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The mansion is in the deeper part of the estate and it is mostly covered with the impact crystals which are toweringly high in some places and at the same time make it almost impossible to peer into the mansion from a distance.

So, if the other party really wanted to keep an eye on Sam, by employing a human, he would be able to find them in no time with the zoi termites.

Even if the shadow mice are good, they are better suited for gathering intel and tailing. But for scouting a particular area in a short amount of time, insects with a queen are best.

But Sam waited for more than half-an-hour and he didn't find any person in the distance. More precisely, the queen didn't find anyone.

Then he deployed the shadow mice to see if anyone is in shadow form. He might have overlooked this before. So, he let the shadow mice take a look.

In the field of shadows, these shadow mice are the best, there are very few beings who can beat them in shadows when they are at their peak.

After getting a negative result again, Sam felt that human following is out of question.

So, he thought of something else. The watcher might be a beast or an insect.

And there is another thing to consider and that is the watcher should be capable of identifying the person who killed Sam, if they want to deal with that person.

So, the search criterion can be narrowed a bit.

And when he looked at the termite queen, something came to his mind.

He immediately went into the tower library and went through the info of the beastiary, he spent more than five hours before he came out. Now, he has a faint smile on his face.

If his guess was right, the watcher must be an insect.

So, he gave some instructions to the queen and took out the remaining locust queens and general of the termites and locust.

Then all the remaining locust are let out to scout the area.

After more than an hour, the termite queen finally gave him a positive answer.

Sam immediately moved to an area the termites and locust spotted and he started using his observe ability. There he saw a small, thin, transparent butterfly flying.

It is not visible to naked eye and even the spiritual sense cannot pin point it.

Only other types of insects can spot it and that is also very difficult.

This is Soul chasing butterfly.

A very peculiar and useful insect.

This insect is not like other butterflies which are independent, rather these butterflies also grow in a community.

In fact, they stay with the caterpillars which would transform into the soul chasing butterflies.

The soul chasing butterflies have a boss which gives the instructions and this insect species bloodline is only below the Zoi termite.

These soul chasing butterflies are a great for tailing and marking a person. The butterfly will attach itself to the soul presence of someone on the orders of the Boss and from then on it will follow that person

The Boss butterfly can record some instructions to the subordinates and infuse those instructions in form of memories or visuals into the souls of the butterflies.

So, if something happens to the person they are tailing, the butterflies will act according to the instructions.

For example, if the target is killed by a person and if the boss instructed that the butterfly should mark the person who killed, it will do so based on the visual instructions that are ingrained in its memories.

If the target is assassinated sneakily or from a long range, if there are any instructions matching the scenario like following the trajectory, the butterfly can do so and mark the killer.

The Boss has a wide range of sensory when it came to sensing its subordinates which is almost compared to a satellite from his previous life.

But it can only sense its subordinates and nothing else.

And the main draw back is it cannot attack, it is only useful for tracking.

Sam felt amused and relieved at same time. The soul chasing butterfly can only track and didn't have any abilities to relay the messages. They have very low intelligence and only the boss butterfly has some intelligence.

A big shot of the people behind the scenes must have found and subdued this boss soul chasing butterfly and they must have found a way to mark the candidates and Sam felt that it must have been after the Marquis city tests.

That person who caught this insect must have gone through a lot. Because, the soul chasing butterfly has many abilities that are suitable for tracking and one of them is invisibility. It can blend into the surroundings like a chameleon.

And its presence is almost negligible.

Sam doesn't have to worry anymore. Even if they track the person, they wouldn't have a way to see what Sam is doing and his secrets are safe.

So, Sam didn't bother and recalled all the insects and went back to his mansion.

He entered the tower and started doing some research and experiments. He needs to create a machine to get these impact crystals out as soon as possible. Even if they worked their ass of, in their current situation, they won't be able to clear the whole estate.

But Sam has to clear it as soon as possible because, this estate is one of his main points to make money in the latter eight months.

He is going to use the whole place to get as much as he wants.

So, he has to speed up the process and for that he has to find a way to get the fire that was strong enough to melt the impact crystals and also make the device collect the molten crystal.

He can try and use the fire elemental crystals and make a device made of energy cells and some inscriptions, but the consumption would be too costly and the profit margin is very small.

But Sam has an alternative for the heat source. The methane from the bulls.

After he found out that the methane is powerful, he has ape dig some large holes and trained the bulls to defecate in the pits.

A single pit of methane gave him more than 20 litres of methane. [not liquid. Just volumetric measurement]

The faeces of this bull are so powerful and they do defecate a lot.

The calorific value of the methane is so high that it can even be used to melt the materials like tungsten carbide and titanium in his previous life if it is used like a normal torch without any pressure and setup.

And with enough pressure and proper furnace like environment, he is quite confident that he can melt this impact crystal.

But the question is how is he going to use this. He cannot just control the wind and pressurise the gas and increase flame intensity manually and stand there.

If he can do so, he could just use the disintegration process. The point is that he doesn't have to stay here but the work should be done.

So, he buried himself in the research for the next two days that is twenty days in the tower to come up with a design. And when he was finally satisfied with a design and simulation in the second floor of the tower.

After confirming the design, Sam started going through the materials he had and sorted them out.

He wondered if the whole ten days [in the tower] he has would be sufficient or not. Because, this time, the mechanism is going to be a lot trickier and he has to make several components.

This machine is going to be operated manually and it would be a multi-purpose machine.

The complexity of mechanism is not that high. The tricky part lied in placing and making the components with precision and accuracy.

Any problems in manufacturing, he is going to have some serious trouble for the operator.

That trouble would be risky and the operator might even die if it is not handled properly.

So, Sam has to be careful and take his time in making the items.

The first and base of the machine is going to be made with Grey meteoric sand. It has high strength and it has a very high refractoriness for heat. The melting point is almost highest in the meteorite sands.

But it is still within Rank 2 materials and its melting point is about a above average rank 3 material.

Whereas the impact crystal can at most be at lowest of rank 3.

The Artisan ford didn't clear this whole land because, even if the rank 3 metal can be molten easily with a rank 5 and rank 4, they would have to take a long time and energy to do so.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 165: First hundred

Sam was sure that he wouldn't be able to complete this machine in ten days. So, he decided that he would do what he can and leave the rest to later and return to the camp.

Anyway, with the aid of beasts at least the process of excavation would not stop.

After working for ten days and making more than half of the required parts, Sam came out of the tower and was greeted by the sunset.

His teammates namely Philip, Kelly and Jack returned to the mansion.

Watt is the first one to greet him. They knew he was here as they saw the fire type beasts working vigorously in the estate to melt the impact crystal.

But they don't know how they collected the molten crystal and cleared it up.

This credit was given to the shadow mice.

They used the space jade rings and delivered everything into the Divine dimension, to be precise to the second floor, where Sam prepared some moulds to let the impact crystal solidify.

When Sam came out of his mansion, he saw Kelly and Philip working their fire control as they heated the crystal and Jack who is by their side practicing the sword.

He is using the black meteorite sword as practiced only one action. Sword draw.

The sword ray hit the crystal and *BOOM* it exploded.

But he didn't stop. Because, that is not his aim. After some observation, Sam understood his goal.

Jack is trying to control the intensity of the attack. He wants to cut the impact crystal without exploding it.

Sam felt that this is a great way of practicing, but he didn't want to do so. He just let them be and walked back into the mansion.

He asked Watt on how they are doing business and then found out that it is not going well at all.


"The other teams are fifteen days ahead of us and by the time we entered the market, there already rumours spread about us.

I don't know how but, the citizens are avoiding the restaurant like plague. I tried to pry some info and I found out that the citizens knew that we are being suppressed by the General. One of the teams of the Southern star city which comprised of mostly nobles spread the rumour.

Since, we are already enemies with the General, they didn't bother holding back.

The supervisors who didn't cause us trouble are also not helping us get rid of the trouble.

The business is being threatened and there is deficit in the materials we need.

We wanted to try any other business but the competition is even higher than the food business and Kelly's skills are so-so to venture into the weapon business. As for the rest, you know better than me.

But the main problem is these noble kids. They send people to our restaurant to disturb the ongoing small business.

Those people who came will start a fight for no rhyme or reason and they are not afraid of getting beaten up.

One time, they almost kidnapped one of us to do some bashing, but we are alert and escaped.

The noble kids are getting more and more loose and doing anything they wished as we have only four members. They even have plans on the Mackey and his staff.

We have to be completely on guard and save them."

When Sam heard this, he didn't have any visible reaction. He knew something like this would happen. Out of all the teams in the competition, their team is the weakest in terms of numbers.

