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Chapter 93 - Lukros [2]

"These people, why are they still not afraid of me? They appeared to be drowning in disbelief. What's wrong with them? Were they unable to think properly? Uhm… I think I should check more things about them."

Lukros's eyes only ventured around the whole wide land that had been exposed as soon as he destroyed an artifact (treasure) wall. And as it was destroyed, the space behind became an extremely wide plain, just in between two great rock forms.

Lukros only scoffed at how weak the artifact was. Or rather, he might perhaps note to call it a treasure, just what the term in this world is, but for the sake of noting it to himself, he should not focus more on it.

Going back to his observation, these people were hiding from something or someone. And realizing that their souls were tainted, he couldn't help but resist the temptation to absorb all of them.

But when he remembered his master's words, "not mindlessly absorbing tainted souls," he sighed in frustration as he only watched them attack him.

Lukros dissipated the crimson ball of light, called Forsaken Spirit, the cultivators below him sighed in relief.

"He must have drained his Qi! Attack him all at once." Commander Xiaorong commanded.

Lukros just pouted and widened his eyes.

"Huh? My energy was not drained though," he mumbled to himself.

Lukros faced tens of cultivators with different pointed weapons covered in different colors. Those colors were the aura that had been covering their weapons, and as Lukros noticed that their weapons also had life, he pondered.

"This is why it felt like there was a settlement here. Those presences of souls must be coming from those weapons which I have pressed since the beginning."

Lukros sighed and then faced them. As they flew just to reach him, Lukros suddenly descended then created a fire just in his grasp.

Commander Xiaorong and the rest noticed it. But even with how surprised they were, they couldn't ignore the fact that Lukros is an enemy they should kill.

They were exposed, and if it's too late, even if he is the only one attacking their base, it would still put them at a disadvantage since they could be tracked at this point.

Commander Xiarong and his company were planning to ambush Yuna Xiao. Just after their spy learned her schedule, they planned to wait for her to let her guard down and then attack.

Yuna was one of the strongest cultivators on the Eastern continent. Aside from others that were stronger than her, Yuna was important for them to kill since she held much political power over the land.

Commander Xiaorong only sighed as he noticed that the fire on both hands of Lukros started being thrown.

"Just where can they get mystical arts these days? I thought the emperor had already taken all of it from the previous war." Commander Xiaorong mumbled to himself.

And as Commander Xiaorong realized he had been thinking much, he shook his head.

"Really? Why am I even considering that they were just hiding their real faces…"

Lukros, on the other hand, was enjoying the fight. There were plenty of martial techniques been used just to take him down. But before they could even really touch him, his fire was burning them into ashes.

"At least, this way you'll have a chance to reincarnate or be forgiven," Lukros uttered as he continued killing each of them that tries to attack him.

Lucas's words were all about the souls to Lukros. As he knew that the souls being absorbed would lessen their chance to go to the afterlife, even taking it, he warned Lukros not to mindlessly absorb tainted souls, as they still deserve a chance.

Of course, Lucas wasn't being benevolent or reverent here. He only understood them since ever since he became immortal, his only wish was to go to the afterlife and have a rest.

And erasing their souls by absorbing them won't put them at peace.

Lukros noted Lucas's words as he continued burning the cultivators that approached him. And as the number of dead cultivators reached 100, they were starting to be wary of him.

"What's with this bastard?! Is he a leader from this continent? A king? Or a patriarch of a known family? What's with this absurd supply of energy?!"

They were being hysterical as they panicked over the fact that they still hadn't scratched Lukros. And as they were starting to get tired of him and even be wary of him, Lukros only smiled.

"So you all are starting to be afraid of me? Is this truly pitiful? Who are you anyway?"


They were all shocked as Lukros said those mindless words. And as they realized that Lukros might be just spouting nonsense, one cultivator asked.

"What do you mean by that? You didn't know that we are from the Northern Continent? How stupid. You killed our comrades!"

Lukros pondered after receiving an answer from them. And just as he sunk them into his mind, he smirked.

"Northern Continent? It must be an important place, but let me note this: you are all suspicious, so I have no choice but to attack you. So, let me inject this into your mind, 'you are all suspicious'!"

Lukros released a small snicker as if mocking them. They only flinched from the annoyance and continued attacking Lukros.

Lukros only sighed, then created an alchemy circle on the ground, creating a massive wall between them.

Lukros then flew and looked at them from above, with his eyes looking down at them. He crossed his arms as he tried to look for the leader of the company.

"Who is the leader here? I must receive an explanation why I should not kill all of you." Lukros said.

All of the cultivators reacted, not just it was insulting, but those words were truly arrogant.

"For someone coming from the trashy eastern continent, you are arrogant! But, without that weird mystical art you have, you won't be able to push us back!"

Lukros scoffed, then covered his mouth with his left hand. He then laid his eyes on them with disdain.

"Calling my alchemy a mystical art? What a truly annoying insect you are."

Lukros suddenly covered his hands in flame and cast it on them from above. And as they anticipated the flames touching them, Commander Xiaorong appeared, protecting them with his sword, cutting the flames in two.

Lukros noticed that the flames were covering a part of the plains. It was as if he was connected with the fire that he felt the flames of the fire being cut in two. And after it, the fire slowly dissipated, exposing an elder in a Tang suit.

"You are a problematic foe. May I have the honor of knowing your name?" Commander Xiaorong said to Lukros, who was now on the same level as him after flying to cut through the flames.

"Uhm. that won't work. Because I am thinking of killing you, just in case you don't know." Lukros said, which made Commander XIaorong surprised.

Commander Xiaorong became silent for a few seconds, then suddenly, he burst into laughter as he pointed at Lukros while laughing like there's no tomorrow.

Looking at it, Lukros only pondered how it was funny even though it wasn't even a joke. He could only shake his head as he also pointed his fingers at Commander Xiaorong.

"Are you getting tired of your life? Perhaps you need a rest, dumbass." Commander Xiaorong said, mocking him which made his subordinates laugh.

Lukros only sighed.

"Was that a trash talk? It felt like I was meeting an unreasonable kid in a playground." Then a memory flashed in Lukros's mind as he recalled his past from what he had just said.

Commander Xiaorong was surprised by it, not because he knew what it means, but how confusing it was.

"What kind of shit have these people on the eastern continent been eating?" he muttered.

Lukros eyes were laid on Commander Xiaorong as he snickered as well at that point.

"What's your name?" Lukros asked.

Snickering, Commander Xiarong retorted. "No can do. You are supposed to die as well."

Then, in an instant, Commander Xiaorong well-gripped his sword as a profound light covered his beautifully made double-edged sword.

Lukros snickered as in the next seconds, he knew that Commander Xiaorong appeared before him, holding the sword and ready to slash him with it. But before an injury could result, Lukros immediately covered his body with solid-like flames, making it as if his protection.

A clanging sound, as if metal hit another metal, resounded. Even though it was only a flame, Lukros put a metal particle in his costumed fire, which also made Commander Xiaorong surprised.

"How could a fire make such a sound? Y-You! What are you?"

It can't be a mystical art, right? Things appear to be too perplexing as it is. Just before Lukros could answer him, another attack was launched, being encouraged by Commander Xiaorong's subordinates.

Lukros dodged the attack at this time. Even with how fast the next series of attacks were, he dodged them perfectly, making Commander Xiaorong irritated.

"How strong are you, dumbass?"

Lukros smirked. "Does that even make you confident? Such weak words for a weak character."

Then, Lukros went down, suddenly printing an alchemy circle in a fragment of seconds.. And after that, a formed-metal as a sword was now in his grasp, smirking as well as he gazed at Commander Xiaorong's irritated face.

Chapter 94 - Lukros [3]

"You want a sword fight? Well, at least, entertain me." Lukros remarked as he slowly grasped the sword he created.

Just in front of him, Commander Xiaorong was intently staring at him with uncertain emotions rampaging within his system. As his eyes gawked, his mouth was left open.

'The more I think about it, the more I get curious.' Commander Xiaorong thought, then he continued. 'I should catch this bastard and get as much information as I can. The lord will be pleased with these results.'

Meanwhile, Lukros was having deep thoughts. Lukros reflected on his previous self, wondering what he really needed to do.

There was as if a sentiment that lingers within his mind that he wanted to pay heed to. But as much as he wants to, he unintentionally escapes it and ignores it.

'But how can I change it every time I stumble upon those thoughts, I suddenly escape.' He sighed.

And as he continued, 'I wanted to change. And right now, there was an unexplainable urge within me to change, and I couldn't comprehend where it came from. It wasn't present in our previous world, so why now? Why here?'

Lukros continued thinking about what he really had to do. And as if time slowed, his eyes fell on Commander Xiaorong, who was just gritting his teeth, slightly wary of Lukros from witnessing the bizarre way of having a sword.

Even Commander Xiaorong's subordinates moved backward as they finally realized that they were no match for Lukros. Even with how much pride they hold, they weren't stupid to be ignorant because of their pride.

"That bastard is not a joke. Let the Commander show what a monster truly is!" They all cheered, but Commander Xiaorong wasn't pleased with it. He just remained silent as he observed Lukros.

Lukros, on the other hand, was still patching his thoughts together as he finally came up with the idea of exploiting the situation.

