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The initial plan after going down from Mountain Temple was to buy techniques. But after stumbling upon the treasure of techniques in Jeric's room. He couldn't think of buying techniques anymore.

'Still, those techniques were all ranked from Mortal to Heaven grade. These treasures are rare to stumble upon again.'

While flying aimlessly, Lucas saw a city below him. He didn't know where he was, and also didn't care to ask the knowledgeable sect masters.

Where's the fun if all of the things given to him are prepared? He doesn't particularly like being spoon-fed.

Lucas activated an invisible spell and then descended on the city. After landing, he looked for a shaded and secluded place away from the public, then deactivated his spell.

He left the shade and then looked at the crowds in the city.

'Typical.' Lucas sighed, disappointed that he had thought he had discovered something interesting earlier.

Nevertheless, he still continued walking and went with the flow of the city.

He saw different stalls. There are also businesses where only highly regarded individuals are permitted. There are also some neutral shops that sell to people indiscriminately.

He smiled as he felt that these places were normal. As he thought it was typical, he just ignored it and tried to get used to the place.

After some walking and observing around the place, the crowd in a street suddenly moved and made a path.

Being curious, Lucas peeked at the street using his ability to see through objects.

Apparently, there were carriages passing through. It was a spectacular view, but something questionable to see. Were those people in the carriages highly regarded people?

Lucas tried to peek into the carriages and noticed that there were profound formations in the carriages. He raised his eyebrow in perplexity and also curiosity.

'Who are these people?'

The carriage passed smoothly, and after it, Lucas tried to ask one of the bystanders in the street.

"Brother, may I ask who were those people?" Lucas asked.

The bystander looked at Lucas with uncertainty, gazed upon him up and down. And after a few seconds, he opened his mouth.

"A traveler?"

Lucas nodded.

"Those who passed were the Shin Family. They were the leading family of an array-specialized sect. I forgot the name… wait…"

As the bystander thought of the name of the sect, Lucas returned his eyes to the carriage and realized that it was reasonable to assume that he saw plenty of profound formations. After all, that carriage's owner came from the leading family of a sect that specialized in arrays.

"Ah! I remember now! I need money!" Then the bystander smiled viciously, exploiting Lucas's needs.

Lucas knew it, and as he was interested in it, he sighed and picked up a silver coin from his pocket.

He handed it over to the bystander, but the bystander remained silent.

"Only this?" the bystander raised his eyebrow upon asking the question.

"You want more? Or I will ask someone else." Lucas uttered.

"No. Don't worry… this is enough." Then an awkward giggle came after.

'You think I was not used to this? It's hard to find information.'

"The name of the sect was Profound Symbol. That's the name of the array-specialized sect that passed earlier, " the bystander said.

Lucas took more silver coins just in case the bystander would ask more.

"And they were top sect? And what region is this?" Lucas asked.

"They are indeed one of the famous sects, but I won't say they are at the top. And right now, I don't know why you ask the second question, but this is the southern region."

Lucas nodded and left the bystander, who was grinning in delight. After gaining a useful little bit of information, Lucas finally had a thought about what to do next.

'This is amazing. What if I have learned that there are arrays that can collect energy, I create an array that can gather mana? Wouldn't that be amazing?'

And finally, after thinking about what he should do and trying to find a way to have fun, Lucas decided to create a sect of mages. As magic is called a "mystical art" in this world, wouldn't it be amusing to see people become curious about them?

'I don't like unnecessary attention. But I also want to try to challenge what I find bothersome. Now… Let's try to have a meaningful life in this realm before Immortal Realm.'


In the eastern region, the most eastern part of the region. There were people inside of a wide cave, a seemingly human-made cave that had a symmetrical distribution of space. It was more appropriately called a dome, but since it was under a mountain, it was still a cave.

Inside it, there were three strong cultivators, sitting in a triangle. They were doing nothing in particular; they just decided to gather as a group.

They were all old, appearing to be that old but still strong as their bodies weren't growing weak. Their bones were as if they were built with steel, as they could still sit in an awkward position.

"Do you think that weirdo can gather an appropriate number of cultivators? After the Red Moon Castle was wiped out, I forgot about the dream of ascending. But that weirdo who can use mystical arts despite being mortal was something interesting."

"Yet, he was stupid to follow us. Kekekeke. We just said that we know his master. He gave us an idea to raise our cultivation base. Kekekeke."

"Don't be complacent, Usa. That weirdo is still a weirdo and someone who was knowledgeable about otherwordly alchemy."

"Hoo… Right. He gave us information that alchemy can also gather spiritual energies. I thought that arrays were the only way."

"Kekeke. But his method was something inhumane. Kekeke. He had something on his brain that after gathering people, he could extract their energies and turn them into a stone."

"Don't be complacent, Duha. We are still not sure. The Red Moon Castle was something out of the blue, as we thought. Perhaps the one who did that killing knew about what the weirdo knows."

"Hoo… Are you serious? Do you think people like us, the Mortal Realm's strongest trio, wouldn't recognize that kind of cultivator? If he was normal, he would surely be on the edge of dying. And how you make it sound, I agree with you, Tulo."

"Kekeke. Don't think about that bullshit. We have to wait for that weirdo. After we reach the peak of the Emperor Spirit Realm, we can finally ascend to upper heaven."

"But what about that weirdo? Don't you think he could kill us after lying to him that we know about his master?"

"We are already strong at that time. We can kill him. But still, don't be complacent as we have to know how he can ignore the law of cultivation.. We have to know how he can do mystical arts while being a mortal."

Chapter 53 - Looking For A Sect [2]

Lucas ventured around the city, asking for particular information he needed to know. Since he wanted to know about arrays and also learn about sects in a normal way, he asked different people about how and when to join.

After a few hours, finally having the prominent information he had to support his plan, he finally stopped and rested.

It was already night. There was nothing more to do in the city, but since he really didn't think about taking an inn, he tried to test his third energy by using it straight until morning.

Lucas created a platform in the sky and then made himself invisible. His thoughts don't have particular ideas running. He was already fixed to his plan, and no one can stop him in this instance.

But he was slightly agitated. As fortunate he was, there will be an entrance examination tomorrow for the sect. And since he clearly didn't have any idea about arrays, he just slept it over.

The next day, his third energy level was surprisingly stable and didn't decrease drastically. He initially thought that after using it straight for a few hours, his third energy would drop.

However, his third energy was still 89% in total.

'I guess my assessment was wrong. I think the third energy will be more useful than ever and can do more magic than I thought. However, it doesn't mean that it is safe to unseal other passive abilities to use other types of spells. I only need convenient spells that appear to be not questionable to experts.'

After it, Lucas descended and secretly appeared in the city. Since he didn't eat for dinner, he visited a pub and left immediately after eating. He went straight to the location of the sect.

The sect is about the nearest mountain in the city. And since he depends on the information he got yesterday, he took the chance to widen his eyes to see through.

He put more third energy into his eyes, and as expected, he didn't have any difficulties using it. The new discovery of his third energy was currently helpful and convenient for him.

He just smiled and dashed to the top of the mountain. In a few seconds, he finally arrived at the sect but was surprised by how plenty of cultivators were waiting outside the sect.

'They are also here for the examination. I am excited.'

Thus, Lucas waited patiently. This is also a way to become a normal disciple, and since he clearly didn't want to pique any attention of experts in the sect, he intentionally hid his cultivation by suppressing some of his energy.

'I still don't know what I look like personally, but I hope this works.'

As the line began moving, it was now more visible to Lucas that the sect had a huge gate and in front of it were five tables with interviewers asking those who wanted to take the examination.

After a few hours of waiting, it was finally his time.


"Lucas Wei," Lucas answered the interviewer.

The interviewer looked at him with an unexplained expression.

"Any relation to the Wei Family?"

Although Lucas did know about the Wei family, Lucas just shook his head.

"I see. Cultivation base?"

"Peak of the Apprentice Spirit Realm."

