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Chapter 113 - Lia's Freedom

"What a pity, you didn't even bother to make Lucas join our cause. Do you really want to wait more, Yuna?" Lia commented as she was sitting on her bed.

Yuna was silent as she stood before Lia. She was disappointed in herself, but in some ways, she was glad she didn't drag Lucas into this curse.

"That legacy of becoming an ambassador is my problem and not Lucas's." Yuna remarked, which made Lia scoff.

"Despite the efforts I made after sensing him, you will try to waste that opportunity. What has come into your mind, Yuna? You were not like this, or was it that perhaps you were still thinking that he was connected with Light of Heavenly Demon Sect."

Yuna's eyes widened as she heard someone's name that she wanted to never hear again. And that also came from Lia, who she expected to be unaware of it. She was only aware that she had some idea but not to the point that she would know his name.

"How did you know it?" Yuna asked a question with some sort of dispirited tone in her speech.

"Ah… Do you think I am that weak to be protected? I let you do what you wanted, and kept me hidden from the world, as I knew it would benefit the land. But not this, Yuna. You underestimated me too much."

"You already know that they also have some divine beasts that were exempted from the rules of the four heavens. But you still didn't answer me, Lia. How did you know it."

"That is where your flaw lies, Yuna. You think that I don't have the ability to learn things in my surroundings. Even with what happened in the past, I still know them and they were not mentioning it to you."

At that point, hearing such sentiments from Lia made her mute. Yuna was like some kind of thickheaded person that wanted to do what she thought was right, but didn't bother to ask for others' ideas.

She was shouldering everything, and unintentionally, her inner thoughts and desires affected the plans that they established.

"I am sorry, Lia. But not now. Even though Lucas doesn't participate in this cause, he still helped me. He taught me two different mystical arts that I couldn't even imagine acquiring." Yuna uttered words without a certain expression.

It was as if she was expressionless and cold at the same time, but Lia knew that Yuna was just acting her own true self and that she should not bother judging.

"I see… I don't know where that kid learned those mystical arts and I won't push myself to have him as my tool, but let me remind you, you still haven't overpassed that bottleneck you experienced, yet you are now focusing on different cultivation, which is truly messing up with your plans, Yuna."

"I know it, Lia. And now that this has come to an end, I will pursue the seclusion training, so I am also planning on having you as my representative since we don't have a choice."

That news didn't only bring excitement to Lia but also made her overjoyed. She suddenly stood up from her bed and appeared next to Yuna, holding her shoulders in surprise.

"Was it real? Are you sure, Yuna? You won't take it back?!"

Yuna could only giggle at the turn of events that happened inside Lia's personal room. It was something that Lia could only bring since her personality is diverse enough to include such coldness and jolliness.

Yuna just shook her head and tapped Lia's shoulder and said, "I am. So let's forget about what happened."

Before replying, Lia pouted slightly.

"Even if you wasted my efforts and didn't use my plan of luring Lucas using the runway show, I will try to foget it since you promised. I will do a great job of being your representative."

"Right." That was the only word that Yuna could utter before Lia asked once more.

"What level are you at, Lia?"

"I am still at the 5th level of the King Spirit Realm. And using your blood could boost my cultivation by a factor of two. But it will still be unpredictable since I am lacking the resources at the moment." Yuna commented.

"Right… Even if my blood could raise a cultivation, there are still some ingredients needed since your blood doesn't have pure spiritual energy. It could only boost the cultivation, not the cultivation base." Yuna followed.

The Sacred Blood of Taulo is a kind of blood that has the ability to boost the cultivation speed. That is the main reason Yuna doesn't want to expose Lia's existence. For some reason, even the name Taulo wasn't actually her real race.

Taulo was only made to cover up the real race Lia had, as her real race was actually rare and came from the upper heavens. Anyone could only wonder why she was here and was exempted from the acsencion rule of the Ruler, Divine Emperor, of the four heavens.

Lia is actually a vermillion bird. A rare species that no one ever had information about except that its blood can raise the cultivation speed.

What was the purpose of the cover-up? Taulo had even been relegated to legend, owing to the fact that it was on the verge of being exposed. Lia was already exposed through that legend, which is why Taulo was used, which is just another species of magical beast that has the ability to raise cultivation speed by 10%.

For the Sacred Lands, it was used to create a fuss that they were regarding Taulo as an important asset. Even though Lia left here, it was just because of the array formation that was spread that could hide her aura.

It was complex. The plans from the past were damaged, as slowly, Lia was getting exposed. What they could only do was to improvise. Now that they don't know what Lia looks like, they could use that to hide Lia as one of the officials of the Xiao family.

"I've prepared a pill that could suppress the aura you have, Lia. Even though it was too late, at least we successfully made the product." Yuna proudly said as she presented a green pill the size of a bean in front of Lia with an open palm.

Lia could only stiffen in her position as she couldn't believe that it was actually happening. For a long time, she kept her presence supressed by her own abilities and could only leave for a short time because she needed the grand array formations spread all throughout the Sacred Lands.

The lack of methods in the past made her suffer like this. Even so, she still created an effort just to be free from the shackles that she didn't want to be in just because of the legacy.

And as she received the pill, only tears could express how happy she was.

"You… Were you doing this for me? You were really doing this for me?"

"Lia, you look like a fool if you repeat your question." Yuna uttered a deep sneer.

"Tch! I was only stunned. How could you sneer at my sincere feelings, Yuna?!"

Lia was acting like a kid now, being gifted with something that she truly wanted from her parents. And as Lia kept the pill, she wiped away the tears from her eyes and focused on Yuna's eyes.

"I am really grateful, Yuna. Let us finish this legacy and avenge our ancestors."


The Vermillion Bird was already mentioned as being rare and hailing from the upper heavens. However, for Lia, she didn't come from there, but her parents came from there.

The vermillion birds were said to be able to move through the boundaries of the heavens. Even so, it was like that. They weren't the only ones who had such abilities. There were plenty of divine beasts in the heavens that could do such a feat.

As for Lia's case, her parents died in the lower heavens after giving birth to her. Because of the lack of spiritual energy needed, they died supporting Lia. But why did they descend? The reason was still a mystery.

For how Lia became exempted, there was a reason behind it. The reason was that there was an order that the Ruler of the Heavens had passed on to the Mortal Heaven. They were some divine beasts that were exempted from ascending.

Lia was one of the four excempted divine beasts, and the other three had mysterious activities for which no one had any clues since only Lia was exposed. That is the reason why Lia was pursued, eventually being helped by Yuna's ancestors.

Yuna's ancestors paid respect to Yuna, as they were an orthodox family. They never looked at Lia with such greed. But of course, just to be sure, the only ones who knew it were those who were trusted by the head of the family.

And so, after the legacy was exposed, Lia was left with no choice. She has to be protected by the Xiao family because of it. And even if she wanted to escape to the upper heavens, she didn't have the ability and they were harsher. At least in this heaven, if they succeeded, Lia could attain the freedom she wanted.

And that wish wasn't a wish anymore since a pill that had been in the process of creation for a thousand years was already done. It was already concocted after a long study.

Such a thing was unexchangeable for Lia. Now that she has the ability to hide from the senses of her enemies, it is time to pay back her debt.

"What should we do with the Sacred Land?" Lia asked.

Yuna hung up and smirked at Lia, "Let's raise Taulo's, of course. It could be a preparation for the soldiers' progress. I will also leave some notes for the future generations.. A mystical art that can only be learned with unique cultivation."

Chapter 114 - Returning To The Sect

"Such a long journey…" Lucas mumbled as he was on the way back to the Profound Symbol.

He has been away from the sect for approximately three months. But it wasn't an absurd journey since he had already acquired what he was longing for.

The sacred blood, even though he didn't know that it didn't really come from a Taulo, was the most important thing in his research. He could now finish the array formation he was creating, and if it turned out to be a success, he could start creating a sect.

He could just set aside the magical runes and array formation combination for the meantime. He still has plenty of time and he wasn't hysterical about it.

Lucas was just realizing his way back to the Profound Sect, and as he was getting near, he cast an invisible spell on himself and landed before the gates of the sect.

He was wearing his true disciple robes when he deactivated the spell. He was about to take a walk to the sect's gate.

When he arrived at the gate, he was immediately greeted by the guards. Even though he wasn't, Lucas was like a young master from a prestigious family. It was because of his garments that the guards, being also profound in array formation, noticed the signature in them.

The signature of the sect master that everyone knows about.

"Welcome back, Sir True Disciple." The guards bowed at Lucas, gesturing some respect.

Lucas just nodded and walked straight to the outer court. He wasn't in a hasty job for him to decide to walk his way to the innermost sect.

In fact, he was just chilling the time he had as if he was a scholar in his prime, finally finishing research that had been studied for a few years.

The relaxing breeze of the wind reaches his nose, feeling the brushes of the strands of his hair.

Lucas noticed that his hair was slightly growing for a few inches. It wasn't that bad for him as he was used to growing his hair long since he had been seclusive in his days in his previous world.

But as for how nostalgic it was, the symbol this hair showed was too pleasing to him. The growth of hair just shows how much time he had used, and knowing that it wasn't wasted was delightful.

