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Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 70

Sam went up to the stage and said to Hawk. "I thought nobody is going to challenge me anymore. At last."

Hawk just smiled and didn't say anything.

"Begin." Elder announced. But both Sam and Hawk didn't move immediately. They just looked at each other and tried to see what is other party's intention. The stare down went on for a few seconds, they didn't move neither they looked at different directions. They just stared at each other and tension rose.

Finally, Hawk spoke. "You are more patient than what rumours mentioned." As soon as he said that he started making hand seals. Sam just stood there and didn't do anything, he just stood there and looked at Hawk as if he was watching a performance.

And soon, Sam is surrounded by wind blades, from all sides, he is observing the wind blades that are coming towards him, he can feel the sharpness of the blades and the threat they could pose.

When they were two feet away, Sam made his move, with his superior speed, the wind blades didn't pose much threat to him. He moved fluidly without making any contact with the wind blades, but before he could relax another wave of wind blades are coming towards him, but this time the density of attack increased.

The number of blades became twice the previous time. This time, Sam didn't just evade them, but he started moving forward. The spectators are watching the fight in awe. They knew about Hawk's wind blades attack. He is very proficient in its control and if his opponent gets struck in the first wave, he was almost done with it.

Even when the opponent is able to make it through the first wave, he might not make it to the second wave, if he makes it through the second wave, the third wave might take him down.

And every time the density of attacks increases such that evading is not an option anymore. But Sam is dodging and he is making his way forward.

Just when Sam was a three- feet away from Hawk, the latter floated with the cover of wind blades and went to opposite side.

"Elemental fusion." Sam muttered as he looked at Hawk, who stopped attacking. When Hawk heard Sam's word's he was surprised.

"Not bad, you can recognize the Elemental Fusion." Hawk said. Sam didn't reply. Of course, he can recognise it. He himself can do it after all. But Sam was pretty impressed with Hawk. The latter is using the Elemental fusion on his legs and is floating. Even though he can't use it directly to fly, but hovering a bit is not really a problem.

"Why are you not using your Elemental powers?" Hawk asked.

"Well, nobody is bothering to challenge me anyway. Might as well make most our battle and see what I can do?" Sam said but he still didn't attack. He is waiting for Hawk to attack and he will test himself. After all, it is not everyday that he gets to fight with a Novice level 1 fighter with this much control over his element.

Hawk formed hand seals and this time they are much faster. This time air on the stage all started circling around Sam. The image resembled a small tornado circling around him. Just as he was examining it, he felt that it is a little difficult to breath. The tornado is trying to create a vacuum.

Just when he thought that these are the only tornado's effects, he felt his feet floating and then suddenly a wind blade formed with in the tornado and attacked him from behind.

Even though the feather coat stopped the attack, he wasn't feeling happy at all. He felt that he is being a bit too passive. Sam then spread his hand towards the wind currents and his hands started conjuring fire.

He controlled the golden flames with the enormous heat and made it circle the tornado in its opposite direction, but when he tried it in the beginning the fire is being affected by the wind speed, when spectators started feeling that Sam's attempts are futile, he increased the intensity of flames. They started circulating with very high speed and the intensity also high and before he knew what's happening, Hawk felt that something is amiss, his control over wind tornado became difficult and unstable and while he tried to control it Sam already came out of the tornado.

Sam and Hawk stared at each other when Sam said. "Maybe you want to use your Dual wing slash."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you can use it. Let's see if I can deal with it." When Sam said these words, Hawk was already almost done with his hand seals. A Hawk materialised in front of him and the two wing shaped wind blades moved towards Sam.

This time, Sam didn't just stand there, he took out his golden staff and started spinning it. The two ends of staff are directing and condensing a huge amount of fire as he spun the staff above his head.

Before the wind blades neared him, Sam threw the condensed fire towards them. Both the attacks collided and negated each other.

Sam and Hawk came into a dead lock.

"You are really good. I thought that Kelly is exaggerating." Hawk praised.

"You aren't bad yourself." Sam returned the praise.

"Maybe we should stop testing each other? Why don't you become serious?" Hawk asked as he started making hand seals.

This time neither replied nor just stood in place, instead he made his move with his staff. When he swung his staff and was about to make contact with Hawk, a wind shield formed and stopped it.

Sam took a step back and again did the same, this time the wind shield again made the contact. But Sam didn't withdraw and an explosion happened at the point of contact, pushing Hawk a step back.

Sam didn't miss the opportunity and followed with attack after. His moves are fast and precise. Hawk wasn't able to see him at all other than he could see is the after- image Sam left behind after an attack.

Soon, he wasn't able to cope with the speed and took the full force of an attack. He fell down on his back as he spewed some blood from his mouth.

Sam didn't stop. He made his move again and just as he was about to make another successful attack something unexpected happened.

Hawk is covered by a water shield and a water sphere was launched towards him at same time. Sam took the full force of attack and landed a few feet away. He coughed out some blood and stood up.

When he came to his senses, he saw Hawk covered with a water sphere on all sides.

"Oh, you are a dual elemental Mage. Didn't see that coming." Sam said with a smirk. He didn't seem discouraged at all. But he failed to see the spectators' expressions which are filled with shock.

"What Hawk is a dual elemental mage?"

"I never knew this."

"Yeah, he really hid deeply. I thought he only has one wind element. Who would have thought that he also had water element?" Even Castor and Count Falcon felt surprised, for different reason though.

"I never thought he would use water element here. He said that he might not need to use this in this tournament." Count Falcon said to Castor.

"I thought that it was his trump card." Castor spoke

"No. He said that there are no worthy opponents who forced him to use it. Now he seemed to have found someone. Maybe it is better this way." Count said as he eyed Sam with interest.

Sam again picked his staff and made his move. This time his speed his actually faster and there is a golden flash along with his after image. He swung his staff and attack hit the water shield with the same explosion. The water on the surface of the shield evaporated, but the impact of the explosion and the hit of the staff are reduced in the form of ripples on the water.

He didn't stay there and immediately moved. Then a water sphere was launched to the place where he stood a moment ago.

Sam continued to make his move with the staff and Hawk countered with same defence and attack. Even after tens of exchanges the dead lock remained. Both of them weren't able to make some damage. But the situation changed.

When Sam landed a hit on the shield, the water dispersed a bit and held the staff in place, delaying Sam's movement for a second making have a close shave with a water sphere.

But Sam didn't change the strategy. Hi speed increased. He is trying to see how much speed he needs to take down the water shield without using too much of spiritual energy.

When he found out that this method is futile, Sam landed a hit and instead of escaping, he stood there and placed his hand on the shield. Hawk was a bit startled by this sudden change of pattern and was caught off-guard. Before je realized what is happening, he saw Sam's smirk and the latter injecting a huge ball of golden flame into the water shield.

"What, he is using the fire against water?"

"Yeah. It is futile. I think he is using this as a last resort."

"Why are you calling a last resort?"

"You know that fire is weaker against the water. So, what is the point of using it that close and that too on the water shield directly. The chances are almost nil."

"Yeah, maybe you are right."

Spectators are judging Sam's actions, but Hawk who is very close to the fire realized something is not right.

The golden flame is small in size and it should have been extinguished but it is still burning like nothing happened as it continuously turned the water around him into steam. Sam smirked as he made eye contact with Hawk and immediately increased the amount of Energy, he released making the intensity and size of the golden flames higher and higher completely evaporating that side of water shield. Before Hawk could prepare himself, Sam's attack landed on his chest squarely, sending him flying.

Sam didn't follow with attack. Because, he is also panting. He scolded himself for trying so many times with staff. Even though he wanted to grind his skills, now he has to conserve his energy.

Hawk stood up with much difficulty. He is trying to guess what happened exactly. He looked at Sam with new found admiration as well as competitive spirit.

Sam is also very impressed with Hawk. He has full understanding on his capabilities and knew that he could take down a Level 2 Novice. But he wasn't able to take down Hawk who is at Level 1 Novice. That means the other's battle prowess is not be trifled with.

"I never thought that, I need to use this move in this tournament. I prepared it for a bigger stage, but Sam you have my respect for making me use this move."

Hawk spoke and released a huge amount of spiritual energy. The stage is surrounded with water bubbles. Sam observed them and saw that the bubbles which are in size of foot ball are rotating on their own axes.

Sam looked at the Bubbles and then stared at Hawk who closed his eyes and spread his hand wide open. He took the staff in his hands and swung it in the air which shot a fire ball towards Hawk.

But before the fire ball could reach the target, a water bubble collided with the fire ball and both of them disappeared. But Sam suddenly felt something was wrong and before he realized what is happening, three wind blades flew towards him from the point of collision and left a deep gash on his chest where the coat didn't cover.