'I think it's more appropriate.'

However, the interviewer raised his eyebrow again.


"18 years old."

And again, the interviewer raised his eyebrow.

"When did you start cultivating?"

'I don't know what to answer, but let's just lie about this one.'

"When I was 15."

The interviewer sighed and then placed a totem before Lucas.

"Put your hand. It will gauge your bones' age. I will see if you are saying that your age is really 18."

And so, Lucas just put his hands on the totem and as the interviewer looked at it intently. He widened his eyes after seeing the result.

"You are good. You have a promising talent for circulating Qi. Proceed to the left; you will immediately take the second examination."

Although Lucas was still clueless, he just followed what the interviewer said and moved to the left. There were also a small number of people on the left side who seemed to be waiting for something.

"Oh… Another lucky bastard."

Lucas heard some of the envy whispers from the people lining up behind him, but even though he heard them, he just ignored them and continued approaching the group.

When he finally arrived, a young lady asked him.

"You are also talented in circulating Qi?" the young lady asked.

Lucas just shrugged as he didn't know what to answer. He was also clueless about what had just happened.

"I guess the interviewer regarded me as talented in circulating Qi in my body."

"Well, everyone here was. Can I ask? When did you start cultivating?" the young lady asked.

"15? I am actually a rogue cultivator, so I don't know if I was too late." Lucas said.

"No. 15 is just an average age, but mostly starts when they are 10. But before that, they start learning martial arts to use time accordingly."

"Isn't that a bit early?" Lucas said.

"It's not particularly. It's common. Also, for you, you are lucky that you are talented at being a rogue cultivator. I heard unfunded cultivators have a hard time gaining resources."

"You are speaking the truth." Lucas just snickered and tried to break his eyes through the other people in the group. But they seem to be snobs, making Lucas feel awkward about their presence.

The young lady just continued talking and asking Lucas. Even though he didn't feel obligated to answer, it was enjoyable since the young lady was talkative and there were plenty of things that Lucas learned from her.

Apparently, it is important to have a talent for circulating Qi if you want to learn array. For example, if you create a basic protective array, you must know how and when to distribute your Qi to the formation.

Also, there are times when an array master can use a spirit jewel to fill up the energy lacking in the formation, but talent in circulating it would still be needed since the array master should know how to weigh the spirit jewel around the array.

'Array and formation seem to be similar since an array is a formation. But I think there's a difference here since formation could be misunderstood as something about forming. Maybe I should use array instead of formation.'

And more minutes passed, the line at the gate started to lessen until the final interviewee emerged.

"The examination shall begin.. Please follow the attendant before you, they will assist your group to the examination hall."

Chapter 54 - Examination [1]

"What do you think is the test?" Lucas asked.

"You came here unaware? I commend your talent but you are rather careless," the young lady said in a bit of an aggressive tone.

Lucas smirked and just continued asking.

"You are a bit of a harsh critic. I came from the northern region, so I don't really know what to expect here." Lucas said, rendering the young lady speechless.

"I am from the east, but I am still aware of what to prepare." the young lady retorted.

"What's your name, by the way?"

"It's Mischelle Cai."

'Cai? Like the Felip Cai, I encountered in the Golden Pavilion in Saber City? I think they are related to each other.'

"I see… I am Lucas Wei." Lucas said, well, in actuality, just making his name have an alias surname.

However, Lucas didn't expect a reaction from Mischelle Cai.

"Are you related to the Wei Family?"

And again, Lucas was left perplexed.

"I don't know why you are asking but I am not. Who is this Wei family, by the way?" Lucas asked.

Mischelle slowly pointed at someone in front of the group. He was a tall, young man with a respectable demeanor, even just looking at his back. As a result, Lucas was left with a question once more.

"Who is he?"

"He is one of the Wei Family. I don't know if you are really related, but if you are not, I hope you try to hide your surname. "


"Because the Wei family doesn't really like copycats or people who use their surname. They are a family of cultivators who doesn't like to be misled or misinterpreted because they have the same surname as someone who has a bad reputation." Mischelle said, with a hint of worry on her face.

"But I don't have a bad reputation," Lucas said.

"Maybe. But even if you don't have a bad reputation, at least have the surname of Wei that doesn't belong to the Wei family, you'll still be hunted regardless of whether you are just a nobody." Mischelle added.

"Thank you for informing me. I will surely keep it in mind." Lucas said, but his thoughts beg to disagree.

'Meh. I don't really like this surname anyway. If I could just use my real surname, but people here in this world have really short surnames and have plenty of similarities.'

Sometime later, after following the attendants, the group that was on the left was guided into a wide hall away from the rest.

It was the group where Lucas was that consisted of 16 people, including him.

And thus, when they finally stopped in the middle of the hallway, the attendants began to disappear.

'Such a flashy exit.' Lucas thought.

"Welcome. I commend you all for having outstanding talents in cultivation. However, even if you are really true to what you say, we will know after you take the test.

Some of you might ask why we didn't gauge your cultivation base? Well, because, the first test was honesty. Since you are all honest, and since your claim to have a higher cultivation base despite your young age was true, you all passed the first test."

After hearing it, Lucas felt some agitation inside his system. The first test of the examination was 'honesty' but he had just lied earlier.

'That was a great hit of luck.' Lucas thought.

"Now everyone, enter the portal. It will bring you to the second test."

As the announcer finally finished his words, Lucas didn't bother to listen as it was all about praising the examinees, who one by one entered the portal.

When it was finally Lucas's time to enter, he didn't immediately enter and observed the portal up close.

From afar, it looks like a door, but after taking a few steps near it, he can see the lightish effects that make the door a portal.

He intently observed it, and as he was already taking too much time, the person behind his back called out for him.

"Are you retarded? Get inside now."

Lucas just looked at the person who called him out and glared. With a little idea of messing with him, Lucas mischievously leaked his killing intent to pressure the person.

"You wait." And then he finally entered the portal and was transported to a different space. It still had the same appearance as the hall, but right now, on the floor, there were various arrays of imprinted patterns.

Lucas just giggled after remembering the face of the person who called him out. He wasn't intentionally scaring him, but what he noticed in sects was that even with normal ranking, there were people who set hierarchy.

He wanted to know how a sect normally operates, and as it was normal, it wouldn't be a problem if he acted like a normal cultivator, right?

'Recognition is the pride of a cultivator.' Lucas thought and looked again at the arrays on the floor. Each array had at least a diameter of 12 inches.

His group wasn't stepping onto one as it was ahead of them. However, as they were starting to get curious, they asked each other to know about their opinions.

"What do you think we'll do with these arrays? There are a set of different ones, and there might be an array that seems to be dangerous as well." Mischelle whispered to Lucas.

Lucas just raised his eyebrows as he faced Mischelle.

"You told me earlier that you came here prepared. But why are you still curious about the arrays on the floor? " Lucas retorted.

"Right, right. But I just prepared important notes like being observant, honest, and so on, like what my father said," Mischelle responded.

Lucas thought for a second, then came back to Mischelle with an answer.

"I think we'll have to observe the arrays on the floor. Perhaps see the difference between them and then we're good to go." Lucas confidently said.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't see any purpose of it as a material for a test. They might make us distinguish it, but isn't it too soon? That's why we came here to learn."

"How about activating one?" Mischelle cut him.

"It's too soon as well. Activate? I don't think they would let beginners do that. Isn't it going to be useless since we actually don't know what these arrays are?"

"I see… Now that you said it, I don't see any other purpose of the arrays."

And in the next few minutes, when everyone was finally in the hall, the announcer, who was only visible as a silhouette, started talking, but he was just talking from afar.

"Welcome to the second test!" Now it was a female voice.

"You see. On the floor ahead of you, there are various arrays imprinted. What we need you to do is observe the differences in the structures of the arrays. We will give you 2 minutes to observe and after it, you will pick 5 arrays that have similarities, and each wrong number that doesn't belong with the 5, will be deducted from your initial points.

