect place for you. Please follow me." He said and came out of the counter. He led the group to the outskirts of the city. The place has a no houses nearby and there is a large yard with a lake. The mansion is large and there are several rooms. But the colour seemed a little faded, indicating that it has been a while someone stayed here.

"Do you have any other places?" Sam asked Vickers.

"Hahaha, actually this is the only place available right now." Sam raised an eyebrow at the answer and said.

"Okay then. I will take it. How much?"

"How much are you willing to pay?"

"35,000 spirit stones."

"Deal." As soon as Sam made the offer, he agreed. Sam was surprised a bit for this action but he didn't say anything. He took out the spirit stones and made payment.

"You have to come to the shop, for the deed." Vickers said with a smile.

"Okay. I will go with you." Sam replied and said to his friends. "You guys go inside and chose your rooms. Just leave me a room with study." He then walked along with Vickers.

When they arrived at the shop, Vickers went inside a room while Sam sat near the counter. After a while, Vickers came out with a scroll and the transaction is completed. Sam looked at the deed and nodded but didn't leave. He seemed to be pondering and finally asked.

"You said that I can buy anything as long as it can be obtained near the Falcon cliff city, right?"

"Of course. Anything." Vickers replied in mischievous tone. Sam just looked at his eyes without answering. Something about this guy is making him feel uncomfortable. But he didn't sense any danger. The unease is because, he wasn't able to see through him at all. His strength, his level, his age everything seemed to be a mystery.

"I want information." Sam said after a short silence.

"Sure. What information do you want?"

"About the underground organisations in the city. I need the name, strength and types of business they deal with?"

"Deal can be done Sam. But the info is one of the most expensive things you can buy." Vickers said.

"How much?"

"5000 spirit stones."

Sam didn't say anything and just placed the stones on the table. Seeing this Vickers just smiled and said. "The info will be delivered to your door-step tomorrow. Do you need anything else?"

"Dark element spirit stones." Sam said in a low voice.

"Oh, that is unexpected. I thought you might ask fire and light attributes." Vickers said with same smile but Sam's expression changed as he looked at the man vigilantly.

"Don't worry Sam. We will never harm our customers. This is the motto of our business." Vickers said. Sam didn't say anything and just place a big bag of stones on the table. There are around 100000 spirit stones in it.

"What is the exchange rate?"

"Hehe, in falcon cliff city, dark element stones are very rare and exchange rate is around 1:7, but since you are making such big exchange, I will give you discount and accept 1:5." Sam didn't refuse and received the twenty thousand dark element stones and left.

Sam reached the mansion and looked went into the room. Surprisingly, the main room was left for him and it is fully cleaned without a speck of dust. He opened the window and laid down on the bed. He looked at the night sky as he thought about Vickers. After all, this is the first person who was able to point out his elements right after a single glance.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 48

Sam woke up early and went downstairs. He saw all six people at the dining table eating some normal breakfast. He joined them at the table and chatted with them randomly. He asked suddenly in the conversation.

"Who cleaned my room yesterday?" Everyone fell silent and looked at each other in confusion. Sam observed their faces and saw the genuine confusion. When he saw Kelly, he instantly understood. She is looking down, not daring to make eye contact with him and blushing red. He just shook his head and didn't call her out. He just diverted the topic and after sometime a knock was heard at the door. Kelly volunteered to escape the situation and when she opened the door, she just stood there in confusion.

Sam noticed this and walked there. He saw a bunch of scrolls in front of the door and picked them up. He saw a note among them and smirked.

"Indeed. Literally, information at the door-step." Sam muttered and turned towards Kelly and said.

"These are for me. I will take it." Kelly nodded and turned around to leave. Then she abruptly stopped when Sam said.

"Thanks for the room." She blushed hard and ran away without saying anything. Sam walked towards the stairs and called Jack along with him to his study.

When there are only two of them in the study, he placed the scrolls on the table and said.

"These are the info on the underworld organisations in the city. Take a look and tell me if anything is similar to Black water." Jack nodded and both of them took out a scroll each.

There are around six scrolls in total. And each scroll contained details about each gang. After looking through the scrolls Sam understood roughly about the structure of the underworld in the Falcon cliff city.

There is a total of six organisations and four are minor organisations and two are major organisations. The four organisations are namely Northern, Western, Eastern, Southern gangs which are only collect some protection fee and some other minor things. Every business has to give them protection fee to have their business run peacefully and they will do random odd jobs of intimidating, sending warnings and beating people up. These organisations are just like any normal triads in modern earth.

The remaining two organisations are the real deal. They are another level. They just don't do odd jobs, rather they are some organisations that even the city guards don't want to mess with.

The first organisation is named Piranha. This organisation is simply a Mercenary guild. We can put a hit on any person in the city and the cities under jurisdiction of the Falcon Cliff city. Not only will they take assassinations, they will also do jobs on kidnapping, arsons etc. They will take any mercenary assignments that cannot be done openly.

The other organisation is called Candiru. This organisation is even more dark than the Piranha. They are the ones responsible for all the prostitution in the City. Every brothel in the City is run by them. Not only that, they are responsible for the illegal slave trade. Every rich person and noble families have dealings with this organisation. Sam couldn't help but frown at these organisation's deeds.

The strength of the organisations is also very high. The minor organisations have few novices as core members and the leaders are at middle-stage novice. The major organisations have many novices and their leaders are at Peak stage Novice. The same level as the Principal and the City lord. Sam felt a little puzzled at this info. Because the peak of Novice stage is just in charge of a small city, but they can even be some bigshots in the Falcon cliff city. He really didn't understand this situation.

He threw the though on back of his mind and looked at Jack and said.

"There really are no direct clues connecting them to the Black water. But we can't be so sure. I think we should gather more intel."

Jack nodded and asked. "Where did you get this intel?"

"I bought it."

"You bought it? Where? How?" Jack was a bit surprised. He never thought that this type of intel can be bought so easily.

"Vickers." Sam's answer surprised him even more. Never would he have expected that the Vickers store will sell intel.

"Can we buy more from him?" Jack asked. After the initial surprise, there is some excitement that they have an opportunity of getting intel easily.

"We can do that. But I don't want to." Sam answered slowly.


"He would not have a problem with getting the intel. But he is giving me a weird feeling that is making me repulsive to work with him. I don't know what it is, but the feeling is not really good." Sam said as he looked at the scrolls.

Jack stayed silent for a while and then asked.

"What is our plan then?"

"I have something to do this one week. You guys keep in contact with the Principal and City lord. I will go out for a while, send someone to the inn and give the address of the Mansion to the Principal. He will have a way to contact us, if there is something urgent." Sam said and walked out of the room as Jack followed.

Sam wants to go out and take a look at the City. Just as he was about to take a step outside the door a sweet voice came from behind.

"Sam." Kelly stood there as he looked down and said in a low voice. Sam turned around and looked at the beautiful girl in a black dress which is in a beautiful contrast with the jade white smooth skin. Her red lips, the voluptuous figure and the beautiful face can make a disaster befall a man. But Sam was only dazed for a second and asked.

"Yes, Miss Kelly."

"Are you going into the city?" Kelly asked in same sweet and slow voice. Sam only nodded.

"Do you want to visit the Artisan tower today? My father asked me to take you there." She asked while trying to avoid looking at Sam's handsome face and sharp eyes. Sam thought for a moment and nodded. Both of them walked side by side as they went in to the city. The mansion they are living in is at eastern side of the city and the inn the Principal is staying is also in the same area. The artisan tower is at the western part of the city.

They walked slowly, while looking around the bustling city. The Falcon cliff city is near the foot of a cliff which is the territory of the Whirl wind Falcons which is in northern direction of the city. There is patch of woods separating the Cliff and the city.

Sam and Kelly walked on the roads and they attracted some attention on their way to the artisan tower. After all, a beauty and a handsome walking in black outfits together is not an everyday thing, but they didn't cause much commotion.

Sam is paying attention to the streets and as to see, if he can get any info about the gangs. In the info given by Vickers, he mentioned that the four minor gangs have their respective headquarters in their territories itself. But the headquarters of the two major organisations are in northern region where big shots of the city usually live in.

The northern region is the place where, the Count mansion, Falcon cliff academy, the residences of the City officials, the noble families live. The businesses are very high-end and best in the city. The northern gang only takes the protection fee from the smaller scale business in the region but they are still far better than the other regions.

The falcon cliff city has four exits. Southern gate, Eastern gate, western gate, North-western gate. The remaining directions are either covered by woods or dead ends. Sam walked slowly as he observed the layout of the city. They walked for an hour, when they finally arrived at the Artisan tower.

The Artisan tower is far bigger than that of the one at the Starwood city. When he looked at the tower and the people flocking in and out, he couldn't help but be surprised. He walked in along with Kelly and they went to the reception.

