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Count frowned in displeasure and the candidates didn't seem to be in best of their moods after they heard that.

"Last time I checked that seemed to be my job. Marquis himself has assigned me this job. Now, why would you interfere in this?" Count asked with an even colder tone.

Just before Zeke was about to reply, a voice came from the door.

"Because, he didn't get a place in the special branch from the Marquis city quota and he is here to snatch a place from our city. Isn't it right? Zeke."

Sam looked at the familiar lady who walked into the room. It is none other than Maya.

Zeke's face immediately turned ugly and rest of the group also has same expressions.

"Zeke, I wonder how your father will feel after what you are doing? First, you aren't competent enough to make it into the quota and now you are ganging up with numbers against the people who has lower cultivations than you. He will be severely disappointed, won't he?" Maya took a seat at the end of the table and spoke.

"Artisan Maya, what are you doing here?" Zeke asked in a cold tone. His sense of superiority was completely gone. Sam looked at him and gave a mocking smile.

But his eyes are cold and shone with a ruthless light. Count and Maya also noticed this and for some unknown reason they felt that Zeke would remember this day and regret it for the rest of his life.

"Well, this is my birth place. It is not weird for me to be here. But, the esteemed eldest son of the Marquis is here with his lackeys, that is a bit weird isn't it?" She answered in a sarcastic and mocking tone.

The rest of the people following Zeke all had ugly expression when Maya scanned her gaze over them. Zeke didn't know what to say and finally gave up on explaining and stood up. He wants to leave the place immediately.

"Count Falcon. Thanks for your hospitality, but I have to leave now." He didn't even have time to think to come up with an excuse as he stood up and walked towards the door. But before he opened the door, someone called from behind.

"Wait." Zeke turned around and looked at Drew who stood up and started walking towards the group. He went face to face with Zeke and asked.

"Leave your names before you go. That would make it easier for me when I visit the Marquis city."

Drew's gaze was sharp and collected when he said this. He is fully pissed off. These days he is already vexed about the fact that Jack is a better swordsman than him and now a bunch of people turns up randomly and beats the shit out of him by ganging up on him. He is really pissed and if he didn't take his revenge he might as well stop cultivating.

"Hahahaha.." The room is filled with laughter. Zeke and his lackeys are laughing uncontrollably. The Zeke said.

"You can come and find me. The rest of them will be with me. If you can take me on, they won't be a problem anyway." Then he left without even turning back. Drew is even more frustrated. When they were gone, Maya stood up and said.

"You guys don't mind this. One day you will be surpassing him and you can take him down at that time. The Marquis is a reasonable man and he won't make a fuss if you beat him fair and square.

Even though she is trying to make them feel better, that didn't help much. Maya sighed and looked at Sam and she felt a bit startled.

Sam's expression is a bit menacing right now and the rest of the candidates are too busy with themselves to notice but the Count noticed this.

Sam's eyes are glowing with a cruel light. He is like a predator who is out for blood. His expression even gave them chills.

Jack and Philip turned towards Sam to see what are his thoughts about this, when they looked at his expression they unconsciously gulped.

"What is wrong with him?" By this time Kelly also noticed this and asked Philip who is near him. Now, all the people are looking at Sam. Even the weird trio are concentrating on him.

Jack shook his head and said. "You should either kill the wounded beast or ignore it. But it you play or make fun of it when it is down, other wise its recovery will be your biggest regret."

All of them are confused but Hawk, Philip and the weird trio understood vaguely and they have only one thought in their minds. 'Beast has locked its prey.'

But the person who is in the centre of attention didn't notice them or rather didn't bother to notice them and walked back to his mansion.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 85

Sam came back to his mansion and changed from the dress which is full of blood stains and tears.

But he didn't throw them away, instead he folded them neatly and stored them inside a spatial ring. He laid down on the bed and went into deep sleep.

At the same time far away from the mansion, somewhere in the northern region. The weird trio sat together in a meeting.

"Did you feel that? Or is it just me?" Yaar asked the remaining two.

"I felt that too."

"Me too."

The remaining two answered.

"Why is that guy's blood l.u.s.t so high? I only felt that from our uncle."

"Yeah, it gave me chills. I thought we are already wild and fierce enough with the amount of our killings. Just how many lives did he take to reach that level." Yash said in a low tone.

"Maybe we should talk to Uncle about our plans on him. "

"I agree."

"Let us do that."

Next day. Sam woke up even before the sun rose.

He ate some breakfast and went over to Watt's room.

"From today onwards, we are going to train together. You might not know, but now I can also use the wind element, but I don't have much practice with it. From today onwards, everyday we will be practicing together and master the wind element to use it in the most optimum way."

Watt nodded without saying anything.

"Then, prepare. We will be leaving to the nearby woods in a while."

An hour later, Sam and Watt came to the nearby woods and they settled at a place where there is enough empty place without any trees.

Falck, Sky and Yanwu are also there and the three of them went into the deeper part of the woods, to hunt.

Sam and Watt stood in front of each other.

"Since you made a contract with Falck, you are a Beast warrior which in some sense are a warrior mage. But you have some inherent difference with a normal warrior mage that is your body's strength doesn't depend on the cultivation process, rather it will depend on the beast you contracted with. So, your body is as strong as Falck's body.

You and Falck are now one. Both of you will grow together and become stronger together.

Now, we are going to train to achieve how to use the spiritual energy just like how a beast does. We will not waste our time on hand seals and chants. In a battle one second is all it takes for your life to leave.

So, we have to master the direct casting of a spell and in this way to you can control the scale, size and the range of the attack all by yourself.

For that we need an absolute control over our body as well as the spiritual energy. Now, look carefully." Sam explained and stretched out his hand. At the end of his hand a small golden flame emerged and Sam started controlling it.

The golden flame turned into the shape of a rabbit, then a pigeon, then a bear, a deer and finally it even changed into a human silhouette.

After that the flame disappeared.

"Your control over your spiritual energy must reach a level, where you could do all the things I did. You have to gain the skills to gain absolute control over your ability."

And if you still can't believe it and wants to know why you should do it. I can show you an example. DO you want to try?" Sam asked.

Watt contemplated for a second before saying. "It is not that I don't believe in you. But I still want to know at what scale the advantage of this free control of the spiritual energy will bring me."

Sam smiled at the answer and said. "Okay, then I will show you. Turn backwards." When Watt turned, Sam walked over and stood beside him before saying.

"I will limit myself to the Level 1 Acolyte. Do you see the two trees over there? You will attack one tree and I will attack another one. We both will see, who did it faster and in a most efficient way. You will cast the wind blade spell or any other spell which you have most confidence in."

Sam said as he pointed at a pair of trees in a distance away from them. Both of them went into positions.


As soon as Sam said these words, Jack immediately started making hand seals. His speed is so fast that only after images of his fingers could be seen. When he was about to make the final hand seal, he heard a loud sound of crashing and when he saw in the direction, he saw Sam's tree already crashed down on the ground. Even before he could cast the spell, the other party was already done with the task.

"That is the amount difference you will have." Sam said and stood facing Watt.

"Now, your training will start. You will stand here and use your wind elemental spiritual energy. You will use the smallest amount possible and try to control it. You wouldn't use any hand seals. You will have to control the spread of the energy as well as how it travels in your body to get the desired effects.

The first part of the training is that you have to condense the energy in your palm. You not only have to condense the energy you also have to be able to decide the amount of concentration of energy. When you are finally able to control the concentration of the condensed wind, your first phase of training will be over."

Sam explained everything and left the place. He stood a bit far away from Watt and he too is practicing the condensation of the wind elemental energy. Even though he had experience with using fire elemental energy, it is still a bit difficult. But his spiritual core trait made it easy for him.

By afternoon, Sam already made a lot of progress in controlling the condensation of energy. But Watt isn't in the same situation.

He isn't able to do it at all. All these hours he almost had no progress. All he was able to do was to condense energy in his palm. Any more that is still nigh impossible.

