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Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer 155

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 155: Branded

As soon as they heard the shout from their commander, they came out of their stupor. They were so into their thoughts that Sam wouldn't make a decision of fighting a battalion and if he did, they thought that they would be able to deal with him with just sheer number.

Now, only they understood that they are judging Sam based on their personal standards, that guy is way above their league. He is on a league of his own.

The battle only started two minutes ago and their casualties are already in double digits.

They moved swiftly to execute their battle formations.

Generally, each company of fifty soldiers will have a battle formation of their own based on their elementary attributes.

In fact, the companies will be made with numbers of same attributes mostly or multiple compatible attributes which work better when they are together.

Only, in the rare cases, they would make a company of soldiers with random and many attributes.

Sam could see that there are more than six companies which are created based on their attributes which can utilise their battle formation.

As for the rest, their members are down for the count.

Sam stopped attacking as he looked at the formations of soldiers with interest.

If the soldiers are compatible and their fighting spirit and coordination reaches a limit, the formation will be highly effective and some phenomenon will occur to represent that state.

Otherwise, the formations are just combination attack tactics.

He is interested because, he was hoping to see a true formation which could cause that phenomenon.

And his hopes came true.

Two companies are emitting the wind elemental and earth elemental energy with a high concentration.

Sam looked at them as he observed the spiritual energy becoming condensed and taking a form.

The wind elemental energy took a form of a Hawk and the earth elemental energy took a form of a brown coloured gorilla. They both are so massive and they are more than thirty feet tall.

Sam was intrigued.

This is formation of battle spirit.

When the battle intent of the soldiers strong enough and they are coordinating in the most efficient manner with a single thought process this battle spirit will be formed.

These battle formations are designed by formation masters also. They would select the appropriate positioning of the soldiers to get a desired battle spirit and the coordination will be depending on the commanders and unity of the soldiers.

There are other types of battle spirits, which are not designed previously and rather formed spontaneously due to the collective effort of the soldiers and their coordinated fighting style and even more rare battle spirit is, the individual battle spirit.

When an individual battle intent is so high that it can rival an army, they can also condense a battle spirit solely based on their fighting style.

But for that to happen on has to meet the right match and give each other enough pressure and also have an extraordinary will to battle.

Sam was curious if he would condense a battle spirit but he didn't meet a match yet. That is why he is looking at the two spirits eagerly.

After they are condensed completely, Sam smirked and said in a loud voice.

"Since, you two teams are interesting enough, let's have some fulfilling battle. I will eliminate the strays first."

Sam immediately vanished along with the Harbinger in a swift manner.

He floated over the soldiers in the remaining formations which didn't even complete the formations or create a battle spirit and the rest of the individual members.

One could see a circular opening under the harbinger and a highly concentrated spiritual energy filled substances were being dropped over the crowd.

Sam is like a flash of light above them as he moved while dropping the small de-stabilized energy cells.

Deputy General is seeing these energy cells for the first time, but he understood the degree of danger they possess as soon as he observed the spiritual energy turmoil they are causing.


Soon many explosions occurred and when the dust settled, all they can see are the damaged bodies spreading all over the battle fields.

Within half-a minute, Sam destroyed the whole battalion. Now, there are only two companies left.

They howling in grief and sadness. They are staring at Sam with incredible hatred. They finally understood how powerful Sam is and he has only been toying with them all this time.

They knew that they would die as soon as Sam wished to do so. But they still want to take revenge. If they can't defeat him, they would at least hit him once.

The Gorilla started roaring as the whole company moved forward. At the same time, the Hawk floated over with its wings spread.

Sam looked at the two spirits and took out the Reaper sword. He wants to try a new technique he thought of recently at the same time testing the Battle spirit's ability.

When the deputy general and the regiment commander took a look at the blood iron sword, they remembered something.

The news about the candidate slaughtering a noble family of three hundred members and making swords out of their blood.

They thought that the news is some exaggerated rumour. But when they saw the blood iron sword and blood aura it is emanating, they were stunned and immediately understood who that candidate was.

So, it is not a rumour. Sam is the one who did that. No wonder.

These are the thoughts in their mind. If Regiment commander knew that Sam is that person and the news was real, he wouldn't have provoked him and wouldn't have proposed this battle.

But it is too late to regret now.

Sam flew higher and higher towards the sky and after reaching more than forty feet, he dropped himself with head down off the harbinger before storing it away.

He held the reaper sword with both hands as he dived towards the Hawk spirit approaching him.

The kinetic energy increased as he moved downwards but the sword in his hands didn't even vibrate once from the winds. Rather, he is collecting the wind elemental energy from the surrounding wind currents as he condensed it into the sword blade.

As the force of his falling increase, right before he reached the Hawk spirit, he sliced the sword in the air.

A huge wind blade was slashed downwards as it tore through the Hawk spirit as well as the Gorilla spirit below it.

The wind blade swept the ground like a typhoon as the soldiers who are in the two formations puked blood and some even fainted directly.

Sam didn't crash on the ground. He took out Harbinger before he could crash and moved swiftly as he hovered away from the crash.

After the dust cleared out, all of them could see a huge vertical crater formed by the wind blade or rather the wind blade created by the sword slash.

The soldiers were scattered.

But Sam isn't completely fine. He was a bit exhausted. He took out some spirit stones as he absorbed the energy as fast as possible.

His absorption rate is quite high, so his complexion returned back a little.

Sam looked around and then found a solid stage which is used for individual duels.

He walked towards the stage and stood in the middle of it.

He took out a fire energy cell. This one is a big one made of several fire elemental spirit stones, completely unlike the ones he is putting on for sale.

Sam closed his eyes, and the fire elemental energy flew out of the cell and started burning the stage.

The spectators only watched the scene as Sam stood in the middle of the golden flames.

The flames burned fiercely and soon they could see that stage is melting in some spots.

After a few minutes the flames were stopped and the spectators can see that the stage is molten in a weird shape.

It is actually, Sam's double S signature.

Sam walked towards the Regiment commander and the Deputy General.

"From today onwards, this is a brand I am marking on your territory. If you remove it before defeating it, I will come every day for a fight.

This is a symbol which shows you are marked as trash by me."

He then looked at the fallen soldiers. He didn't go completely all out and didn't have intent to kill throughout the battle.

Many soldiers are critically injured but most of them still survived. Though, it would be hard to say when they would recover.

Even the energy cells he exploded are of lowest quality which would create least damage.

"Next time, think before you blindly wag your tail like a dog and do someone else's bidding. If the same thing repeats again, the outcome wouldn't be the same."

The regiment commander didn't say anything and only held his head down in shame. What Sam said is right after all. He shouldn't have helped general to satisfy his personal grudges and target a Novice by abusing his profession.

Sam started walking away and he suddenly remembered something and rushed back. He extended his hand and said.

"Pay up."

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 156: Jian's Outburst

The fifth regiment commander immediately became tense. Now only did he remember the bet which he absolutely cannot pay.

Sam looked at the Deputy general as if asking him to deal with the situation.

After some serious discussion and negotiations, Sam finally left the regiment with a scroll.

The scroll was the indication of the debt the fifth regiment owed Sam. It has Deputy general as the guarantor.

The deed is signed with the blood and the spiritual energy signature. If within the time, they didn't pay the debt, Sam could take the deed to the higher authorities. In this case, to the Duke and even the superiors in the imperial capital.

After Sam left, the fifth regiment commander assembled all the soldiers, who are clearly dejected and lost all the confidence and issued an order.

"All the news has to be sealed. Don't say a word about what happened due to Sam's visit to any person outside of the regiment."

Even if he didn't give the order, the soldiers didn't have guts or face to share the news to other regiments.

Next day.

The remaining four regiment commanders asked the fifth regiment commander about what happened the day before.

Even though, the soldiers didn't leak the news, many people in the base saw that Sam along with the Deputy General made his way towards the fifth regiment.

But they didn't get any reply and only had their questions shunned. They became more curious by these actions. But the thing is they didn't have to wait for long to know what happened, well for at least one of them.

Because, someone saw that Sam made his way to the fourth regiment with the deputy general in tow.

The same actions repeated again that day and by the time Sam left, he has scroll in his hand and there is a huge signature of his on an arena stage of the fourth regiment.

This time the three remaining regiment commanders became perplexed. They knew that something is happening but they didn't know what is happening exactly. The two regiment commanders who kept their mouth shut didn't say a thing.

Since, all of them are in this together, let us suffer together. That is the only thought in their minds.

Among them Jian is the one who is most curious as well as anxious. The rest of the people only messed with Sam because they don't want to be in bad books of general.