Sam took a step back and he accidentally collided with another bubble. Three wind blades attacked again from behind. This time though, he only felt the impact.

Sam steadied himself and stood up properly. He looked at the bubbles and then at Hawk.

Hawk is using this time to recover the energy. Sam felt that he should deal with the situation as soon as possible. He stored the staff away and took the Golden Crescent out. When spectators saw the weird weapon with two blades, they were confused.

Sam moved the symbol and shifted it to bow mode. He took a deep breath and concentrated the spiritual energy to his legs and jumped high up in the air.

While he started falling, he moved his hands with incredible speed as he sent arrows after arrows at Hawk.

Hawk sensed the arrow with fire spiritual energy coming towards him and he started guarding with the bubbles. But the arrows became faster and faster and even more trouble is that they are negating the wind blades inside the bubbles with explosion up on the contact.

Sam didn't stop as he showered the stage with arrows all converging to a single point. Finally, Hawk wasn't able to deal with it and was hit by an explosion of a volley of arrows, but before he could fall, he sent the remaining bubbles towards Sam, who is almost down on the stage.

Both candidates were exposed to their opponent's attacks. They fell down on the stage without a least bit of energy left. Hawk has his cloths tattered and filled with injuries. But Sam's cloths are still good. His vest though got torn and there are gashes on his upper chest and torso.

"The fight is a Draw." The Elder said. Jack and Kelly came to the stage and escorted both Hawk and Sam down the stage.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 71

Sam woke up only after the sun set and the tournament was over. It was about time the results being announced.

"First Place of the tournament--- Sam" This is the first thing he heard when he opened his eyes. He looked around and noticed that the stage is again back to normal and Principal along with the Count are standing at the centre, while there are nine students standing behind them.

Sam dazedly towards the stage and walked towards the Count who is handing him a plaque along with a spatial ring.

"Congratulations, Sam." Count said with a smile. Sam thanked him and went to stand along with the nine people in the back.

The top 10 places are filed with familiar faces. But that is not what surprised him, instead he was surprised by the fact that Eve and Shor didn't manage to make it to top 10 even with their overwhelming acc.u.mulation of points in the second round.

They only managed to get into top 20 with great difficulty.

"Now the prize for the top 10 people is that they are selected to enter the academy in the Marquis city. They can report to that place in three months. This tournament is specially arranged to select these 10 candidates to enter the special class that is being opened in the Marquis academy and this is done on the direct orders of the Marquis himself.

All the spectators were surprised, the candidates who are at the bottom rankings felt envy. The candidates who missed the ranking by close shave felt jealous and the noble children were feeling undeserved. In this myriad of feelings and reactions caused by the announcement, Sam is the only person feeling calm and composed. He didn't show any expression at all. Because, he knew the info from the Principal. Then Castor still continued.

"The remaining fifty people will be taken in as students of the Falcon Cliff academy as a special Elite class, which we are going to open up from this year and every year, the Principals and the City lords of the subordinate cities will be picking the top 10 special students to join in this elite class."

When the remaining candidates heard this, they were immediately delighted. They thought that them coming here is all in vain. Then another announcement came.

"Now, the best team is Starwood city as we have seen the number of outstanding candidates, they provided followed by Falcon Cliff city. From this year onwards the resources of the Starwood academy will be doubled and the tax will be reduced from five percent to three percent."

When Principal Starwood and Starwood city lord heard this announcement, they were quite excited. Principal is even thanking Sam in his heart about this achievement.

Soon, the ceremony ended. Just as Sam was about to get off the stage along with others, he was stopped by Castor and Count.

"Sam, can we borrow some of your time?" Count falcon was polite when asking. Sam gave his consent and followed them, letting his friends go to the mansion first.

They went to a private room inside the academy and sat down as they were served with some refreshments.

"Sam, I will be straight forward with you. Did you receive the last key of Murali's inheritance?" Castor asked as soon as the attendants left.

Sam was a bit surprised. He didn't know that Castor would know about inheritance. After all, it is not his fault to think so as the tower of will has never been cleared before. But Sam didn't say anything and just kept his silent with a confused expression.

Count Falcon and Castor exchanged a glance and latter said. "Actually, it is not much of a secret. You might already know that there are three other keys of inheritance and right now the other three are already owned by someone else.

And one of those three in with the imperial family of our empire. The remaining two are under two different organizations. The thing about this inheritance is an open secret in the upper echelons of the empire and I won't be surprised if some of the noble family heads knew about this."

When Sam heard Castor's explanation, he pondered for a moment and asked.

��What do you want from me, exactly?" He thought that there is no need for him to pretend, since he can't deny it. The other party is not using force which means that there is some catch here.

"Actually, many people tried to clear the tower of will, but this became almost impossible as the difficulty of this is more than that of other three. The three parties who have the ownership of the other three keys came to an agreement that the person who can clear the tower of will cannot be forced to handover the key to anyone.

They felt that since the tower of will is the hardest of all, the person who cleared must be important and might be irreplaceable in the journey. So, they announced to the upper society who has news about this to make sure not to make a move against the candidate who cleared the tower of will or they will be the combined enemy of all three of them. So, you don't have to worry that we will harm you." Count Falcon first explained to make Sam calm down, then he continued.

"Actually, what we want is a favour from you. According to the prince of the imperial family who is one of the inheritors, an inheritor can bring four people along with him. So, we are wondering, if we could use two spots." Count Falcon's voice seemed rather hesitant at the end. After all, asking for two spots is not a small matter.

"What is your offer?" Sam asked without change in expression. But inside his brain was spinning. He didn't know that the thing about an inheritance is such big of an open secret. He didn't even see the point of being careful anymore. If something happens to him, the three organizations will make hell to the one who made a move on him. So, Sam directly went to the business. He wants to know exactly how valuable this spot for inheritance can be.

Count Falcon and Castor are silent for a bit and gave him a number. "1 million spirit stones." But Sam was not moved by it at all. After all, he earnings were almost this much when he did some business in a subordinate city like Starwood city. Sam stood up and said.

"Sir count and Principal. I actually have quite a good impression on both of you. But I can't agree if you want to treat me as a gullible person. Even though, I don't know exactly how valuable a spot is and the importance of this inheritance, I do no whether the 1 million spirit stones is worth is or not.

Before you offer me, please check on my background. Earning a million is not a big deal for me at all. So, please be more sincere next time and I will only give you one spot. So, you guys decide what you want to offer and who wants to take the offer. For now, I will be taking my leave." Sam said and paid his farewells.

Sam went to the mansion after that. He took a nice warm sleep that night. Next day early in the morning, the first thing he did was to check on the panthers. When he observed their bodily changes, not only they broke through and became level 2 beasts, there is some changes in its beast core and blood line.

When he closely observed the situation, he realized that the fire poison is trying to merge with the beast core and the blood line.

Sam was both excited and worried at the same time. Because, this is a great chance for the panthers to have a qualitative change in the beast core and the blood line, but he was worried if the constitution of this beasts will be able to withstand the evolution in this blood line.

He thought about it for quite sometime and went through the information in Blood refinement and Evolution technique. "So, there is only one way." Sam got an idea. He came out of the mansion and went to the cave where Yanwu and Sky are staying.

When he went there, he was surprised to see a number of scrolls at a corner. Watt immediately stood up and greeted him, when he entered. Both Yanwu and Sky aren't in the cave.

Before Sam could say anything, Watt said. "The shadow mice brought these scrolls from somewhere. Yanwu said they might be useful for you." Sam nodded at his words and just as he was about to reply. Yanwu and Sky entered the cave.

Sky is in a good state now. His feathers are shiny and he is full of vigour. When he saw Sam, the great roc was quite delighted. Sam first embraced Yanwu and then greeted Sky.

"Sky, you might know about my contract with Yanwu." Sky nodded at the statement.

"Actually, I can evolve your bloodline. If you are willing, I want make the same contract with you too."

Sky nodded in consent without hesitation. Sam was also delighted and said. "I will lay a formation here, which will allow your blood line to evolve to that of Sky sovereign roc. Your blood line will be of same level as Yanwu's.

But from the amount of the blood line you possess, you might take sometime to achieve that. It may take three to five days.

Sam said as he started writing the runes needed. The entire cave is almost filled with the runic drawings and he took the formation flags to place them at some important nodes.

After that he took a huge amount of wind element spirit stones from Watt and placed them at various nodes in the whole setup. After more than three hours of hard work, he was finally done.

"Sky, since your case different from the shadow mice who only needed to clear the impurities in bloodline, you only have to absorb the wind elemental energy and let it go through the flow the formation will direct.