As for strength, that is a whole different matter with Sam, Philip and Jack here. Even Hawk is not that great compared to them.

But the problem is Philip won't fight with his full strength no matter what. He always portrayed an average guy image.

Every fight he had in the tournament was portrayed as if he barely won. But Sam knew otherwise. He has one thing on his mind and that is to bring Philip out of that shell.

Even though, they might not seem that close, Philip is the first friend to him in this world. Although, the relationship was a bit forced they are still friends.

When Sam came to this world, his mental state is not good. Added with the fact that Oliver is torturing him, he was completely annoyed by every little thing.

Philip is one of the reasons he adjusted a bit quickly. Because, Sam is not strong at the moment and Philip shamelessly refused to let him go, Sam gradually calmed down as Philip's annoying banter served as the diversion.

Whether intentional or unintentional, it is still a great help to him.

So, Sam has to return the favour. From what he understood; Philip is not a simple kid from a tiny noble family in a rural city. He has a past and that past is so dangerous that he wasn't even able to exhibit his prowess peacefully.

But Sam felt that this is wrong.

If one is afraid to face a problem and keep on postponing to deal with it when they are sure that they are capable and even went on hiding in case they would be forced to deal with it, that is one of the stupidest things one could ever do.

No matter, the situation, one must first face it and then think of means to escape if there is no way to deal with it.

Hiding oneself even before facing the situation and knowing what is going to happen is not a great move.

So, this time he only had one thing in mind and that is not involving in the conflicts Watt mentioned. Jack is a great fighter, but he is not witty enough and is too straight forward.

Philip is not. He might be even stronger than Jack is battle prowess and he is witty and intelligent. He can deal the things here by himself.

Sam didn't stay for long and left the estate. He has to return to the camp.

When Sam entered the base and the allotted place for his battalion, he was surprised by the scene he saw.

He assumed that there would not be a single person who will join his team. But the situation is completely different.

There are a total of hundred people and all of them are either fire element or wind element mages and Warrior mages.

Sam didn't even expect the scenario where he would have more than thirty members much less the situation, he is facing now with a hundred subordinates.

He thought that since, he had made enemies of all the regiments there wouldn't be any people willing to sign up.

But there are hundred people.

Sam assembled all of them before a stage and said in a loud voice.

"I don't know, why you came to join this battalion but there is one thing I can tell you, you better not regret it later.

This battalion is completely under me. No regiment commanders, or any other superior including the general is going to take part in this. They don't have any say or authority over me and you and in turn they don't have authority to stop my training and actions.

If you are a part of my battalion, the first thing you have to know is that the training will be completely different from what you have been through all this time. It will be completely new and eccentric.

Second thing, you have to treat yourselves as the part of the team. The team's interest will always be above yours. For me all of you are going to be a single entity. I will treat you as a machine and each and every soldier is a link of that machine.

If one link or part fails, then the whole machine suffers.

Third point, I will not be training you in what you want. I will be training you in what you need to be a great soldier and a great asset to the team.

Fourth and most important point. My word is the rule that cannot be broken, law that has to be abided no matter what.

Those who do not want to follow these four rules, can leave now."

Sam paused and looked at them with a sweeping glance.

Seeing that no one is responding, he said.

"Now that the rules are over, there are somethings I have to warn you guys about.

If any of you are here, so that they can laze around, you better leave right now. Or else, you will regret this for the rest of your lives.

For those of you who came here to take revenge by disrupting order and causing chaos in the team, you better leave right now. Because, once I find you, If you don't wish you are dead, I will change my name.

Even if it is one the orders of your regiment commanders or some other seniors. I don't care.

I am a person who will kill the person that stabs at me and at the same time will destroy the knife they used.

If you are going to be the knives, I suggest you guys get lost.

I am only giving you guys all these chances because you came voluntarily.

As for those who are going to be selected. They would not have any choice.

So cherish it. You have till dawn.

Think carefully and for now, disperse."

Chapter 166: New Battalion

Sam gave them a choice because they came here on their own without any force or rules.

So, he gave them a chance to get out of here as they might regret it after the training started.

But from what he observed no one is willing to leave this place at all.

He doesn't know why, but he felt that these people are very much familiar with each other and are all here together and the decision seemed to be unanimous.

Sam didn't mind though. At least, there are hundred subordinates which he doesn't have to beat into shape.

The Next day, all the regiments are in a small-scale turmoil.

The Regiment commanders are thinking hard on who to get rid of and send them to the Sam's battalion.

But that is not entirely feasible because, the final say is based on the requirements Sam is going to provide.

Sam doesn't have the complete authority to select the people from the battalions but he has enough say in what type of people he requires. And his requirements are as follows.

Earth element mages or warrior mages: 50

Water element mages or warrior mages: 50

Wood element mages or warrior mages: 40

Ten light element mages or warrior mages

Warriors: fifty.

Rest can be decided by the regiment commanders themselves.

When the regiment commanders learnt these requirements, they are absolutely happy.

They thought that Sam would take advantage of the situation and ask them for some squads or even a company from each of them, but Sam didn't do so.

So, they started cleaning up their regiments and searched for the bad eggs so that they an be thrown into Sam's battalion.

Sam didn't mind though. Everyone will be beaten into shape once they are under him. So, nothing to worry about.

Two days passed and the five hundred members are finally assembled.

Sam stood on the stage in his Black coat.

He looked at all of them from the stage as he observed their expressions.

Some of them are filled with fear, some with anger, some with frustration and some with eager ness.

After observing the group for a while, he finally opened his mouth.

"Many of you might already know, who I am. But I am going to introduce myself.

I am Sam. I am a candidate in the special batch.

But due to my qualifications and abilities being evaluated to be more than my peers, I was given a task to manage a battalion and a title of battalion commander.

But there is a catch here. You are under me and only me. Even the General of the army has no authority over you.

I know many of you are not willing to be here and if given a chance you might even want to beat me to death.

But let us face the reality. Even if all of you guys come at me together, you will not be able to do anything to me. I can defeat you guys within minutes.

If anyone of you wanted to create chaos or make the teamwork unstable, beware of one thing that here in this battalion I am the main fighting force and if I can take on a battalion here, then I can do so in the border too. I don't have much need for you guys at all.

So, if anyone plays tricks, I will definitely dispose of them, be careful.

In this battalion, I will be training you guys myself and training will be mostly depending on the individual strengths characteristics which will make you guys most efficient and most useful to the whole squad.

I will train you according to what you need and what you want.

For the seven months, you will do what I say, eat what I give and rest when I tell. No questions asked, no answers given.

Whether you like it or not, that will be done so.

I will be dividing you guys into companies and each company will be trained separately and then again, all the companies will be then trained together for some better cooperation.

From now on, each company is a single entity in my eyes. If one person makes a mistake, the whole company will be punished.

Correcting the person by force or help is up to the company members themselves.

The training will be hellish. Imagine the worst nightmare you have and multiply it by ten. You will be tortured and wish you were dead. But you are not even allowed to die on your will.

No one is an exception from not completing the daily routine. Even if one person misses the whole company is doomed.

I am not sure how many of you can complete this training and be safe.

But I am sure of thing and that is the more torture you are going to go through, the more returns you are going to have.

And for that, I have to show you my other identity."

Sam paused and took out his artisan badges as well as formation and inscription master badges.

"I am not just a candidate, but also a rank 5 scholar artisan, rank- 3 weapon artisan, rank 3 inscription master.

I am wealthier than a normal noble family.

You don't have to train for me here, train for yourselves. Because, every month there would be a competition between the companies and the winner will be having ample rewards.

Other than that, there are going to be individual rewards also.

In the camp there is going to be a credit system.

There will be an exchange point in the camp and more credits an individual has the valuable thing an individual can obtain.

Many of you have low quality rank 1 weapons, if you have enough credits you can exchange them for even a rank-3 weapon, a formation disc, a full body set armour, potions, pills. Any hing can be obtained.

For obtaining the credits though, you have many ways.

One can obtain some credits from winning the duels, winning the competitions, performing well in the exercises, mock battles.

I will give you a chance to earn them as an individual or as a team.

You can do anything with the things you won, you can even sell them for all I care.

In short, I only have few words for you and that is, the more you bleed here, the more you earn.

So, work hard.

For today though familiarize with each other. From tomorrow onwards the training will start."

Sam didn't waste his time after saying his piece.

All the soldiers though, were extremely unsettled.

That is because they never expected Sam is an Artisan and also expert in many other professions. Many of them are excited about the part about rewards and from what Sam said, if they could get their hands, on extra goods, they can even make some money by selling them.