"Sam, you wait here. I will ask about the appointment." Sam nodded and took a seat at the waiting area while Kelly walked to the receptionist for the enquiry.

After a few moments she came to where Sam sat and just as she was about to speak, someone called her.

"Kelly?" Sam and Kelly looked at the direction where the voice is coming from and saw a person standing there. He is a young man wearing an Artisan tower uniform and he has a badge of rank 2 weapon artisan on his chest. He seemed to be in his late twenties and his cultivation is at late stage novice. The young man walked towards them and directly ignored Sam and stood in front of Kelly.

"Hello, Blyke." Kelly greeted him in a cold voice, the earlier sweet and gentle tone she has when she spoke to Sam is not there at all.

The guy named Blyke didn't seem to be offended and spoke. "I heard from your uncle that you broke through the Novice stage and also became a rank 1 artisan. Congratulations."

"Thanks." Kelly replied curtly and broke off the conversation. Then she turned towards Sam and said.

"Sam, the receptionist informed the tower head about our visit. We can go there now." Her tone became gentle again. Blyke caught the difference immediately and became displeased, but didn't show it on his face.

"Kelly, who is he?" He asked as he pointed at Sam.

Sam didn't mind and just walked around as he made his way to the stairs and stood there as he looked at Kelly.

"Kelly, if the Acolyte needs weapon, I can take the job. Why bother master with such trivial things." Blyke spoke and then turned towards Sam and said.

"Hey mister. I can take up your job. Even if you can meet up with my master because of Kelly, you cannot possibly afford his services, so don't waste his time." He said as he made his way towards Sam.

Sam didn't reply and completely ignored him and looked at Kelly. "Shall we go? I still have a lot of things to attend to."

Kelly nodded and walked up the stairs leading the way. When Blyke saw both of them ignoring him he felt humiliated as he looked at the surrounding people looking at him in a weird way. He immediately followed the duo.

After a few moments they reached the top floor of the tower and made their way into a room. There Sam saw a middle-aged man whose, features are similar to that of Kelly's father reading through a scroll. He diverted his attention to the three people who just entered. Blyke walked to towards the middle-aged man and bowed to him as he greeted.

"Greetings master." He said and stood behind the middle-aged man with a proud look on his face.

"Greetings uncle." Kelly also greeted him as he smiled at her and gestured her to sit across him.

She sat there and introduced. "Uncle, this is Sam." The middle-aged man nodded at Sam for which the latter replied in the same way and took a seat beside Kelly.

Blyke became unhappy and furrowed his brows as he saw Sam not bowing to his master.

"Nice to meet you Sam. I am Howard, the tower head of the Falcon cliff Artisan tower." He said with a smile. Sam looked at the Artisan badge on his chest. There is a golden colour badge with symbols of hammer and flames with five golden stars beneath the number.

"Nice to meet you too." Sam replied in a cold tone. Blyke got irritated due to the blatant disrespect.

"Master, if you don't mind, I will take the job of this guy. After all, an Acolyte's weapon doesn't need a respectful rank 3 Artisan like you have to make." Blyke said with an arrogant tone.

"May I know, why you called me here?" Sam asked ignoring Blyke completely, which made latter furious.

"I am just curious as to how a genius like you looks like." Howard asked before giving any chance for Blyke to flare up.

"Then, the task is completed I guess." Sam said and stood up, indicating that he wants to leave. He really didn't like the place or the people. Kelly also became fl.u.s.tered as she looked at Sam who was unhappy. After all, taking his time off just to show his face is not a valid reason at all.

"Don't be in a hurry, Sam. I have something to ask you." Howard said with a smile but only got a cold look as a reply. He then continued. "Do you want to join the Artisan tower as staff?" He asked directly, without beating around the bush.

"Not interested." Sam replied directly, which made Howard a bit disappointed.

"Master, why are you talking with him so politely." Blyke butted in the conversation and then he looked at Kelly. "Kelly, is this the manners of your friend? Why is he being disrespectful to the master? Does he even know what type of status master has? Him being requested is his honour."

Sam is running out of patience as he looked at Blyke. Howard also looked at his student and said.

"Enough, Blyke. Stay put for a second." He said and turned towards Sam again. He observed that the latter is looking at Blyke with an unhappy gaze.

"I have something to do. Please don't ask me to visit you, just to get an earful from your student. It is annoying." Sam said bluntly making Howard awkward and Blyke furious.

Blyke was about to lash out but was stopped by his Master.

Sam looked at the Master and the disciple and walked out of the door. Kelly immediately bid farewell to her uncle and followed him. After they left, Howard looked at his disciple and asked.

"Why are you targeting him? Do you even know who that guy is?" Blyke didn't answer and just looked down. Howard continued.

"That guy is by rank equal to me. Do you even know that?" This time Blyke became surprised.

"How is that even possible? He is even around ten years younger than me." Blyke asked with a shocked tone.

"He is indeed more than ten years younger than you. He is a pseudo rank 2 Artisan and a rank 3 scholar Artisan. He has lot more reasons to be proud of than you and I didn't see him tooting his horn. Here you are asking directly that you would make a weapon for him. Are you even worthy to do that? Learn to be humbler." He said and left his disciple alone.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 49

Sam and Kelly are walking downstairs. Kelly is a bit fl.u.s.tered as she saw Sam's cold look. Even though, that is how he normally looks, she couldn't help but think that he became colder because of the meeting.

"I am sorry." She apologized in a gentle tone. Sam looked at her abruptly and saw her fl.u.s.tered look and smiled a little.

"It has nothing to do with you. You don't have to apologize." Kelly heaved a sigh of relief and looked at him. Sam thought of something and asked.

"How many Artisanship does this tower has?"

"The Falcon cliff tower has four Artisanship. Weapon Artisan, Painter Artisan, Scholar Artisan and Tailor Artisan." She answered immediately. Sam nodded and went into a deep thought. When she saw Sam was thinking she waited a while and asked.

"Sam, I have a request." Sam looked at her with a questioning gaze.

"Can you make a dress for me?" She asked in a very low voice that at the end it, Sam almost didn't hear at all.

Sam chuckled and said. "Sure. Let's go." He said as he walked towards the reception.

Kelly was shocked and stood there rooted for a second. She really didn't expect that Sam would easily accept. She was contemplating whether she heard it right or not and by the time she came out of daze, she saw Sam already talking to the receptionist. After sometime, he and Kelly both came out of the tower.

"What did you ask at the reception?" Kelly asked out of curiosity.

"Nothing. I want to take the tailor artisan exam. So, I asked her about the details. We will comeback here after lunch. I will make you dress as I take the examination." He said with a smile.

"Thank you so much Sam." Kelly became excited. She really had enough of Freya's bragging.

Sam just smiled and both of them walked towards a nearby restaurant. The restaurant is so high-end and luxurious. It has five floors and even the waitresses and receptionist also dressed exquisitely. An attendant welcomed them and asked.

"Sir, which floor do you want to eat?"

Sam was a bit confused, then Kelly explained from the side.

"Each floor has difference in service and food. The first floor only serves normal food. Second floor serves the level 1 beasts but the service is normal and the beasts are reared. The third floor is level 1 beasts and they are wild game. The fourth floor is for level 2 beasts of lower level and fifth floor is for level 2 beasts at middle-stage and late-stage. The higher the floor, the higher the service."

"Oh, we will go to the fifth floor then." Sam said as he looked at the attendant. Attendant gave a smile and said.

"Sir, to dine in the fifth floor, you should have a golden grade VIP card. To obtain the card, you have to pay 10000 spirit stones and you also need to have a certain status." The smile on her face is still there and voice was absolutely polite.

"This status would be enough. I guess?" Sam showed his scholar Artisan badge and the attendant clearly became surprised. She came out of her daze and said hurriedly.

"Let me call our manager." She said and left quickly. After a few minutes, she came with a middle-aged man, whose Cultivation seemed to be at Peak of novice. He wore a black robe and his face is cleanly shaven and a bit pale. He has a shoulder length long hair. He can be considered handsome. He walked towards Sam and greeted them politely.

"I heard that young sir here is of esteemed status. Sorry, for not receiving you myself." His voice was humble and polite. Sam looked at the man and his deep brown eyes and replied.

"You are too polite."

"Can I take a look at your badge?" The manager asked.

Sam nodded and passed over his Artisan badge. Verifying that it was authentic, he smiled brighter and then said. "I will finish the formalities right away. You can receive your VIP card after you have your meal. You can pay along with your food bill." Manager said as he gestured the attendant to lead them to the fifth floor.

Sam and Kelly sat in private room of the fifth floor. He looked at the view through the window. Sam then looked at the artificial pond in the middle of the fifth-floor hall through the one-sided glass door. The floor tiles are all black in colour and even the floor underneath the pond are black in colour. Even the furniture is made with a black colour wood.

