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Chapter 123 - Moonlight Mountain Frog [3]

It was truly surprising. They didn't expect this to come. Adrenaline for monsters is the most absurd thing Gabriel could think of as a reason. But there's nothing more to explain as this Moonlight Mountain Frog raised its capabilities by sheer will.

It was truly like being a parent. Unless they are the ones who throw their children to learn how to fly, no parent would allow their children to be in dangerous situations. Apart from that, Gabriel could only make a bitter smile as the Moonlight Mountain Frog in front of him appeared to be a formindable fortress.

It was so massive that he couldn't imagine reaching the eyes with his current potential. It is impossible for him now. That was when he realized that every effort he made was useless.


They were the cries of the two members of the baiting group that held the other two froglets. As soon as the monster appeared and caught up with them, Gabriel was able to move backward and create a distance between them.

And now, all he could hear were the cries of his fellow clansmen. It was devastating, and it hurt his heart.

"How could I protect them if I was this weak? It is impossible to say that even if this is just at the 2nd level of the Warrior Spirit Realm, it is still more powerful than that cultivation base."

Gabriel could only mumble. All of the will he had and the strong mentality he had kept all through his years of living were thrown away like trash.

Sigh… this might be the end. The Moonlight Mountain Frog used its tongue to kill the other two froglets holder, and now he only has the last one.

The hopes of his people were now in vain. He should've run faster so that even with a small sacrifice, the monster would still chase him.

It is disappointing. A genius? He was cursed with unexplainable things.

How could he think of his clan highly if he didn't even dare to socialize with them? It was like this constitutional body he had was cursing his body for being a hero of his clan.

"For heaven's sake, at least I could die as a proud member of the Jue Yu clan."

Gabriel slowly released the froglet from his embrace and turned to face the Moonlight Mountain Frog, which was gathering energy to create another bomb of soundawaves.

Gabriel smirked in defeat.

"A Moonlight Mountain Frog is able to create soundwaves from its Qi… It is not a lower level monster, at least it should be at the 6th level of the Warrior Spirit Realm."

What could he do? It was two whole realms of disparity. Giving up was the only choice.

"Good bye."

The monster released the sound waves and a bomb-like pressure pressed down on the ground and the other matters on the ground. The earth rumbled as the trees flew due to the intense pressure of the soundwaves.

This is the Moonlight Mountain Frog in its original state. This event just made the hunter masters of the Jue Yu clan create a gap between their lower and upper lips.

Slowly, tears dropped down as they saw how the whole area where the baiting group was destroyed and covered with debris.

"It is the end. Even if we have sacrificed much, it is still in vain. Run! Run before that monster takes revenge on us!" A clan elder shouted in worry as he warned the other clansmen to retreat.

It's all useless now. At least they should quickly disappear from its sight and warn their fellow clansmen.

But there were some events that they didn't expect.

"Why would you run? At least watch how things will come to an end."

A clan elder widened his eyes as he heard a voice looming behind with an intriguing tone. It was a mysterious person, floating just behind him.

An expert!

The clan elder quickly kowtowed before this cultivator floating and thickened his face to ask a request.

"Please, Senior, help us!"

When other clansmen noticed him kowtowing, they followed his eyes and discovered this cultivator floating. They also followed his actions and kowtowed before this cultivator.

"Please help us!!!"

This cultivator emitted a profound aura of an expert. He was floating with a smirk on his face.

"Why would I help you? I am not interested in any of it. I am only here to watch this spectacle. " Jeric spoke with disdain in his tone, causing everyone to freeze.

It is the doom of their village.

"Please help us, Senior!!!"

Jeric looked at them one by one and sighed after another booming sound reverberated. He smiled and shook his head.

"Hah… Don't think about me helping you since I am really just watching. I am not the one who you should ask for help. That one." Jeric pointed out the Moonlight Mountain Frog with a smile.

They were confused at first, but when the dust dissipated, they saw one person standing, flying in the sky at the level of the Moonlight Mountain Frog. He was wearing a dirty white robe, and a profound aura was around his robes.

Their eyes also looked for someone. It was Gabriel Fang. But then, when their eyes fell on him, who was covered with some protective barrier, they all sighed and smiled.

Tears were uncontrollable, flowing from their eyes. It was with tears of joy that they could finally be relieved.

On the other hand, Lucas was eyeing the huge monster in front of him. He had a serious face as he inspected every part of the body of this monster. Well, at least this monster has plenty of useful materials. How about donating it to the clan?

"Pugwak!!!" Another gruesome cry from the monster.

Lucas tilted his head and raised his hands, creating light fragments around his arms. Slowly, a sword was created in his grasp.

"I don't need to use my sword. This is enough for you to handle. " Then a mocking smirk was formed on his lips before a profound colorless light covered his sword.

[Stallion of Formless Art Form 1]

With one swing, a few slashes were released in the sky that were directly pointed at the Moonlight Mountain Frog, and it flew straight to that monster. One second had passed, a flash occurred in these slashes, and blood splattered.

It was a green, dreadful color of blood that filled the entire area like rain, but instead of clouds, this rain of blood came from a hill-sized monster.

Lucas scratched his nape as he looked down at the surroundings. It is now in a sorry state and disgustingly unpresentable to be called part of nature.

Lucas performed a time-reversal spell with nature as his target. He was able to reverse their states back into the previous ones because they were natural variables in the environment.

He then sighed and smiled.

"This is good now." He mumbled, then stared at Gabriel Fang, who had lost consciousness from the shock he had experienced.

'This kid… he has a unique and eye-catching Body ability. Or should I say, a Constitutional Body…'

At that point, Lucas went down to Gabriel's side and took him out of the barrier and put him into his side.

"I am really sure that this kid is worth the time for my studies. I am intrigued by how his body became like this. It is filled with Magique Qi!"


"Thank you very much for the help you gave us, Senior Brother Jeric Long. If not for your help, the forces of our village would have undoubtably been dead by now."

Currently, Lucas and Jeric are inside of the Jue Yu Village Clan Leader's meeting hall. It was a wide bamboo building, but despite its cheap materials, it was still presentable.

While Jeric was talking, Lucas only looked around. After all, he was the one who thought of going to this place. Lucas was only curious now about what kind of place this was that they were unable to see the talent in the young man earlier.

'With what I can observe, I think that this village is at least a small one. They don't have that good source of spiritual energy, and even though the mana in this place is good, it wasn't that great for someone who had a Body ability good for Magique Qi cultivation.'

And just as Lucas went to look more into this village, he was suddenly called by Jeric.

"It wasn't actually me who you should be thanking. Even if you already know me, you should probably give Fellow Daoist some recognition since he was the one who killed that monster."

But Lucas remained silent without any clue about what they were talking about. He was too busy thinking about what he could do for that young man since it is uncommon to find someone like him who had cultivated Magique Qi without their knowledge.

Also, Lucas had already forgotten their main purpose here. It wasn't actually to find a person with talent that reached his standards, but rather for the cultivation technique that benefits the mind.

It was just a coincidence that his focus was swept by Gabriel Fang.

"Me? Ah… You don't have to thank me; it wasn't free at all. We are here for some requests, so it won't be bad if I at least help you. After all, Brother Jeric mentioned that your clansmen were the ones who were fighting that giant frog."

Lucas was only being honest. In the end, he could not think of any respect towards these people. It was as if he picked up on some unusual vibes and feelings from them.. But of course, he just did not become rude to them.

Chapter 124 - Way To One's Heart [1]

"I-I see… Then please accept our gesture of gratitude. Within our power, you can request anything you like." The clan leader said to Lucas, with deep respect, slightly lowering his head.

Lucas became suspicious of his thoughts. Was it right to suspect them? It was doubtful that this clan leader had some bad vibes since he seemed to be sincere.

'Nothing will be lost if I try to see what they feel.'

Lucas activated an Eye Ability of him, seeing through their emotions. But when he activated it, he didn't see anything strange from them. They were all sincere. The other clan elders were also lowering their heads before them.

