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Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 77

After a few moments, the banquet hall fell silent, the reason is that some people entered the hall. The group has Count and Principal Castor in lead while a few people are following them closely.

They moved towards the main table which is very near the table, Sam and the rest of the rankers sat. Sam noticed a young woman, tagging along with a middle-aged woman in the group.

After the group reached the table, the middle-aged lady whispered something to the young lady and the latter left the table. Sam's gaze followed her. She sat at the Violet dew family table. She sat beside a familiar girl whom Sam met before. She is Jessie who was also part of team 6. When he noticed the remaining people, he recognised another person.

The middle-aged who sat on the other side of Jessie. He is the man who sent Kelly back home along with the heads.

Sam turned to Hawk and asked. "Who is that man?"

Hawk followed Sam's gaze and immediately recognised the person. "He is father of Jessie Violet dew."

"Oh, who is that other girl then?"

"She is Jasmine Violet dew. A cousin of Jessie." Sam nodded and didn't ask further.

After everyone settled down, Count Falcon stood up and made his speech.

"First of all, thanks for all the guests here for attending this banquet. Today, we are here to celebrate the successful completion of the tournament as well as to encourage the rankers who are able to enter the Marquis academy.

I don't want to bore you with some superficial words. Everyone let us enjoy all together. Let the banquet begin."

After that the dishes are served. All the tables are being served with meat of Level 2 beasts, spiritual wine and herbal dishes made of rank 1 herbs. Sam enjoyed the food without much of care about all the socialising that was going on other tables. He didn't eat properly in past few days. He was completely struck in the tower working his ass off.

The dinner went on and soon, everyone moved to the Ball room which is adjacent to the banquet hall.

There are some seating arrangements at corners of the room where some wine and some refreshments are arranged. There is a big dance floor. A stage is provided at one end of the room, and musicians are busy playing some melodious music.

This ball is completely a socializing event. While some couples are dancing in the dance floor, the rest of the people are either spectating or talking to others with superficial smiles.

Sam went over towards the Count and Principal Castor to make a toast with a glass of fruit juice. Kelly is tagging along with him.

"Thanks for inviting me, Count Falcon." Sam said with a smile.

"it is our honour for Sir Sam, to come here." Count replied with a smile. After some small talk, the count said.

"Sir, Sam. May I trouble you to stay here after the ball is over? I have something to discuss with you." Sam immediately guessed the intentions, but still agreed.

After that, Sam went to stand at a corner and spectated, young couples and old couples dancing for the music. He felt that he was back at his previous life for a moment. Then he shook his head to not let his thoughts wander.

After sometime, Hawk, Philip, Jack, Ray, Drew and rest all joined him at the corner again attracting attention. Freya is dancing with a young master. Her red hair, white skin and golden-red dress with phoenix design, she attracted a lot of attention. Of course, Haley didn't lose out at all, but since she was conservative, she doesn't let anyone approach her.

Soon, a young master came to their group. This noble second -generation kid is someone Hawk and others are familiar with.

"Kelly, it has been a while since we last met. How about a dance?" The young master directly ignored all the crowd and asked Kelly for the dance. His gaze was completely locked on her as his l.u.s.tful eyes roamed over her figure.

Actually, Kelly is the most beautiful girl in the whole banquet. Only one girl in the younger generation can be compared with her. But no one has come to ask her for a dance and why is that? Because her hands are linked with Sam's.

But the young master completely ignored this.

"Sorry, not interested." Kelly outright rejected. The young man gritted his teeth and looked at Sam.

"Will you let her go for some time?" He is angry. But he can't direct his anger at Kelly, so he is trying to take it out on Sam. So, his voice is actually a bit loud.

Before Sam could even react, Hawk said. "What do you mean Eddy? Do you mean that Sam is not letting her go and stopping her from dancing with you?"

Eddy didn't reply, but his expression said that he really is implying that. He was Kelly's number 1 admirer since they were kids. But he didn't have any progress all these years. Before, he was able to make a retort, someone came.

There are two people who arrived to their corner. They are the middle-aged woman and young woman who came inside with Count.

"Greetings, Artisan Sam. It is an honour to meet you." Maya violet dew greeted with a smile.

"How can that be? Your Violet dew family it very capable and powerful. I am the one who should be honoured." Sam replied with somewhat cold and sarcastic tone.

The young lady beside Maya has a change in her expression. He turned towards her and said.

"This must be the last member of Big four. Jasmine Violet dew."

Hawk and others were stunned. They didn't mention about the identity of Jasmine as part of Big four, because they wanted to see if Sam would guess it correctly. And here he did it.

"Nice to meet you too, Artisan Sam." Jasmine said in neutral tone.

Sam sized her up after looking at her demeanour. She is as beautiful as Kelly. She has a brown shoulder length hair and her eyes are also brown in colour. Her figure is not as voluptuous as Kelly. She has long legs which gave her different type of beauty.

"What do you mean acting like that in front of Lady Maya. Don't you know that she is a rank 4 Artisan? Even if you are rank 3 Artisan you still have to respect her as a senior. Seems like the ranking has gone to your head too much." Suddenly, Eddy who was forgotten by the group chided in.

Sam frowned as he looked at him. Eddy felt even more frustrated after seeing latter's face and said again.

"You might be a young genius Artisan. But you still have to respect the status of the rank 4 Artisan. Do you think so highly of yourself to the point that you can disregard Lay Maya's status?" Sam felt so frustrated by this clown that he wanted to slap him on the face. But he controlled himself. He looked at Maya and said.

"I clearly knew how much Artisan Maya's status is capable of. Her status enough to do anything they like in the Falcon Cliff city. Isn't it right Lady Maya? Even Mr. Eddy also knew how much weight your status can pull." Sam again replied with sarcastic smile.

Maya also felt frustrated. She immediately threw an unhappy glare Eddy. She specifically came here to clear the misunderstanding and prejudice Sam might have towards her, but this idiot has to come here and paint her image as even more tyrannical.

"Who are you?" She asked Eddy with a cold tone. But the latter was clearly unaware of it. He was delighted that he caught Maya's attention and said happily.

"Lady Maya, I am Eddy Rafsa. My father is the head of Rafsa family."

"Oh, the Rafsa family, is it?" Maya muttered and turned towards Jasmine. "Jasmine, remember the name of this family. We will be halting any dealings with Rafsa family indefinitely and tell this to all the families and businesses we have relation with about this."

Hearing this Eddy was completely shocked and felt cold all over.

"L-Lady Maya…" Just as he was about to say something, Hawk interrupted.

"Eddy, one has to know their own limitations. You should know better than to wag your mouth in a conversation which you don't have any qualifications to participate. It will only get worse if you stay here. I think it is best if you go and find your father."

Maya nodded at what Hawk said and turned to Sam.

"Artisan Sam. I know you have some prejudice towards me due to previous incident and I can clearly understand you, but I believe there is some misunderstanding between us. In actual fact, I don't have any relation regarding that incident, I don't even know about what happened until it was reported to me after your way of handling things. The incident is completely done by Jessie and her father and even family head doesn't have anything to do with it.

I hope we can clear this misunderstanding and I am here to invite you to dinner in Violet dew mansion." Sam raised his eyebrow and looked at her with some surprise.

He didn't expect that the matter will be like this, he was really impressed with Jessie's and her father's guts to use a rank 4 Artisan name without even consulting her.

"When?" Sam asked after some thought.

"When are you free artisan Sam?"

"Then, I will contact you with the communication token then. I have somethings keeping me busy for following days." Sam said as he withdrew the communication token the Jessie's father sent him. After both exchanged their spiritual signatures on the tokens, Maya and Jasmine left.

"Master, why are you polite to him?" Jasmine asked with the same neutral tone.

"You will understand in future." Maya said as she patted her on her shoulder.

The corner again reached its initial situation.

Sam was bored and just looked around the dance floor. He then involuntarily noticed that Kelly is looking at the dance floor with some desire and some hesitant expression. He understood and extended his hand as he asked.

"Will you accompany me to a dance?" Sam asked in a gentle tone. Kelly was stunned for a moment and placed her hand in his, then both of them went into the middle of the dance floor and slowly danced for the slow melody.

They immediately gathered the attention of the crowd. After all, a handsome young man and a beautiful young lady, dressed in black which is completely on contrast to their fair skin, dancing to a beautiful melody, this scene was only a petal shower away from becoming a scene from a fairy tale.

While people in the banquet hall are enjoying the dance and conversations, the southern region is in chaos.

Numerous areas in the southern region are smashed and set on fire. Many acolytes are dead and many establishments are destroyed. The damage is very high. The city guards and a certain Novice are having a head ache.

When they noticed that there are no attacks after the Western region, the black pond thought that their restructuring was effective, but within three days their acolytes are again targeted and got attacked.

They are suffering a set back after set back. The manager of the Black pond is going on a spree of destroying the items in his residence. He doesn't know how the other party is able to gain intelligence on what is going on other side. He didn't even have a single clue.

In the southern region on the top of a small inn, two birds are standing and looking at the burning shop. One of them is an ordinary raven and the other one is an ordinary falcon. But nobody is noticing them. Even if they see them, they might not do anything. After all, who would care about two normal birds which are not even level 1 beasts when there is a shop burning in front of them.

"Sky, are we done for the night?"

"Yes, this is the last place Sam that Shadow mice mentioned. Most of the network in southern region is destroyed.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 78

The banquet was over. Sam and the rest of the group came back to the mansion. The next day, Kelly behaved as if the kidnapping incident didn't happen at all.

Sam and Jack are planning for what they have to do next in their plan.