But he messed with Sam with the intention of getting in the good books of the general. He wants to become a dog under the General at Sam's expense, but the situation seemed to change.

So, the second day, went to the camp of the Thunder wolf squad to meet the general, but his efforts are futile.

Many people didn't respect or admire the general because, he didn't focus much on the army. The only thing he focussed on is his students who formed the Thunder wolf squad.

He would always stay with them, even the residences of the thunder wolf squad outside the camp are within his estate.

And the thunder wolf squad is the special place in the camp. Either for their abilities or due to the general's backing, even the door guards and errand boys are arrogant beyond belief.

So, Jian didn't get to meet the General to explain the situation.

Meanwhile, Sam's conquest went on.

On the fifth day, Sam is standing in the first regiment facing Jian who is fully infuriated. He is the one who pissed off Sam more and even deducted most points. So, the retaliation is also more.

In other camps Sam only battled a battalion at most, but here, he made a move on all Novices. From early morning to the night, he stayed the first regiment, battling one squad after other. Hundreds of battles.

But every battle was finished as soon as it started with an energy cell explosion. The squads were crippled. They don't even have much means to retaliate. And Sam marked each battalions place with a brand.

The whole regiment was dejected.

This time he didn't even bother to keep a wager. Because, crippling the whole first regiment was more than enough to vent his frustration.

Even after this much turmoil and mess, people from the thunder wolf squad is oblivious it and that includes the general too.

Sam felt that this general is one of the worst ones he has seen in both lives.

This guy didn't even care about the military and didn't even listen to the pleas and news that Jian brought to him. All his disciples are too arrogant to even pass the news.

For the first three visits at least, Jian didn't know what is happening but after his regiment was completely destroyed, he made his way to the thunder wolf squad the same night.

This time though, he didn't request anyone to pass his message.

"General Spark, come out now."

He shouted at the gate from the top of his lungs.

His eyes are red with fury. If not for following this general's orders, this wouldn't happen. If he didn't get his regiment ready to dispatch within next three months, he would have to face some serious consequences.

Then even this general can't save his ass.

As for taking revenge on Sam directly, What a joke? If that is an option, does general even have to resort to these despicable means to oppress Sam.

Jian is quite shrewd and he could see that Sam cannot be touched directly or they would face consequences. So, he came here to rant on the General.

When the members in the thunder wolf squad heard this shout, they were completely surprised. They didn't expect that someone would come at this time and shout out for the general directly.

General Spark himself was quite surprised because, he knew who this voice belonged to. So, he came out and walked towards the entrance of the camp.

All this while he has a frown on his face as he looked at the Regiment commander with a serious expression.

If there is no suitable explanation there would be hell to pay.

"Jian, what do you want? Didn't I tell you to not disturb me when I am in the thunder wolf squad? You are disturbing out training."

When Jian heard these words, he was even more infuriated. Both the general and deputy general are eccentric people.

The General is so self-centred that he doesn't care about anything other than his position, his disciples and their training.

And General is also someone who is used to abusing the authority, so he didn't let the deputy general take charge of the duties regarding the welfare of the army.

In the whole army, there is not a single person who has admiration and respect for the general, all they have is fear, which the general felt that it is sufficient for running the army.

So, deputy general didn't bother about things as long as they are within the rules. And Sam knowingly or unknowingly too advantage of these two things and made such a mess in the base.

"General Spark. I think it is about you understand that you are not only responsible for the thunder wolf squad but also the whole army."

The General immediately became angry. Even his disciples are staring the Jian with hostility.

"Jian, you better mind your words."

"General Spark, with all due respect. I followed your orders along with the remaining regiment commanders and oppressed Sam going against all the professional ethics.

But because of that, Sam destroyed the Novices of every single regiment. Now, not a single Novice has a will and courage of a soldier.

The Novices who are the core of the army are mentally destroyed. Five regiments are literally crippled because of your stupid decision.

And when I tried to reach out to you, your stupid disciples didn't even give you my message.

If you are not capable, please step down that position. Or else you better clean up this mess and take responsibility of the circumstances."

Jian was fully angry and he dared to say these words because of two reasons.

One of them is that they are truth and the second one is that the General cannot kill him now, because he would have to give an explanation to duke himself. Jian took some measures so that if he was really killed here, people would report to the deputy general and the duke.

Jian didn't stay there and left without saying anything else.

General Spark frowned as he wanted to make sense of the situation. So, he sent some of his disciples to the Regiment commanders to ask what happened, but after an hour they returned with no news.

"They don't want to say anything and said that we have no right to question them."

General's expression immediately grew serious. This is the first time; the general's disciples were rejected.

He thought for a moment about what changed and he himself made move to make sense of the situation. Which made even the boot licker Jian to spout such words.

So, he went directly to the Deputy General's quarters and asked.

"What happened to the regiment commanders?"


"What do you mean by nothing? If nothing happened then why would Jian come looking for me?"

"Nothing happened to the regiment commanders. Nobody broke the rules and everything went according to the system."

General spark swallowed his anger and asked.

"Report the daily proceedings for the past week." He ordered like a superior he is.

Deputy General stood in attention as he recounted everything.

The General was frowning deeper and deeper as he heard and by the end of it, he is fuming mad.

"Why didn't you stop him, when he is making so much mess?"

"General Spark, you are the one who said that taking care of the army is your role and I should take it up on myself and follow the rules. You even said that it is not my place to look after the army when you are still the general. So, I only followed the rules and your words."

General didn't know what to say. Because, he is the one who said those words, because Deputy General who used to be a Peak stage Grand realm cultivator was so compassionate towards the soldiers and he himself didn't want to look like a bad leader in comparison.

So, he suppressed the latter with his authority. Now, the same words bit him the butt.

Chapter 157: This is what i call a leg technique

General Spark was just a bit away from blowing his top off.

He turned around and was about to leave the room, when he heard the Deputy General saying.

"General, just a suggestion. If you are about to go and confront Sam, I advise not to. Because, he is planning on visiting the Thunder wolf squad tomorrow so you can do it there.

If you confront him in the camp, the soldiers who might hear the commotion will lose the last shred of respect they have on you."

When the General heard this, he clenched his fist so tight that his knuckles cracked and it can be heard aloud in the silent night.

But he still followed the advice. He knew that his position in the camp is hanging on a delicate thread.

Even though, all the commanders and soldiers are under his control, it is mainly based on the fear of his high cultivation.

And another reason is there is no other person who could substitute him, but then he noticed the current deputy general who is climbing the ranks, so he suppressed him.

Until now, no soldier complained about him because, even if he didn't care about them all this while he didn't cause them any trouble.

But now, a Novice is taking his anger out on the whole army because that guy was oppressed by the general spark.

Now they started hating the general and blaming him for this trouble. Not only did they lose their confidence they also took some severe beating particularly the first regiment.

If the general confronted Sam now and then the latter decided to let the matter known to all of them the soldiers would feel disgusted serving under someone like him.

After all, what kind of person uses his authority to oppress a person in a competition making it unfair to him just make his grandson happy?

So, he decided to wait till the next day and he even saw an opportunity in this.

Many soldiers are unsatisfied with the way the thunder wolf squad operated. The resources that squad consumes are astronomically high and they are under constant care of the general.

Since, Sam already destroyed the whole army, if the thunder wolf squad manages to beat him, then he can put the thunder wolf squad's name out and solidify their position.

While this man is making his plans, Sam is inside his tent writing something on a scroll.

After writing something, he called out a shadow mouse and gave the scroll along with another letter that he already wrote earlier and his scholar artisan badge.

They disappeared into the space jade of the mouse and disappeared into the dark.

He is making some plans for tomorrow and it is not about the fight rather it is about the trouble he prepared for the general to deal with the aftermath.

How can he let the general off so easily?

The next day even before the dawn, Sam and the Deputy general walked into the thunder wolf squad's camp.

The General is already prepared.

He sat near an arena where the team battles would usually take place.

The fifty disciples all stood behind him.

Some auxiliary members are training and doing odd jobs as if they didn't care about the arrival of the deputy general.

But Sam and the deputy general are only looking at the general, particularly Sam who has a cold smirk on his face.

Sam slowly walked on to the arena and shouted loudly.

"I am here to challenge every novice to a death duel. It doesn't matter if they come in groups or one on one. I will take the challenge all the same.

Today either I die here or destroy the novices of the thunder wolf squad, there is no other outcome.

If anyone in the thunder wolf squad is man enough to fight unlike their teacher who likes to play underhanded can come on to the stage.