Everyone is given a total of 100 points. It is the total of points you'll earn in the first test and with it, you can use the points you earned to exchange for items when you are finally accepted to the sect.

But why deduct? Every wrong you have will be deducted, so it means that only two wrong arrays will be counted. And so, if you have two wrong arrays, 10 points will be deducted. And since you have three correct, you will be given 15 points.

Now, do the math! It is also important for learning array!"

'100 to 90 and 15, so 105 points.'

"You all are right! If you have only 3 correct arrays, your points will be 105! But the first thing I mentioned wasn't all that. That only tackles a situation where you wrongly picked two types of array. But what will happen if it's more than 3?"

'We are already disqualified, then.' Lucas thought.

"If you pick three different types of array, you will be disqualified. That's all, thank you! Now begin with the observation!"

Chapter 55 - Examination [2]

The time started and everyone began concentrating. Lucas wasn't particularly concentrating as he had already picked all five of the arrays he'd be presenting. People needed to concentrate just to compare the structures as the arrays on the floor were completely different and had no visible similarity.

But that isn't the case for Lucas. Strikingly, he can see every difference in it.

Without any effort to do so, Lucas raised his hand and looked at the announcer.

The announcer noticed Lucas's arms raising. So she asked him.

"What is it?"

"What will happen if I am already done?" Lucas asked.

The announcer just looked at him intently behind the shadows and just answered him.

"Don't be arrogant. If you are really talented, we will notice it. But since earlier, you didn't even bother to look at different arrays." the announcer said, with a slight irritation behind her words.

"Then, what do you propose?" Lucas just asked.

As annoying as it seems, the announcer just grumbled and answered him again.

"Just let me see. There are over 200 arrays imprinted there, so pick 5 and we will see it."

'So I just need to walk onto it.' Lucas thought.

And just beside Lucas, Mischelle was a little bit agitated about why Lucas was talking so boastfully at this moment. Even those who had studied different arrays had a hard time observing the structures of the arrays, but Lucas just finished within 10 seconds.

It clearly doesn't make sense, and because of it, Mischelle couldn't contain her curiosity anymore.

"Hey! Did you really pick five?" she asked Lucas.

Lucas just nodded and didn't reply. Then he began by selecting 5 arrays that are similar to the structures.

After picking five and still confident, the announcer was just irritated that she had become hasty there. All of the arrays were similar, yet she didn't notice Lucas's talent from the beginning?

"It's all correct. You have a total of 125 points. Please proceed to the right to wait for others." the announcer said with a little defeated tone.

Lucas just nodded and continued moving. Before he arrived at the right, Lucas looked at Mischelle, who was concentrating on the arrays.

'It wasn't that bad. I can feel that she has talents as she was just eyeing the similar arrays. What she doesn't have is confidence, and that's why she's having a hard time.'

Why did this become easy for Lucas? Well, technically arrays are set and formation of different characters and symbols. But really, why did he have it so easy?

'Magic circles and arrays are likely similar in principle. And I've already observed plenty of structures of magic circles, and observing similarities is my specialty.'

After the next few minutes, Mischelle joined him with the rest of the group, who looked at Lucas with an envious gaze.

"Congrats," Lucas said to Mischelle, who also had gotten 5 correct.

"Thank you," she reluctantly said.

And in the next few seconds, when everyone who had passed gathered, another portal appeared. All of them entered the portal with only 15 examinees who passed the second test.


As they moved on to the next test, Lucas saw himself again in the same hall, but this time there were different incomplete spirit jewels on the ground.

"Welcome to the third test of the examination! This time, you will all practice Qi circulation. Don't worry, you won't use your own Qi, you will just act as a bridge and combine two spirit jewels' spiritual energy. If you succeed in doing it, you will proceed to the next test." an announcer said in a male voice, and, as usual, it was from afar and only a silhouette.

But as vague as the previous test's explanation was, someone from the group decided to ask.

"What is the purpose of the interview? Can't we just lie about our talents there? I mean, I didn't see anything that could prove that we were lying."

"Good question. But as the first test was, it is honesty. But you might ask again, what will happen to others? They are honest too, right? And the answer to that question is that we wanted to see if talented people were also arrogantly liars. And since you didn't lie, you all didn't need to go to the first test. Think of it as a privilege."

After the explanation, another question emerged.

"How about this one? Didn't you say that we have a talent in Qi circulation? What's the purpose of this test for us?"

"Good question! You see, we commended your talent for 'your' Qi to circulate throughout your body. But how about using your body as a medium to transfer one storage to another? Listen, we only let you pass the first test as a privilege, nothing more. I don't know what you heard from other watchers, but this is the truth."

And the next second, no one ever asked again as the test started.

They were only given 5 minutes and the rules stated that it was a violation to use their own Qi to fill the other spirit jewel. It must be equally transferred since the spirit jewels on the floor had the same amount and were only half completed.

Spirit jewels are technically a condensed materialized Qi, but the spirit jewels on the floor were artificially made, which means they were only containers of spiritual energy.

"Then, let's start," Lucas mumbled and then started processing.

After only a few seconds, he had already finished transferring and completing one jewel stone. It was fortunate for him that his absorbing passive ability was in use in this case.

"I'm done," Lucas mumbled and presented his jewel stone. And as usual, he was led to proceed to the right to wait for others.

And as the other examinees were still in their process, they could just look at Lucas, who was overwhelmed with talent.

They were not the only ones who noticed it, but also the watchers and the sect elders who were spectating the examination.

"Elder Huang. Please inform the sect master that we'll take someone in the newcomers! Look at this spectacular, talented young man! He passed every test easily, without any difficulties. " One sect elder exclaimed behind a one-way glass window from above the hall.

"Yes, Senior Elder Chan."

Other sect elders were also flickering their eyes while looking at Lucas. He already passed two tests in a sweep of seconds, and as this was already rare to see, they shouldn't let this person wait in line just to pass. The first two tests he took were already enough for them to assess him.

"Where did this young man came from?" one sect elder asked an elder who had a list of examinees.

There were two sides they could see, but the other one was populated. Thus, the sect elders preferred to watch the less populated side of the test.

"He is named Lucas Wei." the sect elder answered.

Then another sect elder, who has a peerless beauty, talked.

"Wei Family? That mad dog family? How could they conceive this kind of talented young man?"

"Apparently, he wasn't related to the Wei Family."

"Oh. Fortunate for him. But don't worry about the Wei family. We must save this young man before the other factions take interest in him. Take him off of the test!"


Chapter 56 - Recruitment

After the others successfully passed the test, they gathered at the right side of the hall and waited for the portal. But before the portal appeared, a group of 5 cultivators appeared from the end of the hall and started approaching them.

"Why do you think they are here? Aren't they sect elders?" One of the examinees said as he recognized that their robes were what the sect elders wore.

"Hm… Perhaps they finally recognized me."

And thus, because of it, they started assuming that the sect elders were approaching them to approach them. Of course, they are the subjects of their own assumptions, but as soon as the sect elders stopped, they erased the fantasy they had.

The sect elders stopped in front of Lucas, and as he was particularly expecting them to come, Lucas sighed.

"May I ask why these seniors are in front of me?" Lucas asked, acting respectfully, but the truth was that he was smiling inside.

"You are Lucas Wei, right? The faction leader wanted to see you." one of the cultivators said.

"Hm… But I want to finish the test." Lucas said.

"You don't need to worry about the test," they replied.

'I see… So my ticket to 'normal living' is here. Of course, I wasn't particularly thinking about crawling. I wanted to have a little privilege, so I intentionally showed some 'talents'.'

Lucas just nodded and smiled at them.

"I will go," he said, making the sect elders relieved.

The sect elders started walking to the other side, and before Lucas followed them, he looked at Mischelle.

"I'll be going," Lucas said with a mysterious smirk.

"Lucky bastard."

And as Lucas finally followed the sect elders, a particular person among the examinees looked at Lucas with perplexity.