This is one of the best opportunities one could hope for as they don't have much future in gathering enough wealth being a soldier.

They only have some wealth from the savings they made from their salaries.

Their only other source is the battle field. They can loot the enemy soldiers they killed.

So, Sam's conditions are extremely suitable for them.

But there is a particular batch of hundred people who are calm and collected. They also have a change in their attitude after the briefing.

But it is not excitement, rather it is more of a determination.

They are precisely the hundred people who came to Sam's battalion on their own will.

Sam though didn't know about these odd guys and instead focussed on making the new device for the impact crystal.

From the past two days, he was busy with the matter regarding to the battalion, he has to take entries of these guys, check their previous recorded information that was passed to him and many other bullshit official work.

So, he didn't make much progress in manufacturing.

That is why he let these soldiers off for this day on the pretext of familiarizing themselves with the people and went into his new battalion commander's quarters.

He immediately entered the tower and started working on making the required components.

This device is a combination of various mechanisms, inscriptions and formations. He has to do this carefully and meticulously.

After working tirelessly for another seven days he was finally done with the components and he has to start etching the inscriptions.

The inscription which he is going to do on this device are not going to be that complicated.

But the main point is that they are so many of them.

He has to repeat the process time and again.

He has only three days left for this.

One day more time will make his whole plans delayed for one more day.

He doesn't want to waste anymore time on this impact crystals and with this device ready, he can completely rest assured that the whole estate will be completely cleared out within the required time.

Chapter 167: The new machine

As the day passed and midnight arrived, Sam was in the tower finally completing the machine.

He came out of the divine dimension and slept in his tent to make up for all the mental fatigue he has been through.

He woke up just before sunrise and went outside towards the stage at which the assembly occurred yesterday.

Sam looked at the five hundred soldiers who assembled neatly in order of their elements.

"I hope everyone relaxed yesterday, because for all you know there won't be much time for you guys to relax in the near future." Sam said and then observed the change in the expressions of these people.

"Today, I will be dividing you guys into companies. You better get along with your teammates, you guys are going to be the partners who you should trust your lives with."

For the rest of the day, Sam divided all the candidates into ten companies.

Each company has fifty members. And all of the companies are assigned with one healer each.

Out of these companies, one company is solely made of forty warriors and the remaining nine are the warrior mages of various elements.

As for the remaining nine companies, each of them has one healer and at least five mages of five different elements.

They are fire, wind, water, earth, wood.

There are no metal elemental mages or warrior mages. It is not because he forbade them from joining, rather there are very few in the army and most of them are recruited by the City guard squad.

Just like how the General Spark maintained the thunder-wolf squad, the General of the city guard, the General mercury also maintained a special squad who are mostly of metal element users. They are like the FBI of the southern star spread far and wide within the territory.

After Sam divided the squads, he didn't immediately train them. Because, unlike soldiers from previous world, these guys didn't need extraordinary physical training.

These guys are mostly dependent on the spiritual energy, so if he wants them to be efficient, then he has to make them use the spiritual energy more efficiently, for that he has something else planned.

But before all that the first thing he has to teach them is the teamwork and coordination and that can be obtained by the training techniques from his previous life.

Those are most basic ones in any county's military and those are military drills.

The standard attention, stand at ease, march fast commands helps with the coordination of the teammates.

Even though, they are the easiest and simplest of the things and are mostly performed in the military parades of various different countries, many people think that they are for show. But in actual fact, a perfect drill without a single flaw is an indication of the perfect harmony in the team.

If they can perform a perfect drill, even if the teammates have some differences internally, they can perform and execute all the orders perfectly without these feelings interfering.

If these feelings of differences and resentment towards their teammates is too deep, then they won't be able to perform a perfect drill which in turn gives a heads up to the instructor and he can take necessary actions to bring the team to perfect balance.

Now the soldiers assembled in the companies and each and every company has certain gap separating them.

When he started giving these commands, the soldiers were bewildered.

Sam first showed them the standard actions for the attention, stand at ease, right turn, left turn, march fast and also explained the necessary commands they have to follow.

The soldiers didn't understand why their battalion commander was asking them to do this, but they don't have any choice.

Sam stood on the harbinger up in the air as he looked down at the soldiers and started issuing the commands.

Soldiers also didn't fret and executed. The foot steps are not in sync at all and the sounds are like a horse galloping.

Not a single company executed their commands well.

Sam didn't say anything and instead took out a staff and swung it in the air as he moved above all the companies.

The air currents flew like whips as the staff made movements in the air.



Various painful sharp sounds came out of the mouths of the soldiers.

"I want to hear a single collective thump of the feet. Even if a single soldier from a company missed that the whole company will have to suffer."

Sam didn't provide any further explanation and immediately started issuing commands again.

"Parade, Attention." His voice echoed all over the camp. The soldiers came out of daze as they started doing the drill.

Until afternoon, they just went on with the drill and received heavy whipping. They don't even know which side the whip is coming, so they didn't even have a chance to defend.

By afternoon, they are exhausted and many are complaining about how Sam is making them do all the nonsensical work.

But they didn't dare complain out loud. Sam warned them clearly yesterday. He would dispose of everyone he found annoying and complaining.

At least last time, the rules stopped Sam from making a critical hit but now he is the boss.

But when they saw the food provided to them, they were relieved. Not because, the ingredients are great, rather the cooking process changed.

Sam called up some of the Mackey's staff who are idling around due to the lack of business to cook for the soldiers.

No matter how much you torture the soldiers, if you feed them well and provide the rewards for their efforts, they would work hard.

Sam took advantage of this break to go to the estate. Since the new machine is done, he has to test it and see if this is practical.

So, when he arrived at the estate, Watt is already waiting for him there.

Sam didn't stop at anything and just entered the back of the mansion where the beasts are working continuously.

After asking them to stop, Sam took out a large octagonal metallic object.

The object is so large that an average person can use it as a bed.

Sam climbed on a large uneven impact crystal bed which spanned for hundreds of square yards.

The machine is basically a hexagonal metallic prism. One face of the octogen has a large circular opening in the centre.

The eight corners of the octagon have some metallic protrusions.

Sam placed the machine with the circular opening facing down wards and then he grabbed the metallic protrusion on one corner and pulled it out.

A foot-long metallic cylinder came out with one end having a pointed end and the other end was connected to a metallic flexible tube which is silver in colour.

Sam dragged the cylinder with him as the tube kept on coming out of the octagon.

There was huge roll of tube inside the machine body.

After walking for more than 30 yards Sam heated the surface of the impact crystal and after melting some, he pierced the pointed end of the cylinder there.

The cylinder has some holes on the curved surface area which are being faced towards the machine body.

Similarly, he pulled out the remaining seven cylinders from the body and placed them on the different spot.

Now, a large area with a radius of more than 30 yards was under the machine's influence.

Sam walked towards the machine body and stood on top of it.

There are several rectangular markings on the surface of the body under Sam's feet.

He signalled Watt to come on to the machine and after later did so, Sam took out some long cuboids made of grey meteorite sand. These are connected with the bolts and Sam is using these as moulds.

Right, Sam is using them as moulds. The impact crystal has a peculiar property and that is, it wouldn't mix or bond with any other substance no matter what state it is in.

Even if it is in molten state and mixed with another molten metal it wouldn't mix at all, it either floats or drowns based in the relative density, and even if they are solidified like that there wouldn't be any form of chemical bond or alloy formation.

So, metallic moulds are best for this.

The moulds are six feet long and the cross- sectional area is around 1 square feet.

Sam then started explaining the process to Watt.

There are small circular holes on the machine base, precisely four of them.

And there are some circular pipe protrusions on the one cross-section of the moulds Sam took out. Both of them perfectly formed a joint.

After that, Sam explained about the rectangular markings, there are three pairs of rectangular markings each in different colour.

First one is Black coloured.

After Sam stood on it and injected some spiritual energy into it, a formation was formed around the machine base and another formation with the eight cylinders as nodes.

Sam then moved his feet to the next pair. The red coloured.

He infused his spiritual energy, this time there is some revving sound from the machine base. A red coloured gas was released from the holes of the eight cylinders and as soon as the whole formation was filled with the gas, the gas started burning.

Highly intense, blue flames are coming out.

The machine base was isolated sue to the formation and the flames didn't reach the area outside the eight cylinders.

Watt saw the scene in awe as the whole impact crystal was being heated and molten right in front of him.

The molten metal started flowing towards the machine base. Watt then noticed the machine base in now floating stably and it even moved a little downwards.