When Lucas was still starting as a mage, every piece of research he conducted that he finished gave him satisfaction. The satisfaction that only he could achieve in his generation.

Truth be told, Lucas was an 8th generation descendant of the first mage, and he came from the Genius bloodline who focuses on research. He wasn't actually a mage best for fighting; in fact, his core in all bloodlines was the lowest.

There are four bloodlines in the Descendants of the first Mage. First was the Conjurer Bloodline, which had the highest rate of controlling mana. They are the most talented in the magic field, and they can easily control them.

The second was the Outer Bloodline, which had magic all throughout their outer bodies. They had the most regardable strength in the whole world. Even though they cannot do majestic spells, they have the highest tolerance.

The third and second to the least was the Shapeshifters' Bloodline. They have the most talent in phenomenal but still, have the second lowest talent in mana. Even though they are laughable compared to the other two, they are still above average mages as they were descendants of the first mage.

Also, the last, the Genius Bloodline, as mentioned, they have the lowest talent in mana, but they have the most genius minds in the magic field. Even if they cannot fight with majestic spells, they cannot be underestimated as they have unique abilities to decipher.

Deciphering can negate magic. If a Genius Bloodline Mage deciphers the code of the spell, they can deactivate it with just a little use of their mana.

Most commonly known as "interference ability,"

Lucas, on the other hand, was only good at research, so he spent his time creating and improving spells for the benefit of humanity.

When the 8th generation era started, there was a fight between humankind and demi-humans. Even though they have a small disparity, they are divided by huge dividers because of the stereotypes on each side.

However, Lucas doesn't care about it; he just wants to help, win or lose. It was his lifetime purpose, but not until he met his first love, who made him mature and change his ways.

Until he then learned how to be a man, he started meeting different people, was influenced by them, and used his Genius Bloodline for his family.

But there, temptation wasn't escapable for him. He was easily influenced by his first love, but he was also easily influenced by others. And there, he was tempted by one female named Purple.

Purple had the most seductive body he ever met, and even his first son, Luis White, always noticed that Lucas was getting attracted to those body.

But Luis was mature, despite his young age.

Lucas's family then started to be independent and live happily, with slight internal problems within Lucas because of Purple. And then he confronted her to stop what she was doing; Purple showed her true intentions.

Because he had no time, Lucas rushed to his house, ignoring Purple. He knew what Purple's companions were looking for; it was his last research, the ability to copy other abilities.

That research was supposed to be a key to breaking through the invisible obstacles in every mage's life. Mages couldn't be omnipotent, and so, even though they were still being defeated by dragons, the highest of all monsters, those people wanted to break through it.

Of course, Lucas knew how dangerous the research was, which is why he didn't pursue it. But just why? He didn't expect this…

Lucas moved his way quickly to his house, and just when he arrived there, his family… was already dead.

His eyes willingly formed water in each corner, and accompanied by his heavy heart, his legs were slowly approaching his house.

The hosue was burning as the body of his family was laid in front of his house with their head deattached from their bodies.

Lucas could only grumble inwardly as his knees surrendered even before he reached his house. The feeling rushed to his heart. The devastation, the unwanted hatred that he had for himself emerged. He wanted to kill himself for the mistake he had made.

But even so, even if the research was destroyed, his family could be used for that information to be produced from his memory. Everything was planned, planned, and leaked by someone he only told.

"Hah… I didn't expect that my cousin would do this to me… My love, my son, don't worry, I won't forget this death to the very deepest of my soul. I will avenge you."


"Junior Brother Lucas? You are already back?" Wilford asked him as soon as he presented himself in front of Wilford's chair.

Lucas showed his respect to Wilford by slightly lowering his head.

"I came back with successful results, Sect Master."

Wilford, on the other hand, was just dumbfounded. He simply dismissed it as a legend and ignored Lucas's request to search for the Sacred Blood of Taulo.

Even so, Wilford knew that Taulo existed, but not to the point that Lucas could easily get it. The legend was the location of the Taulo. No one actually had it and the territory lines were just faked for the array masters to pursue true knowledge.

But just with this, seeing Lucas confident, Wilford could only shake his head at himself. If it was Lucas, it could be possible, isn't it?

"Well done, Junior Brother Lucas. With that, you will continue, right? But let me remind you, we still have the competition." Wilford reminded Lucas.

Lucas snickered and nodded as he replied: "Don't you worry, Sect Master. I will pay my debts and I will do fair trade since you were honest with me. With the help you brought to me, I will surely help you with this competition."

Wilford smiled at Lucas after hearing the good news.

"But Brotehr Lucas, it seems like the journey was too short. How come you returned too fast? Did you find the Taulo that fast?"

"I luckily encountered the Taulo while on my search for it. That is how I got it, and of course, I didn't pursue the greediness of an array master, I didn't kill the Taulo."

Wilford let out a sigh of relief as soon as he heard it. It was news to be heard and celebrated, as killing Taulo had greater karma to receive. Of course, Lucas doesn't know it. Karma is the cosmic merit or demerit accumulated throughout one's life based on one's deeds.

But Lucas doesn't know it as this concept wasn't present in his world. He knew consequences, but consequences in this world return a greatfold. So, in the absence of the concept of karma, everyone would kill everyone in order to rule the lands.

And so, there were legacies. In legacies, karma is exempted and not required as a part of the actual process since killing in legacies is inevitable.

"By the way, I heard that some hostage-taking happened in the central region. Did you hear any of it?"

'Their network is too wide…' Lucas thought to himself and smirked inwardly. He then shook his head to answer Wilford's question.

"I see… I thought that you might… nevermind. You can be excused." Wilford said.

"Thank you, Sect Master."

(A/N: The center region will now be referred to as the central region.)

Chapter 115 - Seeking For An Enlightenment

Weeks had passed as if a river stream had just rapidly flowed. At Wilford's personal field, Lucas was sitting in a meditative pose as he laid a portable array on his seat.

A portable array is some kind of combination of magic and array, but the main concept here was magic, as there were plenty of ways to bring portable spells which Lucas improvised.

A portable paper is a type of paper created by magic that has a unique complex of properties that allow it to hold spells and magical runes without harming its use. Of course, anyone could just create another spell, but the purpose of this portable paper was to put a one-time-use spell on the paper. In this world, it is the equivalent of a talisman.

Thus, after some improvisation, Lucas put an array instead of a spell to make use of it even in different places.

Lucas has already finished his research. He already had the Qi gathering array formation of Magique Qi in his brain; it was enough for him; he didn't need to note it down.

As a result, after completing the array formation, he wasted no time cultivating in order to eventually achieve enlightenment.

Since one array master could have a chance to achieve enlightenment in their studies if they used their own formation to cultivate, Lucas wanted to achieve a higher phase of arraying.

Not that he was confident that he was already a master equal to Wilford; he only wanted to learn more about the unique path he wanted to use. It was the magic rune and array formations.

Array formations use either Magique Qi or normal Qi. However, Lucas wanted to make one that could just use normal Qi since he had a lot of it spare. And since magic runes don't work on normal spiritual energy if used in spells, he wanted to put them in an array.

So, in this way of reaching enlightenment, dispiration is a must. And Lucas is always desperate when it comes to knowledge. And so, why can't he still reach enlightenment?

Even with great concentration, a small portion of Lucas's consciousness was irritated by the result he got in an hour. He was still not enlightened. But it's just because Lucas doesn't know the real essence of enlightenment, he still doesn't need it.

And just like that, Lucas decided to surrender. It was futile; he could use this time to cultivate his spiritual energy first. Since he had to research magic runes and array formation in the future, he could just focus on raising his spiritual energy first.

Lucas had already decided to create a sect first before continuing this research, but of course, he had little time, so why would he waste it?

For Lucas, cultivating for a few hours became days and months. His dantian then experienced a breakthrough after finally feeling a click. Lucas raised his cultivation to a higher level.

"I am now at the 4th level of the King Spirit Realm, but I think, with the most possible, it is still not enough." Then he let out a sigh at how he was desperate for it yet no wanted result was occurring.

Lucas just disregarded it first, since now that he had raised his cultivation, he should at least check his core if he had a chance to unseal some of it.

As Lucas visited his core in his deepest consciousness, and just as he was before it, his body floating like an entity in the cosmos, he realized something.

"What could happen if I had the chance to merge all of this? I could be the most powerful immortal in the Upper Heavens, right? But I don't disregard some of the common knowledge that has been passed through generations."

Lucas had already read some manuscripts about some immortals descending from the Upper Heaven while keeping their cultivation intact. It was from a previous time thousands of years ago, and even though it seems to be a fraud, there is some part of Lucas that believes it.

Even still, that kind of knowledge, even exaggerated, has a truth behind it. And knowing that descending with cultivation intact might be possible, Lucas can't wait to venture into the four heavens.

But excitement could cut off the success rate. He must contain this excitement and focus on what is in front of him. And so, after visiting his core, he returned to his real consciousness and opened his eyes from concentration.

His body became more light. And knowing the effects of breakthrough was this delightful, Lucas stood up and celebrated inwardly.

Lucas's consciousness was halved for a moment. That is why he couldn't truly celebrate in his concentration, but now that he was already back in the real world, he could just be happy.

