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Chapter 83 - Needing An Ingredient

After the notable showcasing Wilford did in front of Lucas, Lucas wasn't content with just enabling him to create a basic array formation. After weeks of theoretical study, he is now faced with the implementation of the theories, which raises the question of whether they will be usable.

From plenty of books he memorized, Lucas started understanding each of them as he passed through trials of studies of the array. For months of undisturbed training, Lucas finally had the halves of his array formation. Although he already had a formula for it, it wasn't as successful as he thought it would be.

He realized that unique Qi is much more complicated to formulate and that some ingredients are needed aside from spirit jewels or the cultivation technique he knew.

He sighed at every line and every character he experimented with. There weren't any nights that he didn't drain his energy just for the sake of activating the prototypes he made.

From what he had observed, what he lacked was the flexibility of mana and the Qi in the area. As such, the two energies were different. The array he will create must have the same process of his cultivation.

However, creating the process in an array was the real problem. Even with how possible it was, the speed was a hindrance to it.

As Qi can be gathered quickly, as he was in Wilford's personal field, plenty of spiritual energy existing in the same environment.

Lucas sighed at the nth time he tested his own formula.

"I thought that I could activate it without needing that specific ingredient. However, even though it was theoretically needed for the array, I am not giving up on making it without that use it. It gives me much trouble."

Then, he continued tinkering with the ground with the countless drawings he had made.

Another month passed, and Lucas noticed that there was only a little improvement. And as he realized he had wasted his time in creating the array formation, he took a rest.

He gathered the energy, cultivating it and placing it in his third energy pool. Without much consciousness in the outside world, Lucas started venturing through his three energy pools.

He first visited his core, which had a messy structure because of his passive abilities that he intentionally locked in the sealed part of his core.

At that moment, knowing how it was equal to his dantian, Lucas realized that if he counted the quantity of his core, he at least had a total of energy at the True Sovereign Spirit Realm if compared to cultivation bases.

Learning it, it must be that the world he came from was much lesser than this world. If that happens, it could mean that the Upper Heaven is stronger than him and it would make him blend with them without worrying about his power.

He smiled at it and continued observing his core. His core started vibrating and radiating as he got closer to his awareness of it. And as a result, the core started radiating in plenty of colors.

There were some lines in the sphere as if veins in a human body. There were some that looked like headless worms and some irregular shapes that formed the sphere.

Each irregular image that formed the sphere of his core was the passive ability he gained throughout his life in his previous world. And one of those passive abilities was 'Youthful Mind' which makes him have a youthful mind.

However, this passive ability hasn't had much use in his previous world, so he was just wondering why it activated in this one.

"Must be due to the deterioration of his social skills caused by not conversing with normal creatures. After all, all I had to talk to while searching for the legendary sword was my familiars. I haven't talked with a human for almost hundreds of years."

"Also, might be from the youthful appearance that I attained from being transported to this world. However, it wasn't bad; it gave me a chance to act like a human again. I also regained my social skills after that."

Then, leaving his core, Lucas continued visiting his other energy pools. He looked at his dantian, which had a slightly bluish color of sphere. It was like a gas planet, incredibly soothing to his mind as he looked at it.

He realized that this must be the calming sensation that reaches the cultivators' minds when they fully meditate in this state. Their minds also benefit from the cultivation.

After a few minutes of staying at the dantian, he then moved to the third one, the third energy pool, which he had never given any pseudo.

The energy pool was quite complex to see. It was like his core, but slightly different as there were not many irregular shapes because there was no present passive ability in this energy pool.

It was violet, blue, and red in irregular shapes, combined into a sphere, and around it was a mist, like the spiritual energy condensed in his dantian.

The bluish color gives balance to this energy pool, as there was also some of it in the center.

Lucas smiles as he notices how well his energy pools are doing. He was at least relieved from the amok of his core since he now totally knew the comparison of the three. Then, it makes him think of another process to make that would improve his cultivation.

By the time he steps onto the True Sovereign Spirit Realm, he'll start studying how to merge the three energy pools. In that case, he doesn't need to think of his energy running amok; what he must worry about is the place.

"It's all in the future," he uttered to himself. "I'll just think of it when the time comes. For now, I must create an improvement to this array."

Lucas brought his awareness back to his mind and then stopped cultivating. He then checked his time and noticed that it was almost dawn. He snickered realizing how much concentrated he was in his cultivation.

"It's nice to feel this kind of misperception of time," he muttered to himself.

When he was about to continue his experiment, he was taken aback by some symbols that appeared in the place where he was cultivating. He also remembered that he had forgotten to erase the center of the formation he had drawn earlier.

As he observed the symbols, he noticed that some of them matched the process he wanted to put into the formation. And after a more comprehensive observation, he smiled.

"My cultivation improved the symbols?" he uttered in disbelief.

"I guess luck was part of the perks."

There were improvements that appeared in his array formation. With it, he continued improving it and finally, after a few weeks, realized what he really needed the most.

"I must have that ingredient. With it, this experiment will be completed, " he mumbled.

After thinking about it and debating with himself that he should at least not use that ingredient since there would still be a way, he decided that he'd get it after all. He required the blood of a magical beast that lived on a famous mountain. Because its blood holds some benefits in creating an array, it will bring great effects on his array.

"The array finally works. However, what I only needed to improve was the speed of gathering mana. The merging point of the array already had the proper speed. It only takes seconds to fully merge them with the array. However, because of the scarcity of mana, I must improve something in that part."

There were some studies that he read that said some places with less spiritual energy needed that blood to improve the speed of its gathering. Not only does it widen the range of the array of where it will take the energy, but it also benefits the cultivator.

But the only problem Lucas had was that it would create a fuss over land. Not only will he trespass on land to get some of it, but he will also fight with potential enemies that might be guarding that magical beast.

That is why he doesn't want to end up with that last option. But since it was now irreversible, he at least needed to try.

"Okay… I'll just need to leave a note to the Sect Master."

Lucas left the personal field and went straight to the Sect Master's pavilion.

He passed through the different pavilions, gathering unnecessary attention. There were sect elders that looked at him with admiration. Not only did they know Lucas was strong, but he was also a direct disciple of the sect master by looking at his unique robe.

The robe he wears is a beige robe with royal blue and crimson red linings at every end. With this, not only did it give them knowledge that Lucas was a direct disciple, the robe also had a profound energy from an array printed on it.

Lucas finally arrived at Wilford's pavilion. He was greeted by the guards there and was led a way to enter the pavilion.

"Sect Master." Lucas clapsed his hands and lowered his head slightly.

Wilford Wilford stopped what he was doing and faced Lucas with pondering eyes.

"Senior Lucas, what's the purpose of your visit?" he asked.

"Well, I am here to ask if I could leave the premises for a short time. I will be gathering some ingredients for the array that I was making."

Wilford raised his eyebrows at that notion and asked, "Ingredient in an array formation? By that, do you mean the Sacred Blood of Taulo?"

Lucas nodded. "Yes. I almost reached the end of my research, and only lacks the range and speed of gathering a unique form of energy.. That is why, to finish my formation, I wil be needing it."

Chapter 84 - Leaving For A Mission [1]

"Can I listen to your reason one more time? But this time, make it more descriptive. Don't be too vague, Senior Lucas." Wilford asked.

Lucas nodded and started explaining the theory he had and how it was proven in a mere accident. Also, starting with the unique cultivation, he then further explained the unique Qi he wanted to gather using the array.

Of course, he considered the fact that it could not be easily replicated and that a standard or average cultivation technique would be useless on that array. Thus, Lucas explained why he created a unique cultivation method.

Wilford was surprised and amused at how practical Lucas was. Even with the small details, he didn't notice, Lucas pointed them out.

And thus, as Lucas ended the explanation, Wilford was left with deep thinking and pondering the systematic approach Lucas wanted.

"It is indeed a difficult process and requires precise observation." Wilford commented, then continued, "However, what I am worried about is how it can affect the environment. Arrays like these are sometimes dangerous the more complex they get."

Lucas took the notion into consideration and gave Wilford an assurance that things wouldn't slide down. As he drew a slight imitation of the array he created, Wilford was left with nothing, not even words.

"You see, Sect Master. Due to my unique cultivation, I can locate the exact place where the energy I want is. Also, not just because it is like spiritual energy, it is not harmful if it is not condensed, unlike other unique Qi like Flame Qi, Water Qi, and the rest."

Wilford was left to ponder and smile after thinking about it.

"I'll permit the leave, Senior Lucas. You can leave the sect on a mission to finish your research. However, you won't be carrying the name of the sect as it is a dangerous task you asked for." Wilford said.

Then, he continued. "I am not worried about how you will get it. But, please don't cause too much commotion in other lands. It is quite near the Center of the continent, where the First family lives. So, please bear with the actions."

"I understand. The first family of the five great families was the Xiao family. I won't be meeting with them, so don't bother with thinking about it, Sect Master." Roger assured.

Wilford nodded and took Lucas's words into consideration, becoming relieved at how he was thinking of the sect.

'Even he'll just be here temporarily, I am thankful that he won't be going on our way to help the Master ascend to immortal heaven.'


In his living quarters, Lucas was preparing his gear and the stuff he needed for the journey. Even though it wouldn't take too long, he was still thinking of it as a regardful mission he needed to finish without creating a mess.