Yanwu along with Sky and Falck are responsible for the lunch. After the meal both Sam and Watt, again went back to practice.

They practiced until evening. Then they went back to the Mansion.

As soon as they arrived, Sam entered his study and then the divine dimension. Now it is time for his research.

He entered the second floor of the tower and took out a normal spirit stone and another spirit stone which is devoid of energy. This is the spirit stone which is used up of all its energy.

Sam started his observation on the normal spirit stone. All he could feel was, the vast amount spiritual energy particles. The spirit stone is the example for Active and stable state of spiritual energy.

Sam increased his concentration and kept on observing the spirit stone in greater detail. Then only he found out something interesting.

The spiritual stone has a small spherical core which is very minute in size at its centre. This small core has some network lines extended from it all over the spirit stone. These lines were just like veins in the body. But instead of the blood, the energy is being transmitted all over the spirit stone.

The network lines are numerous, there are hundreds of these small lines if not thousands. Over the surface of the stone, he noticed that some energy lines came to the end and the spiritual energy is leaking slowly. But the amount is so minute that it will take decades to empty this single stone and that too if the stone didn't absorb the energy from the atmosphere to fill it back.

Then Sam started observing the used spirit stone. In this he discovered something. The core of the stone is still intact, but the energy network lines seemed to be destroyed. The used spirit stone has the network lines which seemed to be torn away forcefully. The stone seemed to be full of holes and he could clearly see the energy that is being collected towards the core immediately drain away.

Sam increased his concentration on the used-up spirit stone and just like he did to metals, he immediately collapsed the structure. A small amount of powder was left in his palm. In the middle of the powder, Sam found out the core which is in the size of small mustard seed.

He again diverted his attention to the normal spirit stone and suddenly an idea came to his mind. He increased his concentration and when he locked his energy on the bondage of the grains in the spirit stone structure, he slowly disrupted it.

Then something unexpected happened. The spiritual energy which is flowing through the energy channels and the core of the stone, immediately lost the channel to transmit but still felt attracted to the core and approached it in a rapid pace.

Sam felt the spiritual energy in the stone become extremely unstable. He immediately threw the stone far away and.


An explosion happened in the air while the stone is still travelling. When Sam went towards the explosion zone, he felt the spiritual energy in the area was completely unstable and is in excited state. The spiritual energy is in a state of turmoil and completely unsuitable for absorption.

He felt that he was extremely lucky to have escaped the situation. If the stone exploded with in his own hands, he might even have received a severe damage, because his body is also a vessel of spiritual energy and his whole body will also be in turmoil which may even lead to his death.

Sam didn't dare to do the same experiment soon and went back to the powder he obtained from the used-up spirit stone.

When he observed the powder, he didn't feel any properties from it. He felt that it is neither fine nor coarse, it is neither hard nor soft. He didn't even know if it has any weight.

He placed the powder in the smallest cauldron he has and started heating it up. But no matter how much he increased the heat, the powder didn't melt, but it turned into a bit red in colour. Sam felt that the colour was a bit familiar and he thought about it.

After a long while of thinking, he remembered what it is and finally, took out a used-up fire elemental spirit stone.

The stone is also transparent with slight red shade and when he turned it into the powdered state, he understood what happened. The powder in the cauldron is also same as the one in his hand. After sometime, the powder in the cauldron turned back into its previous form without any colour.

All he knew from this is that he can not treat this powder just like he treated metals. And all he got is the fire- resistant property of this powder.

Sam then took out mustard seed sized core. He sat down cross-legged and started injecting the spiritual energy in its neutral form. After a while, the core started glowing. But as soon as he stopped the injection, all the energy immediately came out and the core returned to normal.

Sam heaved a sigh at this.

This is something within his expectations.

He again started injecting but this time, when stopping it, he carefully observed the process and he clearly saw the body of the core releasing the energy as if it was a holed strainer. The energy flowed like water out of it.

Then he understood how the spirit stone sustains.

Basically, after the condensed energy formed in the shape of the core, the energy veins in the stone will form the structure.

The core will be acting as the reservoir as well as junction of all the veins in the stone and it acts just like a human heart.

Just like how a human heart which sustains while pumping the blood to various organs, the core of the stone also circulates the energy in loops with it as a junction and some loops have some alternate branches which will deviate the energy to the external atmosphere.

When someone absorbs the energy from the core from these deviated veins, the heavy flow will tear off the veins and the spirit stone will eventually be used-up and destroyed.

Sam looked at the core and the powder with a look of interest in his eyes.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 86

Sam only had one thing on his mind now. He needs to find a way to use this powder to construct something back. He has a new idea and he could think of many possibilities from it.

But no matter how he tried, he wasn't able to think of a way to make it.

After countless failures, Sam went to the huge cauldron and took out some metals from storage. Since, he wasn't able to do something with the powder, he doesn't want to waste his time and diverted his attention to do something else.

He took out the last remaining bit of the fire bronze. This included the scraps he got from the sheet metal after the circles are cut out of it. He took out the purple gold.

He turned everything into powders and threw them into the cauldron.

He is finally doing something to his two panthers. Actually, he had this intention since they were attacked but he became busy later and wasn't able to find time to make them. Now that he has time to do, he is doing it.

He also has to test out his new equipment.

Sam started his forging and that went on for more than twenty hours inside the tower. He did it with all his heart. Even though he wasn't able to find a rare material, he made use of the best level 2 materials, to make a temporary armour for the two panthers.

When he looked at the final product, he couldn't help but feel satisfied.

Sam didn't make a metallic armour, instead just like how he made a coat with Black Meteorite sand by using the thread of the Heaven spirit silk moth, he made a fabric again, but the materials are different and a bit lighter.

Panthers are a type of beasts which are mostly dependent on their speed and agility to fight and if he made a bulky armour, it might impede their movements at joints.

So, what Sam made is a cloth which covered the limbs as well as the upper side of the body. He made a helmet made of metal, which covers the upper part of the head above the nose.

The ears and eyes aren't covered by the helmet. It is mostly a cover for the upper part of the head and the nape.

The fiery rubies are placed along the fabric of the cloth armour. They are placed in random positions and doesn't have any specific shape. Even though, it didn't look bad, the positioning of the rubies didn't make any sense.

But not everyone can discover they are fiery rubies. From how exquisite and extravagant the fabric was, they might even think that the rubies are just there for decoration.

The fabric is of golden-red in colour. It just looked like a golden cloth but there is a reddish hue to them.

On the top of the armour along the spine, the names are embroidered. Even though, Sam can recognise the two panthers individually, it is not same for others. So, now that he has given them names, they shouldn't be wrongly identified.

Since both of them are male, Sam named them Nero and Zenith.

The embroidery was done with red coloured thread made of the fire bronze. Even though, the name was embroidered on the spine, they weren't made in big letters. Rather, they were in a medium -sized letters and were given some space to occupy a long area.

The cloth armour on top of the body doesn't cover the body entirely. It covered the heart and is a bit large on the head side and it became narrow on the hind side.

After Sam was done, he called the panthers and carefully made them wear the armour. Even though, it is made by a special cloth it is basically metallic threads, so he made sure that he added enough cloth lining inside to not to hurt the panthers.

"From today onwards, you are Nero and you are Zenith."

Sam said as he patted their heads. They nodded their heads in joy and rubbed their heads on Sam's chest.

After that was done, Sam went back to do some more experiments on the spirit stone powder after a series of unsuccessful attempts, he gave up for now and went back to his room to rest.

The next day, Sam and Watt went to train in the woods again. Even though, he could take Watt to the tower and train along with him, he still can't trust Watt enough to let him know one of his biggest secrets.

Sam felt his progress is much faster than expected. By noon, he was able to manipulate the condensed wind as he liked.

Watt also had some progress but it is still far from the progress Sam had made.

After lunch, Sam stood near a tree and closed his eyes. He concentrated to the limit as he observed the air surrounding the tree.