The formation will deal with the rest. It will use the wind element energy by condensing it and will excite the latent potential of your bloodline. Actually, since you have the genes of the sky sovereign rock, you can directly evolve into one as long as I excite the genes with the wind element energy which is your blood line element.

I don't need to participate in it directly. So, I hope you will endure and don't put any resistance."

When Sam finished his words, Sky didn't reply anything and walked towards the node where he has to stay.

Sam activated the formation and turned to Watt.

"Do you have any problems with your cultivation?" He asked. Since, Watt is his follower now, he has to take care of him.

"No problems at all." Watt immediately straightened his back.

"You are at ninth stage of initiation. So, your contract time has arrived. Even though, I can afford the pills and medicines, you don't have to rely on them to cultivate in the initial stages. They might be useful in latter stages, but if you use them now, you will have to face some backlash. So, you don't have to worry about it." Sam paused and passed the spatial ring he got as prize yesterday. "They have some pills and herbs along with another 100,000 spirit stones. Go to Vickers' and exchange everything to wind element stones." He gave his instructions and turned towards the scrolls in the corner. There are almost around twenty scrolls. When Sam picked and about open a scroll.

*squeak* *squeak* [Boss, something happened] A shadow mouse came as it shouted.

"What happened?" Sam frowned.

*squeak* *squeak* [Boss, Kelly is kidnapped.] Sam immediately got serious.


*squeak* *squeak* [today me 1, 3,5,7 are in watch duty at the mansion and the cave. The remaining are on scout duty. 1,3 and me are in the mansion while 5,7 are here. We saw a black figure inside mansion and we followed him. He took Kelly and ran. 1 and 3 are following them and I came here to report. They said that they will come and look for you at mansion.]

After hearing to the details, Sam took scrolls into storage and said to Yanwu to look out for sky, before running out. Even though he wants to fly, he will only attract trouble, if he was spotted by city guards. He doesn't have permission after all.

After some time, Sam was panting in his mansion. He is inside Kelly's room and all the people in the mansion are already gathered here. There is circular amulet like object and a note on the bed.

There is another person inside the room. It is Hawk.

"Sam, somebody kidnapped Kelly. They left a note that you have to contact them through the amulet." Philip said what is going on.

Sam looked at the amulet with confusion. Then Hawk explained. "This is a communication amulet. It is a very rare articraft. Not may people in the Falcon Cliff city can own them." Sam took in Hawk's words. He took the note saying what Philip just said and then picked the amulet.

He examined it as he sat on the bed. His face was cold and stoic. Freya and Haley are trembling in fear with the thoughts of Kelly being kidnapped and are expecting some reaction from Sam. But there is none. But nobody dared to do say anything.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked Hawk.

"I am here to meet you. But when I arrived and asked for Kelly and you, we found out that she is kidnapped. I already sent news to the city guards. They might have already heard of it by now."

Sam didn't reply and played with the amulet in his hands. Then suddenly a shadow flew and landed near Sam's feet. The members in the room are startled as they saw two mice.

"Speak" Sam said

*squeak* *squeak* [Boss, there are from a noble family. We don't know which family they are from. But Kelly is trapped in an underground room. She is safe. There is a total of five people other than Kelly. I don't know their cultivation levels. But there is a middle-aged man who seemed to be in charge. A girl. Three guards from the family.]

When Sam heard this, he closed his eyes and seemed to be in deep thought. But the rest of the people in the room were shocked at his conversation with mice. But they didn't make a sound. After sometime Sam opened his eyes and asked Hawk.

"How do I use this?" When Hawk said how to use it, Sam activated without any gap and they heard a voice from it.

#### Haha, Artisan Sam, took you long enough to reach us. As you know your female friend is with us. So, if you want her back, you need to give something in return. ####

"What do you want?" Sam's voice was eerily cold. The members in the room felt like they are standing n.a.k.e.d in cold breeze.

#### Well, I heard that you have some spots for inheritance. So, out of four I need three of them. I will send someone for you to sign a blood and soul oath and then I will send your friend back. ####

When Sam heard this, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Hawk was also surprised that someone will use this tactic to gain the spots.

"Let me talk to her first." Sam replied and a trembling voice came through the amulet.

"Sam." Kelly's voice was as sweet as always, but it was full of fear and anxiousness. Sam took another breath and said.

"Kelly. I will tell you something now. Please don't interrupt me. Right now, you are in danger and that too, you are far away from me. I can't guarantee that I will save you.

I will tell you some bitter truths. They might hit you. Torture you. Kill you. Anything can happen.

But I want to say something which may hurt you. I am not going to give into their demands. It is not because that I think your life isn't worth the exchange, but because I think that if I indulge them now, this will only repeat again.

I am telling you now. If I can save you from this, I will make it up to you according to your wishes.

If I can't save you. I will bear the guilt and atone the sin with rest of my life."

When Sam finished his words, everyone felt their heart shudder. They felt that Sam is a complete stranger to them. They didn't expect him to take this kind of approach. Only three people other than him are completely calm.

Philip, Hawk and Jack. Only they understood that what Sam said is right. If it happens once, then it would happen again. This cycle will never stop.

#### Sam, you better think it through. #### the male voice again came from the amulet. Then they heard Sam speaking.

"I don't know exactly who you are. But before you spew a bunch of threats listen to what I have to say."


"The thing is there are three things I hate most in my life and one of them is threatening me and you did that, Let us put it aside first.

You guys are right now in an underground room. There are a total of five people other than Kelly. Among those five there is a lady.

You guys dared to kidnap without regarding the city laws, which means you have someone backing you up. You dared to offend not one but two artisans at third rank. Kelly's uncle and me. That means your backing is quite strong. And there is only one person who isn't afraid of the status of a Count and two rank three artisans.

Miss Maya violet dew. The pseudo rank 4 tailor artisan in the city. The grand elder of the violet dew family, That means you are from violet dew family."

####You#### The voice from the amulet was about to interrupt him. But Sam cut in

"I said listen to me didn't I." Sam took a breath and paused. He looked at the surprised and shocked faces of those in the room and turned his attention back to the amulet.

"There are some possible scenarios which might happen.

First one is that you will send Kelly to my mansion in one hour after our communication is cut and along with that you will send her you will send the heads of the people who abducted her and all the revenue for past six months in your textile business

Second scenario is, you will just send her and don't send the remaining things I said, I will go directly to piranha and place bounty on all the younger generation of your family and the every future generation of your family as compensation for the abduction.

Third scenario is an interesting one. You can kill Kelly." Sam paused to see the reaction. As expected.

#### What did you say?#### the other party sounded quite surprised. Even the people in the room felt their hearts trembling. Then Sam continued.

"What you heard is right? You can kill her. But within an hour, if she doesn't come to mansion, I will escape from the city. You might not know, but I am only 15 this year and I believe my talent is great. I will visit the city in a year or two.

That will be the day, you will see who Sam really is.

I will cover whole Violet dew estate like a dark cloud. You will see the blood bath you never saw in your life.

I will make soil in the estate, the grass sprouted from the soil, plants grown over the grass, the tress towered over their plants and breeze flew through that tree and the people feeling the breeze. Everything. I will make everything reek of death.

That day you will know that

My sight itself will be your destruction

My breath itself is calamity

My call itself shows you the cruelty

My every cell will become a grim reaper out for lives.

But there is something special for you guys in the room. I might not know exactly who you are, but I will definitely find out and trust me, when I am done with you, you will be embracing the death like a boon and you will take a chance to visit hell as if you would get a chance to become immortal. You better make your choice."

Sam finished his speech and turned off the amulet without waiting for a reply.

The members in the room are looking at him as if they were looking at a stranger.

The Sam they knew is Cold, yes but they never felt this much fear and threat from him before. Even Jack, Hawk and Philip who were calm before are now trembling. All the people are now drenched in sweat. Girls already fell on the floor as they fainted due to stress.

On the other side of the communication amulet. Kelly suddenly became unbelievingly calm. She doesn't know why, but after listening to Sam, she felt that these people might not even dare to touch her.

She looked at the faces of other five. They are looking pale as they were drenching in sweat. Particularly, Jessie. She felt her mouth go dry. Even the elder in charge is panicking. He really felt that Sam will do what he said. He stood up immediately but fell on the chair again as if his legs were jelly.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 72

Sam came out of Kelly's room and sat in the hall looking at the door.

At the Violet dew family main mansion. The elder who threatened Sam earlier was waiting outside for an audience with the family head and the pseudo rank 4 tailor artisan Maya violet dew. Both of them are discussing something. When they came to the main hall up on the servants informing them about the elder, they saw an elder with a pale face and shivering legs, he seemed to afraid of something so much. Behind him, a young lady who Sam met previously is standing with same scared expression on her face. She is none other than Jessie Violet dew.