As he had already finished preparing, he put everything inside his storage space and eventually left the room.

However, he wasn't in a hurry, which made him think of walking down every court before leaving the sect. He didn't have the chance to check on every court since he wasn't interested in any of them.

But now that he thinks of it, it won't hurt to see refreshing places, right?

Lucas then went to the inner court of the sect. He looked at every pavilion and other buildings, and as the sun was starting to rise, he smiled, remembering a memory from his previous world.

He had a familiar called Draku, a Fire Dragon, which he saw as a son, even with how old it was. Despite the fact that he was old, his personality was too naive and young that he couldn't even manage to think cunningly.

While it is common for dragons to think cunningly and not be scammed by other species, Draku was different. He was a bit immature, and thus, being worried about him, Lucas took care of him.

Even now that he is in a different world, he can't forget him. But he was still relieved that before he left his previous, Draku already had his family.

That was his plan before leaving his previous world, and even though he was tired of repetitive life, he wanted his familiars to have a better life. He even left them secretly as he looked for the legendary sword.

However, in the end, he was still discovered and even pitied them for leaving. But it was his life, and he had enough of it.

To be accurate, his familiars weren't even his. Those were the children of his previous familiars that left before him. Even the famous long longevity of dragons became a joke to him after attaining immortality.

"This is another world, and different life; they had theirs so I don't have to worry about it." He mumbled to himself as he walk down the stairs to the outer court of the sect.

But before he could leave the inner court, someone called out his name.

"Lucas Wei!"

Lucas instinctively looked for the person who called out his name. And as he saw a familiar face, he smiled.

"Mischelle Cai, how are you? And how can you still remember me?" he asked as Mischelle approached him.

"Ah… how can I forget you when you were the most genius array master I've known."

Lucas scoffed and uttered, "How can I become an array master already? I am still a disciple." Then pointed to his robe.

"You're right. But still, you had the ability to overtake your batch." Mischelle teasingly commented.

"Overtake? You might be right about that part. And from the looks of it…" Lucas eyes Mischelles's robe and comments, "You are now an inner court disciple. Congrats."

"Ah… Thank you. And how about you? It looked like you hit a jackpot after the sect elders eyed you."

"Yes, I think I have become a direct disciple of the sect master," Lucas said, dumbfounding Mischelle and exclaiming in shock.

"Really?! You did great! Well deserved since you've got plenty of talents to become an array master. But, why are you here anyway? It looked like you were going to the outer court." Mischelle asked.

"Right, I was about to leave the sect for a mission. I think I will be leaving for a while since it was a difficult mission."

Mischelle was piqued by it, and as she took it into her curiosity, she asked.

"Can I ask what your mission is? I've never had a mission before, even though it has been three months since we became disciples."

Lucas snickered as he answered her question. "I'm sorry, I can't. It's a bit confidential."

Mischelle sighed. "I see. It can't be helped. But anyway, good luck with your mission."

"Yep! Thanks." Then Lucas continued walking down to the outer court and eventually left the sect.

Meanwhile, as he left the sect, someone was eyeing him, following him with its eyes. It was another Wei of the sect.

'He is quite lucky in this sect. But it still bothers me. How could I not know him if he is from the Wei family? Did they hide a branch without the heirs knowing?' he pondered.

And as Lucas left the sect, he started flying, seeing the settlements just below him.

The wind brushed his hair as he ventured into the skies, noticing the beautiful and free scenery that the world could offer.

Without bothering about anything more, Lucas started following the map in his head that he had memorized since his studies.

As he started moving in midair, he followed the map in his memory, but before he could even reach halfway to his destination, he felt something strange. Strange in a way that it was familiar in a way that was supposed to be not present in this world.

Lucas pondered as he stopped and searched for it. He raised his senses and searched for the source of the feeling he had. However, when he recollected his memories, he then realized what it was.

"Why is he here? Did he use the legendary sword as well and end up following me? That stubborn."

Lucas took a halt to his venture and went to the source of the familiar energy.

He stood up in the air, then a zooming sound resounded as he dashed in midair to the location of the energy. And as Lucas felt uncontrollable annoyance, he gritted his teeth.

'That kid. Why did Lukros come here?! I insisted they live their lives. He is still just 500 years old and he just ended it in his own biome?!'

As irritated as he was, Lucas couldn't help but curse him inwardly. Then, after a few minutes, approximately ten minutes, he stopped and looked below him.

There were only buildings, and it felt like a ghost town. Lucas felt something about it. Doubts and speculation about what could possibly happen surfaced in his mind.

'He absorbed them? But why? Is this a sect? Or a city of cultivators? Criminals? I know that he only absrobs people's souls and bodies if they are tainted. That's how I raised him.'

Then, Lucas descended as he inspected the area around him. He landed at a market and saw a human figure playing with a huge floating red sphere, as if blood in crimson.

He tilted his head in frustration and walked to the human figure.

"Lukros. What are you doing?" Lucas said.

The human figure, at the other end, paused what he was doing and shifted his head, facing what was on his back.

"M-Master?" he asked in disbelief as he saw a familiar face.

"Lukros, what are you doing here?" Lucas asked, seemingly uninterested in a possible answer.


Immediately, Lukros stopped what he was doing and ran quickly to Lucas's side, but before he could reach him, Lucas cast a protective spell, a barrier, creating a transparent force dome around him.

"Care to explain why the city is too quiet? Did you absorb all of them?"

Chapter 85 - [Bonus ] Leaving For A Mission [2]


Lukros was blocked as he tried to embrace Lucas. However, before he could, Lucas had already taken the action of stopping him.

Lucas is strict towards his familiars. Even in this world, he is obliged to be strict with them since they bring unbalance if they cause much trouble in the environment.

However, thinking about the different power standards people have in this world, should he still act in this way?

"Let me ask you a question. What did you do here? Why isn't there one person here?" Lucas asked.

Lukros pouted and crossed his arms.

"I just did my job as a Soul Dragon. I collected tainted souls. That's what I did."

Lukros didn't reply for a brief moment and pondered how he should assess it. He looked at Lukros's clueless eyes and diverted them as he ponder once more.

"You didn't kill an innocent person this time? They were all tainted, right?" Lucas asked again.

"Yes, Master. Why would I absorb those who are innocent." He said, but as he uttered the words, he remembered something. "I even discovered something! The amount of energy I had raised means I don't have to think about conserving my mana. This world is strange, though."

Lucas snickered, then smiled after it. He said, "That's right, this world is strange, and from what you mentioned, I think I know what happened."

Lucas removed the barrier and walked slowly towards Lukros, who was silent after answering him.

"Welcome to this strange world of cultivation Lukros," Lucas said while he smiled.

"Master!" Lukros pounced on him with an embrace and a delighted expression on his face.

Lucas could only chuckle while looking at Lukros's expression.

"Hey… Calm down for a moment. You look very elated." Lucas uttered as he accepted Lukros's warmful embrace. Lukros could only smile widely as he felt Lucas's youthful embrace.

"Master, why do you look younger? Did something happen?" Lukros asked.

Lucas could only scratch his nape as he explains things to Lukros. And Lukros was intently listening to him, not missing a word of his explanation.

"That legendary sword might have activated some of your abilities. You didn't know, even you Master was confused by your complex core structure."

Lucas nodded as Lukros reasoned some of his speculations. It was true that Lucas was also confused about himself as cores can't handle much pressure, which means, every core has limitations when absorbing a passive ability or even just an ability.

When this topic was raised, when they disconnected from their embrace, Lucas started enlighting the topic.

"This world is quite weird, to be said. Or maybe it's just us who are weird. However, as I lived longer here, I noticed that this world was affecting my soul, and even the unexplainable three energy pools I have."

"Let's just talk about this later. How come a reunion like this would be just a talk about my core." Lucas uttered as he pats Lukros's head.

Of course, Lucas was not that overjoyed. Because he was responsible for Lukros, he was aware that he had some personality issues and that his naivety was exceptional.

Lucas could only wonder how long Lukros had arrived here, but when he noticed that there was cultivation established on Lukros, his eyebrows met.

"Lukros, how long have you been here?" he asked.

"Uhm… maybe 4 months? I am not sure, but I think I arrived in this world 4 months ago." Lukros answered.

And as Lucas was getting near to his worry, he raised a question.

"Alchemy, you didn't tell anyone about the alchemy circle, right? This world has a different set of rules for alchemy, so I am worried if you ever told anyone about it."

Lukros was just silent, and that was what worried Lucas, as his face was starting to be painted with reluctance.

"Don't tell me…"

"Huh? There were some elders that asked about it, Master. They knew you, so I didn't bother thinking about it. I was just amazed that you've made friends in the afterlife, unlike in our world where you were busy searching for the legendary sword."

As soon as he heard it, Lucas slapped his palm on his forehead. His worries started to emerge as he also cursed Lukros's stupidity. How could this happen? Sometimes, Lukros is like a normal person, but in fact, when socializing, he can't keep any secrets.

"Lukros, what you have just done was stupid. I don't have any friends like what you said, and 4 months ago, I wasn't even that much socializing with the people in this world."

Lukros's face was painted with worry, and as he observed Lucas, his index finger touched his lips.

"Master, was that really bad? I really didn't think that they were not your friends. And you told me right not to be a liar when in front of you and your friends?"

