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Everyone looked at the sect elders as it was uncommon to see the whole foundation of the top faction in the sect gathered and walking on one path.

However, their attention was taken by a mysterious person with them. He was still a young man but somehow showed exponential talent in cultivation.

But in this sect, it is taught that one shouldn't be fooled by outer appearance. So, since they know that arrays can also have greater effects on different creatures and their surroundings, they thought that because of Lucas's cultivation, he still had his youthful appearance.

They continued walking, didn't even bother the gazes of the disciples along their path. And as they finally arrived at the center of the sect, a great pavilion was standing.

"Hooo… Your sect really feels different. Apart from the arrays in different places, the center of your sect hits different." Lucas commented as he looked above and spectate the arrays printed on the walls of the pavilion.

Everyone nodded.

"The living quarters of the sect master were the part of the sect that had plenty of arrays. Although it cost us too much to activate the arrays, it was still worth it since we were protected by it."

'Felicity says that the cultivation world is a messy place. But ever since she left, I also realized that she was right. This place is messy since they needed to make that many arrays just to remain safe.'

Since there were not really that many rules in the cultivation world, Lucas believed that it took a lot of might to stand alone. So, he realized that the purpose of sects was to build strength and survive together in this world.

It wasn't just for sharing knowledge, but it was also for making brotherhood and sisterhood.

Lucas hasn't really seen this much. Not even when he visited the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Flower Dark Sect.

"May I ask? Does your sect pay attention to martial arts?" Lucas suddenly asked as they move their ways inside the pavilion.

Everyone shook their heads, but there were smiles on their faces.

"We don't focus on martial arts since it takes too much time on learning arrays. Even geniuses must pay attention to learning one array for months, then try to improve their speed and comprehension of that certain array. We don't have time for that."

It makes sense for Lucas. Since he had already witnessed how they were living with arrays in their surroundings, the way they fought had to be included with the arrays. Array formations are more powerful than martial arts if used proficiently and accordingly.

Lucas had already witnessed it. Magic is more powerful than martial arts. Even in his previous world, it was proved right. And since he believes that arrays are just like magic circles, it means that they could have the same potential.

"But despite our wide influence, we are still easy to trample.. The 5 Great Families are so powerful that even with our arrays, we still can't protect ourselves from them."

Chapter 64 - Felicity In The Immortal Heaven

Finally, after 2 months of working hard, her efforts finally paid. Felicity left the 10 Judgement Hell's Path with only a smile on her face. Felicity appeared in a vast grassland. She felt the breeze of the wind as she slowly walked at a slow pace.

"I am finally here."

As she said it, Felicity recognized the abundant Qi in the area. There was so much spiritual energy that even with simple cultivation, her cultivation would grow exponentially.

She was like a new cultivator in the Immortal Heaven who had gone through the trials and tribulations just to get here.

And with it, finally showing a promising result, she flew with a little spiritual energy then searched for the branch of their family left in this realm.

They would surely recognize her, but she was wrong. As soon as she arrived there, all she saw was a weapon pointed at her.

"What's happening here?" Felicity angrily asked as there were five cultivators with higher cultivation pointing their weapons at her. There were at least two at the early levels of the True Sovereign stage, but the way they acted in front of Felicity was quite bold.

"What are you doing, peasant?! You are not allowed to step further in this line!" One of the cultivators exclaimed as he pointed to the yellow line at the center of their gate.

The mansion was huge and grandiose. That mostly took Felicity's attention since it resembled her home in Celestial Heaven. Also, it has been a hundred years since she visited here. That must be the reason why mere 'guards' don't know her.

Felicity slowly stepped back and then took a deep breath.

"You don't recognize me?" Felicity asked as she was also hit by the word 'peasant' that one of the cultivators said.

"Why would we know a peasant?" Then they all laughed as they realized how pathetic Felicity's words were.

Felicity just gritted her teeth and then took another breath.

"You don't call 'peasant' the master of this home!" A loud roar exuded from Felicity's mouth that almost deafened everyone in the area, even those spectators who took an interest in the scene.

They all covered their ears in shock as to why a 'peasant' could produce such a loud voice.

Indeed, 'peasant'. There are no other words to describe someone who was still in the Emperor Spirit Realm.

There were no mortals who were at the lowest of the human race. So, who were the least in the Immortal Heaven? Those who still haven't broken the shackles of mortality.

It wasn't that immortal that can live forever to be speak of. Their type of immortal is when they can live up to thousands of years. If someone has the ability to reach that age, or even prior to that, they are called immortals.

However, it was only known in the Immortal Heaven. In Mortal Heaven, if you say you've lived a thousand years, it means that you can't break through to the Emperor stage and would just depend on a treasure to extend your life, just to have another chance to breakthrough and take the trials.

"You really don't know me?!!!" Felicity had enough. She can't take any more of the disdaining eyes of the 'guards'. She was more than this, and since there was no other choice, she could just call the current head of the family branch.

Inside the mansion, as soon as Felicity started shouting, the second in the line was alarmed. He covered his ears slightly with his spiritual energy to not be affected by the loud roar. And as soon as the shout disappeared, he rushed to the gate to see who did it.

"Young Master!" All of the 'guards' greeted him. He was a handsome young man who had black hair and fair skin, wearing luxurious robes.

The 'Young Master' looked at Felicity with some curious eyes. He looked at her cultivation base then almost puked at what he discovered.

"A mere 'peasant' dares to shout in front of the prestigous Zhu Family?! Why didn't you capture this bitch?!" The 'Young Master' shouted at the 'guards'.

As there was little spiritual energy left for Felicity to contain her disguise, she returned to her original appearance while the 'Young Master' was scolding his 'guards'.

They all widened their eyes, looking at the goddess-like beauty in front of them. But even though she was beautiful, her worth wasn't that great since she was a 'peasant', reason why they captured her and detained her inside the mansion.

Felicity cursed herself inwardly for being too hasty. She forgot that there were still members of the family that might not have recognized her essence. And the stupidity that she didn't cultivate before coming here was unacceptable to her.

And thus, she gathered all of her knowledge and all of the cultivation techniques she knew. She searched through all of her memories and then finally picked one appropriate for this realm.

The Trasendence of a Mortal

It was a cultivation technique she learned back in her training days when she ascended from the Mortal Heaven. However, it couldn't be used when used in lesser spiritual energy. Hence, it means that this cultivation technique is useless in Mortal Heaven.

It was also the reason why she didn't really teach anything to Lucas, since all of the techniques she knew had requirements that could only be attained in Immortal Heaven and Celestial Heaven.

Felicity slowly breathed, then guided the abundant spiritual energy in the surrounding area. As soon she started meditating, the 'guard' outside herself just snickered.

"You can't break the cell even if you gather spiritual energy. It would be useless anyway since you are a 'peasant'. A useless state for a beautiful person like you. Even if we think of touching you, our cultivation might just be tainted because of your inferiority."

Felicity didn't mind the words from the guard. Inside her mind, she was just cursing him and the branch of her family to be this degraded after years of preserving the prestige of their house.

As she started to absorb the spiritual energies in the area, her cultivation base rose drastically to the point that, even though it had just been minutes, she was already in the True Sovereign Spirit Realm.

This feat was something that only a genius could do. The concentration needed for the cultivation technique is something that must be considered by experts. However, the guard outside the cell wasn't someone knowledgeable.

Also, the cultivation technique that Felicity was using wasn't something that could be easily tracked or peeked at. And thus, to the eyes of the 'guard', she was just gathering spiritual energy and not even trying to cultivate it.

The guard just shook his head and then went back to his previous task. He just thought of Felicity as someone who had been crazy after the frightening authority of the 'Young Master'.

Chapter 65 - The Ancestral Princess

The Zhu family, one of the most regarded families in Immortal Heaven, was something indivisible and indestructible. But somehow, out of nowhere, some 'peasant' appeared and even ignored the logic of the realm.

How could someone like her achieve the feat of deafening some of the guards of the Zhu Family? If not for him, the 'Young Master', also known as the heir of the family, didn't appear, the 'peasant' would surely use that situation to break their absolute authority.