The Black pond manager is pulling his hair in frustration about what to do against the enemy's intelligence network. He tried formations but the formations aren't able to stop the shadows and where ever the shadows are the intelligence network can reach there.

He tried to switch the locations of his subordinates, but bad for him, the shadows are there too.

He tried to lay decoys and traps, but shadows were there when he planned that.

All the failures and destruction of his intelligence network and more than three-fourth of the subordinate acolytes are done for just because he didn't pick a place with no shadows.

And the ones who breached his anti-spying activities and is causing him to grit his teeth with frustration and vexation are still on their job now.

*squeak* *squeak* [Hey eight, after the mission is over, can we have dinner together. Last time me and 7 ate something in Black pond's kitchen and their ingredients are amazing] Number three, the male shadow mouse is asking the female shadow mouse who is with him today with on the watch duty.

*squeak* *squeak* [Really, what did you guys eat?] three asked.

In shadow mice a there are a total of three female mice and remaining seven are male mice.

*squeak* *squeak* [we don't know. Actually, one and two said that. They went on for dinner that night after returning from their watch duty.] three said.

Eight: *squeak* *squeak* [What?! Two went to dinner with one. She didn't even tell me. Damn it, ever since one and two started getting closer me and two have very less time to hang out with each other. Now that six is also hitting on ten. We need to have a girl talk once.]

Three: *squeak* *squeak* [Well, we are the one who started this anyway. The most pitiful are four, five, seven and nine. Those kids are all being left alone, those guys are even getting into fights with each other. I think we need to take care of them. After all, we are their seniors.]

Eight: *squeak* *squeak* [Yeah, you are right. After all, they are a lot younger compared to us. Maybe, we really need to spend some time with them.]

Three: *squeak* *squeak* [Talking about younger ones, Boss needs to really take care of these Black pond soon. Those little panthers really went through a lot. These jerks really went overboard.]

Eight: *squeak* *squeak* [Well, from we know of Boss, these guys won't have any good ending. They just had to make a move on little panthers. Boss truly takes care of them after all.]

Three: *squeak* *squeak* [Yeah. By the way do you know how he got little panthers?]

Eight: *squeak* *squeak* [No, why? Maybe, he just stumbled up on them just like of we met him?]

Three: *squeak* *squeak*[ No. I asked Yanwu about it and he said something interesting. The thing is the panthers have been with Boss since they were born.]

Eight: *squeak* *squeak* [ Boss picked them when they were just born?]

Three: *squeak* *squeak* [Let me finish talking alright. Yanwu said that, at that time Boss is still a newly advanced Acolyte and he went to hunt along with guy Philip and his friends. There they encountered the scene where the mother panther just delivered the little panthers and the father panther was sneaked up on by a golden blood tiger. Just when the tiger killed both father and mother panthers, Boss intervened and fought the tiger to death.

But the panthers weren't able to make it. Then Boss promised the mother panther that he would take care of the babies. Yanwu said that Boss, didn't even take a single thing of Panthers' corpses. He buried them directly.]

Eight: *squeak* *squeak* [Really?!! No wonder Boss was furious about when he saw little panthers in such a state. These Black pond guys are done for.]

Three: [That's for sure. Oh damn. This woman is here again. Maybe we should report this to boss, this almost became their daily routine. They are getting on it at the same time for the past two days]

The door opened and a woman came in as she walked towards the manager who is sitting on the bed with a vexed expression. This woman is none other than the lady who is part of four Novice peak mages.

A few moments later, the room is filled with pleasurable m.o.a.ns.

Three: *squeak* *squeak* [This horny dog of a man, how can be in mood for this after all the mess that is waiting for him to clear up.]

Eight: *squeak* *squeak* [Well, maybe the mess is the reason he is doing this. He might not have found anywhere else to vent his frustrations.]

Three: *squeak* *squeak*[Yeah, you are right]

At the same time in another location.

One: *squeak* *squeak* [Hey Two. Shall we go to dinner again tonight?]

Two: *squeak* *squeak* [Can you stop doing this? If boss knows that we are fooling around while on the mission, we are dead meat.]

One: *squeak* *squeak* [Yeah, okay. Whatever you say.]

Two: *squeak* *squeak* [Okay the two guys are going to split, now. Which of them do you want to follow?]

One: *squeak* *squeak* [Why are we following these two guys specifically?] said a bit unhappily.

Two: *squeak* *squeak* [Dah, of course, because we know that these guys are the main culprits when attacking the little panther. One of them is the one who accepted the task from that Eisen guy and the other is the one who executed the task. Boss, specifically said that, we need to look after these guys for these few days. He is planning something special for these guys.]

One: *squeak* *squeak* [Yeah, Yeah. You don't have to tell me.] suddenly Two directly pushed One aside and said a bit angrily.

Two: *squeak* *squeak* [If you already know, why are you asking me again? You better stop lazing around and work properly. If not, I will complain to boss and let him toss you to Falck as food. Hmph.]

One: [Okay, Okay. I am going.]

At the same time another place.

Four: *squeak* *squeak* [Haha, losers. Today I spotted ten hiding spots where these Novices are hiding]

Five: *squeak* *squeak* [Do you think that you are all that just for spotting ten spots? I have seen eleven spots today and guess what one of them is even their meeting room.]

Seven: *squeak* *squeak* [What is so great about finding a meeting room? we can get there just by following them directly. You might as well not find the meeting room.]

Nine: *squeak* *squeak* [Yeah, what is so great about finding a meeting room.]

Five: *squeak* *squeak* [if you are all that, why don't say what you have done today]

Nine: *squeak* *squeak* [I have 15 hiding spots, along with this we even a routine of an over looker.]

Seven: *squeak* *squeak* [I also got a routine of an over looker and fourteen hiding spots.]

Four: *squeak* *squeak* [ damn it. I lost again. Tomorrow I will beat you guys.]

Five: *squeak* *squeak* [Do you think that is going to happen? Hehe I will beat you tomorrow too.]

Seven : *squeak* *squeak* [Woah, five, why are you yapping your mouth for? Even you are talking now. How are you any better than Four?]

Four: *squeak* *squeak* [Yeah, at least I didn't waste time on finding a meeting spot.]

Five: *squeak* *squeak* [Hey, you guys looking for a beating.]

Four: *squeak* *squeak* [Come on then, I am not afraid of you.]

Seven: *squeak* *squeak* [ Let me join in the fun too. I will beat of you guys.]

Nine: *squeak* *squeak* [ Don't leave me out]

Soon, the four might mice came to blows and came to a standstill.

Six: *squeak* *squeak* [Hey, kids not again. Why are you fighting again?] Two mice which are a slightly bigger than the first four came.

Ten: *squeak* *squeak* [Yeah guys, you shouldn't fight among yourselves]

Four: *squeak* *squeak* [ Sister Ten. Five started this.]

Five: *squeak* *squeak* [No, No. Four how dare you pin this on me? Sister Ten, don't listen to him. Four is the one who started this.]

Ten: *squeak* *squeak* [Hmph. If you guys get into fight again, I will report to Boss.]

Four: *squeak* *squeak* [Hehe, Sister Ten. I will also tell on you guys to Boss. All of you are going on dates without working properly. I wonder how Boss will deal with you guys.]

Six: *squeak* *squeak* [ YOU BRATS. After this mission is over, I will definitely teach you guys a lesson.]

Ten: *squeak* *squeak* [Okay Six. Not you too. Kids, let's go. It is time to report. Boss must have woken up already. The plan to attack them on Banquet night is pretty successful. Boss might have new instructions to us.]

Four: *squeak* *squeak* [Last one to reach the mansion is a loser. Hehe.] He immediately ran away.

Seven: *squeak* *squeak* [Hey, it is not fair. You are being too shameless.]

Five: *squeak* *squeak* [Damn it.]

Nine: *squeak* *squeak* [No way I am going to lose to you guys.]

Ten: *squeak* *squeak* [These kids. Come one Six let us go.]

[A/N: Hey guys, I tried to do something new and wrote this, I dont even have a proper name in mind. If you like it and want these types of chapters occasionally, say it in the comments and of course, name the chapter.]

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 79

The next day of the Ball. Early in the morning, it is the time for Shadow mice to report.

Sam is in his study listening to the report of the Shadow mice. After the report was done, he went into a deep thought.

"You guys, first target ten low-level novices. Each of you mark one. And it is better if they are a bit far away from each other. Tonight, I will be proceeding in next step.

But before that, I need you guys to practice your shadow transverse. You enter the second floor in the tower and practice for ten hours, that means an hour later you will be going back to your duty. Tomorrow, I will give you guys a new gadget to practice, I need you guys to do something for me."

*squeak* *squeak* [Yes, Boss]

After saying his piece, Sam waved his hand and all of them disappeared into the tower.

Sam called Jack over to the study and said. "Tonight, we are going to make a move, but we aren't going after the acolytes in the Northern region, it is too dangerous and there are a lot of high-level cultivators. We are going to move against the low- level Novices."

"Okay. Are we moving on birds again?"

"No. we are going to move normally. We will begin this after sun sets."


"I think it is better for you to speed up your cultivation." Sam said in a low voice. Even though he didn't want to say something like that, but he can't help it. They are going against an underworld organisation who has several Novices on later stages and even a Great Mage. But it is still okay, for now because Sam made some not-so- direct means to face them, but they can't just continue this.

"Not everyone is a monstrous as you okay. I am already at late stage novice and it is already considered quite high, you are the monster for being a Novice at 15." Jack didn't take offence at all. He clearly knew that he is depending on Sam too much for this. He doesn't have Sam's resources and skills and even his battle prowess isn't much compared to other party.