'Is this what they call recognition and respect towards fame? I mean, what most cultivators desire is recognition, after all.'

Lucas inwardly pondered. What were those vibes he was feeling? He was familiar with it, but he seemed to be unable to discern what it was. He is at the edge of thinking.

'This is a strange feeling. Was it despise? I mean, I already forgot being arrogant and looking down on people. It was all in the past and it seems I am getting distracted by it now.'

'The hell… What is this…? It feels like I am scorning them for being… weak.'

It is indeed true. Lucas had fought that Warrior Stage monster, and it wasn't even an inch of his effort. The monster easily died from his attack. He was even slightly regretful of using such a powerful sword technique.

'I should cultivate now… I can't concentrate and I feel like I need meditation. But it isn't enough, I want something that would put my mind at ease.'

Lucas faced the gratitude of the village. And honestly speaking, he only knew one thing they could give him. It wasn't wealth, but knowledge.

From Jeric's knowledge, the Jue Yu clan was the most famous mind cultivator in the Northern Region, living in the Great Mao Mountain. And truth be told, Lucas was intrigued by it.

Cultivating one's dantian wasn't just about spiritual cultivating; there were three benefits. Spirit, Mind, and Body, all those three receive benefits from cultivating.

But of course, even in this order, where the common cultivation technique exists throughout the world, there were those who had unique cultivation methods.

One example is that cultivation is what benefits the mind the most. External martial arts are accompanied by cultivation that benefits the body the most.

There were plenty of unique cultivations in this heaven, but what Lucas needs now is what benefits the mind.

"I heard that you cultivate more in your mind. I think your best-graded technique would suffice."

Lucas had decided he needed to fix this predicament he had. It felt like the more he thought about what he needed, the more he got distracted. It is like a parasite that slowly corrupts his mind.

Even though the signs were late, Lucas was eager to fix this problem. Even if the best grade ends up not being useful, he could still use the concept in it and improve. After all, he was a Genius mage. With some of his Mind abilities helping him, he could modify this technique.

The clan elders and the clan leader were silent. They looked at each other as if they were doubtful of Lucas's decision.

Then, the clan leader slowly lifted his head and reluctantly asked, "Are you sure about it, Senior Brother Lucas? I mean, our cultivation wasn't that helpful in combat. We only remained to cultivate it because of our personal interests and also because of our tradition."

Lucas smiled and shook his head.

"The words of the mass can be trusted, and sometimes not. And since I don't see any malice for the mass to regard your cultivation as helpful in one's mind, I wanted to learn your techniques." Lucas softly said.

"If you want it, Senior Brother Lucas, we will give you a manuscript and the final technique. It is at least the best we can offer since we are not actually a wealthy clan."

Lucas scoffed at those words. He didn't even want to ask for money. After all, now he is more confident that he can just resort to extorting or stealing. He could also try to make a trade if he so desires.

"You don't have to worry. I wanted mutual benefits, not wealth. It is unreasonable for me since I have many more items to sell for money."

The clan leader was silent for a moment and bowed more.

"I am sorry if I offended you with my words."

"You don't have to worry about it."


Lucas and Jeric were lent a room for them to stay in. Before this, they were offered some entertainment by the clan itself, and after this, they rested in a grandiose room. It was still a bamboo building, but with other different materials.

Lucas was only contemplating what he should do. It doesn't technically mean that he can recruit that young man earlier. After all, he still needs to cultivate and create a proper foundation for his sect.

One thing could be a land reformation or takeover. It doesn't sound that bad. He could think of clearing mountain bandits and announcing it as his. Then, he can start his own sect there.

Lucas let out a sigh as he soothed down the rushing excitement. He also wanted to have insurance, to be sure that he could bring that young man to his side. But what should he do?

"One common way of winning one's heart is by catching the people's hearts around him. I should think of visiting his house."

Lucas stood up from his seat and approached the door. When Jeric noticed, the old man asked where he'd be going.

"Brother Lucas, where are you going? Perhaps you feel suffocated? We could ask them to hasten their preparations."

Lucas shook his head as he listened to Jeric's phrases. It wasn't that applicable to him. He wanted to stay longer here to make an insurance claim on that young man.

"It is okay. I was only thinking of visiting the kid earlier. I wanted to check on him. You can stay here."

Jeric suddenly stood up from his seat and grabbed his robe. "Then I will be going to."

Lucas clicked his tongue, "You. can. go. as. well."

Jeric flinched at the sharp eyes Lucas had. It was as if I was darting him with the intent of making him obey his words with a different meaning.

"Go as well…?"

Jeric then went back to his seat with a weird smile, forcing the muscles in his face to curl up.

"Ah… haha… I think I should wait here." Then he whistled.

Lucas smiled at him and nodded his head slightly. It was a form of some uncertain expression from Lucas as if he was trying to hide something.

'I can't let him know that kid's potential. After all, I wanted to make my disciples in secrecy first and prepare them before letting go.'

Lucas was a bit acting in secret. For some reason that couldn't be discerned, Lucas wanted to hide the fact that he had learned something from that young man. He could not explain it, and it would surely bring suspicion.

It wasn't that heavy a pretext or that difficult to escape, but Lucas only did those things for personal interests.

Lucas left the room and went to the hall to find someone who knew he was a guest of the clan. When someone greeted him, he approached this clan elder slowly and stopped before him.

The clan elder was so flustered by it that he couldn't move from his position. It was as if a lion was in front of him, eyeing him with some kind of observant eyes.

"Ehem. Where can I find the young man from earlier? That one who I saved from the Moonlight Mountain Frog." Lucas uttered.

The clan elder answered him with a smooth tone, "I can guide you there, Senior Expert."

The clan elder was only at the 1st level of the Warrior Spirit Realm. Even though he was a clan elder, his cultivation was a bit delayed compared to his age. Even so, Lucas didn't mind it as he knew it might be because of the scarcity of their resources and the average physique he had.

Lucas followed the clan elder down the street. People were looking at them with different eyes, especially the females who were captivated by Lucas's pretty face.

Lucas only closed his eyes and slowly followed the pace of the clan elder until they arrived at an average house.

The clan elder knocked on the door. A few seconds later, a woman opened it and immediately widened her eyes looking at the clan elder.

She suddenly lowered her head and greeted him, "Welcome, Lord."

The clan elder only swayed his hands, as if ignoring the greeting and motioned to Lucas with an open palm.

"Instead, greet him. He is a guest of the clan that saved your son from the Moonlight Mountain Frog."

The woman turned out to be that young man's mother. With that, Lucas already knew why the woman rushed to him and kowtowed.

"Thank you for letting my son live, Senior."

Lucas was only silent, lowering his eyes to look at the woman who was kowtowing before him.

"You can stand up. I am not here to show my superiority.. I wanted to check on your son. Is he inside?"

Chapter 125 - Way To One's Heart [2]

Lucas was sitting inside Gabriel's house with his mother preparing some food for them. The mother was polite to them, of course, because of her position in the clan.

Despite the heavy environment, Gabriel's mother was feeling excited about it. She was also proud of her son for attracting the attention of a senior expert that visited their village.

How should she put it? It was a dream come true; her son would achieve his dreams and have an easy life. It is more enjoyable if he explores the vast world. She only wanted her son to be happy.

And with the food ready, Lucas started tasting the food, then smiled at her.

"It is good. Thank you for this." Lucas smiled at them with his sweetest smile, and that almost melted the heart of Gabriel's mother.

"T-Thank you."

Lucas's eyes wandered the room as he looked at Gabriel's house condition. He then let out a sigh and looked at the eyes of the mother.

"Gabriel's mother…"

"It is Sarah, Senior Expert."

Lucas nodded and continued, "Then Sarah, what do you wish for your son to achieve?"

The mother, Sarah, was dumbfounded at the strange question Lucas asked. She was almost unable to gather the words to answer him. She shook her head inwardly and then answered him, afraid of the possibility of offending him.