"Elder, what happened to you? Why are you in such a hurry to speak to us?" The family head asked.

Elder looked at the family head and Maya once and took a deep breath before recounting everything that happened, word by word. He even said Sam's threat as it is without daring to downplay anything at all.

Family head and Maya has dark expressions as they heard the whole story. Maya is seemingly more pissed than the family head and when the latter saw that expression, he got increasingly tensed and threw a slap to the elder's face.

Then Maya spoke. "Family head, seems like what I said in the previous meeting doesn't reach the brains of the family members. My artisan status is something that I purely got by my hard work and the Violet dew family has nothing to do with it. I only came to the family back because, I don't want to unfilial and forget my roots. That is why I came to select a disciple from the family.

But seems like the family will never change, your subordinates are even daring enough to threaten a young pseudo rank 3 Artisan and kidnapped the niece of a rank 3 Artisan. I don't know that they are this daring. If I don't receive a proper explanation, my disciple will also cut all the ties with the family after she enters my tutelage." After she finished her piece, she left immediately.

Family head threw another slap across the elder's face and kicked the other party continuously.

"Do you even know what you are doing? Do you think just because Maya has a last name as Violet Dew, you can use her name as you seem fit? She doesn't owe the family anything on the contrary the family owes her everything. We are lucky enough that she is not using her status against our family. What do you think you are doing by threatening a genius like that and even worse, the other party even knew who is threatening him? Making an enemy out of a genius like that." Then he turned towards Jessie and said coldly.

"Jessie, as you are part of younger generation, I will not punish you. But let me give you an advice. As long as you keep following your father's methods and keep throwing your weight around, you will hit a hard steel eventually and this time is only one example." After that he turned back to the Elder and said.

"Fulfil all his requests and don't try to play any tricks. You will personally go and handover all the things he asked and beg for his forgiveness. You are going to invite him to a meal after the banquet at the Count mansion is over. If you aren't able to make it, you are going to be revoked from your status and you are going to serve as a shop keeper. Now get lost." Family held his head as he walked away. He is going to find Maya. He has to coax her to make sure that she doesn't take any hasty decisions in a whim.

Sam waited for more than half an hour. He just kept on looking at the door. Nobody in the house dared to sit along with him. They just stood afar from him also watching the door.

Suddenly, there was a knocking sound from the door. Sam opened the door and saw Kelly standing there along with a middle-aged man and Jessie standing behind him. There is a wooden box which has a faint blood scent to it.

Kelly immediately leapt into his embrace as soon she saw him. She sobbed continuously. Sam felt his west completely soaked and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon.

Sam put his hands around her lightly and let her cry in his embrace. He felt guilty up on seeing her face turning red from crying. The Elder and Jessie didn't dare to interrupt them.

After she calmed down a little, she let go of Sam and stood by the side. Sam finally took a look at the Elder and sized him up. The Elder is at late stage Novice. When he looked at Jessie, his impression of her worsened a lot.

The Elder first opened the box and found three heads in it and he passed a spatial ring to Sam.

"Sir, Sam. I am the one responsible for everything happened today and I realize my mistake. I hope you will be magnanimous and don't stoop to my level and accept my apology." The Elder said as he passed the ring.

Sam took the ring and placed it in his pocket. He didn't reply the whole time and just looked at the Elder coldly. The atmosphere became awkward and the Elder said again.

"Sir, Sam. Will you please accept our apology and come to our family to accept our reception?"

Sam didn't reply to the question and said. "I don't want to see you two near my mansion. If I see you two again, I will go straight to Piranha to place a bounty on your heads. Try me if you want. As for your reception, I am already surprised by how a family with esteemed rank 4 artisan behaves. I never thought that an artisan with such esteemed status will let an idiot like you to use the status like that. I don't want to see any other reception from your family. Get lost."

He closed the door right on their faces and walked towards the hall where everyone is waiting. The girls pulled Kelly to their side and started consoling her. After everyone calmed down a bit, they finally looked at Sam. They don't know, how to talk to him now. Never did they expect that they will see, Sam a kid who is same age as us, even younger by a few months can make a threat like that. They felt chills run down their spine and hearts trembling.

They were afraid of what happened.

Sam looked at them and took a deep breath before he spoke.

"I don't know how you feel about me. But one thing I can tell you is, that this is the real me. All of you didn't know this part of me because, there was a never a situation like this before.

Kelly." He called Kelly and looked straight in to her eyes. Kelly looked at the handsome face and deep black eyes which are very familiar yet at this instance felt very strange. She only came out of the daze when Sam continued.

"I am really sorry for what happened to you today. I don't know if you will forgive me and neither will I request you to forgive me. You have every right to be angry and hate me. But if there is any way I can make it up to what happened today, please tell me. As long as I am alive and the whatever you want is within my capabilities, I will do it. You can request it from me anytime you want. For now, please take this as a small token of sincerity."

Sam passed the spatial ring sent over by the Violet dew family to Kelly. She took it dazedly and looked as Sam went back to his room.

Sam sat in his study as he took a deep breath to calm his thoughts. He really doesn't want to face Kelly right now. Even though he is cold and ruthless, he really can't accept an unrelated innocent life in risk to get something out of him. If he gave in to them earlier, he was pretty sure that the demands will keep on increasing. That is why he has to be that ruthless.

Sam calmed himself down and took out all the scrolls shadow mice collected and placed them on the table. He took a scroll and opened it to read its content. When he was done reading it, he took a deep breath at the revelation. He understood clearly what these scrolls are. These are the scrolls containing orders. These orders are given to the boss of piranha, from their immediate superior and Sam was struck dumb because of who the superior is.

"JACK!!!" Sam shouted on top of his lungs. Jack came to his room hurriedly only to see Sam pointing him to read the scrolls. When he was reading the scrolls, his eyes widened again and again due to the details.

Meanwhile, Kelly and Hawk are sitting in the hall. Hawk didn't know what to say as he looked at the fragile beautiful girl with such tired and haggard expression. After sometime, he took a deep breath before he asked.

"Are you okay, Kelly?" Kelly looked at him with a sweet smile on her sad face. After all, she is just a young girl and going through a kidnapping experience is not something to be happy about. But she is still trying to smile as much as she can. Looking at her effort to look strong, Hawk continued.

"I am really sorry. I didn't know that the city guards are that lax. As the son of the count I really feel ashamed. I will consult my father and give you and Sam an explanation."

"Thank you." Kelly replied weekly.

"I have another thing to say." Hawk spoke and took out a bunch of invitations from his storage ring. Among the bunch there are four invitations which are different and seemed more elegant. He placed them on table and said.

"My father is hosting a banquet at the Count mansion in a week. These are the invitations for you all. All the participants are invited along with the supervisors. The invitations for them were already sent to the inn they were staying in. There I learnt you address from your Principal. There will be a ball, so it is better to come with a partner. I don't know if Sam will meet me after all that happened. So, I will leave. Please, pass on the invitations to others and I really hope you will come. Bye."

Kelly took the invitations and started distributing them. She saw that the four special invites are for people who are in top 10. And there are four people in top 10 from their Starwood city.

Sam, Jack, Philip and herself all four of them are in top 10.

In Sam's study. Both Sam and Jack are almost done with scrolls. Their expression turned heavy. Not only the scrolls contained information of Piranha and its orders from superior. There are also list of members in the organisation and the sister organisations other than piranha they have dealings with. The sheer number of the members, establishments and everything involved made their heart beat faster. And the main thing that surprised Sam most was, his suspicion was real.

Black pond is the branch of Black water in Falcon Cliff city. And what surprised him even more is that the two organisations that are ruling the underworld of the Falcon cliff city, the piranha and Candiru are both the underlings of the Black pond.

The network and the members established by these organisations ran too deep in the city. Now, he understood why the Count left the organisations alone.

The information network that they are maintaining is enough to make one fear them.

Jack and Sam stayed silent for a long while.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 73

Jack finally heaved a sigh and asked Sam. "What should we do now?"

"Don't ask me. The revenge is yours. I am only here to assist you and for a share in the riches. If you want continue on the revenge, I will help you. If you want to back down, that's it." Sam replied in a calm tone.

Jack pondered for a few minutes and said. "Do you have a plan?" Sam smiled at the question and replied.

"After two days, we will meet here and I will tell you the plan. Meanwhile, you go and buy some black clothes, mask and other stuff to disguise ourselves." Both of them stood up and walked out. When they opened the bedroom door, they saw Kelly standing there holding two cards in her hands. When she saw Jack is also there, her expression became awkward.

Jack was also puzzled over her reaction and looked at her in a confused gaze, not understanding the situation at all. Then Philip who was hiding in a corner came out and said with a scowl on his face.