Sam is trying to find a way to separate the gases. The most difficult part of it all is to identify the gases. If he achieved that with his manipulation ability it is very easy for him to separate them, but he wasn't able to identify the gases in his previous attempts.

Now, he is near the tree because, he wants to identify the oxygen. As tree releases the oxygen gas after the photosynthesis.

Sam is carefully observing the air around him. He could obviously feel the difference between the air in the open space and right under the tree.

But he wasn't able to completely distinguish it. After more than two hours of trails, both of them returned to the mansion where Sam went on to do his experiments inside the tower.

The next few days, this became his daily routine. He trained and went on with his experiments.

After more than ten days, Watt had his first phase of training complete. He was able to freely control the condensed wind as he pleased.

"Now, you can manipulate the wind also control the amount of energy you want use, the next phase is that you have to efficiently use the amount of energy you can control.

Did you see that tree? You have to attack the leaves, but the thing is you have to cut only one leaf out of it. If you cut more than one leaf or any damage to the tree you are failed.

You have to cut only one leaf with your attack."

Watt was initially full of confidence as soon as he heard Sam's requirement, but when he tried, he was utterly disappointed. No matter how small the amount of energy he used, he wasn't able to cut only one leaf.

Every time the attack landed, after the leaf was cut, the wind blade still went on and cut other leaves or land on the trunk or branches.

After some time, he became completely frustrated and in a fit, he failed to control his energy and the tree collapsed.

Sam walked over to stand beside him. Watt asked.

"Is it really possible to control to such extent? Even if it is what is the use of it? After all, the powerful the attack is the more damage I can do to the opponent, it will be easier to defeat him, right?"

Sam chuckled. Instead of replying he asked his own question. "Do you really think, that the power is everything in an attack?"

"Isn't it?"

"No. Actually, it couldn't be more wrong."

"How can that be? If the power is high enough wouldn't all other tricks be meaningless."

"Haha. You yourself said it. that is true but there is a big IF in it. If you are really powerful enough, you can really ignore all the other tricks and before you become powerful enough you have to make use of the tricks you need to take down your opponent."

Speaking up to this point, Sam waved his hand and a small breeze flew past them and a single leaf fell from the tree and landed in Watt's hand.

"Imagine the stem of the leave as a vein at the throat of your opponent. Before he knew it, he would already be dead.

Remember this Watt, you can use whatever trick you want to use. That doesn't have to be showy, classy with some cool sounding names. After all, you are not training to become a showman and entertain the audience.

You are training to fight and you are training to kill.

The best move isn't the one whose power is highest but the one which kills the fastest."

"But what do you do if your opponent is too strong to fall for these small attacks?" Watt asked.

Then Sam turned around and walked away. He looked at the other tree, in front of him and controlled the wind. A breeze flew again but this time, the tree was cut in the middle.

"If that is what you are really worried about, think about it this way. Every time in a battle, the preference has to given to whatever that is you need to do. And you only need a small knife to kill a chicken and a machete to kill a goat and a sword to slaughter a lion.

So, if you didn't think that way and use a sword strike to slaughter a chicken, you would be giving preference to what you want than what you need, which can be very fatal. You think over it."

Sam left Watt alone and went back to the mansion.

Today he is going to take a look at the silver coloured meteorite sand he got from the Black pond.

He entered the tower and took out a cube of sand. He opened the cubic box and took a handful of sand.

He looked at the grains of the sand and compared it with a handful of black meteorite sand, that was left over from making the coat.

Compared to the black meteorite sand, the silver coloured Sand is lighter. After checking it thoroughly and making some more comparisons, he finally came to a conclusion. This sand is really called the Silver meteorite sand.

But wasn't it obvious by its colour? Yes, but the thing is there are two other meteorite sands which are in similar colour as this sand in his hands. That is why, Sam was able to identify the black meteorite sand with a single glance and he wasn't able to conclude about the meteorite sand without some comparisons.

When he looked at the sand again, he didn't know what to think. Because, the silver meteorite sand is one of the lightest in all of the meteorite sands. The products made of this are also lightest to the extent that the user will feel uncomfortable to carry it. They might not even notice whether it stayed in the hand or not.

This metal is just like an aluminium alloy used in manufacture of aircrafts.

But it is stronger and also a bit more flexible than that.

When he saw the amount of metal he had in his hands, he suddenly felt depressed. He suddenly wants more this metal. He has many ideas to use a light weight and strong products on, but this limited amount of metal is making him feel a little down.

He came out of his depressing state very quickly and started brain storming on how to use this metal. After a fruitless hour, he finally let it go and went back to the powder of the spirit stone.

He took the powder in his hands and thought for something, before he used most direct of the approaches, and that is to inject a large amount of spiritual energy directly which surprisingly gave him a result.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 87

Sam observed the spirit stone powder in his hands while injecting the high amounts of spiritual energy.

After a few seconds, he felt the powder grains started forming bonds again and an irregular solid structure formed in his hand.

Sam was completely astonished as he stopped his spiritual energy and looked at the solid structure.

The structure is completely irregular and it isn't even like a crystal when it was in its initial used up spirit stone form.

While he was observing the structure, suddenly it collapsed again and turned back to its powder form. He didn't understand the reason at all and continuously conducted the experiments.

He tried to use the core of the stone along with it and he tried to make the structure better by controlling the powder neatly and he discovered something new.

His control over moulding the spirit stone powder is just like his control over moulding the spiritual energy. He was able to make all kinds of shapes with enough concentration.

With this, he used the core and started building the structure just like a normal spirit stone but he didn't create any energy veins and injected his spiritual energy into the core.

But the result was same as before, it only sustained for a few seconds and collapsed.

Sam finally felt that he has an inkling to get this working, that is not because he got new ideas but rather, he found that there is something that he missed and that is making the energy channels.

He sat down and completely focused his attention and started making the structure again, but this time he didn't make exactly like a spirit stone and he did the whole process he continuously injected the spiritual energy to keep on solidifying it as fast as possible.

Because, the energy veins might collapse if he delays it. Sam started the process and kept going on. After the construction is complete, he injected the spiritual energy.

This time the structure did sustain for some more time, but it still collapsed in the end.

Sam stayed in the tower for more than twenty days inside the tower and outside two days has passed.

He conducted the experiments on and off to know how to make something out of it and he wasn't able to make much progress.

Outside, Watt is still in the process of improving himself to pass the second phase of training. These two days, he stayed in the woods continuously training and his cultivation is also improving due to this. He is on verge of making a breakthrough to the level 2 Acolyte.

But the ability to control his attack properly is still far away. He wanted to ask Sam for some tips but the latter didn't even come out of his room for the past two days. So, he is thinking of ways to himself while waiting for him.

Watt isn't the only person who is thinking about Sam. There are some more people who are curious about him and they are none other than Jack, Philip and Kelly. Even Hawk was a bit curious. Out of four people Jack and Philip were even more anxious.

Because, they both know how vengeful Sam can get and they didn't think that was the most of it. When they thought of the menacing expression he gave on that day and the ways he used to take revenge on his enemies, they were thinking what the other party is going to do to the people from the Marquis city.

Jack is in his room; he is meditating with the black meteorite sword in his hands. These days he is spending most of his time with his sword. He wants to build a relation with his sword and make it nurture its spirit.

A weapon with a spirit is a lot more powerful than normal weapons of the same rank.

Philip knocked the door and entered before asking.

"Should we go in and take a look?"

"I think it is better if we don't. If we disturb what he is doing, we might have to bear the brunt of his rage. You do know how horrible it can get right?" Jack immediately declined.

"I guess you are right. But what do you think he is doing?" Philip also thought that and said.

This time Jack didn't reply and just shrugged. But he was also curious to know what Sam is working on. Because, he clearly knew what Sam is capable of creating. His poison liquor grenades are so useful in sneak attacks that he was able to take down a Great mage and four Peak level Novices along with a bunch of other Novices all by himself.