"Master was a mage, but now he decided to fight with swords. It might be from the development and change he seeks. I want it too, and as I have only immersed myself in alchemy, I think it is time to learn more about this world."

"This world will be the Master's world as well. Hence, I am part of it, so… let's forget about the naive previous version of myself. It is time to learn."

Lukros mumbled all to himself, but oblivious of the fact that it wasn't because he realized he needed to change. It was the effects from Lucas's body, that made him realize it unintentionally.

In his previous world, Lucas gathered random abilities when he was still starting as a mage, and unintentionally took useless ones that showed no effects.

However, what he was not aware that those abilities he gained, passive ones at most, were not meant for that world, but instead, for this world.

As Lukros holds a special place in Lucas's heart, he was somewhat affected by it. And just with that, Lukros started feeling the change within from the mysterious effects of Lucas's changes as he got transported into this world.

Lukros only grinned as the cultivators behind started moving backwards few hundred meters away.

"One!" Lukros exclaimed as he appeared before Commander Xiaorong, extremely shocked by the sudden appearance.

"Two!" Lukros held the metallic sword he created and hit Commander Xiaoron with it. But failing, Commander Xiaorong defended himself.

[Rampage of the Moonlight Admirer]

A profound light of light blue covered Lukros's body as Commander Xiaorong launched his attack. But as Lukros was intently observing him, he dodged every slash within the martial technique Commander Xiaorong used.

He just clicked his tongue as Lukros safely evaded all of his attacks. And continuing it, it was as if there was an endless one-sided fight between them, which hyped the cultivators that were spectating them.

"As expected of the Commander! He is too strong that that bastard couldn't return any counter attacks!"

They were all hyped, not noticing that Lukros was just observing Commander Xiaorong's martial technique, every bit of it.

And as few minutes passed, Lukros effortlessly dodged every attacks as if he knew what and how the next form will be performed.

When the sword got near, thrusting him in the chest, Lukros already had his hands on the hilt, dumbfounding Commander Xiaorong.

"H-How?" Commander Xiaorong was so stunned that he couldn't build up the words to pronounce them.

'How did he know that small flaw in my swordmanship?!'

His swordsmanship has a small flaw that can easily pass through, like a hole in his defence from the swordsmanship. But it was a one in a million chance of discovering it, and now, knowing that Lukros discovered it, Commander Xiaorong couldn't comprehend what it did imply.

"So it was like this?" Lukros mumbled.

Commander Xiaorong immediately moved backward as he tried to make a distance between them, preparing to defend himself in case Lukros attack. But Lukros didn't make any superior counter attack. Instead, he used a mediocre form of simple thrust and simple slash.

Commander Xiaorong dodged it, and was silent in the process. It was full of disbelief, but not because of the fact that Lukros was weak, but because of how Lukros playing like a fool.

'Was it just a luck?' he asked himself as he also dodged every attacks from Lukros.

"Hey, you. Entertain me, will you?"

Commander Xiaorong gritted his teeth as soon as he heard it. Emotions rampaged within him as anger filled his system as if he was being scorned.

He didn't like it, but he wasn't a pushover. He is supposed to be a strong willed person but it had already been an hour, the fight was supposed to be over!

Commander Xiaorong was getting annoyed of every outcome of his attacks. It is supposed to be hard fight for his enemy, even with just dodging, he already used all of the martial arts he knew.

But why every time? Lukros could see the flaws in each of his attacks.

And as Commander Xiaorong was in despair, his subordinates were also filled with death in their eyes. It was hopeless for them. They'd been watching for eternity, but they couldn't see any injury that Commander Xiaorong could give to Lukros.


Lukros only smirked as the next attack reached his surroundings. Light and energy started gathering around him, attacking him in every bits of his body. But Lukros, even with how small space there were, he can still dodge the attack.

And as the attack was still the same, and familiar to him, he laughed finally.

"Was that all you got? I guess you have already used all of your techniques." Lukros mumbled, making Commander Xiaorong silent.

"I don't know what kind of ability you had, but this will not be the end!"

And at that time, he said it, and crimson light with dark particles imbedded in it covered his sword. Also, streaks of the same colors twisted around him with the intent of killing Lukros.

The plants in the surrounding detoriated, eventually dying from rottening from the extreme pressure from the technique Commander Xiaorong was using.

Everyone, all of his subordinates were surpised as they saw their commander using such skill. It was as if a skill that tjhey've been hearing and treating like a legend. It was the same skill that the commander used to fight the emperor.

"It is the Death Blade."

Lukros raised his left eyebrow as he looked at the vicious streaks that were rampaging just before him. He also noticed Commander Xiaorong's face with a sinister smile, as if he already knew that it was his victory.

Lukros just shook his head.

"I don't mind you using that skill, but can you even manage to hurt me?" Lukros asked him, mocking him to the depths of his being.

But not knowing that, Commander Xiaorong was already not thinking rationally. His reasoning disappeared after being mocked for an entire hour straight with just him dodging every attack.

And as Lukros inspected it, keenly observing the structure of the technique, he sighed.

"Well then."

Lukros closed his eyes as he breathed in an order formed in accordance with what he was intending to do. The sword within his grasp lit up in blue light, covering the whole of it as if a spiritual energy was covering it.

It was familiar to them; the subordinates knew what it was, and as they observed it, they could only gasp after realizing it.

"Rampage of the Moonlight Admirer!"

Lukros smirked once more as he faced Commander Xiaorong.

"I am afraid that I might take damage after that showcasing technique you had. But I don't intend to die here, I am here to learn."

The reason Lukros was just intently observing Commander Xiaorong earlier and just dodging the attacks without making any counter was because every attack was a lesson for him.

In total, Commander Xiaorong used 5 techniques in total, exlcuding the "Death Blade" he was performing. And as with those 5, Lukros learned two, and was thinking of trying it now.

He wasn't confident that he could perform it flawlessly, but just in case, he was willing to use his alchemy that he had intentionally been keeping just to learn Commander Xiaorong's technique.

"Well then, let the fun begin."

Chapter 95 - Ruby Sun Visited

As he fought Commander Xiaorong, Lukros underwent a significant change. It was as if he still couldn't comprehend it, but thinking more of it hurt his mind. And so, Lukros decided to not mention nor mind it.

Commander Xiaorong's vicious energy was still present in his sword and surroundings.

"Let's start with round 2," Lukros said before appearing next to Commander Xiaorong.

Commander Xiaorong gripped his sword as he swung it, creating a slash effect that appeared to be an arch in crimson.

Lukros willingly accepted it, defending himself using his sword, but as the two energies collided, he felt the tremendous impact that even reached all of his senses.

"You will die now!" Commander Xiarong exclaimed as another swing was created, making a tremendous amount of energy in one arch.

Lukros gritted his teeth in frustration as he moved to the side using the martial technique he knew. He injected his energy into the sword and created an arch as well, to meet the crimson arch.

As the two different arches collided, a great pressure emerged, eventually pulling out the tree and other plants from the roots. Also, the ground started breaking, and debris flew as the cultivators spectating retreated from the pressure.

They all just endured the feeling of the pressure and continued rooting for their commander. And just like that, Lukros shook his head after feeling the backlash of the technique that hit his arch.

"That was tingling…" he uttered as he swayed his hands from the numbness that reached him.

"Is this technique still connected to the physical senses? You sure have a weird technique. Commander Xiaorong was it?"

Commander Xiaorong didn't aggressively reply. Instead, he took his time to retort to Lukros's words, as he was still feeling the hatred inside of him.

"You are going to die. Why do you still bother kicking alive?" Commander Xiaorong smiled as he gathered another streak and produced an arch by swooping his sword.

Lukros only clicked his tongue as he prepared for the impact. He then covered the blue light of his technique with orange flames from his alchemy.

"I had no other choice. I am not strong in this technique, so I should at least stay in my specialty."

Lukros contained all of the metallic particles in the fire, intentionally not melting them to give him a small part of protection from the excess energy that was flying like a splash in the water.

He gulped as he faced another impact. One after another, he defended himself.

"I underestimated him." It was a late realization, but still necessary for him to learn in this fight. It was like he was training but with his life at stake.

"I should finish it now," he muttered to himself. "However, I couldn't observe his technique with these effects that were affecting my senses…"

Commander Xiaorong then created another attack, but this time, Lukros successfully dodged it.

Streaks, instead of an arch, flew straight to Lukros. As he observed the movements of the attack, he knew where the flaws would be.

He moved sideways. Even though he was still flying, he successfully moved swiftly, using the technique to support his movement. Even though it wasn't a movement technique, the straight attack was a bit easier for him to dodge.

Lukros then smirked as he created a small imitation of the Death Blade. It was still small, but there were small dark particles in the crimson light that had covered his sword.

And just when Commander Xiaorong noticed it, he could only grit his teeth.

"How dare you copy my technique!"

Lukros smirked, seeing Commander Xiaorong's insulted face, and just when he was flying straight to him, ready to limit the distance between them, the vicious energy around Commander Xiaorong became stronger, eventually pushing him back.

Lukros clicked his tongue as he did it for the second time, but failing was still present. That, for sure, made him push backward.

"This is getting annoying." Before the crimson light changed color, disappearing the dark particles and forming a sphere, Lukros said.