"She was bold. She even dared to call herself the master of the family. Is she… wait… it can't be… a cultivator like her who hadn't ever had breakthrough immortality was someone from the ancestor family?"

The silver hair flashed again in his memory and the teachings of his family. It must have been a coincidence, but he couldn't ignore it.

From their teaching, it is said that the family was blessed with the honor of being visited by a member of the ancestor family who had silver hair. In the family, she was the only one who visited the branch family in Immortal Heaven.

But how could that happen? If she was the one, how could she be a peasant?

"I must be overthinking it. I'm sure there was someone with the same hair color on the Cloud Continent. Although rare, I've seen grey hair."

'Young Master' gritted his teeth as he walked back and forth.

He has been doing this ever since the 'peasant' was locked up. And because of it, he waited for his father to decide things. Even though he is the heir, he can't decide on the punishment of the 'peasant'.

"This is bullshit!"

As soon as he grumbled, the door of the mansion opened with his father entering the mansion.

When he saw his father, he immediately greeted him.


'Young Master' greeted his father, who also had the same facial features as him but was just a little more mature.

"What's the problem? You look hasty." His father said.

"Hahaha! You won't believe what I've seen! A peasant dared to call herself the master of this house! Although she had silver hair, she didn't think that she was a peasant!"

Because of his report, the eyebrows of the head of the family were raised.

"And you dare to laugh?"

Immediately, he was stiffened and didn't respond for a second.

"But father. There's no way that she is a master."

"I know that! But you didn't even have the ability to decide?! It was obviously an insult to the Zhu family and to the ancestor family! How could I leave the house to your care if you couldn't decide on this simple matter."

A scold from his father made him twitch every time his voice rose. He wasn't scared of him, he was scared that one move might result in him being thrown as the heir.

Being an heir isn't simple. He knows that he has plenty of siblings for his father to choose from, and just thinking about it irritates him.

"I apologize father. I will fix this instantly."

His father just grumbled and left him with the words, "Be sure to make a public execution. In that way, no one will try to insult the family again."

"Yes, father!"

And the next moment, he rushed to the cells of the residence to look for the 'criminal' but what he saw was something unfathomable and unacceptable.

"H-How… How could a peasant grow this fast!"

The 'Young Master' trembled in fear as soon as he discovered that the cultivation base the 'peasant' was on right now was higher than him.

"I-Immortal King Realm!"

Felicity exuded a profound aura around her body. While standing in a messed-up cell with the guard sleeping from the pressure she was applying, her gaze stopped on the 'Young Master'.

Her cultivation is currently 2 stages higher than his. It was understandable since she knew that people in this world underestimate 'peasants'.

"You still call me a peasant? How dare you talk to me like that."

They were calm words, but as the spiritual energy surrounding Felicity was emitting white light, she looked like a scornful goddess.


'Young Master' was intending to kowtow but before he could do so, a strong cultivator appeared out of nowhere.

"Jun Zhu!" The head of the Zhu family exclaimed, protecting him.

"It was his name?" Felicity mumbled and looked at the cultivator who was also on the same stage as her.

"You… I feel a hint of our blood from you. Who are you? Are you the current head?"

The head of the family twitched in surprise as soon as he heard it. His eyes widened in shock and he took a mouthful gulped.

"W-Who are…" But before he could ask, he finally realized the situation.

From the technique that the heads before him taught him, he finally realized who was in front of him.

"I greet the Ancestral Princess."

As soon as he saw the essence living inside Felicity's body, he kowtowed in fear as well as observed the surroundings.

'How could this happen? I thought that I and the elders had already taught my son how to see the essence of the ancestors!' cried the head of the family inwardly.

Felicity just looked at him without any particular emotion. And as her eyes laid on Jun Zhu, she frowned.

"Why are you not kowtowing in front of me? You don't fear death?"

But before he could even kowtow, he lost consciousness, baffling his father.

'This little shit!'

Felicity just gazed at the head, then slowly the profound aura around her that made her hair shine disappeared. She slowly reached the head of the family with her eyes, looking down at him.

"I am not as kind as before. So speak immediately. What is your name and how dare you treat me like this?" Felicity's voice was so full of authority that, within just one word, a 'peasant' would tremble.

It wasn't for the case of the head. He was just trembling in fear because of disrespecting a member of the ancestor family. And if the Zhu Family in the Cloud Continent didn't have their help, they wouldn't be able to survive.

"I am Huran Zhu, Ancestral Princess!"

Just like Felicity had ordered, Huran Zhu immediately pronounced his name.

"What can you say about the mistreatment I received? I thought that we taught the past generation to know how to recognize the essence of a member of the ancestor family!"

Huran Zhu flinched after hearing Felicity shout. He became tenser as he slowly and hesitantly gave his answer.

"But my son said that the one who came was a 'peasant', Ancestral Princess. So as soon as I returned home, I disregarded it…"

Felicity just clicked her tongue.

"It wasn't the case! Even if I came here with my cultivation lower than the norm, how could this happen? This is an insult." Then, another roar came from Felicity that even the cell room trembled despite being made from spiritual energy.

"I understand. Please give us another chance. I will fix the problem, Ancestral Princess. Please order me anything." Huran Zhu pleaded while he was still kowtowing.

"You don't mind if I use your useless son?"

Those words deafened him, but as he came to realize that it was final and couldn't be ignored again, and taking into account the discourtesy that a member of the ancestor family had received, he surrendered.

"Yes. You may use my son. Even if you want him as a slave, you can use him."

"I don't care about it. I want his life force. Call the elders, I have a job for them to do. In this way, you can get your 'chance' by doing the job quickly."

[Info Dump]

The next cultivation realm after the Spirit Realm is the Immortal Realm.

Immortal Refined Realm, Immortal Saint Realm, Immortal King Realm, Immortal Emperor Realm, Immortal True Sovereign Realm

Jun Zhu's Cultivation Base – Middle of the Immortal Refined Realm

Huran Zhu's Cultivation Base – Early of the Immortal King Realm

Chapter 66 - Ancestral Bloodline

As the elders of the family were called, Felicity was presented with the most grandiose room in the mansion. She was currently sitting down on her queen-size bed with Mary Luo lying on it. Also, Larry was standing by the side in human form.

A few minutes later, the elders of the family gathered in front of Felicity's room door. She just swung her palm to open it.

"Get in. I don't have much time." Felicity intimidatingly said with her eyes looking at them with some disdain.

It was also as if Felicity's eyes were glowing from tremendous irritation. Although they understood it, they couldn't stomach this kind of treatment.

As the elder of the family, there was some kind of pride that lingered in their core. And as such, one courageous and foolish elder among the five elders of the family dared to step up.

"A brat dare treat us like this?"

Everyone was surprised. Even Felicity was surprised, but she didn't have any obvious reactions. She just paused, then slowly turned her head to the elder that spoke.

"Care to explain, geezer?" Felicity asked in a slight, calm tone, despite the scornful gaze behind her eyes.

"The Zhu family has been one of the prominent families in the Cloud Continent. But you, a mere Immortal King dare to order us with rude behavior?"

"Hooo… Although I am an Ancestral Princess?" Felicity teased.

"Ancestral Princess, my ass. How dare you insult the Ancestor family with such personality. You are not a princess! You are just someone who had white hair that uses the Ancestor family name!"

Felicity jolted as she heard how blunt the elder wanted to be. However, despite it, she remained calm outside then just stared at the elder.

"I am not an unreasonable person. I will forgive you even if you insulted me and were disrespectful to me.I need your knowledge right now. Your punishment will be your life force instead. I have a friend who has a cursed bloodline from being a Magical Beast and a human as well. Treat her." Felicity said.

But just how thick head the elder was, his veins popped in his forehead.

"You didn't listen to me! I don't believe you!"

Tremendous pressure, as well as killing intent, emanated from the elder. He was still not recognizing Felicity despite the essence he could see inside of her. The reason was that Felicity looked weak and had only been at the Immortal King Realm. If for him who had a pride of a Zhu, this kind of talent and calling themselves as one of the Ancestor family is imprudent.