"Okay, then. Try to advance to Novice as soon as possible. We would be dealing with Novices from now on.

By the way, I have to make something for today's mission. I am going to the Artisan tower. You also prepare yourselves."

After that both of them went on to do their own things, Sam arrived at the Artisan tower after a while and took a private weapon forge.

He took out a scroll and opened it on the table. This is a new design he made to collect an important resource to help little panthers upgrade their bodies potential. He was quite aversive against this resource as it went against his conscience, but after thinking about what Black pond has done to people and particularly to both the panthers, he made up his mind.

He took out the purple gold and the last bit of remaining Golden blood tiger bones. He wants to make an alloy for the thing he is going to make. The golden blood tiger bones are very hard and their ductility is very less.

Purple gold is too soft and isn't suitable to take much force, so he decided to make an alloy out of it.

But to have a better alloy, one needs to make a lot of experiments, but he only made a rough estimate and directly doing it because this tool, he is only going to use it for one time. Since, he knew that he can find some Meteorite sands through the Black water organisation, he decided that all his tools and machines should be made by the meteorite sands or other similar level materials only.

They can nurture a spirit along with the passage of time and he will have some great tools which can even work without his direct involvement. Until then, he just needs to find some alternatives to make do with it.

Even though this may feel ambitious, but he wasn't least bit depressed about it. He is ambitious and that is the only thing that made stand on the peak of the previous world and this time, he will ascend the peak with the same attitude.

Just because, he is in a different world, just because he is in a world filled with people with far more power, just because he is surrounded by so many powerful cultivators than him, he doesn't want to change his character or his attitude. If he changes his character just because he is in a different world and different situations, he won't be Sam anymore.

He went to the Cauldron and started his alloy making by pouring all the golden blood bone powder and the purple gold in powder form. He released his golden fire and started melting it....

After the alloy was formed, Sam started his process of casting and forging. After a few hours of work, he was finally done with the tool and he walked back to the mansion.

He went to take some rest and woke up before the sunset.

Jack and Sam changed into some black clothes and moved out of the mansion. After making sure that nobody is following them with the help of a shadow mouse, both of them went to the area of their first target.

It is a small house with nothing special. A young man in his twenties is meditating inside the house while he sat cross-legged. He has some spirit stone in his hands.

Sam whispered to Jack. "We aren't going to kill him; I need him alive." After that both of them entered the house.

The man in the house was immediately alerted when he sensed someone else's presence inside his house.

"Who is that?" He shouted in a not so loud voice. But he didn't really get any reply.

Jack took out his Black meteorite sword, while Sam took out his make shift claws.

After both of them were marked, they exchanged a look and got ready to make their move. Sam sneaked to a corner as he restrained his aura to as low as possible. When the man came out of the room he was cultivating in and spotted Jack, he immediately took out a sabre and asked.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?" His voice was cautious as he eyed his opponent, but got no reply. Jack immediately swung his sword in a swift move, but the other party is a first level Novice. He easily blocked the sabre and smiled wickedly.

"A brat at Acolyte stage is trying to take me on, you must be dreaming." But just as he finished saying this, he felt a huge force struct on his back. Some sharp objects pierced just below his shoulder blades and gripped a huge piece of his flesh.

Before he could react, he felt a claw against his neck just a bit away from piercing into him. He didn't even dare to move. Taking the advantage, Jack immediately knocked down the man and both of them heaved a sigh.

Jack then looked at Sam. He is thinking how they should move this man away. Sam also looked at him and said.

"You better keep whatever you are going to see a secret." Jack nodded his head and Sam waved his hand. The man on the floor immediately disappeared and reappeared in the second floor of the tower. This is the best place to keep the person as the world in the second floor is solely controlled by Sam.

Jack was struck with shock. He didn't know that Sam has a storage item to keep living beings, if this thing was to go out, maybe even the Count who is friendly and amiable to the common folk would make a move on Sam to take away the item.

He came out of stupor only after Sam gestured him to move. Both of them went on to capture their next target. The scene repeated again and again until they successfully captured the ten targets they set today.

After their mission is completed, they went to the mansion.

Sam immediately went to the second floor and saw the ten people, who regained their conscious, when they saw Sam, they immediately shouted at him.

"Who the f.u.c.k are you? Do you even know who we are?"

"You better leave us now. Or you won't be able to bear the consequences."

"Since, you captured all of us, you must know we work together. The retaliation of our organisation is not something, you cannot deal with it."

They went on and on until Sam almost regretted capturing them. Sam immediately made a gesture and they immediately felt a force shutting their mouths.

"You guys might not know who I am, but those two definitely know about it. Isn't it so?" He said as he pointed at two people who just stood there without talking at all.

The rest of the group turned towards them and could see their faces with anxiousness.

"Artisan Sam, Are you the one responsible for previous incidents?" One of the two asked after mustering enough courage.

"Oh, your guess is correct." Sam replied.

"Just for injuring two panthers, do you need to go this far?"

"Actually, if you have directly killed them, I would have just found you both and killed you off, but the thing is you cut off their limbs when they are completely conscious. How much pain do you think, that they went through? they aren't even a year old." Sam's voice grew colder and colder.

"So, I decided to use you guys as tonic food for them, but then I found out that an assignment I took coincides with wiping you guys off, so I am now going to use you guys to make my panthers stronger. So, you can only blame yourselves for attacking my panthers. If it was just an assignment, I could have just supplied the other party some support. You guys just brought this up on yourselves."

After saying that, Sam took out a weird looking thing.

This is the tool that Sam made today. The took has a needle which as long as an elbow of average man. The needle is hollow, like a needle of a syringe.

The lower end of the needle is connected to a funnel shaped hollow shell. The bigger end of the funnel is connected to red colour cylindrical object, which has an uneven surface area.

This is the trunk of the Giant Blood mosquito he bought over from the Vickers' store. This acts like a natural suction pipe which the beast uses to suck all the blood from a living being. Then at the other end of the trunk there is another funnel shaped shell which is larger than the first one.

The trunk is connected to smaller end and the larger end is connected with a huge glass bottle. The shell of the big funnel has a handle for him to hold.

Sam looked at the confused expressions of the ten people and without caring much, he walked towards the first person. The other person was anxious and was fearful when he saw Sam's cold and emotionless expression.

Sam immediately pierced the person near his heart. When the other person tried to dodge, he wasn't able to do this and only stood there and helplessly took the attack.

Sam closed his eyes and started injecting his spiritual energy into the trunk through the tool, the trunk immediately started expanding and contracting extracting the blood into the glass bottle. The bottle is huge and it can hold up to two litres. Soon after it was filled, Sam immediately took another bottle and replaced the already filled one.

The process stopped only after he filled two bottles completely and half- filled the third one. The person who got his blood extracted was now a blood less corpse. His body collapsed as Sam pulled out the needle. Then he turned towards the rest of the people to pick his next target.

They immediately broke out in cold sweat, they wanted to talk but they don't even have an ability to move their lips, all they could do was plead with their eyes, they are tearing up, some of them urinated, but Sam didn't bat an eyelid as he proceeded.

The last person is the one who attacked the panthers, he looked at Sam with immense regrets. He regretted that he accepted the job against this guy. He is too ruthless and merciless. He isn't even human now.

Sam looked at more than twenty bottles of blood and sighed. He actually, didn't like what he did. Even though he didn't like these guys and they are absolute sc.u.m of society, he didn't want to do something as cruel as extracting blood from a fellow human.

The only reason he did this is that, the fire poison in panthers' body is being more active than he thought. He overestimated their bodies and fed them that as a supplement, now he needs to upgrade and enhance their blood quality to save them.

So, he decided to make this move. No matter how much capable he is, he is still a human and just like every other human, who will do anything when they have to save their loved ones, Sam also did this.

Just that, these guys are part of destroying many more previously and are absolute sc.u.m in the society is only thing that gave him some relief against his guilt.

"I hope that the blood will be enough." Sam said as he burned the corpses to ashes, even the bones disappeared.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 80

Sam is laying on his bed and is looking at the night sky through the window. He is in a deep thought about how to proceed about dealing with Black pond. Because, he was thinking about what Count said after the ball.

{ Night of the Banquet. After the ball, inside a meeting room in Count mansion}

Sam and Count Falcon are the only people inside the room. This is a small meeting room which has a round table with six chairs around it.

Sam and Count are sitting across each other. Both of them aren't speaking at all. There is a jug with fruit juice and two glasses on the table.

After a long silence, Count Falcon finally spoke.

"Sam, do you know what I want to talk to you about?"

"Maybe about the spot for the inheritance of Murali?" Sam replied with a bit of uncertainty. He is really confused, why Count is being all mysterious.

"Actually, No. I am about to talk about something else."

"Oh, please tell me what to do you want to talk about? I don't think we have much to discuss this privately other than the spot in inheritance."

"It is about the incidents regarding the past few days." Sam became tensed after hearing this. Incidents regarding the past few days are mainly the murders he and Jack carried out in eastern and western regions. But he didn't show it on his face and just looked at the Count with same calm expression. Seeing that Sam has no reaction, Count continued.

"Past few days, there are a lot of murders of Acolytes in Eastern and Western regions, do you have anything to say about that?" Count finally came to the point.

"Oh, what do you want to say Count Falcon? If you are only asking my opinion on this, I would say that it is a pity that there are so many lives lost, but I think you should look into the matter to find out the motives of other party." Sam replied as he took a sip of fruit juice.