"At least I don't feel bored. Should I visit the land? Even though I still have plenty of arrays to learn as a preparation for the InterSect Competition, I have already cultivated my mind."

Cultivating the body, mind, and soul are both different things. But they are only one: as you cultivate, your soul improves first, then your mind, and finally your body.

But of course, Lucas doesn't mean that he cultivated his mind thoroughly; he means the cultivation technique he made. It brought a soothing sensation to his mind, as he had accompanied it with his Tranquil Mind. After the Formless Art became part of his foundation and was unsealed by the Tranquil Mind, he didn't feel calmer this time.

"Boredom hits differently and feels differently for cultivators. I wanted to cultivate more, but half of me wanted to go to the land but wanted to search instead of socialize. Agh! So confusing as my desires surface like crazy."

Even with how calm his mind was, desires weren't part of it, as he didn't have one desire. He had plenty since some of his Mind Abilities were still sealed. In his previous world, Lucas had plenty of personalities and faced different phases throughout the thousands of years of living.

With the length of life in observing the flow of time, it is impossible to only have one personality since he could reach a state where his sanity is questioned.

Some of his Mind Abilities were needed to establish his personality in a more general sense from the rest of it since every desire he has is equivalent to a personality.

"Crazy. I will just continue to cultivate, but I need to have plenty of cultivation techniques in my hands. I want to create a more effective cultivation technique that will help my mind. I don't want to be aimless anymore."

Lucas stood up again and straightened his back. He marched his legs out of Wilford's personal field and then went straight to the Mission Hall.

"Hello, Sir." But of course, Lucas didn't escape the eyes of the people. They were watching him from a distance with admiration that he just disregarded since everyone has their own personal time.

"Look at that handsome young man. From which family do you think he came? He might be talented for him to become well-privileged because he is a direct disciple of the sect master, which is equivalent to being a true disciple." One said, with pure admiration.

"Heh… He was just lucky in this life, and maybe his talent was just from his family. I know I came from a prestigious family as well, but I don't care about any of it as my family isn't that great at Qi circulation, yet I am here because of pure talent." Another one retorted, but with some sort of jealousy.

One core disciple cut into the conversation with a disdainful gaze, "You dare to show your jealousy while you are already 50 years old? How pretentious of you to call it a pure talent when your family is only a merchant family."

Lucas could only shake his head and unintentionally listen to the mosquito-like whispering of other disciples. He is now in the Mission Hall of the innermost court where the core disciples commonly were.

"I want to put a leave notice. I will be gone for a week at a minimum." The attendant, who was a sect elder, looked at Lucas with the most attentive eyes and browsed through the records.

"Uhm… I got it, sir. Please inject your signature here." The attendant said and presented a tablet to Lucas. Lucas just put in his identification card and injected his spiritual energy through it.

"Thank you for the notice, sir."

Then, after that, Lucas left Mission Hall.

Lucas doesn't need to do it either. As a direct disciple of the sect master, he had a privilege equal to that of senior sect elders that were accompanied by the benefit of leaving the sect without prior notice.

But of course, Lucas doesn't want to bother Wilford again; he wants to at least follow the process, which is more in line with his current desire.

Lucas also noticed that the more he thought about his future, the more he became aimless and the more unstable he became. He doesn't want it, and even if it is not dangerous, he at least wants to act normally with vigilance.

And so, after the business in the Mission Hall, Lucas finally left the sect, but from a distance, someone was eyeing him. It was still the Wei disciple of the sect who was the most curious about Lucas's real identity.

But even if he was curious about him, he didn't have any means to continue it further since he didn't have any means to contact his family. He is still an inner court disciple and he has to focus on learning arrays before it. That would definitely disappoint his family.

"He's gone… Where is he going again?" The young man decided to leave his position, but when he turned his back, he flinched and moved backward as a familiar voice loomed from behind him.

"Who is gone? And why are you looking at him."

"Huh? Wait! How did you appear there?!"

Chapter 116 - Visiting Heavenly Demon Sect [1]

Agitated, the young man from the Wei family wasn't able to move from his position as he stood before the person who called him.

Sinister, he must say, but it was only what he could see. Which was, in reality, the person wasn't actually giving any kind of eye on him except uninterested, bored eyes.

"So, why are you eyeing me from this distance, even using your spiritual energy to raise your senses?" It was Lucas who asked that young man since it was about him.

"Ah… Ah… Ah…" The young man was speechless, still agitated over the fact that Lucas suddenly appeared before him when he was a hundred meters away earlier.

"So really, why are you watching me? You are from the Wei family, right? I am kind of confused. Are you planning on attacking me because you don't know me?" Lucas bluntly said, forwardly pressuring the young man.

The young man gulped a mouthful of saliva. He still didn't know how to act in front of him, as he didn't know who Lucas was.

If he acts hastily and Lucas turns out to be higher than him in the family, he'll be punished if it is known to the higher-ups. And even if he stopped it from going to the higher-ups, he wouldn't be able to suppress the information from flowing since Lucas was more powerful than him.

He knew that Lucas was far stronger than him in terms of Qi circulation, array formation, or even martial arts. It was impossible for him to manipulate since he was way beyond him.

What he could only do was at least move his way out of the situation by lying. It is the most possible way since Lucas can't push any further in asking him. Not if he uses his authority over being a direct disciple of the sect master.

"I am only interested since you are such a genius brother."

But what if his lie doesn't work? Will he still get the result he wants? Such considerations are necessary because the situation will worsen if Lucas fails to go with the flow he anticipated.

Lucas squinted his eyes at him, narrowing every detail that he had seen so far. He was actually lying, and Lucas couldn't think of a reason why he was lying. Just in case, he should ask.

"What is your name?" Lucas has more authority than he does, and he must comply. Even if he wanted to drag it, Lucas will eventually notice it.

"I am called Rei Wei, senior brother…" He answered in such a weak tone, making Lucas ponder. "Senior Brother?" Why would he call him that? Does he accept the position he has?

"I see… Rei… I will believe it even if it is only a lie. But remember, this is the only second time you can do that to me." Rei froze in place, slowly lowering his head and weakening his knees.

"Y-Yes… Please forgive me."

Dignity? You should not think of it if you don't have the power to keep your dignity. If you have arrogance, if it is not backed up, it is useless.

"I will be going now." Then Lucas disappeared. It was only at that moment that Rei had time to catch his breath. It was like killing him inside. How could that be such a frightening aura Lucas had?

"He knew the first time I observed him?" He gasped in terror as he realized his body was moving involuntarily from fright. Even though he had breathed, his body was vibrating in an unstable manner.

"Such a frightening aura. Was he the Lucas Wei I saw in the examination?"

Meanwhile, Lucas was flying to the northern region, going to the dark sect he knew, but while he was there, he contemplated. Should he go there like he is connected to the sect? Even if he does not go there, he will have to socialize with new people, which would irritate him to tackle other people's personalities. At least now, if he goes there, he can easily talk to them.

But which dark sect? Both dark sects look at him with such respect.

Never mind, he can just go to whichever one of them is nearest to him. And it is obviously the Heavenly Demon Sect that is near the Great Cliff.

Using his leisure, he then flew straight to the Heavenly Demon Sect with an easy face. After a few minutes, he appeared in front of the gates.

He can just teleport, but it would be disrespectful. Even though he had some nasty personality traits, he still holds great respect for Jeric since he is also an equal to him. He does slowly absorb a cultivator's mindset, but he would not let it corrupt him into becoming arrogant. Arrogance would be the only play if he went there without notice.

And so, Lucas approached the gates and informed the guards.

"Senior, how may I help you?" the guard asked as he saw Lucas's aura emitting higher than Master Spirit Realm.

"Ah… I am here to visit fellow Daoist Jeric. Where should I inform him about my visit?"

The guard paused and thought about it. He should not be offended… A young man with a great aura just called their sect master a fellow Daoist, not a senior, so he should be at least confident of his position at that level with their sect master.

And even if he showed his distasteful expression, it would only offend and not be a good choice. So, he could only play with him since not everyone could have an audience with the sect master now that a representative of the Xiao family visited their sect too.

"Right… Senior, I will notice the sect master of your visit. Please leave your contact details if you have a place in the city near here. We will inform you." The guard respectfully said with a smile on his lips.

Lies. He had already seen it, but just to be sure that his time wouldn't be wasted, he saw through the guard's emotions and it told lies.

"Lies. Don't play with me, Mister Guard. I am truly here to visit fellow Daoist Jeric. If you inform him of my name, Lucas, he will surely listen to it." Lucas suddenly cut off the guards' words with his cold expression.

It made the guard swallow his saliva. The next second, another guard arrived. It was the guard's partner, and he must have visited the restroom for a while. When he realized it, he asked his partner who Lucas was.

As the guard that assisted Lucas informed his partner, the newly arrived guard widened his eyes and puffed red in anger.

"How dare him!" He was about to react aggressively, but before he could, his partner completed informing him that Lucas is at least a Master Spirit Realm above.

It is difficult to raise the senses to detect the aura of cultivators' cultivation, and it also has a few problems when someone with disparity is put in charge.