"I guess I should just improve that last one. Since I already imitated it, it will be your time now." Lukros mumbled.

The crimson ball of light became redder, and as at the core of it was an alchemy circle, he added more symbols to it as he slowly approached Commander Xiaorong.

"It is your time now," Lukros mumbled.

However, unexpected instances occurred that made him widen his eyes when, at the next moment, Commander Xiaorong suddenly collapsed, instantly falling down.

And just behind the previous position of Commander Xiaorong was someone he knew.

Lukros sighed as he saw the face of the one who made Commander Xiaorong collapse.

"Master, were you done with the preparation for the mission you talked about yesterday?" he asked.

Meanwhile, Lucas was just silent as he turned around and looked at him with an uncertain expression.

"You've done it again?" he asked, and that made Lukros's face dispirited. "It's all right." Lucas followed.

"You did well there. Also, it felt like this one was quite problematic." Lucas mumbled as his body started to exude a profound aura that instantly chilled the spines of the cultivators' meters away.

"You all know what to do, right? You won't escape from this…" Then, in the next second, a wide barrier appeared, instantly sealing them in.

All of the cultivators gritted their teeth as they tried to destroy the barrier. But only failure resulted from their efforts; that made them dispirited.


A few hours ago…

As the banquet finally started, Lucas was awkwardly facing the crowd. People gathered in front of him, cheering after Yuna delivered a speech. And as awkward as it was, all he could do was smile at them.

But before that, he knew that those people in front of him were just faking. They weren't pleased with his presence; they were forced to act pleased because Yuna was there.

Also, the audience was bothered by the thought that Lucas might be someone who was not officially part of the five great families but held strong power within the circle.

They were thirsty for power, and having power over some takes too much time to get. And now, looking at him with a face makes them think that another competition has been held.

The banquet started to calm down, and Lucas finally left the banquet and taking a breath of fresh air, he smiled.

"Seems like those annoying attitudes still bother me. That's why I hated gatherings; they were all fake." Lucas mumbled to himself, and as he was contemplating, someone appeared just beside him.

"Oh… Really? I didn't think that you also felt that way, Lucas."

When Lucas suddenly heard a female voice on his right side, he shifted his attention to it, seeing a familiar face.

"Ruby Sun?"

"Hey you, boy~"

Lucas suddenly grumbled inwardly as he saw a weird expression on Ruby's face.

She was still beautiful, a jade beauty to be precise, that anyone would be willing to call a fairy. But for Lucas, it wasn't important, even with the two lumps of bouncy flesh that were slightly exposed by Ruby's dress.

The dress could get any man's attention, but Lucas was intentionally avoiding gazing at those two bountiful mountains.

"Why are you here?" Lucas asked.

Ruby only giggled. "Why do you make a sound like that?~ It's hurtful, you know…"

Lucas nodded his head, unwillingly just to tease Ruby.

"You know, I came here to send you a message about the modeling I offered you. But when I sent a message, you weren't responding."

Lucas then realized what Ruby was saying. The medallion that Ruby gave him was inside of his storage spell, and since time was indefinite there, any incoming notification would fail.

Lucas sighed as he faced Ruby. "Please forgive me, Lady Ruby. But the modeling you offered, I can't even think of what it was. It has been months since we last met."

"Yet, you still remember me." Ruby suddenly cuts off.

Lucas sighed once more as he put his gaze down on the city. They were on the terrace, with the dawn meeting them.

"Cultivators have weird perceptions of time." Lucas, out of nowhere, made a remark that Ruby just giggled to.

"Well, we truly have that kind of weird perception. But, I am really here for the modeling. Do you mind if I can borrow your time, next week?" Ruby asked.

Lucas nodded. "I have a debt to pay. Even if it was only a robe, it was still useful since I had an interest in arrays because of that robe you had."

Ruby only smiled as she slowly moved her body next to Lucas, even touching her skin against him. But Lucas didn't mind it. He just let her be and continued talking.

"But I am still an important person, you know."

"Even if you are still at the beginning of the King Spirit Realm? You sure are still young, boy~"

Lucas only shook his head as he faced Ruby with an uncertain expression. "How come you are still able to see my cultivation base? Who are you, Ruby Sun?"

Ruby didn't reply immediately and just continued touching Lucas's arm.. She put her breast close to him as she mumbled words slowly, saying, "Just an owner of a tailor shop."

Chapter 96 - After The Fight

Lucas just looked at Ruby for a few seconds as she disconnected her arms from Lucas's.

"I don't see your fierce companion here." Ruby suddenly remarked.

Lucas shook his head. "She's not here. And by the way, you still didn't answer my question. Are you part of the Xiao family, or the five great families, Lady Ruby?"

Ruby shook her head as she scoffed over Lucas's speculation. It wasn't that insulting, but for Lucas, it was confusing just how she scoffed at it as if it was a joke.

"I am not part of that crappy circle. However, I have power, and a prominent one as well."

Lucas just snickered. "Yeah, with a tailor shop that disappears out of nowhere."

Ruby gave Lucas a sweet smile as she faced the city below. She breathed out, then started talking once more.

"I am powerful, but I am tired of it. That's why now I am only an owner of a tailor shop, Lucas." Ruby said, making Lucas snicker again.

"You said it. But I won't ask you again about it. It's just, I feel like we have a bond. Why is it?" Lucas asked.

"Well, because we're meant to be?" Ruby suddenly said, making Lucas remain silent for seconds.

"Don't joke like that. But, seriously, why do I feel confident with you? Even with Lady Yuna, as well?" Lucas mumbled to himself and waited for Ruby to reply. But when he looked at the location where Ruby was, she was gone.

"Where is she?" He mumbled but was cut off in the next second when Yuna suddenly called him.

"Brother Lucas, why are you here? There were still people waiting for you to become their acquaintance. How about entering back there?" Yuna asked.

Lucas faced her and then smiled. He was still feeling uncomfortable with those fake smiles inside. It was as if he didn't really want the negative energy he could get from facing those people.

And as much as he hated negotiations, Lucas wanted to stop thinking cunningly. At least he wanted to have a happy new life, not one full of politics. He just wanted to try new things that would not irritate him somehow.

However, he wanted to change his mindset. Those things that he disliked doing in the past, which meant limiting him from doing everything, will now be welcomed as he moves into another phase of his life.

"I am good. Instead, I would like to-!"

Lucas was suddenly paused as he felt a tremendous pressure coming from the north that he seemed to be familiar with. He dazed off then unconsciously walked to the side of the terrace to look more closely at the location of the pressure.

Yuna, on the other hand, seemed to be aware of what was happening too. She looked at Lucas, who was slightly taken by the event.

She then said, "What do you think is happening, Brother Lucas? It felt like a fight just broke."

Yuna was well aware of it. Not just she easily knew if there were fights, but also, she is well aware of the fact that the area around the sacred Land is a bit dangerous with plenty of fights.

However, fights like this aren't common. It was as if there were experts fighting nearby, which made her worry for the safety of everyone.

Lucas gritted his teeth when he remembered someone just in that direction.


Lucas forgot to visit Lukros who was still in the forest where the location of the pressure coincidentally came from. And just not being complacent, he started floating, making Yuna ask him.

"Where are you going, Brother Lucas? Were you worried about that pressure? You don't have to worry; fights like that could be easily controlled by my people." Yuna simply said, but deep inside, she knew it was a lie.

The reason she wanted to hold Lucas for a second was to know who those people were. She was afraid that Lucas might easily kill them without really controlling himself.

"I am looking for Lukros. He is not as strong as others and is still at the peak of the General Spirit Realm. That kind of cultivation isn't weak, but for a pressure like that to reach my senses, it might be equal to the three siblings that he can't face easily." Lucas said that made Yuna sigh.

"I get it, but please don't kill the perpetrator. I at least need that person to be interrogated." Yuna worriedly said.

Lucas just sighed then looked at Yuna from the sky and said, "Don't worry. I am not that stupid to be a hindrance to you. But after this, please be sure about the Scared Blood since we are taking much time. I just felt like it would be a waste if things like this continue."

Then, Lucas opened his storage spell and dropped the three corpses of the three siblings on the floor of the terrace.

"I nearly forgot about giving the rest of their body aside from the heads."

Lucas vanished in the next second and dashed to the location of the fight.

After a few minutes, he finally arrived, only to see Lukros being pushed back by a crimson arch with dark particles. He gritted his teeth as his eyes fell on a cultivator who had King Spirit Realm cultivation.

"Lukros isn't… wait…" Lucas was about to say that Lukros was not equal to that cultivator, but when he saw Lukros's cultivation, he was near the beginning of the King Spirit Realm.

Then, he only sighed after realizing what was supposed to have happened here. His eyes also noticed the spectators a few hundred meters away from the fight.

Lucas decided to spectate the fight. But as soon as Lukros started being pushed back, unable to create a counterattack, he then decided to interfere.

Lucas drew a sword from the storage spell, gripped it tightly as he appeared behind the person Lukros was fighting and smashed the hilt to the head with a martial technique that covered the sword in Qi.

Lucas started talking with Lukros, but then, after realizing that Lukros was safe, he sighed in relief. He also captured the subordinates of the foe and sealed them inside a barrier. After that, Yuna's people started arriving with their weapons in hand.