Lucas sighed. "Lukros, forget about it, you know. Let's just forget about it."

Lucas's frustration rose once again, and as he gazed at Lukros, he felt three presences nearby that seemed too wary of them. Lucas looked at his surroundings using the abilities of his eye to see through. It was radiant in yellow colors and it was noticed by Lukros.

Lukros pondered, then inspected the surroundings as well. And as he realized it, he flinched.

"Master, those three elders are here!" Lukros announced.

Lucas took a pause and nodded. "It seems like they've been following you. Let's just don't mind them. I am on my way to get some ingredients. It's important now that you're with me."

'After all, Lukros is impulsive without me. It's better to be safe before he kills everyone who he sees as tainted.'

It also made Lucas worried. How could Lukros see plenty of tainted souls? After all, tainted souls' requirements are that in their whole lifetime, they've been drenched in blood and wars. And as Lucas thinks of it, were cultivators used in wars?

Well, they do kill anyone who seems to be their enemies. Unlike in his previous world, the government was dominant even in organizations, making modern authorities hold the grounds of the people before they could commit a crime.

That was just the era where Lukros was born, and after that, Lucas didn't know anything since Lukros was the first soul dragon he groomed.

"Let's go. Follow me."

Lucas started flying, followed by Lukros, who also just didn't mind the three elders just like what Lucas said. And as they left the ghost town-like place, the three elders showed themselves. They were all wearing the same style of robes, tattered and light grey, that reached their knees.

"Kukukuku, they didn't see us right?" Duha asked his siblings.

"That was his master, right? That Young Master-looking bastard? Right? That's the weirdo's master?" Usa uttered.

Tulo just sighed on his stand as he observed things once more, he concluded.

"That was his master. However, we are not sure if they really didn't notice us." he said, then continued, "I feel something strange with his master. He does feel strangely like that weirdo who had weird alchemy abilities."

"Well, he did show us his alchemy abilities where he created a metal from dirt. That one was superb." Usa commented.

Duha couldn't help but nod in annoyance. "Indeed, however, I still don't like how he didn't meet us after what he just did. He used the energy he collected to give to us."

"So let's have a plan. Those two are dangerous for us, not just because they might point out where we are, but because their presence was annoying." Duha added.

On the other hand, Tulo was just silent. He couldn't say anything about Duha's comment as it was directly to the point. They wanted to ascend, but they couldn't supplement their deficiencies if those people existed.

"Then, before midnight, let's kill them." Tulo said.

As both of his siblings heard it, they leaped in joy.

"You said, it!"

Tulo just nodded at them in accordance with their expressions.


As Lucas and Lukros ventured the skies, Lucas was endlessly eyeing the three elders below. He just noticed that they were hiding using some technique to hide their presence, and as they revealed themselves when they left, he commented.

"What did you feel when they talked to you?" Lucas asked Lukros.

"Uhm… When I appeared in this world, they were inside of a cave, so, when I went there, I asked them about you. They said they knew you so they asked after it, what can I do for them to help me. So, since my talent is alchemy, I mentioned it to them."

Lucas sighed. "Then, you also said that you could use alchemy to gather energy?"

Lukros nodded.

"Why?" Lucas asked.

"It's because I felt their presence was somewhat lacking. And since they said that they are your friends, I let them know that I could help them by supplying them with the energy they lack." Lukros answered

"And after it, you showed them more what you can do?"

Lukros nodded, and as he relayed it, Lucas asked once more. "Did you feel any else? Like, did you see if their souls were tainted?"

Lukros shook his head in accordance with the question. "They didn't have tainted souls, so I believed that they were your friends."

Lucas was left in deep thoughts. 'Might be, they were keeping their souls untainted without killing anyone or they were hiding it with some unique technique. I've noticed that my magic can affect this world, so it does theoretically means that their technique can affect our abilities as well.'

"Okay, let's just observe them. If they try to do anything not so funny, let's kill them. Just stay by my side." Lucas said and then came up with a thought. 'After all, you are too naive without me.. Your soul is still unstable without me.'

Chapter 86 - [Bonus ] Leaving For A Mission [3]

As Lukros and Lucas were still flying at such a slow pace, Lucas asked Lukros to tell him what he had been doing for the last 4 months.

Lukros just looked at Lucas with pondering eyes and nodded afterward.

"But first, start with why you believe that you can follow me by killing yourself."

Lukros's eyebrows met as he pouted at Lucas. "Master, you are still mean. Didn't I tell you that I was nothing without you?" And as he said those words, his eyes and face started to be painted with sadness.

"My parents died after being killed by humans and demi-humans before I hatched out of my egg. And you said that you didn't get revenge on them because of the balance that happens in the world. Every creature can't live in harmony, and there will still be someone who'll reign in the food chain."

[A/N: In their previous world, demi-humans existed.]

Lucas didn't say anything and just lent his ear to Lukros sentiment. And his story goes on. He started it again from where he followed Lucas.

"There were some of my siblings that wanted to follow you, but they also wanted to obey your words. However, I was the first one to use the legendary sword after you, thinking that I might be in a different 'afterlife' if I die normally."

Lucas just silently snickered after those words. He still can't believe that Lukros was really stupid without him, and even though he was worried about leaving them, he was fixed on his decision since it was not his responsibility anymore. They all had lived with him for almost eternity, and making them join the world was also his wish before dying.

"So, when I died, everything happened with the elders. And, when I started venturing this strange 'afterlife' after absorbing some tainted souls, I realized that this might be just another world."

"They have different energies, and unintentionally, those energies blended with my mana as I tried to absorb them. My core also started changing as the quantity rose and the quality decreased. But I wasn't saddened by it. I am actually happier since I feel like I can be an equal to you, Master." Lukros continued.

Lucas scoffed and said, "You wish. I am still your master."

And as he uttered those words, a worry emerged as he recalled Lukros's words.

'The other children might have decided to follow me as well. But I can't feel their presence… The master-servant relationship pact, I can't feel it.'

Pondering about it, a reason might have affected it. This world affects them, not just the powers of the living creatures, but also the world itself.

"And so, I continued going through different places and continued absorbing tainted souls…"

Lukros was continuing his story, but as Lucas started feeling off with the surroundings, he ordered him to stop.

They both stopped above a terrain with an irregular land formation, and as they stopped, Lucas announced that he felt a presence.

"Lukros, can you feel this energy? It's quite bothersome, but I think I've read this before."

Lukros just pondered as he gazed at Lucas's face. He noticed that Lucas was being wary and overly cautious about his surroundings.

"What is it, Master? I can't understand, but I think I feel something strange with the terrain." Lukros uttered.

Lucas nodded and gazed down at the terrain below them. He pointed in one direction. However, for Lukros, it was just an average land formation with green plants covering it.

The land below them could be considered a mountain in size, but, as compared to its height, it was just the range of a hill.

"I think this is called "Array Disfunction." Look at the land. I think it is supposed to be the material of activation, and it was distorted for that reason." Lucas commented, making Lukros confused.

"I can't follow you, Master. What do you mean by that?"

"It is hard to explain to you since you don't know, but I will just visit it and stay here," Lucas ordered, then, following Lukros's nod, Lucas descended.

As Lucas descended, he noticed that there were at least 30 people on the ground doing something in a worried manner. And, as he took it into his curiosity, he approached them and asked.

"What's the matter here?"

The group looked at him in wary as Lucas assured them with a gesture that he does not imply any threats, they answered him.

"Senior Expert, we created an array around the hill. However, we did fail on some of the procedures, dysfunctioning and causing distortion over the land." They answered.

Then, Lucas followed them with his words, "Get lost. This land might explode from the excess usage of spirit jewels. How much did you use?"

"Perhaps over 1 million spirit jewels."

Lucas's eyes widened at how absurd the amount was, but because of the time, he couldn't afford to ask them.

"I will take over the land. Just leave before it explodes."

They were all painted with worried faces when Lucas said it, but seeing how serious he was, they couldn't afford to ignore it.

"But Senior, what are you going to do with it? Are you an array master?" they asked.

Lucas shook his head. "I am not, but I am a direct disciple of the Sect Master of the Profound Symbol Sect."

They gasped at the revelation. "T-The famous specialized array sect in the southern region? You mean you're a direct disciple of the sect's master?" They bombarded him with disbelief.

Lucas nodded. "Yes, I am. So, as your senior, by how you address me, I ask you to leave this place before it goes out of your hands."

They looked into each other's eyes and nodded.

They all bowed in unison, making Lucas flinch.

"We, the disciples of the Brilliant Sign Sect, obey this senior." And as they pronounced those words, they all left the scene to Lucas.

They dashed at each tree trunk and crossed a river. Since they all know how dangerous it is, knowing that Lucas claims to be a disciple of a Profound Sect, moreover, of the sect master of the said sect, they were relieved.

Lucas demonstrated his point not only through his discipleship but also through his keen observation, which shocked everyone when he pointed out the problem with the array they created.

And when everyone had already left the scene, Lucas started fixing the array.

'This one is just easy. They all had forgotten that they were not blended and were not moving in unison. They all have different talents in Qi circulation. As it needs a tremendous amount of manpower to control the energies, they used this method.

However, just for what reason did they use this mountain as a material for the array?'

And as Lucas inspected the formation on the huge array, he pondered.

"They were using it as a pillar for a huge protective array? A grand formation? Just what kind of huge place are they trying to cover."