Meanwhile, Felicity was just silent, stared at the elder. She just sighed then slowly stood up from the bed.

She also drew some symbols in the air then stared at the elder who was covered by his own cultivation and killing intent.

"This kind of authority will be unlocked only if the one with Ancestral blood reaches the Immortal King Realm. Although I didn't think of using this, I don't mind using it now." Felicity merely said, then finished her drawing.

A dim light symbol was drawn in the air and the next second it was Felicity shouting at the elder.

"You dare to be disrespectful to me?! KNEEL!"

Then, in an instant, the elder's pressure and killing intent were cut off, and with him, instantly kneeling helplessly.

When the other four elders saw this, they could only remain silent. They looked at Felicity with fear making them submit to her in kowtow.

"We greet the Ancestral Princess." All of them said.

Felicity just nodded and gritted her teeth.

"I don't care anymore. Use his life force. He gave this result to himself. Also, treat my friend back to normal. I will be doing my job. Come here, Larry. I want you to train so that you could guard your sister."

Felicity left the room with Larry following her. She didn't need to worry more about Mary since the elders were experts in that field. Since Felicity didn't really focus on learning Magical Beast anatomy and their life, she was left with no choice but to depend on those geezers.

Even if they were just elders in the Immortal Heaven, it would be easy for them to cure someone from the Mortal Heaven.

That was why Felicity was complacent that even with leaving Mary to them, she will be cured.

"Now, Larry. Treating Mary won't be easy. It will need a tremendous time to completely cure her so I want you to train to be able to protect her." Felicity said while on their walk in the hallway.

There were people that saw them, mostly servants that immediately greeted her.

She just looked at them and then turned away, as if they were not that important. Although the scene earlier rang in her head, she just shook it away.

Earlier, thirty minutes ago.

"The Ancestral Princess! Greet the Ancestral Princess!"

Felicity didn't react and just looked at everyone kowtowing in front of her. Even though they weren't that strong in Felicity's eyes, she could use them to finish her goal.

'I will come back immediately, Master.'

Felicity knew that Lucas was strong. And it is reasonable for someone to follow those who are strong. Such feeling in her was nothing to be ignored.

Present time…

Felicity went to the top of the roof of the mansion. While looking at the starry night, she sighed, then tried to remember Lucas's face.

Lucas's face flashed to her mind. Even though it has been months since she left him, she still couldn't forget his aura as if he was around her. And also, she felt a longing for him more than her family.

"I should message my father that I was safe."

Not knowing what was happening in the Celestial Heaven, Felicity could only worry about her family up there.

She still didn't know how to approach her father without alarming those who did wrong to her. Well, since they also came from prominent families, she was worried about her family's status.

But there was also one thing that she was worried about. It was how to get back to the Mortal Heaven. After using the treasure to reduce her spiritual energy and immediately being rejected from the Celestial Heaven, there was no method left for her.

However, it didn't mean to be zero chance. She knew that she could still go back, but the only way was to become weak again. Resetting from the start.

She sighed. She doesn't know any techniques that can be used in Mortal Heaven as the techniques she knew were solely for Immortal Realm and Celestial Realm spiritual energy.

"I'll figure it out tomorrow."


The news that a member from the ancestral family appeared reaches the ears of those who are also prominent in the Cloud Continent.

They were all anticipating and would like to grab the opportunity since this is only once in a lifetime chance to make a connection with someone from the Celestial Heaven.

Even those who had an ancestor family in Celestial Heaven didn't want to miss the chance as well, since meeting from the upper heaven is already a blessing, even coming from a different family.

Also, the reeks of opportunity can't be ignored since those who had ancestor families would really benefit from this.

However, what they only need to worry about is not to make an enemy of her. They don't know her prowess, as well as those who were in Celestial Heaven since what they only know is they were more powerful than them.

And just thinking about it, they gathered information calmly and precisely.

Then, after 3 days, each of those families gathered enough information that would lead them to meet Felicity.

"So that was her name? I see… I need to meet this Ancestral Bloodline. If even possible, make her bore my child. Hahahahaha!"

Those words came from the heir of the Tsai family. A family who had an ancestor family in the upper heavens, Tsai.

Even with his words being too sexualizing, his confidence was still overboard since he was confident of something.

Well, it was his face that he was confident of.

Chapter 67 - A Continental Dispute

"Ancestral Princess, we have some concerns to tackle." An elder reported to Felicity, the next day she arrived at the Zhu mansion.

Felicity was just in the open yard, cultivating when an elder approached her. Although it was dangerous to meddle with her while cultivating, she wasn't that mindful about it since she was using a special cultivation technique that let her have half her consciousness looking out for her body.

So, when the elder reported, she peeked, then stabilized the spiritual energy she was gathering.

She soothed, then completely opened her eyes and looked at the elder who wore a royal blue simple robe.

"What is it?" she asked.

"It was about Miss Mary's condition. We think it would be better if we could get a sample from her brother since White Tigers are also rare in this realm, as they are in Mortal Heaven."

"Then, you can get it from Larry. He was just training for her." Felicity said, then she expected the elder to leave but when he didn't Felicity raised a question.

"Is there any problem? Do you have more to say?"

The elder gulped mouthful saliva then bowed at Felicity.

"I don't have any words to describe what happened yesterday. I think that my brother deserves what he got, but can I ask for a selfish request?"

Felicity already knew where this condition was going to go. Although she didn't really think much about the punishment she must give, she wanted to at least use the elder yesterday as replenishment if ever the life force of the head's son wouldn't be enough.

Well, the heir wasn't much use, so Felicity made a suggestion to change the 'trash' with a better candidate.

"What is it? Stop beating around the bush." Felicity irritatedly said.

"Can I ask for a different punishment for him? It is not we question your decision but my brother was a help that made the Zhu family survive in Cloud Continent."

Felicity didn't reply. She just continued listening to him since she didn't really think that the other elders would step up for him.

"If you can give us a chance, we will give you anything in exchange for my brother's life force."

"Then, what can you offer?"

Although surprised, the elder didn't show his expression. He gulped once again, then kowtowed more.

"We will gather different people to fulfill the life force needed by Miss Mary."

Those words got Felicity's attention. Not just it was contradicting, it was vague and annoying for her.

"How could that be a punishment?!"

Felicity was starting to raise her voice that the elder couldn't help but jolt. Her eyes were as if darting nonstop at him. That also made him unable to raise his head.

"We will have him gather the bodies of those who were at the top. Especially one from the most prominent families in the Cloud Continent, which is greater than him."

Felicity reduced the pressure she was emitting and looked calmly at the elder.

"I see… So in exchange for his life, he must get someone in exchange that's way greater than him. So, what will you gonna do about it? It will result in a continental dispute if you do that."

A continental dispute was about prominent families being at war. Not just around a certain region but all around the continent since an Ancestral bloodline is present in one included family. Of course, Felicity didn't underestimate other families' capabilities to gather information. That's why she thought of it since a continent dispute only happens if the family that started the scheme was with an Ancestral bloodline holder.

"We already knew about this. But we will be talking about tremendous measures and strict protocols for him to succeed in this one."

"What bullshit. Did you think it wouldn't put the family at risk? Are you willing to make the family disappear in the Immortal Heaven just for an individual who couldn't even recognize an ancestor?"

Felicity was getting more enraged about it. Not that she was making it obvious, but her face was unreasonably calm. It was the scary face of those ladies with power.

"We are all aware of it, Ancestral Princess. Please forgive us. We won't bother to entertain this idea again."

And with it, the elder became silent until he left the room. Felicity just didn't see him disappear. Instead, she was thinking of a possible method of punishing the elder that disrespected her.

She was well aware that lessening the life force of that elder will weaken the foundation of this family, and thus, she reconsidered the idea. But still, her pride and the regulation couldn't be ignored.

She wasn't the same Felicity before; now, she's become stone-hearted.

"For fucking sake. It's too atrocious." Then she sighed and returned to cultivating until the night came.


"How was it?" Felicity asked Larry.