They were at least at the Master and General Spirit Realm, and as they took the remaining people, Yuna took the body of Lukros's foe.

"Who's he? Why did you fight?" Lucas asked as things were started getting managed. But then, Lukros only shook his head.

"I don't know who they were, Master. But I only felt that they bring no good since they were hiding with an artifact. So, I decided to at least capture them, but they attacked me, so I don't have any choice but to fight back."

Lucas sighed after Lukros explained things to him. At least it was relieving that there were no bad things happening to him. His worry as well wasn't in vain as Lukros gave him the good news.

"I started learning martial arts techniques. I think they were great." Lukros said.

However, as how much as he was delighted carried with a question as well, "How did you learn one?" Lucas asked.

"I just observed him."

Lucas was stunned after hearing it. It was unreal but when he remembered Lukros's special ability, a latent one, he sighed.

"So, you just keenly observed the technique, huh?"

Lukros had a latent ability to memorize things at first glance. But if it is connected with personalities, unexplainably, he is weak on it. However, going back to the memorizing ability he had, he was at least good next to Lucas.

But Lucas wasn't that good at observing things at a glance. He knew how to make things if he could at least see things personally being performed, but not to the point where he could learn the theory behind it.

However, on Lukros's side, he has the ability as a soul dragon to see through the movement of the energy. Not just the energy itself, but the whole actual effects of the attack, but only at a minimal point.

Still, it was a great feat he could do that Lucas can't. But Lucas can do it if only he can use the remaining abilities he had to the fullest extent.

As the scene was starting to be cleaned, Lucas pondered the profound aura around Lukros. It was as if something had changed in him. And being curious about it, he asked him about it.

Lukros only had clueless eyes as he heard Lucas's question.

"Lukros, did something more happen? Things as if changed in you. Do you mind telling me what was it?"

"Master, I at least wanted to change. And now, it feels like I have the urge to change and can do it successfully, unlike in the past." Lukros answered.

Lucas only nodded, even though he wasn't able to understand it well. Though it was complex, he felt something with it. It was familiar to him at some point, but not entirely that he could understand it.

It was just a feeling, but as more he thought of it, he starts to forget that same feeling.

Lucas sighed and then stood up.

"Let's go, we will be teaching Lady Yuna, so, let's at least have to prepare things at this point. It will be part of the mission." Lucas then said as soon he stood up.

Lukros only nodded then followed him back to the manor.. And as Lucas was known as the guest of this place, they didn't question Lukros's identity as they were afraid to go beyond Yuna's order of treating Lucas as an equal of her.

Chapter 97 - Connection

Two days had passed, but there was still no news coming from Yuna. They were just staying inside the quarters that had been granted to them, but they weren't impatient about it.

Lucas was diligently teaching Lukros the cultivation technique he had modified. As the cultivation technique was for third energy, he knew that Lukros would be able to become familiar with the cultivation technique since he already had his senses over his system immersive.

Also, not only did Lukros have incredible senses, he already felt the third energy, which the technique was all about. Thus, making it easy for him to teach Lukros.

However, as time went by, Lucas started to acknowledge that the third energy was really indeed a unique Qi. As there were mystical arts in the cultivation world, there was a small comparison between them.

But, what Lucas thought was that the third energy might be a unique Qi he had created from the existing mana he had and from the surroundings that no one had ever discovered before.

Of course, it would be impossible to discover the mana as it was only a miniscule amount compared to the total amount of Qi in the surroundings. But for those who had already known what mana was, it was a feat to discover a new type of energy.

"This one, I still haven't given a name to it."

Lucas had the rights to call the third energy by all of his will. It was his right since he was the one who discovered it first, and not thinking much about the validation, Lucas then named the energy.

"Let's call it Magique Qi."

For no reason, it was the name he had thought of. It wasn't bad for him either, as well for Lukros, and not really thinking much about the name. No one cares what the name of it will be. It was only to easily recall and pinpoint things. That's what names are.

"Master, is this how people here normally attain powers?" Lukros asked from nowhere in the midst of their cultivation.

Lucas only made small sounds as he wanted to help Lukros concentrate more on cultivation.

Lucas's hands were on Lukros's back. He was assisting him with the control of the Magique Qi since Lukros was still new at circulating Qi since he hadn't learned the basics, which was the normal Qi.

Since Magique Qi was nothing new to Lukros, with Lucas's assistance, he was able to easily find the meridians and the rightful passage for his Magique Qi.

Of course, since Lukros's core wasn't that complicated, and unlike Lucas, who had plenty of abilities to take care of and not run amok, Lukros easily converted his core to an energy pool best for the Magique Qi.

After a few days, Lukros started finally forming his dantian-core. As it had been helped by Lucas, Lucas also benefited from it with the knowledge he got from the trials he had. And as such, he was now informed of what to do next with others he might encounter.

'I know for sure that Lukros will not be the only one who comes after me. But that doesn't mean that if I cut my ties with them in the previous world, I'll turn a blind eye now.

They are still my children, even with how I try to ignore them.' Roger thought before sighing.

When Lukros finally knew what to do, Lucas imprinted an array formation on the ground and activated it.

Seeing it, Lukros was curious about what purpose the array formation would have. And as he asked the question, Lucase explained things to him.

"So this was the mission you were talking about, master? The missing piece of the array formation that would not only increase the range of the array formation, but the speed as well."

Lucas nodded after Lukros's words as he complied with it. Then Lucas began to form another, but this time it was not imprinted on the floor, but rather on the wall.

The white wall had an array formation, drawn with light blue colors, that was activated after Lucas injected spiritual energy into it. And as for the purpose of it, it was nothing. For the sake of demonstration, it was only an effectless array.

"This is an array formation. But what I am about to show you, Lukros, was something different."

Lucas started filling in the blank part of the array with familiar runes to Lukros. It was what he knew, and what he put into his alchemy circles as well.

He only opened his lips while gawking, as he was stunned by what Lucas was doing. He unconsciously pointed to the array formation as he spoke the words behind his mouth.

"Those are the symbols from our world." Lukros said.

Lucas nodded, "Yes, it is. But do you know why I am showing this to you?"

Answering it, Lukros shook his head as it made him perplexed.

"Why, Master?" he asked.

"Well, I am also thinking of making a magic circle with array formations. I know it would be useless, but I have known magic for eternity and now I am learning arrays. Wouldn't it be useless if I didn't use both? Since the effects of magic will be a bit more successful if I am the one to make it."

Lukros was still left in confusion. "What do you really mean, Master?"

As he sighed, Lucas smiled and continued his explanation. "I am thinking of making a magic circle, activated by a spiritual energy since we don't know when will mana disappear. Thus, if mana disappears, Magique Qi will be weak and the goal I want will disappear. "

Lukros was surprised as he gasped as well. What Lucas said was plausible, and it scared Lukros a little because he knew how important mana is to them. And knowing that recovering pure mana takes time since there were fewer sources of it, but since Lucas was thinking of converting things he knew to be applicable in the present energies, wouldn't it be a bit more complex?

What Lucas was saying was that starting from a scratch of a scratch. There will be only a small chance of success with this idea.

And as Lukros's interest was piqued, he raised a question, "Why do you think of it, Master? Had you predicted that it would happen?"

Lucas remained silent, but just as he answered Lukros's question, he scoffed.

"Nah. I was just preparing things since that's what I can only do. After all, I am not omnipotent; thus, I also have weaknesses." Lucas said.

"Do you have any enemies, Master?" Lukros asked.

As far as he could remember, Lucas only shook his head, as he was sure that he had not made any enemies.

"Well, it might look like I am making enemies out of nowhere, but in reality, I am only preparing." Lucas said as he continues pushing energies to the array formation on the wall.

As he continues to imprint the magical runes (symbol/character equivalent in array formations), a brilliant light emerges that slightly blinds Lukros's eyes. And as Lucas smirked when he finally made one, he stood up and approached it.

He touched the source of the light and spoke, "Basic Magic, Light. I made an imitation of it using spiritual energy as the fuel for it. And the foundation was array formation, which basically means that magic circles will be possible even with spiritual energy."

Of course it was. As Lucas already read about mystical arts, since array formations were just spells on a formation, he made a theory that magic runes would be possibly able to be imprinted on an array formation.

At first, it was only a theory made up of impossible feats and imaginations outside the box. But as Lucas, being practical and thinking about the connection between his previous world and this world with four different realms, thought that it might be possible.

His previous world focus was on magic, which could be equivalent to the mystical arts. But cultivation in this world doesn't jump into mystical arts, which means they take slow progress, unlike in his previous world.

Lucas sighed as complex explanations emerged in his mind. He then looked at Lukros, who was still covering his eyes because of the blinding light.

He smiled, then sat next to him once more.

"Lukros, I think I felt the change in your system." Out of nowhere, Lucas said it.

Lukros only pondered, but as he soon realized what it was, he smiled.

"I don't think that this is natural, Master." Lukros said.

Lucas only nodded and then closed his eyes as he deactivated the array formation on the wall. He then jumped into his three energy pools and observed them. He also put his eyes on the core as he observed the different passive abilities forming his core.

"That is it. That passive ability, I think I should unseal it." Lucas mumbled to himself as he concentrated more, then slowly took out what he meant to the majority of his whole core.