'He was from Wei? Did they send another to join this sect? I thought no one but only me was interested in arrays.'

And little by little, Lucas's figure disappeared with the coming of the portal in front of them.

Meanwhile, Lucas was just following the sect elders. They passed a door that had stairs inside, ascending.

He just stepped forward, climbing the stairs, and as another door was on the other side, they entered.

The room had plenty of sect elders, and as Lucas really didn't expect this plenty of people he could attract, he just observed the room.

There were 7 sect elders in the room, 4 males and 3 females. All of them were sitting around an oval table.

"Welcome, Junior Lucas." One of the sect elders greeted him who was sitting at the end of the oval table.

Seems like he was the so-called 'faction leader'. He still looked like a middle-aged man, but in reality, he had aged over 80.

Lucas clasped his hand and greeted the 'faction leader'.

"I am called Lucas Wei. Thank you for keeping an eye on me." Lucas said.

"Ho… You are a really wonderful young man. Not just talented, but you also had an unfathomable aura. Tell me, where did you come from?" Another one who had the surname Chan asked Lucas.

Lucas just remained calm and answered him.

"I am only a rogue cultivator. Pertaining to my background, I don't know." Lucas said, taking the attention of a female sect elder.

She still had her peerless beauty despite being a little bit over 50. And as she was also one of the talented disciples in her prime, she couldn't help but take interest in this young man before her.

"Hm… you lost your memory? We have an array that can bring back memories. Perhaps you wanted to know it?"

"I'm good without knowing it. I just know my name and it's already sufficient for me."

The female sect elder just scoffed.

"You are a really interesting young man. Now I bet the word 'interesting' will be overused in this room. I am named Lucy Shim."

"I am Kin Chan."

"I am Pauleen Fong."

"Named Richard Lai."

"I am named Sum Pan."

"Celly Wan."

"They are the faction under me, Mike Wong." At last, the faction leader introduced himself.

Lucas remembered their names and looked at each of them. And after it, he smiled at them.

"In what particular business I am here?"

"Junior Lucas, do you mind becoming an inner court disciple with our support? We had plenty of supported disciples, but only a rare few could jump into the inner court since before you become an inner court disciple, you must take an assessment and a final." Pauleen Fong said.

She was a little bit behind Lucy Shim. In particular, she had visible wrinkles and other signs of being old.

"That is a tempting offer. But can I ask why did you take an eye at me?"

"You are talented, not just talented, but have the potential to become a genius." Richard Lai explained.

"Not just that, you are also funded by our faction. And you won't encounter any difficulties inside the sect."

Then, they continued showing their offer as well as the benefits of accepting being under them. But as it almost benefits Lucas the most, there must be something to exchange for it.

"Can I know what I should do?" Lucas asked as he wasn't particularly interested in the benefits. He only wants to have a smooth disciple-life and learn it proficiently. Nothing more.

Also, he wasn't in particular thinking about being at the top. He could think of being 'recognized', but not to the point that people would be expecting more of him.

As he already planned, he doesn't want to spend too much time here. Just enough to learn more about the array and the life of a disciple.

"We are gathering talented disciples. And because we are collecting them, there is a reason." This time, it was Mike Wong who spoke. As the faction leader, he wanted to be the one who'd explain the cause to Lucas.

"Every year, inside our sect, we have this competition between factions. We have a total of 5 factions in the sect, and we want you to join it. It will consist of inner court disciples, so.. what do you think?"

Lucas snickered before answering. He wasn't even thinking of joining, but perhaps he could learn some from it as well.

Right now, Lucas has just one intention in this room. It was to make a connection with them since they could be a source of knowledge from arrays.

"And that competition, I am interested," Lucas said and after it, everyone cheered in joy.

"But, you know faction leader Wong. I mean, I am part of it, right?" Lucas asked in between the joy of the sect elders.

"Yes, and what about it?"

"Do you mind explaining it more to me? Your explanation was quite vague and hard to understand."

Just after Lucas said that everyone in the room softly laughed, and some even snorted to suppress their laughter.

"He was right, faction leader. You must change your way of talking. It's quite messy."

But Mike Wong was just containing himself in embarrassment.

"Don't ever mention it, Lucas Wei. Alright?"

"Hahaha. Yes. I won't mention it.. Please forgive me."

Chapter 57 - Cafeteria

It might be a question that normal people will ask if they see the scene: how could Lucas think of being a normal disciple if he had already taken some attention from other sect elders?

There was a reason behind it. And that reason was based on information he got in the city. Inside the Profound Symbol, there is a section that divides the sect and those are factions.

But why did he pay some attention to them? Actually, there is only one reason. He wanted to slowly rise in some of their ranks and look for a powerful array that could gather energy. With it, he wanted to convert it to an array that could gather mana in the area.

But what if he just takes it secretly? Well, he wants fun. And that way would make the question: where's the fun?

'Recognition is really the pride of cultivators. And as this seems to be getting on how I planned, I want to know more about how a sect operates.'

Then at night, everyone got their respective living quarters. But as Lucas was part of a faction despite being a newcomer, he lives in the inner court section where only inner court disciples live.

It was a privilege he expected to be part of his 'normal' disciple life. And for it to be amazing, perhaps only 2 stars below in the living quarters he had in Heavenly Demon Sect, Lucas couldn't hide the joy he felt.

"Let's learn array!"

And the next morning, without cultivating for the night, Lucas went out and headed straight to the cafeteria.

He was all alone, but as he sought to be 'independent' in his disciple life, he went to the cafeteria and swam through the crowd of people who were eating inside.

They were all wearing royal blue robes with white lining, and on the left chest was an embroidered symbol of the sect.

"It feels like these people are really privileged."

Lucas was already aware of the class that existed between the major hierarchies, but this only reinforced his understanding of its true significance.

He still didn't know where to go or where the line should be. Therefore, he asked one of the inner court disciples.

"Excuse me, Brother, but may I ask where I should take a line for the meal? "

As the disciple heard Lucas's words, he instinctively faced him, and the moment he saw him, he was shocked and slightly dumbfounded.

For some reason, the disciple was mesmerized by how handsome Lucas was and unconsciously thought that a noble was asking him, hence he should be obliged to answer and might even have taken Lucas into liking him.

He gulped and then pointed in a certain direction where people were lining up.

"Oh! Thank you! You save me! I will remember this." Then Lucas left the dazed disciple with him, feeling a little off to it.

Lucas scoffed after finally separating himself from the disciple. He already knew what was supposedly running in that disciple's mind. Although he doesn't particularly think of it as bothering, he still can't remove it from his mind.

Lucas finally arrived at the line and moved to the back. And so, after finally taking his first step into being a disciple, he smiled.

However, it ended immediately when a group gathered at his back. They were three disciples who wore the same robe and were also making a ruckus behind him.

And so, Lucas was left with no choice but to face them.

Just as soon as he faced them, they all looked down at him with disdainful eyes. They were just staring at him as if waiting for him to move and finally he understood what was happening. However, as Lucas just didn't know who these three were, he just remained standing and replied with the same eyes.

People in the cafeteria started whispering with each other. Although he didn't particularly understand it, Lucas just didn't let it bother him.

"Who's that, handsome kid? Arrogant of him to stare at the trio of Senior Elder's Gong Faction? He is nuts."

"I don't know who that fair boy is, but I hope he doesn't die. I don't want another brother to quit."

"Let us pray that he won't die."

"I hope he didn't face them. No one in the inner court can face them."

"Sighs… Let's just move away from them. It would surely turn into something bad."

As the whispering just continued to run around Lucas's ears, he just felt uncertain emotions.

He still doesn't know how to act with obvious hostility. And so, he just let them stare at him and waited for them.

'I guess I should've asked for the Rule Book.' Lucas thought as he rolled his eyes, then faced his previous business with his back to them.

And because of how Lucas acted, the three disciples were irritated and abruptly roared.