Even though, he used the shadow mice, they are his pets and technically it is also his battle prowess.

Kelly is also waiting for Sam to come out. She is lucky that night because she is spending her time at her uncle's place and Hawk is with his father. Otherwise, who knows what Zeke might have done.

While all the people are waiting for Sam to come out, the said person is busy inside the tower.

Days passed outside and more than ten days went on. Watt is still trying.

Sam is sitting cross-legged inside the tower and he is looking at the formation he made in front of him. There is a book in his hands and there are more than three books similar to this beside him.

Sam took out the brush and wrote in the open book in his hands.

[ Experiment number 256 – Energy Cell

Structural arrangement of the spirit stone powder and energy cores model number 120

Creating the crystal structure – success

Placement of the stone cores – success

Creation of the Energy veins for internal circulation – success

Creation of the Energy veins to the atmosphere – success

Injection of energy – success

Formation set up – success

Self-sustained time – forty-eight days and still counting.]

Sam was finally able to get something out of this.

His first success was when he was able to make the created structure self-sustaining just like a spirit stone at his 100th experiment. Until then what ever he did was a failure.

The method is actually simple, but it is more time consuming.

After Sam made the structure, all he has to do was to inject the spirit stone completely and make a formation of spiritual energy. This formation continuously directs the spiritual energy to the structure and make it crystallize.

This process is almost automatic, the stone will only crystallize only after the long- term exposure of spiritual energy.

After the initial success, Sam got greedy. Even though the spiritual energy to create a structure is more time consuming and the energy required is slightly a little higher, there is a very big advantage in this.

He can make the energy veins which deviate the energy outside to the atmosphere. And he can control the output of the energy as he wished. This might not be useful if it is made of normal neutral spirit stones, but if he made use of the elemental stones and particularly with the elements he can control and have access to, he can have many uses.

And one of the uses, he got is from his 120th experiment.

In that experiment he made a crystal structure with the wind element stones. He used a single core and made a normal structure which is almost in same size of the spirit stone.

When he directed the energy out of the veins and converted it to the wind, and when he tried to manipulate the wind flow, pressure, and speed, he was surprised so much that he immediately got an idea and the Silver meteorite sand in his hands is suitable for it.

That is the reason he kept on conducting the experiments and the crystal structure he is testing now has more than ten cores. It is in the shape of an ice hockey puck. But the size is slightly different.

It is also a bit concave in nature. It is more like a section of a hemisphere. And it is also made of the wind element one. If this one succeeds, his idea will success mostly.

Sam named this energy crystal structures as energy cells and he is going to use them just like battery cells. They can be used and reused. And that is one of the most important features needed for his next project.

After another two days, the test on the cell is completed and he took it out to inspect it. After confirming that everything is alright with it, Sam wrote a big success on the notebook and closed it.

He immediately got to work to create another in shell in same size. This is the last cell required for the next project. After this one the other requirement for the project is to just make the forging of the metal. If he succeeds in this project, Sam not only would have a transport gadget in the streets and he didn't have to walk.

Yes, the main concern is always to satisfy his vanity. He is tired of walking inside the city and streets. This made him sick and frustrated.

The second thing is he can also use it as a weapon in a group battle and hunts.

So, he is pretty much excited to finish this. And after this is finished, he has to start his journey ahead of the team. He has to go to the Marquis city as soon as possible. After all, if the debt isn't collected in time the interest he wants to collect will be more and if his new found friends see him like that, they will not dare to stay near him.

They would even feel his legs shaking when they stood near him. Even though, he was pretty much a loner in his previous life, he wants to fulfil wish of Stella in this life. She always nagged him about getting some friends which he wasn't fond of. But he wanted to give that life a try and he didn't want to lose it now.

After setting up for the next energy cell, Sam came out of the tower for the first time after ten days, but he didn't talk to anyone and immediately went to the woods. For, next process, he needs some wooden logs.

After a day of search, he finally found some quality wood from the trees named, Black Wood tree. This is very high-level from the Starwood tree and that is not even the main reason. The main reason is that it is highly heat resistant.

The resistance to the heat is very high that not even the heat required to make the highest- grade rank 3 metal will not even burn it. At most, it can just scorch the outer-most layer a little bit.

Sam started cutting the largest of the trees with wind blades and after getting two long cylindrical logs with more than a foot diameter and took them back to the mansion. As soon as he entered the room, he went into the tower.

The first thing he did was to make the surface of tree smooth.

After that he took out the silver meteorite sand and went to the cauldron. The Silver meteorite sand was at rank 3 now.

But it is not in the level where he cannot melt it.

Sam quickly made a mould and started melting the silver meteorite sand, He used up five cubes of the silver meteorite sand. A lot of pre-laid formations activated as started his fire, Sam didn't want to exhaust his energy reserves that easily, so he made a formation which will constantly supply the spiritual energy to him and he made use of this energy to make the fire.

After more than five hours the sand finally became molten and he poured the metal inside the mould.

The mould is actually most simple one. All he is making is a billet rectangular in shape.

After it was done, he took out some normal ores he got from the Black pond which are used for making sturdy things more like modern day cast iron which is called Black iron. It is a rank 2 ore and Sam started melting it. This didn't take much time and immediately became liquid.

He also made some moulds before and poured the metal.

These are also in rectangular cross-section. These pieces became solid faster than the meteorite sand.

He took out the blocks from the moulds and started welding. He made two frames. Each frame has two spike and each spike is slightly more than a foot apart.

After placing the frames in the place, he took the logs in his hands and they were inserted to both the frames with the help of spikes.

What Sam is making is a make shift rolling machine.

He needs to make a sheet metal and he doesn't want to take risk of polluting the silver meteorite sand by making a large and thin mould.

He can do this by black meteorite sand when making a sword for Jack because, he used the technique which is used to make Japanese blades.

That is still okay because, he is making a sword but now he isn't making a blade and this method may not be good to use.

Sam took out the solidified billet from the mould and placed heated it to certain extent. His hands are in elemental fusion mode as held the billet and placed it between the rollers.

Yanwu is on the other side of the rollers, he started rotating the roller while Sam pushed the billet. When the billet was completely outside, he noticed that the billet is a little thinner.

The process continued, he made some adjustments to the distance between the logs and made the billet thin and thinner.

Slowly the billet was formed into a sheet. The thickness became a lot less and became so less that it is in millimetres.

Then only he stopped repeating the process.

Now onto the next step. Sam has to make one of the main components of the product, The frame.

There are three main components of the product and one is the frame, the body and the final one the cells.

Now two parts are completed and the only part he has to make is frame. If that is done after the assembly and some additions, he will be able to complete his product.

Chapter end

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 88

After arranging the sheet metal made of the Silver meteorite san aside, Sam came out of the tower and immediately went to the Artisan tower to order something. He needs some items to use his gadget more efficiently and even though he can do this himself, he doesn't want to waste his time on these little things.

He is rich and if he can make others do his bidding on some minor things, why tire himself out.

So, Sam went to the Artisan tower and quickly placed the order on the things he needed and came back. But just when he was about to go upstairs, he saw, Watt walking towards him in a hurry.

"Boss, I did it." Watt said as soon as he came near him.

"What?" Sam didn't get what he meant immediately; he is still in zone. All he had in mind is his new gadget.

"I cut the leaf." Watt replied with excitement.

"Oh. Okay then let us go to yard." After saying that Sam led him into the Yard.

"Show me." He said as soon as he entered the yard as he pointed the only tree standing there. Watt took a dep breath and took out a small piece of tree bark from his pocket. The tree bark has a smooth surface and it might have been peeled of from a large tree. The shape and size of the tree bark are almost same as a playing card.

Watt immediately flicked the tree bark and it spun in the air as it flew towards the tree. A single leaf fell as the tree bark returned to Watt's hands. He controlled the wind to let the light weighted piece to come to him.

He looked at Sam, in anticipation. Even though he didn't use the same technique as Sam, he felt that his approach isn't wrong. After all, Sam himself said that all types of tricks can be used and achieving the goal is more important.