He noticed a nearby location as he began flying to inspect things from the skies.

"Isn't that the place where Taulo is hidden? I didn't notice that I was near that location. Perhaps Lukros's talks made me unaware of our location."

Lucas cut off his thinking and started continuing the array formation. At first, he located the location of the spirit jewels, and as he eyed them, he used his cultivation to pull the energy, and as he gathered them, he spread it all over the array formation and fixed the symbols on it.

'I didn't practice making an array as a pillar for another array, but I know how one is built.'

Of course, what Lucas knew was from the books only and hadn't been applied practically to his skills, but as profound as the symbols on the array already are, he had some guides of where to finish the array.

And, after some profound touching with the symbols in midair, Lucas began activating it with the remainder of the energy spread across the entire array.

The whole terrain was lit in green radiant lights and, as the formation of the array was revealed, all the 30 people looked in awe.

"He fixed it!" They all proclaimed it as Lucas started finishing the array. After a few minutes, the light disappeared and the terrain started forming into a regular one, which is the normal shape of a hill.

Then, afterwards, Lucas descended and was greeted by the same group of people.

"Thank you very much, Senior Expert! You are not just a generous senior, but also a genius one to look up." They all said to Lucas.

Lucas just smiled at them as he spoke, expressing what had been lingering in his mind.

"The array, it was for the Taulo, right? The one with Sacred Blood." Lucas said.

They all nodded at him as he continued his words.

"You said you are from the Brilliant Sign Sect. Does that also mean that you are all disciples specializing in array formation?" he asked.

And as they answered in accordance with Lucas's questions, they nodded.

"We were tasked with finishing a pillar at this location. But, if you are asking why we were tasked, we can't answer it. We are just an average sect in the eastern region." A representative said.

"I see… It's all enough. I will be leaving now, so take care." Lucas pronounced but before he could leave, they asked.

"How can we show you our gratitude, Senior Expert?"

Lucas smiled. "Just act normally and don't be hostile to anyone. That will be okay."

In fact, Lucas is at a loss for words; he simply cares less about them and is certain that no one can satisfy his desires at this point.. Thus, he just left them with words that may have made them see him as a mysterious person.

Chapter 87 - Encounter [1]

"Master, where are we going now?" Lukros asked as he looked behind their track.

The three elders were still following them, but neither of them was making it obvious that they had already noticed them.

"They're still following us? What persistent fools." Lucas remarked as he saw Lukros's annoyed expression.

"Yes, Master. They are indeed persistent. Should we kill them already? If it bothers you, I will kill them."

Lucas just scoffed at Lukros's remarks, as if he was a fool to make a word of them. Lucas shrugged his shoulders as he initiated their continuing venture.

"Forget about them. We don't need unnecessary combat. Based on their appearance, I believe they are formidable foes, so drawing attention to ourselves is unnecessary. After all, we are near the Center Region, where the first family of the five great families is."

Lukros raised his eyebrows. "First family? Were they strong then, Master?" Lukros asked.

"I can't say that I can easily kill them, but compared to my unlocked abilities and the energy I presently have, there will be a fight. And also, remember that I don't underestimate my enemies; I am just cautious of my surroundings." Lucas commented.

Lukros just nodded at that notion, and as they reached their destination, Lucas suggested.

"Have you eaten a cuisine in this world? Let's eat some."

"I haven't, but I am open to suggestions, Master. I will eat."

As they landed, he activated an invisibility spell and removed it when they were away from the public.

Lukros willingly followed him as they blended with the population of the city.

The city was full of people, and as they moved on their own agendas, Lucas and Lukros did as well.

"Let's stay at an inn." Lucas pointed to an inn just near them.

Lucas led Lukros and entered an inn. Even if they didn't need it, it served as their diversion to make the elders leave them.

However, no matter how many diversions they make, they will still follow them.


"Have you seen that? That weirdo's master was an array master." Duha commented as both of his siblings nodded.

They all followed Lucas and Lukros. Even with their superior stealth abilities, they weren't complacent and observed them from afar. And with that observation, they discovered that Lucas knew about arrays.

"Those profound ways of fixing the characters, it seems like he really was an array master," Usa said.

"Yeah, but it doesn't mean that even if he was just an array master, he is still weak. After all, array masters have good Qi circulation. He must have been hiding something in his sleeve."

"Don't make enemies in the air, Tulo. He might be just an average young master who has a small talent in one field."

Tulo scoffed and uttered, "Don't be ridiculous, Duha. You are the one who is the most complacent among us, and the most careless. Do you think I will listen to you?"

Usa became aware that there was tension between them, and as Duha was about to answer, Usa cut them off.

"Easy, take a breath. We are not each other's enemies, so let's just continue observing them. They entered an inn." Usa said.

Duha and Tulo just glared at each other as they eyed Lucas and Lukros once again.

"Be careful, he is an array master, so traps are just an easy feat for him." Tulo said while on their way.


"Master, where are we going? It seems like this trip you are on is so important that you don't want to bother those annoying eyes of the elders." Lukros uttered while resting inside of their inn room.

"Did you see what I did earlier? Those profound symbols and lights that were drawn on the irregular terrain?" Lucas asked.

Lukros nodded. "I saw it. What about it, Master? Wasn't that just a magic circle in this world's form?"

Lucas sighed as he noticed that Lukros was a bit ignorant of the fact that magic doesn't exist in this world. The concept of magic might be similar to the world's standard but different in structure and process.

"If I may remind you, this world doesn't have magic. This world only had cultivation and, through it, they learned martial arts and also mystical arts that you could say were magic. But different in some aspects."

"However, what you saw earlier was an array. Array formations are formations that can have an effect and produce one. That also said, could be equivalent to magic circles to perform a spell."

"And that's why I am traveling. I am looking for an ingredient that could help with my research about an array that can gather mana and merge it into an equivalent form of energy to the new form of energy you had, and I as well."

At that long explanation, Lukros just nodded simultaneously. And just as they noticed that the sky was turning orange, Lucas asked Lukros.

"Are you still changing when it's night?"

Lukros nodded. "For some reason, not that I am ultimately limited in this world, I can't bring myself back to human form. I don't know, as I get more energy, it gets harder to maintain human form at night, I eventually come back to dragon form."

Lucas sighed and stood up.

"Let's go. Before you turn back to dragon form, let's kill those elders."

Lukros's eyes widened. "You mean, now? Why now, Master?"

There were thoughts that had been running inside Lucas's mind. And as he thinks of the future more often, he couldn't let those things hinder his way of creating a sect solely for mages in this world of cultivation and martial arts.

"It's because they might be an obstacle to me. You see, I want to create a guild of mages in this world and gather talents as well. For some reason, I feel like the time in this world is a bit slower and would bring me more enjoyment."

Lukros just paused at Lucas's eyes and smiled afterward. He nodded, then stood up.

"Shall I make a trap?" Lukros suggested.

Lucas just shook his head. "I don't want to set a trap. I want to fight them. After all, I have never experienced a real fight in this world. Let's just keep vigilant before alarming them that we know that they were observing us."

Lukros nodded as Lucas led the way out of the inn and into the nearby forest. As the dense forests full of woods came along with the wet leaves from the gust of the wind, Lucas's senses tingled. He smiled and looked in one direction.

They are now away from the city, and as wanted, no one will be affected by the fight and no blood will splatter from innocent people.

"Get out now. We've already noticed you since the beginning, so it will be useless to hide stupidly." Lucas suddenly said, as he still kept his eyes in the same direction.

And just like that, slowly, three figures appeared, with the giggling sounds of their laughter resounding.

"Kukukuku… You have a good sense as an array master. Were you that weirdo's master?" Duha uttered as he played with his tone and walked out of a tree.

Lucas just smirked and stared at one of the three who also had the same outfit and face as Duha. Although he didn't know them, he felt that the three of them had some significant affiliation with the cultivation world.

"Let's be over with this. That servant of yours did some playing with us. We didn't want to kill him, but he just cut our patience, and we hate those who don't keep their promise." Usa said.

Lucas just nodded teasingly and laid his eyes on the last one, Tulo.

"You are a problem for us. And not just because you seem to know us, you are also annoying in our eyes."

Lucas scoffed and uttered after them. "Did I just make an enemy out of nowhere? What a surprising turn of events, but I am not worried."

As Lucas bluntly slayed their words, Lucas's hand lit in profound azure colors. And in the next seconds, three balls of light of the same color appeared, floating around him.

"These three are enough." Then it disappeared in an instant.

In a slowmotion perspective, the three siblings widened their eyes because of the unexpected turn of events. They just didn't expect that Lucas would know something so rare that it serves as a legend for other cultivators.

Instead of running away from it, they just put some Qi throughout their whole bodies and used the same movement technique as each other, successfully dodging it.

In real time, they all gasped and looked at Lucas with disbelief. Lucas smirked, noting that the three of them had just dodged his attack. And as Lucas doesn't underestimate his enemies, he raises the difficulty of the attack he next makes.

[Ball of Death]

The three balls of light became six and turned nine. The three could just widen their eyes in surprise, but not giving up, they used a martial technique to destroy the attack before it could damage them.

[Manifesting: Windfury Palm]

A huge palm of azure blue light just destroyed the trees in the surroundings as they made a formation technique, using their group to create a strong attack. And as the wind around the huge palm passed through Lucas, who just moved to the side, every tree it passed through was only left with damaged roots.