"You are not going to move?! Do you think my eyes are just joking?!"

Lucas's ears twitched. Because of that, he faced them again, seeing the one who shouted was in the middle of the group and was supposed to be the leader.

"Are you the leader? What do you want?" Lucas uninterestedly asked.

"You!" Veins started appearing on the leader of the group before he lifted his arm in the air.

He launched his arm to slap Lucas, but before it could reach, Lucas activated a barrier, making the leader hit his hands on something hard in an abrupt manner.

The force was too strong, and because of it, he tremendously felt the pain rushing to his nerves.

Everyone who saw it widened their eyes. As if they couldn't believe what they had just seen, they all gawked.

"A protective array!" Everyone shouted.

Despite the fact that it was something they were used to, no one around them could activate it in an emergency. And as things got dragged out, they started to doubt it.

"It must be a treasure."

However, Lucas didn't really know what was going on. What he only knew for sure was that they were trying to bully him. And without using violence, he was eager to fight back.

He activated his barrier for a long time, then walked to them. The remaining two were enraged and decided to attack him as well. However, they all faced the same end. They all hit a solid profound barrier that was protecting Lucas.

"Why are you doing this?"

'Though it's obvious that they want to get into the line before me.' He rolled his eyes, then just turned his back away from them.

The three were left again speechless by Lucas's boldness. Although they wanted to attack him and curse him with words, it would still be useless since they don't run their words like an arrogant young master.

Power is power and in this case, no position is useful, only the capabilities.

And thus, the leader introduced himself.

"You are somewhat talented at making instant protective barriers and even hiding the process, making people think it was a treasure. You are talented. I am Dylan Gong, the top 1 of the inner disciples this year. I hope you do the same honor."

Lucas stopped his walking along with the whispers that exploded again.

"Who is he? Dylan acknowledged it as an instant cast of an array. This means that it wasn't a treasure."

The whispering continued, and as Lucas was becoming impatient, he faced them again.

"Lucas Wei. I hope you remember it."

And so, Lucas really portrayed himself under the name of Lucas Wei.

Chapter 58 - Array Shit

Arguable. It was something that couldn't happen if he was only a newcomer.

"It is actually my first day, so I don't know what the rules are. So, since this is an array specialized sect, I bet you won't ignore the fact that I only protected myself with it." Lucas nonchalantly said, but deep inside, his soul was shouting violently.

'Array shit! I don't know a thing about arrays, so can you please let me have my peace of learning arrays!'

If ever Lucas learned an array that could absorb specific energy, he'd leave this sect at once, but since he didn't know where it was and if it even existed, he could just learn it normally.

As 'normal' it is, Lucas also wanted to learn how sects operate. However, he wasn't expecting that even in sects, there would be a hierarchy that sets rules that only exist in disciples.

As soon as they heard Lucas say it was his first day, all of them were frozen, as well as the spectators.

It only means one of two things. Lucas may have been a talented person that passed from being an outer court disciple, became a member of a faction that passed through the restriction, or became an inner disciple immediately.

"Y-You are? I don't believe you. You must be joking." As Dylan wanted to deny it, Lucas kept on pushing it on him.

"I am not. Actually, it is not that I am boasting, but I hope we don't make some fuss over simple things. I am a disciple under the Faction of Senior Elder Wong. So let this be easy between the two factions. I hope you understand."

All of them remained stiff as Lucas left them since it was his time to get the food. He took his part and then left the stall to choose a table.

People around him were still on the edge of disbelief. How could this suddenly happen? They even ignored the hierarchy since being a disciple member of a faction is already outstanding.

For others, hierarchy was just an illusion. And as it ran to Dylan's mind over and over again, he approached Lucas after he ate his meal.

Without the two disciples with him, he respectfully faced Lucas.

"I wanted to apologize for what happened earlier. It was actually a misunderstanding since it is a privilege of a member of a faction to be the first in the line. I don't know you were also a member of a faction."

Lucas took a moment of silence then faced Dylan, who abruptly approached him just after his meal.

"Were you not arrogant?" Lucas asked.

Dylan shook his head with sincerity that made Lucas chuckle.

"Tell me. Why are you respectful to me?" Lucas asked.

"Because it is disrespectful to be rude to a number one faction in the sect. There are no conflicts between factions, it was only meant for the competition, so I was being sincere and wanted to apologize."

Lucas was just left stiffened by what Dylan said. From what he heard, Lucas thought that it was literally dividing the sect into factions. But he didn't realize that it must be a misinterpretation of someone outside the sect.

He sighed and then tried to remember the words he exchanged with the elders and the other members of the faction. And as far as he can remember, there is no particular part that says they are all in conflict.

He sighed again and cursed the elders in his mind. He thought that things were seriously going on between the factions.

"So the factions were just there for the purpose of making a talented array master?" Lucas asked, making Dylan nod.

"Forgive me too. So I want to ask something. Does the sect have some stereotypes and arrogant disciples that underestimate fellow disciples?" Lucas asked again.

"I don't see anyone. We just have the privilege here." Dylan answered respectfully.

"Then what happened there? The whispering?"

Lucas was starting to doubt his ability to assess the environment. And thus, since he basically doesn't know much of the sect itself, he just remained calm.

"That was only whispers. The fellow disciples think that I'll showcase my ability to make an array that would shock you and make you think of quitting. The dead part, it wasn't actually literal."

'The fuck?'

Inside, Lucas was obnoxiously squirming in irritation.

"Okay. You are good. Then does this mean that for the next meal I don't need to wait in line?" Lucas asked.

"Yes, but since I am also not sure if you really are a member of the faction run by Senior Elder Wong, you must bring your identification."

Lucas realized that Dylan was just being respectful and even if he made a mistake in identity, it wouldn't make him a lesser person.

"Okay. Thank you for reminding me. I'll be on my way." Lucas said, then headed to his room in an instant.

He took a deep breath, then started comprehending what he had learned.

Outside the sect, there were words that the Profound Symbol had struggled with the hierarchy and thus created the factions. Also, the factions serve as the dividers of the sect that basically divides disciples into respective orders based on yearly competition.

However, what Lucas believed was wrong. But all he did was to see through lies, and since they weren't lying, he thought of the information as regardful. But now since he learned more information, he didn't stop there and believed everything.

But sometimes, while in his deep thoughts, he was cut by the realization that he was dealing with it too much.

"Ah… I guess all of my assessments have flaws. I clearly degraded that part, and I am too naive to think that my socializing skills were still okay."

Lucas realized that the brain doesn't end there. As time goes on, it doesn't stop developing personality and habits. Since he had been secluded from society for plenty of years, he thought that at least he had kept his wise thoughts.

But things don't work that way.

And as it is, he sighed then tried to fix his plan again.

"From now on, let's make things simple."

Lucas fixed his plans for his stay in the sect. Since he became pointless and couldn't stay in one place, he thought that discipleship 'normal' life was done. He'll just have to make a deal with the sect and exchange for the knowledge of making arrays.

It could also be possible if he could just go to the archives and read the contents of the book. However, as laughable as it seems, it's too stupid since he needs to be wary of arrays that may detect him.

Thus, the easiest and safest way is to face the leader and try to make a deal.

Basically… he doesn't know what to offer, but treasures are okay, right? He still has plenty of unused artifacts in his storage magic that might or might not work in this world.

If he can at least learn arrays, it will be his stepping stone to create a sect of mages. He'll gather mana in one place and then teach unknown geniuses that might be hiding in this world.

As a result, while searching for the geniuses, he'll also need to break through the Emperor Spirit Realm.

As absurd as it seems, Lucas wanted to keep things simple as his brain might collapse in the next second.

"Enjoy life my ass. I can't even fix one idea!"

Chapter 59 - Alchemy Circle [1]

Someplace, a person with red hair and no cultivation walked through a street with plenty of people. He was a young man and seemed occupied. Inside his thoughts, he was viciously grinning. The number of these people would suffice as a requirement of his plan.