"That is why, I am asking you. What are the motives?" Sam immediately stopped his hand in the mid-air, which is holding the glass of fruit juice. He looked at the Count with a cold expression, there is no other change indicating his guilt. He slowly said.

"You must speak carefully, Count Falcon. As a leader of a city, you should choose your words wisely. Accusing me like that, would only bring further troubles." When Count heard Sam's reply he took a sip from his glass of fruit juice, then Sam continued.

"May I ask, why Count Falcon is thinking that it was me?" Sam was curious. He didn't think that he left any clues behind. He doesn't have any bird type beasts around him normally, and they don't know that he has a storage that could keep the beasts, his Villa is also not close to the woods to hide the beasts, and most importantly, his moves are of surprise and sneaky. He is actually impressed that Count somehow related this to him.

But he has to make sure that the other party couldn't confirm whether it was him or not. At least until he was done with the things about Black pond here, Count shouldn't focus on him too much.

"Well, you are the only anomaly in the City right now Sam."

"Why do you think so?" Sam raised an eyebrow as he asked.

"You are the only who came into contact with a figure who we are puzzled about."

Sam went into a deep thought after hearing what other party said, then after a while he asked in a low voice.


Count smiled up on receiving the question and nodded while answering.

"Vickers is the only one who we are quite puzzled about. We don't know where he came from, he just came here a few days before you did. He came completely out of nowhere. He came to the city and opened a Shop, but we never saw anyone going to the shop and buy something.

But everyone knew about his shop. Whenever someone asks people in the city, about information regarding to buy something, everyone will recommend the Vickers' shop if they don't know about it surely.

For example, if you ask someone who doesn't know where wine is available, abut where to buy a wine, he will subconsciously reply that 'Everything can be bought in Vickers��� store.'

You are his first customer. Don't you think it is too much of a coincidence Sam. First, he came to the City, then a few days later you came here. The first thing you did after coming here is to go to his shop. Most important is the peculiar reaction of the people.

And a few days after you met him, a mass murder happens in the city. Even though I can't find any link between you two, I couldn't help but suspect you at all."

When Count finished saying this, Sam heaved a sigh of relief. He thought that the other party found some clues through investigation, but now he understood, that the other party is suspecting him because, he only came into contact with a person, who is completely mysterious in Count's eyes.

"Maybe, you might think that way, but I went to Vickers' shop only for business. As for why I went there, you can ask a person named Elder Arlo, for a personal grudge against our City lord, he made things difficult for us by not arranging a proper accommodation.

Count Falcon, do you think that I will bear with it. I earn money to live comfortably. That is why I went to find a house and your citizens are the ones who led me to Vickers' shop. If you have some doubts regarding this, you can investigate yourselves."

Sam is not that nervous now. Even though he has to be cautious from now on to avoid suspicion from the count, he has to get rid of any thoughts that he is related to Vickers.

The Count was also a bit surprised by what he heard. He immediately called an attendant inside and whispered something in his ear. After sometime, the attendant came back running and whispered it into Count's ear. The expression on his face then became dark and gloomy, which showed that what Sam said is true.

He is angry now. His subordinate is responsible for not only the abusing his authority to resolve his personal grudge, but he also took it out on the candidates which are completely unrelated to the grudge.

What would be the opinion of candidates on him now? And even more than that, the situation led to another thing and that is he misunderstood a person of high status and directly suspected him, even interrogating him privately. He completely lost his face.

"Sam, I am sorry about what happened and the words I have said before." He immediately apologized.

But he was still a bit suspicious, he has a feeling that the mass murder is still related to Sam, but suddenly an Elder of the Count mansion came running inside the room.

"Sir Falcon. Something happened again." He immediately shouted as soon as he entered the room.

Falcon frowned in displeasure at his subordinate's actions, but he restrained his anger and asked.

"What is the matter?"

"The southern region. The-there is a mass murder again. There a lot of people on the streets laying dead. Many shops and houses were burnt."

When he finished the sentence Count immediately stood up from the chair. He looked at Sam who is sipping the fruit juice leisurely and at the Elder who reported the news.

Even though his intuition is telling him that something is up with Sam, he couldn't find a reason to suspect him as there is an incident now and he could clearly see that Sam was with him all the time.

"Count Falcon, I will take my leave. I think you need to take care of some matters." Sam stood up from the chair and he said with a smile.

Count also nodded his head and said. "I apologise for the inconvenience Sam. I hope you won't take it to heart."

"Don't worry about it." Sam waved his hand and walked away. He is so happy that he made a decision to send Sky and Yanwu to deal with the Acolytes in the southern region. That night he went back to the mansion and waited for the report of the Shadow mice till morning.

The next day, he proceeded with the plan to deal with the Novices and now, he is thinking on how to deal with the remaining without making the Count feeling suspicious about him again.


Sam is feeling a little but frustrated about how to go on about. At first, he wanted to wear their strength down, slowly and make them gather at one spot, but now, he needs a way to end it quickly. But he also has to stay clear to not fall under the Count's radar, after all it is not easy to get rid of suspicions once they started.

After thinking for a long while, he only found one way. He needs to use shadow mice directly. His actual plan is that he would take down, these Novices slowly and when the upper echelons find this out, they will gather their remaining forces together.

Then he would use shadow mice to detonate the poison grenades he made to deal with them. But now that he wasn't able to make a move directly against the Novices, he has to deal with them using shadow mice only. Jack isn't a Novice yet after all.

If not for the fact he needs the blood for panthers, he might not even deal with the first ten novices himself risking to be caught by the Count.

But suddenly he thought of an idea. If he can do this, he might be able to get rid of the big fish first and then he didn't even have to care about these small fry subordinates. Basically, all he needs to do is to take care of all the subordinates who knew about Black water and Black pond. They were all the upper echelons who holds the whole organisations together.

If he took them down, the rest of the organisation will dissolve completely and they might form some small gangs dividing the territory and illegal business. The mission he took from Jack is to help him get rid of the Black water, not to clean the world of its darkness.

He immediately woke up from his bed and went to his study. He is thinking of how to move on this plan and what time is best to strike.

Night passed and the shadow mice came back to him to report.

After that was done, he passed on his instructions.

"Monitor the four peak stage novices and the Manager of the Black pond closely. Follow in pairs. For the next few days, you have to remember their daily routine and find out which are the times all of them are most idle.

You have one week to find this out. I need a time where all five of them can be attacked at a same time. "

*squeak* *squeak* [Yes, Boss]

"After that, you guys also practise the things the shadow transfer as well as elemental fusion. Use up all the dark element spirit stones if you have to. I need all of you to learn it as soon as possible. Practice it well in the tower. You are all the most important for the next step."

He paused and passed them some spatial rings which can fit perfectly to the shoulders of the limbs.

"Try and see, if you guys can use these. Tell me if there are any problems while using." The shadow mice took the spatial rings and tried to pry. At first, they are feeling some restrictions and soon each of them retracted some spirit stones out of it. But they see to be exhausted. Looking at the scene, Sam nodded.

He thought that since the spiritual sense is the main thing to get something out of the spatial ring, the beasts might be able to do it. What is restricting them is their intelligence level and since, Shadow mice are one of the most intelligent creatures, it worked.

"Try and practice with them more. These will be yours from now on." After that he waved his hand and sent them inside the tower.

"These few days, I will work on to improve the Panthers."

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 81

After passing his orders, Sam went into second floor of divine dimension and took out a cauldron. A distance away from him, the shadow mice are practicing.

Inside the cauldron, he poured the blood he collected from the ten Novices. After that he laid a formation around him and placed some fire element spirit stones in the formation. This is the spirit condensing formation.

As the cauldron is in the centre of the formation, the fire elemental spiritual energy will be used to nourish the blood. Sam needs the blood to be having high fire elemental essence to improve the blood line quality of the panthers, but there is a small drawback for them, that is the wind element in their bodies will have a smaller effect on them as the fire element will be stronger. But that problem was for later day.

Sam just started a small fire and let the blood boil in the cauldron like that. He didn't even increase the fire at all, he just let the small flame boil the blood.

The cauldron started to emit red colour vapours; the fire elemental energy is being seeped into the blood inside.

Soon, the blood started thickening and level of the blood inside the cauldron decreased slightly. Time passed on slowly.

Hours had passed and the initial level of blood in the cauldron reduced to half. The blood thickened and place around him became, full of complete iron smell.

He spent a full twenty hours in the second floor of the tower until the blood almost solidified. After the process is completed, he called for the panthers who are playing in outside the tower.

When they smelled the rich fire elemental blood essence, they became restless. If not for the fact that Sam is standing near the cauldron and looking at them, they would have already jumped into the cauldron to eat it.

Sam is looking at the huge panthers who aren't even one year old and thought to himself, whether he should feed them this human blood essence or not. He doesn't want to get them addicted to human blood, otherwise if wasn't not beside them all the time, they might even turn completely hungry for human meat and blood.

But once he thought about the fire poison slowly spreading across its body and beast core, he wasn't able to stop himself. He hardened his heart and let them eat. The two huge panthers who are in size of a normal bull, putting their mouths inside the cauldron as they ate the semi-solid, blood essence. When they were done, they immediately laid contently on the floor and closed their eyes.

Sam placed his hands on their heads and checked their situation. He could see the blood essence and fire essence spreading and strengthening the body and beast core. The slow but raging fire poison is getting more stable. It is slowly integrating itself as a part of the beast core.

He heaved a sigh and exited the dimension and went back to his room. He just laid on the bed with tired expression.