In making another attack, Duha drew his swords and used a martial technique to injure Lucas. But just as before he could try to attack Lucas, Lukros appeared before him.

"You might have forgotten me," then a smile came after it.

Chapter 88 - Encounter [2]

[A/N: This chapter won't be about the action. It is more about perspective and development.]

Tulo and Usa moved to create a d istance from Lucas. As they also dodged the next nine attacks, they followed their breath and used the time to plan.

'Is this an array? Or did he just know how to use a mystical art that was profound? How can he be that fast if he's just an array master?!'

Lucas smirked as he noticed that the other two had their faces painted with worries.

"What? Were you here for a fight or just here to die? I mean, both are good, but the latter was the best." Then Lucas created another magic spell.

A flame emerged from nowhere, blazing and fierce, then rushed to the two. And as it passed through the grass, it stuck to them, also resulting in the fire spreading.

It was too late for them to try to avoid the fire. It was scorching, enough to slow their movements.

What they just did to survive was to create a strong force of protection. As a result, a small protective array appeared, protecting them from the flames.

The fire was extinguished as Lucas noticed the fire spreading. Then, in his conclusion, it was as if the three elders weren't even trying their best.

Lucas wasn't underestimating them, but to put up a fight, he wanted to measure the strength of his attacks. That's why in the first attack, only light balls appeared. But with this one, it seems like he still needs provocation.

"Was this all you got?" Lucas asked.

It hit both of them while the other one was concentrating on Lukros. Lucas's eyes visited them, and a smile curled up on his lips when he saw that Lukros was the one who was putting the fight on his palm.

And as Lucas felt complacent, he returned his eyes to the two.

"How about introducing ourselves first? I am Lucas White. How about you two elders?"

'His name even puts some pressure on just pronouncing it.' Tulo thought.

Meanwhile, Usa looked at Tulo with worried eyes. He then exhaled and nodded at him as if signalling something. However, Tulo just shook his head.

"We need to conserve our energy. They ended up being problems, so let's take it slowly," he whispered to Usa.

Usa just sighed and then followed Tulo's lead.

"I am Tulo. I don't have any titles and I would like to ask for forgiveness. What we did was disrespectful, but we are just expressing our sentiments. We only had your servant's grudge against us, so we will forget about you." Tulo said.

Lucas smirked at how Tulo could still remain confident. His confidence must have some source and a reason behind it, and as Lucas knew that he needed to be wary since everything he saw could be useful, he sighed and soothed down.

"How about you?" Lucas asked, pertaining to Usa.

"I am Usa, just like my brother said, we don't have any affiliation or title."

Lucas sighed and put on a show, starting with nodding at them.

"I understand. However, what you had just said about him," then he pointed at Lukros. "he is not my servant. Instead, he is my child, a familiar."

They both had confused faces, but they weren't making it obvious as they held pride over their knowledge. And just like that, they both nodded.

"Let's just forget about this. We won't hinder your plans, but remember that we will come back for revenge."

Hearing those words, Lucas laughed out loud, which made the two of them bothered and uncomfortable as they were also insulted by it.

"L-Look, we are being benevolent here. You are obviously weaker than us, but we do not seek to kill those who have a place in this heaven. We are thriving to ascend, not leave this Heaven in a mess."

Lucas then laughed at how ridiculous they sounded. However, he wasn't truly delighted nor enjoying the words they said. He was provoking them to put up a fight.

"You are all weak. How can you remain confident even with that miniscule strength you have?"

They already lost their patience as the next seconds passed. They disappeared from their position, appearing next to Lucas with their swords pointing at him.

As he smirked in his perpective of the scene, things were slow for him. It was because of his reflexes that made him feel as if time had slowed.

However, even with how fast he was, it wasn't his specialty, making them hit him without failing.

[Rapid Swordstyle Form 1]

Small smokes covered Lucas's figure as tension was created. Creating a barrier around him, he moved backward to ensure he won't get hit easily.

Lucas was still taken aback. His eyes were still wide as he couldn't believe that there was someone who could defaet his speed. Back in his previous world, no one could defeat him with speed, even with his core partially sealed.

His eyes just glanced at them as, in the next second, they both attacked in unison form.

Swords were like shooting stars, meteorites falling from the sky, hitting him with tremebdous strength.

'This is fun.' Lucas thought as he used a martial technique from his memory.

Even without practicing it, he knew for sure that he could execute this martial technique even without the cultivation required for it.

[Stallion of Tommorow Sword Dance Form 1]

Lucas moved like a rampaging horse, but his hands were in the form of a sword with a little energy from his system.

"He materialized a sword with Qi." It wasn't that special to others, or it could not be called "sword Qi" as it was only formed using the martial technique. Even so, Lucas was able to rampage his way through the city.

At that moment, Lucas moved like a horse, giving the both of them a tremendous impact between their swords. And as Lucas couldn't activate a spell in a short distance because, well, they were fast, he was left with the last option of fighting them in close-combat.

Lucas smirked in the next second when he noticed the worried faces of the two. And as he still has something that hinders him, the Formless Art that he learned, Lucas couldn't use the full power of the martial techniques he learned from the Heavenly Demon Sect.

'I should give that Origin Martial Technique a shot. It might have some use in this fight.'

At first, Lucas was as if he was just throwing random cards, but he wasn't threatened, as, at the same time, he was enjoying the thrill that the two of them were sending.

Lucas used the first form of the technique, but as he didn't really practice it physically, he copied what the technique said for him to do in the fight.

'Prepare for impact.'

Usa and Tulo widened their eyes as they noticed Lucas's movements changed. They still couldn't get over the fact that Lucas knew a martial technique, but also the fact that he could diversely change his techniques.

'How could this be possible? Learning a martial technique is a form, means injecting it into the system and making the body used to its movements. But for him, how can he change it drastically?!' Usa panicked.

Lucas's movements were bizarre. He was getting hit, but there were no wounds forming. Lucas was also not using a protective spell, so he was also wondering how he could be safe from those attacks.

On the other hand, the attacks he was making were making them have a hard time. They couldn't predict where Lucas was going to attack, and there was as if an after effect to his movements, dizzing them off.

Tulo focused his eyes on Lucas as he concentrated more on his attacks. He also planned another attack in every fraction of a second.

As their auras pressed against the nearby living things, they unleashed a barrage of attacks on their adversaries.

Lucas was still using the Formless Art. There was no specific form of a movement, just randomness, but they were still having a hard time.

And as Lucas thought about it, he realized why the technique had previously made him look like a fool.

'Phew! I already hid this technique in some parts of my dantian, but even still, it affected the martial techniques I knew. So it could mean that this technique is a supplement for the mind that unconsciously spreads spiritual energy throughout the whole body. Hence, the reason why the practitioner must be talentless in any martial art was so it could successfully spread throughout the body.'

'This martial technique moves on its own even without the practitioner knowing it. The final component of mastering the martial technique was a strong mind. But not all could have it; it is difficult.'

Lucas continued accepting attacks, in return, he replies with attacks. And as the fight was as if only a rampaging river, Lucas raised the difficulty of his attacks.

Lucas started merging the martial techniques he knew with the Formless Art.

'Felicity was wrong. This Origin Martial Technique wasn't normal and was a misleading one. This martial technique is a body-refining technique. It was just as if the attacks were real, but the reason was that the body was just too strong.'

And thinking of it, if he could merge the martial techniques, he could have both.

'Not just the Tranquil Mind plays a great role in this discovery. It could also mean that I could have a unique martial technique.'

Then, in the next few attacks, Lucas moves differently.

Chapter 89 - Stallion Of Formless Art

New things happen while in a fight. Also, new things will be discovered during a fight. And thus, with that simple mindset, Lucas discovered a new thing to add to his endless list of attacks to return to his enemies.

[Stallion of Formless Art Form 1]

Lucas doesn't really focus on one specialty when it comes to attacking, but according to his note, since he didn't know any martial arts, he wanted to at least focus on learning what cultivators practice.

'Am I now a cultivator who practices martial arts?' Lucas asked himself as he pushed the two of them backward with the attacks he had sent at them.

'I believed, no, we believed that he was just an array master. But how can he create such powerful attacks?!' Usa thought as he was pushed back by Lucas's attacks.

Even with how colorless the attacks were, it felt like every movement of the materialized sword in his martial technique was a kick from a horse.

With each swing of his sword, Lucas was bringing boulders with him. And they helplessly accepted Lucas's attacks; they still couldn't believe that they'd just underestimated an enemy.

"This won't be enough. Unleash your cultivation, Usa." Utlo commanded as he felt irritated that they were being pushed back with just a mere change in his movements.

For Lucas, he was like a master at fighting, but for him, he was like a sharp horn in a rose that he couldn't remove. If things go unwell, they'll resort to escape.

Usa nodded as pressure exuded from his body, tormenting every leaf in the surrounding area. Dirt started floating in such a violent manner, like a tornado in fury.

"I am the Wind Blade," Usa said, and after him, Tulo followed.

"I am the Earth Blade. Lucas White, you are worthy of witnessing our power."

Lucas snickered at them as he lost his composure with the cringy lines they made. He just shook his head and then faced them fiercely, as they also gave the same vibe as him.