But before he could absorb that, he noticed something else, the level of molten impact crystal is being lowered, then only he understood something.

The machine base is sucking the liquid and is pumping it into the moulds.

When the moulds are full and some small amount of metal was leaked from a small opening on top, Sam moved his feet towards the third pair of markings.

These are like switches as Sam placed his feet, they moved downwards and stayed like that.

Then Sam walked towards the moulds and removed them, Watt noticed that the holes on the machine body are blocked.

Sam didn't stall and immediately replaced the four moulds with new ones and then, he moved towards the third pair of the rectangular markings which are pushed downwards and pressed them again.

The marking came back to normal and the moulds started filling again.

And after an hour of repetitions, the machine base was now on the soil and the impact crystal was cleared out within the area.

He deactivated the formations and then walked towards the cylinders. Sam showed how to change the methane tanks in the machine base and how to place the eight cylinders to Watt and left.

This machine will make the whole process easier, so he went back to the camp with one less worry.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 168: Dragon Hawk Tribesman

Sam immediately returned. The machine is a complete success, so he doesn't have to worry about the land anymore. With in a few months, the whole land will be cleared of the impact crystal.

He has only one thing to do now and that is train the candidates. As for his cultivation, he decided to suppress it for the time being.

Because, he wants to sign a contract with Mia when he broke through the Great mage, but the little girl is still too far away from the level 4. Even with the help of the hydra blood and the herbs, beast meat, it is only at level 2 now, even though it is quite fast, it will still take some time to reach the Level.

When Sam went back to the camp, all the soldiers are assembled and ready for the training.

For the combat training, Sam has made some special arrangements and the first stage of it is to let them use the spiritual energy as frugally as possible.

They have to have an absolute control over their spiritual energy and every attack they make, they have to achieve the effect with the minimum amount of energy.

Since, they don't have any experience to this, Sam decided to first let them train in this control aspect and then he would train them in battle formations and combination attacks.

Sam only checked the soldiers with a fleeting glance. They are fully refreshed after eating the food and some rest.

Even though, the morning drill training is not that exhaustive, they suffered under Sam's lashing. Now, after the delicious food, they are as good as new.

Sam didn't address them and walked towards the training fields.

As the military camp already has some specific training fields, for all kinds of practices. They include, target practice, duelling platforms, obstacle courses for practicing movement techniques etc.

Sam walked towards each of the training fields and placed a formation disc in each of them.

A formation was activated in each training field.

Then he sent them to train themselves.

The soldiers were quite perplexed, but still went towards their practice fields.

As soon as they entered though, everyone's expression changed.

They felt an unimaginable pressure and restriction on their spiritual core.

"What is happening?"

"Oh, Fuck."

"God, I can barely feel my spiritual energy."

All of them started swearing and shouting, then Sam's voice came and interrupted their voices.

"From today onwards, this is how you guys are going to train.

A battle field is not a playground and you cannot use your spiritual energy as you please. If by any chance you are exhausted and your enemy has a trick up his sleeves, you guys can kiss your lives good bye.

So, from today onwards, you guys have to increase your control over your spiritual energy.

You have to use the minimum energy possible to achieve the desired result.

For, the next week, you guys are going to train here every afternoon. You have to achieve the same damage as spell would cause with only fourth of its actual energy consumption.

After the week, I will see the results and if you guys don't show me any, you are going to stay in the same formation along with your company.

Only if all the members in a company has passed would that company go to the next stage of training."

Sam left these words and boarded Harbinger.

A soldier made some hand-signs and threw a water sphere. The amount of spiritual energy was cut down by more than seventy percent and the water sphere was very small and blunt, hitting the target and making no damage at all.

All the soldiers looked at each other and shook their heads, this would be one tough training.

Actually, even when using spells by making hand-signs one can control the effect of the spell by the amount of spiritual energy and control.

But that requires quite some practice and most people wouldn't so, letting the attack by default and consuming a decent amount of spiritual energy.

But many people cannot control their spiritual energy as they wished as they got used to using the hand-signs.

That is where Sam's formation helps. This formation is created by his own effort. He modified the spiritual energy restriction formation used for restricting and negating their ability to use their spiritual energy.

He modified the formation, so that the full restriction will change into partial restriction. Since, he cannot teach them how to control their energy like how he did with Watt, Sam decided to force their bodies and spiritual cores to adapt.

Sam floated in the air as he observed everyone.

After a few minutes, he noticed a peculiarity and that is the most of the fire elemental and wind elemental mages are unable to do anything. They were able to conjure spiritual energy but the energy is too minute for them to attack.

And another thing is, they are not using any hand-signs for spells.

He made a quick count and found out that these guys are the same people who came to his battalion voluntarily.

He called them to assemble separately and asked.

"Can you tell me what your problem is?"

Sam asked directly. Even though, these guys are not able to do anything, he still has favourable impression towards these hundred than the rest of the battalion.

No matter, what the bet and circumstances are, Sam took all these five hundred soldiers under his responsibility.

He wanted to wait for these guys to come themselves, but from what he observed these guys are quite determined and wouldn't say that easily.

Today, Sam is in good mood as he was able to finish the machine, so he asked these guys about their problem himself.

After his question was made, he saw that expressions of the people became downcast. Two people who seemed to be leaders of both elements respectively came forward.

The leader of the fire element group said.

"Commander, my name is Marian and his name Amir." He introduced himself and the leader of the wind element group and then continued.

"We are from Fire-Wind Dragon Hawk tribe. Our tribe is located towards the southwest of the empire.

We are actually not part of the empire rather our tribe is a small village within the woods. No beasts would attack us and we live in harmony with the nature.

We are adept in fruit farming and our land is good for growing fire element and wind element fruits which are quite useful for low-level cultivators.

And only we can cultivate in this land as the skills were not recorded rather passed by one generation to other generation.

But recently, from a past decade the war between the two empires was becoming more and more intense and in turn the woods we reside in lost the balance due to these battles effecting our livelihood.

Our tribe leader who is Great realm cultivator tried to talk with the commanders on both sides but to no avail and soon we had to move out of that place and it was quite difficult for us to escape the warzone.

After some long hard struggle, a Regiment commander who is the war zone gave our tribe, the refugee in a small village, but the condition is that at least five hundred soldiers from our tribe should be in the army and we are always treated as cannon fodders.

In our tribe, there are only two types of cultivators, either wind element or fire element. Apart from that our bodies are also quite strong.

But the only problem is that, we cannot cultivate using any methods. Our breakthroughs are fast and forceful but only to a certain extent.

We can only fight with the control of the spiritual energy forcefully and a lot of it will be wasted every time.

We cannot cultivate spells or any warrior techniques.

But due to our sturdy defence and reckless fighting methods, we are being used as cannon fodders in exchange for our tribe's safety.

When we saw how you fought with them without any hand signs, we wanted to ask you for help, but couldn't bring ourselves to do so.

But after that, we heard that you are going to be a battalion commander and so we have applied for transfer.

We slowly wanted to ask your help but before that you already found out."

Sam is staring at him as he was stunned.

He only asked what the other party's problem is in the aspect of knowing about their in ability to spells and techniques.

But the other party explained all his history. At first, Sam was bored and wanted to stop but when he heard the words and problem, he suddenly had a thought.

These guys' problem and situation are too similar and are clearly aligned with the problem of a beast.

Right a beast. A beast also cannot cultivate a technique designed for humans, neither it has spells or fighting techniques.

Their break throughs are also due to natural consumption of food. After some thoughts, Sam felt that he has stumbled on something interesting.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 169: Descendants or Mutants?

Sam was intrigued. The people in front of him are clearly humans, at least they look like that but their inability to cultivate the techniques, spells and battle skills is something very similar to beasts.

The spells and battle techniques are used by circulating the spiritual energy through a particular set of meridians in a pattern exclusive to that technique.

Humans after unlock these meridians in the initiation stage and after that with the help of cultivation techniques they use, they would be circulating the spiritual energy in particular pattern for further breakthroughs.

But the beasts are different.

For beasts, there would be a particular set of meridian patterns already activated based on their genes which are decided by their birth and bloodline.

The genetic memory itself is responsible for their easier cultivation, breakthroughs, their skills of attacking, defence, movement etc.

They are just like the fish having the innate ability to swim without teaching it specifically.

The beasts cannot cultivate the human techniques, in fact many of the human cultivation techniques are made based on the meridian patterns of beasts and so are the battle techniques.

But Sam never heard or read about these symptoms being in human beings. He pondered for a second and asked.

"You said that you are Fire-Wind Dragon Hawk tribe. May I know how you got that name?"