There was only 20% of his core sealed, as he started unleashing the other one. And as it finally joined the huge part of the core, Lucas's body started forming into a different one.

By forming, it meant that his system started changing to the point that it could have a different complex structure.

What Lucas unsealed was a passive ability called "Connection".

Connection was a passive ability used to connect his massive passive abilities. And as it finally became unsealed, he started reforming his core.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and looked at Lukros.

"I think "Connecction" was part of the reason why I was able to use magic runes and characters in an array formation. But, as my studies in the past show that every life form has a connection, even a slight one, with this, I'll be able to study more about the connection between magic circles and array formations."

Slowly by slowly, Lucas didn't notice that his views on cultivation and magic started reforming, even making him feel like they were only the same, but different in the approach of the user.

Chapter 98 - Lia

Walking in a hallway with golden lanterns serving as light, Yuna was greeted by her subordinates as she passed each corner of the hallway.

Each of her subordinates was a cultivator at the peak of the Master Spirit Realm, wearing Tang suits as their indoor uniforms.

They greeted her, and as a reply, she just nodded at them.

After a few minutes of walking, she finally reached her destination. In front of her was a giant double door made of cement but reinforced with spiritual energy.

On each side of it were two cultivators, standing and guarding it. They greeted her as well, and as soon as she answered, they drew some formations on the walls. Then, slowly, the door opened.

The door was lit in red and gold lights in accordance with the golden lights. Behind the wall was lit with red and golden lights.

Just as it was opened, Yuna entered it, and in the next seconds, it closed again. The room came back to dark again.

Yuna sighed, then flicked her finger, and just like that, lights in every pillar of the room started lighting up the room.

The room was wide and had seven pillars at the center as well. Then, at the center of all of the pillars was one person.

That same person was a female with jade-like beauty. As her fair skin was exposed by her thin dress, Yuna could only shake her head.

"What are you doing, Lia? Didn't I say to keep your clothes properly worn?" Yuna uttered, and as she stepped forward, the person at the center smiled, exposing her peerless beauty that could even be a rival of Yuna's.

"And, what's with these pillars? Did you use another mystical art?" she asked.

Lia, at the center of the room, only snickered as she flicked her fingers and the room started reforming.

The pillars disappeared, and closets and furniture appeared at their respective locations.

Also, at the center of the room, what Lia wore started changing, as did her face.

"Lia… Were you mad at this time, as well?" Yuna asked.

Lia only remained silent as she stepped forward to Yuna with a face different from before. It was a face that had been visiting Lucas, Ruby Sun.

As seductive as her face was, and with two lumps of bounty mountains on her chest, she slowly approached Yuna, who was just following her with her eyes.

Ruby's hands started touching Yuna's face, which she didn't mind, and as it moved slowly, after a few seconds, she flinched.

Yuna touched Lia's hands and put them down as she faced her after a few seconds.

"What's with you, Lia? Why are you doing this?" she asked.

Lia remained silent and then smiled. She disappeared and appeared on the bed at the other end of the room.

"I am not mad at you, Yuna. It's just that you were so slow, that I started to wonder if you were even holding onto your promise." Lia said.

Yuna remained silent as she looked at her with no particular emotion. She then sighed afterward, then lowered her body and kowtowed to her.

"Lia, was this enough to show how I am sincere with what I said? In a few years, I will make the eastern continent the most organized continent, and then we will begin the attack. We were still suffering from the results of our ancestors' actions in the Great World War. I will create the second one. Please wait for it." Yuna said.

Lia just kept her eyes on Yuna as she breathed out.

"What about that promising one? Lucas was it? Are you thinking of making him join us?"

Yuna's eyes widened as she heard Lucas's name, which she didn't expect to surface in the conversation.

"What do you mean? Did you sneak out once again?"

Lia only snickered before answering, "I did. So what about it? You were so slow that I am starting my own move."

Yuna sighed and said, "It is still dangerous, Lia. You know that the other continents were still targeting you as you were part of the exempted divine beasts that didn't ascend after reaching the second realm of cultivation."

"I know. But still, they don't even pose any threat to me."

"Even still, your blood is enough for them to become strong. With just a drop of your sacred blood, they'll be able to raise their cultivation." Yuna said.

Lia then smirked as she eyed Yuna. "Then, why are you offering Lucas two drops of my sacred blood? Do you trust him?"

Yuna was shut off, then she lowered her head and said, "It's because he's a disciple of my friend. I trust my friend to make him the successor of his sword techniques."

Lia just eyed Yuna as she ridiculed her inwardly.

'Disciple my ass. That kid was even a mysterious one that I couldn't resist holding him for my own good before others eyed him!'

Lia shook her head as she also caressed it.

"Yuna, the manipulation of the information of the past wasn't enough. I am getting more exposure, and as you were afraid of, even Lucas discovered the purpose of my blood. How come he knew it if he was a successor of your friend? "

Yuna remained silent, then stood up. "I don't know. Perhaps his unique cultivation plays a great role in it. He might be facing a bottleneck in a way that he was desperate to breakthrough."

"Bottleneck… A critical stage when they can't surpass their boundaries. I don't think so. That boy has a much more mysterious and otherwordly aura around him." Lia said.

"I don't care. As much as it is beneficial for me to raise the power I have, I am willing to grant him your blood. Just trust me on this, Lia. The Dimensional Storage Mystical Art he had, it was needed."

Lia became speechless as she looked at the desperation Yuna had. And as she concluded her resolution, she sighed, then stood up from her bed.

"I see… Just like your father, you still see me as an important fellow, Yuna." Lia said, with her voice slightly lower than normal.

She was as if whispering to her, but in a way that seduced her in the process.

"Lia, please believe in me. I am here to ask for your blood, so please grant Lucas your trust as well."

"I can't think of another answer, Yuna. I will say yes as I am interested in him as well. Just be careful. The northern continent started to move. After this, they will definitely send another one, stronger than before."

"I know…" Yuna said, followed by her soliloquy.

'If only we hadn't suffered so much in the First Great World War, we wouldn't be in this state where criminals were still dividing our unity. Even the dark sects that were pardoned because of their crimes in the past are still disorganized. We need to hasten things before the administrator arrives.'


A few months ago, approximately 6 months in total, Lia was just doing her everyday routine, laying down on her bed in her room when suddenly, she felt a tremendous otherwordly aura, as if coming from someone in the second cultivation realm.

It was just in the Immortal Realm like her, and on the same continent, that made her worry for the safety of her continent. As a result, she located that source, and after observing it, she slightly felt complacent.

"It was only a cultivator from the upper heavens that descended. I was worried."

Lia was about to leave the place when she suddenly laid her eyes on the young man beside the female cultivator. He was a bit mysterious as she couldn't look at him properly without being disoriented.

"What kind of body was that?" she pondered as she tried to look at the constitution of the young man.

Because of him, she decided to observe them more, which gave her the idea of trying to converse with them.

As a result, she created a secret shop that might be possible for them to enter. And as she finally saw them up close, she finally realized what Lucas was.

"Someone from a different realm… These two were great tools, but the young man was more important than that female one."

Of course, what she meant by tools was as comrades. But she, as a divine beast she doesn't know what comrades are. And as she thought of it, she became more intrigued by him.

As a result, Lia decided to follow Lucas, and she became surprised by how fast his progress was. Even with his foundation in mystical arts, she was intrigued enough to consider using him.

But it was too early to show things to him. Lucas was as if he was trying to live his life differently from what he used to. It was only a feeling, and Lia was patient with it. Sowing is different from reaping. What you reap is a more important result than the sowing.

Of course, it wasn't that thoughtful mindset, but Lia couldn't think of a more appropriate approach. She just wanted to see more results from Lucas.

And after a few months, Lucas finally connected with Yuna, which was convenient for her.

"He seeks my blood…. I am getting more excited!"

Chapter 99 - Drilling To Create Passages

"Brother Lucas… The Sacred Blood is ready." Lucas heard Yuna say, which made him stand up immediately and appear next to her.

Yuna was just surprised by how Lucas was excited, and as she recalled how Lucas was desperately wanting the sacred blood, she sighed.

"Really? Then, what should I do first? Teach you, or do what I want?" Lucas asked.

Yuna only shook her head. "The decision is yours."

Although it was surprisingly a stupid question, Lucas still asked Yuna as he respected her for some reason he doesn't know. Now that his ability "Connection" was unsealed, he felt that Yuna had become closer to him.

It was unexplainable, but he just didn't mind it as he was the type of person that doesn't linger on one idea. That is why he became aimless so fast; he had another goal over the previous one.

And as Yuna said her answer, Lucas sighed and turned to face Lukros, who was inside his room, cultivating.

"Lukros, stay there, and I will teach Lady Yuna. Be sure to control your energy so that you won't change back into your original form by night." Lucas said, then left with Yuna.

Lucas asked for a room, a wide one to be precise, without windows and a peaceful one. And as for the addition, he wanted a white one so that the light would just reflect and not disturb the process.

Lucas then faced Yuna as soon as they entered the room. Then, Lucas started by imprinting symbols on the floor and creating an array formation.

Yuna only watched him silently. She was mesmerized. Her gaze was taken by the light that was surrounding Lucas as he injected his spiritual energy into it. And as he started putting his Magique Qi, he again looked at Yuna.