"I am Lucas, a Sage and an Immortal. Can you fight me?" Lucas couldn't help but laugh inwardly, and as the irritated faces of the two became more obvious, in the next seconds, they disappeared, appearing in midair with their swords radiating colors.

Tulo had a brown light covering his swords, while Usa had a grey light covering his swords. Their eyes lit up in respective colors as well. The pressure around them pushed each of the energies emanating from them.

Lucas witnessed how serious both of them were, and he literally believed that they were really regarded individuals in the cultivation world. Afterward, Lucas started floating with his eyes still darting at them.

He smirked in the next second, then created a sword from nowhere.

Both of them were surprised, but they didn't make it obvious as their expectation couldn't be less of him.

'After all, he wasn't an array master. He was somewhat more dangerous, and fighting him must have been a life or death situation. We've stepped on the wrong platform. We don't know if we can even try to calm him down or escape from him.' Tulo thought things were going beyond his expectations.

Tulo only wanted revenge for the expectation that had been wasted. And forgetting such a crucial personality, he was blinded with pride that kept him from leaving Lucas's presence. He truly wanted to kill him and his confidence was backing him.

It also ends with the rest of them. At first, Usa was confident, but that confidence turned into arrogance. He thought that they could just kill Lucas depending on the information they got from seeing him. And, believing that, aside from him and the special ones, there are no other strong cultivators in this heaven,

"Duha! Come here!"

Duha, on the ground, stopped attacking Lukros and defended himself as he flew to his two siblings' side.

"I am wrong my brothers! They seemed to be hidden experts, and that weirdo was just playing with us! We were fools to believe him."

Tulo sighed. "Move on, we were really played. Forget about it and release your cultivation."

Duha just nodded as a hideous smile came after for no reason.

'Tulo wanted to use our unique cultivations. That means that we are creating that crucial attack up our sleeves.' Duha thought.

As Duha listened to Tulo, Lukros went back to return to Lucas's side.

"Master, he was too strong. Even with my…"

Before he could continue, Lukros's body started to change into a huge size. They all saw it. The three siblings were shocked to see a unique magical beast was what Duha was fighting.

They all clicked their tongues. "Those bastards!"

The aura surrounding them started to get stronger. Their bodies were emanating such colors as Duha's light started to become red.

'I am Flame Blade.'

Lucas could only shake his head. "You've already turned back to your dragon form. Stay at the side, I'll be the one who'll finish this." Lucas said, then started chanting.

[Ultimate Protection]

A dome just appeared around Lukros's huge body, intending to protect him from future threats.

Lucas sighed and returned his gaze to the three siblings, who he saw going insane from the names they made up and called themselves. Lucas was not just used to containing himself when he was with someone who acted like they had grandiose delusions.

The three siblings just ignored Lucas's face and started performing their best attack. In a fight, they don't need to raise their strength; they need to use all of their strength and not underestimate their foes.

But that was what they forgot earlier, and now they regret their decision.

"You are worthy to witness this power, Lucas White. Even if we could have a good talk, you choose to become our enemy."

Lucas just pondered those words after hearing them from Duha. He raised his eyebrows and uttered, "Aren't you the ones who wanted revenge because you were treated like fools? It's not my fault though."

It might be because of their dedication that they resisted believing in one path. However, even if they regret it now, it is too late for the three siblings.


Lucas vanished and reappeared behind them, holding his sword that he created from creation magic in just a second. And in the next few seconds, the heads of the three siblings fell down along with their bodies.

Lucas just looked at their bodies falling down with disdain in their eyes.

"I don't like those who speak too much with pride."

[Stallion of Formless Art Forms 1-9 Combined]


From afar, there was someone who was spectating Lucas's fight and the three siblings. Because of the energy, the three siblings were making, those who knew them noticed it. And one of those who were familiar with the energy was the matriarch of the Xiao family, Yuna Xiao.

Her eyes widened as she witnessed how Lucas pushed Tulo and Usa back. Also, when they started getting serious in their fight, Yuna couldn't believe how familiar those attacks were. It was as if she was seeing the same individual back in her days.

That martial technique just came from a special person who was dear to her a thousand years ago.

"Stallion of Tomorrow…" Yuna uttered as the three siblings lost their heads in an instant.

Yuna was speechless and still in disbelief about how Lucas turned the tide to his side. He even forgot about the huge magical beast and just focused on Lucas.

"That martial technique was created by the founder of the Heavenly Demon Sect. And no such records showed that he had a successful heir to his martial techniques. Only the records were left and the books about it."

"Does that mean he was from the Heavenly Demon Sect? Who is he?" There were many questions that were rampaging in her head.

She sighed, then moved from her position.

"I won't get any answers if I don't ask him."

Yuna started flying, arriving near Lucas, and there in the skies, she looked at Lucas, who was still exuding a profound aura.

Lucas laid his eyes on her and asked, "Who are you? Are you with them?"

Yuna's eyes were filled with disdain as she stared at the bodies of the three siblings.

"I am Yuna Xiao, the matriarch of the Xiao family." Hearing that, Lucas's eyes widened. "And I commend you for the feat you have pulled off. Whom you just killed were criminals that the five great families were searching."

"I greet the matriarch of the Xiao family, the first family of the five great families. My name is Lucas."

Yuna swayed her hands as she disregarded the greetings. She then asked direct to the point of her purpose.

"Are you from the Heavenly Demon Sect?"

Lucas's eyebrows raised hearing those words from Yuna.

"Why do you ask?" Lucas asked.

"The martial technique you used, it was from the Heavenly Demon Sect. Were you from that sect?"

Lucas was panicking inside, not knowing the proper answer to pronounce. And thinking of an answer, he raised his head.

"I am only a rogue cultivator. That martial technique was taught to me by a master that passed through the village where I was living. Also, he was a mysterious master. I don't know about any of his affiliations."

That was the most secure response. And as expected, Yuna believed it, as it would not just be disrespectful to doubt a person who killed a criminal of the five great families.

'I must reward him first before interrogating him about himself.'

Chapter 90 - Xiao Family's Manor [1]

Yuna raised another question. "Are you sure that you are a rogue cultivator? How did you become that strong and even have a strong magical beast by your side? "

'It is reasonable that he is strong since 'he' was his master. I am sure of it. But I can't be complacent since strong people like him are rare, even those who were stronger than the heads of the other four families.'

Lucas released a breath and smirked. "I respectfully don't want to comply with your questions, Lady Yuna. Not because I don't believe in the power that you hold, but because I am not your people. I am not obliged, right?" Lucas remarked.

Yuna was left speechless and just remained to gawk at Lucas, who seemed to be unbothered by her presence. As she expected, Lucas isn't just a normal cultivator.

'Was he just confident of his power, or did he want to hold an equal standing because of the small gap between our cultivations?' Yuna pondered.

Yuna smiled and shook her head. "You don't need to comply. But you must accept the rewards if I must inform you."

Deep inside, a gleam of a smile emerged on his face as Lucas planned to exploit the opportunity that had arisen. As he wanted to reap more than what he had unintentionally sown, Lucas opened his lips and started talking about his thoughts.

"This may be a straightforward request, but can I ask for a drop of the Sacred Blood of Taulo?" he said, dumbfounding Yuna, who seemed to be unexpectedly surprised by the request.

"That's a hard request that you suggested, but we'll talk about it later. Can I ask for more of your help? The corpses of those three."

Lucas nodded willingly and descended to pick up the corpses. He then opened his storage spell and intentionally made Yuna see it.

And waiting for a reaction, Lucas didn't expect to see Yuna's aggressive reaction to it as she instantly appeared before him with flickering eyes.

"What's this? Is this a mystical art?" Yuna asked as if she needed to satiate her thirst.

Yuna appeared excited and curious about the portal-like light that appeared. And as Lucas put the corpses in, Yuna asked more.

"What is the use of it? Can you answer me, Lucas?"

Lucas scoffed at how the tone sounded too familiar as if they were close. Lucas just didn't mind it, and as he liked enthusiastic expressions, he answered her truthfully.

"This is a Mystical Art called Dimensional Storage," Lucas said.

Yuna looked at him, and a few seconds later, she realized what she had just done and straightened her back and regained her composure. Her poised expression surfaced as she looked at Lucas with an embarrassed expression.

"Please forgive me if I am too familiar with you. It was just that I remember someone from you." Yuna said, which made Lucas stunned as he didn't expect her to open thought to him just like this.

There was an atmosphere that created a soft connection between them. And Lucas didn't know about it as Yuna was also unintentionally being affected by it.

Then, Lucas shook his head in accordance with the sentiment that Yuna shared.

"I don't mind. I am even grateful that you didn't use your political power to corner me. Well, you see, I dislike negotiation and will only jump into it if needed." Lucas uttered, as he closed the storage spell he cast.

Yuna pondered silently as she came to a halt, mesmerized by Lucas's spell.

"Thank you if that is so." Yuna laid her eyes on Lukros, who had been silent since earlier. In fact, Lukros was just staring at Yuna for some reason.

"What about him? I am thinking of inviting you to my manor, but it seems like your companion here is too colosal to join us."

Lucas looked at Lukros with uncertainty and sighed.

"Don't worry about him, Lady Yuna. He can manage being alone in this dark forest." Lucas said, which made Lukros whine dispiritedly.