Sam felt that there might be something on with this name. Judging from the fact that these people are only of wind and fire elements and the tribe name is also of a beast, he felt that there is some catch here.

"Our tribe worships the fire dragon hawk and wind dragon hawk. These two beasts are said to be the totems of our race.

There is a story that these two beasts who loved each other and descended in the place where our tribe currently is and lived there until they died with time. We believe that these two totems are the ones that protect us from the forest and let us live along with the other beasts in harmony."

Marian said in a low voice.

Sam felt that these guys' condition might be related to these totems.

He extended his hand as he gestured the other party to extend their hands too.

After Sam held Marian's hand, he closed his eyes and spread his spiritual energy as he used his observed ability to look at his blood.

As Sam closely observed the blood, he felt that there is a stark difference between his and a normal fire mage's blood.

It has too much fire energy, and the fire energy is also quite intense and ferocious as if it was wild fire caused by burning hundreds of acres of forest.

Even though, it is not as intense as his golden sun crow fire, it is still too far ahead compared to a normal fire mage. Of course, there might be some exceptions.

But these guys are definitely not, because, Sam found another interesting thing and that is the meridians of the person.

Many meridians of this person seemed to be in a highly dormant state as if they have never been activated at all.

Sam retracted his hand and then held Amir's hand, the situation is almost same, except that the dormant meridians are different.

The situation is quite similar to a beast.

Sam's curiosity was piqued. He has stumbled on the most interesting thing and he has studied the cultivation and meridian patterns of various cultivation techniques and also the battle techniques with are mostly cultivation specific.

It may sound crude and all, but these guys are bound to be the best test subjects.

Of course, he cannot say that out loud.

"I have an inkling of your condition, if you guys don't mind, can I have a sample of your blood?"

Sam asked the two people.

They exchanged a glance and complied. Sam collected the blood in small glass tubes and said.

"Your condition is actually not a bad one. You just chose a wrong path. I will teach you how to use the spiritual energy without the need of battle techniques. For now, just stay in the formation and try to conjure the spiritual energy. I will talk to you guys again tonight."

After that, Sam checked the soldiers one more time and went back to the estate to talk with Yanwu.

He passed the two blood samples to Yanwu and asked.

"Did you notice any difference in these?"

Yanwu carefully studied and said.

"There seemed to be traces or Dragon Hawks, but it is very mild and it is more like a human blood. Where did you get these?"

Sam beamed in excitement. Yanwu is most knowledgeable about the bloodlines and higher realms, for fifteen years all he did was learn as many things as possible to help Sam.

Sam explained the situation and Yanwu said.

"They might be descendants of the Dragon hawks. Even though, dragon hawks are high level beasts in this world, they are not considered so in the higher realms, at most they are above average there.

Some of them might have slipped into this realm and stayed here to die. These people might have been either the descendants of a Dragon Hawk and a human or they might have mutated by the blood of the dragon Hawks."

After hearing Yanwu's words, Sam pondered for a bit and went to the library. Other than beastiary there are other books which are related to beasts. Beastiary mostly consists on the basic information of beasts like their habits, environment they live in, special features of that environment etc.

But there are some books which give even more detailed explanation on some specific beasts, but they don't have any info on the low-level beasts.

Fortunately for him, the Dragon Hawks are not low-level.

So, Sam found the required information on the Dragon Hawks and he is clearly studying to understand the anatomy, the meridian network and the fighting styles.

After more than five hours, Sam came out with the new found information. From what he understood; these guys will be able to cultivate if they cultivate a technique which was created based on the Dragon Hawk.

Because, the meridian network of the Dragon Hawk matched with the meridians of Marian and Amir. The active meridians of these people bore a stark resemblance to the meridian network a Dragon Hawk.

So, if they cultivate a technique like that, they would be able to do. But Sam only has cultivation techniques suitable for beast warriors and there are some techniques suitable for Dragon Hawk beast partners, but the problem is they are not suitable for these guys.

Sam is a special case as all his meridians are used for cultivation as he can absorb and share the energy with his companions, but in case of normal beast warriors, even though they do share the energy that happens through a particular active meridian network.

Even Watt's case was same. So, if he gave them a cultivation technique of a Beast warrior's they have to make a bond with a Dragon Hawk which is completely impossible.

Sam found two ways to deal with this and one of them is create a specific cultivation technique that can work for them.

As he was researching the cultivation techniques previously before coming to the southern star city, he is confident that he can do so, provided that he can completely understand the workings of the Dragon Hawk's meridian network to the point that he should completely familiar with all the possible outcomes that might happen when the spiritual energy is circulated in various patterns within the same network.

Because, the only active meridians in these people's bodies are of same pattern and it is hard for him to raise the remaining meridians from dormancy.

But that takes a lot of work and time, which Sam didn't want to invest now as his immediate mission is to train the battalion and he cannot simply focus on these hundred guys only.

The second thing is that refine the dragon hawk bloodline in these guys.

Yes, Sam has an idea. From what he heard from these guys, until now, they have forcefully increased their cultivation with the help of spiritual energy. Just like beasts.

So, if he refines the bloodline in their bodies, their breakthroughs will be easier and if he teaches them how to properly attack with spiritual energy, without hand signs and battle techniques and train them properly, they would be great warrior mages.

Sam kept on thinking and he is in a great dilemma to choose on his further actions.

He is even having thoughts whether he should go to this extent to help them or not. But those thoughts went as soon as they came.

After all, Sam is a person of a self-discipline and a moral bottom line, since they are right now under his responsibility and also, they are going to be working for him in the near future, Sam felt like he has an obligation to help them.

After much thought, he decided on one thing.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 170: Offer to Dragon Hawk Tribesman

Sam decided to refine the bloodline. Because, him doing some refining can be explained with some sort of excuses like meridian cleansing or other kinds of treatment to the body ailments they are naturally born with.

But if he creates a cultivation technique and some of them spreads it, the powerhouses will be high on his heels.

Although, he was not afraid of them, he should avoid the unnecessary trouble. After all, no powerhouse believe that Sam truly created a cultivation technique and attach the presence of cultivation technique with some inheritance or treasure, which would lead him to trouble.

Even if he is under protection now, that is not going to last for long.

One more reason is, even if he is responsible for these guys for now, that is only temporary, for them to waste his time and create a whole new cultivation technique, it is not entirely beneficial to him in the long run and they would be the one benefiting more than him.

So, if he just refines their bloodline, he will improve their lives a little and they would stop being cannon fodder which will make them feel grateful enough for them to fight for him the upcoming war and help with pass the test Duke setup.

That night, in the camp after the training session as well as the dinner is also over, Sam called two people Marian and Amir to his tent.

His tent is spacious enough and it is as big as a tennis court.

He laid a concealment formation around the tent and said to them.

"I will tell you guys what I understood about your situation. Some meridians laid dormant in your body due to your innate bloodline since birth and that is the reason you guys are unable to cultivate the common techniques."

Marvin and Amir's faces paled as they heard these words. They didn't expect their problem to be this serious.

Even though, Sam's words implied that there might be a chance to cultivate some rare and uncommon techniques, how can they, people from a small tribe get their hands on that type of technique.

If that is possible, they wouldn't have to resort to sacrifice their people as the cannon fodder for the military in exchange for the safety of the rest of their tribesmen.

Sam looked at the expressions and continued.

"Don't worry, because with the disadvantage came an advantage. As you guys have cultivated until this point, you must have noticed something.

Even though, your breakthroughs are forceful and without any techniques, there is not much bottleneck until you are in the middle-stage Novice stage."

Both Marian and Amir nodded their heads.

"What I may say might not be to your liking, but I don't know how else I can explain it to you. All this while your breakthroughs are by forcefully absorbing the spiritual energy into your system which made you lose a lot of spiritual energy as waste in the process.

The point is this type of cultivation is not suitable for you guys.

Due to your special bloodline, your body is as tough as a beast and you guys have some similar characteristics to them and that is you can breakthrough by accumulating spiritual energy by eating high quality food.

In that way, your breakthrough process will be faster and a lot smoother. But the problem is that in your current state the intake will be quite high and that makes the whole thing expensive."

Sam paused as he observed the dejected expressions on their faces.

They started having hope as Sam said that he noticed the problem and also when he said that they can cultivate by the intake of spiritual energy, but the expensive thing struck them hard.

Their two main drawbacks are that they don't have money and they don't have power.

If they want to obtain them to better their lives, they have to perform well and gain enough resources and for them to perform well, they need some power and to gain that power they need money.

All of this is an endless loop that is making their head hurt.

"Since, you guys are under me now, I can help you." Sam said in a low voice, which made the two people look at him in expectation.