Larry just returned from his training, but while letting Larry train, she left him an order to search for a potential overseer of Mary.

Larry isn't enough to guard Mary. Not just because this information might reach those greedy people, this might result in more difficult problems.

For this reason, Mary's blood in this realm is way more important since she is a living form of the impossible. She is half-human with the blood of a magical beast.

Unlike Larry, who had a beast form, he wasn't considered to have a greater side of human blood. A small portion was shared with him, unlike Mary's, whose was balanced.

Larry shook his head after Felicity's question.

"I see… Don't think about it too much. If you can gain more power, I will have you solely be Mary's bodyguard until she heals. But since you are still weak in this realm, it is better for you to train." Felicity said.

Larry just smiled and nodded. Even though Larry was already a thousand years old, he was still immature since he lived on his own after his bloodline disappeared.

"Larry, by the way, can I ask another favor?"

"What… is it, Elder Sister?"

"Find me a unique cultivation technique that will work in Mortal Heaven. I am still worried right now. I should hasten my cultivation since I know that someone heard the news of an ancestral princess visiting in Immortal Heaven."


And with that, Larry left Felicity, who was still cultivating.


"Hmmm… Where am I?" asked a young lady to herself, stumbling upon an unknown place.

She looked at her surroundings and then inspected them well. After finally checking the area, for her, it felt like she was in a different place. Currently, she's looking at some unfamiliar grass that looks like wood.

"A wood?" she pondered then touched the 'wood' that has an image of a piled cylinder that reached and even taller than the normal trees in the surrounding.

What she was looking at was bamboo. However, because of her lack of knowledge, she thought of the tallest grass as wood, or in short, a unique tree.

The young lady had dark brown hair, just like her almond eyes, and she also had a V-shaped face.

She pondered again how the environment was uniquely strange for her. What she can only remember was stabbing herself.

"Well… It's better to look for Master. I think this place is the afterlife that she was looking for."

And thus, she decided to look for her master in the 'afterlife' but after a few months of searching, she lost some motivation.

"How can I find Master in this strange place?! The hair of the people was all black. They have weird names, and most of all, they don't have any single mage here!"

But that distress of her will be suddenly cut when she witnessed a fight. A fight between cultivators.

She looked in a nearby direction to look for the source of the explosion. While she was calmly stabilizing herself, she heard another explosion. And thus, she decided to look for it.

But not until she discovered something. A person who wasn't even a mage can fly?

The young lady left her mouth open, spectating as the fight between two mysterious individuals continued. She just was right there, hidden behind the tall bamboos.

When the fight was finally over, the winner has been decided. A man with white robes fell down, just near her position.

She was nervous at first that the mysterious floating individual might have seen her but fortunately, that person left with him glaring at the helpless body of the man in the white robe.

The young lady doesn't know what to do. The man wasn't dead, he was just helpless, panting for air with his damaged body lying on the cold ground.

She just gritted her teeth and then just forgot about deciding what to do. She ran towards the location of the man in a white robe. When she checked his condition, she just sighed.

"Thank goodness you aren't dead yet," she mumbled but was cut off in the middle of her words.

She still doesn't know what to do. Will she help him?

'For heaven's sake,' she hissed to herself then started lowering her level to the man's.

'Helping doesn't need any reason. If he turns out to be a dangerous person, I could just kill him but if he is not, I won't be able to save him anymore.'

And thus, she decided to heal the body of the man with her hand glowing green, soothing the throbbing pain from the wounds. There was also a profound aura covering her whole body like a mist, then suddenly, she stopped.

'This will be good.. I need to ask him about what just happened.'

Chapter 68 - What The Heck Is That Name?

"Hey, Mister. Can you tell me what just happened there?" the young lady asked, but sadly for her, the man in the white robe couldn't gather his strength to speak.

The young lady just gritted her teeth once more, then tried lifting the body. But on her way, she grunted as she realized that the body was just too heavy for her.

She cursed, then put the body back on the ground. She pondered, then thought for a minute, then decided to drag the body to the nearest grass.

When she had already dragged the body, she tried inspecting its core, but to her surprise, there wasn't any core.

At first, she thought that she had just missed it, but alas, it was really real. They were floating, even without a proper grasp of magic.

'Core is the result of the comprehension of magic. But for him to fly, was it from an artifact? No, it isn't. Those powerful attacks earlier couldn't be just from an artifact.' she concluded.

The young lady then sighed to try to assess more fully what she had just learned. Truth to say, she didn't dare socialize with other people. Although she knew that they all had black hair, she didn't try to even talk with them.

There would be one reason if it was the case.

"It could be the unexplainable and strange energy in this world. But right now, I am sure that this isn't the afterlife. If the afterlife was like this, too chaotic, then where would those who suffered and almost died?" she reasoned.

Her reasoning was on point. She can still use her magic, which is really impossible considering if she was in 'afterlife'. Also, there was something from this world that she couldn't explain. The property of mana was a bit less detailed but somehow noticeable.

She sighed once more and then tried inspecting the body again, in case she overlooked some point.

"There was nothing. Then could this mean that I am in a different world?"

At first, she jokingly said those words as her conclusion. But thinking of it after a few minutes, she hung up, unable to accept what she had just learned.

"Master is still not dead. But I am not sure if this is the place where he is currently. I couldn't feel his signature, but it might be because of this abundant strange energy that I can somehow feel, " she added.

A few hours later, the man in the white robe started to have consciousness back.

His eyebrows twitched as his eyes slowly opened, blinded by the light from the sky.

The young lady reacted, then noticed that the man was slightly bothered by the light.

"Oh, sorry. I should've brought you to shades. That's unthoughtful of me."

The man hung up, then moved his head slightly, facing the young lady.

At first, he was dumbfounded. To be precise, he was mesmerized by how beautiful the young lady was. And, as time passed and she was noticed by the young lady, he snapped.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Ah! Yes. Thank you. Was it you that helped me?" he asked.

"Was there any other one here? Of course, it was me. Then tell me, what happened there?"

Before he answered the question, he first checked his body. When he checked his body, he was silent, speechless, seeing how his body was perfectly fine.

'Was it days ago? Months? Years? How could I feel unnaturally well after that brutal and deadly damage I took?' he pondered.

"Hey. Why aren't you talking?" the young lady asked.

The man in white robes just jolted, then faced the young lady with a perplexed expression. Then, when he realized that he still hadn't answered, he started talking.

"It was a fight between sects. Actually, that cultivator was from another sect that my sect had a grudge with. Then he attacked me for that reason."

Listening to it, the young lady was just silent, eagerly listening to him. But even though she was listening eagerly, she still couldn't comprehend what the man said.

"Sect? What is that?"

The man, suddenly dazed, looked at the perplexed face of the young lady. Then, slowly, he just looked at her in the eyes.

"Are you serious?" he then asked.

The young lady nodded as she didn't really know what the man was talking about.

"Sect… It's a group of cultivators. I don't know how to say this, but I am not actually an active disciple," he explained.

Deep inside, he just wondered why the young lady didn't know what it was. For sure, she should know what a cultivator is, right.

"Then what is a cultivator?"

After hearing those words from the young lady, his face went blank. Was she serious? He didn't know if he should ridicule her or just teach her and ignore it.

"Cultivator is…" then the man started explaining about it, the concept of cultivating as well as the spiritual energy that they gather and store in dantians.

Slowly, the young lady started to understand what a cultivator was, as well as the concept she heard sounded familiar. When she started to make the connection between what she heard and what she knew, she sighed.

'So those energies were what they call Qi. I am really in a different world, ' she thought.

But the way the man looked at the young lady was kind of off. He was just staring at her without any particular kind of gaze. He appeared perplexed or curious.

'Who is this girl? How could she help me heal if she was that clueless about the world.'

Thinking about it, the man still didn't know who the young lady was, and so he decided to ask for her name.

"Hey. I am thankful to you that you saved me. But may I ask, what's your name?"

He couldn't feel any Qi from her, so he just thought that she might be a stronger cultivator than him and was just playing with him with some unexpected words.

But just after hearing her answer, he doesn't know how to react.