He simply tossed all the thoughts to the back of his mind and closed his eyes to take a nap.

The shadow mice went back to the watch duty. For a week, he kept completely low and didn't even make any move against the Black pond.

But the black pond people are in completely different situation and mindset.

They didn't dare to believe that the moves made by Sam are completed. Every person, who is part of Black pond are completely on their toes. They didn't dare to relax at all. No matter how they tried to investigate, they aren't getting any clues.

The other party seemed to know everything about the whole Black pond, but they don't even know how the party is getting their information.

If they knew that ten mice which are less than five percent of their size are making them pull their hire like this, one should have to wonder how their expressions would be like.

Right now, the manager of the Black pond is in another steamy session with the peak stage Novice woman.

After a few pleasurable minutes, both of them laid n.a.k.e.d on the bed as their faces were filled with relief. After some rest the lady spoke.

"Are there any clues about the opponent?"

"No, and it seems that their methods are changed. Today morning I got a report that ten Novices are missing. If we just let this go in this way, the organisation will be slowly eroded. So, before they do this, I need to make some preparations. We already stopped taking tasks from clients.

The income completely stagnated due to the destruction of all the stores. Only the businesses in the Northern region are working. The slave trade, prostitution, everything stopped in a same place. At this pace, even if they can't attack, we won't be any better than disbanding the organisation."

"Then what do you plan to do?" The lady asked.

"First, tomorrow noon, I am going to host a meeting inside the Black pond with all the upper echelons present. I need to make sure that the remaining candidates stay safe. If we have to, we will send all of them into Falcon Cliff to take refugee. We will decide that after the meeting."

"Okay, then we will do as you say." Meanwhile, at a corner two shadow mice are looking at the scene with disgust in their eyes. They have obvious disdain in their eyes.

But they can only see and bear with it. After all, Boss' mission took priority.

"Seems like Boss' mission will be completed soon." Both of the shadow mice immediately left the place.

After the two mice left, both of the man and woman are started exchanging a book. They are using the book as a communication to write messages to each other.

The conversation is as follows.

Woman: [Do you think that they would fall for this?]

Manager: [ After hearing this type of big news, nobody would stay here to monitor further. They would definitely go back to give the news.]

Woman: [But are you going to host the meeting tomorrow?]

Manager: [Of course, I would, but the mission would not be in the Black Pond. We will change it to the rundown restaurant. That too, we are going to host it early in the morning.]

Woman: [But how is that useful for us?]

Manager: [If my guess is right and the informers are really in the room just now, they would probably start preparations to attack all the upper echelons tomorrow. Because, from what I can deduce, they probably are eroding the small fries to gather us together and attack in full force. So, what we will do is, hire all the man power we can and lay a huge trap for them at noon, in the Black pond.

We will get the support from the other Great mage from the neighbouring city who is going to come tomorrow. He will reach this city, a few hours before noon.

So, by misleading them into preparing for a large- scale attack, they won't take their time to spy us in the morning and we will make use of this to conduct a meeting and also lay a trap with two great mages. We have a high chance of success.]

That is the end of the conversation.

When Sam reached the news of the meeting he went into deep contemplation. After pondering over this for a while, he came to a decision and said.

"Don't care about the meeting. You guys just follow them, but tonight one of you come to my room and take this ring with you. You better not lose this. The one who can carry this properly without any problem should be coming. I don't want anything to happen. So, who is coming?

*squeak* *squeak* [One will come]

The mice said in unison. Sam nodded and said. "Tell the remaining mice to gather all of them at the manager's house at mid-night. All of you will be following him tomorrow. If they really host a meeting, this going to be our final strike."

Then the two mice went away to carry out their mission.

Sam looked at the clear sky through the window and pondered on how to deal with it. Then he called Jack over and said.

"Tomorrow might be a big day. You stay here. We might be dealing with the Black pond completely."

When Sam said that, both of them looked at each other and just stayed without saying anything.

Hours passed; sky darkened. When Sam sensed that a shadow mouse is coming, he looked at Jack and said.

"Don't resist and allow my spiritual sense to scan you." Jack nodded and closed his eyes. Sam waved his hand and Jack disappeared. When he reopened his eyes, all he can see is a big tower, surrounded by a world of different elements, he was completely dumbfounded.

Before he could come out of his surprise, Sam appeared out of thin air.

"Just stay here, for a while." Sam only said and closed his eyes; he is looking at his room in which the ring is placed on the bed. He was able to cover all the directions within the room if he concentrated enough.

Inside the room, the ring with blue coloured stone which is embedded on a ring was placed on the bed.

Soon, a shadow mouse came and picked the ring and shoved its fore limb until the ring perfectly fixed itself on the shoulder, even though it was a bit difficult to move, the movement wasn't hindered significantly.

The shadow mouse then moved like a real shadow as it moved in the dark city. After a few minutes they reached the Black pond and they directly went to the manager's room. They didn't do anything as the shadow mouse just stayed there without moving.

Hours passed. They just stayed as they saw the manager sat in meditation.

When sun rose, the manager also opened his eyes and started walking out of the room. On the way outside all the shadow mice gathered as they moved in shadows while following the manager who is walking in streets.

Soon, they arrived at the restaurant where Sam placed the mission to capture the poisonous beasts.

When the manager arrived at the room, there are already people waiting. There are five people waiting.

One of them moved towards a painting and moved it. A secret door opened on the floor leading them to the under-ground room.

When Sam saw the room, he was completely astonished. The room was like a small-scale auditorium. A lot of people are sitting in ten rows. In a stage upfront, there is a small round table with five chairs. Everyone stood up as soon as the manager came.

Sam looked at the stone like walls all around. All the materials surrounding the room including the door are highly durable. They are made of a peak level 3 materials. Even a rank 3 Artisan will be in a deep trouble to melt a small amount of this material. Even the Great mage needs some effort to break through them.

He immediately got an idea and ordered shadow mouse 1 to go outside the room. When they made sure that there are no people in the room, Sam told to Jack.

"You stay here and make sure that there is no one who escapes the room. When they come out, they will be almost out of energy, so strike them with all you got." After that he even left Yanwu and Sky outside, both the birds are in their small forms.

Shadow mouse immediately went inside the underground room. Even though there is no gap, the small shadow connecting the outside and inside is enough for them to move.

When the meeting was starting, Sam observed the surroundings and gave the shadow mice instructions.

"Spread out through the room, you guys cover all the corners and possible exits, the rest of you will enter the crowd. Release the grenades, just like you practised. You have to throw all of them as fast as you can and immediately escape. You can either come into the shadow dimension or escape outside and go back to the mansion.

Remember to release as many grenades as possible on the stage. The most powerful cultivators are there, we need to take them down at any cost. But remember one thing, if you sense that you can't do it at any moment immediately escape without a second thought." After Sam's message was passed among the mice, they started moving and spread among all over floor.

After a few minutes, when the discussion was going on and all the people are completely focussed, there was an explosion at the back of the room and green vapours started spreading among the room.

Before the people in the room can react, a series of explosions occurred all over the room and the most happened at the stage itself.

The manager only saw a small shadow disappearing in middle of the green vapour, before he felt suffocated and took deep breaths, but immediately he realised what kind of mistake he did.

The poison soon mixed with his blood stream and spiritual core. He immediately closed his eyes and used all his spiritual energy to suppress the poison.

The weakest Novices are already on the floor, with their skin turned green. Some stronger people are suffering on verge of collapsing. The peak stage novices who are on the stage along with the Manager are already kneeling as they fought with all their might to suppress the poison. But the more they tried the more they are suffering.

They are unable to use any spells or attacks as they were caught off-guard by the poison. Before they came to their senses they were completely vulnerable now.

All their prowess and cultivation were useless because they were caught off-guard and they were even being dealt with poison.

Just as the green vapour was being dissipated a bit, a black figure emerged in the room out of nowhere.

Sam walked towards them. The green vapour around him was being rotated around him not allowing the poisonous gas to be inhaled by him.

He is using his wind element to keep himself safe, but that is also not a long term solution.

The manager looked at the black figure, with surprise shock all over the face. Never did he expect that he was being dealt with by a Novice, who is still a kid in his teens.

His expression was completely full of unwillingness.

Sam took out another batch of grenades and threw them directly at the group of people who are still on the stage. Even though they wanted to go out through the door, they weren't able to do so, because of the poison.

After all, the poison is concocted by using ten types of most poisonous level 2 beasts. And the quantity isn't any small amount. He used ten beasts of each type and collected the venom without wasting the single drop. He even used the spirit wine to make it more volatile and merge with the spiritual energy properly to increase its effects.

Even the Great mage is being restrained completely, without much prowess left. Due to it being merged with the spiritual energy, the poison is easily mixing with the spiritual energy and the blood stream, causing the immediate effect.

Sam still stood at the edge of the room and took out some normal swords which have some formations inscribed on their handles.

He took them and pierced them around him one by one and soon five formations are activated around him.

He placed more than thousand spirit stones in the formations and took out the golden crescent.

After his actions were completed, first thing he did was to throw away all the remaining grenades towards the stage. With a series of small explosions, the top five experts inside the room are being in a complete disadvantageous position.

The poison started affecting the skin and it is slowly turning green.

Sam took out three arrows, which are in golden colour. He made these arrows with the remaining fire bronze and the Golden alloy he made. There are more than ten inscriptions on each arrow.

He nocked them all on the bow string of the golden crescent as he started gathering all the spiritual energy that has been directed towards him from the five formations.

He spread all his spiritual energy leaving only miniscule amount and manipulated all the energy around him to the arrows.