When Lucas noticed it, he just snickered as he appeared next to him and caressed his scales. He also put some mana on it to soothe Lukros from the negative emotions he was feeling.

"Don't worry Lukros, even though this was our first day reuniting, you'll see me again. This is part of the mission I told you about earlier," he whispered to him.

Lukros only nodded in defeat as Lucas appeared back in front of Yuna. Yuna didn't have any further reaction to it; she just waited for Lucas and asked him a question.

"If you teach me about that Mystical Art, I will give you a drop of the Sacred Blood of Taulo." Yuna offered.

Lucas's eyes shined with excitement, but were cut off by his cunning side. He then smirked inwardly and put a question on the table. "What about the individuals I killed? Weren't them enough to hold a drop of the Sacred Blood?"

Yuna only shook her head. "The magical beast is way more important than they are. Even the items protecting it were way more expensive than the blood of those three criminals. Also, we were facing a problem with maintaining the safety of the people living near the Sacred Blood, so its value was raised more than ever."

Lucas only sighed and returned his smile after that. He assured Yuna after it, as he said, "Don't worry about it, Lady Yuna. I am willing to offer my knowledge in exchange for the drop."

Yuna nodded, and in the next few seconds, she offered him to follow her. Lucas followed him and they both entered a bustling city with expensive-looking infrastructure. Even the lights in the streets were grandiose to look at for a normal light in the street.

And as Lucas widened his eyes, he pondered.

'How come that I didn't know any of this? Was the Xiao family trying to keep the city where the Taulo lives? I haven't heard any of it from the sect master.'

And when he couldn't contain his pondering anymore, Lucas asked Yuna.

"Lady Yuna, is the Xiao family now holding the Scacred Land of Taulo? Even though it is not actually in the Center Region, was it okay?"

Yuna only snickered at Lucas's question. She shook her head as she slowly opened her lips and answered his curiosity.

"The whole continent is under the Xiao family. Even those who don't believe us are required to follow us. But not everyone, only those who were mortal during their lifetime.

Lucas nodded at what Yuna said, and as he still followed Yuna, he also gathered unwanted attention by following Yuna.

There were curious eyes, and also reverent and disdain. Despite the fact that he had a lot of eyes on him, Lucas didn't mind them and continued following Yuna.

For some reason, he also felt comfortable around her. When he was with her, he felt a soft cloudy sensation, and the way she spoke sometimes soothed him. It wasn't even an hour, but he felt like he was captivated by Yuna's presence.

However, those imaginations were cut off when they arrived at a specific location. It was her manor in the Sacred Land of Taulo. And as they entered the manor, Yuna's aura started changing.

There were servants in green robes who greeted her with respect, but the way Yuna handled them was something fierce and rude for some. She appeared to be ignoring them.

But Lucas didn't mind it and laid his eyes on the manor. There was still the same infrastructure design, but this time, it was more brilliant and grandiose as the gold and red colors were more emphasized.

Because he was curious, he ventured his eyes further and came to a halt in a specific direction. He was looking at the unique face of a human. More specifically, it was as if a unique creature with human figures.

In the lowermost right corner, there was a creature with green scales around her face. Despite the angelic female's human features, she looked like a sea creature with human features as well.

'Do demi-humans exist in this place as well?' he pondered and continued following Yuna, just overlooking the uniqueness of that creature.

Yuna stopped as servants also stopped following them when they entered.

"Prepare a banquet." Yuna ordered one servant, immediately bowing and obeying her commands.

At first, Lucas was just silent, and the next second, Yuna was intently looking at him.

Lucas only pondered and exuded a perplexed expression. He smiled awkwardly as Yuna ordered another servant.

"Prepare a room for this guest," she said, then faced Lucas with a respectful smile. "Brother Lucas, please follow the servant. I will take care of some of the officials."

Lucas only nodded then followed the servant, Yuna, who was pertaining. And as they finally arrived, Lucas was mesmerized by the beautiful room that was granted to him. It was lit in every corner, and as bright as it was, it didn't hurt his eyes.

'I experienced this kind of lifestyle in my prime. But this kind of experience is somewhat different in some ways. Is this what cultivators like? I am, however, delighted to see this grant.'

"My Lord, please enjoy your stay. If you need some assistance, I will be at the door, waiting for your commands." The servant that assisted him said.

Lucas only nodded at her as he went back to venturing his eyes all over the room.

'This is amazing.'

Chapter 91 - Xiao Family's Manor [2]

Lucas's eyes were just looking around the room. As he breathed out, relaxing over the situation that he will finally have a drop of the blood. However, as he thought of it, he became worried.

'Lady Yuna was asking for me to teach her magic. But I only know how to activate one using mana or the third energy. It's not like a pure cultivator like her will easily learn to use magic.'

As Lucas worried about it, he sighed, then finally had a decision to make. He then stood up and called for the servant, who was just outside.

"Yes, My Lord, how may I help you?"

"Can you ask Lady Yuna if it will be possible to have a short conversation with her?"

The servant listened to his words and then bowed.

"I am sorry to inform you that the Lady will not be able to do it. However, when the lady calls for you, I will relay it to you."

Lucas just raised his eyebrows as he pondered, "Won't it be a problem if she doesn't comply with my request? Or was it because of who I am and who Lady Yuna is."

Lucas just sighed and closed the door as he went back to his room.

He just remained still and just waited for the words to reach him. It won't be bad to just wait. It's not like he's being too hasty.

After a while, finally, Lucas received a call from Yuna through the servant. He immediately listened and complied to the call as he followed the servant to a room somewhat used as their meeting room.


Yuna had gathered some of the most respected people in the manor prior to that time. There were two elders and three faction leaders present, and as she had called them unexpectedly, they were only wondering for what reason.

Yuna stood before them as she looked at them with no particular emotions. It was what they liked, and they really admired Yuna, as she was too calm in every situation.

"The three siblings died. They were slain by an expert, who was near the peak and waiting to ascend."

By what 'three siblings' were the Three Siblings of Elemental Blade.

From just those words, they were silent, as if deafened to hearing the news they weren't expecting to hear.

"Was that true, My Lady?" a question raised by an elder named Rodulf Xiao.

Yuna didn't reply and glared at him from her seat, immediately silencing him. He forgot that Yuna didn't like being questioned, especially in announcements if not for a meeting.

"I apologize." Rodulf said and retracted.

Yuna remained silent for a moment, then stood up and spoke, "That's all. Prepare and wait here. I will call for the individual that killed the three siblings."

They all answered respectfully as Yuna stood up and called a servant to order.

A few minutes later, Lucas arrived, which not just dumbfounded everyone, but literally shocked them, seeing how his aura was intently making their spines chill.

'He wasn't doing anything, right?' an elder named Duno Xiao asked himself.

Also, the three faction leaders who had cultivation range at the beginning of the General Spirit Realm felt the same as Duno.

Lucas remained silent as he followed the steps of the servant just as they entered the room. And as his eyes settled on the other officials, he knew what to do.

Lucas acted mighty, but not cheeky, as he knew that he was stronger than them. Not only does he have a higher cultivation, but he also killed a criminal for the First Family.

Lucas was granted a seat just across from Yuna's chair, which was at the other end. And as he sat on the chair, Yuna started talking about the agenda.

"He is Lucas, a King Spirit Realm Cultivator who successfully subsided the three siblings."

As Yuna said those words, they only looked at him with no actual expression. It was as if they were uncertain of what to say.

"King? Does that mean, My Lady, he is someone who's also in the same realm as the three criminals?" Rodulf asked.

Yuna nodded. "Indeed."

Following that, Lucas just remained unbothered as the following questions flew at him, hitting every inch of him as if there was no tomorrow.

"With all due respect, Senior Lucas, even if you are strong, how come you are able to fight the three siblings? Did you have any allies to fight with?"

"Was it just you were hiding something or did you know their weaknesses?"

"Who are you, Senior Lucas?"

Lucas smirked, then faced Yuna. "Lady Yuna, it seems like they are questioning your words. Does that mean you didn't tell them anything about me?"

Yuna was just silent. She didn't say anything and was just glaring at her people who seemed to disbelieve Lucas.

She sighed, then pronounced words that would make them dumb.

"Treat him as an equal to me. He is a GUEST."

It was like lightning hitting them, and as surprised as they were, they unintentionally questioned her.

"My Lady! How could we treat a stranger like him as an equal when even the other heads of the other families don't hold much authority."

"That's right, My Lady. We cannot treat him as an equal to you. He is just a stranger, and we can't think of ourselves treating him-!"

"Enough." With a mere word like that, everyone goes silent. Lucas just smirked at how things turned out, as he expected that they'd act with no will.

However, they seem to have not fully submitted to Yuna, as if she still held some reformation in her family. Making Yuna irritated by their buzzing complains, she raised her voice.

"One phrase, full command. That's what I wanted you all to know. But it seems like you are questioning my decisions."

Then, she breathed out and continued speaking, but now in a calmer tone.

"Forgive me, Brother Lucas. It seems like they don't have much respect for you. Even forgetting about the reward I was about to give you."

The event turned out this way as they reacted to what Yuna said. It was absurd for those who looked up to Yuna as if there were no similar to her. And being proud of it, they couldn't accept an order with such context: treating Lucas as an equal to their Matriarch.

Lucas just observed the situation, and as he took it all in and sank in, he sighed.