"I am Ellisa Illiana Rouverd. How about you?"

'What the heck is that name?'

"I am Jake Meng."

'What the heck is that surname?' Ellisa thought after hearing Jake's name.

"So, Jake Meng, what's your plan now?" Ellisa asked.

"How about you first? I am still indebted to you. May I ask?" Reluctantly, Jake still asked her.

"I don't know. I am still looking for my master. And also, don't think about it. I saved you since I just felt like doing it. I didn't even have to use much of my mana."

'Mana?' Jake pondered but just ignored it and continued conversing with Ellisa.

"So what does that mean? Will you let me give you my gratitude?"

"Nah. It's okay. But I am actually interested in this sect thing you were saying. Can you tour me or at least show it to me?" Ellisa asked.

"Of course. There's no need to ask. It would be my honor to let you visit my sect, my savior."

"Cut the crap. I am just interested. So… let's go?"

"Well, it will be hard for me since I was lost for a few days. Maybe they already thought I was dead or it might even be too late."

When Jake suddenly frowned, Ellisa could only wonder why he was acting like this. The way he talked, it was as if he thought that it had been a few days since he was out.

But in reality…

"What are you talking about? You were just out for the day. The fight happened yesterday."

Jake almost dropped his jaw in shock. It was something he didn't expect to hear, much less know.

"You mean… you healed me for only a day?"

"Ah. Yes. Why do you even make it sound too unrealistic and shocking? Don't you know anything about healing? I thought your body was used to it."

When Ellisa inspected Jake's body, she noticed that the body wasn't actually that medically customized; it was more into healing, so she decided to use her power instead of her medical knowledge.

Well, technically, it was still medical knowledge, but in a way more magical than physical. It takes too much time to manually treat a damaged body that has already reached a state that can't be borne by an average person.

"Well… I am surprised. I didn't know that you were such a knowledgeable person when it comes to healing." Jake awkwardly said.

"You don't know me. So, how about we move? I still have to find my master." Ellisa said.

Now that Jake had heard it once again, he couldn't help but be curious about Ellisa's master. The way she speaks of him, he was as if he was an important person. If her master was a man.

"Is your master a man?"

"Yes. He is a man. Why do you ask?" Ellisa showed a perplexed expression.

"Well, I am just curious about your master. You see, I also have a master that I treasure."

Ellisa just listened to him, and afterward, she just sighed, then faced away.

She was standing while Jake was still sitting on the grass.

"I don't treasure my master. It's because my master is my life. I couldn't live without him, so why would I treasure him if treasures are mere objects or a word that means valuing something? My master is my heart, so I don't treasure him since I need him."

Jake just made a blank face after hearing Ellisa's words that sounded like an old lady making her anecdote.

"You can just tell me that he's special."

Chapter 69 - Madam! Welcome Back! [1]

Felicity sighed after looking at Mary's condition. She was standing right next to her with concerned eyes, feeling the tremendous unstable energy in her body.

The one that was in her body was a unique Qi of a magical beast. Although it was slightly different from humans, it was still considered a prominent Qi since everyone who was near their cultivation could feel it.

With Mary's condition, Felicity knew that she'd have to stay longer in Immortal Heaven. Although she had intended to stay for only a few weeks, her stay has been extended to a month.

She looked at the elders then just stared at them with no particular expression. She was currently thinking of order and organizing her plans in her head.

"Have you found a proper cultivation technique that can be used in Mortal Heaven?" she asked.

Felicity did not just ask Larry to find a cultivation technique for her as well as the other members of the family, she obliged them to find one for her. It would be even better if it was a unique cultivation technique.

However, the elders didn't have any convenient answers. They all shook their heads with their mouths slightly open, following their news.

"We haven't found one, Ancestral Princess."

"No, it's okay. I think I will be doing it on my own. So, should I say that you guys do everything you can do to heal my friend? I will come back after a few weeks."

The elders nodded and then answered in unison while Felicity just left the room with her hands at her back, calmly walking off.

'I need to reestablish my own connection. My family's legacy won't be used in Immortal Heaven. There are too many opportunistic hungry animals here. I should leave the mansion right away.'

That was her plan, but before she could even prepare to leave the premises, a so-called guest arrived at the mansion.

There were floating carriages, powered by spirit jewels. Although it wasn't pulled by a horse, it was still regarded as one of the most important discoveries and transportation for those who didn't like walking and flying. Especially the one who was inside.

Inside the grandiose floating carriage was the heir of the Tsai family, Rodric Tsai. An arrogant yet handsome 'young man' in his 100's.

Felicity paused as she was on her way out of the mansion. She didn't have her disguise on, and as she was about to activate it, the door of the carriage opened.

As the door opened, Rodric Tsai was exposed, revealing his elegant robes that touched his ankle. And just as he felt Felicity's presence, he swayed his head, making an extremely arrogant posture where he brushed his hair above and looked at Felicity with some kind of poise.

Felicity just grumbled deep inside, couldn't remove Rodric's disgusting face.

"I adore you, Miss Felicity. Marry me and bear my child."

"The fuck?"

In an instant, Felicity disappeared from his sight, dumbfounding him as well as the guards who were at the back of the carriage.

They were all silent, speechlessly looking at Rodric.

"Did she just leave me?" he asked himself.

"Yes, she did, young master," his butler answered.

"I am not asking you! It's obvious… She still didn't recognize my presence. Maybe she doesn't know me, or she just didn't see me. I'll be back, Miss Felicity."

The guards at the back just shook their heads, hearing their young master's foolish-like remarks. Rodric was even raising his hands in the air as if he was a poetic suitor.

Meanwhile, the other members of the Zhu family just looked at Rodric with blank eyes. They still couldn't believe what kind of foolishness they had just seen.

And thus, Rodric didn't feel embarrassed, but he was still eager to meet and talk with Felicity.

"That weird shit," Felicity mumbled as she was flying away from the mansion.

That scene earlier was unexpected, although not that much, still, it was unexpectedly stupid.

The way the man talks, the air filling his brain was unbearable. Even before she could see him, that grandiose carriage had already hit her nerve.

"The nerve of that shit," she then shook her head trying to forget about it.

From the skies, she could see the geography, particularly the landmarks in the Cloud Continent.

If Felicity knew someone in the Mortal Heaven, she would definitely know someone in the Immortal Heaven. The person she knew even had the slightest chance to die since Immortal Heaven is where people who'll live a thousand years exist. And the people she knew were, of course, people who had accomplished extraordinary feats.

Felicity seeks help from the person she knew because of her cultivation. If she wants to become safe in this heaven, she should learn how to touch the limits of the individuals around her. For that reason, she should be safe since ancestral bloodlines are targets in this heaven.

It was even a stupid thing to be that exposed, but learning the abilities of those cunning families to gather information, she wouldn't be shocked.

Even the commotion she caused was stupid, but she could only shake her head at it because she couldn't control her rage at the time.

After a few minutes of flying, she then saw a tall pavilion. It was at least 18 floors tall, and knowing that this heaven uses reinforced materials, she was sure that the place in her memory was this one.

Felicity's current cultivation is at least at the 2nd level of the Immortal Emperor Realm. And just when she hit this cultivation base within days, she had already reached her limits.

The abundance of the Qi in her surroundings was getting less strong, hence she couldn't raise her cultivation at an appropriate time.

What Felicity seeks now is speed. And that's why she has to visit her acquaintances to at least learn how to improve her cultivation in this heaven.

Well, from what she could remember when she visited this heaven a few thousand years ago, was that she didn't really reach the peak cultivation of individuals in this heaven, which is the Immortal True Sovereign Realm. Felicity just took an immediate trial since she had an ancestral bloodline.

After another few minutes, she slowly descended on the gate of the pavilion as a sign of respect. Immortals in this heaven are not a joke after all. If she only shows some disrespect, especially to this place, she has to forget about her objective.

Felicity then used her disguise and approached the gates. There were two immortals in the Immortal Saint Realm guarding the gates that had red and yellow vertical stripes.