Soon, the waitress arrived with the dishes that they ordered. Sam cut his steak of fiery bear, which is a fire type beast. Kelly also started eating. After a while she asked Sam.

"Why did you take the VIP card? I don't think you would stay here often, do you?" She asked with plain curiosity. She knew better than to think that he took the card to impress her. That is why she asked him, why he spent so much, just to have a single meal. After all, level 2 beasts aren't something off the reach for Sam to eat.

Sam didn't answer and just smiled. Kelly also didn't probe further and continued eating. After they finished eating, Sam paid the bill along with the 10,000 spirit stones and took the Golden card which showed the VIP customer status.

Sam and Kelly walked out of the restaurant. Sam kept on fiddling with the card as he looked at the name of his and the restaurant.

"Black pond." This is the name of the restaurant that he just visited. He went there just because, he wanted to see, what kind of place this is. The name made him curious and arouse his suspicions a bit. But when he saw the whole restaurant, he didn't find anything fishy.

He and Kelly went back to the Artisan tower and he took the tailor artisan exam. Sam took his time when he went into the testing room. The room is just like the previous time, it has glass walls and doors, except that the tools and equipment are of the tailors. There are all kinds of tools related to textiles like looms, mannequins, marking table, all types of special scissors, all sizes of stitching needles etc. Sam took out a black textile. This is the textile he made with the silk of Heaven spirit silk moth of fire type. Generally, the silk is in red colour, but he used a special technique and made the colour black. This type of silk can be considered as rank 3 tailoring materials.

The regular tailoring artisans are doesn't use this silk because, most of them in this realm might not even know this silk moth. Sam took a dress from Kelly which he is using to take her measurements. She is now looking from along with the spectators from the outside.

The spectators are of just like before, there are a lot of people waiting for him curiously. Because, there are only two tailor artisans in the entire city. They were here because, they want to see that if there would be a third one. Sam took some measuring ribbons he used to take the measurements and started measuring Kelly's dress.

Kelly blushed and her face became as red as cherry, when she saw it. Sam didn't notice that and he is in his own world. When he saw the measurements, he started pondering on what dress he has to make. Because, Kelly's body is more matured than Freya's or Haley's and he need to think of a different style, if he wants to enhance her beauty.

Sam took his time and others started to doubt what he was thinking.

"What happened to him?"

"Yeah, why isn't he doing anything?"

"I think he is bluffing earlier."

"I think so too. He is young after all."

"What is happening here?" An authoritative voice stopped all the discussions. Howard came forward and stood beside Kelly and asked.

"Is he taking the exam?" Kelly just nodded and stood there looking at Sam.

"Interesting." The tower head muttered and he also stood there. Sam finally got an idea and took out a paper and a brush. He kept it on a table and just before, he was about to draw, he mumbled to himself. "I better make a pen for myself." He then started drawing a dress as he imagined Kelly's figure. After some trail and error drawings, he finally decided on what to create and then he took out the black cloth he prepared before. He marked the cloth and cut it with a specially made scissors according to measurements.

With is no time, he has bits he needed. He didn't take them directly to the mannequin. Instead, he took out two circular wooden frames from his storage. The circular frames are of a specific size that, one frame's outer diameter is same as the other frame's inner diameter.

He took the garment and fixed a part of it between the two frames. He supported the wooden frames on a stool like metal frame in such a way that the garment surface is parallel to the floor and the place below the cloth is hollow.

Sam sat down on the floor and took out a long needle, which has a hook on one side. He took out a thread bundle which is also black in colour. He placed the black thread under the cloth and then stabbed the needle from the side of the hook. The hook held the thread and when he pulled it through the hole he jabbed first and a small loop of thread came out of the cloth surface. He then jabbed the cloth between the loop and pulled another small loop of the thread and made a very small knot and the process continued and after a few moments, he made a maple leaf pattern on the cloth, he made numerous leaf patterns and after the part of the cloth that is in the frame is done, he changed it and fixed another part of the cloth. Soon, all the garment pieces he prepared are embroidered with the black leafy patterns. Even though the cloth and the embroidery are of same colour, they can be seen clearly because of the contrast provided due to the difference in thickness of the thread.

Sam smirked with satisfaction as he saw the successful embroidery. When spectators looked at him, they were beyond confused. What kind of technique is that? This is the question that is bugging everyone's mind. Of course, they won't know that. Because, this is a traditional Indian embroidery technique called Aari also known as maggam. How would these guys know that?

Sam walked towards the female mannequin. And started sewing the dress. Soon, the dress took shape. What Sam is doing right now, was completely unfamiliar to the spectators. This looked like a gown, but it is too slim to call that.

They can't decide it, because Sam is making a traditional Chinese dress. It is a Cheongsam. The black cheongsam with a collar. It has buttons to the right side of the chest. The dress reached all the way below the calves almost reaching the ankles. There is slit on the right side up to the knee. Which won't be visible unless they made a vigorous movement.

Sam particularly made this cheongsam because, for him apart from an Indian saree, a cheongsam is the only thing that enhances the beauty of a woman like Kelly. When a charm of the bodily features and skin reach a certain level, their beauty can only be enhanced by simple clothing. That is the reason why, he didn't do an extravagant embroidery like he did with dresses of Haley and Freya. After the cheongsam is completed, Sam took the dress to the testing platform.

Basically, the tailor artisans are tested mostly for the skills and the effective usage of the material. Even though the cloths are used mostly for defence, the effectiveness of the defence that can be obtained through the usage of the cloth is the most important in the testing. Not only that, the test will also take the beauty and aesthetics into the considerations.

After waiting for a few minutes, the platform brightened. A badge appeared. This time also, the badge is black in colour. Everyone gasped in surprise but when they saw the number on the badge, the surprise turned into surprise.

Sam held the badge in his hands as the result appeared on the screen.

"Product name- Unknown

Product type- Dress

Creator- Sam

Rank of the Product- Rank 3. There are six golden stars below it.

In the same way, there is a cloth and a needle symbol. A number 3. Total of six stars.

Sam became a pseudo rank 3 Artisan just like that.

Sam walked towards the exit along with the dress and the badge. Kelly finally took a good look at the dress. Her eyes were almost filled with stars as she saw the dress carefully. The skilled craftsmanship. The design. The exquisite look took her breath away. When Sam saw her lovestruck fool like appearance, he stored the dress away and said.

"It is not ready yet. I will give it to you tomorrow morning." Sam said pouring cold water on her expectations.

Both of them walked back to the mansion as sun started to set.

At the same time another person is walking towards the Northern region from the Eastern region. This guy is extremely familiar to Sam. It is none other than Eisen. Today, after Sam went out with Kelly, Jack went to meet the Principal to show him the mansion. Eisen tagged along and when he saw the mansion, he burned with jealousy.

Then another news made him even more angry. It is the news about Kelly and Sam going out together. This made him even more jealous, that he almost wanted to destroy the whole mansion.

He is walking towards the piranha organisation to place an assignment.

[Please read Author's thought]

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 50

Eisen went to a deserted restaurant and walked to a private room directly. There is a man in black, who also covered his face sitting at the table without doing anything.

Eisen took a seat at the table and placed a note on the table. When the other part saw the note, he immediately made eye contact and asked.

"What is the task?" The man asked in a hoarse voice.

"I need some beasts crippled. They are pets of a guy." Eisen replied.

"What level are the pets? What level is the guy? How many beasts?"

"they are at Peak of Level 1. Two panther type beasts. The guy is peak of the Level 3 Acolyte."

"Do you know, where he lives?"

Eisen took out a note of the address and passed it over. Then he said. "There is one thing. That guy is not ordinary. He is an inscription master, a formation master, an Artisan. His status is high. You better be cautious." Eisen warned.

The guy in black stayed silent for a minute and said. "The Price will be high."


While Eisen is plotting something to teach a lesson to Sam. The said person is back at his Mansion and went into the tower inside the divine dimension. Sam is right now inscribing on the Black cheongsam, he made for Kelly. After a few hours spent in the tower, he came outside and saw the night sky. He went to Kelly's room and passed over the dress and went back to sleep.

Kelly immediately ran downstairs to the Freya's room. That night the two ladies kept on bickering about whose dress is better.

Next day morning.

Sam is still sleeping soundly as sun rose up. Suddenly, a loud knocking sound woke him up. He opened the door with a displeased expression only to see, Freya standing there with an angry expression. He felt confused on how he pissed of this shameless chick.

"Sam, you are biased." Freya shouted halting his thoughts.

"What do you mean, I am biased?" He asked with even more confusion.

"You clearly made a better dress to Kelly. I want one too." She said as she crossed her hands across the chest.

Sam immediately understood what is happening and immediately shut the door without even replying.