"The bloodline in your body is what makes your cultivation progress with the intake of spiritual energy through food.

But due to the impurities in your blood, the efficiency and the amount of the energy that your body can efficiently absorb is low.

I have a method to clean your blood a little bit which will help you absorb the spiritual energy more efficiently from the food which in turn reduces the expense and I will also teach you how to use your physique as well as you spiritual energy in the battle without the aid of techniques or spells."

As Sam paused, he saw that the dejected expressions changed into one that of elation and delight.

"But not for free." Sam said.

"What can we do? You know we don't have mone.." Amir started saying but was interrupted by Sam.

"Money? I am not short of it. What I want is your cooperation. I will be open with you.

In seven months, we are going to war in a border town and we are going to face another battalion of the other empire.

I can win the fight alone and I am quite confident of that, but the problem here is that this is a test for me as a commander.

Even then, I am confident that I can win the battle, but what I want is an overwhelming victory and I want you guys, the hundred soldiers of the Fire-wind Dragon Hawk tribe to execute.

Since, you guys are fire and wind elemental users, you are very suitable for attacking. You will be the main attackers in every company.

Even if there are others with same element as you, I want you guys to suppress them and be selected as the main attackers by your company commander.

Other than that, you also have to satisfy another requirement of mine.

There will be an individual ranking opened in the battalion and I want at least fifty of your tribe members in the top 100 positions.

If you accomplish it, I will get you guys a special battle technique exclusive to your tribe's people only.

No other cultivators can use it.

If you satisfy these conditions, based on your performance in the battle and the battle technique I give you guys, you will be able to easily climb the ranks which will be able to help you guarantee the safety of your tribe.

If you guys outperform my requirements, I will even help your tribe to relocate to the Southern Star and I will give them jobs.

Do you agree?"

Sam asked as he looked at the two stunned men. Their faces showed excitement and determination. Even without their words, one could tell that these guys agreed to what Sam said.

But still Sam waited for their response.

"Yes, sir."

Both of them came out of their stupor and said in unison.

"Okay, then from tomorrow onwards, the training will go as per daily routine, and after the dinner and everyone goes to sleep, you guys will come and train here. Since, your problem is no secret to the rest of soldiers, there is no need to hide your visit here.

But the things you need to hide are that you should not tell them what I am teaching you here and If any of them ask you about it, just tell them that it is only possible because of your peculiar body conditions.

From tomorrow onwards, I will cleanse the blood of every ten members a day every night as the rest will train on how to use the elemental attacks without handsigns and spells.

After that, I will teach you guys how to use the spiritual energy in the combat without battle techniques.

You will only have around three hours of rest at night. But you have to compensate it with the spiritual energy and the resting time which you will get in the afternoon and evening.

Within two months, you guys will be on the same level as the rest of the soldiers if not better in the aspect of utilising your spiritual energy in the combat.

All the drawbacks which are lagging you behind your peers will be cleared.

And from then on, you guys will be the ones who has to fulfil your end of the deal.

But before that, let me tell you something in case you get over your heads after you get what you want or think that I am showing favouritism.

If not for the fact that you guys came to my battalion to seek help and I need your cooperation to execute what I need in the battle, we wouldn't be having the discussion here.

You guys might be pitiful, but there are a lot of pitiful people in the world, you are not the only ones.

This time you guys got lucky and met me, so you better use this chance well and don't take my kindness for granted.

But even more taboo is never ever dare to betray me and keep what kept to be a secret a secret. If anyone betrays me, I don't care if it is under pressure or death threat or greed or desperation, I will hunt you guys down and slaughter you with the same hands I will help you with.

Getting my help is same as contracting with a devil, if you don't fulfil your end of the deal, then even your deaths won't be sufficient to repay the debt.

Tell this to your members and make them understand."

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 171: Refining

That night, Sam sent a shadow mouse to call Watt to the camp. For teaching these people, he can handle the fire elemental mages while Watt can deal with the wind element ones.

But Watt didn't visit him the very night, but he came next day in the dawn.

"What happened?" Sam asked as he looked at the serious expression of Watt.

"The other candidates are making their moves more ferociously. They are ambushing us at every possible moment. Not only us everyone is targeting each other. Except for the two teams from the southern star city, all the other teams started making moves on others.

And since we are the shortest team, we are the main target. Everyone wants to make an example out of us by eliminating us first." Watt replied.

"You don't have to worry about that. They can take care of themselves. We don't have to deal with every problem that pops up in the competition.

I even dealt with the general because the problem originated from me. You don't expect me to babysit them all the while, right?

Anyway, they are capable enough. We can help them if their life is at risk, I am already helping them by given them Mackey and his staff."

Watt didn't say anything and just nodded. For him, it doesn't matter what happens in the competition. All this while he helped because of Sam's orders and another reason is that results of the competition might have some effect on Sam's rankings.

Otherwise, he doesn't care about it.

"From today onwards every night visit the camp. I want you to train fifty members. All of them wind element users. Teach them how to control spiritual energy and attack with it without usage of spells and hand signs.

The remaining time, just deal with the impact crystal and melt as much as possible. The latter half of the competition, I need that land for a lot of things. It is going to be my main point in conducting business. The business which the southern star has never see and will never see again.���

Sam said these words and Watt took a look at the wind element users whom he has to teach and left the place on the silver wind.

After Watt was gone, Sam continued with the morning drill training and then done with the spiritual energy control training.

They didn't have much progress in a single day.

All the while, Sam looked at them and this time, he even released Sky to keep a watch over them.

In the afternoon training he observed some people are trying to slack off and they met with a good beating with the staff.

The main problem for these soldiers who go beaten up is the attack or injury is not to the whole body. It is only happening on the skin which is making them feel the stinging pain. The hot wind slapping them like a whip. The could feel the skin burning making them grit their teeth until their gums bled.

That night after the training was over, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and went to rest except for the hundred members.

Out of all candidates, these hundred members stood out in both the training routines.

In the first one, they are in perfect sync along with the most of their teammates. They are the best in the drill but in the second one, they are the worst. They are having trouble just controlling a small amount of spiritual energy in the formation which is suppressing and extremely resistant to their forceful usage.

They have to feel the spiritual energy and connect it with slowly which they are completely incapable for now.

All of them assembled in the empty ground near Sam's tent. Watt already arrived while Sam already laid a concealment formation.

Both Sam and Watt divided the members into two teams and both of them started teaching them from the basics with which they themselves trained.

After teaching the first step of feeling the amount and movement of spiritual energy in their body and let them practice, Sam took five members from each group and took them to the tent.

There are already necessary preparations made. There are many runic drawings of the formations.

Exactly ten of them.

These formations are based on the formation which is used to refine the bloodline of the dragon hawk. But this is not for the complete refinement. The bodies of these people wouldn't be able to hold up if he completely refines the whole blood into that of Dragon hawks.

So, all he has to do is partial refinement which even allows these guys potential to increase and gives them a chance to reach the Grand realm stage and that is only because these guys are way past their prime.

If he refines the blood of a youngster who just awakened, then they might have a chance of Nascent.

But he didn't say. That wasn't part of the deal at least not yet.

Sam started refining process for one person after another one by one. After more than three hours all of them are finally done. Since, it is only partial refinement it didn't even take that long.

By the time he came out along with the ten people, they are brimming with excitement as they can clearly see their body's strength improving and at the same time felt that their ability to sense and feel the spiritual energy also increased.

For the next ten days, the same routine went on. The drill training and the whipping started to make some progress in the sync of the soldiers. Eight companies are completely in sync and only two companies left.

For the spiritual energy control training, there is some progress although it is little. But many people started to get a feel of using the spiritual energy frugally and efficiently.

As for the test they had after the first week of the training, it was a disaster. The people who barely passed didn't even reach two digits.

So, Sam just considered that the test didn't even happen and left them to train.

After another five days, the fire-wind Dragon hawk tribesmen, got a grip on usage of the spiritual energy and they easily caught up with the rest of the members. But still they are far beyond the set target just like others.

This went on for another fifteen days, it has been a month since the training started and finally all of the members passed the training.

They also started realising how much benefit the training has done to them. When they are practicing without any restriction.

Their usage of spiritual energy reduced and they can last long in the battle.

Now that the training was done, they are feeling a little regretful.

At this moment all of them assembled again just like the first day. Sam is standing on the same stage and the scene was extremely familiar to them.

"Since, you guys already saw the results for yourselves, there is not much for me to say. From today onwards the spiritual energy restriction training will be reduced to an hour and if anyone wants to train more, they can do so in their free time.