And now he can finally get information about where his master was.


The person made light through their palms. It was a ball of red light, and as obnoxiously bright it was, it took some people's identity.

They all looked at him and realized that he was wearing a weird outfit. And also, the light that was on his palm started growing violently.

They were all dazed, unpleasantly looking at him with a hint of disdain.

"What was he doing? Does he intend to play with a light treasure?"

Indeed, people misinterpret that the light on the person's palm was a treasure that brings light. As it was not even rare to see a treasure and witness heavenly defying feats that even a mortal could do, a treasure is highly regarded and used to explain things.

However, as oblivious as they are, the light started growing, even overlapping the height of an average human.

As creepy as it seemed, one stepped up to order him to stop playing with the light.

"Hey! Weirdo! Can you stop that light! Stop playing with it or else we'll apprehend you despite being a mortal!"

Those who called him were cultivators who guarded the place. However, as intimidating as they approached him, it didn't pass through him and it was just as if he didn't hear them.

Because of this, they all became annoyed with the person and tried to aggressively settle the thing. Although there was a bright light making them have a hard time, they bravely approached the person since he was just a mortal.

"What do you mean? I am just looking for my master." the person finally spoke, but as his sounds were hoarse and tremulous, chills passed through the spines of the cultivators.


They now perform more aggressive acts, but just before they can touch the skin of the person, they accidentally touch the light. They are sucked inside.

Because of this, the people who saw it shouted in panic. They all started running away from him as well as the growing light. But the person just smiled.

"You are all useless. In this weird world, you don't stand a chance to magic!"

And thus, after screaming, the light grew stronger and even sucked in nearby people. The light became redder as it started to absorb people.

The person could watch the scene and, as he seemed to be enjoying it, he started flying over the buildings, watching everything from above.

"Useless ants. They only had a little mana? What's with the weird energy from them? It's making the philosopher stone impure." He hissed as he observed the light starting to have a solid appearance, but it still continued to absorb the people.

But since he can't change the way it is right now, he continued to enjoy the scene in the meantime.

Minutes passed, the street was finally empty, but he wasn't content. He moved the light to the other sides of the street and the whole city, absorbing everyone.

After a few minutes, the city was finally empty and a symbol started appearing inside the light, finally becoming solid.

The solid red object became an orb and then it became smaller.

The person descended to approach the red orb that became smaller and smaller until it became the size of a fist.

He grabbed it and a symbol flickered again. It was an alchemy circle.

As he took it, a grin appeared on his face.

"Nice. There is a little mana here. At least the equivalent of a young dragon gem."

He smiled again then observed the orb once again, but as he started to feel strange energy coming from the orb, he pondered for a second.

"What is this energy?"

He tried to suck the energy, but as he sucked it, the energy just got rejected by his core.

"What the hell? What's wrong with this energy? I can feel that it is powerful energy like mana, but why is it being rejected by my core?" He pondered again.

As he continued absorbing the energy, he grumbled after plenty of rejection. Until one last try, the energy was finally accepted when he absorbed it with the mana inside the orb.

"Ah… So that was it? I just have to absorb it with the mana? Good! I feel like my core has become larger than normal! This way, my master will praise me for being strong! However, it feels bad that these weird creatures somehow look like humans… Hm… But they were bad! They are bad! Their souls are bad! It's okay!"

Then the person started losing his form. When he noticed it, he complained to nobody, but as he saw the moon appearing, he stopped.

"Eh… So the moon is up now? I think it's time to rest. This good Soul Dragon will find its master!"

Then, he occupied a huge house in the city and slept.

As he slept, he remembered the thing that weird old men told him. If he can bring them orbs with energies, they'll say his master's location.

"It was just inevitable. Since I got curious about the energy, I absorbed it. Then, tomorrow, I will absorb another bad soul!"

The form of the person earlier had now become more visible. As the moonlight hit his location, it exposed his appearance that had similarities with a dragon. But he wasn't huge, he was just the size of a normal horse.

His scales were light blue as well as his two horns on his forehead.

While the night was getting late, he just slept in one position until the next morning.

He woke up, stood up diligently, and then flew. He was now back in his human form.

"I will look for another bad soul! I will not absorb them so that I can find my master. I can feel that he is here, but I don't know which location in this strange world he is." Then a frown came after his words.

"Ah…. Let's start working!" He exclaimed with positivity, then started flying, looking for another city he could visit.

Chapter 60 - Alchemy Circle [2]

In the most eastern part of the eastern region, inside a symmetrical cave.

"Kekeke… The weirdo finally started. I heard one city disappeared as the citizens unusually disappeared."

"Ho… that's right, Duha. The weirdo is starting and even though I didn't believe it at first, right now I will! We can finally meet the requirement to ascend!"

"Don't be complacent. We still need to be sure if he'll use that method he was saying to please us. If not, and he decides to use it for his own, we'll be doomed."

"Tulo… Kekeke! Don't be like that. That weirdo isn't someone who can cultivate. I'm sure he won't be using the energy he got for his own or he'll die!"

"Usa, why do you think so? Now that I think about it, how can he do it?"

"Duha, the weirdo has a treasure. If not for that treasure, he'd be doomed and useless kekeke."

"Usa, Duha, stop. We are not talking about this ever again. Even if we try to get that treasure from him, we can't be tainting our foundation. It will be foreseen in the upper heaven."

"Kekeke. Tulo, we can't defeat stronger magical beasts and monsters. How can you talk like that? If so, we can just join a dark sect. There's no need to worry about keeping our purities."

"That's right, Usa. Don't be too obsessive with being pure, Tulo. After agreeing with it, you just became the same as us."

"Tsk. Stupid. I couldn't imagine why you two became my siblings."


"Hm… Why is this place different from yesterday? I don't see bad souls here." The person mumbled as he passed through a city with all mortals living in it, without one as a cultivator.

He just passed through it without any worries, then headed north as he continued on his journey.

After a few minutes, he again saw another city, but this time there were 'bad souls' he saw here. There were at least 200 cultivators, and as he thought that they were 'bad souls', he created a red light again.

He descended and took everyone's attention.

"An expert!" They all shouted and formed a line and bowed at him in an instant. All of them were cultivators, paying their respects to their 'senior' but the 'senior' wasn't pleased with them.

The person enlarged the red light and as soon as it started touching cultivators, it absorbed them, sucked them inside the red light, which inside was an alchemy circle.

Everyone who saw this pondered for a few seconds, but as soon as they realized that a fellow cultivator disappeared as if eaten by the light created by their 'senior', they all panicked and used their spiritual energies to boost their movements.

All of them were at least in the Apprentice Spirit Realm, which is why they greeted someone who could fly. But as they seemed to have made the wrong move, they all faced horror.

One by one, cultivators were absorbed. Mortals who were on the side also ran away in fear. Some cultivator just made someone disappear and obviously, this is an abuse of power.

But they can't complain about it as he was just targeting cultivators. So the mortals thought that it might be only a cultivators' problem. And thus, they just focused on running away from the scene.

The person looked at the red light that started becoming an orb. As soon he touched it, he was tempted again to absorb the energies inside. It has two energies, and even though he doesn't want to take it and save it for the 'old men', he just absorbed it ignoring it.

As soon as he absorbed it, he noticed that his core enlarged again. And right now, his mana in his core is becoming less similar to mana.

He pondered and looked at his core.

"Why is my mana becoming like a weaker but more plenty?"

As he just observed his core, he noticed that the energy inside his core had doubled.

"What is this?!" And so, as he was curious about it, he created a magic circle in the air and used a spell.

It was a blast of white light that destroyed every building in his sight. And just after it, he continued observing again.

"It becomes less powerful, but I have more spare energy to use. Then does this mean I am equal to master?!"

The person jumped to the conclusion and celebrated. Although his celebration was zero-budget, he just used his time to celebrate and enjoy the joy he felt.