And as expected, Sam really nodded his head in satisfaction. "Good, your approach isn't wrong. But since you took an approach you shouldn't leave it halfway, try to master it as much as possible. There are almost two months to the admission in marquis academy, but I will be going there earlier and will be going in next fifteen days.

You have these fifteen days, to make improvements in your technique and use it in the most efficient way, if you can satisfy me, I will give you a gift, otherwise, you have to come to Marquis city along with the rest." Sam left these words and went back to his room.

He must finish his new project in this moment of inspiration only, this will be the best time to achieve maximum efficiency.

Sam went back to the second floor of the tower and took a piece of black wood in his hands. He started carving and made a small cylindrical wooden stick, then with another piece, he made another wooden stick, but the piece has larger diameter.

He cut the stick of large diameter along the length and made it into two equal halves. When making the mould this time he placed the lower half in separate box and the upper half in a separate moulding box which is placed on the first box. These two pieces are called Cope box and Drag box in the casting process.

There are two holes on the Cope box which is also the upper box.

Sam lifted the cope box carefully without disturbing the mould and placed the stick with a smaller diameter inside it.

After everything is done, he went back to the Cauldron and started melting the Black meteorite sand, After the metal is molten, he poured it into the newly made mould.

After a few hours, the casting is cooled down and when he opened the mould, a circular pipe is there. Even though this is not the most efficient way to make a pipe, Sam didn't have much of a choice.

Sam repeated the process for a the next few days, more than twenty days have passed as Sam manufactured each part slowly and steadily to make sure that the product is precise as he has a very high expectation over it.

Finally, Sam was done with the parts of frame and got ready to assemble it.

The frame initially is rectangular. Two long pipes of length 3 feet approximately and two pipes of one foot each. After welding the rectangular frame, he took out another pipe which fit perfectly between the two long pipes and welded it at the mid-point.

Next step, there are two rectangular rods which perfectly fit between the mid-point pipe and the end pipe. But this rectangular bar has a sphere in the mid-span which is connected with a joint which allows the sphere to rotate gyroscopically.

He welded the two bars on both sides of the mid-point pipe. Now the most major part of the frame is complete and the he has to place the Energy Cell holders and the extrusions for holding the sheet metal body over it.

Sam went back to work after making sure that major frame is perfect, he went back to work again.

The work this time is to bend and cut the sheet metal carefully and use the brazing technique to join them.

He took more than 70 days inside the tower to make it. He came out only one time to take the items from the Artisan tower.

Now, he is inside the tower, sitting with his product in his hands. The final step is the only thing that is left to finish it and that is to install the final set of energy cells.

He took the two energy cells which looked like the Hemispherical sections or simply bowls. Now, there are some metal protrusions added inside the cavity of the cell.

His gadget was now mostly done, and the sheet metal operation is also completed, the two spheres are exposed outside of the sheet metal, and they exposed at the bottom side. He rotated the spheres until he found a small slit. This slit is in same shape as the protrusion of the Energy cell. He inserted the metal protrusion inside the slit and rotated it anti-clockwise and the Energy cell was fixed there with a click.

He repeated the action with another cell at another sphere. Now, the process is complete. The project is finally done, and Sam kept it on the floor and the two energy cells touched the floor without letting the whole surface touch the floor.

Sam looked at the Hover board he made and felt satisfied.

Yes, he made a hover board. Even though, he prefer a motor bike for his transportation, that requires a lot of different materials and even more effort. The gear box manufacturing itself will take him a considerable time and he still has to take care of the tyre material, engine material, Gaskets, Piston rings etc.

If he want to make an advanced bike without any IC engine, he needs more technology and a lot of Electric and Magnetic materials which aren't available to him.

Even if there are available, he can't waste so much time and effort to make on which will not be useful in future.

But, this hover board, will just grow its grade with him and stay with him forever.

The Hover board, isn't like the pseudo-hoverboard with wheels which is popular in 2019& 2020 in his previous life, but it is more similar to the advanced invention he made himself in the late years of the 21st century.

The main reason the hover board isn't a feasible idea in early 21st century is because of the lack of suitable material for motor to generate enough thrust with minimum space and the lack of power source which provide enough torque required to provide the thrust.

But Sam himself made these break throughs in his previous life and now he did it again in this life.

The hover board is approximately three feet long and one foot wide.

It is basically rectangular in shape, but there are some differences in the edges and the corners.

The surface is of silver meteorite sheet metal and the on both short edges of the rectangular board are attached with a solid metal blocks, which is made of the Black meteorite sand.

The front side of the Board, the black metallic block is has chamfered edges and there is a small rectangular groove in the middle. This small rectangular groove is extended deep until it reached the frame pipe.

On the rear side of the board, the metallic block is divided into two parts, one to the left and one to the right and both are hollow in nature. Both are connected to the Wind energy cells which are hidden behind the sheet metal surface.

The Whole body is in silvery white colour, but Sam painted the upper surface with black.

On the upper surface, there are two Circular plates visible. But they are made in such way that they are in coincidental with the actual surface.

Sam walked forward and stood on the board. He placed both feet on each circle.

There are some small protrusions on the surface. One is near the rear circle and there are two at the centre of the board. There are two near the front circle.

If one looks at it normally, they can't even see the circles and protrusions due to thick Black coating.

Sam painted his signature Double S symbol on the black surface with white and green colours.

After positioning himself on the board, Sam took a deep breath and started the board. The two Wind energy cells in bowl shape are under the Circles on the surface.

The wind energy started getting out and converted into the wind. Since, Sam can control of the pressure, velocity and density of the wind flow, he made sure that the wind hits the ground with enough force to make the board hover in the air.

Now, the board is one foot high in the air. The two energy cells are emitting the wind as Sam controlled it. Now, he moved his rear foot slightly and touched the protrusion near the rear circle.

Immediately jets of wind came out of the rear hollow rectangular blocks. This jet is responsible for forward motion of the board. After testing everything and making sure that it is working properly, Sam exited the tower.

He is finally done with the Hover board and he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. If he doesn't take revenge as soon as he can, he will have become more and more frustrated and by the time he finally took the revenge, the results would be too inhumane.

He has another goal for going this early. He needs some foundation in the Marquis city to make money. Even though, Sam has enough money, with a money- making business, he can also make some connections.

And from what he could guess, there is a great chance that he will be staying a long time in the Marquis city.

When Sam came out, Watt was waiting for him in the hall. He seemed to be here to make some achievements and here to show him.

Both of them went to the yard and Jack took out the tree bark piece again. This time when he flicked the piece, it drew an arc in the air and hit the highest leaf on top of the tree and it didn't stop.

Watt controlled the wind flow as he made the piece of tree bark, hit the falling leaf many times and by the time it fell on the floor, the leaf became powder.

Sam looked at him and said. "It is not bad, but can you hit this?" Sam took a stone from the ground and showed it to him.

Watt nodded and Sam threw the stone into the air. The tree bark made flew and just as it was about to hit the stone, an air thrust moved the stone away.

Watt looked at Sam and understood that things would be that easy. He started controlling the tree bark, and followed the stone.

The cat and mouse game went on and on. After a few minutes, Watt used his second hand and the tree bark tore into two pieces and one of them flew towards Sam.

Sam caught it with his fingers and at this moment the other piece went on and hit the stone.

"Good. Pack your things and get Falck ready. We are leaving tomorrow." Sam said as he went back to the mansion.

He went back to the mansion to speak to the rest of people. When they heard the news that Sam is leaving, they were shocked but they quickly understood. Since, when did Sam leave the people who came after him. He will kill a person for just calling him Bastard. He made a human being a tonic for his pets for harming them.

Now, a noble kid led twenty people to ambush him when he didn't even mess with the other party. Only, god knows what state the other party will be in.

Sam refused when Jack and Philip suggested that they would follow him and went to meet the Count.