When the guards noticed her presence, they immediately faced her with no hostility. And because the guards realized she was of a higher realm than them, they greeted her with respect for the time being.

"Greetings, Senior."

Felicity now had black hair and also, she lessened the beauty. She had to at least not take everyone's attention. Well, it was just thanks to the unique technique that she knew that not everyone could see through.

And since she already had the perfect disguise, what she should only do is be civilized towards those lower than her.

Of course, she doesn't discriminate nor looks down on people, but on rare occasions, she tends to forget it when something occurs that hits the variable differently.

Felicity then shared her greeting as well. She looked at the two guards who wore black armor, and, of course, reinforced it with Qi.

"I am here to visit. Is there any chance that I could see The Great Immortal of the River Stream Blue, Senior Hui?"

The two guards were perplexed after hearing it. That nickname that Felicity pronounced was something out of date since not all immortals know it.

And as a reaction, the guards showed more respect to her since the respect towards their master is respect that holds the same respect to those who say it.

"May we know the name of this senior so that we can tell the Master about your presence?"

Felicity nodded.

"I am called The Immortal Fairy of Unending Falls. My name is not important. Only that, you can be allowed to know." Felicity said it with grace and an otherworldly aura.

"Yes, we understand. Please follow me." One of the guards said.

And with it, Felicity nicely followed the guard.

The pavilion up close was huge. Of course, but what was notable were the colors that reached her eyes. It was red with a touch of blue at every end on the pillars.

It wasn't the best compliment, but it was about the master's preferences.

Felicity was brought to a waiting room, and just when the guard left her there, she inspected the area.

Sliding paper doors, as well as paintings on the walls that resemble traditional Mortal Heaven art. This sight still can't be forgotten.

After a few minutes of waiting, the door on the other side made a loud thud and was opened by a man who had the figure of a young man. And just when Felicity was sure who it was, she smirked.

"Oh wow. You look more vigorous, Senior Hui," she teasingly pronounced.

The immortal at the other end was just speechless. Then he looked more intently at Felicity who was just sitting nicely, bare-footed at the side of a short table.

"Madam! Welcome back!"

Chapter 70 - Madam! Welcome Back! [2]

"Madam!" Senior Hui immediately exclaimed, then rushed towards Felicity's direction.

But just as Felicity noticed how hysterically Senior Hui was acting, she immediately shifted her body to dodge Senior Hui's embrace.

"What the… Why are you acting like that, Senior Hui?" Felicity asked.

"Madam! Welcome back!" Senior Hui once again cried, but before he could try to embrace Felicity, she stood up and moved to the side.

She looked at Senior Hui with some disdain. Her face became dark.

"Why are you acting like that?" Felicity asked once again, as she thought that this was too weird.

"Madam! Why didn't you bring me to Celestial Heaven?!"

"Hey. Can you please stop that noise? Your people might hear us." Felicity tried to hush him, but Senior Hui was just too noisy.

"They aren't my people. They are your people!"

"Sush! Can you at least stay calm for the moment? I came here for an important thing." Felicity said, catching Senior Hui's attention.

"What do you mean, an important thing? Isn't it more important to have a reunion with me? " Senior Hui said as if devastated.

Felicity suddenly glared at him with some unwanted expression on her face.

"Sush with your trap, Senior Hui. I am here with an important matter. So can you please… keep quiet?"

Senior Hui seriously looked at Felicity's face. And just after he looked at her and understood what she was remarking about, he sighed, then chose to sit straight.

"What is it, Madam? Please forgive me for the unsightly scene earlier." Senior Hui returned to static poise as Felicity also slowly sat down across from him.

"It's okay. I understand that it has been a few thousand years. But this isn't the right time for a reunion. The important matter I was talking about is finding the right treasure to go back to Mortal Heaven."

"Mortal Heaven? And go back? Does this mean that you came from there?" Senior Hui asked.

Felicity nodded as she slowly revealed everything.

"You see… I was betrayed."

Starting from the start, Felicity told Senior Hui about what happened. Of course, not only did she trust Senior Hui, but also Senior Hui was grateful to her. Enough not to betray her like others.

Senior Hui was saved by Felicity, and thus he wouldn't dare to become a traitor. And just as he listened to her story, his eyes slowly flickered with excitement.

"Do you mean that you found someone deserving to follow? You mean, the greatest immortal of Immortal Heaven?"

Senior Hui didn't know that Felicity came from the Zhu family. Because of her secret, she couldn't reveal it to him. But still, the trust between them was unbelievably strong.

Felicity sighed as she looked up and noticed how excited Senior Hui was. Just like a child listening to their parents' fairytales, Senior Hui was mesmerized by her stories.

The way Lucas handles things and the talent he has, Felicity didn't miss one. And just after she told the story, both of them were silent.

"Master Lucas… I want to meet him. Can you bring me to the Mortal Heaven as well, Madam?" Senior Hui asked.

Felicity didn't answer immediately. She then thought of it first, trying to assess if it would be beneficial for Lucas to have Senior Hui.

Well, technically, Senior Hui is strong and diligent. But she has a problem that came to the surface, it was the secret organization she created that she left to Senior Hui.

"What will happen to the pavilion? The treasure that we hid there." Felicity remarked, taking note and catching Senior Hui's attention over the pavilion.

When he heard it, he suddenly became quiet.

"Now that you said it, Madam, I think it will be better to hide the pavilion. Those treasures were still valuable and also important to hide since they kept Immortal Heaven balanced."

What they were talking about were treasures that were made naturally. It was a product of nature that gave anyone talent and the effects that could be gotten from those treasures.

Of course, they don't monopolize them. Instead, they just hide them, just to be sure that it won't disrupt the balance.

Also, since it was approved by the Ruler of the Four Heavens and is the only possible way to bring peace within the Immortal Heaven, it is a big responsibility to take care of.

Felicity sighed.

"Forget about it. Those treasures were technically mine, but I can't think of bringing everything with me."

"Bring? What do you mean, bring them, Madam?"

"Well, Master Lucas gave me this dimensional ring. And do you know what's more amazing about this ring? It can carry even a living body."

Hearing that, Senior Hui couldn't try to hide his expression. His eyes widened just as he thought that that kind of treasure was impossible to get or even encounter.

"You mean Master Lucas gave you that valuable treasure?"

"Yes. And not just give it to me, he created it!"

Now, with that great news, Senior Hui couldn't wait anymore. He wants to go to the Mortal Heaven soon with Felicity and meet Lucas, whom he admires now after Felicity.

"But what will happen if the Ruler finds out about this?"

"Don't worry. We can just give the properties to Master, and since he is someone who's reasonable compared to the rest of the immortals, he'll do a great job at it." Felicity proudly said.

"Wait. Are you saying that Master Lucas will take responsibility for it?"

"Of course not! The name will be his, but the responsibility will still be ours. Stop being a dumbass, Senior Hui."

"That doesn't make sense, Madam."

"Just don't talk about it anymore," Felicity said, then headed upstairs.

Senior Hui just didn't reply. Instead, he walked away, following Felicity.

"Madam. Why don't you introduce yourself to the organization." Senior Hui suddenly asked, and that made Felicity stop dead in her tracks.

"Why are you asking that? Isn't the pavilion already in good hands with just you being the known owner of it?" Felicity pumped.

Senior Hui became voiceless as he reflected on what he had just said. Although the pavilion was already in a good state with just him being known as the owner of it, he couldn't swallow it as his pride wanted to be at the back of Felicity.

At the back… in terms that he wanted Felicity to be known.

"Why don't you like it, Madam? Isn't it this way that you'll gather more individuals on your back? You already said that Celestial Heaven is a scary place. That's why you gather people from different branches of bloodlines."

Those words were implored to Felicity while they walked on the second floor's hallway. She just looked at the different paintings stuck on the wall, and as she listened to Senior Hui's sentiments, she just sighed.

"You are right. That's why I tried to gather allies in the Celestial Heaven as well. However, it didn't work since Celestial Heaven is way scarier than I thought." Felicity merely said that made Senior Hui silent.

"What's in the Celestial Heaven, Madam?"