"I only wanted him to have an easy life and achieve his dreams. But, personally, I wanted him to see the real world and take advantage of the opportunities it provided. Possibly, he could be at the top." Then Sarah let out a small giggle and instantly stopped it as it was embarrassing to let a guest see this.

"It is okay to laugh. Come sit here. I will tell you the world's offer. There were plenty of things out there, but just be careful with the danger."

Sarah reluctantly asked, "Was it okay for me to sit on the same level as you, Senior Expert?"

"Of course, you can, how can I be too arrogant. Please do sit down."

There, Lucas continued talking to Sarah as if the clan elder wasn't with them. There were plenty of things Lucas told her and plenty of times Srah laughed.

Lucas used his experience in wooing one's heart. It wasn't easy, but it ended up that Sarah was an easy one, as she was sweet and only thought of her son's goodness.

"Ah… It was too amazing, the outside world, right? But, I am also worried about what would happen if my son encountered plenty of problems out there."

Lucas sighed and let out a smile at her. He then tapped her shoulders and said, "Who am I? I can promise to help him, at least to the point that he can depend on himself then. I am willing to help."

Sarah was speechless. She was surprised that she wasn't able to reply to him immediately. Her heart was moved by the admiration she felt for Lucas.

He was near her son's age, and even with how youthful Lucas's face was, she could feel how this sincerity appeared to be a parent as well.

"Are you willing, Senior Expert? But why? Why would you go that far?" she asked.

It wasn't a mind game for Lucas. It was simply a play of moving one's heart and making simple promises, which made it easy for them to feel admiration for him. But of course, his promises weren't impossible since he had already shown his capabilities.

Capabilities? What was it? Well, he easily killed the predicament of their village, saved the forces, and also visited them. Being honored by his presence is enough to be proud of.

In the entire Great Mao Mountain, they were the first ones to be visited by two great senior experts from the Heavenly Demon Sect. How could they not be proud of it?

To be honest, it is a dream come true.

"Lady Sarah, I am not just here to give promises. From what I have observed, your son had a talent, but he didn't have the proper support to nourish this talent."

The clan elder was piqued. He then moved his body and faced Lucas with wide eyes. He was surprised.

"As expected of Senior Expert, you were able to discern that Gabriel Fang was a talented kid. In fact, he had a unique physique for which we still don't know the purpose."

"Are you sure, Senior Expert? You will support my son so he can achieve his dreams? Because even with his static face, I can see deep in his eyes that he faces problems."

Inwardly, Lucas smiled. It appeared that Sarah had good eyes. She was worth having a kid like Gabriel, and he wouldn't be surprised since he also noticed that Sarah had a great talent for mana circulation.

However, as limited as the resources were, he could not think of recruiting this lady here since she had already passed her prime. It would be too late for her. At least a young man, enthusiastic and optimistic, would be appropriate to be recruited.

But it doesn't mean that her talent will be in vain. She could be a support for Gabriel, or a teacher if she ever tried to study and pass her knowledge to others.

Before that, he should also think about the person's interests. Even if he still hasn't unsealed the Mind ability where he could read one, he still has an Eye ability that can see the emotions of the other party.

In this way, he can control the tide of the conversation.

"I am sure of it. But of course, it doesn't mean that I would be selfish. Maybe years from now, I will come back here and nurture him. I still have plans in the future, so you can request anything from me as insurance that I will come back for your son."

The clan elder could only look at Lucas with admiration. The feeling inside him was like a smooth, fluffy cloud. He could only make gaps between his lips with his eyes flickering.

'How could this senior be so dignified? As expected of someone who could retain his youthful appearance.'

There were rumors circling, even though it was only hours since Lucas and Jeric came. But for Jeric to already be showing his old appearance, it was inevitable, but for Lucas to be their senior who had a youthful appearance, it was spectacular.

They couldn't think much of methods how Lucas had made his appearance remain young, and so, admiration and respect were only their views of Lucas.

He also had a soft aura around him, which made them not envious of him; instead, it raised his charisma and made them want to serve him.

Meanwhile, Sarah, who was intently listening to Lucas, was shocked. She was too astonished and in awe as she looked at Lucas's sincere eyes. Even with how soft she was and how easy to talk to, she was carefully thinking of what she had to say.

The phrases she listens to, she weighs them every time just to be careful and not be scammed, even if it was a senior. But, for Lucas, everything she heard was genuine; it came from the bottom of his heart, she could tell.

Of course, it might be just his ways, but this promise is too hard to ignore. Leaving an assurance before taking his child is not hard to accept. How could she reject it when the benefits were all on their side?

Support? Even before he could support him, he promised to give them what they liked. And also, she is grateful to Lucas since he was the one who saved her son. She shouldn't doubt him, at least not out of respect, but what mattered most were his words.

Were those just empty lies? Opportunities seemed to be there, and even though it is risky to believe someone, even if he was the one who saved her son, opportunities were with risks.

"I believe that Senior Expert is sincere. So, before I ask for the request you were promising, can I ask if the lord left the room? I feel like it would be personal." Sarah uttered which made Lucas shift his head to the clan elder.

The clan elder was flustered and immediately made him stand up.

"Of course! If you feel like talking in private, I would be happy to comply." Then he left the room, leaving Lucas and Sarah the only people in the living room.

"Now, shall you start with the personal request you have thought?"

Reluctantly, Sarah revealed her thoughts.

"I think my son has a problem with his cultivation. Every night, he always shouts frustratedly, and it worries me. So, since you are a Senior Expert, please, my only request is for you to help my son."

Lucas smiled and inwardly mumbled, 'I never thought our thoughts would match.'

He let out a sigh and looked at her with assuring eyes.

"I know that your son is having a problem with his cultivation. After all, his physique is unique and has less information about it. That is why I was thinking of making him my disciple, but I know I can't do that. As a respect to his mother, I came here to tell you first about it because I was hoping you could help me."

"Also, I already noticed your son's problem. His cultivation has different parts, like my physique, which has different parts. Your son has two energy pools, of which one was sealed from his consciousness."

"So, before I leave, I was hoping to help him, but I didn't expect that you would ask for it."

Sarah was left with no words as he only had respect for Lucas.

'Heavenly blessing! I didn't expect that Senior Expert would be this… kind….'

Chapter 126 - Way To One's Heart [3]

Silence filled Gabriel's room as Lucas went on his way to walk around inside. He was the only one moving, while Gabriel was only sitting on the bed with a stoic face.

Lucas's eyes were intrigued. Gabriel's room was simple, with only minimal decorations around. As usual, this is a room that almost everyone likes. However, what Lucas was more intrigued with were the books and plenty of scratch manuscripts, supposed to help his cultivation.

"My mother already told me that you knew about my condition, Senior Expert." A cold voice comes from Gabriel.

Lucas stopped walking and then faced him with a calm face. He then went to his side and sat on the bed as well. On the other hand, Gabriel shifted his body slightly to the side to give Lucas some space.

"Hmm… You seem to be a smart kid. However, why does it feel like you didn't like me? "

Gabriel became flustered. He had already forgotten his stoic face and blinked multiple times. He lowered his head and said, "I apologize if I looked that way. I didn't mean to offend you, Senior Expert."

Gabriel was nervous, afraid that he might offend Lucas a little, and so he ignored his stoic face and just went to apologize to him.

But Lucas knew why Gabriel was acting like this. First, he established his aura by having a calm face, and second, he showed that he was still inferior to Lucas. In this case, Lucas will be pleased and might feel his ego filled by the superiority he felt.

"I am only kidding. Don't mind it. But first, I want to ask about your consent. Do you want to join me?"

So, this is where the talk will begin. Lucas showed his intention, and he didn't underestimate Gabriel. Even though he was only a 16-year-old, he still had Lucas's respect as if they were equals in age.

Then, hearing that, Gabriel lowered his head.

"May I ask why you asked me?"

"Well, it is because of your physique," Lucas said.