After saying the he has some business to take care of and assuring that he would meet the other party in Marquis city again and again, he finally got to leave the city.

The Next day, there will be a Trading Carriage travelling to the Marquis city. So, Sam went back to the mansion to take rest and prepare for the next day's journey.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 89

The next day before Dawn, Watt and Sam got ready and met up outside the mansion. Falck is with them and when Sam made it disappear with a wave of hand, Watt was stunned but he didn't ask any questions, when he looked at Sam's expression. The latter seemed to be in a hurry.

They went to the Northern City gate where the Trading Carriage is waiting. This is the carriage of Golden- Horse trading company. They trade resources from this type of backward area and sell them to the merchants and other noble families who require them.

Along with this trading, they also provide the transportation for a small number of people.

The carriage will take 17 days to travel to the Marquis city.

The Marquis city is called Blue flame city. The city is under the Maverick family which holds the Marquis title.

The Maverick family is one of the noble families which was there since the establishment of the empire. The General Blue flame from the Maverick family made great contributions with a neighbouring empire which shares half of the western continent with them.

After the empire has been established the first emperor, gave this Marquis title to the general while promoting the Maverick family name which is the last name of the general to the Aristocracy.

These family members have a special blood line which effects the spiritual core and everyone of them have fire type spiritual core, but in every generation, there will be a person who will awaken the power blue flame and that person will become the next marquis.

Sam got all this info from the person in-charge of the trading carriage. After all, this is the common knowledge in the Blue flame city.

When Sam asked about Zeke, the person said something interesting. The Marquis has three wives and even more amusing thing is that three of them are sisters. Marquis married them because, he has promised something to the three women's father, and he has no way to avoid it.

Marquis has a child with each wife and all of them are sons and this Zeke is the son of the first wife.

After awakening their spiritual cores, the third son is the one who activated the Blue flame blood line and was crowned as the Young Marquis. The second son Luther has no problem with that as he isn't interested in that, but the eldest son Zeke is ambitious.

Since, he was destined not to inherit the title, he wanted to grow through business. So, he recruited some Artisans and Inscription masters to start his own business of weapons and Articrafts.

When Sam heard this, he smiled lightly.

The carriage went on with a moderate pace, without any hurry. The horses used are Level 2 beasts, so their endurance is also quite high. They only stopped once a day. Even though, they can go on for days without any food and sleep, they still stopped to not to tire themselves out as they might encounter beasts or bandits on the way.

Sam maintained a complete low profile as they travelled. He didn't want to interact with the rest of the passengers or the people from the trading company. Right now, he is really on the edge as he could feel himself turning back to his previous self. Particularly, in this last days, Sam developed a strong repulsion against the young masters.

Since, the one who initiated the attack on him is also a young master, his murderous intent is kicking in and he is trying to restrict it as much as possible.

After a week of travel, the carriage entered the Insect Canyon. Anyone who is travelling to the Blue flame city, must travel through this Canyon. The carriage increased its speed as they tried to cross the Canyon as soon as possible. Sam looked through the window and found that there is a lack of greenery. The canyon is area is almost like a desert.

Both sides of the canyon are filled with woods and grass, but the canyon is completely bare. There is not even a single blade of grass in the canyon.

After more than half-an-hour, they crossed the canyon and went into the woods and halted for rest.

Sam came out of the carriage and inquired why they halted and came to know that the area around is place where a type of grass which is used in some potions is usually grown and all the passengers and even the trading company members will try to find it here. So, they will stop here and wait for half a day before starting their journey again.

Sam wasn't interested in the grass and walked around and when he came to vicinity of the Insect canyon, he found something and immediately understood why the canyon is like a desert.

There is a peculiar looking grass in front of him and it is a different shade of green almost like emerald. The grass is like a border between the canyon and the surrounding woods.

The grass has no special effects of medicinal effects, but it has one function and it is to deter a certain insect species and that is called Zoi termite.

This insect is a peculiar one, because they live and roam in large groups. Just like ants and they all work on the orders of the queen Zoi termite. The queen will have a special metal connection with them and the communication range is very huge.

These Zoi termites feed on spiritual energy of any organic or living substance, but there is one huge problem. When they bite into something and suck the spiritual energy they will leave their saliva in that body and this saliva is actually quite dangerous. Because, it will start draining the life force of the body.

Their target can be anything, human, beasts, plants. They can get their food from any living thing or from fresh flesh.

The only good side is that they are quite controlled and not greedy. They are easily satisfied. Even though, they can increase faster if they eat more, they won't over do it to avoid being target of a powerful beast or cultivator.

A beast in size of Blazing earth bull will give them enough food for more than a month.

So, they won't seek out to hunt after they had their prey, but why are all the people avoiding the insect canyon? That is because, the Zoi termites are a quite superior insect species and they won't prey on other insects making all types of insect species to take shelter in their territory.

Even though these insects are not strong individually, they have a huge advantage in numbers and particularly in their own territory, they can make the whole trading carriage vanish.

Many people will compare weak ones with insects, but Sam thought otherwise. Even in previous life Sam felt that the insects are one of the most superior species. Why did he think that way?

Well, if we think about it, an ant is strong enough to lift many times its weight and imagine if an ant is in size of an average human.

A grasshopper is so fast that we can hardly touch it with most effort. Imagine if it is just half a size of an average human. It will toy around with a special forces soldier like it was playing with a kid. They have one of most superior genetics.

Even in this life, Sam has same opinion about insects. Insects should never be underestimated.

Sam started plucking some of this emerald coloured grass and squeezed the juices before applying it all over his body. This grass is the only thing that deters the spread of the Zoi termites. It is their natural repellent grown by the earth itself by adapting to the changes caused by the termites.

Sam entered the valley slowly on his hover board. He didn't dare to walk normally in the valley. If any of the insect horde caught his feet by surprise, he will be done for. No matter how good his spiritual sense and awareness he has, he didn't dare to take this risk.

While he is hovering slowly inside, he noticed that there is some movement underneath the ground surface.

He closed his eyes and is looking for the Zoi termites. If he can get these insects, things will be very easy for him in the future. He wants to see if he can get the queen ant herself and if he could get her, he can control the whole swarm.

But just as his spiritual sense entered underground, he felt an immense sense of pressure. He saw a huge white termite in the size of volleyball and could feel that the insect looking at him.

The insect is in far higher level than him.

Sam is sure that even the amount emerald grass in the boundary can't deter the queen if she wanted to move herself. He immediately turned around and the hover-board moved in its top speed. Luckily, the queen didn't put him in its eyes, otherwise he would have been done for.

Sam came out of the valley in less than two minutes. The ant queen gave him goose bumps all over. He immediately went to the nearest water source to wash over his skin to clear of the emerald grass juice. But he didn't stop sweating.

He went back to the carriage and sat beside Watt who is meditating. Sam really felt like running away from this place. The image of the termite queen is making him nervous.

The enormous sense of danger made him feel uneasy all over. He really wished that the carriage will move soon.

Sam heaved a sigh only when the carriage is started moving. But he still couldn't get the termite queen out of his mind.

The remaining days, he didn't try to get out of the carriage and stayed inside meditating continuously. He only came out to have an occasional meal.

After another ten days, the carriage finally arrived at to the Blue flame city. After registering at the city gate and entering it, Sam straight up went to the Golden-horse trading company's branch office to buy a place for himself.

The Blue flame city is also divided into five zones. The first zone is the Academy zone. It took up one fourth of the city and this is as big as Falcon-cliff city.

The academy has all kinds of necessities inside. It is completely isolated by the outside world and could be said to be a city by itself.

The next zone is known is upper class zone. The upper-class nobility and the Marquis live here. It is a complete noble residence and there are no shops, businesses and other kinds of establishments except the profession towers and the residences of the Artisans, healers, inscription masters etc.

But those professionals also must be of upper ranks and must be at least rank 3.

The third zone is commoner zone and the biggest area of all. All the commoners live here and there are some minor establishments like shops of daily necessities and some cheap weapon shops etc.