But beware, after I am done with you, you would wish that the death is a better outcome."

When the thunder wolf squad, the general and deputy general even the auxiliary members of the squad heard these words, they were stunned on the spot. Time seemed to have frozen for a second.

They didn't expect that Sam would come out this strong. Judging by the Sam's serious expression, he doesn't seem to be joking. He is serious this time.

After a few seconds of pause, everyone came out of their stupor and particularly the squad members are completely infuriated beyond reason. All they want to do now was to tear Sam into pieces.

But their teacher said that he would be the one speaking and didn't let them speak unless he permitted.

"Sam, do you know what you are doing? You are making a move on your own military." The general said. He also didn't expect Sam would come up with the death duel straight up and began to hesitate.

He also heard the news of the cougar family massacre but he knew better than anyone that the news is true.

But he also has enough confidence that his disciples could beat Sam, even if they don't make it one on one, they can still do so in a squad.

Even if it sounded unfair, their squad is meant to be a team- combat experts not the individual combat experts, he didn't find it shameful to do so.

That is also the reason he didn't let the soldiers challenge Sam and let them make a move on his teammates instead.

Sam just stared at the General with a serious look full of killing intent. He really wanted to kill this guy right here right now and if he planned a perfect night sketch, he would be able to make the whole body disappear without leaving a trace of the act.

But he has other plans for this guy. Sam wants to give this guy a beating and he also wants to change a bit, so he didn't want to kill for every grievance. But if this general pushes his button once more, Sam would definitely show him hell in the future.

Seeing that Sam is not responding, general frowned and understood that there is no backing down, but he has to test the waters first.

He called Jim over and whispered something in his ear.

Jim's expression changed clearly indicating that he extremely unwilling and unconvinced. But he still went on to the stage and looked at Sam.

"How dare you to come here and challenge us? Do you think that thunder wolf squad is somewhere you can come and go as you please? I will make you regret coming out of your mother's womb."

Jim is extremely angry at Sam, because his teacher only said that he is going to test the waters and estimate Sam's strength and he also said that he is not Sam's match which made him feel indignant.

So, he started blurting some nonsense as soon as he stepped on the stage.

But the reaction was completely what he didn't expect. He could feel that Sam's gaze became icier and he is also looking at him in a completely different manner.

He involuntarily took a step back and only after a few seconds did he realise what he did and became even angrier in embarrassment.

He took a step forward and yelled.

"I will show you why they call me thunder leg Jim. I will teach you a lesson you will never forget."

He didn't wait at all and made a move immediately. He felt that Sam's temperament changed a lot within a second right after he made a statement but he didn't know what it is.

Even the general and deputy noticed the changes but they don't know what changed.

Only Sam knew what changed. He is suppressing his bloodlust to not to show it outside. If he shows it out, then there is a high chance that they will let Jim quit.

Sam is very sensitive about his birth and he didn't like it whenever someone mentions it. That is why the word Bastard is like a trigger to him.

Now that Jim mentioned his birth, even without earlier frustration and grievance, he would make it living hell for him.

Jim didn't know Sam's thoughts.

He moved in a fast manner as blue colour lightning crackled around his legs. He stared sending powerful kicks at Sam at a lightning speed.

This is the first time, Sam is fighting a lightning type warrior mage.

Even though, he fought a few lightning mages before that is all in a group fight and lightning and thunder elements are very rare.

From the looks of it, the best of these elemental mages of the southern star are all in this camp now.

Sam didn't care though, he also moved like a phantom. He is even faster than Jim as he dodged nimbly.

His moves are fluid, his face is cold and expressionless. He didn't even feel a little bit of pressure from the fight.

After playing for a while, Sam got bored, his hand glowed in golden light and he blocked the kick coming towards his face.

He looked at Jim who is incredibly frustrated due to lack of a single proper hit and said.

"You call yourself thunder leg Jim with these pathetic techniques? All you can do is move a little faster and kick a little harder and you dare be arrogant in front of me? I will show you what a leg technique is today."

As soon as his words finished, he swung his arm which held Jim's leg which made the later make a turn with his other leg as a pivot.

By the time, he regained his balance, Sam is already standing shoulder to shoulder with him facing the same direction and placed his hand around his left hand around his neck.

Before he could realise what is happening, Sam took his neck as support and raised his two legs and locked Jim's hip in a leg scissor lock as he threw his weight downwards.

Right before he could fall down, Sam placed his hand on the ground and stayed like that without touching the ground.

His torso is facing upwards as he placed the second hand downwards on the ground.

With his two hands as support his body stayed in the air while his legs held Jim's hip in a scissor lock.

Jim was bent backwards as his feet stayed on ground.

He was drenched in sweat and didn't even dare to move around.

All the people in the scene are stunned by the move.

This is Sam's version of modified Kani Basami. A move which is part of Kinshi Waza the forbidden techniques of the judo.

Basically, Kani Basami is a scissor lock around the hip or legs and throwing the opponent. This will cause serious lower body injuries to the opponent and it is banned in the official judo on the earth.

Sam's version though, is even more dangerous. Since, he can hold the who weight of the two bodies with his single hand, he modified this technique to his use. He could directly break the spine of the opponent as long as he wished and make him a cripple for the life.

And if he wished so, he can even decide to paralyze the upper part of the body or lower part or even both.

Sam looked at Jim and said. "This is called a leg technique. Now tell me, which part do you hate most in your body, the upper body of the legs or both. I can help you break it."

"L… Leave me. Please. Let me go."

"Don't say that. Aren't you the great thunder leg Jim? You are supposed to make me regret coming out of mother's womb. Why are begging like a bitch now?"

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 158: Poisonous words

Sam's eyes were cold and full of malicious intent. He is like a wild beast out for blood.

Jim could almost feel as if he was struck in a beast's maw.

"SAM, you better let him go. Otherwise, you won't be leaving this place alive."

General spark said in a cold voice.

Sam didn't even bother to look at him.

From what Sam understood, if even the Marquis can get the news that Sam cannot be touched, then the General would definitely know.

As for why these candidates can fight each other. That might have something to do with those people behind the scenes not placing any rules about the infighting between the candidates.

After all, they need the best person and the strongest is always the best in this world. If a candidate can outwit, outsmart and outplay another candidate that only proves that the loser is not capable.

This is just Sam's conjecture.

So, he is not afraid of the general at all.

Sam just looked at Jim whose legs are shivering.

"I..I su..rrender."

"I am sorry Jim. I think you got something wrong here. This is a death match and the life of the loser is not in his hands, the winner decides and, in this case, I decide whether you get to live or die."

Jim shivered in fright, but that only increased the pain on his hip.

Sam smiled ruthlessly as he said in a creepy voice.

"You are feeling helpless, right?

You are feeling the pain, right?

You are unwilling to end your journey like this, right?

But you have to go through this, do you know why? Because you involved in a matter you shouldn't have. You shouldn't have come to my camp and instigated the whole farce with Jian. Now, you are paying the price."

When Sam said these words, Jim turned his head and looked at him with his eyes red in fury.

"Why are you looking at me with that hatred? I am not the one who led you into this. Remember, you told you to come and make trouble for me.

Remember why you even bothered to come and make trouble for me who doesn't even know you."

Sam's words are like some directions pointed in a lost way. Jim involuntarily looked at General Spark.

General Spark felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what it is.

He stood up and shouted.

"SAM, let him go."

But Sam didn't bother to reply. He continued. His words are as poisonous as a viper.

"Yes, he is the one. Your beloved teacher is responsible for this. Do you even know why he is targeting me?

Do you even know how we have this beef, when I came to this city for the first time?

Because of his grandsons.

Due to his grandsons' incompetence and jealousy, they complained to him and he is taking it out on me, but on whose expense?

You are just a pawn for this play.

He doesn't want to lose face, so he sent you to do all the dirty work but that is not the only reason, do you know why he sent you?

He could have just introduced his grandsons to the commanders and they would have asked them for the favours, but why did he choose you?"

When Sam asked these questions there is confusion mixed in the pain on his face.

General knew that situation is moving out of hand so he was about to make a move, but Deputy General stopped him.

"Move aside." He barked coldly.

"General Spark, you said everything will be according to rules and everything is going on like that, Sam mentioned that this is death duel and it would be so no matter what.

Loser dying or living will be decided by the winner.

If you interfere now, I may not be able to stop you, but you also cannot stop me, if I make a move on your students.

If you break the rules, I will also do so."


"General Spark, do you think I am afraid of you? I may not be your match now, but do you think you can kill me if I am hell bent on escaping? You seem to forget what I am good at.