Unbeknownst to him, the citizens in the city started leaving the city. They all ran into a nearby city and asked for help. Reporting everything about it, some cultivators asked for help at a nearby sect.

When the sect heard it, they all rejoiced, since they finally had the opportunity to shine. An evil cultivator that wears a weird robe could mean that he was causing terror on their land, and if they could apprehend or remove him, they'd shine more, and supporters and funders would surely come to them.

As soon as they gathered, they prepared the 10 strongest cultivators of their sect.

After an hour, the citizens came to ask for a request to defeat an evil cultivator. They all left their sect and then headed to the said city.

When they reached there, they could see a blast of white light coming from one location.

They pondered. They saw the evil cultivator blasting a little light from his palm.

"He is surely difficult to handle, but who are we? We are the strongest of the Violet Lotus Sect! We can defeat this evil cultivator."

As soon as they arrived, the person felt a hostile presence. And thus, he looked in a certain direction and saw 10 people gathered who he assessed as 'bad souls'.

"They are all bad souls! They must die."

"Shit! We've been discovered! Prepare a battle formation! Start making the group technique!" A leader shouted, ordering his subordinates.

He was the sect master of the Violet Lotus Sect. Even if they were a lesser-known sect, they had powerful cultivators ranging from early in the Master stage to peak.

What they were about to do was a group technique, a powerful offensive technique that can only be activated by a group. However, their shout was annoying to the person, and thus, he launched a ball of red light at them. In an instant, they disappeared and were absorbed by the light.

"They were harder to convert into the weird energy. But still, it was plenty! I will become more powerful than master!"

And so, he absorbed it again, even forgetting about his true goal.

Chapter 61 - I Am Someone Who's Powerful

Lucas approached the members of the faction led by Mike Wong. And as they went again, in a room with an oval table in the center, Lucas started talking about his sentiments.

"I want to stop becoming a disciple." Lucas frankly said, making everyone shocked and dumbfounded.

"What?! Why are you saying an obvious, stupid word?! Don't you know what our sect's rule is?!" Mike Wong suddenly exclaimed in fear as he got hysterical as soon he heard it.

"Junior Lucas, can you tell us why you particularly want to stop being a disciple?" Lucy Shim asked.

"Yes, do you want to die?"

It was as if Lucas was deafened by their abrupt and loud voices. But as he wasn't particularly a person who had one position and one goal, he just sighed and started explaining it.

"I'm sorry. But I wanted to become a normal disciple, but I can't. I am an aimless person who can't stay in one place." Lucas said in a calm tone, and as they heard it, they became silent pertaining to his truthful words.

"Then why did you even join our sect? Do you know what our rules are? Someone who wants to leave the sect without even doing well inside will get their knowledge removed. And much worse, they become stupid. How does a person like you, who has a greater future, become what you say? " Mike Wong said his worries about.

Everyone agreed. They didn't want to lose an important asset, and since Lucas was a highly talented person, from what their eyes told them, they wanted to support him. But it seems like Lucas doesn't want it.

"I don't know about it. But it won't happen to me since this will not be the last time I will be associated with the sect."

Lucas's words gave them hope, but it was futile since it was coated and vague. Trying to understand it, they've become overwrought thinking about it.

"Urgh! Can you please tell us what you really want? Why did you join us? I know that you know you are talented." This time, it was Kin Chan who talked, but he wasn't like others, he was a bit more irritated asking about it.

"Array. I want to learn array formations."

Just like that? Lucas's words are somewhat stupid since an array can't be easily learned by just joining their sect.

"You… Do you want to die?" Kin Chan mumbled but it was audible that Lucas reacted to it.

"Elder Chan! Please watch what you are saying!" Pauleen Fong exclaimed.

"Watch my mouth? This kid is arrogant. Does he think we'll beg him to stay here?! We are better than that. He was just arrogant and it was wrong to eye him in interest!"

The factions continued arguing with one another's opinions. And as Lucas was just observing and watching them, he couldn't help but giggle.

His giggling started to be heard, as there were also snorts in between, and Kin Chan couldn't help but be more irritated.

"You dare to?!"

"Fellow Daoist Chan!" Lucas exclaimed, but his voice was like the roar of a lion that even the concrete of the room trembled.

They were all startled and looked at Lucas with wide eyes.

As they became silent, they just stared at Lucas, uncertain of what to feel.

Lucas somehow started revealing his real cultivation base. But for a person like him who wasn't able to keep his concentration in cultivation and was unaware of it, he suddenly released it.

The sect elders inside felt the tremendous energy flowing from Lucas until a few seconds later, it turned as if they couldn't feel any spiritual energy from Lucas's body.

'Heaven! He was an expert all along! And even higher than the Master Spirit Realm cultivator? Where did this person come from.'

'I am disgusted by what's happening right now. For some reason, I can feel that my life has become shit, but please… my precious body, please be reasonable. Why now? You destroyed my timing!' Lucas just screamed inwardly and contained himself as his body started to reveal his real cultivation base.

"I am someone who's powerful."

'What the fuck.'

"But I don't know arrays since I have a different way of understanding cultivation."


"That's why I wanted to start learning it as a 'normal' disciple, but after some reasoning, I got tired of it and decided to have an exclusive relationship instead."

'Yeah. Run your mouth, Lucas!'

"But somehow, this is what happened. I want to apologize for my shortcoming. I didn't mean to deceive you all. I truly want to learn an array but not as a disciple because it tires me out."

Lucas somehow unintentionally bowed in despair, but when he was late in realizing it, he just let it happen and didn't stand up.

The sect elders don't have anything to say. It was as if a supervisor came to their department to observe them. And as they truly understood what was happening now, they all looked at each other and helped Lucas stand up straight.

'He is someone powerful. Maybe enough to destroy the sect and seek out everything we have. However, he didn't use those tactics to learn array formation?'

'If I was powerful like him, I wouldn't bother becoming a disciple or even please the sect itself. I'll just grab what I want since I've worked hard to gain strength for the reason of being at the top.'

'Daoist Lucas is really different.'

They all thought differently, but all of the contexts were approved by Lucas. They don't see him as someone who tried to deceive them, and they may have realized that Lucas doesn't know how the cultivation world works.

But they all know one thing for sure. Because he is powerful, Lucas doesn't seem to be arrogant or ignorant. Instead, he wanted to live with others and tried to enjoy things.

'How long did he live to be tired in one place?' Mike Wong scoffed as he thought of Lucas's attitude.

"Please, Daoist Lucas. We understand. Please let us have time to talk about this."

Lucas finally snapped back to reality and his face became nonchalant.

"Thank you," he said in a somewhat uninterested tone.

Mike Wong was just dumbfounded because of the sudden change in personality. And as hesitant he was, he tried to ask Lucas.

"Uhm… Senior?"

"Stop, Fellow Daoist Wong."

"I see. Fellow Daoist Lucas, what happened to you?"

"I accidentally bowed, but as soon as I realized it, I just didn't retract and continued acting that way."

Hearing it, an awkward smile came from the sect elders.

"Ah… Hahaha…."

Chapter 62 - 5 Great Families

5 Great Families Meeting, at the center of the eastern continent.

The 5 Great Families consisting of the Su Family, Gao Family, Xie Family, Yu Family, and Xiao Family, were having a meeting pertaining to plenty of different problems.

The agenda? Remove anything that threatens the authority of the five families. But even with one another's problems, they needed to work together since their ancestors in upper heaven don't hold authority over the Mortal Realm anymore.

It was as if no one took them seriously, that even bandits tried to challenge them.

They all had a frown on their faces as the first problem on the table was addressed.

Man Gao, the patriarch of the Gao family, spoke. He was a cultivator in the General Spirit Realm and also had the appearance of a man who had just gotten into his 60's.

However, despite his appearance and age, he still has a vigorous body.

"Take Su, what happened to the two sects? Why are they now not fighting with each other?"