Seconds later, Gabriel still didn't reply, but in actuality, his voice was so low that Lucas almost didn't hear it. He looked as if he was taken aback by the fact that his physique would attract the attention of someone who was already an expert.

"I see… It was because of it…"

Lucas's curiosity was piqued. After reading his mother, Lucas wanted to learn what Gabriel's personality was.

He recalled some of what had happened earlier. He also took into consideration what might be his reason for putting his life at stake.

"By the way, why did you join the operation earlier? Wasn't it dangerous, or were you just too courageous to face death? "

"I only wanted the village to be safe," Gabriel said, still in a low voice.

It was as if he was trying to disconnect with Lucas. It might be because of the fact that if he joins Lucas, he has to leave the village.

"Do you love your village?" Lucas asked.

First, Lucas had speculations from what he had remembered. If Gabriel put his life at stake, then maybe it could be some patriotism. But what was really the reason why he became solemn about the topic?

Lucas had deep thoughts. Which of those had to be considered if his physique was a problem, or if he was unhappy with the fact that he had to join Lucas?

Of course, there were plenty of variables flying around in his head, but still, these two were the most prominent.

"You don't like the idea of rejecting and leaving the village, right? You are in the middle, having second thoughts." Lucas suddenly said that made Gabriel look at him with gaps in between his lips.

'How did he learn that? Was the reason his experience?' Gabriel thought as he continued to assess things.

It is promising if he joins Lucas. As it is common in the cultivation world to get scouted, he knew that rejecting one's offer would also mean offending them slightly. It was as if they were not enough to be rejected, and honestly, those were the most toxic traits in the cultivation world.

"I am afraid that it is the reason." Gabriel calmly responded.

That was it! Lucas already knew it! He has clues, and now that he had slowly made Gabriel open to him, he could ask a direct question that involves his personal interests.

Of course, it was difficult to discern. That is why Lucas slowly started talking to him without establishing superiority. For that reason, he had established a good image of a good senior.

"You don't have to worry about it. I am not someone who would use status to control one's decisions. May I ask, what is it you are afraid of?"

Gabriel slowly opened his lips, and unexpectedly, Lucas's readings were working. But still, there were still barriers that blocked their connection. Lucas had to make it clear that he understood him.

"I don't want to make wrong decisions that would put the village in danger."

Gabriel wanted to curse himself for what he had just said. But he felt that he had to answer Lucas's question honestly; there was as if a connection that made him comfortable with him. And still, his subconscious surfaced unwillingly because of this connection they had.

Gabriel couldn't play as he did in front of the fellow clansmen. There was something in Lucas that made him share all his worries without worrying about any of them.

"I see… I understand it too. I have done such things before, and I can understand your sentiments."

Slowly, Lucas made a decision. To make the bond between them stronger, he had to at least show some stories giving signs of their 'similarity'. It is to touch one's heart, and Gabriel isn't a hard one.

At least, even with this, he can protect his image and the peace of his mind. He wanted to make good decisions. At least now that his mind was in a mess, he needed to think properly.

"Maybe you are afraid that I might get offended, right? So, before you overthink, I will inform you that it is not like I will get you from the village. I am here to give you an offer to become part of my sect years from now. And as a sign of assurance, you can ask anything of me."


"You are still doubting me?"

"No, Senior Expert. I am only speechless. People don't normally be kind like this."

Lucas scoffed as he heard that notion. He wasn't entirely true, and sometimes being too kind at an unexpected time brings doubt. Even so, Lucas continued doing it and even sympathized with Gabriel.

His method isn't perfect, but it's basically a common thing. However, as common as it is, Lucas had some backup plans to save his plan. It's not like he goes into a war without a strategy.

"You… are such a smart kid. Indeed, but I won't listen to your suspicions. I am here to listen to your request. What's on your mind?"

Gabriel looked at him with sad eyes as he lowered his head in front of him, showing great respect.

"I hope you can help my body. I know that my mother already requested this, but I want you to help me with my cultivation. In this case, I will be a good help to my clan."

Lucas smiled at how honest Gabriel was. It appeared that they were slowly understanding each other, and so, Lucas was prepared to show his cards.

"You won't reject me the next time we see each other, right? I might get offended."

This card is an assurance card. It might have posed a threat, but Lucas's purpose was to carve his intentions into Gabriel's heart.

Gabriel, on the other hand, was silent as he nodded.

"I won't reject it if you take me away from my village. But at least, please forgive my mother." Gabriel said.

Lucas was speechless. He slowly understood what Gabriel meant by it. It was as if he had applied a coating of words to his words of fear and admiration.

"I already said that you don't have to be threatened by my power. I am willing to share it with you, so be assured that by the time I get you from your village, I might even bless your village. Not that I will promise to bring greatness to your village, but I will promise to not harm your village."

Gabriel let out a sigh of relief, and he lifted his head to face Lucas. It was for sincerity, and as he made eye contact with Lucas, he slowly closed his eyes and lowered them again.

"Thank you, Master. Please do everything in your interest. I won't question your decisions."

Now, what Lucas has to worry about is the village. Will they accept it and become proud? Or they won't accept it for it to remain the pride of their village. Gabriel was their 'genius' member, and of course, they won't hastily accept Lucas's offer.

But what if he threatens them? It is contrary to his current desires and interests. At least he wanted to keep the calm personality he has. He clearly knew his condition was worsening if he kept on changing his desires.

So, what comes next is to inform the village officials and accept their conditions. It will be a smooth deal.

"You are such a talented kid. I will surely fix this.. Be sure to endure all the pain."

Chapter 127 - Way To One's Heart [4]

"Here is the cultivation technique you requested, Senior Expert." The clan leader of the Jue Yu clan respectfully presented a thin-bound paper to Lucas.

As Jeric was at the side, watching them, and as Lucas accepted it, he could only feel the excitement. 'Finally… I can fix my problems…'

But one might ask, how useful is this cultivation to Lucas? Isn't a cultivation technique a foundation, so switching to another one would be hard for the cultivator?

It is indeed best to stick with one cultivation technique since learning another one will take more time and resources depending on the needs of the technique. However, for Lucas, who was already well versed in Qi circulation, his foundation in cultivating techniques was easy to manipulate.

Thus, if Lucas changed his cultivation technique, no matter how hard it is, he could still use it since his physique or body doesn't have any limitations.

He has a good absorption rate, which does not have any restrictions on one cultivation technique. So, it only depends if the cultivator knows how to quickly understand techniques.

"Thank you very much. If you have something you need, I will be happy to help you with it." Lucas said to the clan leader in a soft tone, making him flicker his eyes.

"Really?! Ah! I mean, you don't need to worry about it, Senior Expert. Helping us was enough, and the survival of the clan was the greater benefit for us, so even if we give you this "Moonlight Synergy," it won't be enough to show our gratitude."

The clan leader was enthusiastic as he said those words. It didn't only make Lucas giggle, but also made him respect them slightly. However, he knew that they were only trying to impress him.

With that wordplay, it won't be surprising if they have ulterior motives. However, as Lucas was careful and did not underestimate them, even though they were a small clan, he had his eyes activated to see through their emotions.

And he was relieved. They were only being sincere, but it couldn't stop him from doubting them. After all, his eyes were the assurance of this conversation.

"If you make it sound like that, I won't be humble. I am thinking of inviting Gabriel Fang to join me on my journey. But of course, it won't mean that I disrespect your opinions, so I am here to tell you that."

Jeric was surprised at Lucas's announcement, but as he wasn't knowledgeable of Gabriel's true worth, he wasn't able to contain himself.

"Brother Lucas, why would you invite that kid? He was only a 7th-level Apprentice Spirit Realm cultivator. There's not much talent in him." Lucas sighed after hearing Jeric panic over his words. It also surprised everyone. The clan officials were agape as they sank those words into their minds.

"Gabriel Fang wasn't talented? How could that be? Despite the fact that he was only a child, the Qi in his surroundings adored him."