But the Heavenly Demon Sect's average cultivation technique practices their sensing abilities in checking people's cultivation auras, allowing them to easily handle each situation.

However, what is most important is respect and a cool head. That is how to handle each situation effectively.

"Forgive me for the sudden exclamation, but informing the sect master would take hours since he had an audience with other guests. Please, if you will accept it, we can give you lodging while you are waiting for the sect master."

Even with a different personality and sensing ability, the newly arrived guard handles the situation wisely. Since he now had an idea of what was happening, he should be calm.

'Someone came to visit? I wanted to see who it was, but with how wide the sect is, it seems to be impossible to see through since I don't have to worry about just the people but also the buildings.'

What Lucas was referring to was the ability to see through obstacles. And such a problem is really a hindrance to her because layers would be in his sight. Lucas sighed as he nodded to the guard.

"Okay…" Lucas should only comply with them since he is here to visit.

Lucas, on the other hand, doesn't have much patience in waiting because he chose to come here rather than to the Flower Dark Sect. And so, as they arrived at the lodging the guards presented, Lucas sent a telepathic message using magic.

"Jeric, can you hear me? I hope I don't bother you." An invisible string flew as it searched for the target person of the message. After a few seconds, Jeric finally heard it, catching his attention while having a talk with someone.

"Fellow Daoist Lucas?" Jeric pondered, which apparently paused the meeting because of his actions being preoccupied.

The lady, his audience, looked at him with confused eyes as she pondered why Jeric suddenly took a halt in his talk.

"Brother Jeric, is there any problem?" she asked.

The lady had beautiful eyes and good proportions with fair skin. Her dress was also expensive, just like her profound aura.

"Nothing… Let us take a pause in the meeting. I need to do something that I forgot to do." Since the lady came to visit with a request, Jeric has the privilege of making them wait, and his audience doesn't have a complaint about it. So, the lady nodded softly and agreed to Jeric's words.

As Jeric left, the lady just followed him with her eyes, smiling, and just when Jeric's presence disappeared, her face became solemn.


Jeric walked on his way to the lodging where he sensed Lucas was. He was familiar with Lucas, and his cultivation was good in sensing. Now that Lucas took his attention, Lucas's presence emerged in his senses.

Jeric passed through different building halls that were connected with different buildings. The servants, mortals, and disciples greeted Jeric as he went to the VIP lodging area. It was a pavilion with green and blue colors. As he arrived at one door, he fixed himself and wore a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Lucas, I have arrived."

The people around who only have low status could wonder why Jeric was standing there. But, knowing it was a lodging, they just approached him and reported their presence to assist them.

Jeric eyed them with no certain emotion and nodded at them. And afterward, the door opened with Lucas at the other end, sitting on the floor mat with silky fabrics.

"Fellow Daoist Jeric, I hope I don't bother you."

Chapter 117 - Visiting Heavenly Demon Sect [2]

In a formal position, sitting across from Lucas, Jeric laid his body with his legs crossed formed. A small table was in between them, with food presented by the servant of the pavilion.

Jeric's face was pleased. He was facing Lucas with respect, with his eyes and ears waiting for his words. Lucas was drinking the tea before him. He gulped it down even though it was hot, but the soothing sensation was still superb for some reason.

And just when Lucas was done 'sipping', he faced Jeric and smiled.

"I came here to request some techniques." It was shameless. For others, they would look at Lucas with disdain and mockery, but for Jeric, he would be pleased to be of help to Lucas.

It was a sense of something that Jeric wanted to comply with Lucas. For this 'something', it was called kinship, since he had seen Lucas as an older brother. Since the help that Lucas gave them with the Flower Dark Sect, he had seen Lucas as the benefactor of his mental state. If Lucas hadn't arrived, he would have been in Qi deviation after some time.

"Techniques? I have some high graded techniques. What kind of technique do you want?" Jeric asked with excitement.

"I want a cultivation technique that helps the mind. Perhaps more specifically, a technique that cultivates the mind." Lucas said that initially made Jeric ponder.

"Fellow Daoist Lucas, can I ask? For what use do you intend to use that kind of cultivation technique? "

Lucas already had one in mind. If he cultivates more, that helps his mind. With some time, he can release his Mind Abilities that were sealed in his core. As much as it will help him, it will also provide him with more enjoyment.

How can he be happy if he is not in a good state of mind? His personality was still not fixed, having unstable thoughts lingering in his mind. It was kind of frustrating, as Lucas wanted to really have a straight goal, not just what he could remember.

He still doesn't have the excitement and dedication he had in the past. The discovery of the legendary sword had disappeared and all that was left to him now was the childish one he had.

"Well, I only wanted to be in a good state of mind. I have some techniques injected into my foundation that bring complexity to my mental state. So, that is what it is."

"I see… I have one in mind, but it is not present in the sect. I know someone who have."

Lucas chuckled as he took a bite of food and swallowed it. "Don't be hasty. I also came here to visit you. I am not that shameless, and you can request if you have one in mind. So, how has the sect been these days?"

Of course, it was an unexpected word of concern coming from Lucas. Even though, in appearance, he was older, Jeric was still pleased and happy that Lucas asked him about it.

Reluctantly, he scratched his nape as he revealed what had happened in the past few days. Slowly, he took Lucas's interest in the problem they had.

"Well, it is a bit problematic, but we still managed. There were some matters that needed fast response, however."

Lucas raised his eyebrow in perplexity as he slowly sipped another one from the tea cup.

"It does not show promising results. But, what is this 'matter' you are talking about, Fellow Daoist Jeric? I am also here to help." Lucas said.

Relationships are the most important thing in life. Even though Lucas can stand alone, subconsciously, he still needs a companion as life won't be life without other people. He still needs assistance since there were still things he couldn't achieve without asking for help.

As a result, despite the fact that their previous meeting was brief, Jeric still has a soft spot in his heart for Lucas. He trusts him, but not to the point that he'll get overly stupid and tell Lucas everything.

In his decision, Jeric only shook his head to deny the request Lucas had made.

"I am sorry, but it seems like I can not tell you any of it, Fellow Daoist Lucas." Jeric admitted, humbly, slightly disappointed with his decision. It was for the best, as a deeper connection would also cause problems for his sect in the future.

Lucas noticed that Jeric was restricting himself to not telling him everything. As a leader, he understood that he should not bring outsiders to the matter, as it wouldn't be just disrespectful but also problematic for his ego.

However, Lucas also knew that it might be that Jeric didn't just fully trust him. It is understandable, as even though their meetings in the past were short, they had some great chemistry.

"It is okay. There is no need to be dispirited over it." Lucas said as he slowly brought up another topic. "So, what happened with the Flower Dark Sect and the Su family?"

"Hm? We have made a secret alliance with the Flower Dark Sect. And with the Su family, they retracted all their means of forward takeover of our influence." Jeric said, with a slight cold snicker in his words.

Jeric continued, "It seems that they will also retreat for a short time. We still don't know what their goals are now, but we are doing great with the Flower Dark Sect. As for the alliance, we planned to bring it further to the light with other sects. Even orthodox or unorthodox, we will welcome them."

Lucas simultaneously nodded as he listened to the words made by Jeric. It was promising, but he was curious if that alliance would mean that anyone could join it or just the sects in the northern region.

"With this alliance, can I join it?" For a second, Lucas asked, making Jeric mute. He was dumbfounded and shocked about the words that came out of Lucas's mouth. Did he mean it? He wasn't sure.

"… Do you mean everything about it, Fellow Daoist Lucas?" he asked reluctantly.

Lucas slowly nodded.

Lucas had dealt with alliances in the past, but they were all just diplomatic alliances. He had never experienced an alliance of different organizations. When he was a national advisor, he had dealt with plenty of deals as well as formal enemy retaliation.

He took another sip and said, "I am planning to create my own sect. Truth be told, I am ignorant, and I will be honest that I am not actually a mere 18-year-old. But do you know why I am telling you this, Jeric?"

Lucas's eyes were as cold as his eyes, but it just appeared unintentionally, as if his mannerisms would bring chills to the other party. And as Jeric saw his eyes, it instantly brought him chills.

'Does this mean that if I tell anyone about this, I will die? No. I am still not sure, but he is imposing that he would put his trust in me, but still I am not sure. Maybe he is roping me in by telling his secret.' Jeric hysterically thought.

Jeric is a strong cultivator. He can perform a heaven-grade technique that would instantly destroy a mountain, but Lucas could defend it, which means that at least he has a stronger potential grade of technique.

That is the reason why he was agitated about it. It may look like Lucas trusted him, but it could also mean that Lucas will do his will. He wasn't sure of Lucas's personality, the only reason he was nonchalantly talking with him earlier was because of their chemistry. But can he call this chemistry?

No, he must think carefully because it may jeopardize their thousands-year-old history sect. That would be in vain as he also see Lucas as an abdominable entity, as if he had come from the upper heavens. He is currently 200 years old, and if he grew older, he would get weaker.

However, Lucas said that he isn't actually an 18-year-old boy, which in their previous meeting he doubted. And his doubts were actually real.

A gulp was almost heard as Jeric's nervousness surfaced. Lucas pondered seeing it, and in the next few seconds, he sighed and chuckled.

"I am not trying to tie you to me, Jeric."