From today onwards, you guys will be focussing on the individual combat training. The exchange point will also be opening.

As all of you took a month to finish the first phase, you will be rewarded with ten credits each.

And along with that, there would be a new ranking system that is going to be implemented. This ranking will be decided by how many duels you win.

You can duel however you want, but once you defeat a person, you cannot challenge him again just to rake up the credits.

You can duel with a single person or fight one against two, one against three, one against a company, I don't care.

The number of opponents you defeat, the number of credits you accumulate.

For every opponent you defeat you will get a credit and if a person loses three fights either they are team or individually, you will be deducted one point.

The ranking is not based on the individual strength, rather it is based on the number of credits you accumulated.

From today onwards you will be training against each other and you will be training against beasts, the other regiment soldiers.

I want you to fight as many battles as you can, I want you to practice as your battle techniques as much as you can.

You can challenge anyone and everyone in the military base, even thunder wolf squad. Nobody is going to stop you from challenging you and nobody is going to ask you for an explanation.

If anyone troubles you or wants to play some under the table tricks, just tell me, I will make a visit to their regiment and see who dares to take it out on you guys.

But there is only one catch. No ultimate or critical moves."

Just as the crowd was getting pumped, they were stunned.

"You heard me right. You are not going to use your ultimate and critical moves. You will only use the most basic of the skills.

This way, I want you guys to experience the battle and gain experience. I want you guys to accumulate enough battle awareness.

So, from today onwards and for the next fifteen days, each of you must win 100 fights with the other regiment soldiers.

The first one to win will be getting 100 credits, the second one 99 and so on until the last one will only get one credit.

This time, I am not giving you extra time, you must finish the battles in fifteen days otherwise I will just go on and you can forget about the reward."

Sam said and was about to move back, but he remembered something and said.

"Every other day, I will be sending a hundred of you to forest every morning, where each of you must hunt and kill a beast of same or higher level than yours. This will be conducted between midnight and sun rise.

If anyone fails to catch a beast, they will be deducted of one point.

Now, everyone get ready for drill training. After an hour of drill training and an hour of spiritual energy control, then you can practice your battle techniques or go duel.

By the way, if any of you try to get past these things underhandedly by colluding with your friends in the regiments, you better hide it from me at all costs. You won't be able to bear the consequences."

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 172: New routine

From that day onwards the whole military was in turmoil again. Members of the Sam's battalion are challenging people left and right there are hundreds of duels going on everyday and in the first two days, the members of the Sam's battalion completely lost.

Because, they are not supposed to use their ultimate and critical moves, they are only tied down with the most basic of the movements and that is making it very hard to fight.

But from the third day, the scenes started to change. The first ones to gain the wins were the Dragon Hawk tribesmen.

Since, they were taught how to attack without hand signs and spells, they caught with the situation very quick and started raking up the wins.

From fifth day, the rest of the people also started getting a hang of it.

Why this much enthusiasm?

Because the soldiers saw what is being offered in the exchange point.

With their ten credits which they initially have, they can buy five cultivation aiding pills which will increase their spiritual energy capacity a bit.

They can even buy a medium grade rank 1 weapon. But nobody bought them, because when they saw the remaining rewards that are up, they are completely stunned and filled with desire to possess them.

With their position as normal soldiers they would never be able to touch or even see a rank 3 weapon in close proximity, but now there are rank 3 weapons, armours, inscribed formation discs, defensive arrays.

There are all kinds of things and many of them can be obtained with hundred points each.

The costliest item is of five hundred credits where Sam himself will tailor make a weapon for them.

When the rewards are this good, they are pumped up and every credit seemed like a treasure.

The duels within their battalion also increased, but nobody dared go overboard on their teammates. Because, they knew that no matter how many duels they fight within themselves they won't be able to gain more credits.

The best way right now, is to gain the credits by winning the duels with the other regiment soldiers, which is going on full swing.

After all, that is only valid for a limited time and the duels with their teammates can be put on hold for after fifteen days.

Other than that, Watt took a hundred members to the forest every other day. In this trip, each soldier will be put up against a beast of same or higher level and they have to kill the beast with the basic techniques.

These battles are even more bloody than the duels with the soldiers.

As the beast at the same stage clearly has an advantage over a typical cultivator and it fights with its life on line, they experienced something they never felt.

That is the blood lust.

Every time, they went on activities like this, they always hunt the beasts in teams to be safe. But now, they can only fight them with bare hands and the beast's reckless fighting style which is pushing them to the edge of life and death is making them feel the lust for blood.

Every time a battle was finished and the adrenaline rush was over, they have a myriad of feelings like them being exhausted, frightened and at the last excited. The beast is a trophy for themselves and they can pass it to the cooking staff and have delectable meals until the meat was over.

So, when eating the beast, they killed with their hands in a life and death struggle started giving them a feeling of superiority. Which they can never get enough of.

This resulted in the lust for their battle and blood increase. And many people started going to forest every night and hunt like this and they are even hunting multiple beasts at a time. For the first time, hunting solo brought them excitement and pride.

Not using their ultimate moves only made that feeling grow. They are having a new found confidence.

After the first week, the second week became a nightmare to the soldiers of the remaining regiments.

Sam's battalion is full of soldiers who are creating chaos in the army.

The training changed them into different people within forty days.

The spiritual energy control made them sustain longer in the battle which itself is a plus point and the fights with the beasts and the other soldiers without any ultimate moves, forced them to utilise their basic techniques in a new way.

Due to the drill training, they also have some unity and they started sharing their battle experience with their fellow company members to improve together.

Now, this made the second week a nightmare to the soldiers of other regiments because they are being pummelled by these guys as if they are absolute weaklings.

These soldiers are whom they are familiar with, just after a little more than a month, they felt that they didn't see them in a long time. They practically felt like different people.

After ten days are over and five days before the deadline, the first person who has completed hundred duel wins emerged and that person is Marian.

Yes, the first person is from Dragon Hawk tribe. This drastic improvement struck some heavy blow to the remaining soldiers.

The memory of Marian's reckless and inefficient fighting style was still fresh in their minds and they cannot associate the new Marian who has most stamina of all people in the whole battalion.

He became an expert at dragging fights and exhausting opponent's energy before making his move. In the first three days, he lost every duel he was in but after that he just kept on winning and now, he topped the list.

By the time, the fifteen days are over, almost all the people finished their hundred wins. They developed a sense of persistence. Only a few people haven't completed this target and they are also almost near.

After the fifteen days, the assembly again and at this moment the situation is different than previous times.

They are excited. All this time, Sam only made them do their daily training which is similar to the one when they are in the previous regiment.

But they are slightly tweaked and made these trainings most effective.

The restriction of the spiritual energy when they practiced their battle techniques increased their control and efficiency.

They used to hunt previously and they are also hunting now, but this way, they can feel the obvious improvement in their sense of danger as they fought the beasts who are practically putting their lives on line.

Many people were injured many times, some were saved from the brink of death by Sam himself. But these incidents didn't stop them. They felt even more determined. Their confidence grew with their wins and their experience grew with their losses.

Now, they are waiting for the next phase of training. They felt like they opened a door for a whole new world.

They have been soldiers for many years, but the improvement was very low. At most they have a bit of battle experience but that's it.

There is no lethality in them if they are not in teams. Their individual strength was always less.

Now, they are waiting for Sam to say about the new training.

"Now that this phase is also completed, from today onwards there would be a new routine and that is every morning one-hour drill practice, one hour spiritual energy control, one hour practical combat where you can duel as you like and the rest of the day you will be having the team combat lessons.

Till lunch, that means fore noon after the three-hour routine is over, you will be having individual training which will be useful in the team combat and also after lunch break you will be having three more hours of squad training.

After that the remaining time until night, you will be having the company combat.

For the next five and a half months you will be going through this. The squad training and company training will be varied based on the progress you have made.

The training will be based on the members and their way of fighting.

After five and a half months there is going to be a war and, in that war, I want an overwhelming victory. A victory that the whole empire didn't see before.

By the time I am done with you guys. Every squad should be able to conjure a battle spirit.

I have confidence to train you guys to that extent, but do you have enough will and strength to reach that stage with me?"

Sam almost roared at the end of the sentence.

"YES, SIR!!!!!"

Everyone roared in unison.

Sam glanced at them and said.

"There is one more test." As Sam said that Watt pulled over a beast. This is a Whirl tail tiger. A beast which is considered an alpha predator in the nearby forests. But the main thing is that the tiger is a peak stage beast.

Watt activated a formation disc which enclosed a specific area around the tiger giving it a limited space to roam.