"Jack, I have something to talk about." Jack excused himself and walked towards Philip.

"What do you want to talk about?" Jack asked. Philip rolled his eyes and said.

"I never thought you are so dense." Then he dragged him away. Kelly heaved a sigh of relief and took a look at Sam before handing over one of the invitation cards. Sam took it and opened it while hearing Kelly speak.

"Hawk gave this invitation. There is a banquet in a week at the Count mansion." Her voice was sweet as always.

"Thank you." Sam thanked her and looked at her faint smile. He still felt guilty about what happened, so he wasn't able to meet her eye directly. Then Kelly herself spoke first.

"Sam, you said you will do anything to make it up to me right?" Sam was surprised for a second before nodding his head. Then she continued.

"I have something to ask you." Kelly said as she lowered her head. Then she continued. "Will you take me as your partner to the banquet?" When Sam heard this, he was stupefied for a second.

Never did he expect that the request Kelly would make will be one like this. She could have asked for anything. After all, Kelly is not dumb enough to not understand Sam's future prospects. She could use this promise to get a lot in the future, but she is asking for him to bring her as a date. He doesn't even know what to say.

"Are you sure Kelly?" Sam asked again.

"Yes." Kelly replied resolutely.

Sam sighed and said. "You don't have to use my promise like this. I will still take you as my date for that night. You should use this promise for something better. Who knows, may be in the future, I can even gift the whole empire to you if you ask." Sam said a little jokingly. Both of them walked downstairs. While Kelly went back to her room and Sam walked out of the mansion.

After a while, he entered Vickers' shop. He saw the middle-aged man with his mischievous expression sitting on a chair at the counter as if he was awaiting his visit.

"Oh, if it isn't my favourite customer." Vickers said as soon as he saw Sam.

Sam didn't reply and just walked towards the counter. Before Vickers could speak, he said.

"I want the Crystal Bamboo plants." Sam directly made his request, without making any other statements. He still felt wary of this weird man and he didn't really want to spend time with this guy.

"May, I know why you want them?" Vickers' asked with a grin. He was curious as to what Sam is going to do with them. He is keeping a close eye on Sam since he came to his shop for the first time and he has a vague idea on what Sam's goal is. But he didn't know what Sam is going to do with the Crystal bamboos. But Sam didn't give him the answer and only stayed silent.

"Okay, then. How many do you want?" Vickers resigned to himself that there will be no answer.

"As many as you can get. There is no upper limit. When are they going to be ready?"

"Come back in tomorrow." Sam immediately left after he got his answer.

He went to the cave and saw that Sky is still undergoing the evolution. Yanwu is watching over Sky, while Watt and Falck are cultivating.

When Sam saw Watt, he was a bit surprised. "You broke through?" Sam asked but he knew for sure that is the fact.

Watt opened his eyes and looked at Sam with excitement. He immediately stood up and said. "Yes, boss. I broke-through. I am a Level 1 Acolyte now." Sam could hear the sense of achievement from Watt's voice. He nodded in satisfaction and said.

"Take a break for today. After Sky's evolution is done, you will stay with me. We are going to leave this cave. As for the martial techniques, you don't have to worry about that. I have some minor tasks to do. After that, I will train you personally. Now, go and buy yourselves some exquisite cloths and have some fun." Sam said as he passed over a load of spirit stones. Watt took them and left along with Falck.

Sam then brought out the Panther from the Dimension. The panthers are large, that they are at least four times of normal panthers on earth. When they saw Yanwu, they immediately forgot their size and immediately leapt towards him. After playing around for a bit, all of them calmed down.

Sam then started taking measurements of the panthers. Along their legs, necks etc. After he was done with the measurements, he took out a piece of paper and started drawing something.

Time passed, and at night, Watt returned with some food. He was surprised to see two big panthers in the cave, but the surprise vanished after he saw them acting like cute kittens with Sam. Purring and scratching to get Sam's attention.

Two towering beast which are far taller than Sam, acting like that made a really funny scene. That night, Sam spent in the cave. He missed Yanwu a lot as he was busy with all the tournament.

Next day morning, Sam went to the city on a shopping spree. He went to all the shops that do business with metals and ores and bought three types of metals, not leaving a single piece in the shops. Even the Artisan tower was emptied of these materials. The first one fire bronze, a grade 3 material. The second one is Purple gold and the final item is Ink steel both of them grade 2 materials.

Sam bought these for two purposes. First one is that he needs to make some armour for the panthers. Second one is that he has a plan to make a new toy and this is especially important against dealing with this Black pond.

After, he was done with the metals, he went on another shopping spree. This time though, he bought herbs which are used for making pills and potions. But Sam didn't just buy the herbs of fire or wind element. Instead, he bought herbs of almost all elements available. By the end of the day, he bought herbs related to fire, wind, water, wood, dark attribute. He even bought all the herbs which have neutral attribute. But one thing that is common in all these herbs is that they all affects such as recovering the spiritual energy, increasing the cultivation speed, purifying the spiritual energy.

All the pharmacies in the whole city were filled with joy while the people who were need of these herbs are frustrated. But Sam didn't care any of them and just bought all the things he needed, before he went to Vickers' shop.

"Are my crystal bamboo plants ready?" Sam asked as soon as he entered the shop.

"Here. Take a look. There are around 120 bamboo plants." Vickers' passed a pouch towards Sam. This is one of the inventions of the scholar artisan. This is called a "Flora space." It is used to store the live plants.

Sam took the pouch and checked the space with the spiritual sense and after confirming that there are 120, he asked the price.

"12000 spirit stones." Sam passed the amount and went back to the cave. He then checked his finances and smiled bitterly. He was only left with 200000 spirit stones. He really spent a lot in these few days. He then made up his mind that he needs to find a way to earn some spirit stones as soon as possible.

He looked at Sky who is still in the middle of the formation. He sensed that the aura of the roc changed completely. It turned to more primordial, more tyrannical, more supreme than before. He also saw the changes in the feathers which had a new found l.u.s.tre to them.

"Seems, like the process is faster than I thought. Sky might be ready by morning." Sam mumbled and leaned over a wall to sleep.

*Caw* *Caw* [Sam wake up, Wake up.]

Sam woke up by Yanwu's call. It is still dawn.

*Caw* *Caw* [Sam, Sky is finished evolving]

Sam immediately came out of his daze. He immediately looked at the formation. There was a huge roc standing with its head held high as it spread its wings. The brown feathers have a faint golden l.u.s.tre to them. The Sky sovereign roc is standing there majestically.

When Sam woke up. He rubbed his head to Sam's body meekly to show his gratitude. *screech* [Thank you Sam].

Sam heard Sky thanking him. He patted his head with a smile.

After that, Sam took a step back and started making some hand seals as he chanted something. After a while, a rune appeared out of Sam's body and flew towards Sky.

Sky stood there with his eyes closed. When the rune neared it, something seemed to be activated inside his body, soon a rune which similar to the one came out of Sam's body came out of Sky's body and shot towards Sam.

Both of them just stood there as the runes entered each other's body. Both of them felt their energies merging together and increasing at the same time.

After a while, Yanwu joined from the side and three of them formed a triangle. Sam stood like a node.

Inside Sam's body the transparent spiritual core in which there are two wisps of one golden flame and a golden light, there was a condensation of spiritual energy as a small tornado formed, indicating the wind element. At the same time, there was exchange between three of them. The wind element energy from Sky entered Sam's body and converted into fire and light elements before going to Yanwu.

The fire and light elemental energies entered from Yanwu converted into wind elemental energy and entered into Sky's body.

Watt and Falck both looked at the trio as they opened their wide open. Both of them are absolutely stunned, they didn't know what is going on between the trio, but they knew that something amazing is going on. Watt could faintly tell that three are becoming a single entity right now. They seemed to be connected.

After some time, all three of them broke through. Sam became a Novice while the two beasts became Level 3 beasts.

There was a surge of energy wave that spread over all the Falcon Cliff making all the beasts bow down as they turned towards the direction of Cave.

They noticed the superior aura of Yanwu and Sky and are paying their respects to them obediently. They are acknowledging their superior by prostrating themselves.

The three of them opened their eyes at same time, feeling a surge of new found energy.




One man and two beasts looked upwards as they roared in unison.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 74

Sam and the rest calmed down after a while, and he sat cross-legged in order to examine his new abilities. He spread out a hand to control the air around. He concentrated on the surrounding wind and condensed it until it was visible to the n.a.k.e.d eye. He started controlling it along with his finger's movements. But it was pretty difficult and is taking him a lot of concentration.