And by the way, it is also unknown if I go all out, then I won't be able to grab you to hell with me.

You stayed in that pathetic Middle stage Novice for twenty years. And I might reach the same stage in less than three years. It is about time you stop putting yourselves on such high pedestal."

General's face immediately sank, this is the cold hard truth and that is also one of the reasons that he suppressed the Deputy General before. He doesn't want latter to have any accomplishments, lest he would gather enough resources to surpass him.

"Are you sure you want to go against me like this for a brat?"

"I am pretty sure, as you said before I will do my duty to utmost capability to make sure that everything is going according rules."

While the two big-shots are having a confrontation, Sam is still speaking with Jim as he tightened his legs bit by bit.

"Do you still not understand? He knew that I am a ruthless guy. He knew that I slaughtered three hundred members alone because they hurt my teammate.

So, he found you guys as a target for my anger.

Since, you are the guys who started finding trouble to me, I would leave his grandsons alone. You are pathetic scapegoat for his grandsons."

When Sam's words reached him, Jim's face was already paled. He didn't know what to think of it. But the pain was telling him that all this wouldn't have happened if his teacher didn't send him to do the dirty work that day.

He felt betrayed and used.

At this moment, Sam's voice came again.

"So, whatever that is going to happen, you can only blame it on your teacher."

After that, the whole place turned silent and only cracking sounds could be heard.

Then came the sound of a painful and miserable wailing.


Jim cried on top his lungs. He could feel his spine cracking and he slowly lost the feel of his legs. It is as if he didn't even have legs at all. He couldn��t move them; he couldn't even feel the pain of his legs.

Sam stood up leaving the now paralyzed Jim on the stage.

General Spark stared at him with fury, but he held back because, once he made this move, there would be no stepping back, he has to kill the Deputy General and even make sure that his students are also silent so that the news will be buried.

But that is impossible.

Sam looked at him coldly and kicked Jim out of the stage and then walked back to stand in his original position.

General looked at him coldly, he then looked at his students who also heard what Sam said to Jim. They also started doubting the motives of their teacher on sending them to mess with Sam.

General now understood that Sam is here for more than just defeating his squad. He is here to destroy him.

Sam destroyed his position in the hearts of the soldiers and commanders, now he is destroying his position in the hearts of his students for whom he even gave up on the army even risking his position.

Now, Sam shook the foundations of their bond between him and his disciples.

He looked at the young man standing on the arena who is staring right back at him fiercely.

"I thought, that thunder wolf squad will be all that. But this isn't much.

How about you guys come in teams, that would save me lot of time."

These words from Sam back everyone out of their shock and they looked at Jim and Sam with a look of fury.

They knew that their teacher is the one pissed the other party off, but they still cannot let that person walk all over them.

From what they saw, they knew that they cannot beat Sam individually and there is only one way that can give them sufficient confidence and that is ganging up on him.

Even if it was unfair, they are a team and they always work as a team.

A total of twenty-seven novices walked on to the stage as they started standing in a formation.

These are the real Novice squad of the thunder wolf squad. Out of thirty- three are reserve members which are also as strong as the rest of the members in the squad. It is just that they are not as compatible in the team.

Jim is also one of those reserve members.

These twenty-seven members have two goals in walking together on to the stage.

One is that they don't want to take any risks with Sam and the other one is to make sure that they can beat Sam overwhelmingly.

Sam didn't care either way.

A young man in late twenties who seemed to be the leader of the group said.

"You might have grievances with our teacher and some of our squad members might also take part in it, but this is not good enough reason to cripple a person like that, is it?"

"Who are you to decide whether that is reason enough or not? I am the only one that gets to decide on every matter that involves me. Not even your pathetic General who is undeserved of his title is eligible to do so.

Let alone you, who is a student of that pathetic life form."

The air almost stopped flowing after Sam's words left his mouth. His words are extremely cruel and disrespectful.

But nobody has anything to say to that, even the general has nothing to say.

At this moment he is angry but there is one thing that is making him feel like slapping himself.

That is not heeding to his son-in-law's words. He clearly said not to push someone so that we would regret it for the life and he could see why he said that.

Sam is not like any normal person; he doesn't have as much tolerance as other normal people.

Two weeks of trouble, that too nothing too overboard. After all, give some beatings to the teammates is not that much of a damage, thrashing a place can be considered as acting of some thugs.

In actual fact, nobody hasn't even made some serious damage to him yet and he is already out for blood.

In fact, his actions cannot be simply considered as going out for blood. He is making the general lose everything he had except for the wealth and cultivation which cannot be simply taken away.

Other than that, his position as a general, his position as a teacher and a mentor are all being taken away one by one.

He could only pray in his heart that his students wouldn't fall in this battle. If that happens, he would really fail as a teacher.

After all, he was supposed to protect them, but he brought them all this trouble.

Chapter 159: Taste of his own medicine.

Sam looked at the group of twenty-seven people who are making a formation.

There are eight women in the team and they are in the rear of the formation. He looked at them and found out that the formation is something he was a little familiar with but he couldn't put a finger on it.

The leader, the young man who spoke said as he looked at Sam.

"Let us do it this way. We will attack with the full power with our ultimate move, which could take down even a mid-stage Great mage.

If you can still defeat us in this exchange you will win."

Sam didn't say anything and just nodded in agreement. This will make things easier for him. He took out the harbinger and reached the maximum height he could fly.

He is more than fifty feet above the arena. But the novices didn't feel flustered at all.

"Thunder-wolf squad. The thunder-wolf formation ultimate move. Thunder Fang."

The leader shouted and all the members in the team started channelling the energy. Sam could see that Azure blue coloured electric currents started condensing and out of them a wolf silhouette was condensed.

Sam looked at the intensity of the formation spirit which is clearly many times stronger than the earthen gorilla and Hawk he encountered previously.

He took out the reaper as well as the Executioner.

The Executioner is absorbing the blood essence of Hydra and it is evolving. Right now it is already at the peak of rank 3 and just a bit away from the rank 4.

The rest of the gadgets are only at rank 2 including the Harbinger, and his black coat when he compares them solely based on their material grades.

Sam held the two swords in his two hands and looked at the still condensing wolf spirit.

The sky above is crackling with lightning, but Sam still stood there on the Harbinger as if he was invincible.


The leader of the squad shouted on top of his lungs.

The wolf raised its head. It is more than twenty feet tall. But it is still more powerful than the formation spirits he has seen before.

Sam started condensing the elemental energies into two blades one with fire and another with wind.

As soon as the wolf leapt with its mouth wide open, Sam also stored away his harbinger as he dived head first.

The executioner was filled with wind element while the reaper is filled with fire element.

He crossed his hands while still holding the swords.

Just before the wolf spirit and he met, Sam opened his hands as he swung the swords.

"Two sword style, Dual wing slash."

Two sword rays came out one with golden flames burning and the other with white light.

First the fire ray landed on the wolf followed by the wind blade raging the flame intensity.

The wolf spirit which was coming at him in a ferocious manner clashed with the attack and immediately dissipated into thin air.

And the raging fire still moved in the same speed towards the group.

The whole arena was covered in fire and the wails of the squad can be heard. But a loud explosive boom drowned their cries.


The loud explosion was none other than Sam landing on the stage.

The stage exploded into ruins and stone fragments are flying around.


The Great mage level squad members jumped over to help their juniors. But when the dust settled, they stopped in their tracks as they saw a daunting figure who is standing in the centre.

Sam's upper body was bare and was only covered with some rags of cloth revealing all the scars on his body.

He held both swords in his hands as his back faced the group who fell unconscious but still effected by the fire. He looked at the Great mage members who are about to step up coldly.

They didn't know why, but they felt afraid of going onto the stage.

They felt like Sam is a predator who is lording over his territory and if they dared to enter the territory they would definitely die.

Sam stored his swords away and looked at the surroundings before turning back to the Great realm cultivators.

"You can save them if you want and if you want to take revenge, I suggest you let go of that plans and stay obedient.

Because, I have already reached the limits of my tolerance. If you guys provoke me again, I won't have any qualms on reaping the lives of yours like fruits from a tree."

He turned around and was about to walk away. But he turned around again and walked towards the General.

He whispered in a low voice, so only two of them could hear it.

"I know that you cannot touch the remaining teammates. If you still wish to oppress them then do so with all your heart, I am pretty sure that the next batch are not that easily pushed around.

But there is one thing I am going to warn you about; you better open your ears and listen to me clearly.