"It's a place where immortals like us don't fight with each other. That's what's scary in that Heaven."

"I don't understand." Senior Hui said.

Felicity stopped her walk and faced Senior Hui.

"You won't get it because it can't be explained in words. Think of it as a complex matter. If the time comes that I can welcome you to my home there in Celestial Heaven, I will surely guide you there, " she said.

"If you say so, Madam." Senior Hui replied and didn't bother to ask more questions.

Felicity, on the other hand, was just looking at the treasure inside their display glasses. They were in a wide room, currently, checking for some valuable treasure that they could use.

Even though Felicity thought she could just bring it with her, she still wanted to check things out as it would be useful to use the time while they had it.


"The Madam is here?" one immortal asked a servant immortal.

In a dark room that embraces the comfort of this male immortal, he smiled as he was sitting on his throne-like chair.

The servant replied to his question in agreement with what he was anticipating.

"The Madam is finally here. Does this mean that the legacy continues?" He pondered, then looked at the ceiling-less room he had.

The starry night reached his sight, but for some reason, his room was still dark.

"The legacy must continue, but unfortunately, she has to ascend. But this time that she came back, does this mean that we can continue to do what we would like to achieve?"

As if a poetic tone smoothes his vocals as he pronounces those words. There was also a nostalgic feeling behind his voice that longs for something that lingers in his heart.

"The legacy. I want to continue it. Where is Madam? " he asked his servant.

The servant answered with the location of the 'Madam' the immortal was talking about. And when he realized where the location truly was, he smiled.

"I see… So she wants to continue the legacy. Thus, I shall assist her at this time as well. I want to continue the legacy for the better future of the pavilion."

Pavilion… it was a building for some sort of purpose. However, what the immortal said was something untruthful in its words. The pavilion he was talking about was the organization that forms a true pavilion in Immortal Heaven.

"The Madam shall finish the legacy."

Chapter 71 - Jackal Mountain Sect [1]

As Ellisa and Jake walked through the dense forest, Ellisa noticed and felt tremendous familiar energy lurking down the next mountain.

It was actually far, but for Ellisa, as it was bothering her, it felt too near for her. And so, she took the chance to let Jake know her sentiments.

"Can we have a detour? Let's pass through that mountain." She then pointed to a mountain.

Jake just didn't reply. He simply looked at the mountain where Ellisa was pointing, then nodded.

"You won't ask me, why?" Ellisa pondered, looking at Jake with disbelief.

"I don't have any questions. I just assumed that perhaps you have some business with the dark sect of Jackal Mountain Sect." Jake said.

Ellisa raised her eyebrows. She wondered why Jake sounded so unbothered about it. Even though she doesn't know what lies there, it seems like Jake knew something.

And so, taking it into account, she asked about what she had just learned.

"What's a dark sect?"

Jake didn't make any unnecessary reactions and just calmly answered her question.

"Dark sects are sects with a dark history. It could be from plunder, murder, fraud, or anything that deals with crimes. And since they are an established sect and called a dark sect, they must co-exist with other people to allow them to become lenient about their history."

With that explanation, Ellisa raised another question.

"What do you mean by their history? Was there something prominent that happened in the world that could have been used to overlook their crimes in the past?"

Jake sighed, thinking that she was just playing with him. But even though he tries to look at it that way, it still bothers him.

'Who's at the right age that still doesn't know about the rough history of the continent?'

"The Eastern Continent was part of the Great World War a thousand years ago. And since there wasn't much authority at that time, different organizations tried to take control. However, after the time when a government was established, dark sects tried to co-exist with other people to avoid another war."

Ellisa, listening to it, just nodded as if she understood everything. Despite the fact that it was only like that, she understood some grasping, important mindset.

"Get it," she suddenly said with a smile and continued walking, leaving Jake behind.

Jake released another sigh as he looked at Ellisa's back.

'Too weird for a powerful person like her.'

After some time, Ellisa and Jake finally reached the next mountain, and as expected, the familiar energy was getting stronger. It was as if it attracted her.

However, as Ellisa felt that she had already discovered something, a group of cultivators appeared and surrounded them.

Jake was nervous at first, but after remembering that his robe was just plain white, he sighed in relief.

"What's your business, mortal and fellow Daoist?" A voice suddenly resounded, asking the both of them.

'He must be unable to assess Miss Ellisa's cultivation. Just how strong is she to be unreasonably ignorant?' Jake thought.

"I've never been called a mortal. Reasonable, you couldn't assess my power." Ellisa said, but just how serious she was was too oblivious for the cultivators.

"What are you talking about, mortal? I am in the General Spirit Realm so I'll know if you are higher or lower than me. Looking at your system, you don't even have a hint of spiritual energy." Ridiculed by the voice.

Ellisa just smirked, then shook his head.

"Nevermind. Stupidity will always be stupid. Ignorance is forever. You are asking why we are here? Well, I am curious about where I can see a person with a peculiar aura. It's not one of you, right?"

'Looking at it, I feel this person is ignorant and oblivious to the fact that this is a different world. Perhaps he or she didn't think of considering the aura.' Ellisa concluded.

On the other hand, they were just silent. They inspected them and stopped at Jake's.

"You know, this mountain belongs to the Jackal Mountain Sect. Leave in an instant and we'll forget about this disrespectful fellow you had."

Slowly, Jake looked at Ellisa with worried eyes. Meanwhile, Ellisa just shook her head and swayed her hand, revealing profound energy spreading through the woods.

And still worried, Jake's heartbeat quickly. It was because the cultivators that surrounded them were from a dark sect, which was just stronger than his own. And if his sect is known to be connected with this, it will be the end for them.

Jake's sect was already facing some problems with a rival sect. And if this continues, raging them, he won't be able to help Ellisa.

"You don't have to worry about it, Jake."

"Do we really have to provoke them?"

Ellisa just grinned. "Don't worry about it. They are not even an inch of my power."

'Well, I just have to save some mana for later. This place mana sucks. I can even gather a chunk big enough to satiate my thirst.' Ellisa thought.

As those words of provocation were heard by the cultivators of Jackal Mountain Sect, they all laughed.

"This mortal thinks she could do something…" they said.

But, contrary to what they said would be the downfall of their lives, well, in reality, Ellisa isn't afraid of killing.

As the familiar energy was attracting her strongly, she couldn't contain herself but to go towards it and check it for herself. And if she sees that source of that tremendously familiar energy, it will help her search for her master.

"Do talk. But don't cry over this one." Ellisa mumbled, then swayed her hands again, drawing some symbol in the air. And as she drew a symbol, it formed into a final complete formation.

'An array? But it looks different.' Jake thought.

Ellisa breathed out a heavy sigh, then the symbol turned into an actual magic circle, lit and an aura was spread by it.

Ellisa's eyes turned white, surprising Jake as well as the cultivators. Even though they were just hiding and observing them in the shadows, they were immediately revealed after the magic circle was activated.

They all trembled and looked at Ellisa with fear. It was something unexplainable, but just as Ellisa was confidently exuding her aura, everyone collapsed except Jake.


It was spectacular. Jake hadn't seen that kind of array in the past. And even if he did, that kind of symbol was so profound and complex that he couldn't comprehend the purpose of it.

"What was it for?" Jake asked.

It became silent. There were no cultivators, aside from Jake, who stood in the woods. And as his question reached Ellisa's ears, she smiled.

"It was a draining spell. So this is what you call a Qi? The strange energy I was feeling…"

Confused, Jake decided not to ask again, as it might just confuse him more. He just eyed her with an uncertain expression and then moved his gaze to the surroundings.

'That was amazing…'

Meanwhile, Ellisa was still comprehending the concept behind the spiritual energy that entered her body. And as it was tremendous, uncontrollably rampaging inside her system, she activated another magic spell.

[System Boost]

It was a spell that could hasten the body's system. Something that holds natural building blocks for different situations. And as she suppressed the Qi in her body to not kill her, it naturally built a dantian-like pool inside her body.

The pool absorbed her mana, and as she couldn't control it to her will, it mixed with the Qi she took.