Then he dispersed the wind, he closed his eyes and activated his observing ability. From his senses he could see the air around him in completely different way. He could see the air in the form of the mixture of the various gases. Even though he couldn't actually see it, he could sense the different gas particles and differentiate if he concentrated.

Sam closely observed the air he was breathing in and out. What he was trying to do is that if he can identify the different gases in the air and the first gas, he could think of was oxygen. When he looked at the air he breathed in and compared it with the air he breathed out, he could sense that certain gas is missing and he wanted to identify it. After some trails, he was unable to differentiate the gas and finally gave up.

'Maybe I should increase my mental power and try it again after increasing my concentration level.' Sam thought inwardly and stood up. He then looked at Watt and said. "Change your dress, we are going home."

After a while, Sam is back at the mansion. This is the day when he has to discuss plans with Jack. He brought along Watt and Falck. While Yanwu and Sky both are in the Divine Dimension along with two panthers.

"Pick any room which is empty." Sam said to Watt and after the latter decided on a room, he took him to his study.

After a while, Jack came and sat across the table.

"Who is this?" Jack asked as he pointed at Watt. But Watt didn't bother to reply. He stood behind Sam with his back straight.

"He is my subordinate." Jack didn't think much after Sam's reply and asked.

"What is the plan?"

"The strength of the Black Pond is beyond our limits. We can forget about fighting head on. What we can do is use some under the table means to deal with them. Their combined strength is that they have 500 Acolytes, 100 Novices and in which 68 of them are in early stages, 20 middle stage, 8 late stage and the remaining four at the peak stage.

The last and the main strength of the Black pond is that they have a Great Mage at early stage. The in charge of the Black Pond restaurant." Sam recited all this info in a single breath. This is the info in the scrolls that were stolen by the shadow mice. He doesn't know why this kind of info was written in the scrolls but be was glad that there was written. He took a breath and then continued.

"Among these members the Acolytes are completely used for information. They are completely oblivious who they are really working for. They are working for either the Piranha of Candiru. They don't know the existence of their superior named Black Pond or Black water.

The Acolytes are spread all over the city. They are some inn workers, restaurant owners, hooligans, students in the academy, workers in some families etc. They have most normal jobs possible.

The early stage novices are a bit spread over in the upper circle, while they still take tasks from the Piranha and Candiru. They knew that both are a combined organisation but still oblivious of the Black Pond. The middle stage and late stage novices are the ones who are mostly management staff of the organisation. They are responsible for taking tasks, managing the brothels, trade of the slaves etc.

The Peak stage novices are direct subordinates of the Leader who is the Great mage and are four over lookers of the organisation." When Sam finished saying this, Jack was a bit confused on why he is saying all this and Watt was surprised. He never thought that there is such a huge organisation running under noses of the Count. Sam then looked at Watt as if to observe latter's reaction.

Jack then only understood that Sam is saying the information for Watt. After a few seconds of silence, Sam continued.

"First, we will target the Acolytes who are working in restaurants and inns or other settlements. We will leave those people who are in the families and academy. We will only target only those in the city and particularly, those who infiltrated the gangs. We are going to take them out.

We will take care of them region after region. We will only act at night. After we are done with this, we will take next step."

Sam finished saying as he looked at Jack. Jack thought for a moment and asked.

"What region are we taking on tonight?"

"Eastern region. But before that we have something else to do." Sam said and stood up. He took out a bundle of scrolls and gave them to Watt and instructed.

"Take them to the Artisan tower and assign tasks to make them. No matter how many artisans it takes, I need them to be ready by tomorrow. Do you have enough spirit stones to pay up?"

Watt nodded and immediately went out. He left Falck in his room and immediately went to the Artisan tower.

"We have to make a visit to piranha." Sam said as went out along with Jack. After a while, both of them are at the door step of the restaurant in which Eisen placed a bounty on Sam's panthers.

Both of them walked towards a remote private room and knocked three times on the door. After the same knocking was heard from inside, both of them went in. Sam and Jack took seat in front of a person who is completely covered in black clothes and a face mask.

"What is the task?" The black figure asked.

"I need some beasts." Sam passed him a note and said.

When the latter looked at the beasts inside the note, he took a look at Sam again as he sized him up.

"Alive or dead?"


"50,000 spirit stones." The black figure said after some thinking. Sam immediately took out a leather bag and paid up.

"There will be ready by tomorrow." The black figure immediately replied after accepting the payment.

Both Jack and Sam stood up and walked towards the door. Before he left Sam said. "Deliver them to my mansion. I believe you guys know the address."

After they went out, Jack asked. "What is in the list?" He couldn't hold back his curiosity. After all, their aim is to destroy Piranha and here Sam is giving them a task to earn his money.

"Green mist toad, brown fang snake, Black strip spider, three tail scorpion…" Sam listed out some names. Jack was shocked as he heard the names. Even though, he doesn't know about all the beasts in the list, he knew some of them. All of them have one thing in common. They are all extremely venomous and poisonous. The venoms and poisons are so potent that even Novices can't escape completely unscathed.

"what do you need all of these for?" Jack asked as he looked at Sam with widened eyes. But he only got a smile in reply. On their way back to mansion both of them didn't speak at all.

That night, both Sam and Jack came out of the mansion silently. They came to the back yard only to see two huge birds. One is Sky and another one is a whirl wind falcon similar to Falck. Sam has sent Sky out to get this bird.

He pointed the whirl wind falcon and said to Jack. "That would be your ride for the night. Take this note. These are your targets for today. Make it as soon as possible." He said as he boarded Sky and went away flying.

Jack didn't feel much surprised about Sam having more beasts. He boarded the Falcon and he also went away.

That night, the eastern region of the city, fell into chaos. Particularly, many gang members of the Eastern gang are found dead in many areas. Other than that, some inns and restaurants are left on fire or collapsed completely.

The Eastern gang and the city guards on duty were all given a huge shock. The killings are very fast and swift. Nobody, knew who the killer is. But all they could see is that the killer came on a bird type beast and killed the target without any words and left silently.

The City guards immediately went to confront the eastern gang in the middle of night. They thought that the Eastern gang is responsible for this. Because, this didn't seem like revenge at all. It is more like, wrecking the business and when the guards enquired further, they thought that these shops might be some who rejected to pay the protection fee. The corpses of some of the eastern gang members near the settlements only gave them more assurance on their thoughts as they thought these members might be casualties in the confrontation to between the shop owners and the gang.

Sam and Jack finished the job as quickly as possible and came back to the mansion. The two birds immediately disappeared as soon as they landed giving Jack a huge scare. But he didn't question Sam and kept his curiosity to himself.

Next day, the news of deaths was completely spread among the masses. All of them also believed the conjecture of the city guards. They felt that this issue is caused by the gang themselves. But only three people knew the conjecture was entirely wrong. They are Jack, Sam and the Novice in charge of supervising the intel given by the acolytes. He was completely shocked when he saw that more than seventy five percent of the Acolytes in the Eastern region dead.

He clearly knew about the acolytes who died are all in the same team. That is why he is fl.u.s.tered. After all, killing these acolytes means that the other party knew about the organisation. If he didn't find who targeted them, the higher ups will definitely deal with him.

So, he didn't report the news to the higher ups immediately and wanted to investigate. But all leads disappeared with only one result. The killer is on a bird type beast.

Meanwhile, the perpetrators are resting in a mansion.

Sam was quite busy today. He has a day full of plans he needs to do.

Watt went to Artisan tower to receive the items he ordered yesterday. While, his yard was now filled with all kinds of venomous beasts. All of them are delivered by the people from Piranha. They were locked with restriction placed on them and were sealed.

Sam went in to the yard and took them all inside the divine dimension and went back to his room. After instructing that no one should come and disturb him, he went to the second floor of the tower.

Sam is looking at the various beasts which are varying quantities. He took out some wats and started collecting all the venom of the beasts. For example, he extracted the venom from the fangs of snakes, he fleeced the skin of the Green mist toad which is extremely poisonous, the poison sack of the three tailed scorpions. He collected the venoms separately in various wats.

After the process is completed, he took out a cauldron and mixed the venoms in it with a slight flame below. He closed the lid and left it on the flame without doing anything. He stayed like that until everything in the cauldron came to liquid state.

He just placed the lid like that and just stopped applying the heat through fire.

When he came out Watt already came back from the Artisan tower. Sam took the parts and went to the bas.e.m.e.nt of the mansion, to where both Jack and Watt followed.

He started assembling the machine under the surprised and confused gazes of the both of them. By the time he was done, it was already afternoon.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 75

Sam was done assembling the machine and is examining if is working properly. The machine is a manual pressing machine.

A pressing machine is used for creating things from sheet metals. The machines which are operated by hydraulic power are used for making the frames for cars and other automobiles. The large-scale ones are even used in making some parts of aircrafts.