Don't you dare make a move on Watt. If I find out, something happened to him, even if it is the slightest attack, ambush, oppression whatever it is.

If something happened to him, I will come and take your life."

At these words, General almost laughed up in mockery and sensing this Sam just continued his words.

"You can mock me all you want, but you better ask your son-in-law about it."

Sam turned around and made his way out of the camp.

General Spark, didn't bother with Sam's words and immediately tended to Jim and the rest of the Great realm cultivators tended to the injured members.

Soon, a rank 4 healer came and took a look at the condition of the people.

He was able to heal the wounds of the rest of the Novices, but when it came to Jim, he can only shake his head. He is the best healer in the military and even he cannot do anything.

The spine was cracked in a peculiar manner. One section was completely shattered as if it has turned into powder and there is a vertical crack all over the spine.

The nerves are also damaged, but the healer cannot do anything about it.

After all, not any healer can grow a bone, even if they have ability to regrow a limb, they cannot perfectly grow a spinal bone when the flesh was still intact.

In this case, the healer has to do a surgery.

Yes, a surgery. In this world a surgery is not too uncommon. After all, not everyone can use Sam's observation ability and they cannot heal all types of wounds.

So, the surgeries are common, but they don't take as much time as the ones in the modern earth.

When general heard the diagnosis, he was stunned. He immediately carried Jim and ran towards the Pharmaceutical tower.

The tower head here is a Rank-5 Healer and a Rank- 5 potion Master.

General Spark is hopeful that he can save them, but the results shocked him. The tower head of the Pharmaceutical tower refused to see him and said that he was busy.

When general heard this, he immediately became enraged and started releasing his aura and spiritual energy suppressing everyone.

"General Spark. This is not your military and it is not your place for you to behave as you like. You better behave."

A man who seemed to be in his fifties walked out. He has a scholarly look as he placed his hands behind his back.

"I am not treating your disciple no matter what, you can get out of this place. If you stay here one more minute, then I will remove the discounts the Pharmaceutical tower offers to southern star military."

"Why are doing this? This is the matter of the future of a youngster. I don't even know how I offended you. But I apologize if I did anything wrong.

Please help him."

General Spark immediately calmed down and begged. He knew that Pharmaceutical tower is not a place for him to throw his weight around. The tower head himself is a Nascent and he also have two identities as Healer and Potion Master.

He is far more esteemed than his General title. If the discounts and contracts between the Pharmaceutical tower and the army are affected by his action, the consequences are something he himself cannot bear.

"Of course, he didn't offend me, but you had clearly offended someone else you shouldn't have.

General Spark, I heard you have already made a mistake in the past y offending someone you shouldn't have, you should have learned your lesson.

You are saying that this matter is regarding the future of the youngster, so what about the future of the youngsters you have oppressed. I can only say this. But I cannot help you.

Seeing that young man suffering is making me feel bad, but I cannot do anything, you should have foreseen these consequences.

Now, please leave before I decide to take any further actions and never comeback."

General Spark gritted his teeth in frustration. He didn't know what he has to do for his disciple to get treated.

He is the reason that Jim is in this state and now the healer is saying that he is the reason that Jim is going to be in this state. What kind of grave mistake did he do to offend someone to this point?

At this point of time, he didn't have enough time to ponder about it, his only option is to request Duke.

So, he darted out of the tower, by this time the remaining thunder wolf squad members already came here.

When they looked at General and Jim still looking lifeless in his hands, they understood.

Jim looked even more devastating than before; his eyes are filled with despair. He looked at his fellow squad members and then his teacher.

He said in a low voice.

"Teacher, why did you do this to me?"

When those hopeless and disappointed words were heard, everyone was silent to the point it became eerie.

General Spark didn't know what to say.

One thing was true, Sam clearly took it out on Jim because he did this. But he didn't who is troubling him from getting the required treatment.

At this moment, a silver light flashed as Watt came on his Silver Wind. He looked at the General coldly and took out a letter from the storage before throwing away and left.

One of the squad members picked the letter and opened it to see the contents, once he looked at them he was stunned before reading them out loud.

"General Spark, even though you are at the top of the game of oppressing others with your authority, I want to know your opinion. How does it feel like being oppressed by others? Did I do it right? Oh, by the way, I am a rank 5 Artisan and I do hope you are intelligent enough to guess that significance.


Chapter 160: Call from Duke

After hearing the contents of the letter, General Spark became hopeless.

The person who made Jim like this and the person who is stopping Jim to recover is same and that person is a Novice brat whose age is smaller than him being a Nascent.

Suddenly, he remembered the previous setback he suffered, which led his three daughters to suffer along with him for offending someone.

But the difference is, at that time, he offended a person who has same strength as him but he has high-level background. This time though, the person is weaker than him and the strength difference cannot be simply described as a lot.

He only has one way now and that is to mediate the conflict.

Even though, the four towers of profession are operated separately, they are still a lot closer to each other than the ruling party of the territory.

According to him, Sam must have used his potential as a bargain, since he is only sixteen and he is already a rank 5 artisan to prevent Jim from receiving the treatment.

His guess was almost right, but the deal is not the future potential rather a recipe. Sam has so many recipes of potions and pills in the divine dimension and they are a lot more advanced than the ones that are in the market.

Sam picked one of the lowest level recipes available in the dimension library which is used for people below Grand realm to restore spiritual energy immediately and made a deal through Watt with the tower head.

Even if he is a rank 5 potion master an upgraded version of the potion, if it can be in his hands and he offered it to the superiors, that would be his contribution which provides him more opportunities for his future development.

But General didn't know this, if he did, he would have been surprised on how determined Sam is to oppress him by trading something so valuable.

General Spark thought for a moment and decided to visit the Duke, but before that he has to do something and that is to talk with his son-in-law.

So, he led his students to the Duke's estate and he entered the communication room used for communicating with the Marquises.

His students are waiting in room as one of them laid Jim on a table whose expression is devoid of life and light.

At this moment Sam is talking to the fourth regiment commander who is the instructor of the camp.

"I want to go out."

His voice is devoid of any respect but the commander didn't mind and just asked nervously.


"I have something to do in Artisan tower. I am not going to interfere in the business mission of my teammates." Sam took out his tailor artisan and weapon artisan badges as he spoke.

Instructor permitted him to leave and Sam immediately went to the artisan tower and that is to upgrade his status.

If his guess is right, the Duke will be summoning him by evening and he should increase his own value to have more weight of his words in the discussion.

So, he is here to work for it.

By the time, Sam is at the entrance of the Artisan tower, Watt is already waiting there with his scholar artisan badge.

Sam went in and after a few hours he came out with a new upgraded badge and that is his weapon artisan badge.

Now, he is a Rank 5 scholar artisan, Pseudo rank 3 tailor artisan, Pseudo rank 3 weapon artisan.

After that he didn't stop there, he and Watt made their way towards the formation tower and after that inscription tower.

Now he is a Rank 2 formation master and a pseudo-rank 3 inscription master.

How did he get the pseudo rank 3 inscription master? That has something to do with Etching and creation of inscription matrices using Rank 2 inscriptions, which has same effect as a rank 3 inscription.

Now, he is done with his preparations.

"The problem is mostly resolved. You guys can open the restaurant back. But ask Philip and Kelly to work on the impact crystals as much as possible.

But don't over-exert yourselves if you don't make it with the restaurant. The remaining businesses are already booming and it will hard to pierce the market. So, try your best but be safe and don't fall into other team's tricks. "

Sam gave these instructions to Watt and flew away towards the camp on his hover board, while Watt himself returned to the estate to give the news to the rest.

Sam waited in the tent not even bothering to attend the daily routine, even the instructors didn't ask him to come.

They are happy as long as they don't have any interaction with Sam. After all, they picked on him for no reason and Sam could so too. If he found fault for everything they do and visited their camps time and again, they will lose the rest of the army too.

There already signs of soldiers wanting to quit.

Sam is waiting for the duke to call him. He was so sure because, from what he understood about the general he knew that he deeply cared for his students.

And if his hypothesis was right, he would try his best to save Jim from his current state. But since, the tower head of the Pharmaceutical tower didn't want to help, there is only one person who can convince him and that is the Duke.

But it was almost evening and he still didn't receive any call from the Duke.

This is because, the general went to have a talk with his son-in-law and was lost in thought. He just kept recalling the things his son-in-law said.

Particularly the last part of the conversation.

"General Spark, I already advised you to not to provoke him, but you still did. I withheld some info before, in case I would piss off that guy if I told it to someone, but since you are not a person who is not willing to listen, then I cannot do anything but tell you about this.