"This beast is the best predator that is available in the nearest woods.

The final test that you became a real soldier is going to be a battle with this beast.

But the battle is not of strength, it is of the battle of will and mental strength. Your blood lust and battle spirit.

Animals have a keen sense of danger, and you have to force this animal with just your aura. Make it see you as a biggest threat and it shouldn't even dare to face you even if you stand in front of it." Sam said these words and entered the formation directly.

The tiger looked at him and was about to roar at him as it took a pouncing posture. But it suddenly stopped.

Because, there is a change in aura around Sam. This is not the aura of Yanwu or Sky, rather it is Sam's blood lust, the lust which grew with countless battles. It is full of killing intent and the tiger felt that it would die the moment it takes a step forward. Sam didn't move at all and tiger itself prostrated in front of him as if asking him to let it go.

Sam came out and looked at the soldiers again.

"A beast can be best judge on the amount of threat you pose. If any of you can submit it and can make you obey you. I will gift this beast to them as pet.

So, before the five and half months you can try your luck. You are a true lethal soldier of my battalion only when this tiger steps back when facing you.

All the best."

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 173: Team Combat training

After introducing the new routine, Sam continued on with the drill training and then let them complete the energy control and duelling time.

Now they are going to be trained in the individual strength which helps the team most.

Sam separated everyone based on their elemental use for this part of the training and the first batch he visited each batch to show them a direction on which they should develop to be the best asset of the team.

In Sam's ideal squad with most efficiency, in a normal situation and a normal environment, the fire and wind element which are both lethal, versatile and complimentary to each other, they are more suitable for to be the main attackers, unless they are in a particularly different situation like snowy areas, wet areas, enclosed spaces etc. In that case, the water element, earth element might be better doing the attacks.

And similarly, when in the general situation, the water element users, whose power is one most suitable for both attack and defence transition, will act as the support for the main attackers by having their back.

The wood element users, whose speciality mainly lies in controlling the plants, tress and other types of flora, they are suitable for a support which mainly focus on disrupting the enemies.

They can create confusion, restrictions, chaos in the enemy groups from a decent distance in between which lies the main attackers and supporters.

The earth element is most suitable for defence in the most normal circumstance unless they are in a marsh lands where they are water elementals can be major attackers as the earth in normal circumstances is too rigid and to be an active attacker one must have an impeccable control over spiritual energy.

The sole light element user in the company is the healer while the remaining elemental users will form seven squads.

A squad will have the five above mention elemental users each at the very least and the extra two spots can be filled by any other element user and they will decide on what basis the squad will progress.

If the extra two element users are of fire and wind, the squad will be focussing on being the attacking squad within the company and if the extra members are of wood element users, they would be mostly focussing on the control and supporting the team by disrupting the enemies.

If they are extra earth element users they will be focussing on defence of the company.

If the water element users are the extra ones, then the squad can undergo transition between attack and defence based on the circumstances.

These things are mostly known to soldiers and the previous regiments also followed this, but the thing is they kept all the people of same element under one company.

Making them completely focus on one thing. Merging all of them and making a squad which focusses on all of them is new to them. But even more new thing is the way of training.

Sam's method for the individual training was something they didn't expect.

In this session the fire element and wind element users are told to focus on attacking, multiple enemies at a time in the most efficient way.

Even if the attacks didn't finish of them, they should still be enough to deal some damage and give them enough breathing space so that they could target on one enemy at a time in the battle and get enough time to finish one before the rest recovered.

Even the other element users are also similarly trained and particularly the earth element users were in for a treat.

Because, Sam invited Artisan Ford, the architecture artisan to teach them the stone and earth manipulation.

The Architecture artisans are basically earth element users but they are trained in modifying and manipulating the earth, stones and some other related materials to be sturdy enough to be as someone's house.

Sam wants to use this in the defence training of his soldiers, but they don't need to know all of it rather all they need to know basics of the basics and that is to manipulate different earthen materials so that they could use the terrain for their advantage.

Most earth element users defence techniques are simply, earthen wall, stone wall, earth dome and so on are inefficient in Sam's eyes.

He wants to use these techniques of artisan which are used to clear the terrain before building or using the terrain material to make the land or even make them part of the buildings so that they can work efficiently.

These are the most basic things most architecture artisans learn, but the earth element users who don't want to become an artisan or those who cannot afford to learn these and become one cannot see the uses of these techniques.

So, Sam paid millions to hire Artisan Ford to come and teach the soldiers these basics. As for money he spent on them, he doesn't need to bother as the army still owes him, he can just think that he used that money for this.

Anyway, the benefits are far more valuable for him the money which he could easily earn.

Till noon, everyone focussed on the individual training after some sumptuous lunch, they started their squad training in which they use their newly learnt techniques to use and then there is the company training in which they cooperate as squads.

But there is one company whose soldiers' training was completely different from the remaining nine and that company was mostly made of the warriors to be precise forty warriors, nine warrior mages and one healer.

The people are going to be the best the odd company of the whole battalion because they are the most versatile company and they are going to be the company from which the squads separate and join other companies in the battle if the need arises.

They are the extra muscle. They will fight the battles as a company but if other companies are in a perilous situation then they would split up and help those companies.

The forty warriors are mostly adept in close quarters and the warrior mages will be responsible for close to mid-range combat.

Sam trained them with this new style and within a week the whole battalion started seeing the improvements and there started a turmoil again in the camp.

The soldiers from Sam's battalion wanted to test their new moves and cooperation between themselves and they started squad duels.

The drill training helped them a lot this time and they are extremely cooperative. Maybe due to Sam's overwhelming presence and the shadow he cast in their hearts, nobody dared to have any thoughts that go against the collective goal of the team and the cooperation went smoothly.

While the situation in the military side was looking good, the business side was exact opposite.

Today, Watt came as usual but this time, he carried a message.

"Philip wants to see you. The situation is getting worse and the attacks increased. Since, I am also not helping proactively they are having a hard time holding up. Now the opponents are targeting the staff too.

Mackey still didn't say anything and just stayed put in the estate.

Jack is a bit exhausted mentally from the pressure and Philip didn't know what to do at all, he just kept on asking for help."

When Sam heard this, he was extremely displeased. He knew that Philip more than capable for dealing with this problem but the latter was unwilling to show his capability.

Sam is even thinking what would have to happen for Philip to act.

He decided to meet with Philip and make it clear.

After all, he cannot keep clearing every problem. Philip is so capable and he is first human friend he has in this world. If he has a problem and he is willing to face it, Sam would gladly help.

But Philip is taking a cowardly approach. He is so afraid that he is not even willing to show is true cultivation and elements.

He is dual element warrior mage and his cultivation right now, might even be same as Sam if not higher. But he is now only at the middle stage novice level while he is only a fire element mage.

One can argue that he is being cautious of his enemies.

But how can Philip tell that? No matter how big and powerful an enemy is there is a limit to their capabilities and time. Even if they knew where Philip is unless they send a Nascent or higher-level cultivator, they can easily escape.

Who knows, they might not even be thinking of Philip now and dual elements and the cultivation speed of Philip is not rare at all.

Heck, even Sam is superior in both of them.

There are a myriad of geniuses in the world and so many youngsters are participating with Philip at this moment for him to highlight.

Even Sam wasn't sure with his outstanding results until now, every supreme power in the empire might know him.

Philip's cautiousness and paranoia is at the verge of turning into stupidity.

Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 174: 'Waking up' Philip

Sam made his way to the estate and when he entered the mansion, he saw the gloomy atmosphere in the hall.

Mackey, Jack, Philip and Kelly sat there in silence.

All four of them are beat up and injured. Watt stood behind Sam as he crossed his arms.

Sam walked towards Mackey and asked.

"Are your people injured?"

"Some of them, they are in that room taking rest."

Mackey pointed to a room as he said this, Sam walked towards the room and checked up on the injuries.

After confirming that they are fine, he took out some pills and potions which are part of the Black water loot and gave them so that they can recover faster.

Then he entered the hall, when Philip was about to speak, Sam halted him and said to Mackey.

"Can you leave for a moment? I will talk to you later."

Mackey nodded and left the room. As soon as he entered the room upstairs, he heard a loud bang.

In the hall, Sam kicked Philip as soon as Mackey went into his room.

"Sam, what's wrong?"

Jack yelled and ran towards Sam who is walking towards Philip to block him. But at this moment, Watt interfered and stopped Jack.

Sam looked at Philip who crashed into the wall with cold gaze.

As Philip stood up, he made his move again and sent him flying again.

Sam didn't hold back at all, he attacked as if he saw his sworn enemy. After some beating…