"Wait… Doesn't that mean that that kid lied to us? We expected much from him, but it turned out that he only played our hopes for him."

Their sighs of disdain were audible; their words continued to fill the room as if mosquitos were in a corner of the room.

"I thought that that kid would raise our clan in the Great Mao Mountains. But to turn out that it was like that, I am disappointed."

"Then, if it was like that, doesn't that mean he only wasted our resources? We were giving him a benefit, but he is still in the seventh level of the Apprentice Stage. I don't mean that it is not commendable progress, but the resources we gave him don't reflect on his current progress."

"I mean, I understand you as well. Even his expression was suspicious. He had too many doubts; he didn't even socialize with the other fellow clansmen."

Lucas could only shake his head in disappointment. But it doesn't mean that he scorns them. It is reasonable since they put their hopes in him. He had already felt it in the past, even though he wanted to forget about it.

Lucas was familiar with the feeling of having hopes dashed. He understands them; it is human nature.

"Really… I am only saying that I wanted him to join me. And also, Jeric, you might not know it, but that kid and I have similar physiques."

With those words, everyone turned silent as they looked at Lucas with a surprised look.

"That kid was having a hard time with the pressure. I can feel it, and he is acting strangely, perhaps because of his physique. But what I wanted to point out is that he would progress more if he had a better guide."

Hearing it, Jeric was only depressed about himself. He then lowered his head and said, "I apologize for that expression, Brother Lucas."

Lucas only snickered, then tapped Jeric's shoulders.

"You don't have to worry about it, Jeric. After all, you are not the only one who was confused and unaware of Gabriel's real worth."

Lucas faced everyone then continued his wordplay.

"He had much more potential if he had had my guide. However, I don't mean that I will get him from your village or take him away from you. It will be difficult since you still have him as the symbol of hope for your village. So, I am willing to support your village. I have your back."

Flickering eyes filled the room as their admiration for Lucas reached the top of their systems. It was a dream come true, and the real sincerity had already paid them this much.

They could only think of this as a blessing, unreal to come true. But what of it now? They were facing Lucas with the offer he had. And also, a promising one where they were not at a disadvantage.

Lucas smiled, and later on, the clan officials slowly kowtowed to him.

"We are grateful to Senior Expert Lucas. Thank you for your support."

Bowing to one is normal in the cultivation world if it's for safety. But it is not easy to bow down to anyone as they must think about the repercussions of their actions.

One kowtow might make them slaves, so they don't easily bow down to the other clans in the mountain, even if they wanted to offer them as their subordinates.

And also, one should think about others' opinions since it is a matter of the clan. But for them to be only a small clan, not having much worth but now having the support of a stronger cultivator, a friend of a large sect in the Northern Region, they could not decline this offer.

Lucas chuckled at them and said, "Even if this cultivation technique doesn't have much help for me, you don't have to worry about it since I have more ways."


Finally, Lucas and Jeric were on their way back to the Heavenly Demon Sect. They spent five days with the Jue Yu clan. And in those days, Lucas didn't only socialize with them but also helped them strengthen their security.

Of course, how could Lucas let his disciple be in such a dangerous place? So, even without their knowledge, he set up a large grand array formation as the village's protective barrier from hostile external attacks.

People might be envious of them, and since Great Mao Mountain is a place where fighting and competition are common, he made sure to have Gabriel safe.

He had also given Gabriel the right cultivation technique. Using the first merged cultivation technique he created in the past, Gabriel made progress in his cultivation.

In those five days as well, he taught Gabriel what Magique Qi and mana were. And he also taught him the promising future of Magique cultivation. After that, he didn't only assist him in opening his second energy pool; he also gave him an idea of how to control the energy pool from amok.

It was dangerous since his dantian-core was way higher than his dantian. That is why he slowly lent his assistance to merge them smoothly.

After that, he gave Gabriel the independence to see his progress in cultivation by himself.

That is the promise that Lucas made this week. Not only did he have what he wanted—a cultivation technique that eased his mental problems—he also found a potential disciple.

Those in the Jue Yu village could also be his future sect's supporters. He is not disgusted with the idea of making them their subordinates since it is a give-and-take situation. They will work for them, and they will receive plenty of benefits for just working for them.

What pride could they give them? They must even be grateful for the opportunity, as the support of a higher-level expert is extremely rare.

"Brother Lucas, did you check the cultivation technique? Did it help you? If not, we still have one place to visit. But, they were all elders who had preserved their lives by only mind cultivation."

Lucas pondered as he heard those words.


"They didn't only have their cultivation benefit their mind, but also their whole nervous system. They can also control their heart rate by mere mental will. In this way, they could only die from deteriorating or dying from wounds."

Lucas was surprised to hear this. It was intriguing, and even though he already had the cultivation technique, which was promising since it helped his mind from the first cultivation, he couldn't be more intrigued hearing it from Jeric now.

"But what makes them survive and their techniques preserved only for their sect?" Lucas asked as it is suspicious since their cultivation technique could reduce death's coming.

"Because they only had their cultivation in their memories. So, it would be impossible for other people to extort it from them."

Chapter 128 - Testing New Cultivation Technique

"Brother Jeric, I am intrigued by these elders you were telling. However, it felt like I needed to postpone it. In the meantime, I will cultivate it. I will come back later on." While on their way back to the Heavenly Demon Sect, Lucas said.

Jeric was left pondering, as he never expected Lucas to decline his offer. Then, he nodded to comply with Lucas's words and followed his track.

"But may I ask? Why are you not interested in going there this time? We still have time, and I can offer them to you." Jeric calmly said.

Lucas let out a sigh as they continued their pace.

"It is just that I feel like I don't need it now. I still have more tasks to focus on. So I will cultivate what I have now since the variables of visiting that mentioned place are unknown. If I visit now, I won't know when we will leave."

"Why do you think that we will leave later?" Jeric asked, full of curiosity.

"Well, you said it would be hard to extort it from them. Let's just leave it like that. There are still plenty of chances." As Lucas just explained, but what he truly thinks is that the time he could use to get that cultivation technique could be used for his cultivation and some practices in array.

The competition is arriving, and he just has less time to prepare. He was planning to use some of it for his cultivation. If this case is truly hard, then he'll be cornered and will be a laughingstock in the competition.

Well, Lucas doesn't care about being a laughingstock, but he is embarrassed if that happens since the relationship he has formed with the Profound Symbol Sect is important to him.

They at least had mutual benefits, and a mutual relationship should not harm each other. At least, that is what he believes.

Being dejected, Jeric let out a sigh and complied with Lucas's notion.

"I guess you were right, Brother Lucas." Jeric merely said, and after a few minutes, they arrived at the sect.

Lucas has something happening behind his back. When Jeric noticed it, he reluctantly asked him.

"Ah… Brother Lucas, I'd noticed that you were doing something right at your back. May I ask what are you doing?"

Lucas slowly stopped what he was doing and smiled afterward. He then revealed his hands, and in his grasp was a medallion with a certain eagle symbol. The symbol had white lines, whereas the whole body was gold.

Jeric pondered when Lucas offered the medallion to him. He then asked bashfully, as he was also expecting something from this action Lucas took.

"What… is this, Brother Lucas?"

"This will be our contacting device. I took inspiration from the medallions in this world and created it with some of the knowledge I had. If the time comes where you truly need my help, gravely or not, contact me. Just inject your spiritual energy here and a string will come to me. I will eventually know that you will need my help."

Jeric was dumbfounded to hear what Lucas had just said to him. He didn't mishear it, right? It was surprising that he didn't want to believe it.

He let out a short laugh and reluctantly faced Lucas.

"Ah! Brother Lucas… I won't be humble. I will accept it. Thank you very much!" Jeric uttered.

"Just remember that I will also be part of your alliance. So, as thanks, you don't have to worry about it. I will help you even if I am not yet part of the alliance."