When Freya was about to knock again, Sam's voice could be heard from other side of the door.

"If you knock one more time, I will take back the previous dress I gave you. Don't think I am bluffing. Try me if you dare."

As expected, she immediately stopped her actions. She gritted her teeth and stomped her feet in anger, before turning around and left.

Sam slowly washed up and walked downstairs only to see Freya continuously complaining to others about how unfair he was, when he shunned her at his room. Her tantrum stopped when she saw him coming down. When he sat there, she immediately averted her gaze refusing to talk.

"You do know that I have no obligation to make you dresses, right?" I already made you one on basis of my promise. Now, you are behaving as if you are entitled to get that dress. Do you really think you can afford the dress I gave you? I could auction it off to tens of thousands of spirit stones. Don't push your luck Freya. This is not your home, neither am I your family member who treats you like a princess and gives everything you need." Sam said in a cold voice from the side, silencing everyone's chatter. He stood up and turned towards Philip and said.

"I have something to do. I will be going out and I might not come back today. Take care of the Panthers." He said and left the mansion. Sam left the panthers and bulls in the yard in order to not arouse the suspicions of others. He said that he brought them the night he went to get the house deed. He then left them in the yard for themselves to play. Anyway, not many people will come to this secluded mansion. Or so he thought.

Sam left some shadow mice at the mansion and left with the rest of them to the Falcon Cliff. He wants to search for Yanwu as soon as possible. His mind is not at ease on finding that there is human near Yanwu, because he can't trust a human being that would be able to control his greed.

Sam slowly made his way to the northern region and entered the woods which separate the Falcon Cliff and the City. The woods didn't have any high-level beasts as this territory between the humans and the Whirlwind Falcons. Any high-level beast that vying for the territory has to bear the brunt of the both parties. By the time Sam crossed the woods, it is already noon. Just as he neared the foot of the cliff, he heard a voice in his head.

[Sam] This voice belonged to Yanwu. Sam could sense that Yanwu is not far away as their contract connection is effective within a certain range only. For now, based on their current cultivation level, the limit is within 500 metres. Sam looked around to see, if Yanwu is within the woods, but wasn't able to find out.

He closed his eyes and started concentrating on his connection with Yanwu, the connection is so faint, which means, Yanwu is at the very end of the range, after a few seconds Sam opened his eyes and looked at the cliff. He sensed that Yanwu is within the Cliff, but he doesn't know where exactly.

He started climbing the cliff. His speed was so slow, because his concentration is on sensing the location. After he climbed to a certain height he moved towards right side and between the high protrusions of the cliff, he saw a small opening, which can bare fit a single person, Sam immediately entered it and found himself in front of a rocky path. He started walking slowly and then found a junction where several paths are leading to different locations, he took a path and walked forward until he saw a familiar silhouette in a cave. Yanwu is in his original golden crow form and he is floating in the air as he faced a huge bird. Sam was a bit bewildered as he looked at the bird, he got an answer in his mind but he didn't dare to believe it.

{Sam} Yanwu greeted him as soon he saw.

"Yanwu." Sam also smiled as he embraced the golden crow. Sam then looked at the creature, in front of him and was a bit confused. Yanwu explained from the side.

{This is Sky. A roc with sky sovereign roc bloodline} Hearing this, Sam immediately thought.

'I am right. It really is a roc.' This is the only thought he has in mind.

"What happened to him?" He asked as he saw the roc sleeping and its expression of extreme pain. Sam observed closely and found out that the cultivation level of the roc is far higher than his.

{I will explain it later. First let us cultivate. I have a lot of energy stored.} Yanwu said and immediately started transmitting the fire elemental energy to him. Sam sat cross legged and then started digesting the energy along with Yanwu. He immediately broke through to the Level four Acolyte as he was at the edge for quite a long time. Meanwhile, Yanwu also broke through to the middle stage of Level 2. But they didn't open their eyes as there is a lot of unrefined energy left. Both of them sat still and started refining the energy. The spiritual core of Sam, was filled to brim and was forced to expand again, leading to another break through. Level 5 Acolyte. The energy still ran rampant and it finally stopped only when he was at the brink of breaking through the Level 6 Acolyte.

By the time they opened their eyes, it is already evening and Sun was already set. When Sam looked around the cave, he found two unfamiliar presence and immediately got alerted as he released his aura and about to attack.

{Sam wait} Yanwu shouted from side and he stopped himself from attacking. When Sam saw clearly who the other two were, he saw a young man who seemed to be in his early teens and another bird which seemed to be a whirlwind falcon which is at Level 1 on his side. The falcon is about same size of the young man. Sam stood normally as he sized them up when Yanwu introduced.

{That young man is Watt and that falcon is his friend, which he calls by the name Falck. He is the one who helped me write a letter for you.} Sam looked at the guy named Watt from top to bottom. He has a pale skin and lean figure. He looked a little timid as he didn't even dare to see Sam straight in the face. The Falck is indeed and a whirlwind Falcon and it seemed to have a certain connection with the boy. The boy is at the level 3 initiation. He seemed to be recently awakened.

"I am Sam" Sam introduced himself as he extended his hand for a hand shake. Watt slowly extended his hand forward and timidly shook his hand. Sam sat on the floor and asked Yanwu.

"So, what is the story here?"

{A few days back when I leaved the Starwood city to investigate something, this is the place I mentioned. I got a familiar energy impulse from this cave and when I came here, I saw the impulse came from Sky. By the time, these two guys are already here.} Yanwu pointed at Watt and Falck and continued.

{Sky sealed himself here and these two guys accidentally broke the seal which released the energy impulse. The impulse is very familiar to me as I have sensed the same type of energy when I was in higher realms.}

"You mean, that Sky is also from higher realms?" Sam asked a bit shocked. He is already a bit shocked that there is a higher realm being like Yanwu in this lower realm, now if he met another one, Sam would seriously doubt that whether there is an abnormality. But Sam's worries were unfounded.

{No, he is clearly from this realm. The Sky sovereign roc is indeed a higher being. But Sky is a normal Great roc with bloodline of Sky sovereign roc.}

"Is the impulse you sensed belong to that bloodline?"

{No, actually the energy I sensed is the reason why Sky is like that. He is affected by a fire poison, which is a special technique of Bifang bloodline. Seems that the place where Sky is from, there is a species with Bifang bloodline. If not for the fact that the other party is not a pure Bifang, Sky might have been dead by now.}

"So, why are you here now? How do you know these things?"

{Actually, Sky can wake up from time to time. But he won't be able to stay awake for a long time. I wanted to extract the fire poison from his body. Not only will it help him to save his life, it will also give a raise in cultivation level. We can absorb the fire poison directly.}

"How long do we have?" Sam asked as he looked at Sky.

{He doesn't have much time left. I was unable to take out a lot of energy as I have low capacity. If we work together, we might be able to do that. But if we delay, he might not make in past three days.}

Sam stood up and slowly touched Sky as he started using his observation. He was able to see each and every cell of the giant creature. But each and every cell is being affected by a severe fire element energy as they became weaker. Half of the organs are already half burnt and ready to collapse. The beast core is also being affected as it is reducing his cultivation level. If not for sky's high cultivation level, he would have been dead.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 51

Sam observed the state of Sky for sometime before sitting down in contemplation. He observed that the bloodline of the Sky sovereign rock, even though small in quantity it is high in quality. He really didn't want to let the beast die in front of him. The bloodline is the most important thing that is fighting against the fire poison.

After some contemplation, Sam looked towards the boy and bird duo. "What about these guys?"

{Well, Watt is a kid from the slums. His parents are dead when he was an infant and he grew up with a neighbour who took him in. A few years ago, he stumbled up on Falck who is badly injured. He saved him and both of them became friends. I don't know how he does it, but he and Falck communicate quite well. He can understand whatever Falck is saying. He wrote the letter with the help of Falck only.}

Sam walked to him closely and said. "Thanks." Watt just nodded and he is still looking towards the floor. He seemed to be quite timid and shy and Sam's aura is not helping the situation at all.

"How old are you?" Sam asked with a smile.

"Fi-fifteen." Sam immediately got surprised when he heard the answer. This guy didn't get to the later stages of initiation even after one year of awakening. He took Watt's hand into his hand and infused his spiritual energy. He got a clear view of the situation in his body. He seemed to be weak and malnourished. If not for his awakening and this one year of development, he might have been even more lean and weak. His spiritual core doesn't have any problems as he previously thought.

After some thinking on why he wasn't able to cultivate, Sam asked. "Don't you know a cultivation technique?" Even he felt a little ridicule towards his question. After all, even in the rural place like Lava rock village has one or two cultivation techniques for common public, let alone a Count city like Falcon Cliff city. But the answer gave him a surprise.

"N-no. Slum p-people are not allowed."