If you want to tie someone to a leash, you must reveal a secret to them so that if it is revealed, it is easy to figure out who did it and it would also pressure them. It is also a forceful action, saying that "You must comply with me because you know my secret; I can't allow it to spread."

Lucas continued chuckling, "I am not that wicked. You must have forgotten how I wanted your sect to settle with the Flower Dark Sect."

It was merely a cold gaze that Lucas unintentionally released, but Jeric was acting like this. It is to be said that predators can easily set a mark on a line for the lower creatures in the food chain.

"I am only telling you that I trust you, slightly," then he chuckled again as how Jeric was easily teased. He didn't expect this.

"Also, the reason why I am not a mere 18-year-old is because of an incident I can't tell you about. I am just telling you this because even if I said that I was a hundred-year old man in the past, I know that you wouldn't believe it."

Jeric slowly nodded as his nervousness was slightly eased by Lucas's assured words.

"I am about to create another phase of my life. Jeric, I want to join your alliance." Lucas said with humble words.

For a few seconds, Jeric was silent as he gathered all of his thoughts. He did overthink it there, even forgetting Lucas's previous actions that led to the peaceful relationship they had with the Flower Dark Sect.

He was so ungrateful there that he even doubted Lucas's words. He knew that Lucas wasn't 18 years old. Who would believe it, unless they came from the upper heavens? However, Lucas didn't mention anything like that.

Also, Lucas's vigor didn't tell that he was 18 years old. At least he was older than a hundred years old, and just Lucas, honestly mentioning it was worth his trust.

And as a response, Jeric said, "Yes, of course you can join the alliance, Fellow Daoist Lucas, but you must create your sect first.." Then a jolly smile came afterward.

Chapter 118 - Visiting Heavenly Demon Sect [3]

"How about it? Let's see where I can get the cultivation technique first. That is the first stage of my plans for the whole month, or years. I will cultivate my mind first so that I can easily face the predicaments that require my mental capabilities."

"Oh, about it, I knew someone, but he was from a small clan. If you are willing to visit a small place, no offense, but I still don't know your likes, Fellow Daoist Lucas."

Lucas only snickered and said, "That is Brother for you now. You gained my trust, and I also gained yours. Would it be bad to call you as Brother?"

Of course, Lucas made the initial move, because, in relationship making, those who had the thickest face would bring someone to adore them. But Lucas was conscious of his actions; even as a thick-faced individual, he should be aware of the limitations of deepening their relationship.

"Ah… then Brother Lucas, you don't mind if we visit a secretive place? It was a small clan, and I am concerned about your preferences of places you like to visit."

"Don't mind it. I am open, even if it's only a small clan. You thought of it and that was your suggestion, so I will humbly accept it." Lucas humbly said.

"Oh, is that so? Then, I will prepare for the journey."

When Lucas heard it, he laughed and pulled Jeric to sit down when he was about to stand up.

"We are still enjoying our ruination. Let's think about it later. For now, how about going for some wine? Do you have some?"

Even though Jeric could notice that Lucas was slowly deepening their relationship, it doesn't mean that he is currently minding it right now, as Lucas had slowly eased his worries earlier.

For a greater relationship, you should first know if the other party is someone who can be easily driven by emotions. And it seems like Jeric is that kind of person. One instance was when his son died. That is enough for Lucas to see that Jeric can be easily driven by his emotions.

That is why, earlier, Lucas slowly drilled into Jeric's heart by being sorry for both of them. And slowly, now, he is pulling him closer by not giving him time to reject his offer. Jeric would just think of it as sincere words from Lucas since he had been sincere when he put himself in this sorry state.

Also, Lucas can see emotions, and even slightly activating his eyes was enough to see through Jeric's system. It would be a joke if this simple manipulation of words could lose him a potential ally.

At the time, Lucas was also thinking about it, but he wasn't that driven to the point that he would need allies by his side in the future. Lucas only wanted to fulfill the requirements; that is, if you know the requirements and have a challenge filling them, enjoyment will fill his heart.

Requirements are like rankings; if filled, they are amusing and addictive. That is for rankings. If you raise your rank, the joy is quite addicting.

And so, Lucas and Jeric had a fight over drinks. They shut their detoxifying abilities off to enjoy the drinks until they passed out and woke up the next day.


(Important texts, you should read it as it would explain some stuff.)

"Master, what do you think about Sire Lucas? After he uses that transporter, legendary sword, he seems to passively still hold magic as his foundation." One voice uttered respectfully, addressing one entity in the dark cosmos.

"Worry not, he is walking on the right path. Even though magic and cultivation are two different foundations for him, they are the same as the divine power that rushes through everyone's veins. He is the greatest variable that appeared, at least." The 'Master' responded with the ease and calm voice of a man.

"I see… If it comes to the point where he reaches the Divine Overlord Realm, shall he put the Ruler or the Divine Emperor down? I mean, he was just an immature kid who possessed the All-Absorption Physique."

The 'Master' chuckled as a light flickered in the dark cosmos. It brought an image of an endless abyss as there, the lone light lies, floating like a sphere but only blind eyes.

"That is definitely what would happen if I gave him a legacy. I can see the ending, but there were endless possibilities. The loopholes in each of his personalities are still being fixed. That is why I said he is on the right path."

Lucas was currently working with his mind. He finally noticed that his 'Youthful Mind' and other Mind Abilities were playing with the personality he had. Lucas already experienced having a multi-personality, as if talking to one side of himself.

Those personalities emerged when there was a time he had to bring himself back to the real world, having his own self fixed. Currently, that is what is happening.

The personality he had practiced was happy-go-lucky, impulsive, repulsive, unreasonable, etc… They were plenty of types of attitudes that form one personality, but for Lucas, those were each of his personality's foundations that became one-dimensional at some point.

He couldn't notice that it was what was happening; he only knew that he needed to be sure of what he wanted. Even though the variables of human emotion that affect the personality are indefinite and unpredictable, at least for him, he needed to have one character.

And he would become one by using all of his personality, filtering out the unwanted, and becoming one with what was considered the general.

But it wasn't a trial, so how could he fix it? That is, by cultivating his mind. If he happens to cultivate his mind properly, the time will come when the passive abilities he had sealed will resurface without restrictions. It won't cause his core to have a violent reaction. Instead, it would benefit him since his mind would easily become clear.

That is why, 'Master' was telling he was on the right path, or at least, the path he had wished for to be the best of the plenty of paths.

"Legacy… how good is it to be part of the human world, Master?"

"Unimaginable as us, the imitation of humans is only one-sided. However, humans have different sides and different affiliations that could bring benefit or destruction."

"But for us, Master, who have been born by the ultimate nothingness in the abyss comes to observe them as if we knew everything…"

The 'Master' was silent, speechless at what the other voice wanted to imply. However, he was not angered by it. He could not be angered. He had come, just like the light that did nothing but shine, didn't become too blinding, nor dimming.

"We can not fall into any of those categories. We are supreme; we don't die and we don't kill. We don't have any purpose. We only see where the universe comes to an end where everyone won't be intertwined with each other."

"Forgive me, Master. We have been living through an almost uncountable amount of destruction. We have encountered plenty of universal conflicts. I might have forgotten the benevolent side of you…"

The 'Master' was silent again, but in the next few fragments of time, a celestial body was created around the light. Light becomes a star and the celestial body becomes a sphere, forming different components of becoming a planet.

However, even though it had become a planet, it was lifeless, and just as it started to revolve around the star, 'Master' continued talking.

"Benevolent? Hm? A great word to describe me, but I am not benevolent. That benevolence should have something to give, but I don't own anything. Even this pseudo-personality we had had nothing to do with my own property. I don't own anything."

The voice slowly became soft and started lowering its volume.

"Please forgive me. But I truly see you in that way, Master."

The 'Master' was still calm. He didn't budge with the servant-personality of the other voice. He just didn't speak. And as he didn't speak, in another fragment of time, another celestial body was formed. However, it was not as huge as the previous one, and instead, it was revolving around the planet.

It was white but didn't have any brightness, only a dim light that it could accumulate from the light.

"I see if you feel that way. I can not blame you, but you must not be at my side. There will be another who'll be born from nothingness, and I shall assist him. This is your time."

The other voice just replied, "I accept your wishes, Master. Even if it hurts me deep inside the nothingness I have."

"You talk like a human. However, you won't remember me again. That world is called Earth, but it is also called another planet for humans. Humans have different appearances, and I must say, this one is still similar to the other worlds in the cosmos."

"Earth? It sounds good. Does that mean I will become a human, Master?" The voice asked in a pondering tone, confused and curious about the answer to his question.

"Yes. You will become a human, sadly, but it is the flow of this universe, and till another one who'll come beside me will become one."

"… I have not felt it but in the nothingness, I felt that I am alive despite the fact that I am only nothing but a… what am I, Master?"

"Human. You are now a human, and as you come to Earth, I bless you with the ability to just like the other beings in the cosmos."

"Ability? Bless? Does that mean you created them?"

"No, I didn't create them. I am nothing but a… being that does everything repetitively."

"You don't get tired?" the voice asked to 'Master'.