At Wilford's personal field, Lucas had prepared some important stuff around him. He had already arrived and teleported to return quickly. He had no time to waste since the competition was near. He at least had to make some preparations.

What Lucas needed to do first was to cultivate. Using the Moonlight Synergy, Lucas created an imitation of moonlight above him. It was created from creation magic, but because of the small scale of Lucas's unsealed abilities, he was only able to create a ball size.

After that, Lucas sat on the Magique Qi gathering array on a portable paper. With it, he smoothly modified the cultivation technique he was currently using with the Moonlight Synergy.

What he needed to think about was the benefits of the technique. It is said that the moonlight could bring soft light from the sun, which is a blessing of peace or tranquility.

The night is the representation of resting, and thus, Lucas needed to put his mind at ease with the help of the moonlight.

He breathed according to the technique, then he slowly injected the cultivation technique for Magique Qi cultivation. He only puts it where it will not reach his mind.

The completion of the Moonlight Synergy is for the whole body. The mind receives 75% of the credit, while the body receives 25%. As a result, Lucas's technique replaced 25% of the Moonlight Synergy.

After a few minutes, he successfully replaced it and returned to cultivation. Then, he took a few breaths and sank himself into concentration.

It was like a peaceful sea for Lucas. In front of him, there was a moon just above the sea, reflecting the moonlight on the water. And as Lucas didn't notice, as if it was normal for him, his core started reacting.

What reacted inside of his core was the Mind abilities. These Mind abilities were what Lucas wanted to unseal, but was unable to do so as his unstable mental state and the cultivation he had was never enough. He could not risk letting his core run amok. At least, this was the only worry for him to die in this world.

The fun was just starting, and so he should not die.

When his Mind abilities reacted to the cultivation, Lucas didn't notice that weeks had already passed. His core was still reacting to his cultivation, and after a few fragments of time, one was unleashed.

Of a total of 11 sealed Mind abilities, one was unleashed, and it was the weakest of the sealed Mind abilities.

It is called "Slaving Mind." It was a Mind ability that could overpass the security of brains and make them his slaves for a short time. Of course, it would be overpowered if it could be activated for a long time, but this ability is only a requirement for stronger effects of a spell.

He wasn't aware that his core was starting to go with his cultivation. What was Lucas concentrating on was the spiritual energies and his mind, not his core.

And all of it was just his subconscious. What was working right now was his subconscious and not his will, which wasn't present in the meantime.

Lucas now had a total of four Mind abilities. And concerning his cultivation progress rate, it would take another week for another MInd ability to be unsealed.

Lucas's will started to contact his subconscious, and so, slowly, his will overtook his cultivation, and there, his eyes opened.

Lucas's cultivation method is dangerous as his whole concentration was always preoccupied inwardly. He cut off the small consciousness he had on the outside since it would slow his progress. That is why, before he cultivates, he puts noise cancellation and a barrier around him.

"What was that? I felt like an ability of mine was unsealed. My cultivation base didn't raise. How could this ability be unleashed?" Lucas asked himself.

Is his speculation about his core running amok if unsealed wrong? No, it should not be because it is obvious that if two unbalanced energies collide, they will clash.

Hence, the only thing he could think of was his cultivation… What was the effect of it? And obviously, it is a good sign.

Lucas couldn't help but chuckle in his seat. It seems like the impossible thing he was trying to achieve was near.

"But still… I wasn't able to fix the unstable state of my mind… I should cultivate more."

Then, Lucas shut his eyes off and started cultivating again.

In the first few phases of his cultivation, Lucas was still there in front of the sea with the moonlight in front of him. It was the image the cultivation was giving him, and so, slowly, his subconscious emerged alongside his will.

Lucas suddenly noticed that his subconscious was taking his concentration, and so, noticing that it wasn't a good choice for him to let it go, he fought it.

So, after it, Lucas's will was now controlling the concentration just like normal times.

'I should learn how this technique could benefit my unstable mind. I need to fix what is wrong with me.'

Concerning returning to his cultivation, Lucas was as if he was walking along the seashore. It wasn't present before, but after his will took control, a seashore emerged.

He walked along the seashore slowly. His mind was as if it was being dragged to one side of the shore. He pondered and looked in the direction he was walking in. There was a human figure that slowly revealed himself with the same facial features as Lucas.

Lucas pondered once more and noticed that it wasn't similar to him; it was him with a different personality. This was the personality that was making his mind unstable, but of course, it wasn't only one; he knew there were many.

"Are you willing to merge with me?" he asked this personality.

The other Lucas faced him with uninterested eyes and a tired body. He was like a lazy one, and it didn't surprise Lucas since he was like this before.

In his previous world, his personality emerged, where he was uninterested in everything.

The other Lucas nodded, and slowly, he was absorbed by him, and they became one. However, there were no changes in Lucas's will, it was still the same.

"Then…. it is not enough," he mumbled as soon as he realized he still had plenty of personalities to search for.

Chapter 129 - Lucas's Capabilities [1]

"It has been 6 months since Senior Brother Wei showed himself. Do you think he backed out of the competition? It will be held this coming week." A sect elder mentioned it in the meeting hall.

Sect elders are higher than normal disciples, but for someone who is under the teaching of the Sect Leader, Lucas would be higher than the normal sect elders.

Also, Lucas's real identity was hidden from others. Only the Wong faction and the other higher officials of the sect knew Lucas's real identity. But even so, he was respected among the sect elders because of the aura he emitted and the privilege he had of being a disciple of the Sect Leader.

(A/N: Sect Master has been renamed Sect Leader.)

"It is impossible. The Sect Leader doesn't take disciples as a joke or even be bribed to be his. After all, he is the most knowledgeable person next to the Ancestors."

These sect elders were talking silently among the rest of the people in the meeting hall. At the end of the long rectangle table, there was the Sect Leader of the Profound Symbol, Wilford Guangchang.

His eyes were closed as he calmly listened to every word the sect elders spoke. Nothing was bothering him, even though they were talking shit about Lucas. As he believes in him, he also had Lucas's progress since he could see him in his personal field.

"Quiet. This meeting will have the agenda of planning for the InterSect competition. Nothing will be about my disciple since he will be the special competitor of our sect."

Everyone looked at Wilford with mixed expressions. They were stunned, perplexed, and envious of what he had just said. There was some scorn, but even so, they still had respect for their sect leader.

"With all due respect, Patriarch Guangchang, but isn't it unfair for your direct disciple, who wasn't present at the meeting of the participants, to be the special competitor? Special competitors are those who go straight to the quarter-finals. Isn't it unfair for those who truly showed their efforts?" One asked.

"That is right, Patriarch Guangchang. He didn't show himself and didn't prove himself worthy to the other participants. Even if he is your direct disciple, we won't be complacent since we don't know his nature."

"I hope you understand us, Sect Leader. We are just worried since this matter isn't actually known to the other disciples. If this matter reaches them that we used the fights between factions as the platform for the picking of the participants, they won't be happy about it."

"The population of the disciples was from our reputation all throughout the Southern region. If the matter of factions came to light, everyone would be distracted and would come to protest since Lucas Wei didn't show himself to them."

"Sect Leader, the sect isn't yours. I would apologize if this offends you, but I am truly worried about this matter."

Those barrage of sentences reached Wilford's ears. But none of them bothered him as he calmly took a sip of his tea. He listened to each of them, and at the end, he smiled.

Looking at how sincere they were, he could not only feel delighted but also grateful since the batch of the sect elders was this worthy of their positions.

And so, in reply to them, Wilford raised his head and looked at each of them with a beaming face and smiling eyes.

"I am grateful that every one of you thinks highly of our sect. You did not let my position trample on your decisions, even risking that you might offend me. Truly great sect elders. But if I may, it seems you don't trust my assessments."

Everyone was frozen as Wilford said those words. He stood up from his seat and paced before them, which did not just make them nervous, but also doubtful of themselves.

They thought that their trust in Wilford was top-notch and could not be explained by words. But still, it wasn't covered by their worry about the sect's reputation.