Soon, the arrows were surrounded by a huge golden flame.

The manager looked at the Golden flames and knew he would be no match for the attack in his current state. But he wanted to at least take the opponent down with him.

He looked around and saw that all his companions are on the ground frothing from their mouths. He gritted his teeth and concentrated his spiritual energy. He used up all his remaining energy and started concentrating on his attack.

Sam watched the scene and immediately released his arrow. The arrows contacted the manager and he was burning in the golden flames. But before he could die, he released his attack. A huge boulder immediately came out of the ground and flew towards Sam.

Sam clearly have no energy to dodge. He immediately turned around and spread his remaining energy to the feather coat, which immediately turned golden colour.

Sam immediately flew over the with the impact as the boulder smashed into pieces when it hit the wall along with him.

Sam spurted a mouthful of blood as he laid dropped on the floor. Before he lost the consciousness, he felt Yanwu screaming his name and door opening. He felt that Sky dragged him and taking him out of the room before closing it again.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 82

Sam opened his eyes with difficulty. He felt his whole body aching and heavy to even move. He saw the very familiar ceiling of his room. With much difficulty he moved his sore body and sat up as he leaned his body on the head rest.

Suddenly, he remembered something and immediately checked his hands, he saw his ring which has divine dimension attached to it was still there and heaved a sigh of relief. When he peered into the dimension, he saw that ten shadow mice are resting in dark element one with their eyes closed.

They are only safe because, they used their elemental fusion and turned into shadows, which are intangible to have any affects of the poison, but they were full exhausted.

When he checked the surroundings of his room, he saw a few spatial rings that were left on the bed-side table. Before he tried to take a look at them, two birds flew into the room from the window. They are Yanwu and Sky, both of them are in their normal bird forms which are a raven and a falcon.

When they saw that Sam is awake, they immediately landed on the bed and nudged their heads gently in his embrace. Their movements are careful and gentle to not to hurt his wounds.

Sam saw that his feather coat was hung on the hanger. There wasn't much damage done to it. It is almost same as how it was before. Just a few stitches that could be fixed in a few minutes.

If Sam was a bit more powerful, he wouldn't have had this type of injury. Even though the great mage was completely weakened by the potent poison, the last-ditch effort was equal to an attack of a late stage Novice, which is still far away from Sam's level.

If not for his paranoia about the plans the general manager would make, he wouldn't have made an attempt to follow the manager himself along with the shadow mice and his plan wouldn't have been succeeded. His plan was a success mainly because of luck and coincidences.

Sam really took a risk by attempting to strike at the meeting.

When he was in deep thought with the two birds still in his embrace, Jack came into the room.

"You are awake. I am glad you are alright." He said as soon as he saw Sam.

"Thank you. So, how was it? Are you up for the deal I proposed before? This is what I can do and am capable of. The main thing is that from the next time onwards I will be more on passive side and you will be doing the most of the action." Sam said with a smile. He was pretty confident that Jack would agree. After all, he used his tricks and gadgets to take down an organisation with a Great mage as a leader and having hundreds of members under it. The best part is that they weren't caught and the casualties are none.

"It is a deal." Jack said and extended his hand. Sam shook his hand and said.

"Remember, the payment will be the resources that I get from them, all types of meteorite sands are mine."

"Don't worry. You can take all the meteorite sands and even the ninety percent of the remaining resources. The remaining will be mine. How does that sound?" Jack offered.

"Are you sure that you want to get the short end of the stick?" Sam asked with some confusion. Why give him such a big part of the share?

"Well, you are the one doing most of the work anyway. I don't need much resources too, since I am a solo person, but you have to take care of your beasts, right? Take it as me giving you payment for yesterday's matter. After all, you are the one took down the whole organisation. My help isn't much." Jack shrugged and said with a smile.

Sam didn't think of it much and just agreed. "Whatever you say. I will be a fool to not to agree to such a profitable deal. The fortune of a biggest underworld organisation, who am I to refuse?"

"By the way those spatial rings are the ones from yesterdays matter. We took some of them from the organisation's locker room. When I went in and saw, there are mostly only bunch of scrolls, there was a small hidden locker after I examined for quite a while and I found three spatial rings inside. The remaining are from the corpses in the bas.e.m.e.nt. Your mice companions are very capable." Jack said as he pointed at the spatial rings.

There are more than thirty spatial rings on the table. Maybe, the shadow mice took only some of them off the corpses, the rest might have been destroyed or they might have been unable to find out. Sam thought as he picked up the spatial rings one by one.

There are varying amounts of resources in each ring. The spiritual stones varied from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands, for the five rings that belonged to the peak novices and the great mage, they altogether have about two million spirit stones. The rest of them had around three hundred thousand spirit stones.

But the biggest shock came when he checked the last three spatial rings. When Sam saw the contents in the first one, he didn't even react for a while.

The spatial ring was filled to brim with the eye-blinding spirit stones, there was hardly any space left in the storage and at the corner of the space, he found some scrolls.

Sam took them out and looked through the information. The scrolls are the income reports of the Black pond organisation. The information included, how many assignments they took and how much they earned and what is the net profit after paying all the wages of the members in the organisation.

The reports are on the monthly basis and he could see that they were being prepared to submit to the superiors.

There a total of six scrolls, that means the spiritual stones inside are the income of past six months. The total added up to a little over 18 million spirit stones. Sam took a deep breath to calm down.

This Black pond earned almost 3 million every month with both legal and illegal activities combined. Sam felt that even the Count might not earn this much in taxes.

After he came out of his stupor, Sam looked in to another spatial ring. This ring is filled with metals, ores, herbs. This could be said as a huge raw material inventory. These are all the materials that are used to make products such as medicines and weapons.

But one thing in common is that they are all on rare side of the availability in level 2 material category. They are exporting them to their superiors, maybe they have other businesses at other places. This is basically a treasure trove to a Novices and Acolytes.

Sam finally went to the third spatial ring and saw what he wanted to see the most. There are some glass cubes which have a side of at least five inches. The glass cubes are filled with a silver coloured sand like substance. When Sam saw the cubes, he was completely over joyed. Later he noticed that there is a scroll beside the cubes.

He took out a cube and the scroll instantly. First, he opened the scroll and went through the info in it. The info is about how these cubes should be used.

These cubes are from the higher authorities of the Black water. And why are they sent here? They should act as rewards for the members of the organisation who performed meritorious deeds.

Basically, what he understood from the scroll is that the Black water main base will send some meteorite sand to every other branch annually based on their scale of operations. But they cannot be used as they please. They can only use them when they performed a huge meritorious deed which benefits the interests of organisation.

There are around twelve cubes, full of silver colour sand. From the records he knew that the Black pond was established twelve years ago and the boss changed countless times, but not a single one seemed to have contributed something good enough to take some meteorite sand.

But Sam was a bit confused on why the main base is sending the sand annually, they could just send the reward after they confirmed that someone made a contribution, this way, they can even manage the resources better. After all, some places might have people who are contributing more and some places won't have much improvements just like the Black pond in this place.

Sam didn't think much of it and threw the thought to the back of his mind. The most important thing was to think on how to use this meteorite sand to its maximum.

He didn't immediately open the cube, but stored it way along with the other cubes in his storage and then he took out all the spatial rings that are from the members of organisations and passed it to Jack. After that he took the ring which was now emptied of the meteorite sand and transferred more than one million of spirit stones from the spirit stones ring and passed it too.

"This is your share from the Black pond. You can take the first pick on the resources from this ring and pass the rest to me." After that he passed the ring with the materials.

Jack didn't stand on the ceremony and took the rings. Then he left Sam alone to let him take rest.

Sam laid back on his bed and started thinking what to do next. He finished the Black pond matter and he didn't have much to do for the remaining two and a half months.

He thought for a while and set himself some goals.

First one is that he needs to find the most optimum usage of his wind element and let it combine with the fire element.

Second one is that he needs to find a way to use his light element for some attacks, even if they are small scale. Even though they are other ways to attack, he has an uneasy feeling that he didn't find any proper use for this light element to unleash its full potential.

Third one, he needs to train Watt. The kid already broke through to the Acolyte and he has to teach this kid properly and make him use the wind element in a unique way, only he can use. If he doesn't have any ideas, then I will pave a unique way for him.

Fourth one, he has to find an interesting research topic now. He needs to use the resources of this world to make the technology that will cater his needs and comforts.

Final one, he needs to construct a level 3 forge in the second floor of the tower. This will be his portable forge and he could also make his experimental gadgets without worrying of someone seeing him.

But before all of that, he has to make sure that he gets back in shape as soon as possible and attend the dinner in Violet dew family. After all, he agreed to contact Lady Maya after he was done with the business.

But the immediate action is.

Sam took out an empty spatial ring and placed all the scrolls of the info about Black pond organisation, the shadow mice initially gathered in it.

He called one shadow mouse over and said.

"Leave this ring in Count's mansion, somewhere that Count would find out easily." The shadow mouse acknowledged and then left with the ring.

"This will erase all the suspicions on me." Sam muttered and closed his eyes.

In the evening, Count Falcon is looking at the scrolls in his study. The more info he read, the more surprised he became.

The most shocking thing is that there was a letter inside the spatial ring, which said.

{These are the details of the sc.u.m of the society which I eliminated. They are parasites which are leeching off of the commoners. I hope you will take care of the rest.} Under the letter it was signed as Robin hood.

When Count put the letter down, he was a bit confused but he erased all kinds of suspicions on the people he previously had and that included Sam. Because, he can't imagine them being this selfless.