Ellisa was left dumbfounded, confused about what had just happened to her. It was truly amazing and unexplainable. However, it gave her even better news because she no longer has to struggle to recover her energy.

'It feels weird, but this new form of energy I had is some kind of mana but different in purpose. This energy feels weaker for my magic, but I feel there's another purpose for this. Perhaps the strange attacks from yesterday, I can also do it with this energy.'

Then, a smile gleamed on her lips.

'I don't fucking care! I want to surprise Master with this!'

"Miss Ellisa! Are you okay?" Jake asked as if he was breathless.

"What happened?" she asked.

"You were preoccupied. I was calling you since earlier, but you weren't answering."

"Huh? That's a weirdly long time to be preoccupied. I felt like I was just in… wait a minute. I was concentrating on fixing the stability of the new energy."

And just like that, another confusion and a question were raised inside Jake's head that he just ignored. Well, because technically, he'll just be more confused.

"Okay. But what now? Everyone is dead. Shall we continue?" he asked.

"Yes, of course. The purpose still doesn't change."

'Sadly, I don't know that purpose.' Jake laughed inwardly.

"Let's go. I feel like he really needs help. Or I don't know, maybe a freak like me that tried to follow Master was stupid enough to be experimented on."

Ellisa already had an idea, but Jake didn't.

Chapter 72 - Jackal Mountain Sect [2]

The irregularity of the trees slowly became organized as they passed through the path made by the sect. They were as if they were just doing some normal hiking, but for the purpose of seeing something.

Ellisa smiled as they saw a number of tall pavilions behind walls. With just this, Ellisa knew that they were near and, for sure, this is what a sect looks like.

But there was still a sentiment that lingered in her mind. The structural design of the buildings was some kind of overdesign from her perspective. However, as she was not that really into talking about buildings and just overlooking stuff like this, she just shook it off from her mind.

"Is this what a sect looks like?" she asked Jake, who was just walking silently, like a behaving cat, with his hands down and stiff.

Ellisa raised her eyebrows as Jake answered her question. She pondered it at that point but didn't further ask about it.

"Yes. But not all, since there were sects that only looked like normal organizations. They were too small to be even called a sect, but we still recognize some."

"I am only asking if this is what it normally looks like." Ellisa pressed.

"Ah. No. Some places, like those owned by a merchant, sometimes have grandiose people. Their mansions look like this." Jake explained.

Ellisa just nodded as she understood some of what Jake said. Even though she thought there was some piece missing in the explanation, she was sure that it was some kind of connection to the tradition of the people.

If not, it might be from another perspective that she can't see right now.

She just sighed. Not about the topic, but about the energy she was feeling.

The energy was starting to rampage, but even with how tremendous it was, it seemed to be defeated.

And as Ellisa tried to assess it, she finally had an idea why the energy was so familiar. It was coming from one of his other kin's brothers.

She abruptly turned her face to Jake and said, "Stay here. I am going to rush my way, so a fight will be necessary. However, stay here. I think you don't have a chance against them."

Jake's eyes were filled with relief. He even forgot about his pride as a cultivator, and even though he remembers it, he doesn't care anymore since he knew that Ellisa was a strong individual.

Perhaps the cultivators didn't recognize her cultivation because she was already in Emperor Stage. If not, it would be even more surprising.

Jake smiled and nodded at her. It made Ellisa feel relieved for a second.

"Thank goodness."

Then, in the next second, she disappeared, also leaving Jake dumbfounded and in awe.

Ellisa rushed her way. While she was on it, she activated a number of magic circles, immediately taking the lives of the people around her.

Of course, those people were alarmed by her. Even those she didn't know if they were innocent or not, she didn't ignore. But, she just passed through the children who seemed not to be at the right age to die.

Well, even though she was like that, she was some kind of person with virtue.

She flew straight to the source of the energy. And as she passed through cultivators, children were just surprised when they noticed that their seniors had died.

While she was on it, Ellisa was also absorbing their essence. Not just that, but also the spiritual energy from them. It made her smile. It was because, looking at the current energy she had, it felt like she was halfway to her normal powers.

Well, before she 'died' and arrived here in this world, she was weakened for a reason she caused a problem to her master. It was even still lingering in her mind, the reason behind it.

At that time, Lucas was really into the Legendary Sword and was just thinking of dying. But her children, the dragons, and other familiars, don't want it. And even if he doesn't care about their sentiments, he just weakened them.

"In that way, you can follow me after you have lived your lives to the fullest. I don't have anything to pursue in this life. It's time to rest." Was what he said.

It was a heartbreaking moment for all of his familiars. And so, after he died, some of them followed and some obeyed his words.

And now that she thinks about it, the person she was feeling right now must be similar to her. A foolish familiar who only wanted to be with their master.

In the time span of a minute, Ellisa arrived near the source of the familiar energy. And as she stood inside the tallest pavilion of the sect, every cultivator was alarmed.

Not just because she was a trespasser, but also someone with higher cultivation.

Unaware of it, Ellisa had already had her cultivation reach the middle of King Stage. Even those who were lower than her took their courage to stand before her.

"What is the purpose of your presence, esteemed senior?" One of them asked, trying to be polite to the maximum.

Ellisa, after hearing it, just smiled. It was actually a grin, but it was also a smile on her part since she was amused by how things turned out.

"Earlier, I was only called a mortal. And now, I am a senior?" she mumbled, pondering what had just really happened.

The reason she was amused by it was that she didn't know the reason behind it. Even if she persisted in her search for an answer, she was still unsure how to organize them.

However, it wasn't the business here. She's here because of a brother from other kin. And as she was just near the source, she was sure that it was someone like her.

The cultivators pondered. They didn't raise their weapons, but they were prepared to immediately draw them. But just as how things were away from their grasp, they didn't even manage to react when Ellisa moved her hands.

"Fucking fiends." Was what Ellisa said before a profound azure light covered the whole first floor of the pavilion.

In that instance, everyone couldn't bear the pressure that emanated from Ellisa. Their eyes all gawked in fear and surprise. Even if they try to reinforce themselves with spiritual energy, it all becomes useless at that point.

And after such pressure took their lives, another chunk of spiritual energy reached Ellisa and her dantian-like pool.

Her core finally merged with the spiritual energy and became one. Her core at this time was not similar to a core, but now a transparent gas-like form in a sphere.

She breathed out, then activated another magic circle, enabling her eyes to see what was just below the ground.

It will be suspecting to find experimentation in the higher floors since it is risky if the lower floor collapse. Even though there were some places that took experiments on the higher floors, her instinct was certain that it was below the ground.

And just as her guts told her, the source was from below the ground.

She sighed once more, then made a stance as if digging the ground. She gathered a tremendous amount of energy in her fingers and pointed them to the ground. In the next second, the floor collapsed, forcing her to violently dig the ground.

Everyone in the room below ground was alarmed. Even though earlier they were feeling a bit nervous about the ruckus they heard, they didn't get out of the facility.

For that reason, they were still not done with what they were doing.

And as the floor collapsed, making a path for Ellisa, every expert in the room went on their knees. They already knew they were in danger. Their lives were at stake since the room they were in was reinforced with a strong array built by a famous array master.

Breaking into the room would already be proof that the mastermind behind the ruckus was higher than the General Spirit Realm since it was built for that purpose.

Making an array takes time. And since they don't have it because of the experimentation, they wanted the strongest array that could be built in a short amount of time, and it was the Protective Array that could withstand an attack from a General Sprit Realm cultivator.

"Holy heavens!" they all gasped.

And just as Ellisa set her foot inside the room, her eyes darted red, glaring at every person inside.

There was approximately 14 personnel. And since Ellisa didn't know about the cultivation realms, she just assessed them in her own words.

'At the 3rd stage of core…'

Ellisa breathed out, then made another pressure exude from her body and reached the spines of the personnel.

"Let me ask you one thing. Where's that energy coming from?" She asked with a cunning smile on her lips.

The personnel quivered and slowly pointed to a capsule-like object that could fit a human inside. It was glass, but the inside was covered with a light blue mist, making it hard to see what was inside.

"Open it."