When Sam heard it, he has a new understanding towards this world, that is, it is similar to the modern earth in more ways than he thought. In both worlds, slums are always abandoned unless they have any material value.

"You are a wind elemental mage. Do you know that?" Sam asked as he sized the other party up. He really felt pity for this boy who is almost same age as him. But it was only pity, nothing much. The boy shook his head.

Then a painful growl was heard from behind and Sam turned around only to see Sky waking up and opening his eyes, his expression full of pain. When he finally opened his eyes, Yanwu introduced.

"Sky, this is Sam. The one who made a contract with me." Sky nodded his giant bird head. His brownish black feathers lost all the vigour are almost like the dead ones. Falck and Watt looked at Sky in a fearful manner.

Sam walked towards the Roc and said. "Your body's condition is not good at all. Your cultivation level will be kept on reducing and you will eventually die. Even though, I can divert your energy outside, I can't absorb all of it, even if I tried. Because, me and Yanwu are linked, the burden will be less, but we will take sometime to digest the energy and this will increase the risk of you dying due to the constant fluctuations of fire poison."

Sky looked down in a dejected way. Sam is the last hope for him, because others can't even take on the fire poison even if they recognise it or their cultivation is far higher, because of the weird blood line nature of the Bifang, an equally powerful and quality bloodline is required to refine it. He already lost his hope when he fled to this place, but his hopes reignited when he saw Yanwu and heard about Sam, now the hopes seemed to be in vain.

Just as the dejection was about to turn into depression and despair, he heard Sam speaking again.

"I have another idea, which might work. But I want your consent, it might be a little painful for you."

Sky looked at Sam again, this time he is hearing with full concentration and was hoping he would hear good news.

"If I take your energy bit by bit, you will have some problem with the fluctuations, So I will try and take as much energy as I can and stay here is seclusion, until I reach the peak of the Acolyte, that is my limit, as I cannot breakthrough directly. After that, your cultivation level would be dropped by a lot and the fire poison which is already depleted by time will also reduce its effect. Then I will use my spiritual core as conversion point to change the nature of the fire spiritual energy into light spiritual energy to heal you. In this process where your organs healing and attacked by the fire energy at same time is extremely painful. That is the reason I am asking for your consent. Trust me, the pain will be much worse than a swift death, I hope you think it through." Sam stood up and said to Yanwu.

"You stay here and take care of him. Don't absorb anymore energy. The fluctuations are making it worse for him. I will be back tomorrow after settling somethings over." Yanwu nodded his head.

Sam then turned over to Watt and asked. How did you come here?" The latter timidly showed a direction. Sam gestured him to lead the way and both of them started walking with Falck following them in the air.

"Do you have any relatives?" Sam asked while walking. Watt just shook his head.

"The neighbour who took you in?"

"She died recently."

"Oh." Sam didn't talk anything else and they finally came out of the woods and entered the slums of the city. The funny thing is that the slums are at the North-eastern corner of the city. Connecting the two most prosperous areas. Sam chuckled at the thought. Suddenly a shrill cry came as Falck fell down. When both of them saw it, there was an arrow pierced into its stomach. Sam wasn't able to sense it because, he didn't feel any ill intent towards him. Watt immediately ran towards it and knelt before the bird. He just shivered all over and didn't know what to do to help his friend. Sam heard some footsteps, then a group of kids of same age as him can be seen running towards them. The boy in the lead has a bow in his hand. He walked towards Falck and kicked Watt away and said.

"This is my hunt. Get your filthy hands away." The boy is late stages of initiation. Even though from his appearance, he seemed to be from slums, he at least fit with body. Watt stood up hurriedly and blocked the way for the group. The group has four people and the three are the lackeys of the guy with bow.

"No, please. He is my friend. Please, leave him alone." Watt spoke a full sentence loudly for the first time. Then he looked at Sam, as if he was pleading for his help. Sam just stood there and didn't say anything nor showed any movement. The boy with the bow noticed Sam and seeing that the other party is neatly dressed and might be stronger than them, he immediately said.

"You don't do anything funny. My brother is a member in Eastern gang. If you do anything to me, he will kill you." He looked at Sam cautiously. Seeing that Sam didn't have any reaction, he turned towards Watt, who is blocking their way. The four of them started kicking and hitting him. But Watt tried his best to stay still without letting them near Falck. But after some good beating, his legs gave in and he collapsed to the ground. The lackeys were about drag him out of the way, when he suddenly caught one of them with remaining strength and bit the other party's neck. The teeth dug deep and when he pulled out a chunk of meat was pulled out of the other party's body. Both of them collapsed. One with his expression tired and ferocious and blood sprayed all over his face and other face full of pain and lifeless expression. He killed the other party.

The remaining group became terrified at the scene and they took a step back. After a moment, they came out of daze and looked at Watt, who is completely tired and exhausted. The leader of the group immediately aimed an arrow at Watt and just before he released it, a fire ball exploded at his feet, when he saw in the direction it came, he saw Sam aiming at his hand with a smile.

"You guys better go, before I aim right at your heads." Sam said in a cold voice. The three of them immediately got scared and left the scene, even leaving their dead friend there. Sam walked towards Falck and removed the arrow and healed the wound. Then he walked towards Watt, who is almost unconscious and made him sit forcefully. Then he started to heal the latter and asked.

"you feel unfair, don't you?" The latter nodded.

"you feel helpless, don't you?" nodded again.

"you feel angry, don't you?" again nodded.

"you want to punch my face for not helping you, don't you?" Watt nodded.

"That is how life is. You better understand that. Nobody, will f.u.c.k.i.n.g care, if you feel unfair, helpless or angry, because it is none of their f.u.c.k.i.n.g business how you feel. If it wasn't for the fact, you tried to fight back in the last second, I wouldn't even care about healing your sorry ass.

Everyone in the world is like that. If you need help, you have to ask and pay a price for that. Nobody, will come and help you after they saw your pitiful and pleading looks. You are the only one who can help you without paying any price. So, stop looking for pity and grow some balls and learn how to save your ass yourself, understand?" Sam looked straight in his eyes and said word by word. Then he stood up and said. "You better think it over. This is the first and last time I am doing you this free service. Next time, you have to pay a price and that too you have to ask before." He said and left to his house without turning back.

Watt, just sat there as he mulled over what Sam said. The words are still repeating themselves in his head. He thought of all the fifteen years he lived in this world. What Sam said is true. He was the only one remained for himself to take care of. At most Falck will help him, that's it. He has no one and no one will take care of him. He has to ask for help, if he need it and he has to pay a price for the help he received.

He doesn't care have to care about what others view him as. He doesn't have to wait for the help that will come to him on its own. He can't ask for pity, because he is weak. He looked at the dead body and touched his lips full of blood. His heart became cold and resolute.

'I have to help myself to live and if I can't, I have to pay a price and ask for help.' He thought and looked at the direction where Sam left. He resolutely stood up and along with Falck walked back into the woods.

Sam thought about Watt while he walked back to his mansion. He enjoyed the night view as he walked towards the eastern region of the city. He said those words to Watt, because he was like that before. In his previous life, when he was still a little kid far younger than Watt, he learnt this lesson in much harsher way than him. That is the day, that changed his life. That is the day he gave himself the same advice he gave to Watt today.

Soon, he came to the Mansion and what awaited him made his mood gloomier.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 52

When Sam was back at the Mansion, there was no one inside, he searched for them and he found out that all the people are in the yard. When he went there, all of them are looking at something silently.

"What are you guys doing here?" Sam asked as he walked towards them. Everyone looked at him and all of them felt cold sweat on their backs. Nobody, dared to open their mouth and tell them what happened. When he saw what they are looking, his world seemed to come to a standstill.

There is a pool of blood in the yard, making the green grass turn red and in the centre of the pool, the two panthers lay fainted with their four legs chopped off and the legs are just thrown along with them. Their expressions are filled with pain and despair.

Sam felt his blood run cold. He looked at the two panthers and clenched his fists. Rest of the group all sensed the killing intent emitting from Sam. They felt the air coming to stand still. They can almost smell the blood l.u.s.t from Sam. It is as if he was craving for blood now.

If Sam knew of their thoughts, he would definitely agree, he is really craving to kill and craving for blood now. He never had this much desire to kill, since he came to this world.

The rest of the group, felt suffocating from Sam's aura. It is as if he will cause blood shed at any second. Their legs felt weak as they took a step back slowly.

They expected Sam to get mad, get angry, go berserk and curse at them. But never did they expect that he would be this calm. But this calmness is even more threatening to them, than all the other scenarios. Sam slowly walked to the Panthers bodies and checked their condition.