And this is exactly what Sam wanted. He wasn't a person who will be a saviour of the society. And the scale of the organisation is not an ordinary Novice can deal with. So, Sam used the name of Robin hood and an incredibly chivalrous reason to divert his attention of the others.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 83

Sam woke up in the evening and had a hearty dinner and went back to rest. But that night, was sleepless to many people. Because, in the houses of many commoners, a leather pouch appeared out of nowhere with thousands to tens of thousands of spirit stones. The amount varied on how much their lives were affected by the Black pond's illegal activities.

All the commoners who received the leather pouches also received another thing with it and that is a note with words 'Robin Hood'.

Next day, the news went to the high-level officers and even the Count himself. When he learnt of the name on the note Robin Hood, he completely believed the scrolls and the letter that came yesterday. Now, he desperately wanted to meet this guy and recruit him. After all, even though the other party is dealing with the absolute sc.u.m of the society, the higher ups and the people in the ruling, wouldn't just leave it at that.

The main reason is the millions of spirit stones that are in the hands of the underworld organisation. If they let a guy like Robin hood do these things his own way, the money would be his own to deal with. That is millions and millions of spirit stones slipping through their hands. How can they let that be?

And apart from the Count and the officials, there is another person that is thinking of Sam right now. More specifically, that person is thinking about the one who destroyed the Black pond. He is none other than the great mage from the neighbouring city.

He came here from the nearby count city where he is the in charge of the Black pond branch. He came here on request to help in catching the people who are acting against the Black pond. But before he arrived yesterday, the whole Black pond's main members disappeared. The rest of the minor members took as many resources as they can and went into hiding.

He was completely stunned as well as vexed at same time. After all, the Black pond is not a small organisation. It has a foundation of total twelve years and within a few days everything is gone just like that. He immediately abolished all the ideas of finding the culprit and started his journey back.

He must report the issue to the superiors and that too, has to be done as soon as possible. But that much of large-scale communication device is only in his headquarters. So, he immediately left.

The Next day morning, Sam woke up with a fresh mind. His wounds are healed, but his body is still a bit sore and aching. But he felt that he could move normally and proceed with his normal activities.

First thing he did after coming out of the mansion is to go to the Artisan tower to get the forging equipment. He asked them to ship all the equipment to his mansion.

When he came back to the mansion, he found that Watt is just coming back from the hunt along with Falck. They have a huge stag like beast with them. Both of them went to their yards and started a fire on which the flesh of the stag meat was being roasted.

"From tomorrow onwards, your training will begin. Don't think about learning normal spells or attacks. You are a Beast warrior now and you will have an edge over normal warrior mages.

Your every move, which might be physical attacks, spells, defence, anything you will be using in a battle will be obtained on how a beast will obtain.

You don't need to waste your time on hand-seals and stuff. Just like how beast can immediately attack, you can also do that and you will be training until you achieve that.

As for the weapon, you have to think of a weapon for yourselves and decide. Tell, me when you have it decide, then I will make it. But remember, the weapon might be common, but your usage must be unique in your own way."

Watt continuously nodded to show his agreement.

After they had their meal, Sam took out the Communication token and contacted Lady Maya.

# Artisan Sam, have you decided on the dinner? # Maya's voice came as soon as the line connected.

"How about tonight?" Sam asked.

# Fine with me. Then I will be waiting for your arrival. # Maya immediately agreed.

After fixing the time, both of them hung up and Sam went back to his room. He laid on his bed as he started thinking, he is thinking about the research project that he wants to take on.

Time passed slowly, and by evening, Sam is still confused on what type of topic he should research on. The Forging equipment has been delivered to his bas.e.m.e.nt. This time the whole equipment and set up cost him more than 600,000 spirit stones. Even though the amount is vastly high when compared to the previous equipment he got from the bet in Starwood City's Artisan tower, that is due to the fact that this equipment must be able to endure the fire of a Great mage.

Sam went to the bas.e.m.e.nt where the equipment was kept and after making sure that nobody is there, he immediately took them all into the second floor of the tower and went back to his room. He should assemble the equipment and make sure that there are no problems with the equipment.

He was only done fixing everything and finished setting his workshop, just before the sky turned dark. After coming out of the tower, he took a shower and changed into a fresh set of clothes, before he went out of the mansion.

Everyone in the mansion is enjoying their time in the Count city. Sam found out that all of them are also going out tonight to shopping or some other recreational activities.

Sam didn't mind and started making his way to Violet dew Family estate. When he reached the main gate, he was received by an Elder of the Violet dew family. After all, Maya can be polite to Sam, but with her status, she couldn't possibly come to the gate to receive him. it would be short-changing herself.

When Sam was led to the dining hall, there are three people already waiting for him. They are Maya, Jasmine and the Family head of the Violet Dew family.

"Welcome. Artisan Sam." Maya greeted him with a smile as she extended her hand for a handshake.

Sam shook her hand and said with same polite smile. "Thanks for having me Lady Maya. But please call me Sam." Maya nodded and they went to take a seat at the table.

Soon, the dishes are served. They had small talk while eating and by the time the dinner is finished and the fruit juice was served, Maya spoke.

"Sam, today I have called you, not only to make the misunderstandings clear but also to make a deal." When Sam heard this, he couldn't say he didn't expect this. After all, just to clear off some misunderstandings they don't have to go through all the trouble and invite him to dinner with all the hospitality.

"Oh, please do tell Lady Maya. What kind of deal are we talking about?" Sam asked with curiosity.

"I wonder, how much you know about the admission you got from the Marquis academy?" Maya asked without talking about her deal.

"Not much actually."

"Well, I will tell you something then. The Marquis academy is going to start a special branch within it. In this branch they will select all the Elite candidates from the Marquis city and the Elites from various Counties. In which the Falcon Cliff City is also included and now the top ten, of the tournament are also going to be placed inside this branch." Maya started explaining.

"Oh, I really didn't know about it. Thanks for the information. But how is it related to the deal you mentioned?" Sam asked

"Actually, Jasmine also got an admission into this branch from the special quota of the Marquis city's Artisan tower. But there is something that is quite troubling for me about the rules of the branch." Speaking up to this point, she paused and looked at Sam's face which was filled with calmness and no trace of emotions. Then she continued.

"One of the rules of this special branch is that the students will not be in contact with outside world in certain circ.u.mstances and there is also a rule that states that the candidates can only come outside of the academy only when permitted and until then, they have to stay in the academy itself.

So, I have some trouble to send Jasmine to the special branch." When Sam heard this, he was quite surprised. He looked at Jasmine with a scanning gaze. He wasn't able to find anything unusual about her. She seems to be completely normal person. Then Maya continued.

"Jasmine is a special child. Since, her childhood she lacked emotions. She will only interact with me and whoever I tell her to interact with. But the problem is that I won't be able to communicate with her when she is in academy.

You know how the world is. All the noble children are having some designs about her. If I leaver her with them in the academy alone, they might take advantage of her which will cause trouble.

Even though, my status is considered not bad in the Marquis city, the noble families aren't pushovers either. We are at most at the equal standing and within the academy they might even have the higher say.

So, I have trouble leaving her there." Maya finished explaining and Sam finally had an inkling on what the deal is going to be about. Before he could speak Maya continued on saying.

"I want you to take care of Jasmine." When Sam heard this, he shook his head with a smile, this is exactly what he predicted.

"Lady Maya, let me be blunt with you. From what you said, Jasmine is just like a little child with no emotional quotient. If she tags along with me, you don't know how bad my influence can be. I am telling you directly. I am not exactly a kind of person who is suitable to stay with a pure hearted person.

Even if you can still allow that, from what you said, there are many noble children in the special branch who set their eyes on Jasmine and that might not be just because of her looks right, it might have been something to do with her talents and been approved by their Noble families.

If I interfere between this mess, not only would I have to face the noble children, I also have to become an enemy of all those families. Do you think I can cope with it at my current level?"

Sam said as soon as Maya finished speaking.

When Maya heard this, she became instantly silent. Jasmine is just sipping her juice as if the whole topic isn't about her at all. After a long silence and pondering, Maya finally replied.

"Sam, then I will proceed the deal in this way. You don't have to take care of her continuously. Every time, if someone approaches her or tries to become close to her, she will come to you and ask for advice, all you have to do is, to give her suggestions, whether she should talk to them or not. She will listen to whatever you have to say. You only have to involve yourself, if they get heavy handed and try any forceful methods. Are you okay with it?"

This time, it is Sam's turn to be silent. After a brief gap, he asked. "Why are you asking me this?"

"Actually, I didn't have any thoughts of asking you first, but you are the only candidate that is suitable for it. After all, you yourself are a talented person in not only artisanship but also in other professions. You don't have much use for Jasmine's talents. Other than that, you seemed to be a person who isn't attracted to fleshly beauty that easily. Then only I came to this decision."

"Okay, then what is your offer?"

Maya took out a red colour gem and placed it on the table. The red colour gem is small and is only the size of thumb nail of an a.d.u.l.t. Sam took the gem in his hands and took examined it carefully. The gem is filled with fire elemental energy. But the energy is not in a form where one could directly absorb like a spirit stone.

Sam looked at Maya questioningly. The latter replied.

"This is a fiery ruby. This is mainly used by Jeweller artisans and tailor artisans to implement on their products. This not only serves the purpose of aesthetics, but also can be used as an emergency spiritual energy from the user.