"What is that feeling? I don't know. I have witnessed plenty, but I am still ignorant of that feeling.. I am just nothing, lost, and an entity in the deep abyss of nothingness."

Chapter 119 - Jue Yu Clan [1]

A 16-year-old young man was following a group of five young adults. They were at least 18 to 19 years old and were stealthily walking in a dense part of the forest. Their purpose was to scout the area before they attacked the Moonlight Mountain Frog.

The Moonlight Mountain Frog is the current predicament of their village. It was huge, the size of a small hill, green and glowing with white slippery skin.

But, one would ask, why were they scouting the area, and why was it a predicament for their village?

The Jue Yu Village is a small clan that lives in the Great Mao Mountains. They were the fifth-ranking clan in the mountain, but they had the strongest backer, the Heavenly Demon Sect of the Northern Region Great Cliff.

And so, going back, why are they scouting the area? It is because the Moonlight Mountain Frog is blocking the light path, and so they were planning on how to get rid of it.

This monster is such a pain in the head, not just because of its size, but also because of its ability to absorb spiritual energy. That is why they cannot perform internal martial arts but only external.

Good for them that they were a small clan and the location of their clan wasn't that open to the mainland, so they were not suppressed by any of those who sought land.

And so, every predicament they have is only about those things that affect their environment. This Moonlight Mountain Frog needs to be chased away for the safety of their clan, as they really need the light for their everyday life.

For sure, even some sacrifice would suffice for the security of the clan.

"This huge frog just goes snoring all around. Despite its beautiful name, it is how gruesome its appearance and smell are." One of the seniors remarked with dissatisfaction as they were getting close to the monster.

The young man just remained collected. He didn't react at all to the words of his master and just observed the area.

As the monster kept on snoring into the deep night, these clansmen were stealthily observing every possible entrance of their force.

The leader of the group slowly approached the monster. It has short-trimmed hair with grey strands appearing. Although he was still a young adult, his appearance was undescribably not appropriate for his age.

"Hm… Should we go to the other side? My intuition tells me that there must be something to be discovered in that location." The leader mumbled to his group, and as they went to the other side with light steps, they saw something that could make them gasp.


"So what is the result of the expedition to the valley? Does that monster have some problems? We can chase it away, right?" One clan elder, who was assigned to the operation, asked.

"We still don't know its actual cultivation, but we believe that it is at least Level Two in the Warrior Spirit Realm." The leader reported with his other five group members at the back.

The clan elder was in deep thought. They were inside a bamboo building, assigned to them as the headquarters for the operation. As the clan elder continued thinking, the other group members were talking to each other.

"What the heck? I thought that it would only be a Level One Warrior Spirit Realm. But to assume it was Level Two, we will be having a hard time here."

"Right, even with how strong the clan elders are, one or two could only be mobilized since it is not the only matter the clan should focus on. There is still a scarcity of agricultural products. It would need the assistance of the elders as they were the strongest in the clan."

"I can understand what you feel. I might even think that this predicament would be difficult to overcome."

"Sighs… I hope everyone survives this…"

Meanwhile, the young man at the back was all silent. He didn't join the conversation for the reason that it would be useless to talk about it. Their conversation won't even improve their solutions. Instead of talking about it, at least think about saving others first.

But of course, his feelings were only locked in his mind as he was just silent every day. He keenly eyes anything, just to be sure that, even with slight mistakes, he can learn from it.

The clan elder sighed as he assessed the judgment his junior made. If it is true, it means that they at least need more people to help with chasing away such monsters. It would also be impossible to kill it as their force wasn't that great.

The cultivators in the clan are set into different positions. As there is a hierarchy in the clan, it is what is commonly known in other countries as well.

There were servants in a clan, but they were only servants because they had no place or ability to survive on the mainland, where many cultivators flocked.

First, the lowest were servants. Next were the clansmen, or the members of the clan in the lowest rank. Before their names, they have to stick with their clan's name, "Jue Yu."

The second highest in the clan is the hunter master. They were those clansmen who had the ability to cultivate, those who had finished the one-year academy lessons to become fighters. But, in this academy, not everyone becomes a hunter.

This position's equivalence is logistical. They were those who had the ability to cultivate but not enough to compete with the standards of the wilderness.

The clan elders were those who had political power within the clan and could control a small portion of the clan at their leisure, but they still had to follow some rules.

And lastly, the highest position is that of a clan leader. As their position indicates, they are the leaders of the clan.

Every position also has qualifications. Only blood is required to be a member. And, aside from being a logistic or a hunter master, they must have cultivation.

But to be a clan elder, they must at least be a Warrior Spirit Realm Cultivator.

And this is the target cultivation of this young man, Gabriel Fang, the current genius of the clan, who has a unique physique that everyone doesn't know about. He had a physique that defies the logic of cultivation, as on his first try of cultivating, he started showing some abilities for casting a mystical art.

But, because the clan was afraid of revealing it to the world, they were feeding him secretly with the best they could do.

They train him with the best hunter master clan elders. They let him observe with the top hunter master group and also receive the most resources from the clan.

But even still, with how the clan puts the hope of the rise of their clan, he doesn't show any promising attitude. He does not let them know the progress of his practices, just keeps on being silent.

There were even rumors that he was just lazy and arrogant from being a genius. And so, even knowing how genius he was, not everyone looks at him with admiration.

Throughout the village, there was envy, disdain, loathing, and a wide range of emotions. As he walks down a street, everyone will look at him. They would call him by plenty of names.

"Genius Cold Guy…"


"Lucky Bastard…"

And etc. There were still more, but they were just average name-calling and none of those had any effect on him. They were mere words of unnecessary recognition.

"I trust your assessment, Junior Brother Fred Lim. Then, we will prepare for the operation. With the other existing information, we will take on that monster within this week. Take a rest first." With a worried tone, the clan elder said. Although not everyone could take a rest well enough, they just bowed at him and left the building.

The members of the group went their different ways. It is time to rest, but not for one member of the group. He was the most diligent of them, and despite his cold gazes, showed affection towards the clan.

Everything for him is the clan. And so, every leisure time he had, he used it to cultivate more. For the past few years since he learned to cultivate, he has always had this predicament.

This problem has been his hindrance. Every time he cultivated, he had an eerie feeling. And this vibe is what was the problem, as he couldn't progress to a higher stage because of this. It was also impossible at higher levels of his realm.

He is still at the 6th level of the Apprentice Spirit Realm. Even if he came from a small clan, he should be at least at the Warrior Stage with his talents. However, it didn't give him much advantage as his talent was only good at the beginning of his cultivation.

As he continued to cultivate at night, he hissed out of nowhere, cursing a few words before he opened his eyes.

"Why every time? Why?! Why?!"

"I can not cultivate properly and only stocked at the 6th level. Even with the good result, I had in the past, I still can't call this as a bottleneck as…"

"I can cultivate because… every time I cultivate, the spiritual energy is redirected to someplace in my body…."

Chapter 120 - Jue Yu Clan [2]

At the full moon of a great bear year, a boy was born. He was visited by plenty of cultivators next to their house, as when he was just born, spiritual energy was gathering around him. They called him a blessing.

As he grew up, the boy was just silent, but he wasn't mute; he was like that to everyone. Well, they just disregard it as they see him as the hope of the clan, without even learning if he should be.

When he reached 10 years old, he wasn't childish. He was the most promising of his peers, as when he was younger, he showed great intelligence, according to their clan.

Their clan focuses on mind cultivation, and even with how weak their spiritual energy is, they were still doing great in external martial arts. And those who were at least good at internal martial arts assessed this boy to have a good physique.

At least when he was ten years old, he had the ability to accept spiritual energy to cultivate, and so, he performed well. He did so well in cultivating that in the first week that the clan elders taught him how to cultivate, he broke through the first layer of the first refining stage of cultivation.

They were blessed with great news; they celebrated. Even though they were ignorant of the million kinds of physiques in the world, they were sure that this boy was blessed with cultivating talents.

The people's hopes rose, and they looked at him with more hope in their eyes, which irritated the boy. Even with how silent he was, he was thinking straight and assessing everything using his brain.

The great intelligence he had was used until his 16th year of age. And so, when he approached an obstacle in his cultivation, even with the genius he was, he was still a powerless child.

"This won't work…"

And even with how cold his heart was, he treasured the clan even more than others. It was unexplainable, but he treasured the clan greatly.

What can he do in this predicament? He is just powerless, and his clan will go on a mission to eradicate the Moonlight Mountain Frog. How could he help them if he was this weak?

"This won't work!" he exclaimed as he hit another wall-like structure inside of him as he followed the spiritual energy he gathered. It wasn't a bottleneck, but it was kind of different as his dantian had another wall protecting it.

The structure of a dantian is hard to discern, but he had this? A wall? Would anyone believe him if he said this? Of course, no one, because this isn't like any other experience. They would doubt his words and would think he was just giving reasons for his laziness.

He doesn't care about the reputation he had. But what he cares about is the progress he's made. The resources he had would be cut off if this happened, and he doesn't want it. How could that happen if he wanted his cultivation to progress?

"But even still, this isn't great progress…" he mumbled to himself as he went back to his concentration once again.