Manual pressing machine is a small- scale version which operates with human effort. These manual pressing machines are used for making things which are small and doesn't need much precision in dimensions.

What Sam has in front of him is a manual pressing machine, but it is a bit larger in size. Basically, the manual pressing machines will be small enough to be used by humans directly, because the effort that can be applied from the human hands is limited and cannot be used to make any big objects.

But Sam's manual pressing machine is of large size. It is as big as a hydraulic press in model world. Why did he make it in this size though? Because, the humans here can make the effort required to operate this machine.

The machine has two columns on both sides which are mounted on a solid metal bed. The bed doesn't only support the columns, it also has a work holding device which is also a die. A die in this machine is like a mould. It has a shape which the final product is required to be made.

Then there would be upper die which is the opposite shape of the lower die. It is movable and the columns act as guideways for its vertical movement.

There is a wheel on top of whole frame. It is parallel to the ground. When the wheel is rotated, the upper die is moving down and when it is rotated in opposite direction, the upper die will move upwards.

The upper and lower dies will be in such a shape that if one has a cylindrical hollow, then the other will have a cylindrical protrusion with almost same dimensions. The dies if put together will be a fit.

So, when a sheet metal piece is placed in between both of them and force is applied to the dies, the sheet metal will be turned into the shape in which the dies are designed.

For example, if the dies are with cylindrical protrusion and hollow. The final product will be in shape similar to that of cylindrical cup. This operation is also called drawing operation.

After making sure that the machine is alright, Sam took out a sheet of fire bronze from his storage. Why is the fire bronze being in sheet form? That is because, the fire bronze is a metal which is soft and is mainly used for making the metallic covers. It has a good affinity with fire elemental energy. Since, the metal doesn't have any major properties in suitable for making direct weapons and armours and only for making some auxiliary products, the artisans aren't willing to make much effort to make refine the ore directly.

That is why, the artisan tower will let the young artisan apprentices practice their fire control by refining this type of ores and they will sell them in these processed forms.

Sam took a circular piece which he had already cut previously and placed it on the work piece holder. Then he held the wheel and started rotating it. The upper die started moving and soon the deformation of the small sheet metal started.

Sam withdrew the upper die and removed the metal piece on the work holder. Now the work piece is in a shape of small cylindrical metal cup.

The metal cup has four inches diameter and the depth is one inch.

He turned towards Watt and Jack before taking out a big sheet of fire bronze. There are several circular markings on the sheet.

"Both of you have only one thing to do till the evening. Cut out the pieces off of the sheet and use the machine to make these hollow cups.

After one sheet is done. Replace the dies with another set. There is another sheet with different dimensions and you have to make them also in the same way. If you find any problem with the machine, you can find me."

After saying his piece, Sam went away without even looking back. Jack and Watt exchanged a look and started working. At first, they really felt interesting. Making a shape out of the sheet with a single press. Even though the machine is very different and they haven't seen that before, they felt that it is quite efficient. But after sometime, they felt bored to do the same thing again and again.

Meanwhile, Sam went to the room and entered the divine dimension. He took out the crystal bamboo plants and started planting them in various elemental zones. These crystal bamboo plants are quite unique in nature. They actually, don't have any special characteristics. They are of neutral by nature, but if they were grown in a place abundant of fire elemental energy, they will change colour and gain characteristics of fire elemental energy. Then that bamboo can be used for short term preservation of fire elemental consumables.

These crystal bamboos are mainly used to serve wine with spiritual energy. That means, the fire elemental spiritual wine, can be served in a fire elemental crystal bamboo and the effects of the wine will be preserved and wouldn't be dissipated for a certain amount of time. The bamboos will lose these effects after they are removed from the tree.

Right now, Sam is in a corner of the neutral zone in the divine dimension where he planted ten bamboo plants. He dug a hole near the plants and buried all the carcasses of the poisonous beasts. He laid a formation to supply abundant spiritual energy to them. Generally, these crystal bamboos will grow very fast. They will reach their full limit in just twenty days and for Sam it will be done is ten days.

Sam came out of the dimension and started preparing for tonight.

When the night came, two birds soared in sky and created a sleepless night to all the guards in the Western region. The Novice supervisor of the Black pond, felt like his world collapsing. In a single night all the information network of the Black pond in the western region is gone. Now, he also joined the search along with the supervisor of Eastern region.

But this time the matter isn't simple, the superiors of the supervisors also got alerted and came to a conclusion that someone is targeting them. When the matter is taken to the manager of the Black pond, he immediately became alert and fl.u.s.tered.

"How can they get the details of members? Even if they have a spy, no one in the organisation know all the details of the members. How can they know these details?" A middle-aged man is shouting in the highest floor of the Black pond restaurant. This man is precisely the one who offered the VIP card to Sam when he visited.

Before him, there are four Novice peak stage cultivators are standing with their heads held down. There are three men and a woman. All of them are wearing black clothes. After the manager went silent, the woman spoke.

"Boss, even we don't know the complete details of members. We only deal with our respective regions. You are the only one who knew all the details and if you don't tell them yourself, there is only one way for them to get these details." When she was finished, the manager opened his eyes wide.

"No, they can't." He immediately stood up and went to the room next door. He went inside and opened another secret door in which there are a few racks with scrolls. He went through a shelf and screamed in rage.


He immediately came back to the room and looked at the four people with rage filled eyes.

"They stole our monthly report. Apart from us five there is no other person who knows where the monthly report is. Who is the spy?"

When the four people heard the manager's words they immediately panicked. They didn't dare to react to deny first. Instead, they just stood there in silence. After a brief silence, the manger spoke again.

"I am giving you a week time. You better investigate who the spy is. Otherwise, I will kill all four of you." His voice was cold and ruthless.

"Yes, Boss." Four of them immediately said in unison and left.

At the same moment, both Sam and Jack are sitting in the study and are talking to each other.

"We aren't going to do anything in the next few days. Right now, the whole organisation will be in a mess. They might have found out about the missing scrolls and they will be investigating. They will be busy in investigating and restructuring the organisation. They will be even be in high alert for our next attack. So, we will not do anything for now. We will proceed after the banquet is over." Sam said while Jack nodded in understanding.

"Shadow mice." Sam called over.

Three small shadows floated over and came onto the table.

"Next two days, you guys will be in charge of finding the meeting spots of these Novices. I need the details regarding on what times they will be holding these meetings."

After he was done, he sent Jack and went to his room to enter the divine dimension. In the second floor there a more than hundred cylindrical cups which, both Jack and Watt made. He looked at them helplessly.

Then he started drawing runes on the floor. He needs to inscribe all of them. When he was done with the first inscription, he said to himself.

"I should master etching as soon as possible." Then he continued drawing another inscription circle.

Sam spent all the time in the tower for ten days. That means one day has passed outside and night came again.

Sam came out of the tower and went to the crystal bamboos where he buried the carcasses near. The crystal bamboos are already grown to a considerable size.

Sam took out the cauldron with the poisonous mixture he made and retrieved a huge wat of liquor.

Then he made a small hole in a bamboo section, he placed a small normal bamboo tube and started pouring the poisonous liquid in it. After the section was half full, he observed some resistance and he used the wind energy to remove the remaining air from the section and forced the liquor into it.

After that, he stuffed the hole with some green leaves.

What Sam is doing is using a Chinese technique, to age a liquor in the bamboo to get a unique taste. But he is using this technique to create a liquor of poison.

After one section is done, he started filling other sections in same manner.

When he was finally over with this task. He went back to the inscription work. He went on and on with the same inscriptions again and again. He only finished when there is only one day left for the banquet.

Sam went to look at the bamboo sections and started collecting the liquor. All the time, he tried his best to control the wind around him to not get infected from the fumes.

After collecting all the liquor into a wat, he went upstairs into the second floor of the tower and looked at the two piles of cylindrical cups. He felt exhausted at the thought of what he has to do now. He only has ten days after all.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 76

The ten days are of course, in the dimension.

Sam took out a sheet of fire bronze, he took out the make shift claws he made for temporary use and wore the one for right hand.

He spread the sheet of fire bronze open and placed the tip of the claw near one edge. He forcefully cut a small line of fire bronze with the claw.

He used a small bamboo pipe as a support and bent the wire on it in such a way that after some time, a small spring was in his hands.

He repeated the same method and made several springs. After that job was done, he took a cylindrical cup from each pile.

In one glance both the cups seemed to be of same size, but if carefully observed, one would realize that one cup is a little bit smaller than the other.

The dimensions are in such a way that, the inner diameter of the big cup is equal to the outer diameter of the small cup.

There are various types of runic symbols on both the cups and the symbols are so dense and complex too.