The fourth zone is a rich zone and the residences are high-class. Here, if one has money one can have a house irrespective of status.

The final zone is market area and the biggest business area. Every merchant, noble family, a rich commoner has stores here. It has all kinds of business establishments. Food, weapons, Articrafts, etc. Even the Golden-horse trading company has their branch here.

Sam went to the Golden-horse trading company to buy a mansion. Even though, they didn't have a direct business of selling real estate, they have some connections in the area and found a buyer.

Sam and Watt went to mansion in the Rich zone to look at the mansion. The mansion isn't as big as the one in the Falcon-cliff city, but it has a good yard and there is even a lake in it. The yard has a lot of trees and lush grass.

Even the interior is more exquisite than the previous mansion.

Sam immediately bought the mansion for 150,000 spirit stones. The price is higher than the pervious ones but the greater the city the higher the price.

After settling in the mansion and resting for a day, Sam left Watt alone in the mansion and went out. He stood on his hover-board as he moved faster and without walking. His lazy and frustrating aversion to the walking in crowded streets was finally satisfied.

All the people are looking at him with surprise and shocked expression. Some of them even followed him due to greed and desire.

Even though they didn't see any other uses of his hover-board other than the floating a little higher from the floor. They know one thing, some rich noble will like this to show off and they can make money off of it.

Sam knew this, but he didn't care. Because, even though his status as a rank 3 Scholar artisan which is the highest, he has now might be not so much in this city, but it isn't something that a normal commoner can offend.

The few people who have their eyes on him followed him. Sam moved without hurry and went into the Noble zone. He hovered his way to the Artisan tower. When staff from the tower saw him coming on a weird looking floating board, they wanted to stop him, but Sam flashed off his three artisan badges to them they immediately made way to him.

Sam went to the reception, he asked where the examination room was. The receptionist is very polite as she saw his badges and immediately assigned an attendant to send him to the examination room and at the same time, the receptionist moved from the reception and went to the highest floor of the tower to meet the tower head.

Sam's age, three professions, one pseudo rank- 2. One pseudo rank-3, one rank-3. These ranks may not be too big in the Marquis city as the highest ranked artisan in city is rank-5.

But at Sam's age the rank 3 is actually very big thing and a genius like that should be reported to the head of the tower.

When the head of the tower, who is a rank 5 Artisan heard this, he is immediately surprised and came downstairs.

By this time, Sam is already in the examination room.

Sam isn't taking the weapon Artisan or Tailor Artisan test; he is taking his test for the scholar Artisan.

Because, he didn't want to go through all the process by forging an equipment and other things. He didn't have patience for this now. Scholar Artisan test is a bit different though.

All he has to do is, place the finished product or the design on the testing platform. When his conscious enters the dimension. The conditions will be in such a way that, the candidate just has to imagine the whole process accurately and the process will be visible in the dimension and it will be simulated.

If the virtually finished product really did work, he will be considered as passed in the exam. But there is one thing, the idea must be fresh, and the information of the product will be compared with the data base of the Artisan association.

It is just like a patent data base in the modern world. The tower spirit will approve only if the idea is new.

Sam took out an arm guard he made and placed it on the platform. The arm guard is has a circular energy cell inserted in it on the top of it. This is one of the by-products of his experiments.

This arm guard is a device Sam designed to let a normal mage or warrior have some back-up spiritual energy.

This is just like a fiery ruby, but the main differences are, the fiery ruby is only used in a direct spell or technique.

But this energy cell has a small formation inscribed under it at the junction of the cell and the metal guard. This will help a cultivator to not only use it in a spell or battle technique but also to absorb and cultivate.

Sam used eight cores to make this energy cell and he wants to commercialise the product. Because, the feature of having a backup to cultivate with a huge amount of energy which is easily accessible than a normal spirit stone as well as choice to use the energy directly in an attack is a very useful in battles and hunts.

The platform glowed with brilliant light and after more than an hour, Sam regained his consciousness and the result appeared on the screen. A rank 5 Scholar Artisan.

When Sam saw the number he was pretty disappointed. He thought that he might be ranked a bit higher. But he didn't think much and immediately walked out of the room after placing the number on his badge changed and walked out.

Everything he did is in a lot of hurry.

There isn't a lot of crowd around the room, as they were pretty used to Noble youngsters taking the exams. Only the tower head who seldom showed his face was standing there in daze as she looked at the hurried young man.

When she was about to call him out, Sam took out his board and stood on it and immediately disappeared from the spot. She opened her mouth wide and after a second followed him.

Sam went to the business zone which is the centre of the city and entered a restaurant. This is a restaurant which serves high level beast meat. But Sam didn't sit on any table and walked straight to the counter where manager is sitting and immediately kicked the other party squarely on the chest.

The counter was destroyed as the other party looked around in confusion and rage.

"Who the f.u.c.k is that? Do you even know whose place is this? Do you not want to live anymore?"

But just as the manager finished this, Sam held the other party's collar and punched him on the face. But this time the other party retaliated.

After all, the other party isn't some pip squeak. He is a Level-3 Novice. But just when he was about to swing his sword, he felt a hit on his nape and lost conscious for a brief second.

The whole restaurant is silent. But when Sam took out his hover-board and was about carry their boss away, the workers prepared to make a move, but Sam flashed his newly acquired badge and they immediately stood in their place.

Not only them, While Sam was moving on his board in a rapid speed, and when the city guards were about to stop him, he did the same and with flash of his badge, they moved away. Even though, some of them suspected that it might be fake, but if it is real, they would be in deep shit. Anyway, the party who got abducted isn't a noble child or something, they can just report to higher ups first.

And just like that the second day, he entered the city, Sam made the whole city bustling with new of him. He made his presence known in a very high- profile way.

Zeke and his lackeys didn't even know that a person who they ambushed and didn't even bother to remember his face is already here in the city.

The hunter has already taken away his first prey and the remaining are quite oblivious to it.

Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer Chapter 90

Next day before the dawn, a person was found lying in the centre of the Business zone. His whole body is covered in scars, and all his limbs are broken to a great extent that the bones almost became powder.

Very small shards of bones were piercing out of his skin. And the one thing that made them even more baffled is, that guy's cultivation is sealed, and all his body is covered with a kind of fire type herb which is mostly used to increase the flavour of the heat and spiciness of the fire type beast meat.

All his wounds are stuffed with this herb powder. His nails were pulled out. His face was swollen.

All the people who came to see him have only felt pity for him. They were scared by the cruelty of the person who tortured him.

When the city guards noticed the person is still alive and immediately picked him up to take him to the healer, they noticed there is a bit burn on the back of the person.

When they saw, it with their own eyes, they almost dropped the guy.

Because, that isn't a burn, but instead more like a brand. There is huge '20' branded on the back of the person. But, even more worse thing is that the brand is already healed and it was healed in such a way that if that person wants to get rid of the brand they have to dig out the skin completely and heal it all over again.

After they took the person to the heal, they immediately left to investigate into the guy. At this exact moment, elsewhere.

This is the time when all the city guard exchange shifts with the people on the patrol during the night. At the headquarters of the City guards, in the Captain's room.

"What about the incident yesterday? Did you guys got any leads on the person who is supposed to be rank 5 Artisan, kidnapping a restaurant manager?" The guard captain of the Business zone asked his subordinates.

"Captain, we enquired in the Artisan tower and found out that the guy is indeed a rank 5 Artisan and he just took the exam yesterday. He is a scholar Artisan. But the tower didn't give us any of his details. All we know is that he owns a mansion in the Rich zone and he just bought it the day before. Our men didn't dare to enter the mansion.

From the observations, he is just a Novice and that too at the lowest stage. He only moved fast because of his weird floating board and from the looks of it, he made it himself.

We didn't have any leads on the guy he kidnapped. We didn't even know whether they have any disputes and grudges, but there is one thing, we found out that the restaurant he is managing actually belongs to Zeke."