"Lady Yuna, the next process I am about to teach you is important and painful. I will drill through your body and create a passage for the energies to flow properly. And the next thing is, you will create the energy pool by yourself." Lucas said which made Yuna ponder for a moment.

"What do you mean by it? Can't I just inject the unique Qi into my existing dantian? Or should I just convert it?" she asked.

Lucas shook his head as he approached her with his hands touching Yuna's back. Of course, he asked for permission before continuing.

"This unique Qi I have is different. It is actually different from what you can imagine, so, can you trust me on this one?"

Yuna didn't answer, and she just thought about it for a few minutes.

'What Lucas was saying is clearly impossible for me to believe. I haven't heard of one before, creating a passage where meridians already existed. It could be blocked, but now to the point where one will create another one for the body.'

What Yuna believes is only applicable to the lower heavens. In the upper heavens, there exist conditions where the meridians of one body are blocked, and as a remedy, someone will create another one. But, of course, creating another one is difficult and dangerous.

But for this one, it will be different as what Lucas was about to do was not like those ones. It is painful, but it will serve as another route for Magique Qi. Hence, all of the Magique Qi Lucas will put into Yuna will go straight into that passage, not to the meridians.

Lucas sighed while waiting for Yuna's answer. 'Was she still doubting me?'

Yuna noticed how dispirited Lucas was, and being pressured, she answered him reluctantly.

"You can do what you want. But please, promise me it won't result in my death. If it will, I don't care if you bring all the three drops on your own."

Lucas's eyes widened as he heard Yuna's resolution. He then snickered, then shook his head.

"It won't be dangerous. I can assure you of that as I will also follow you inside. So, if you die, I'll die."

Yuna only looked at Lucas's eyes with admiration, then sat on the array formation Lucas had created.

"Let us begin," she uttered. Lucas only nodded, then followed her, then sat behind her.

"Lady Yuna, I will be entering your system, so please, if it's painful, don't react too much. It will be dangerous if you try to resist the pressure."

Yuna gulped and then nodded.

"Okay, so I will follow your words," Yuna assured him.

Lucas nodded his head and started putting his two palms on Yuna's back. At first, he felt reluctance, but as he felt he was starting to get used to it, he then jumped into Yuna's system.

Lucas's consciousness started fading away, being pulled by some force, and the next thing he knew, he was in front of a dark space with Yuna.

Yuna wasn't responding; she didn't even notice her. And without wasting any time, he then started locating Yuna's points.

The points were where Lucas was starting drilling. And as he successfully located those points, he started using his Magique Qi to drill through and create passages.

After a few minutes, Lucas advanced, and Yuna appeared to have one passage, but it wasn't enough. Lucas continued as it went well, making a difference for Yuna. Yuna felt the pain, and sweat was starting to form as she endured it.

And from Yuna's perspective, it was as if she had been given training that was different from what she was used to. She couldn't bear the pain, but she was still enduring it without escaping.

What Yuna could only see was an image of her body in white, and she could see lines appearing in it. She was mesmerized at the same time, but what was dominant over her senses was the pain.

Yuna was feeling agitated, but she wasn't afraid of it as she trusted Lucas. And after an hour, a terrible pain hit her system that made her scream inwardly.

She only bit her lip, and as it continued, beads of sweat almost drowned her.

Meanwhile, on Lucas's side, he started feeling his consciousness draining. It was as if he was disappearing, but he didn't know the reason behind it. He just let the process continue, as he finally disappeared and returned his consciousness back to his body.

As he opened his eyes, he also noticed the sweat on Yuna's body. But Yuna, on the other hand, was still enduring the pain.

Lucas breathed out in relief as he observed her.

"It must be the same pain I've been through. But this isn't enough. I should make her familiar with Magique Qi, and eventually, it will be soothing for her. I only wish she could endure this one."

Lucas started gathering Magique Qi using the array formation. And as time continued flowing, Yuna's body stopped sweating, but the remains were still there.

After a few minutes, Yuna's eyes opened. However, they were lifeless. Lucas was only worried after seeing it, but when it moved and then looked at him, he was relieved.

"Congratulations. You finally had the passages open, Lady Yuna." Lucas said and after it, Yuna smiled.

"Thank you, Brother Lucas. Or should I say, Master?" she said in between her panting.

Lucas scoffed and said, "Master… I don't feel like it would be appropriate for you to address me that way…"

Yuna didn't reply and just smiled. After that, she loses her consciousness, falling on Lucas's body without any worries.

Lucas smiled, then placed Yuna properly. He created a small bed, then placed her there, and then took all the sweat and vaporized it to disappear.

Lucas was only relieved that the process was successful. Of course, he wasn't thinking that it was going to be a failure, but at least he wasn't inexperienced in this.

Back in his previous world, he treated those who had unique conditions where they didn't have mana passages. It was a hectic process, but he still managed.

Yuna was just an example of it. Yuna doesn't have any mana passages, only meridians. And it was reasonable for her to have no existing mana passages as her world wasn't that well-versed in that field. They were cultivators.

And as Lucas breathed after the success process, he then thought of what to do next.

"I still have to let her know what a Magique Qi is. However, because she has no recollection of what mana is, it will be difficult to make her understand what mana is."

Then, thinking of the proper procedure, Lucas smiled.

"I think it would be better to just have her in this array formation. I don't care if she teaches someone about Magique Qi, as it would be useless if people didn't know the use of it."

"They can reinforce their body with it, and eventually discover some use, but for the grand magic, it will be impossible since this heaven isn't well-versed in mystical arts."

After a few hours, Yuna regained her consciousness and just faced Lucas with no sound. Lucas just raised his eyebrow and then asked her, "Are you ready to create the energy pool? It will be the same with activating the dantian."

Yuna nodded and followed Lucas's lead.

"First, try controlling the Magique Qi I am about to inject into your body. It will be harmless if you control it, but if you let it flow without proper direction, it might endanger your organs."

Pure Qi hitting an organ is dangerous. It was also the same with the other cultivations apart from this unique cultivation. And listening to it whole-heartedly, Yuna nodded.

"I believe in you, Brother Lucas.. I can finally feel a different path."

Chapter 100 - Modeling [1]

Lucas was standing just outside the manor of the Xiao family. For some reason, he was just standing there, holding the medallion and waiting for Ruby Sun's call.

Well, he could contact her through the medallion, but he wasn't sure if he should. It was a debt, though, and he had to comply.

He sighed then stared at the medallion he was holding. He then pressed it, and after a few seconds, he injected his spiritual energy. It lit up, and some characters appeared, floating like holographic images.

Lucas smirked and as he looked at the characters that were floating, he read all the contents. As he realized what the characters meant, he hovered his index finger on it.

He swiped it, and with a few touches, the characters were as if they were now organized after being disorganized. Then, the medallion clicked, and a flashing light emerged then disappeared.

"So that was the call? I guess contacting Ruby through this was the only possible method."

Lucas just dazed at the medallion and in the next few seconds, Ruby appeared before him.

There was a slight wind that was brought by her sudden movement, thus making Lucas notice her presence.

Lucas sighed as he saw Ruby, who was wearing a revealing dress in red. Meanwhile, Ruby just smirked and slowly approached Lucas.

"Hey, Lucas… Were you excited?" she asked.

"I did forget the time, so I was the one who contacted you first." Lucas said and just ignored Ruby's seductive movements.

When Ruby noticed that Lucas was being too oblivious to her purpose, she rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"The modeling I am telling you about is different from what you thought. You have such a handsome face, Lucas, so I am thinking of using it to attract other wealthy cultivators." Ruby said.

Lucas only nodded after that, held her hands, and said, "Let's go. I am a bit impatient."

Ruby just snorted, then dragged him, floating in the sky.

"Where should we go?" he asked.

"To the center region." Ruby answered.

Lucas remained silent and didn't make any sound of it. He then started looking at Ruby with uncertain eyes, and as he did it, Ruby looked at him as well.

"Why? Are you falling in love with me? You're still too young for me, though." Ruby said, and that immediately made Lucas grumble.

"Say who?" Then, Lucas just ignored her, as, for some reason, he just didn't like Ruby's presence this time.

A few hours later, Lucas and Ruby continued the journey, and as they finally arrived, Ruby spoke, "You are already a great model. You know it, Lucas? With just your face-!"

Then she was cut off as Lucas retorted.

"Yes, yes. Please carry on, Lady Ruby. I just want to finish this one, " he said.

"Why are you being so moody, Lucas?" Ruby asked.

"I don't think I have any reason for that. I pay my debts, even if I am not interested in them."

"Hey… Don't you think you are unable to handle your nasty personality? I don't really like it."

Lucas glared at her. "Then please, stop with those gestures. I don't particularly like having women seduce me. I don't like it."

Ruby raised her eyebrow as her curiosity was piqued by Lucas's irritated words.

"Why does this bother you? Was it that disrespectful?" Ruby asked.

He just remained silent as he breathed, recalling some of his memories that he had buried in the past.


"Father, father! Look! I captured a fish!" A joyful call came from a child that was running towards Lucas.