The Blackwater, Sam is the one who destroyed it in my territory. He destroyed the Blackwater branch in Blue flame city and the most important part of it is, the leader of the branch is a Nascent.

But still, there are nothing but the bones left of that person.

Sam killed him right before my eyes.

That is one of the cruellest murders I have seen.

That guy has to experience the blood leaving his body, his life force being sucked away, his internal organs being eaten and his flesh consumed by some really powerful insect type beasts.

Other than a bunch of bones, there is nothing left of him.

If you are thinking that any of the news you heard about Sam is exaggerated, then you better think again.

If I were you though, I would resolve the conflict as soon as I can. Otherwise, you better kill him in a single blow and get rid of the trouble once and for all.

If you don't though, you are going to suffer.

From, what I understood, the most fearful thing about Sam is not his battle prowess or potential, rather it is his brain, his intelligence and his wit. Even a if a breath of life is left in him, he will definitely take his enemy's life away before he dies.

Good Bye."

General Spark fell silent and thought for a while. He understood that Sam is not a typical genius who is just arrogant because of their backing, battle prowess or some minor achievements which they think are big deal.

He is different and at the same time dangerous. He is like a wild beast with a strong sense of territorial awareness. But instead of territory, he is so possessive of his things, friends, employees everything that is related to him.

Fifteen days of oppression. A typical genius will either endure or leave the place in pride seeing that the opposite party is too strong to handle.

But Sam went on his way to destroy the things that put the General in his position. He is an Insane guy.

Only after a long time did the general come to himself and walked out of the room. He met his students and carried Jim as he ran towards the Duke Palace. He has to clear the conflict as fast as possible. Otherwise, he would be in for a treat which he couldn't enjoy.

When the Duke saw that the General is running towards him like this, he thought that thee is some kind of crisis in the army.

Well, technically there is a crisis in the army but it is not one that he thought of.

General met the Duke in the Duke palace court along with his students and informed him of the situation briefly. He is too embarrassed to spell everything has happened because of his ego. So, he vaguely gave the hints

But Duke felt that something is a miss Still he agreed to talk to Sam and sent an attendant to summon him.

By this time, Sam is already sitting in the tent in his usual Black coat instead of the army uniform. He knew that he has to go meet the duke, so he would meet him in his own style, after all he is not just any soldier, he has a lot more identities than that.

When the attendant came to Sam, he complied and followed the attendant. They rode a eagle type level 4 beast as they went to the Duke palace.

Chapter 161: Threats- I

Sam landed in the Duke Palace and the same attendant led him to the Court room.

All this time the attendant was nervous, because, Sam is wearing all the badges of his professions. Today, he is not coming here like the soldier or the candidate Sam who is a Late stage Novice.

He is here like the Rank 5 scholar Artisan, Pseudo rank 3 tailor and weapon artisan, Formation master and a rank 2 inscription master, who is also a Late stage Novice at sixteen years of age.

Both statements are his identities, but both identities are of completely different worlds.

When Sam entered the Court room, he saw that General is standing in front of a middle-aged man who is sitting in the main seat.

The man seemed to have just entered his late thirties. But since he is a Nascent, the appearances will be deceiving.

Sam walked towards the centre and stood in front of the Duke.

The first thing the Duke noticed when he saw Sam is how young he is and the second thing is the badges that are pinned on the left side of the coat.

They are too dazzling to ignore. That many professions, that many titles and that cultivation when he is that young. He really is a rare piece and the Duke understood why the conflict escalated.

A young man with those achievements is sure to be proud. Why would he endure the abuse of some old man?

Duke has a faint smile on his face which is pleasing to see and that face which resembled Nicholas Carton a lot is so bright and pleasant.

Duke and Sam exchanged some pleasantries then former came straight to point.

"Sam, I heard that you have a misunderstanding with our General here, May I know why you are damaging the whole military because of your conflict with an individual?" Duke asked with same smile.

His tone is not overbearing but there is still some strictness in it.

"Does Duke Carton know about the whole situation? Did General Spark elaborate on it from start to end?"

Sam asked instead of replying to the earlier question.

Duke didn't get angry instead he replied with the same smile.

"I have been told that General and you have some differences and you paid him back on the expense of the army and his disciples. Let us put the things about soldiers and the battles aside.

He said that you are even hindering his disciple from getting a treatment, may I know why you are doing this?"

Sam chuckled as soon as he heard Duke's words. He looked at the General who didn't dare to meet his eyes because of his guilt.

Even though, the general wanted to bury the hatchet with Sam, he really didn't want to lose all his dignity and pride. So, he spoke by playing down the whole situation and most of his words suggested that Sam is overdoing it.

He just wanted the Duke to end the matter by forming a truce. He didn't expect that he would ask all these things. Even then he hoped that Sam would just comply and end the farce, but judging from how Sam made an appearance with all his badges of his professions, clearly indicating his status, there is a very little chance that would happen and the situation went on just like that.

Sam looked at Duke seriously and said.

"Duke Carton. I think calling the grudge between me and General as some misunderstanding and slight differences will be seriously undermining it."

"If you say so, I would like to listen to your side of the story." Duke replied.

"Well, the General himself might not like it if I tell everything and who knows what would happen to me if I really did say it. I still have to stay in the southern star city for a while, right?"

This time, Duke clearly understood, how much General undermined the situation. Sam's words reeked with sarcasm. His words clearly meant that general could clearly do anything to Sam even if he complained to the Duke himself.

Duke turned a bit serious and looked at General Spark before speaking.

"General Spark. You are a senior to me as you served as general under my father and due to both of your friendship, he overlooked a lot of your shortcomings and he even helped you when you are at your worst.

I respected his decision and you since you are his friend, but that doesn't mean that you can make a fool out of me. I now demand that you explain the situation clearly without leaving a little bit of information.

Otherwise, I might have to remined you that I am the Duke Carton now and you are the subordinate working under me, with the hardest way possible."

As he said those words, Duke Carton released his aura of the Late stage Nascent, very close to peak.

If his father and General are of same generation, then he is of the same generation as Marquis Blue flame.

And right now, the Marquis blue flame is still in the late stage Grand realm while the Duke is in Late stage Nascent.

General lowered his head in shame and then took a look at his disciples. All of them are having completely disappointed expressions. This is the first time they saw how despicable their teacher can be.

Abusing authority, suppressing the weak and powerless, lying, unfounded pride. He is an absolute embarrassment.

Those expressions made the General himself feel disappointed in himself. He took a deep breath and looked at the Duke before spilling everything out.

Everything from how Zeke attacked Sam, how the latter retaliated. How the general used his authority and people to make trouble for Sam and his teammates. Even, how he involved the army.

When Duke heard all these things, he couldn't even meet Sam's gaze. This is a great embarrassment.

Everyone, knew that this competition is a really important one, but Duke trusted General Spark and gave him all the responsibility.

But the General broke all the rules which he himself made and troubled a youngster who is participating in the competition.

And that youngster is not any normal candidate. Just based on his battle prowess he might have been seeded by the people behind the scenes and now that he knew that he is adept in so many professions. It would be a miracle if they ignored Sam.

So, the situation is more serious than he thought.

He has simply put too much trust in Spark. He shouldn't have done that just because of his seniority.

Seeing the silent Duke, Sam said.

"Duke Carton, with all due respect, can I ask if you really even care for your army. Your General is an abusive psycho who uses his authority just for his selfish motives.

Not only that, I heard that he even suppressed the actions of Deputy general who had tried to improve the welfare of the soldiers.

Your regiment soldiers are full of trash and nobody has a moral bottom line. Your regiment commanders are hypocritical people who only fears the strong and bullies the weak.

In the fifteen days, me and my teammates suffered in the camp while my remaining teammates suffered in the city. Not a single person came to my rescue.

I only retaliated in the same way they did to me and I didn't even break a single rule unlike them who treated the rules like a pile of shit and now I am being questioned here.

I had very good impression of you from your son Nicholas, but I might have to change my opinion.

If not for the fact that I am strong enough and I have some special identities, who knows what would have happened to me. I would have been killed in cold blood for all I know.

A grandson who thinks that everything has to go his way and ambushed an injured person with twenty people and a grandfather who has his back by breaking every fucking rule in the military and a Duke who doesn't see it unless that grandfather himself confesses it. I really feel like a new world opened up to me."

Hearing Sam's outburst, the general and the Duke are thoroughly embarrassed and that embarrassment became anger.

Even if it true being lectured by a young brat is not a thing they can easily bear.