"We apologize for the unworthy expression we showed, Patriarch Guangchang."

Wilford scoffed at them as he turned his back on them.

"You don't have to worry about any of it. You are only being sincere, and it isn't questionable since Lucas only showed himself a countable number of times. You don't even know his real identity, and only know that he is from the Wei family."

Someone among the sect elders stood up and said, "With all due respect, Patriarch Guangchang, we had reached the Wei family, and they didn't know any person named Lucas Wei. That is also the reason why we are worried since he is not present in their family register."

Then, Wilford responded, "So you worry that he might be a fraud?"

Instantly, a fierce atmosphere suddenly rose that pressured their breathing. Wilford faced them with his slightly spiritless eyes. He breathed out, then spoke.

"You all truly deserve your positions. And you even resorted to doubting my disciple's identity. And so, I believe that you all are truly worth it." Wilford pressed with the fierce aura around him.

"Please forgive us, Patriarch Guangchang. We are only worried that you might be scammed by Lucas Wei."

Wilford was silent and, afterward, let out a soft chuckle.

"Why are you apologizing? It was okay and acceptable. Have you thought that I might be only testing you if you will do everything for the sect?" Wilford asked a question that instantly raised the eyes of the sect elders.

Different thoughts emerged in their minds as they saw Wilford with his noble aura. They thought that it was also possible that Wilford might be really only testing them if they resorted to any methods to help the sect.

"Right. It might be possible that Patriarch Guangchang was only testing us if we checked Senior Brother Lucas's capabilities."

"Even his potential was already proven by his aura, which might be coming from the array formations. Array formations can also emit auras if not suppressed, so he could fake his aura from us."

"That is laughable, but it is not like the Sect Leader would be fooled by array formations' aura."

"Let's just hope that this is only a test."

Suddenly, Wilford laughed for no particular reason. He then slammed his hand on the table with a grin on his face, insisting that he was not delighted with their reactions.

"It seems like my authority is being questioned here," Wilford mumbled.

Everyone heard it, and that made them feel pressured by his aura. They were as if they were made as statues, their expressions, and their positions being glued to their seats.

"Hah… I am really worried about you… Some of you were worried, but you haven't thought about my authority well. Well then, if you truly prayed for Lucas to prove himself, wait until he comes out." Then without any further words, Wilford left the meeting hall.

Some tried to explain themselves, but Wilford was so certain that he wouldn't listen to any of their words. After all, they were only worried about the sect, but their trust in Wilford was getting blurry from their sincerity.


A few days later, the door of Wilford's personal field opened. Some smoke appeared as this wide door opened, with a human figure also appearing in sight. The sect elder on watch flinched and was so flustered that he almost fell on the ground.

The sect elders stood straight and waited for the human figure to get out. He speculated that it was Lucas, so he put a happy face on to greet him instantly. But after a few seconds, as the smoke disappeared, so did the human figure.

This made the sect elder ponder. He wasn't aware of what was happening, and there wasn't even an aura coming out of the personal field.

As he waited, he almost scoffed at the assessment that Lucas might really be a joke.

"That kid was just a laughingstock. How could he be this weak that I didn't feel any aura from him? It is not accountable that he has a higher level of cultivation than me. He is just a kid, and the age description of the competition is at least 30 years below."

At the other end of the door, a human figure appeared again. And as this human figure walked out of the room, there were small tremors created.

The sect elder immediately moved backward and took his words back as there was pure pressure pushing him backward that was coming out of the personal field. He then immediately lowered his head and upper body to prepare to greet this person, despite its identity.

As the human figure was brought to light, it was Lucas. Lucas had some kind of aura around him, but it wasn't any normal aura. His eyes were so deep that it was as if he had just faced death. His lips were so tight that it was as if he was glued to not speaking.

Furthermore, Lucas' height appeared to have grown a few centimeters. How could that happen? He only cultivated and practiced array formations, so it would be questionable whether his event happened.

Also, Lucas's hair grew longer than ever, reaching his waist. In a half a year's time, how could his hair grow this long?

As Lucas took a step forward, the ground collapsed, leaving a few cracks.

"Ah… I almost forgot to control myself." A cold voice came out of his mouth that instantly froze the sect elder who heard it.

'What kind of voice was that? Was it the God of Death?' The sect elder thought in an unstable manner.

Lucas still had the average-built body, but even so, his aura wasn't joking. Even though it was pure, the pressure was real, as if there were invisible pressure waves of water.

"W-Welcome back, S-Senior Brother Lucas." The sect elder pronounced.

Lucas's cold and deep brown eyes fell on the sect elder. He didn't speak for a few seconds, then spoke four words.

"Thank you for waiting."

Chapter 130 - Lucas's Capabilities [2]

Every step was as if they were boulders. He had this uncontrolled strength, and as he noticed it, he lowered his strength to an equal level as a normal person. His eyes then fell back on the sect elder.

Noticing how the sect elder was getting weak under the pressure, he lowered it as well. Then suddenly, the pressure disappeared, as if a strong storm had suddenly stopped.

Lucas was only silent because his eyes were so cold that when he approached the sect elder, he didn't speak in the first few seconds.

"H-How can I help you?"

The sect elder was flabbergasted that he was unable to control his words. It was a stupid question. It is not appropriate to say, "How can I help you?" if it is obvious that he has to entertain his commands.

"The right word would be "your welcome."

Eccentric would be the word to call it if someone saw Lucas acting like this. But for him, it was as if it was normal since he didn't care about anyone. He only looked at the sect elder to hear what he expected to hear.

"Y-Your welcome, Senior Brother Lucas."

Lucas nodded, then tapped the sect elder's shoulders. They were weak, but Lucas didn't bother asking, as it was obvious he was scared of him.

"I don't eat humans," Lucas said, then suddenly changed the topic. "Call the Sect Leader. I would like to speak with him. I will be waiting inside the personal field."

Then, without waiting for a reply, Lucas left the sect elder and went back to the personal field. He entered and closed the doors.

Meanwhile, the sect elder came running away from the personal field. He needs to find the sect leader as soon as possible. Even without threats, he felt like he needed to comply with it quickly or he'd die.

It was only his instinct that caused him to become oblivious to the plain words Lucas had, and he could not even discern them from reality.

A few pants could be heard as he tried to reinforce himself. He was so panicked that he didn't notice himself wasting his stamina. And so, he dashed with his Qi supporting him to run faster.

As soon as he arrived at the meeting hall, everyone was starting to finish with the meeting, but the sect leader wasn't there.

This sect elder was only small, and he did not hold much power inside the sect, so he was not part of the meeting. However, because of his power, he sometimes has the luxury of knowing the insights of those who were higher than him.

That is why he knew that other sect elders were mocking Lucas for being not being showy to everyone.

Other sect elders saw him and, as they wondered what he might have had with them, someone asked.

"Junior Brother Bo, what are you doing? Why are you panting?"

Sect elder Bo raised his palm to wait for him and chased his breath first. Then, slowly, he lifted his body to slowly pronounce the words he had kept.

"Lucas… Lucas… I mean… Senior Brother Wei had already left the personal field. I mean, he had finished his seclusion training."

Seclusion training is a common term for training without conversing with the outside world, hence, secluding themselves. But it was only a half-year stint, and considering it as seclusion training, even for him who mocks him, is a little suspicious.

Sect elder Bo is one of those who believes that Lucas backed out and was only hiding inside the sect leader's personal field. And of course, he is one of those who are arrogant as well.

But for them to see that his personality had turned upside down just because Lucas left the field, means something.

"Why are you acting like that?" One sect elder asked.

"You… You don't know what I just saw. The rumors aren't real. That kid is a monster!"

Kid… For them to call him a kid only shows that they don't know that Lucas had revealed he was hundreds of years older than them. What they only know is that Lucas is at least 18 years old because of the test he took before entering the sect.

"Monster? Did he threaten you?" They asked.

Sect elder Bo shook his head and explained himself.