After confirming that both of them are still alive, Sam placed the legs in the position and started healing one by one. The attacker seemed to have done this recently, their legs are still warm and are in condition to join. The group looked at him nervously. They didn't even dare to ask, since when he can heal. After an hour, Sam completed the healing and carried the panthers one by one carefully to his room and then, he laid a formation and placed all the fire elemental spirit stones left on him to give the panthers time to recover.

He walked out of the room and asked the group. "Who did this?" This is the first sentence he spoke since he saw the scene.

Philip picked up the courage and said in a low voice. "We don't know. Some seemed to be sneaked in to the yard and then did that. We only knew it when we heard the growls." By the end of sentence, Philip's voice almost sounded like a mosquito buzz.

"You guys can go now." Sam said and walked into the room. There he sat down in the connected study and called for the shadow mice. Only four mice came.

"What happened?" Sam asked in gloomy voice.

*squeak* *squeak* [Boss a guy dressed in black came. His cultivation level is higher than yours. He came like a shadow and left like a shadow. Number 3 followed him to find out intel on him.]. One of the mice spoke. Sam named the mice with numbers from 1 to 10. He dismissed them and waited there patiently. After sometime someone knocked on the door.

*Knock* *knock*

Sam opened the door and saw Kelly standing there. "Eisen came. He said that he has a message from Principal." She said in a low voice.

Sam didn't reply and just walked out of the room and went downstairs, she hurriedly followed him. Sam saw Eisen sitting in a chair comfortably. He saw Sam's gloomy expression and became smug. His plan succeeded. That is what he thought. When Sam finally came and sat down, he said.

"Principal told me to warn you. With your arrogant attitude, don't piss of every person you meet. There are some people in this world you shouldn't provoke. There would be people who will teach you a lesson. They don't care what status you have." When everyone heard these words, they felt confused, but didn't say anything. But Sam narrowed his eyes and looked at Eisen with a cold gaze. He knew better than anyone else, that Principal wouldn't say anything like that. Because, they are like equals in business and they don't have student and teacher relationship.

There is only possibility and that is Eisen's words are implying something. Eisen didn't know Sam's thoughts. He just wanted to see Sam's gloomy expression and wanted to say those words. But he felt that it would be better to use Principal's name, because he thought that Sam would never confront Principal. But he didn't know at the moment that he was dead wrong. He stood up and gave Sam a smug look and left.

Sam also stood and without talking to the group, he walked towards his room. By this time, the shadow mice appeared again and there are five mice. Number 3 came forward and said as soon as Sam appeared.

*squeak* *squeak* [Boss, the attacker is from Piranha organisation. Someone hired him to teach you a lesson, and that is by crippling your panthers. I followed him and went found out the assignment hall, where they accept customers. I came after that to report to you]. Number three just said everything without Sam asking in a single breath.

Sam nodded and sent the remaining mice out of the dimension and said. "From today onwards, you guys have only one duty. Find out where the hide outs and head quarters of Piranha are. I want you guys to take note of every possible place they occupied. Their businesses, their meeting points, everything. You guys will report me everything about them at the cave I went in the morning. Number six to ten knows the address. You have time till the tournament is over. The day the tournament is over, you should be having all the info. First, I will give you guys an upgrade."

Sam said and took them all into the tower inside the divine dimension. He took out a large brush used to make the inscriptions and then started drawing a huge circle and various runic figures. Then after half-an -hour of drawing when the circle is completed, he took out some formation flags and started placing them in various places within the diagram, after a long while, he took out more than a thousand dark element spirit stones and placed them in various places inside the diagram. He stood at a place which is similar to the node he used to stand in an inscription and injected the spiritual energy in neutral form.

"Number 1" Stand in the circle. He ordered and the mouse came and stood in the centre of the diagram. The diagram activated and the dark elemental energy started seeping out of the elemental spirit stones and entered the mouse. The mouse trembled at the tremendous amount of spirit energy entering it body and then the blood flow. It started purifying the blood as numerous amounts of black particles seeped out of its pores.

Sam just continued injecting the spiritual energy and this process continued on for hours until all the spirit stones turned into dust.

Sam fainted and the mouse came out of the dark light. Its fur became darker and more luscious. The aura emitted from it is more superior then the rest of its peers. The rest of mice became excited and then they looked at unconscious Sam and became worried. They waited for him to get up.

Sam woke up after sometime, he took out some spirit stones and started absorbing its energy frantically. The technique he used, is a part of Bloodline refinement and Evolution manual. It is used for purifying the blood line. After recharging himself with energy, he placed another batch of Dark elemental spirit stone and proceeded with another mouse. The process repeated for hours in the tower and the outside dawn appeared.

After he was done with the refinement of all the mice, he came out of the dimension and sent them off to the duty. He washed up and went outside to see Philip and others.

"I am going into seclusion; I will come to the academy directly on the day of competition." He didn't wait for his reply and walked out of the mansion. There are five days for the competition. He wants to completely cure Sky as well as form a contract with him as soon as possible. But before that.

"Call Eisen over here." Sam went to meet with the Principal.

Principal felt a little weird by Sam's cold mood, but he didn't ask anything and sent someone over to call Eisen over.

When Eisen came inside the room and saw Sam sitting like he owns the place in front of Principal, he felt a bad premonition.

"Sir, you called me over."

Principal didn't see anything and looked at Sam. Sam looked at Eisen but talked to principal.

"Sir, did you send Eisen to pass me a message yesterday?" Eisen immediately became tensed.

"What message are you speaking about?" Principal frowned and asked.

"Nothing much." Sam replied and recounted what Eisen said yesterday. Without waiting for Principal's reaction, he stood up and walked towards Eisen and slowly whispered.

"You better not be related to what happened yesterday. Or you better pray that you will stay alive if you are related." When Sam said these words, Principal also heard faintly and immediately asked.

"Sam, what happened? We can talk it over."

"Well sir. Yesterday before Eisen came to my mansion, someone sneaked and chopped of the limbs of my panthers." Sam said and left without waiting for his reply.

Principal understood something and immediately looked at Eisen and asked. "Are you related to this?" His voice became cold with anger.

"N-no sir. He is just maligning me." Eisen immediately refused to admit.

"Why would he do that?" Principal asked in an even colder tone.

"He- He might have been jealous of me because you made me the leader of team." Eisen blurted out after thinking a bit.

"Bahahaha" Principal laughed sarcastically. "You better tell me truth or you won't be able to handle the consequences. You might not have seen his admission test, but he killed seven seniors from noble families, just because they called him 'bastard'. Now that his pets are crippled, you can count your lucky stars if he doesn't torture to death."

Hearing this Eisen's face lost colour. He didn't think that Sam was this ruthless, even though he heard some rumours in the academy, he simply thought they are exaggerating and brushed them off. He started to feel scared. Even though he is stronger than Sam now, he is five years older than latter and his improvement is far slower compared to latter. He might not be in danger, but what about in the future?

Looking at his pale face, principal immediately understood and walked out of the room. He saw Sam on the road walking slowly and hurriedly caught up with him.

"Sam, the thing with Eisen. Can we talk about this?" Principal asked, but he only got Sam's arrogant smirk as response and then walked away. He immediately held his head. He really can't use force against Sam because of latter's status and Eisen is also not someone with lower status. He got struck in between rock and hard place.

Sam walked towards Vickers's store. He entered the shop and was greeted by the mischievous smile of the middle-aged man.

"What do you need Sam? It is rare for someone to meet me this frequently." Vickers's said with smile.

"I need that thing." Sam pointed towards a long pipe like thing which is red in colour with an irregular surface, displayed on the shelf.

"Oh, trunk of the Giant Blood mosquito. A weird choice. May I know what are you planning to make?"

Sam only gave him a cold look.

"Okay, okay. 1000 spirit stones."

Sam placed the stones on the table and took the trunk and left the shop. He walked towards the slums, to go to the cave.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 53

When Sam came to the cave, he saw Watt and Falck sitting there. While Yanwu is waiting for him. As soon as Sam walked in, Watt stood up and walked towards him and said.

"I need help." Sam raised an eyebrow as he sized up the boy. He is not that much timid anymore, well at least he is not averting his gaze even when his hands and legs are trembling in fear. Sam chuckled and said.

"You know, you have to pay a price, right?"

Watt nodded at the question.

"Okay tell me, what do you want me to help you with?" Sam asked with an amused expression. Never would he thought that there would be change in this guy in one night.

"Make me strong." Watt answered in a low voice. Sam raised an eyebrow and asked.

"How strong?"

"Strong enough to not to ask for help from others and strong enough to always help myself." It took all the courage he had to say this. Sam stayed silent for a bit as he looked at Watt's expression and said.

"You do know what you ask, right? You want to strong enough to always help yourself. Do you know how strong you have to become? You have to be at the pinnacle of the world to claim that. Otherwise, there would always be someone stronger than you and there would be a time, where you have to face them and there would be a time where you feel helpless again. Think carefully."