He picked up the bigger cup. There is a thin L shaped slit on the curved surface. The smaller cup has a small protrusion on one end.

Sam placed the spring and welded one end on the inner side of the big cup. He took the smaller cup and placed it inside the bigger cup, the cavities of both cups will face each other and the protrusion will enter the L shaped slit. He applied force so that the spring would compress then he placed his finger on the outer side of the smaller cup. The spot is exactly where the spring end would be inside.

He started heating the spot, the metal went soft and started melting. Just before the metal will drip and form a hole, he stopped, but the spring end already formed a bond.

After the joint cooled off, he made a hole on the curved surface area and started pouring the poisonous liquor inside it, until it was full.

After Sam placed his palm over the larger cup and rotated it. The protrusion on the smaller cup which just entered the slit vertically, moved horizontally. He took out a piece of metal wire of placed the wire, in the small hole, which he made on the small protrusion.

Sam stood up and laid a restricting formation a distance away, then he took out the small wire piece which is acting as pin, for holding the cup from rotating backwards in its place and immediately threw it inside the formation, while he ran away from it.

In a few seconds, a small explosion sound came and a smoke full of poison filled the restriction formation, Sam controlled the tower's second floor and eliminated the smoke before working.

He is repeating the same thing he did and created several of these. But he didn't use them like before and just kept them aside.

These are the things he wanted to use against the Black pond. Actually, what he is using is a simple make shift hand grenade which depends on the spring.

When he rotated the cups, the spring will also rotate and will have try to push them back to their original place. But the small pin made of wire, is holding it there. When the pin is removed the cups will move back to the original position, where there will be a hole appearing on the curved surface, through which, he filled it with liquor.

After a few seconds the liquor will catch a fire and the poisonous fumes will be coming out of the hole, with an explosion.

How is the liquor catching the fire? That is the reason the runes are for.

Sam placed an inscribed formation which is responsible for collecting the spiritual energy in surroundings, he made the inscription by combining the two cups. The first half of the inscription is on the bigger cup and other half is on the smaller cup. When both halves aligned, the formation will activate.

The formation will gain its aligned form, after the pin is removed. As for why, the formation didn't activate when pouring the liquor, it is due to the fact that Sam's actions are fast and didn't give enough time for the formation to fully activate.

Then for the next step. After the formation is activated, it will direct the spiritual energy to the consumable inscription which was laid inside of cavity of the cup. It is a flaming inscription.

The spiritual energy gathered through the formation will activate the flaming inscription which burns the liquor.

Sam actually, didn't want to make this poison liquor. But the liquor is the only way to burn it faster and spread the poison easily.

If not for the fact that there is no time, he wouldn't use these methods to deal with them. And time is not there because, Sam needs to take care of the panthers' body. The panthers need some nourishment to adapt to the changes in their bodies and there are only a very few methods to provide the nourishment. Otherwise, he would have took his sweet time to plot after understanding his new wind element powers.

He kept on making the sets with incredible speed. After he was finally done, he only has an afternoon left for going to the banquet. The ladies in the mansion are already making their preparations.

Sam came out of the tower, to take a shower before going for a nap.

When he woke up, all the people in the mansion are ready. He washed up quickly and wore his usual clothes. His black vest, black pants and his feather coat.

When he came downstairs, he saw everyone already sitting and waiting, even the Principal and the City lord along with few candidates who lived in the inn came here. All of them are waiting for Sam to come. When they saw that he is sleeping, nobody dared to disturb him. Apparently, the incident with Kelly's kidnap made them have a sense of fear towards him.

Philip and Jack didn't wake him up, because it is after all, rare for one to sleep. Most people will be cultivating. Since, Sam is sleeping, they though that he might have been too tired and just let him be.

Kelly immediately stood up as she saw him coming down. She is wearing the cheongsam Sam made for her. Her hair was tied up into a bun. She looked stunning. But he doesn't have much reaction. The little bit of awe he felt was that the dress really suited her just as he imagined.

Both Freya and Kelly are wearing the dresses he made for them. The dresses are of same design yet different colours. They are absolutely satisfied with themselves. And one could guess it just from their delighted expressions.

Sam walked out after greeting the Principal. The carriage is already prepared. The two Blazing earth bulls are strapped to the carriage.

Sam looked backwards and called Kelly over. The latter was a bit nervous as she walked towards him. Under the astounding gazes of all people, Sam opened the carriage door and let her board it first.

Everyone was looking at the handsome young man with incredulous expressions. Just a few days back they were almost sure that this guy was a king of hell in disguise. The impact from the kidnapping incident couldn't be forgotten for the life.

But now, this cold and arrogant guy, this ruthless and merciless guy is opening the door for a lady with a smile as warm as early morning sun.

Sam didn't care about what others were thinking. He is only doing this because, he is a man of his words. He promised Kelly that she would be her date for tonight and she will be treated as one. That's it.

After Kelly boarded the carriage, he followed along with the others. Soon, the carriage started moving and they arrived at the Count mansion within a few minutes. After all, the level 2 beasts aren't for nothing and the traffic was fully cleared as the people on the streets saw two beasts running.

When they came down the carriage, all of them were in awe to see the majesty of the Count's mansion. By far this is the biggest mansion they have seen and this place didn't place to impress them. Even Sam felt that the craftsmanship in the architecture is great.

The group entered the banquet hall. Sam is walking at the back of the group with Kelly linking her arm with him. When they arrived at the door of the banquet hall, they gathered all the attention from people.

The main reason is that they were the last to arrive. Even though, the banquet hasn't started, all of them came so early to curry favour with the Count if possible and to gain some connections. But Sam's group just arriving on time, made them surprised. After all, who would just miss a chance to leave an impression on Count.

The people from the noble families and other cities already arrived. After entering the banquet, Sam took Kelly to a place with less people, he has no interest in socializing right now, but his efforts are in vain.

Soon, many people started coming and greeting him. Some even came only for Kelly. He just replied to their greetings out of courtesy.

Actually, there are tables already arranged for them. But nobody is in mood for just sitting and waiting. Everyone is talking to each other with all kinds of intentions marked by their smiles.

Sam first went to an isolated corner to avoid this. But since he can't avoid this, he might as well go to the table and so he did.

When he went to the table, he saw that the chairs are already reserved specifically. Jack and Philip are already here. Even the weird trio are already sitting albeit silently. When Sam and Kelly arrived Jack and Philip cleared the two seats for them directly to let them sit side by side. He didn't reject and sat there.

Now, there are only three empty chairs at the table, which are seats for Hawk, Ray and Drew.

There are still a few minutes for banquet to begin. But these few minutes are torture for Sam. All kinds of people are coming to greet him, with flattering smiles. They are so obvious at their boot licking attempt that it felt like they aren't even hiding their intentions.

But they are all some small fries. Only they are coming up to suck up to him. When he saw that the rest of the members are sitting leisurely without any disturbance. Jack and Philip are looking at him with gloating smiles. Sam gritted his teeth as he thought.

'I will get my chance. You can gloat all you want.'

The rest of the people are really free. Nobody, is greeting them and even someone did, that out of courtesy. All the people are coming towards him, not because of his status of first place ranker, rather his status of the Artisan. He is a rank 3 Artisan after all.

Sam is getting frustrated over this.

After a few moments, all the people in the hall turned towards the entrance again, there are three people who are entering and three of them are Hawk, Ray and Drew.

Everyone greeted them as soon they saw. This time, even the noble family people also went to greet them.

Sam overheard something which piqued his interest.

"See, three people of the Big four are here. I wonder the last one will come today."

"Yeah. It has been a long time since the Big four has gathered."

Sam looked at Hawk and the others walking towards the table. When they arrived, Hawk greeted him first.

"Hi Sam. Thanks for coming." He said with a bright smile.

"Don't mention it. Thanks for inviting me." Sam also said with smile. Then he looked at Ray and Drew.

"Hello. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

They also exchanged greetings and made some small talk. Even Kelly, Jack and Philip are pulled in. Only the weird trio aren't talking.

Sam suddenly thought of the Big four thing and asked.

"What is the Big four they are talking about?" Sam asked with a curious expression. But it was Kelly that gave him reply.

"Haha, that is actually something made we made up when we were kids. At that time, we agreed that the top four people in the capabilities of our generation will be named as Big four and the rest of the younger generation should respect the four and treat them as leaders.

Even though, we started this as a joke, the thing actually spread among the city and the Big four were named since we awakened. Hawk is always the first in the rank and he still kept it that way."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh at that. Some kids fooling around actually became this popular in the City and they even followed the suggestion.

"Then who is the fourth one?" Sam asked

"well, you might see her today. So, don't be in a hurry." Hawk replied.