"Sam, you might be a victim here, but you should watch your words. It is not a good thing to be this disrespectful. You might not be able to bear the consequences."

These words didn't come from the general or the duke, rather a Great mage who is the full- time commander of the Thunder wolf squad was the one who spoke those words.

Sam just looked at him and said.

"Who the hell are you to talk to me? Is it even your place to talk here?"

The squad leader was angry. Even if Sam is great in the Novice but he himself is a Great mage in middle stage, where did Sam has found the guts to talk to him like that?

The squad leader is so self-centred that he forgot that Sam is picking a fight with his teacher who is Nascent much less a Great mage.

"I am the squad leader of the thunder wolf squad. The conflict involves our squad as well. You crippled the spine of one of our soldiers and I can ask you for an explanation."

"Thunder wolf squad? Leader? In my eyes you are just a bunch of overrated soldiers and you particularly are the leader of these pathetic life forms.

Explanation? you guys better thank your lucky stars that I didn't start a massacre in your squad. If I wished so, even your teacher has no way to stop me and you have balls to demand an explanation?

If you dare to utter a word again, I will visit your squad again and trust me, this time not a single novice can stand in their whole life. They can only crawl with their hands."

Sam threatened directly. He didn't like to talk much, but there is a hidden agenda in this conversation he is making.

In actual fact, Sam could have dealt with these guys the very second day, but why did he wait for fifteen days patiently and deal with all the regiments there are some reasons.

Like taking the revenge on General psychologically, making some quick buck and the third and most important reason, points he has to earn.

Who has so much time and patience to finish the tasks assigned by their instructors?

He waited fifteen days to see if any instructor is normal, since all of them are against him and after revenge no one will support him or mess with him. So, he has to find a quick way to get his hands on those points.

Chapter 162: Threats- II

Duke Carton frowned at the words of the two young men.

Even though, everything Sam said was on point, it is too hurtful to hear them and made them feel ashamed as their mistakes being pointed out by a youngster.

As for the squad leader of the thunder wolf squad, he really didn't have any right to speak here. After all, the mistake is his teacher's, even his Sam's actions are overhanded, they can only blame their teacher if they have slightest bit on conscience.

"Sam, you are strong, I give you that, you are talented in many fields I give you that too. You are the biggest victim in this situation, but you cannot just insult the whole army of the Southern star." Duke said slowly.

"Insult the army? Duke Carton, you got something wrong here. If anybody is insulted, then that was me. It is an insult for me to stay in the army. From top brass to the underdogs everything was messed up." Sam's reply made the general's face turn red in embarrassment.

"You cannot just make accusations Sam. What you are saying is that the General, Deputy general and even all the commanders are just raising a bunch of waste all these years. Is that it?" Duke asked.

"Yes. That's what I mean."

"But you cannot simply say that. You have to prove it."

"I defeated a whole battalion myself, even the thunder wolf Novice squad was beaten half to death. I think that is enough proof. If you are not satisfied, I can have a go again, but this time, I won't hold back and I think I can make another blade after that."

Duke was speechless, he knew what Sam did with the Cougar family, but saying that he would do the same with his army, isn't it asking for a beating?

But he controlled the urge and said.

"That only proves you are overly strong."

"Then how do you want me to prove it?" Sam frowned and asked.

"We will get to that later, now let us first deal with the issue between you and General Spark. How do you want to settle this?"

"I am not the one who started this. You should ask the one who started on what his end goal is. Who knows, he might have planned to toy with me and my friends to death, he might have wanted to steal my wealth, he might cripple us and leave us on the road.

An incompetent leader who only knows how to abuse his authority can do anything?"

Sam is clearly making a point; he is not done with the General. No matter, how they changed the topic he simply wouldn't let go of the point 'abuse of authority'.

Duke sighed and said.

"Sam, you should cooperate. Even though, General did those things, it was only on a moment of spite, he wouldn't do such things with his position."

"How are so sure, Duke Carton? For all we know, he might have killed all the people that offended his grandsons and erased the evidence. Why do you think his grandsons are so confident that they can even ostracize us from the whole crowd?

This is clearly not the first time."

General gritted his teeth as he stared at Sam. This is unbelievably big accusation for a person in a position like him.

Yes, it is true that he used his authority to help his grandsons, but that doesn't mean he is cruel enough to kill people just because of them. Sam is clearly painting him as an evil guy.

Duke shook his head and said.

"Sam, what do you want exactly?"

"I need an answer. What is the end goal of the general? When would he have stopped harassing us if I didn't retaliate?"

Duke looked at General Spark, but the latter avoided his gaze. He didn't want to say, because, his grandsons clearly asked something big to be done to Sam and that is Sam kicked out of the competition along with his teammates and there is one more thing they wanted to do, which he didn't want to say in front of Sam.

Because, Sam just gave a warning yesterday about it.

"General Spark. Please don't let me and your disciples, lose the last shred of respect we have towards you." Duke said in a tone of disappointment.

But the General felt that he shouldn't say the truth even more after hearing it. When facing his grandsons' requests, he didn't think that they are wrong and that is mostly because of his guilt.

But that doesn't mean he didn't know what is wrong or right. If he said those words, he would be painted as a black hearted villain in his students' hearts.

He took a deep breath and looked at Sam before saying.

"Sam, it is really my fault for doing this to you and me and my grandsons will take the responsibility. As for what my end goal was, I will tell you as long as you let Jim get the treatment and we can discuss on what you want to bury this hatchet.

A lot of innocent people are involved, please don't make this anymore complicated.

What do you want? I can pay you if you need money. If you want some resources, pills, ores I can get them for you. Can you let this go? After this we won't cross each other's ways."

Sam looked at him coldly. He took out a bunch of scrolls and said.

"Who needs your money? Your four regiments owe me around 360 million. You better think of ways to pay me back before asking me how much I want.

You are not worthy enough to buy me with money.

As for resources, do you think your connections can best mine?" Sam flashed his artisan badges while looking at Jim.

Then only General remembered what Sam could do. Jim's treatment is an example. He became silent immediately.

Sam turned to Duke and said.

"I have two conditions. First one, Blue fire the grandson of General Spark should be deprived of his right to succeed the noble title from his father and General Spark should resign to his position.

He can stay in the military; he can run his squad. But he should be deprived of his General title."

Everyone in the room were stunned and then revealed myriad of expressions. Duke was dumbfounded, General was furious and the disciples are looking at Sam in horror.

They all had one thing in their mind. "Sam has balls of steel."

"Sam, all this time, even if you are being blunt at least you said some truth. But this is damn right outrageous. You are not qualified enough to decide the nobility titles and positions of the military command."

Duke said, this time his tone is cold.

"Oh, sure then you decide. What is the appropriate compensation then? The General wouldn't tell me what he planned for me to decide what sort of compensation I should get, you are saying that my current demand is outrageous, you decide."

At this moment, general understood that he has to reveal his plans he made, otherwise Sam is going to stay mum. He has a fleeting thought of lying through this, but when he saw Duke who knew how general is like, he knows that it won't end well and Sam is not a fool either.

So, he decided and said to Sam.

"I was planning to make you withdraw from the competition and… Zeke asked me to deal with your subordinate." By the end of the statement, his voice was low. Earlier Sam had given him a warning, not to mess with Watt but his plans precisely included him.

The whole room of people sensed a change in Sam.

Sam is emitting a lot of killing intent. It is so much that the battle-hardened General and Duke also felt suffocating.

They could almost smell blood from Sam.

Sam gave an icy cold stare filled with murderous gleam.

"You have guts, old man. Trust me. One day you are going to die in this very city and no one would dare say a word about it.

As for your grandson Zeke, you better make sure that you hide him as soon as possible.

You dare use your authority to deal with my people, I will destroy that authority. I will strip you off of your everything.

Your title, your family, your disciples, they will leave to the gutter. Anyone who helps you, I will them in cold blood."

Then he turned towards Duke and said.

"There is no room for compromise."

Sam turned to leave.

Duke came out of his trance and immediately stood up. He felt like Sam is a god of killing. He only felt that much killing intent and blood lust from a single person and that person in his life. So, he went into a stupor.

"Sam stop." He yelled and immediately released his aura to suppress Sam unconsciously.

Sam stumbled and felt his legs buckle in pressure. He spat a mouthful of blood even if the pressure for only there for a moment.

He turned around and glared at the Duke.

"I apologise, that was a mistake." Duke immediately said as he saw Sam's pale complexion.

Sam's cold glare didn't subside. "I don't care if it is a mistake or not. But you better think before you make a move on me.