"Lady Yuna, forget about it. I don't care much about it, so let's just jump into the discussion about the reward I was asking for."

Yuna remained silent for a brief moment, then sighed. She gestured with her left hand, then spoke, "All of you, leave."

'I was still considering them as the future of the continent, but with how prideful they are, being ignorantly arrogant, I can't believe I entertained such thoughts.'

Yuna smiled as everyone except Lucas stood up, leaving the room with negative and gloomy expressions.

Lucas nodded and then stood up as he opened a portal from his storage spell.

"Lady Yuna, you wanted me to teach you this, right?"

Yuna remained staring at him for a while, then nodded.

"Forgive me anyway for the unsightly scene earlier."

Lucas shook his head and gave an assured smile.

"Don't bother with any of it. But I am more interested in talking about Dimensional Storage Mystical Art. It is somewhat more important to talk about than the rest."

When Lucas said it, Yuna could only ponder what he meant by it.

"What do you mean, Lucas?"

"Well, it is more connected to the Sacred Blood of Taulo. And about my unique cultivation."

Lucas had thought of it, and seemed to see Yuna as not an enemy to make since she held her people with pride, not tyranny.

But just as he was careful and Yuna wanted to know, Lucas decided to share some of his knowledge.

"I have a unique cultivation and that cultivation is the only possible cultivation to learn the mystical arts."

Yun raised her eyebrows and offered Lucas a seat. And as they sat down, Lucas started explaining things.

"There are two ways to learn my cultivation. However, what's most possible and the best way of teaching you is with the array."

"The array I require with the ingredient is a better way of cultivating with the one-of-a-kind cultivation I have. And also, the reason I am telling you this is because I trust you with this."

"For making the array formation, I need the Sacred Blood of Taulo, and if you want to learn the dimensional storage mystical art, we will also need the Sacred Blood."

Then, Yuna cut him off by speaking, "Then, it means that I should provide one drop before you teach me? That one will be for my case, right?"

Lucas nodded after hearing it, and as he was sure that Yuna was starting to understand him, he continued.

Chapter 92 - Lukros [1]

As Lucas intently gazed at Yuna, he heard what Yuna suggested. Hearing it was supposed to be absurd for others, but for Lucas, it was only reasonable for Yuna to have such doubts.

"I will comply with your request. So, in total, you will grant me two drops of the Sacred Blood of Taulo and I will grant you the knowledge you want. It won't be a questionable deal, right?"

Yuna nodded and then spoke, "Indeed, I think it is now not equal."

A gap appeared on Lucas's lower lip and upper lip as he opened it in surprise. He is confused.

"What do you mean by it, Lady Yuna?" A worried tone emerged from Lucas's voice as he said those words, making Yuna smile and shake her head.

"I don't mean it in a disadvantageous way to you. What I mean is that I think I was supposed to reward you more than that. "Now that you've answered one of my questions, and it's a personal request, won't it be unfair if my family doesn't appear to have benefited from your feat?"

Yuna breathed out, then continued, "I think you should have three drops. I am much more delighted because of your honesty and also that you don't seem to doubt me."

Lucas was only surprised by more of it. As he let the words sink into his mind, he shook his head, and, after it, a smirk curled upon his lips.

He thought that Yuna was trying to test him, but as his emotions surfaced, he couldn't believe that Yuna was only showing her gratitude. And thus, Lucas feels that it was supposed to be a friendly gesture that she made.

Lucas then reasoned that responding to a friendly gesture deserved another friendly gesture.

"If you say so, but I feel guilty about it. So, I will teach you more, if you promise that you won't take back your words." Yuna noticed that a hint of a cunning smirk appeared on his lips.

Yuna snickered at him. "You seem to be enjoying this give and take conversation."

"Indeed. I truly like being in a mindless trade."


"Master is still not coming…" Lukros mumbled as he started turning back to his human form.

The sun had come up, and also, Lukros felt that his skin had started feeling refreshed. However, not inwardly, as he still longs for Lucas after seeing him just yesterday.

Lukros couldn't stay sane without Lucas, and some of his ideas became naive without him. And with such events, he always tries to change himself.

Lukros then sighed, stood up, also cleaning his garments from the leaves that were stuck on them.

"I still have to wait for Master…"

Lukros waited too long. Minutes turned to hours, but he was still patiently waiting for Lucas. However, because of his boredom, he decided to take a walk and see his surroundings.

With such a decision, Lukros started walking, not flying, to enjoy the time he had and forget it until Lucas's return.

He started seeing the west. He noticed the streaming river with a greenery scene just across it. Also, the huge boulders in the stream give the river a strong current in every flow of water that passes through it.

Then, after watching the scenery, he moved to the north, but as soon as he arrived there, his attention was grabbed by the settlement that seemed to lie in secrecy with the place hidden behind a huge rock formation.

He pondered, after noticing it, "How could there be a hidden settlement if just near here is a strong individual."

But as Lukros pondered it, he snickered as he found an answer to his questions. The cultivators here did not have a normal presence; instead, Lukros could only see their souls.

Thus, they were totally stealthy to normal people who can't feel their souls.

A smirk curled up on Lukros's lips as he descended and tried to enter the hidden settlement.

It was a camp, perhaps a base of some group that hid from the public. And as profound as the array formation surrounding their settlement was, Lukros faced difficulty in finding the entrance.

However, how could Lukros know it was a settlement? Well, it was just because their items were all treasures, thus emitting otherwordly spiritual energy, which Lukros could also see after raising his cultivation base.

And as Lukros got nearer the settlement, he felt a tremendous feeling that they might be hiding something. This location is very close to a location that his master held in high regard. Lukros knows that these people here were hiding from the person Lucas bows to because he knows Lucas is quiet with respect to those he sees as worthy.

After a smirk, Lukros infiltrated the settlement by creating a red sphere of crimson light, which was suddenly created by an alchemy circle at the center of it.

And as such strong power was created, as if a vacuum, some energy was absorbed, especially the spiritual energy that Lukros had unintentionally gathered.

His cultivation base might be the reason behind it. As the connection to the spiritual energy becomes stronger as his cultivation increases, Lukros gets the ability to easily gather it like a veteran cultivator.

The cultivators inside, numbering around 300 in total, become aware of an abnormality in the spiritual energy in the area around them. They pondered, then looked at the flow where the Qi was going.

And as they looked at the different presence, more precisely, an unfamiliar presence, they picked up their weapons and prepared them.

"What's happening?" a commander asked.

The commander was wearing a grey Tang suit. He also had a short, pointy beard and a light mustache, with the grey hairs also hinting.

He looked like a strict commander. His eyes were also squinted in the sense that he was being keen on his surroundings.

He joined his left hand's index and middle finger, injecting spiritual energy into his sword.

"Commander Xiaorong, there was a mysterious presence just behind the walls," a subordinate answered.

Commander Xiaorong just nodded as he followed the presence with his own eyes. And just when he laid his eyes on a formless figure behind the walls of their treasure that blended with the surroundings, he sighed.

"Did that Xiao find out about our base? Seriously, how come they can still be on par with us? Such a trash continent still stands… Must be struggling." Commander Xiaorong snickered as he said those words.

His subordinates also prepared and, in the next few seconds, waited for the presence to move. And when he moved, this made them surprised when the walls were destroyed, as if deteriorating on their own.

Their eyes widened in disbelief as what they used as walls was actually a treasure that helped them camouflage and also hid the presence behind it.

They prepared their weapons one more time, gripping them more.

"This trash was no joke. Even with how deteriorated their continent is, they still have promising cultivators. Be careful; that was the reason why we're here." Commander Xiaorong said.

Even though with Commander Xiaorong's warning, the emotion of the mass was still halved. Some of the cultivators present still underestimate the Eastern Continent.

And because they were not from the Eastern Continental and were simply outsiders living with words, some of them grew their heads larger.

"Commander Xiaorong is such a worry head. Don't worry sir, they were just trash as you said."

Commander Xiaorong didn't just make any sounds and shook his head.

The walls were completely destroyed, and as the individual behind was exposed, they were prepared to attack.

A person with red hair and a weird composition of cultivation revealed himself, slightly floating and also playing a sphere of crimson light.

"Just one person?"

Lukros didn't say any specific words and just concentrated his eyes on them. And as he finally saw their true souls, he scoffed.

He then mumbled to himself, "So this weird wall was the reason behind it. Such strong artifacts could even hide the true form of their souls. It was a good decision to destroy it."

The cultivators then wielded their swords and started flying to reach Lukros's position in no time, but before they could reach him, another sphere of light appeared, immediately absorbing them.

They all paused when 10 cultivators suddenly disappeared, and before they could react, a vicious smile appeared on Lukros's lips, dumbfounding Commander Xiaorong.

"Such strong mystical arts," he mumbled to himself as his eyes fell on Lukros.

Then, he began to shout and ordered his subordinates, "Attack him!!!"

'Enemies from this continent are no joke really. Just stay trash!'

Lukros started creating a strong sphere of crimson light, and as this sphere got stronger, the alchemy circle printed inside became larger. The cultivators approaching him started disappearing, being absorbed by the sphere.

The cultivators were alarmed, but despite it, they didn't withdraw and continued trying to approach Lukros.. But little did they know, as they tried to approach him, he got stronger because their spiritual energy was enlarging his cultivation base (core).