As you can see, the energy in the ruby can't be used for cultivation, but the energy can be used to enhance the attack or defence. The wearer can use the energy directly without absorbing it. I will give you 50,000 of these"

When Sam heard the explanation, he was surprised, but when he heard the number, he was immediately stunned. The number is too high. But the thing is Sam doesn't need these rubies in the battle, because, he can use the spiritual energy around him to enhance his attack, but he has some ideas on how to use them for business purposes, if he can use them properly, maybe he can make a small fortune.

"Deal." He immediately agreed.

Maya beamed with a smile with satisfaction. Jasmine didn't show any expression.

"In this ring there are ten thousand rubies, I will pay the remaining in instalments." Sam didn't have many objections and agreed. After confirming the transaction, Sam left the Violet dew estate and walked back to the mansion. But when he entered the isolated area around the mansion, Sam felt something amiss.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 84

Sam looked around. He noticed some presence but he wasn't able to pin point what it is. He tried to ignore it and move on and just when he took a step forward.

*Swoosh* an arrow flew over and almost hit him on his face. Sam dodged it narrowly and immediately took out the Golden Crescent and turned on the bow mode. He aimed the bow as he nocked the arrow, in the direction the arrow came.

Just as he was about to release the arrow, he sensed some danger. He immediately shot the arrow and ducked.


A spear flew over the place where his head was before when he was in standing position. The spear pierced through the tree in a distance away from him.

Before he could make sense of the situation, a fire ball came from behind. Sam did his best to dodge and then he was in a situation where he has to dodge continuously.

All type of spells, and cold weapons flew over to him. Sam shot some arrows in retaliation and one of them actually stuck a person.

"AHHHHHHHHHH.." He heard a scream from a spot and he locked the position. He took out arrows one after another and shot at the same spot.

"AHHHHH…" He heard another scream, and by the end of the scream it became less and quite as if the person has fainted. And this made all the attacks stopped.

Sam stood there with the golden crescent in his hands and looked around. His face is calm and collected. Until now, from the attacks he dodged, he knew that there are a lot of people who are attacking. If not for his survival instinct and his cultivation of spirit and soul, he wouldn't have been able to dodge them at all.

The things he deduced from the ambush are that, they are more than 10 people, more than half of them have higher cultivation than him, they aren't experienced in this. But there is one thing he wants to know. Who?

Who is the one making a move on him and what motive they had? He went through the people who might have motives. Some names popped up.

Might be someone from black water.

Eisen's family.

Jessie's father.

Even though he has some other enemies, he has some closure with those disputes.

Then he thought of the possibilities of being one of the three making this attack.

Black water, the lack of experience and expertise in the ambush isn't something people from black water will have. The Black water is the biggest underground organisation and they will at least have some expertise in doing ambush. So, they can be eliminated.

Jessie's father, that man might not want to offend Maya again with this action and if this failed it would be counted as more than an offence. There is a very small chance and it is almost negligible.

Eisen's family, they don't have enough power to mobilize this many people in Falcon Cliff city.

This made him even more confused as he can't think of any enemies, he made who will attack in this situation.

All these thoughts went through his mind in a few seconds. Then he heard a voice from a distance.

"No wonder, you got the first rank. You have some skills." The voice was filled with confidence and superiority.

Sam didn't reply. He is looking for the voice. He could sense that he is around, but the other party was almost out of his range. He could only faintly sense the other party's location.

He turned towards that direction and nocked an arrow. But this arrow is a ranked arrow. Even though it is only rank one arrow, it will still hurt. Sam started concentrating and the arrow immediately glowed with golden light. At the tip of the arrow there is a golden fire ball forming.

Before the other party could, react, Sam shot the arrow. A golden ray flashed through the air. The arrow missed the target but the other party got caught in the blast.

"You have balls. But do you think that you can get past us now. You are surrounded by twenty people and all of us have higher cultivation than you. Let us see who will win." The same voice came but this time it is a little bit trembling and shaky.

As soon as the other party finished saying, Sam felt many people running towards him. Before he knew it, there are almost ten people with all sorts of cold weapons and at the same time the ranged spells are coming.

Sam immediately became tensed. There are all attacks coming from all sides. Sam stored away the golden crescent and took out his claws. Even though these claws are temporary, the material of the claws are of the Golden Blood tiger.

He immediately ran towards the city. There is almost no possibility of winning, so he thought of an idea. Sam immediately ran towards the City.

And the warriors who are coming towards him happened to be on the same direction. Sam took his attack poster, he showed the claws towards them like a tiger, he pounced towards the group.

When he landed, he immediately caught one person's leg and tore away a piece of flesh.

"AHHHHH…" The guy immediately screamed. Sam didn't stop and got on his all fours. He looked at the team like a beast. He is after all, fully pissed off. But Sam, didn't have any hopes of winning and he knew it. He just healed himself but he is not his top condition and even if he was in his top shape, he would have very minute chance of escaping without much damage.

And now, he has to deal with this bunch.

Even the group was stunned. They didn't expect that this person would take this kind of posture and they immediately got confused.

Sam looked at a guy who is a little bit separated from the group and pounced on him like any beast would do. The other guy isn't prepared and swung his sabre at him.

Sam dodged it and twisted his body in the air. He used his dexterity and agility to its maximum and when he landed on the guy, he locked the other guy's hip and swung his arms. He tore through the arm and his claws dug in that person's chest.

But the other person who is obviously stronger than Sam, kicked him away and tried to stand up. The deep claw on the chest started bleeding profusely.

Sam landed on his fours again and looked at the group. The other guys came out of stupor and looked at him in a weird way. They are confused and surprised at the same time. They never saw anyone move in this way.

Just when they were about to attack, Sam swung his claws in the air and wind blades flew towards them.

With that attack, Sam decisively turned around and started running, but the run is a little bit weird because, he is running on his all fours. He is running like a cheetah.

Even though he can attack them with other elements and attacks, his main aim isn't fighting them but to escape into the city. He needs to attract the attention of the city guards. From the past incident the city guards are really on high alert.

Sam ran very fast when he is on all fours. This is a type of movement technique he made himself in his past life. Even though it will help him move faster it will consume his stamina heavily.

When Sam was a distance away from entering the core of the region, a fire ball came and hit him squarely on his back. Even though the attack was mostly reduced by his coat, it disrupted his rhythm and slipped. He rolled over the ground and laid down. Then before he knew it, a sword came and made a slash on his chest.

Sam gritted his teeth in pain and contracted his chest muscles to sustain the blood loss. But he didn't scream. He just looked at the guys who are nearing him with hatred and coldness.

When he tried to pick himself up, a water sphere hit him on the chest where the sword slash was. The bleeding increased.

Next the barrage of attacks came as tried to move. But none of the attacks are fatal. The cold weapons, weren't able to make a damage through the feather coat and they concentrated their attacks on his chest and legs.

Sam gritted his teeth and used all his energy to launch a fire ball into the air. All the city guards were alerted and immediately came running over. The group didn't realise what Sam did and just thought that Sam missed the shot.

By the time they realized it, they were all surrounded by more than forty city guards in which more than half of them are in late stage Novice.

The group stopped attacking and Sam just laid on the floor silently. He bled from the wounds and scars but he never let out even a whimper of pain out of his mouth.

"Do you guys think you can arrest me? Do you even know who I am?" The person who talked to Sam previously spoke again. The City guards didn't even speak when a majestic voice came from a far.

"Zeke maverick. The Eldest son of the Marquis Blue flame. May I know why you are here?" When the City guards heard this voice, they felt surprised and nervous at the same time. They knew that son of the Marquis is not a person who some small fries like them could deal with.

But they also felt relieved, because they didn't do anything rashly.

"Count Falcon. You are here. I am just testing out the candidates who are selected to the special branch of the academy."

When Sam heard this, he finally felt at ease. He is thinking if the target was truly from his previous enemies. But after a moment of ease, anger and hatred came over. These bunch of assholes who are at least at Level 3 Novice ganged up on him and now they are telling him that they are testing. He felt like tearing them into pieces.

Sam slowly made himself stand up and looked at the group with cold eyes. Even though he was burning inside, he didn't show it outside. His face became completely cold. He stored his claws away and is now just looking at the group of people to etch their faces in his mind.

"Testing? Seems like your testing standards too high to think that you will use twenty Novices with higher cultivations to attack him in an ambush." Count Falcon spoke with sarcasm. He is definitely not happy that someone is causing this much ruckus in his territory.

"Well, it is just so-so." Zeke said nonchalantly as if it is only normal.

"I think we should discuss the rest of the details in my mansion." Count said as he gestured to the group. Then he turned towards Sam and said.

"I think it is better if you also come." Sam nodded and followed him. On the way he started healing himself slowly with his remaining miniscule amount of energy. When he reached the Count mansion, he was led to a meeting room which is a bit larger than the previous one he met with Count.

Inside, the room there are already people waiting and all of them are familiar to him. They are the weird trio, hawk, Kelly, Drew, Philip, Ray and Drew. All the people from the top 10 rankings of the tournament. He also noticed something else. Except Hawk and Kelly, the rest of them are all injured.

Their faces are paled and weak. When they saw Sam, they didn't seem surprised at all.

Count took the head seat of the long table while the rankers sat on one side. The group of attackers sat on the other side and the people who don't have a seat are standing.

Zeke sat in the nearest seat to the Count and his face was full of superiority.

Sam just tended to his wounds without caring about the meeting.

"Zeke, maybe you could say why you attacked all my top ten rankers of my City?" Count asked with a cold look.

Zeke smiled mockingly as he eyed the ten people and said. "I am just testing the country bumpkins whether they are eligible for the special privileged branch that was going to start. But from the looks of it, they don't seem that much. They might as well withdraw, lest they embarrass themselves."