When he finished the report, the subordinate saw the change in expression of the captain. The restaurant manager of the marquis' son's restaurant is kidnapped. For now, Zeke seemed to be oblivious to this, but it won't be long before he came to know it.

Before he could think of what he should do, the guard captain heard a knock from his door. A guard hurriedly came in and reported.

"Captain, we found out the person who was kidnapped yesterday. He is found in half-dead state in the business zone. His condition seemed to be critical and there are signs of brutal torture on him."

The guard captain immediately stood up from his chair. He did place some people near the house of the Artisan but it seems all of this is useless. He immediately went to see the victim.

When he saw the state he was in, he felt uneasy all over.

"Sir, what is his condition?" The Captain asked the Healer who is in-charge of the treatment and the latter responded.

"It is not good at all. The other party seemed to have a very high understanding of the human body, almost all the bones are broken into numerous shards, but all the shards avoided every vital part of the body.

Even the scars and the wounds all over the body, aren't deep. The bleeding was stopped just in time and all these wounds are stuffed with fire chilli.

The worst part is, everything was done to him after his cultivation was sealed. The pain must have killed this guy, but the perpetrator must be a good healer or must have a very skilled healer with him. He just made the person to barely stay alive.

He will definitely live, but we can't be sure if he can turn back to his original state. We might need a very high-level healer." The healer is a rank 2. Because the other party is a Novice and the people who took him are the City guards, they just contacted a rank 2 healer. But from the looks of it, the healer should be at least rank 4 to treat the ailments of the guy completely.

At this moment, Zeke came with some of his lackeys. He has a furious expression when he saw the state of his lackey. After getting the details from the healer, he said.

"Stabilize his condition for now." After that he paid the fee and went outside along with the Captain.

"You better give me a good explanation." His voice is full of superiority and disdain as if the captain isn't even worthy to breathe the same air as him.

"A rank 5 scholar Artisan did this and there is brand on his back numbered 20. I think it is personal grudge, but at the same he seemed to be sending a message from the way he did things. He is completely high-profiled, and he did all this openly without even bothering to hide."

"A rank 5 Artisan? Are you sure? Since, when did our city has a third rank 5 Artisan?" Zeke felt puzzled.

"He took the exam yesterday itself and just after he collected the badge he directly went to the restaurant and from the witnesses at the time, he just directly attacked without even talking anything."

"Okay then, see if you can get any details of the person." after saying this Zeke left with his two lackeys.

At the same time, there is another person who is thinking about Sam.

In the Upper-class zone, at the top floor of the Artisan tower, a mature beauty is playing with her wavy black hair as she was in a daze, thinking about something.

She is the tower head of the Artisan tower. She is two whole cultivation levels higher than Sam. Which is the stage past the Great Mage/Warrior stage.

She is thinking about Sam, yesterday after she followed him to the mansion, she didn't enter his house and came back.

Just now an attendant came and reported about what happened to the person who was kidnapped by them. After some time, she called over an assistant and gave out her orders.

"Send a representative from our tower and let him get the details of him from the Falcon-Cliff city." Since, she is the head of the Artisan tower, she has access to know his previous city where he got his badge from.

While many people are speculating and talking about the incident two people came to the Blue flame city to meet the Marquis. They are waiting for the Marquis inside his office.

After a long wait, a dignified looking middle-aged man came inside and took the seat. After exchanging some pleasantries, the two city lords came to the point.

"Sir, we want to withdraw from the special branch. Our students aren't willing and refused to accept the admission."

"What do you mean?"

"The candidates we selected thought that they are unworthy of this special branch and withdrew themselves. The remaining candidates are also unwilling to take the positions."

When the city lords said this, Marquis Blue flame was completely dumbfounded. He didn't even know what to think of this situation.

"Did someone threaten you to say this?" He asked as he felt the whole situation is confusing.

"No, sir. The candidates are the ones who really thought this way. Nobody threatened us. We are here to apologise personally. Sir marquis is magnanimous and gave us this offer. But the candidates are too mediocre and they themselves felt unworthy of this opportunity. This is the reason, we are here." As they said this, both city lords stood up.

They left the room with their heads held low. When they exited the Marquis mansion, they saw Zeke who gave them a nod which they replied the same.

The Marquis is still thinking what is happening and he ordered an attendant come over and asked him to bring the ranking list of the assessment.

The Marquis city selected twenty candidates in total. This is a special privilege for them. But he didn't check the top 20 spots, instead he looked over the names after the twenty spots. When he saw Zeke's name at the twenty-first spot, and his remaining lackeys' names below his, he felt that something is fishy and sent someone to investigate this.

After confirming that the City lords did what they were told, Zeke went to the Rich zone. He wants to meet the new Scholar Artisan, but when he went near the mansion, there are already a lot of people waiting there and all of them are the noble children. There are five noble families with Count rank in the Blue flame city.

All these families who got the news about the commotion and got the news that the artisan is extremely young sent their children to interact with them.

But Watt is standing at the entrance and didn't allow entry to anyone. Sam said clearly that he is busy and didn't want to be disturbed.

When they heard this, all of them are unhappy but they didn't dare to make a scene here.

Just then Zeke came to entrance and spoke to Watt. "I want to speak to your master. Tell him that the eldest son of the Marquis is here." He said as if his status should immediately get him the authorization to meet him.

But Watt didn't move to report but gave him an weird look and said. "My Boss already said, that you would come and visit him, he left a message for you."

When the crowd heard this they felt that Zeke has some relation with the Artisan, but next words of Watt made them laugh.

"It is not your turn to meet my boss yet. Your number hasn't come yet and when it came, even if you don't want to meet him, you wouldn't be able to avoid it." When Zeke heard this, he was quite puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, didn't you see the gift my boss left you today? There is a number printed on the back of the gift. You can check it yourselves."

This time Zeke clearly understood and immediately grit his teeth in anger. The crowd also remembered the incident that is spreading over the city and understood immediately. The Artisan seemed to target the guy because of Zeke.

Zeke immediately got furious and grabbed Watt by his collar. But his lackeys immediately held him back.

Watt's face became cold.

"You just made your situation worse. There is another message which my boss asked me to pass to you, if you did anything funny and you indeed didn't disappoint him." He adjusted his collar to normal and said.

"You will get an extra gift today, you just have to wait." After that walked into the mansion to report to Sam.

Right now, Sam is inside the divine dimension and made a pit in the fire region.

Inside the pit, he dumped a lot of dung of the Blazing earth bull as well as the faeces of Yanwu.

He wanted to experiment and see, if he will get a gas similar to the methane. And if he could really get the gas, he wants to see how good would that be.

He closed the pit with a big wooden plank and went out.

Watt is waiting for him, when he heard what happened, he only smiled and didn't say anything. He just walked to the backyard of the mansion and went out through the back door. But this time, he didn't use his hover board. Because, he wants to make the people in front of his mansion think that he never left the mansion.

After Sam left the place, he went to the business zone, and inquired about Zeke's shop.

The shop is actually quite big and is divided into various zones. Each zone is quite big and is divided by the types of weapons that are exhibited.

It is more like a supermarket. Each zone has a supervisor looking after. And Sam recognised two of them.

They are the two lackeys who followed him to the Falcon Cliff city.

Sam didn't make his move directly and just waited there in place. After some time, when one of the lackeys went to take a break, he followed him discreetly and the lackey didn't go back to the shop.

Seeing this another supervisor went to find him, and he too disappeared. They are in the initial stages of Novice and Sam isn't least bit afraid to face them one on one. His speciality is fighting someone of higher level. He can face them head on if he wants to, much less sneaking up on them right now, is too easy.

The next time, two supervisors came to check, and the Sam's second target is one of them. All the time, he made his moves discreetly. After abducting the two targets and putting them in the divine dimension, he went back to the mansion in the same way.

The people who tried to get an appointment with him didn't know this, including Zeke and it is already too late, when he finally realized.