His consciousness floated in a great space, floating like there was no air in the surroundings. Also, there were small lights in the surroundings, but it was all blurry to him. And as he continues to cultivate, he still bumps into some sort of wall in his dantian.

What is this? This isn't normal… Those were words that would commonly emerge if one experienced this. This would surely bring slow advancement in his job.

If only he didn't care about the clan, this wouldn't be so hard to ignore. He can just live as a hunter master since this cultivation is enough for him to support his family. But he grasps the whole clan as his responsibility! And that one isn't normal either.

It is kind of like a cursed mindset from his previous life. Did he die as a hero back then? It is absurd!

"Tsk! I should rest tonight. I will continue tomorrow with a different pattern of breathing. Or maybe, I should ask for a higher great cultivation technique."

However, the clan elders would suspect it if it happened.

However, he was left with no choice. Every choice he had resulted in no good and he can't continue being like this. He should at least find new and possibly useful ways. The greater it is, the more… difficult it is. That is another problem that lies there.

"Then… I am left with no choice. I should visit the library to get a new cultivation technique. I think this cultivation I am using is the reason why I can't advance; it must be because of the physique that everyone assessed I had."

The next day, the young man, Gabriel, visited the library of their clan. He was agitated, but it didn't show on his face. However, deep inside, his body was cold. His lips were numb as if he could feel the nervousness getting into him.

He was walking slowly, reluctant to open the door.

'How do I open this door if everyone… nevermind.'

He was about to leave the library when someone opened it. It was a clan elder.

"Oh! Gabriel! Why are you here? Do you need something?"

Gabriel froze in place as he shifted his head sluggishly to face the clan elder who had called him. He made a gap in his lips as his words were breaking apart when he decided to speak.

"Hmm? Do you have any problems? Are you perhaps here for consultation?"

Consultation? Gabriel doesn't trust anyone for the moment. He should at least prove himself first before he continues to deepen himself with others. At least, that is what he wanted to happen.

"Ah… Clan elder, I am here for a cultivation technique."

At the very least, he overcame his nervousness and felt relieved for a brief moment. Not until the clan elder replies to his request.

"Cultivation technique? Why? Even the most basic things are working well for you. What's the problem?" he asked.

Gabriel kept his calm expression and replied to him, "It is because I wanted to try something new. The progress I've made with the current technique is slow, so I want something new. Is it possible if I have the best graded technique?"

Having a physique doesn't only mean having a good talent, if it is one. There are times when it needs proper technique to use it well. If not, it will bring nothing good.

However, they didn't mind it as, in the first year of his cultivation, he was good with the technique they offered. They didn't mind it because of the ignorance they had when it comes to this kind of matter. They simply disregard it and become complacent.

"Ah… you want to try something new?"

"Yes. I want new. Is it possible?"

"Of course, it is possible! Why would I try to be selfish? Of course!"

Did he just overthink it? Gabriel just thought that it would be difficult to get a new technique, but it went smoothly.

When he got out of the building, he smiled for the first time outside their house.

'I probably should stop overthinking. It deals badly with my thoughts. Now, I should just continue to try to cultivate using this technique.'

When he entered their house, his mother greeted him with the sweetest smile.

"Thanks mom. I will be eating later with you, " he said to his mom with the softest tone he had.

"Yes, my son." And when Gabriel left, she sighed with the dissatisfaction she had received from hearing different rumors from her neighbors.

"How could my son be so cold if he is this warm inside of our house? They must be just jealous of him for having some talents in cultivation."

The clansmen of the Jue Yu clan weren't good at cultivation. That is why they focused on their minds to at least nourish themselves with a good mindset and produce a good result. That is how they cultivate, apart from strengthening their bones with external martial arts.

Gabriel entered his room upstairs and immediately opened the book and scanned it. The name of the cultivation technique was "Moonlight Synergy." It was their clan's best-graded cultivation technique in their clan and the technique the clan leader used.

But because of 'favor' which the clan elder in the library did, he let Gabriel touch the Earth-grade technique from the secret shelves.

"Hmm… I should not waste more time. I only had five days to go until the operation. I am lacking in external arts, so I will gamble my time on this cultivation." He mumbled with a hopeful tone as he got into deep concentration.

Minutes had passed, but he was still gathering Qi from his surroundings. He was controlling them well to be refined in his dantian. However, it is different. He followed the cultivation technique and, unexpectedly, it went smooth.

But he was still not sure if this process would make him progress to another level.. Hopefully, he'll breakthrough.

Chapter 121 - Moonlight Mountain Frog [1]

Gabriel's cultivation was going smoothly. Soothing air fills his nose as he gets into a deep concentration of the energy entering his body. He slowly felt the power of the spiritual energy.

Power? How can you call that power if he still can't refine it properly? His mere at the 6th level of the Apprentice Spirit Realm is just a few steps from motality. Thus, even with that kind of cultivation, he could still at least perform second-rate skills.

But even so, he was still diligently cultivating it. This Moonlight Senergy cultivation technique was a great cultivation technique for those who were always directly lit by moonlight. It is perfect for the clansmen of the Jue Yu clan.

And so, in the midst of his cultivation, there were no complications. But after a few hours, nearing the end of the day, he felt a pressure pushing him out of his concentration. It was as if he couldn't follow his Qi anymore. He couldn't refine it, he couldn't reach the very depths of his dantian.

There was as if a pressure barrage barricaded his progress. But even so, he collected himself to not be frustrated by it. This is enough for him. Unlike the last time it was a wall, it is now only a pressure.

For sure, he can overcome this! He knew that this pressure wasn't enough for him to surrender.

The talent he had won't be wasted. This will be just another challenge in his cultivation.

"…" Is what his dedication says. However, with the talent he had, he only managed to breakthrough once.

Of course, it is a good result. It is impossible to breakthroguh that fast in just one night. At least for normal people and those who have limited resources.

He managed to breakthrough one level… but now he faced the same problem he had faced when he wasn't using the Moonlight Senergy. Currently, he faces a wall-like sensation blocking him from directing all the Qi to this dantian. He appears to be approaching a bottleneck once more.

Of course, it wasn't a bottleneck, it was only a problem of his unique physique. And truth be told, he wasn't sure if he could still continue further. This is the best grade in their clan, and after this, he had no other cards left to use as an option.

What a predicament is this…?

"Why can't I even manage to break this wall?! It was only a pressure before, but it has now turned into a wall! Why?!" He was irritated by this. Gabriel Fang should be helping his clan now, and he has another four days until the clan proceeds to cast away the Moonlight Mountain Frog.

"Should I give up?"


Four days have passed like the blink of an eye, and the operation to chase away the Moonlight Mountain Frog is commencing. There were at least two clan elders leading the forces, with a total of 30 hunter masters making up the forces, an equal number of 32 individuals.

They all had the same hope; it was to chase away the Moonlight Mountain Frog, as it was already giving them dim light, their agricultural products were losing their nutrients, and it would basically take a month before it moved from its position.

"Remember that the Moonlight Mountain Frog just gave birth to three froglets. What we need to focus on is to at least get the three of them and use them as bait to move."

Their plan was to use the helpless froglets as the initiators for the monster to move. They not only had a perfect plan after discovering this, but they also had a higher chance of success.

Now, the plan will commence. The first phase of it was to safely get the froglets with intense stealth to make sure not to get their parent's attention first. And when the froglets are secured, they will tire it out by attacking, so that when it notices that its children are in the hands of the humans, when it gets mad, the attacks won't be that large.

The second phase was to use the froglets as bait to move it. As mentioned, there will be an initiator, and that group must be the group that is the fastest of the other forces. That is, to ensure that the froglets will not die from the attacks of the attackers, since infuriating the monster too much will not result in a greater good.

And so in the last phase, they must escape from the sight of the monster. That is, if ever it comes to revenge, it won't be easy to discern who did it. That is why this group had the most crucial part in this operation.

"Now, we will start the operation. Secure the froglets first, but don't immediately take them. Be sure to hide near it so that after the attacks and its attention is shifted to the attackers, you will easily get the froglets." A clan elder reminded his juniors, which was immediately obeyed to remember.

Froglets are also monsters, but they don't have enough energy to fight back against possible predators. That is why, for every fight, attackers should know the weaknesses of their enemies first.

They all moved in unison. There were three groups in the force: five for the creation of the escape path and also semi-support. Meanwhile, the main group to weaken the monster will be the 15 hunter masters under the leadership of the two clan elders. And so, at last, were the 10 hunter masters that would secure the froglets.

Every froglet is just an average dog's size. But, why did they put 10 people in this group? It's for security reasons if they get caught capturing the froglets. The remaining group will immediately join the main group. That means the remaining three will easily get the froglets.

Gabriel was part of the last group, and even though he was the youngest, he had the most part in the operation since his aura told them of his progress.

It was a stupid assessment. But of course, they were complacent about him. In their practices, he had the most outstanding performance of his batch. That is why they trust him that much.

The route group started moving, assessing where the monster would go after they used the froglets. After that, the main group started to go to the monster's front.

They all moved with a plan, and they formed well in front of the monster. It was still sleeping. Its stomach was vibrating, with small sounds coming from it. And as they counted, they prepared their weapons and covered them with the dim light of their auras.