Take Su, the patriarch of the Su Family was also a cultivator in the same realm. However, his appearance didn't look like Man Gao's. His body was skinnier than his and he also had long-tied white hair as well as a long white beard.

He frowned while looking at Man Gao, who was talking as if they weren't equal and was talking to his subordinate. And as his actions raked up tension between them, someone intervened.

"Easy you two. Gao of the East, and also Su of the North. I hope you don't fight about things that have been threatening your region. We must work together." It was Anton Xie who intervened.

Anton Xie was the patriarch of Xie Family, but different from the two. He was younger than both of them and also had a physically fit-looking body.

The two patriarchs of their respective families just looked at Anton Xie as if they didn't care about him. There was also a hint of disdain in their eyes, ignoring what Anton Xie said.

Anton Xie could only shrug as if it was just a joke, then snickered afterward.

"I guess you both are at the edge."

"Stop with this stupidity. Men will always be men. Always keeping their emotions instead of their heads." One said, a female cultivator to be precise, but in the middle of the General Spirit Realm.

She was a cultivator with a great aura. Despite some wrinkles appearing, she was still so beautiful that her fierce eyes could make any man surrender.

Kyla Yu, the matriarch of the Yu Family and also the Great Family of the Western Region.

The argument between Take Su and Man Gao was still going on despite a tremendous aura coming from the end of the table they were using.

"You are not going to stop it?"

And in an instant, the room was covered with silence.

It was a domineering aura coming from one person in the room, and despite being surrounded by four strong cultivators, she didn't become bothered by it and just acted the way she wanted.

In fact, she doesn't need to think of it as she was the strongest of them all. She might even be able to match the 4 and still come out on top in the end.

The Matriarch of the Xiao family and also the overseer of the 5 Great Families, Yuna Xiao. She was in the middle of the King Spirit Realm and not just the most beautiful of the five, she was the one who had the youngest appearance of all, but her age begged to differ. But in this room, she was covered with shadows as the room was lit limitedly.

"You are all making a fuss over this? What happened to the three idiots? You still haven't found them?" Yuna Xiao asked in a slightly irritated tone.

"Please forgive us, Your Grace, but we didn't find the Three Siblings. They are too slippery that they even used all of the bandits in the eastern region. Right? Man Gao?" Take Su responded, and that made Man Gao click his tongue in annoyance.

"Please forgive us, Your Grace. But after someone appeared in the eastern region and suddenly wiped out everyone in the Red Moon Castle, they weren't able to be found." Man Gao followed with words to clean himself.

However, Yuna Xiao didn't reply and was just in deep thought. Her eyes were just closed.

"How about one in the Morning Sun City, Man Gao? The shop that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the underworld? How about her? Do you think we can control her?" Yuna Xiao asked.

Man Gao just grumbled inwardly as he cringed from the pain he is feeling right now.

"I beg to apologize once again. She was a bit slippery, just like the Three Siblings." Man Gao answered respectfully.

Then, after hearing it, Kyla Xie just smiled in amusement at how irresponsible the other great family was.

Inside her mind, she was grateful that no one was playing her region.

"You don't have to worry anymore. I'll just step out to finish all these things. It's my job as an overseer anyway. In this way, the ancestors won't be hateful towards us and might even send us assistance. "

With just those words, the tide of the meeting changed into a more organized one. The eyes of the other four cultivators looked at Yuna Xiao with admiration. There was nothing more, and nothing less. They were thankful that their Grace was someone capable of fixing things.

In the past, when there were situations they couldn't easily handle, the overseer of the 5 Great Families stepped up, it was surely fixed and managed.

"Thank you, Your Grace."

"Then, about this cultivator that wiped out three cities? What's his identity?" Yuna Xiao asked.

"It was still unknown. But we do have exact information about his appearance. He had red hair and also wore a weird outfit that was some sort of a type of robe." Kyla Xie reported.

"The same style was also seen in the north." Take Su added.

"And also in the east. Someone who was a different individual was sighted wearing the same style, but it was 3 months ago." Man Gao added.

And thus, the discussion continued. Without wasting any seconds, with the guidance of Yuna Xiao, all business and problems were settled. She was like a treasure that records everything, but without literal recording, she just remembered and memorized it.

After having a meeting, Yuna Xiao stood up with a sigh.

"I will look for the cultivator that terrorizes the eastern region. After that, I will look for the individual that made the two dark sects fix their relationship. Also, the three idiots." Then another sighed, followed by her face being revealed from being covered by a shadow.

Her platinum hair brushed as her long eyelashes followed the blink of her eyes. The deep eyes that seemed to be uninterested in things just complimented her lips and body proportions.

"Let's make the eastern continent become the most organized continent in the whole Mortal Heaven…. again."

Chapter 63 - Senior Lucas

"Fellow Daoist Lucas, may we ask how old are you?"

As they were just sitting inside the meeting room of their faction, Mike Wong asked Lucas out of nowhere. As Lucas wasn't doing any particular and just staying inside to stand, he looked at Mike Wong and answered his question truthfully.

'Why is he asking my age? Even though I don't know my age, the heck.'

Lucas smiled before speaking.

"I think thousands of years and many years. I forgot."

Everyone wasn't surprised, but they were amused and curious about how Lucas attained being youthful and even act like one. There were plenty of experts like him that lived long lives but became wise men. But for Lucas, he still had a youthful attitude.

And as the topic was about youthful appearance, Lucy Shim's interest was piqued.

She approached Lucas with glittering eyes and held onto his forearm.

"Hey… Senior Lucas."

"Don't call me "Senior"." Lucas cut her immediately.

"O-Okay, Fellow Daoist Lucas. How do you still have that youthful appearance? And also, from the records of the totem, you were still 18."

Lucas just remained silent and looked at her intently. He wasn't making any certain expressions that made the other sect elders anxious that Lucy Shim might be bothering Lucas.

Lucas just sighed and then leaned back in his chair.

"Why would I tell my secret to you? If you want to know, why don't you become my disciple? I am planning to start a sect."

It wasn't a thing that he was supposed to say, but these people around him knew that they shouldn't use the information they got to exploit Lucas. Well, exploiting him would even take too much courage to have.

Because of Lucas's straight answer, Lucy Shim pouted with her arms crossed.

Lucas awkwardly smiled. "You are one bold person."

"Fellow Daoist Lucas, why don't you come with us? We know for sure that we'll help you get what you want." Mike Wong suggested.

"Follow where? To your sect's master? If that is what it is, I will follow you."

"Well, we already talked about it." Mike Wong said.

'So they talked with their telepathy? Or should I say Mind Communication?' Lucas assessed as he observed everyone constantly looking at each other since earlier.

Lucas sighed and stood up.

'Let's just say that I didn't waste my time going through as a disciple.' Lucas thought.

As Lucas was the kind of person that became aimless in an instant, he was someone that really didn't take one goal seriously.

"I see… We will now go to the pavilion of the sect master. Please change your robe into a less disciple robe, Fellow Daoist Lucas."

Lucas just nodded and then changed his robe in an instant. This feat has been easy for him since he got his core more open and easier to access, as well as his third energy growing stronger. And in the case of his dantian, he was still keeping it unused since he hadn't even practiced any of the techniques since he acquired one.

Everyone stared at Lucas once again in a dazed manner.

They hesitantly asked Lucas as they processed what had just occurred before their eyes.

"T-That was a Creation Mystical Art?" Mike Wong asked as he was one of the most knowledgeable of the seven.

Lucas just nodded without even bothering with the topic. But others beg to differ, as they still can't move on.

"Come on. Let's just say that I am really strong. I mean, not in a boasting way, but I am already in the King Spirit Realm." Lucas said.

"But, you said that your way of cultivation and using your spiritual energy is something different from normal."

"I said that, but it doesn't mean that I can't use mystical arts. I am more knowledgeable in that subject."

Everyone just sighed as they seemed to be unable to understand Lucas. As there was nothing to talk about, all of them left the room then headed straight to the center of the sect.