Lucas appeared to be just in his 30's. He had a thin beard and a mustache on his face, with slight wrinkles too. And as he looked at his smiling 6-year-old boy, he couldn't help but smile at every corner of his lips.

The boy ran toward him, but stumbled after a few steps. He rushed to him and was worried about what had happened to the kid, having breathless words in his sentence.

"My son, were you okay? Did something hurt you?"

They were by the side of a river, playing in a grassfield next to it.

"I am okay, father. But the fish, look at it."

Lucas's eyes slowly followed where the boy was looking, worriedly looking, and he sighed.

"It is okay, my son." Lucas smiled at the teary eyes of the boy and picked up the fish.

He breathed out, then started chanting some words that couldn't be understood by normal people.

The boy only mesmerizedly looked at his father, who was chanting some spells, and in the next few seconds, a light breeze and water splashed on the fish.

The dirt on the fish disappeared as if magic had just happened.

"Father! Teach me what happened there!" the boy said to him in an excited tone.

Lucas couldn't help but chuckle as he responded. "I will when you do your chores diligently." Then he tapped the face of the youthful boy.

The boy only pouted at him.

"Ehhh… I don't want to do the chores. Why me?!"

Lucas just snickered, but when he was about to reply to his son, a familiar presence suddenly appeared nearby that he abruptly notice.

"Uhm…" Reluctantly, he turned to his son and said, "Can you go home without me? I just need to do something."

The kid raised his eyebrow and replied, "What was it, father?"

Lucas shook his head, "Don't worry about it, my son. Just go, " then he smiled.

The boy had no choice and obeyed his father's request. And before he left, he made a request to his father.

"Please don't look at other ladies' butts, father. I noticed what you did yesterday!"

Lucas's eyes widened and just awkwardly scratched his nape.

"I didn't! Forget about it, just go."

The kid made a cunning smile before leaving him, and as Lucas was sure that the kid was leaving the place, he then called out the presence he was sensing.

"Why are you still doing this? I told you that I was not interested in you." Lucas mumbled, then faced a certain location.

After a few seconds, a female appeared.

It was a fine lady who had seductive gazes of purple. Her hair was wavy and reached her waist, accompanied by straight bangs.

What was more noticeable about her face was the slim shape of it and the red lips that were being emphasized by her fair skin.

The body proportion was superb, although the butt and breast were the most eye-catching of them all.

Lucas didn't look at her when she appeared and just shifted his eyes to something else.

"But you are attracted to it, Lucas…" A soft voice resounded from the female's soft lips.

Lucas turned his back to her as he faced the bushes behind him earlier.

"I love my family. This will be the last."

Lucas started walking away from her, but unexpectably, he heard her chuckling, as if something funny had just happened.

Being curious, Lucas shifted his attention to her and looked at her with a perplexed expression.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked.

The female only shook her head, as slowly, her face turned into a vicious one, and she smiled like there was no tomorrow.

"You don't really want to? Well, it's no help. But, you are really useless, Lucas."

Lucas remained dumbfounded as he looked at the female's eyes. He slowly opened his mouth in disbelief as he got a bad feeling about it.

"What do you mean?"

As he asked it, the lady scoffed and answered him in snickering words, "I don't need to waste your time anymore since we've already found what we want. Thank you for being useful during this time, Lucas. You also won't be on time. Your family would probably be dead by this time for protecting what we were looking for. Descendant of the First Mage Genius, 8th Generation, Lucas White."

Lucas's eyes widened as he heard those words coming from the female. And, while he wished he could ask the female more questions about everything, he couldn't because it would be too late.He needs to go to his family!


Ruby was just speechless as he looked at Lucas, who was preoccupied at the moment.

She swayed her hands in front of him, but still no reply was made. And as she was waiting for Lucas for almost 30 seconds, she clapped her hands with her feet stomping to call out for Lucas.

Lucas flinched when his attention was taken by Ruby. Lucas then noticed it and just raised his eyebrows.

"Uh! I just don't like it." Lucas merely said, and just continued moving in the sky.

"Lucas, we are descending…"

Lucas paused as he remembered what had just snapped back into his mind.

"Ah. Yeah, we were." Then he followed Ruby, descending on the land.

It was only an open field of flat cemented ground. There were no people, and it was just quiet, as if it were not an important place to guard.

Lucas noticed the surroundings were a bit different as there were no nearby buildings, but only one standing at the very end of the cemented ground.

Meanwhile, Ruby just pondered how Lucas acted earlier.

'Must be something that bothers him,' she thought.

Chapter 101 - Modeling [2]

"Lucas, I want you to meet Senior Tiang. He will be your manager for the runway, so please cooperate with him."

Just in front of Lucas was an average-height man wearing formal attire with robes as the outer layer of his outfit.

He is a Warrior Stage cultivator with short hair that reaches half of his brow. Also, the sides of his hairstyle were faded, which gave him a cool look as if he was not a man in his 30's.

There were minimal wrinkles on his face and a slightly fair skin complexion.

"I am Kian Tiang. Nice meeting you, Junior Brother Lucas."

Lucas responded with a slight bow and responded to his greeting. After that, in a waiting room with sliding doors, Ruby left them.

Lucas then felt emptiness after it, and just shrugged his shoulders as he faced Senior Tiang.

"By the way, Senior Tiang, can you explain to me more about this runway? I don't just get what Lady Ruby said about modeling."

Senior Tiang's eyes widened in disbelief at what he had just heard. Deep inside, he thought that Lucas already knew all about it as he seemed to be close with Ruby. But after all, he was still unaware.

"Junior Brother Lucas, are you sure you don't know what it is?"

Lucas was just silent as he sat down on the chair by the side of the room. He shoved it nearer to him and asked.

"What about it, Senior Tiang?"

Senior Tiang snickered, then answered him. Well, Lucas was making a curious expression that made him answer him without being obliged.

"All of the audience was from the Wealthiest of Ten Grand Families. They are the most notable families when it comes to wealth and connections."

"Wealthiest of the Grand 10 Families? What were they? Were they that strong?" Lucas asked.

"I don't think they are that strong, but when it comes to money, they are powerful."

"I see… But this fashion show, what's the whole background behind it? Lady Ruby didn't leave me with a proper description of it."

"This fashion show happens every year, but this time, it was delayed as Lady Ruby announced that there were some happenings that couldn't be ignored that he had to manage."

When Lucas heard it, he had a small idea about it.

'Perhaps Lady Ruby was waiting for my reply.'

Then, he continued asking.

"So, if this fashion show occurs, what mostly happens? Why are the Grand 10 Families attending?"

"Well, just think of this as an auction where useful items are sold, but in the form of attire. And also, this fashion show was a secret from the mass, and also, the Five Great families didn't know about it. So, the wealthiest flock to it as it would be useful for them."

"I see… it will be hard to identify if an item is useful in its attire. And also, it is something you wear that people can't think of being useful with other purposes."

Senior Tiang nodded after Lucas's words as if it was meeting with his explanations.

And as Lucas was starting to be called, Senior Tiang said to him to prepare.

Lucas wore a robe that was before him. He then put on the first layer of the attire and wore the second layer of his clothes, wrapping it around his body.


Lucas was just behind the stage, watching the models walk with poised faces.

"Do I really need to do this? I only have a good face, but no skills in modeling." It was an honest word that came from him that some of the models heard him.

One young man asked, "Hey, are you sure about what you are talking about? You are wearing grand attire, which for sure will be the top-class of all of the categories of garments here."

Lucas instinctively faced the young man who called him. He then responded, "I don't know, I was just dragged here. But, I don't want to mess up with this."

The young man smiled at him and gave him an assurance tap on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, I will help you at this last minute. Supposed to be, you must be in the rehearsal, but if the owner entrusted you with that role, you have for sure something inside of you."

"Are you not worried about the competition?" Lucas asked.

The young man scoffed at him, looking like Lucas was worried about what he had just said.

"There is no competition here."

"I… I see." Lucas awkwardly said.

Then, in the last minute before his time, Lucas attentively listened to the young man's tips.

He was taught where to stop and where to go upon waking on the stage. In addition, how to stand confidently on stage.

Just like that, Lucas followed the tips that were given to him. Sensing that the young man wasn't lying to him, he followed these tips and got a great result.

They applauded as soon as he entered the line of sight of the crowd.

Lucas continued doing what he was tasked with. After one garment, he wore another one and presented it. This continued until the last garment he had to wear, and finally, the fashion show was done.

However, some unwanted instances occurred that put Lucas in a tight situation.

Unintentionally, he gathered the eyes of those lustful individuals that kept an eye on his handsomeness. They were ladies, hungry for the vigor of a man who had decided to flock on him.

"I came here first! I will be the first one attended to!"

"No, I am the richest, so I will be the one who will be shown with affection."

And so they continued, making Lucas wear his uninterested, resting facial expression.

His eyes grew cold as he looked at the ladies who were blocking his exit from the backstage area. And also, he was frustrated by the fact that he didn't know about this.

"Do I look like a prostitute to you?" Lucas asked, being offended by their mere actions.

The ladies stopped fighting and then faced him with an underestimating smile as if mocking him.

Their eyes were filled with disdain as they eyed Lucas from top to bottom.

"Without your pretty face, you are nothing but a mortal. So, you have no choice but to follow our commands."