You either kill me in a single blow or leave me alone. Otherwise, with your status the whole southern star territory will be implicated."

Sam still kept his arrogance. He might be weak, but physical strength is not the only thing that can decide. He has enough resources to get lost from his place. Save his teammates and escape from this empire. He can stay low for a while and he will destroy the southern star in a while.

His ideas for creation might take some time, but for destruction. The more creative a person is the more destructive that person can be.

Duke was surprised by Sam's words. That unwavering confidence made his hesitate.

"Sam, even though General thought ill of you, he didn't do anything yet. We can still remedy the situation."

"There is nothing to remedy. Nobody can think doing anything to my people and live to see another day."

"Sam, even you insulted the whole army. From the usual rules you can be executed."

"Not if what I said was true."

"Then prove it."


"Test. Since, you claim that General is incompetent and you completely believe so. I will give you a chance to prove it.

Prove that you are a more capable than him and you would have the ability to judge him.

If you really go against him now, the military and dukedom have to interfere. I will give you a solution for this too. You win this test and the General will only be a normal reserve of the army and after you think you are competent enough; you can come challenge him. if you win you can kill him.

Nobody will interfere.

And I will even give you a thousand points if can clear this test.

All I ask is you do not involve the soldiers and the innocent in this."

Sam coldly smiled in his heart. His second agenda was met.

Chapter 163: Speculations

Sam thought for a moment and asked Duke.

"What test?"

"I will give you a battalion of soldiers and during the war after the first eight months, you will be tasked to defend a border town with that battalion. If you can do so. It is considered your win.

If you lose. I will still award you with some points based on the performance and you have to bury the hatchet with General."

Duke explained as he looked at Sam, like he wanted to see through him completely. But he was unable to do so.

Sam thought for a while and said.

"I am okay with the deal. But I have some conditions.

My team members in the camp will be given to my battalion.

My training methods and practices cannot be copied, hindered or questioned.

I need access to the outside world without restrictions. I will be given authority to bring my people along with me."


Duke didn't even think twice before agreeing.

Sam looked at the General with animosity and was about to leave. But the General stopped him.

"The matter about Jim."

"What makes you think I would agree?"

"Sam, this is between me and you. Don't take it on him."

"Then you shouldn't have involved him in the first place."

"What do you want in return? Just name it."

"Do you think you could buy me? Do you have enough worth?"

Sam said these words and left the place. He was quite satisfied today. Not only did he get back at the General and Thunder wolf squad, he has fulfilled his hidden agenda too.

That's right, Sam has a hidden agenda and that was fulfilled now.

Since, the first day of the military camp, he has laid down an elaborate plan to get two things out of Duke.

One of them is obviously the points in the military test and the second one is the information.

The information about the competition and the people behind the scenes of these competitions.

From the day that Marquis said that Sam is now under someone's protection and anybody who is not part of the candidates will be dealt with, if someone killed him, Sam became intrigued.

He was interested in the people who can make the empire do their bidding. But it is impossible to get the required info from the authorities.

But would Sam just leave it at that? Absolutely not. So, he wanted to pry into the info and gather whatever he can.

And this time, he wanted to gauge the importance of the candidates and the tolerance of the empire's authorities towards the candidates and not only that he also wanted to know the factors that could influence the importance placed on a certain candidate.

He felt that his conflict with General is the perfect opportunity and actually proved to be one perfect opportunity.

Right now, Sam's actions can be considered outrageous. Demanding a General to step down from his position, asking a lord to remove his subordinate's nobility status, destroying the Novice's army, crippling a General's disciple and threatening a General and a Duke along with the lives of the innocent.

Any of the actions can be used to sentence him to death.

Even if his identities as an expert in various professions will not help him much. Because, the Duke and General can downplay the situation since they have enough power and the matter will be ended by demanding an extraordinary amount from Sam as compensation in the best-case scenario.

If Sam himself was in Duke's place, he would have slapped the offender to death and then would think of ways to coverup.

But Duke didn't do so. There might be two reasons. The Duke is too good of a person which is most unlikely and farfetched reason and the second one which is the most possible reason is, the people behind the scenes.

From what Sam could guess. The People behind the scenes seemed to place an enormous importance of the candidates. Which can be observed from how Duke didn't want to kill Sam,

And the importance is also relative. This can be concluded by how Duke tried to create a test to stop Sam from taking immediate action and from the conditions after winning, he can only come at General after he was competent enough.

If it was any typical candidate, even if Duke couldn't kill him, he would at least use force to put him in his place.

But he didn't do so and Sam believed that it has something do with his professional status.

That is the reason for him to think that importance is varied. A Duke is obviously more informed than a Marquis.

And from Duke's reaction, Sam speculated somethings.

First one, is the importance of a candidate can be influenced by their area of expertise. The candidates are tested in many ways.

Their adaptability, will, endurance, mentality, investigation skills and now military and business acumen.

There could be two reasons behind this. One of them is that the people behind the scenes need a multi skilled potential youngster and the second one is the emperor is using this chance to find a bride and groom to his daughter and son.

There is a high chance that both of them are right and in both cases the addition of his professional expertise will give him a high chance of succeeding.

That led to the second speculation. Sam might have a chance to get some influential status and authority which could definitely lord over the Duke's and generals. That is why Duke proposed a test and conditions which would not affect the Southern star much except for the General.

The third speculation is, the people behind the scenes are keeping an eye on the candidates. If not, why would Duke be so cautious. He can just finish Sam and seal the news.

The people behind the scenes have a very low chance of learning it because only very few people know about this meeting.

That means Sam would definitely be marked by someone and any major moves of his might have been observed by them.

But from Sam's experience he didn't sense any gazes or any person tracking him. And it would be rather difficult to follow Sam for every place because, he moved out many times with the help of shadow mice.

So, the other party might have employed some techniques to keep track of him. Sam had to figure this out and he has to do so as fast as he can.

In his previous life, Sam spent half of his life time under someone else's control. Now, he doesn't want to do so.

So, he has to figure out a way to find out how he is being monitored.

He has many secrets after all.

After Sam left the palace, he was again escorted by the same attendant back to the camp.

General wore a dejected expression. He looked at his students who are also in low spirits.

Then he looked at the Duke.

"I will talk to the tower head of the Pharmaceutical tower. I cannot guarantee though."

General nodded his head and after some hesitation he asked.

"Why did you propose such a test? What exactly is happening with the competition? What do ��they' want exactly?"

Duke shook his head and said.

"The less you know, the better. But there is one thing I have to tell you. Sam must be already a seeded candidate by them and you better not mess with him. If I don't propose this test, Sam would carry the grudge and then the whole southern star has to pay the price.

As for why this specific competition.

The Duke of our enemy empire sent a messenger. He wants to have a competition of young commanders at a border town.

He might be trying to highlight his son in front 'those people'. I was thinking on selecting a person, but I can only use this to deter Sam.

If Sam died in this battle, there won't be a need to worry, but even if he won, at least I have a chance to mend the grudge.

But then you would be in the most perilous situation. I hope you understand that I don't have much choice here."

Duke said and fell silent.

General understood this point as well.

So, he fell silent.

Next day, two things happened. One of them is the tower head of the Pharmaceutical tower was invited to Dinner at Duke Palace and another one is an announcement in the camp of the military base.

A battalion is going to be formed and Sam is going to be the commander of the battalion.

All the soldiers from various regiments can apply for a spot. If they don't the soldiers will be selected randomly and will be assigned to the battalion.

There is three days to apply.

Sam didn't care about the recruitment. For all he knew, no one would apply and he would have to pick the candidates himself.

So, he didn't care much and made a visit to his estate.

No one is at the estate at the moment and all them are busy with the business. Sam looked at the impact crystal excavation process and noted that there is not much progress.

Even if Kelly and Philip worked full time, they might not have any progress, let alone when they are busy.

So, Sam let out Yanwu, panthers, Blazing earth bulls. All the fire types beasts he had with him and let them work on it.

The panthers are already Level 2. So, they can make some time to practice some fire control of the fire poison.

The Blazing earth bulls stopped at the peak of the Level 2 and it is hard for them to grow beyond that.

Sam let them use their fire to clear the impact crystals under the lead of Yanwu.

He has some other things to do and one of them is finding the method in which he is being monitored. So, he took the Zoi termite queen out.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 164: Soul Chasing Butterfly

For gathering intel and tailing, shadow mice are the best, because they are highly intelligent and understand human language.

But for scouting an area, the insects are the best things.

Zoi termite queen let all the termites cover all the area around the mansion and started spreading throughout the estate.