This is their signature move, the "moonlit sword." Even with how dim its energy is, it can still perform well as long as it is accompanied by their external martial arts. And with the brute strength they had, they initially had a strong attack to make.

"Moonlit Sword!" They all shouted with the execution of the sword technique. They used their external martial arts and filled the words with their own techniques.

With their shouts, the monster was flabbergasted. It flinched, opening its eyes as soon as the shout created echoes.

"Kwak!" As soon as it noticed them, its eyes looked at its children first. Seeing that they were safe, it went back to the main group with an infuriated face.

The oval face and huge dark eyes twitched with another shout of reveberation. The hunter masters covered their ears from the extreme sound waves they received. It was the defensive mechanism of the Moonlight Mountain Frog.

By shouting, they chased away those who were lower than them. However, this attack only had a minimal effect on the hunter masters as they made sure to put some strength into their ears by circulating their spiritual energy near their ears.

Of course, it was to raise the hearing senses, but what they did was to block the soundwaves from entering their ears. They only depended on the history books the clan had to protect themselves from the soundwaves. Even if they can endure, they still cover their ears.

"Tsk! Another attack!" A clan elder exclaimed in a tremendous roar. Everyone boosted their morale and launched another attack.

They all raised their swords and used solely their external arts this time. They targeted the legs, but before everyone could attack, only half of them, the creature raised its legs.

When the legs were put back on the ground, it caused a small tremor in their stance.

They all hissed and continued to move away from what was planned. They moved in a formation where they were spread throughout the field of view of the monster. Once it happened, they made another attack without proper order to confuse it more.

Because of the colossal size of the monster, it had a hard time adjusting its position. It wasn't even able to raise its body, and when another assessment was made by the clan elders, they laughed.

"Hahahaha! Look at this giant frog! A frog is still a frog! And now that it has recently given birth to three froglets, it shows signs of weakness! It still didn't recover its full strength!"

"That is right, but be careful, it might spit! It is dangerous!"

When the main group continued attacking the monster, at Gabriel's position, they were silently observing the fight. He was part of the baiting group, and as he observes them, he is also smiling.

"I worried too much."

Chapter 122 - Moonlight Mountain Frog [2]

The movements of the Moonlight Mountain Frog were so large that they gave tremors with every step. However, surprisingly, it was so slow that even the hunter masters spreading their formations were able to hurt it.

There were plenty of cries coming from this monster, and even though it was deafening, the hunter masters didn't pardon him with their attacks. They all continued attacking with their sword techniques and external martial arts. Even though they were weak in spiritual energy and didn't have a great output, their performance was promising.

Even still, the monster seems to be unscathed by their attacks. In fact, it was only a tickle for it, but these signs were not obvious to them.

The hunter masters cut a few parts of the monster's skin. There were no grave injuries, but the scratches were obvious.

With the size of the Moonlight Mountain Frog equal to a hill, the hunter masters looked like ants biting a human. And as they were enduring the tiredness, a few minutes had passed and the intensity of the attacks of the Moonlight Mountain Frog had weakened. Their efforts were paying off.

The Moonlight Mountain Frog's main attacks were its huge body slam, acidic saliva, and long tongue. Even though it had a high cultivation base, it was useless since the purpose of the spiritual energy for this monster was to maintain its life.

Life for the purpose that this kind of monster isn't actually made for the balance in the ecosystem. They survive on their own accord, not by the ecosystem's balance.

The fight continued and the baiting group was preparing for their part of the operation. And as they moved stealthily to reach the froglets, they were discovered.

The head of the Moonlight Mountain Frog slowly moved in their direction with its deep abyss-like dark round eyes. It was growling, surprising for a frog to act like this.

"Take the froglets immediately."

Fortunately for them, even though they were discovered, they were so near the froglets that three of the baiting group were able to grab the froglets. And with this, they were able to run with it.

The other seven members of the group joined the main group to attack and buy time. But even with their numbers, the monster was still able to get away from them and only focused on its children.

"Nice, we already got the froglets. With this, we will be able to chase them away!"

Everyone was celebrating this, as with the heavy body of the monster, it wasn't able to catch up with them. They assumed that their attacks were working.

"Hahaha! This is a perfect plan! Now that this huge monster is moving, our village will finally have a calm atmosphere. The vegetables will finally grow healthier!"

"It is indeed a blessing from heaven. Look at that genius kid! Among the three, he is the fastest of them all!"

"Oh, that Gabriel Fang? He is indeed fast. What do you think his cultivation base is currently at? With his promising progress, if he got a few more years, he would be able to handle this monster solo."

"Oh, you think so? He should be because these monsters aren't all that difficult to control. Look at its movements; it was weakened by our attacks."

They were celebrating too early, so they didn't notice what was really happening. The Moonlight Mountain Frog wasn't weakened by their attacks. It was because it gave birth to these froglets that it wasn't able to move fast.

Even with jumping, the monster was having a hard time. But of course, they were too complacent to think that in the next few seconds, they were about to be alarmed again.


The Moonlight Mountain Forg followed its eyes to its children with intense hostility towards the humans before it, gathering around them. It was angry that it was able to produce such deafening soundwaves.


Some of their ears rang from the soundwaves. Some were able to reinforce their ears with their Qi, but unfortunately, there was still great damage to their sides.

The Moonlight Mountain Frog was so strong that they were deceived by its weak state. It made them think of absurd things for a moment.

When an enemy is in a sorry state and the attacking party wasn't sure of the actual strength of this enemy, they tend to become relieved and underestimate this enemy.

Underestimation is the greatest problem because, even with how knowledgeable you are, it is natural for you to feel this way. Superiority feeds the ego, and humans struggle to maintain the ego.

Their ego resulted in a disastrous outcome for their side. They didn't expect it. As soon as the monster was able to move quickly, someone was caught with it.


Blood splattered under the monster's leg. Someone was smashed to the ground, crushed with no pure flesh remaining. It was as if hit by a huge mountain to be in this state.

As they saw it, their eyes could only become dilated as their breathing became unstable as well. But for the monster's side, it was deserving of them that it continued moving without any remorse for what it had done.

Of course, it was a monster, but most monsters still feel something when they kill since it is a natural instinct for creatures to feel something before blood.

The hunter masters cried with all of their might and moved their rage to their attacks.

"You bastard! You dare kill one of our fellow clansmen! You will feel our anger and we will avenge our fellow clansmen!"

Different cries filled the entire area, but it was too late. The Moonlight Mountain Frog was catching up with the baiting group that made them alarmed.

"Shit. Let's hasten our pace; that frog is at our back!"

Gabriel was just silent and promptly reinforced his legs with the Qi he had spared. And with it, his movement hastened, capturing their attention, which also raised their morale.

The baiting group still doesn't know what was happening behind their backs. They were only following the plan, going to the escape route group to finish the operation.

"Look at that boy rocking this race! He is indeed a genius! Way better than you bastard who can't even move quickly." A sneer came from one of the three holders of the froglets.

"Wow. Coming from you who is already 20 years old yet still at the 6th level of the Apprentice Spirit Realm. Be my fan! I am already at the 7th level!"

"Yes, yes. I am not jealous you fucker!"

Their pace remained steady as the monster closed in on them from behind, covering a few hundred meters. This event made the other two laugh and celebrate that they would be able to finish this operation with sweeping success.

Meanwhile, Gabriel was contemplating why the monsters seemed to be not injured but just weak. He didn't know about anything that had happened in the back, but what he was sure of was that it was as if the attacks the main group made were nothing to do with it.

There were no obvious limping movements from the attacks. It should have since their initial plan was to damage the legs. But it wasn't reacting to the scratches it has on its legs.

It is suspicious, but Gabriel continued following the plan. In a few hundred meters, they will reach the escape route. Since it is a few kilometers away now from their village, it would be safe to leave the froglets there and escape.

It should be the plan, but a thought had reached Gabriel's mind. What is it? He noticed the balance in their operation. They attacked the monster, but the monster didn't leave its children. Like humans, they tend to protect their children.

And surely, if they knew that there were threats in the surroundings, what comes to the mind of their parents is to bring their children to a safe place. But it didn't, so something might be happening inside its head.

Gabriel, don't underestimate monsters. Even if they were not innovative like humans forming civilization, they had an upper instinct that humans could not reach to rival.

Gabriel had read plenty of books to help with his cultivation problems, and some of the books he had read were not actually helpful for his cultivation, but they at least raised his perception of life.

Thus, with the pure intelligence he had, he noticed that the monster knew that it was weak to move away from the threats. It is not about confidence because if it was about confidence, the fight should have ended quickly with the humans dying.

But nothing like that happened. Why? Because it was weakened due to giving birth.


Or so it should be…

A sudden sound just disrupted Garbiel's thoughts and made him cover his ears. There was some fine dust that gathered before him and the rest of the baiting group, making them blinded for a few seconds.

As the dust dissipated, they were only frozen in their position to discover what caused it.

The Moonlight Mountain Frog caught up with them and was able to jump high enough to land before them. But where is the shadow? They didn't notice the shadow…

For that, the reason was that they were so focused that they didn't notice that the monster was too fast. How? It should be weak.

"Just like humans…. Monsters also experience adrenaline rushes at crucial times."