At that, Lucas grumbled, then faced some of the models that were frightened of the event, standing in the corners of the room.

His eyes lit up slightly and inspected their bodies, noticing that they had no cultivation, or even a slight of mana in their body.

'So, all of the models are mortals. And since I am higher than them, with such a huge disparity between us, they can't recognize my power and think of me as a mortal as well?'

"What the fuck is Lady Ruby doing anyway?" Using his teleportation magic, Lucas mumbled and disappeared in front of everyone. He then appeared inside his waiting room.


In the Sacred Land lies a hidden underground, facilitated by Yuna Xiao, that was intended to hold criminals from different places.

Yuna had the demeanor of a dour lady, walking in the dimly lit hallway where the walls were made of bricks.

There were also cells where she walked, and then stooped at the last cell in the same hallway.

This cell was the prison for the commander that they caught. Using different treasures to supress his dantian and unable to gain energy, Yuna confidently walked inside of the cell with the intention of torturing the person in question.

"Those cultuvators call you, "Commander Xiaorong." Was it real?"

Yuna stands before a man chained to walls, with his hands being pulled up and his knees on the ground.

And as Yuna stood before him, her left foot was just below his jaws, pushing it up to forcefully face her.

The man in question, Commander Xiaorong, didn't make any sounds and just made a grin.

Shortening Yuna's patient, she kicked his head, making a loud thud sound that echoed in the cell.

"I want to know about your plans, Xiaorong… Why the hell now? What came into your foolish mind to attack us off of three other continents?" Yuna gritted her teeth as she asked him.

But even with how intimidating she was, Commander Xiaorong didn't let it affect him, keeping his grin on his face as if he wasn't afraid of death.

"I guess I could say that this was all planned by your puppet emperor, right? The one that you can't defeat? If I can recall it clearly? Or should I say, the hands where your father died?"

Immediately, as she uttered those words, Commander Xiaorong's head turned towards her, facing her with gritted teeth and an irritated face.

"How did you know it?!" he shouted.

Yuna only snickered viciously and lowered her body in front of him.

"What are you afraid of, Xiaorong? That emperor? I know he killed your father, so why are you not betraying him?"

"How did you know it?!" he exclaimed once more, but Yuna ignored him.

"I'll tell you, in exchange, you'll tell me what happened on the northern continent that made you think that we were pushovers."

Chapter 102 - Yuna Xiao Was Acting Strangely

"Lady Yuna, we think that what is happening now is becoming a bit hastier. We still haven't united the whole continent and controlled the dark sects on our side. Will we be okay if the northern continent sends an all-out attack after what happened?"

Yuna remained silent in front of the other four strong cultivators in front of her. They were at the side of the table, while she was at the end of it, slightly lit and covered by shadow.

She made a frowning expression as she looked at the head of the Su family.

"Do you think I don't know anything about it? There were even mysteries that we couldn't discover. What do you think I am thinking?" Yuna made a ridiculous remark that instantly shut Take Su's mouth (Patriarch of the Great Family of the Northern Region).

"Please forgive me, My Lady."

As he said those words, Man Gao, the Patriarch of the Great Family of the Eastern Region, smirked, unable to hide the pleased expression on his face as he witnessed Take Su's mouth is shut.

When Take Su noticed it, he could only grit his teeth, irritatedly gazing at Man Gao.

"Get over the feud. How can we pursue unity if both of you are like that?!" Yuna exclaimed, as she also noticed how the both of them were looking at each other as if they were naturally born enemies to scorn each other.

Yuna was having a hard time thinking of what she was supposed to do. But seeing her people behave in this manner was unforgivable and unacceptable, especially since they were also heads of respective great families.

"Please ignore them, My Lady. Please continue with the plan." Kyla Yu, the matriarch of the Great Family of the Western Region, said.

Yuna glared at her, and after a few seconds, she calmed down.

"We don't have much time. I am still interrogating the criminal from the northern continent, so relay the reports of the tasks I've left in your hands." Yuna said.

Take Su and Man Gao could only nod and comply with Yuna's order. They then put something on the table, the results of their investigation into some mystery that has happened in their region.

"From my side, in the Eastern region, I've finally made the Lim family answer my question. Apparently, a master visited their city and asked for basic cultivation knowledge. And after that, he left and revisited."

"According to what happened there, their timing was perfect when the Red Moon Castle attacked the same city that the Lim family controls. And mysteriously, he, with a female companion, killed them all, as if killing them all in one shot using a mysterious weapon."

"There were holes present on their heads and some died from the pressures of their cultivation. What we suspect is that they are hidden peak experts."

Yuna remained silent as she listened to Man Gao's explanation. She then caressed her chin and said her words.

"Forget about investigating them. They killed criminals, which could mean that they were not thinking of hurting the citizens, since apparently, from your report, you didn't mention anything about casualties from the citizens' side." Yuna said.

She let out a sigh, then continued, "They might be hidden peak experts that don't care about the happenings on the continent. At least, if they resurface, let's talk with them. Don't create any fuss about it; it will be difficult if we add them to our enemies."

All of them nodded, then looked at Su, followed by his report.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect and Flower Dark Sect didn't end up killing each other. We still don't have power over the northern region, so it might be difficult to try to hold them both. Their political power was still rival to ours."

Yuna nodded, then cut off Su's report.

"Stop making them fight. We don't have any time to make them for ourselves. Just let them be, as I, the matriarch of the first family, will inform them when we need their power. It would be difficult to fight them now with your people since you stupidly killed the son of the Heavenly Demon Sect as if you were cunning at that time."

The more ridiculous Yuna wanted to make it sound, the more hurtful it was for Take Su. It was as if his mother was nagging him about things that he had mistakenly done, things that he thought would be good and make her mother proud.

But as Take Su contemplates it, he soon realizes that it was really all his fault and he has to accept the mockery Yuna sends to him. He had no choice. If he wanted to continue to show his loyalty to her, he had to at least comply with her.

Yuna sighed and then faced Anton Xie, the patriarch of the Great Family of the Southern Region.

"I don't have anything to report, My Lady. We've already controlled the mountain bandits and also the dark sects in the region. Unlike in the Northern Region, they were easy to handle since they'd been weakened by the Great World War." Anton Xie said.

"Same here, My Lady. We've already taken control of the Western Region. We are ready to start the training. We are only waiting for your call." Kyla Yu also said.

Yuna nodded at them and responded, "Start the training. Increase the grand formation near the Sacred Blood as well. Register unwanted cultivation techniques and also Blood Reversal Techniques."

Yuna was worried about what would happen, especially with the Blood Reversal Technique, since it was a dangerous technique that some cultivators use to drastically increase their power. However, as to how much more dangerous it was, it was easy to negate with an array formation since it had already been studied.

Blood Reversal is a somewhat inhumane technique that came from the ancient dark sects that have been forgotten. And as for how inhumane it was to make people act like beasts, it can be negated by reversing the energy back to its original form using array formation.

And even though it was the only possible method to fix it, there were still loopholes in it that they were still studying.

"Going on, be sure to focus on training and supply resources for those who are talented. We need them." Yuna said, then stood up.

"Meeting adjourned," she said and left them immediately.

The four of them were just dumbfounded by what Yuna had just done. It was something they weren't expecting, as deep inside, they thought that they already knew Yuna's personality.

However, for some reason, they don't know why Yuna was being too talkative in this meeting. It was as if something had happened or the pressure was just so great that she had no choice but to talk too much.

This was noticed by Kyla Yu. She is a self-proclaimed number one Yuna supporter. And as she admires her, she also studies every inch of her.

'My Lady is as if trying to change. I don't know, but it was as if she wanted to create something. Is she hiding something from us? It feels like it was like that.' Kyla thought but as soon as she realized what kind of thoughts she was entertaining, she shook her head and stood up from her seat.

"I will be going. Please take care, everyone." Then she disappeared from the meeting room.

The three male cultivators were just silent.

Anton, on the other hand, just looked at the other two with a delighted smile.

"I hope you all have a good day." Then he disappeared.

And as the two were left alone, they looked at each other and started laughing. They both laughed as if there was no tomorrow, and remained laughing for a minute straight.

But first, they used a special technique to block off the sounds going out of the room, just for themselves.

When they were done, their palms met as they gave each other a high five.

"That was an amazing play, Man Gao. They still believed that the two of us were fighting each other. I think, with this play, the emperor will be pleased with us as the cover we made was too hard to see through." Take Su said.

"Right! Hahaha! Then intentionally destroy the plan! It would be difficult for them to see through because they will believe that those were the result of our feud." Man Gao said.

"Right. But did you notice it? Yuna Xiao was acting strangely. She was talking too much, unlike the cold self she had in the past."

"Yes… I also noticed it, and it was even more surprising."

"Hah… Do you think she had seen through our cover? We were spies for the emperor…"

Man Gao only snickered at Take Su then said, "You do worry too much. Didn't you notice that she thinks highly of her people? Even with us fighting with each other, she didn't kill us! Because she knew, she needed us!"

Take Su nodded after those words. "You may be right, but it isn't bad to be careful, right?"

"Of course, let's continue observing them and gathering information that we need. She still hadn't opened to the circle about the exempted divine beast. That mysterious blood that we wanted might be hiding in the Sacred Land."

"But it could also be a diversion."