Sam walked towards Yanwu and sky and just as he was about to speak, Watt shouted from below.

"Then make that strong. Take me to pinnacle." Sam turned around and asked.

"What is the price you are willing to pay?"

"Anything you want."

"Are you sure? Anything?" He asked with a cold smile. Watt nodded.

"Okay, then. From now on you will be my lackey. I will give you resources, opportunities and strength. In return, you will be my lackey and you will only be my lackey. You don't have to follow anybody's orders except mine. Even if the other party is the emperor or the ruler of heaven himself, their words would be nothing. If I tell you to kill, you will do so. If I tell you to fight, you will do so. Are you willing to pay this price?" Sam said with a cold aura surrounding him. His back straight and hands behind his back, with his handsome face, he looked majestic as if he is superior to anything this world has to offer.

"I am willing." Watt said.

"I can't hear you are you willing?" Sam asked as he raised his voice.

"I am willing." Watt also increased his voice.


"I AM WILLING!!!!!" Watt shouted at top of his lungs as tears formed in his eyes. This is the only time he felt free and brave for the first time in his life. This is the only time he felt that a huge burden has been taken off of his shoulders. This is the only time, he felt that his life has a meaning. This is the only time he felt that; he did something worthy.

All these days, he bawled his eyes for not having his parents, for not having proper education, for not having enough food, for not having resources and wallowed in his own self-pity. But now, when he was shouting on top of his lungs that he would be willing to a pay the price to obtain the strength he wanted, he felt more alive than combined fifteen years of his life.

Sam walked towards him and patted his shoulders and said. "From today onwards, you are no longer an orphan in slums, but you are my subordinate. You work for me and live for yourself." Then he closed his eyes and looked for through the library of the tower in divine dimension. When he found a suitable cultivation technique, he opened his eyes and said.

"Sit down and wait for a while." Sam then absorbed the knowledge of the cultivation technique and started copying it in a book. After half-an-hour of rapid writing, he finally finished and passed the book over.

"This technique is called a beast warrior cultivation technique, suitable for a wind elemental mage having a beast companion of wind element with him. Remember the manual by heart and destroy it immediately. Under any circ.u.mstance, you shouldn't share the info of the manual with anyone." Sam paused for a moment and passed him am spatial ring. "There are some normal spirit stones in this ring. Go to Vickers's shop and exchange it with the wind element spirit stones. Tell him that Sam sent you. Before that change wash up and change your dress." Sam passed a set of normal vest and pants he usually wears. Watt took the ring and dress and walked out in a rapid pace.

Sam looked at the lean figure and smirked. The beast warrior cultivation, he gave to him is a unique cultivation technique created by Ling tian himself. In fact, the Myriad beast bloodline technique, he is using now is also a special type of beast warrior technique. This type of cultivation technique, when cultivated by a mage, will make a contract with a beast and cultivates along with it as well as his body will be as strong as beast at same level, giving him qualities of warrior as well. Just like Sam, this will increase not only the speed of the cultivation, but also the chances of having better spiritual energy and elemental fusion. If there are any bloodline secret arts, they can be used as well.

He turned over and said to Yanwu. "Let us get to work."

Sam took out some formation flags and laid down a formation in order to conceal the energy fluctuations and then he laid another formation. This formation is not a regular formation that can be seen in the books. This the formation, Sam created by himself. He started drawing various runes in between the formation. This is a special type of sealing inscription which Sam created by repeated experimentation.

This inscription is done on a scroll and it works with the formation. In this process, within the formation, Sam will control an elemental attack or he himself launch an elemental attack, while providing the spiritual energy to the inscription circle through the formation. He will direct the attack towards the scroll at the centre and seal the attack in the scroll.

Generally, the attack inscriptions are done by normal inscriptions by using various combinations of the rune diagrams which are made based on the hand seals of the attack. But Sam created this technique only because, his attacks are not conventional and instead based on the science he knew. That is why, he created an inscription sealing method to seal his special attacks, so that they can be used in an emergency situation.

Then why is he using this now even when there is no plan of using it before. Well, he thought of new use to the fire poison, other than increment in his cultivation. So, what he wants to do now is to seal a small amount of fire poison for future use.

By the time Sam laid made all the preparations, Watt returned.

"You can take the wind elemental stones and cultivate. I will be helping sky in following days. If I am not done by the third day from now, go to this address and pass this note to a person named Jack." Sam said and passed over a note to him.

Then he walked towards the inscription circle and stood at the empty node, which he made near Sky's body. He kept one hand on Sky and started extracting the fire poison. At the same time Yanwu placed the spirit stones, responsible for providing the energy to the inscription circle.

After much effort, the fire poison started showing reaction. Sam concentrated on extracting the fire poison near the heart. Sky growled in pain as fire poison separated. When the portion of the poison is separated, Sam didn't absorb it and directed it towards the scroll placed at the centre. The moment the fire poison hit the scroll the inscription circle which was illuminated completely by now converged and sealed it completely. Sky fainted again into sleep and Sam panted for his breath.

After this was done. He removed the formation and laid another spirit condensing formation at the side.

By this time, the sky became dark again. Watt watched Sam sealing the fire poison and opened his mouth in awe. Then he walked to a corner and started cultivating along with Falck.

Sam placed the Fire poison scroll in the middle of spirit gathering formation. This is to use the scattered fire elemental energy that would spread in the cave to enhance the fire poison. After the preparations are completed, Sam sat in front of sky, while Yanwu sat behind him.

He looked at the huge roc and said. "I will begin the process. this might be painful, but I will try my best to make sure that you will stay alive and get rid of this cure."

He then closed his eyes and placed both his palms on the body of Sky and slowly started absorbing the fire poison. He made it so slow that there is no reaction in the poison until half-an hour. He started absorbing the poison and started refining it in his body meanwhile, Yanwu shared the energy along with him, to make sure that he wouldn't reach his limit easily.

In this way a human and a Golden sun crow are working together to save a great roc from the Bifang fire poison.

The night passed quickly; Sam's skin turned red due to the potency of the fire poison. His skin started to become dry. When the morning son came.

*Phew* Sam broke through to the level 6 Acolyte. There are only four days to the competition. But Sam is not even thinking about that. He is fully concentrating on the fire poison and slowly started extracting it. His newly expanded spiritual core, started filling up again, Yanwu is also kept on absorbing the energy from behind. This seemed to be a never-ending process. By evening, both Sam and Yanwu had another break through together. Both of them entered late stages together. While Sam into the late stage of Acolyte while Yanwu into Late stage of Level 2 beast.

Sam who just broke through kept on absorbing the fire poison.

The process continued and the day passed. There is still three days until the competition. If Sam is not done today, Watt is ready to deliver the note to the address and Sam was not done so he went to visit the mansion.

When he entered the Mansion, he was in complete awe. He never entered the mansion as luxurious as that. He is really surprised. He met Jack and passed over the note. Jack right now is preparing to create an 'accident' to Eisen along with Shawn. But when he received the note, Jack smiled and modified the plans. He changed his target to the two lackeys of Eisen.

He met with the other extra person who came along with them to the City to make a deal.

"Do you want to participate in the tournament?" Jack asked without beating around the bush.

The other guy immediately nodded his head.

"5000 spirit stones. There will be a spot ready. You can make your preparations. You can pay on the day of tournament." Jack said in a single breath. The other guy almost couldn't believe his words. He was still in daze when he saw Jack leaving and the he immediately went to make some preparations for the competition. Even though, getting him a spot might be hard, who knows what would happen.

Jack felt that he did a good job in selling the extra spot for 5000, he was thinking how Sam would react.

Time passed quickly. The cultivation level of Sky is getting reduced minute by minute. From the cultivation level, Sam wasn't able to sense at all. He fell into Level 3 middle-stage. Days changed and finally the day after tomorrow will be the tournament. Sam is almost about to break through the Level 9. He is verge on breaking through since morning and he is waiting patiently.

Finally, by night Sam and Yanwu both broke through to the final stages of their respective cultivation. After consolidating for a while, Sam opened his eyes and finally took a good look at Sky.

The great roc, is now in a much better condition, but it is still in pain. Sam slowly stood up and whispered to him. "The next thing I will do to you will pain you so much that, you will prefer death over it. But I want you to endure and hang in there." He didn't even know if sky could hear his words, but he still said it. Sam placed his hands on him again and got ready to proceed with next step.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 54

Sam closed his in concentration as he placed both of his palms on Sky. He started observing the fire poison in his body. According to Sam's classification of this fire poison is Passive and Unstable type which leads to attack the recipient.

He concentrated all his energy on the fire poison and observed its up to the level of the spirit particles. Then he took a deep breath and just like how he did with metals to form them into powder, he manipulated the passive spiritual energy forced the molecular structure to collapse and converted to fire spiritual energy.

"CWWWAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR" Sky opened his eyes and screamed on top of his lungs as he took the full brunt of the fire spiritual energy on his beast core and internal organs. Yanwu, Watt and Falck were all startled and trembled when they heard Sky's painful cry.

But Sam didn't dare to let his concentration slip away. He needs delicate control over the spiritual energy in order to not make it effect Sky. He controlled the spiritual energy and let it enter from one hand and directed towards his spiritual core.

Meanwhile, in his spiritual core. In the transparent globe, the wisp of golden flame and golden light are floating in between the spiritual energy. Sam concentrated and divided the space into two with an invisible barrier such that golden flame would be one side and the light would be another side. The energy he took from Sky right now through one hand is entering the core from the side of golden fire and merged along with the fire spiritual energy, then it flowed along and met with the barrier where it converted to the light spiritual energy with the help of Sam's spiritual core ability. Now, instead of refining this excess spiritual energy, he directed it out in its light elemental energy form and let it out from another hand as he started healing Sky from other side.

In this way, he is healing Sky, with the help of the very fire poison that is meant to harm him. Sky stopped his painful screams after sometime as the fire elemental energy that ran rampant stabilised a bit and flowed towards Sam's hand and the effect of the healing from the light elemental energy, he soon felt some relief. Night passed. Sam is still standing rooted in his spot. He is sweating profusely as he furrowed his brows in full concentration.

The lesser the amount of fire elemental energy became, the higher concentration he required. The nerves on his forehead popped over and blood started to flow out of his nose. His face turned pale and he is soaked in sweat. But he didn't dare to divert his attention. He stood there are continued on healing.

Soon, there is no pain on Sky's face.it is replaced with relief. The obvious burns on his body started healing. The feathers got their l.u.s.tre back. Slowly, it regained its vitality.

Sun is high up in the sky, when Sam looked finally finished the process. He fell down immediately as he fainted. Yanwu quickly caught him and slowly laid him on the floor. It looked at Sky and Sam and then flew out of the cave. After a while, he came back with some dead animals, which he hunted just now. He saw Watt taking care of Sam, by cleaning his blood over and laid a blanket to make him sleep comfortably. Sam woke up a few minutes past noon, to see the Yanwu and Watt are grilling the meat, his stomach rumbled with hunger. He walked to them and picked up a piece of meat and took a huge bite.

They are having a peaceful meal, when a big rumbling sound came from behind. Everyone turned around to see Sky opening his eyes with a rejuvenating glow.

{Can I have some too?} Sky asked as he slowly made his way to with his body which is larger than Yanwu a bit and sat beside them. He took a piece of meat and started gobbling on it.

After the meal, Sam stood up and said. "Tomorrow is the tournament. I have some scores to settle today, you guys stay here till then. If any shadow mice come here, don't eat them up and hear what they say." He said to Yanwu and turned towards Sky. "You just recovered. Rest properly and we can talk after I am done with dealing some things." He looked at Watt and said. "Cultivate properly." Then he left the cave and went back to his mansion. Today he has to collect some debt.

Sam went to the Artisan tower on the way and bought a claw type and weapons for both hands, the he took a private forge and made some modifications. He pulled out the original claws and replaced them with the claws of the Golden Blood tiger.

"I will make do with it until I make myself some quality ones. He made sure that they are comfortable and placed them in the storage. Tomorrow is the day of tournament, so he was pretty sure that Principal is going to make send someone to remind him.

His guess was right. When he arrived at the mansion, the extra guy came to send the message and was leaving. He looked at Sam with a doubtful look before leaving. Sam entered the mansion and was greeted by the people who are about to prepare for the tournament.

He met with Jack and Shawn and they moved to their room to have a private talk.

"We took care of the two lackeys." Jack said as soon as they sat down.

"I will take care of the rest. Did you make a deal with that extra guy?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, I made a deal for 5000 spirit stones." Jack said with a smile. He is satisfied with the deal. But both Shawn and Sam were looking at him as if he was an idiot. Shawn didn't know that Jack made the deal only for 5000, that is why he was shocked by revelation.

Sam looked at Shawn and said. "Why didn't you go there?"

"He said he would take care of it and I thought he would really do." Shawn said with a dejected expression.

"What is wrong?" Jack asked a bit confused.

"How did you even come up with the price?" Sam asked with a wry expression.

"What do you mean?"

"Jack, he took 1500 just for the trip to Falcon cliff city. Why do you think he took that much money? Because, they will have a chance to get a spot, which is almost impossible unless someone played their hand properly. Then a guaranteed spot. How much do you think we can sell it for?" Shawn asked with exasperation.

His friend is a genius at fighting. Then why is he not even a little bit intelligent at these ways of world.

"Forget it." Sam sighed. "I will take care of everything. I need a favour. Make a big pit around six feet long, 2 feet wide and foot deep in the yard and tell everyone in the mansion, not to come out to the yard at night." Sam said and left. He walked towards the inn and he entered the inn opposite to the one Principal, Eisen and the rest are staying. When the sky turned dark, they came to eat their dinner and Principal is giving a speech and telling them not to make them nervous. Eisen is fidgeting his finger and was completely out of sorts. When he was finally done, he immediately went to his room and locked the door. He is feeling tense. From the past two days, his lackey and his brother got attacked mysteriously. He had a feeling that he is going to be in danger. Just when he was about to take a step forward towards his bed.

*Crack* a glass breaking sound could be heard. A red vapour filled the room and before he could know what happened, he felt a little dizzy and his reaction speed slowed down.

Just as he tried to calm down and get control of the situation, a black figure stood in front of him and that figure opened a scroll suddenly as a big orange coloured magma like thing hit him and entered his body, the sudden change hit made him faint as he felt a burning sensation inside his body.

After sometime. Eisen opened his eyes, he felt a searing pain inside his body and when he tried to move, he felt like his body was tied up to something. He was laid down on something and tried to look around to see where he is and who took him here.

Suddenly a flame lit up and a figure came into his sight. When Eisen saw who it is, he immediately fell into despair. The thing he most feared happened. He tried to struggle and use his spiritual energy, but he felt his blood burning and he stopped.

Sam looked at him with cold eyes. He has his two panthers on his side as he ran his arms across their fur and snuggled into him with warm expressions. But when Eisen saw this scene, he immediately felt shocked and confused. Sam slowly stood up and walked towards Eisen, leaving the panthers with some food.

"How are you feeling Eisen?" Are you warm enough?" Sam asked as an evil glint flashed across his eyes.

"Sam, please leave me alone. I apologise. I will compensate you with a huge sum of money. My father is rich. I will ask him to pay you a huge ransom. Please, Sam just let me walk away." He said in a trembling voice as he felt his body burning in heat. His spiritual core is completely infected with the poison. He felt pain and distress at the same time.

Sam just chuckled. It is too late Eisen. Don't you think? You dare attack my friends and you expect me to release you for just some ransom." Sam said in a sarcastic tone.

Eisen felt his throat run dry. He regretted pissing this guy off. He tried to struggle again.

"Don't bother struggling. It will only increase the pain you feel." Eisen stopped as soon as he heard it. This fire poison is what Sam collected from Sky. Even though the amount is small, he used the vestiges of the fire spiritual energy spread inside the cave to enhance the poison for the past days while he treated Sky.

"I really admire your stupidity Eisen. Of all things you could do, you have to piss me off time and again. You dare hurt my panthers? Then I will use you to assist them in breakthrough." Sam said and threw a small fire ball towards him.

Eisen closed his eyes in fear, but the expected impact never came. He slowly opened his eyes as he felt a burning sensation in his back. He opened his eyes and looked at Sam's evil smile. He felt despair looming over him.

He was laid over a pit filled with fire. He is being cooked alive. The thought itself made him fall into abyss. Sam took out a bottle of red liquid from his storage and started pouring all over Eisen and said.

"I don't want my panthers to get used to human meat. That is why I made this special c.o.c.ktail of beast blood to mask over your scent. You, Eisen will be tonic food for my panthers and assist them in breakthrough. Thank you for your service". Then he flipped Eisen over to make his front side to touch the fire.

Eisen screamed on top of his lungs while he was being flipped like a chicken wing.




But the rest of the mansion wasn't able to hear his screams because Sam laid a formation to conceal everything that is happening here. Sam only stopped his flipping when Eisen has a final breath left.

"Medium rare. You guys can dig in." Sam said as he tossed Eisen over to the two panthers.

The two panthers immediately started eating as they smelled the scent of the various beast blood, while Eisen himself lost all the energy to even scream in pain, when he felt the teeth and claws tearing his seared flesh apart being eaten alive. Then before his last breath, he heard Sam's voice.

"Don't worry, you won't be alone. The Piranha will also join you soon enough." He died after he heard these words with a lot of regrets.