"You don't know him, truly. His mere gaze is a predator, and the pressure around him wasn't coming from his robe, but it was coming from him. If I must say so, it was pure pressure, as if a sea wave was raging at the shore. "

Other sect elders laughed at him just after the second he explained.

"He was still a kid. Even if he was indeed talented, it is impossible for him to surpass us and call him a pressuring predator. You must have come senile, Sect Elder Bo. Stop with your jokes."

"You are just pranking us, right? Who would believe such an utterly puny joke? Please, strengthen it with real comedic nature and receive enlightenment from the circus."

"You are only wasting our time. If that Lucas really left the sect leader's personal field, I must see him myself and assess if the sect leader's decision was indeed real. I'll take my leave."

"I as well. It is useless to listen to your words, Sect elder Bo."

"Junior Brother, I am sorry to see you in this state."

Sect elder Bo was frozen in his place as he watched them leave with mockery. He isn't concerned with the mockery he has received, but rather with the consequences that will follow if they offend Lucas. Considering the current power of the sect, they can't defeat Lucas.

"W-Wait! I'll come with you!"


"Nine… I am at the Ninth Level of the King Spirit Realm. A truly have fast progress… And also, my Magique Cultivation is already at the Emperor Stage… What happened in my cultivation that I reached that stage so quickly? "

Lucas had his eyes closed, mumbling something just after his cultivation. He was curious about something, but his desire to find an answer faded as the answers came to him effortlessly.

"This cultivation is overpowered. As I absorb my other personalities and erase their singularity, the cultivation rate increases. I must even have drained the personal field so that I had no choice but to absorb the energy below the ground."

Lucas's eyes opened and he ventured around the personal field. As usual, his eyes were still deep and uninterested, but his brain was solemnly focusing on the assessment he was making.

"I had absorbed 10 personalities and unleashed another 8 Mind abilities… However, even with the changes in my personality that I couldn't discern as it is mine, my goal was still the same."

"I wanted to at least create a sect in this Heaven before going to the Upper Heaven. That is why I became a disciple to experience it and learn some methods of how to operate it."

"I had achieved cultivating the limits of this Heaven, for that reason, I only have ten years to achieve it and it is enough for me. Then, I will, later on, live with other immortals in the Upper Heaven and travel to the Upper Heavens."

"There must be something there… I am sure of it. Even with the different experiences I had in my previous world, I still wanted more. That is definitely the reason why I chose to die… I wanted to take a rest in that world and see the other side."

"Fortunately, I stumbled upon this world, which has different rules and ways of people. Apart from personalities, the people here were uniquely different from my previous world."

"They don't form countries; instead, they form families and reputations to hold land. That is, for sure, no one owns land apart from those who are powerful. That is how invasion in this world is impossible if you only had a brain, unlike in my previous world where some generals don't even have the fighting capabilities."

"I must say that I've become too childish since I arrived here. That "Youthful Mind" has two effects that for heaven's sake I didn't notice."

The "Youthful Mind" was a resetting passive ability to have more energy to get new information. But in his previous world, that Mind ability didn't work, and surprisingly, in this world, it activated.

And one other effect of that Mind ability is that it can influence the body of the holder. Hence, in his transportation to this world, Lucas's body became younger.

Because of the effects he had from the Youthful Mind, Lucas wasn't able to discern that something was wrong with him as he was focused on the things before him. That definitely explains why the personality he had in his previous world was destroyed in this world.

His mind became unstable, and the reason was his Youthful Mind. But now, he had already fixed it to make it more certain and organized. His Youthful Mind was silently suppressed now since he knew that it would give him problems in the future.

Now, he still has an unstable personality but can act as if he were stable in some instances.

"Wow… I should remove this Mind ability in the future. It is utterly useless to me." Lucas calmly mumbled in his seat.

Minutes later, the door of the personal field opened, which indicated that Lucas had to move now. He had already achieved what he had hoped.. Now, he has to focus on what he aims to achieve.

Chapter 131 - Lucas's Capabilities [3]

"How amusing… I thought that only the Sect Leader and his disciples could enter his personal field. But these sect elders dare to get in?" Lucas mumbled as he soon came to realize that the reason the door opened was because of the sect elders from the meeting.

These sect elders were from respected families and factions, and as they thought that they held power, it was laughable to Lucas. They entered with a fierce expression. It must be that they were too fixated on their thoughts.

"Something must have happened. Can you please enlighten me? Why do the sect elders dare to disobey the rules of the sect? " Lucas wasn't angry at them, he was only disturbed that the reason why he called for the sect leader was that he didn't want to interact with the mass.

But now that they have come here, flocking like they can have excuses to be pardoned, it is laughable.

Lucas let out a sigh and darted at them with his deep eyes. He then went back to his seat and calmed down. He closed his eyes as he truly never wanted to interact with them; it was too disturbing.

"We pay respect to Senior Brother Wei, or should I call you a fraud? You dare to trick our sect that you came from the Wei family, if not for your talents, we would not think that you hold such importance."

"Please show us why you were the special competitor of the sect. I am sure that you already know about this matter, right?"

"Nevermind it, we just have to see his capabilities. After all, he was the direct disciple of the Patriarch. Then he should have had a good performance to show us."

"You dare not meet the other participants and leave the sect when you want. Do you think we will stay complacent? We demand an explanation and your real capabilities, Lucas. Not just your fake background and fake aura from your array formations."

These sect elders sent a barrage of complaints to him. But why and how could they reach Lucas? Weren't there sect elders that knew Lucas's real identity?

Well, truth be told, they cared less since they were only courting their own destruction. The Wong faction knew Lucas's real identity, and they didn't care much if this created a fuss. But the main reason why they were not stopping them was that they knew that they would be suspected.

Factions were for the healthy competition inside the sect, not to act as dividers. And depending on Lucas's maturity and seniority, they expect that he will easily handle them.

A few demands came to Lucas, but he wasn't even budging. He wasn't bothered by their words, but what he was bothered by was their presence. Right now, Lucas doesn't want to interact with the mass. He truly doesn't want it, but these people wanted to destroy his peace of mind.

He learned that his mind was unstable because of the people he met. These people influenced his mind and would resurface his other personalities. That is why, in his cultivation, he soon came to realize what he needed.

First, he still needs to be sure that the merging and erasing of the singularity of his other personality has been completed. And since he still has to function in his brain, just to be sure, he has to not interact with plenty of people.

Second, Lucas already knew how his eyes seemed to be uninterested, but for him, now that he doesn't care much about his appearance, he doesn't care to fix it.

Third, Lucas had fixed goals. Even if there were other interesting things to emerge, he would still go to his goals. The latter would be the latter.

And lastly, Lucas is becoming more eccentric, but to the point where he is becoming more stable than ever.

In the past, the personality he acted out of was unstable to the point where he looked stupid. He would ask an obvious question and sometimes utter nonsenical things that don't even have a connection to the event.

That is definitely the initiator of why Lucas decided to fix his personality. That is also why he knew that he had an unstable mind. As he got more concentrated on his cultivation, he soon came to observe his passive abilities.

"Hmmm…? Is this that 'Lucas' Junior Brother Bo calls a monster?" A certain sect elder asked. He has white hair and elderly features, but his aura indicates he is in the General Spirit Realm.

Sect elder Bo nodded simultaneously, which made this certain sect elder look at Lucas once again. Lucas didn't know that he was being stared at by this elderly man as he had his eyes closed.

"He looks weak. Are you sure that the pressure he was under was strong? I can't feel anything."

Sect elder Bo tried to explain, "It is because he suppressed it."

"I see… Supressed? Then, he must be an expert above me since suppressing pressure isn't that easy. Supressing an aura is a hard thing to do and sometimes needs the assistance of a treasure. Did he use anything?"

Sect elder Bo shook his head.

"I see… Then it should be just another facade from him. He must have kept a strong pressuring array formation as a talisman. He must have used it, and by the time its effect disappeared, Junior Brother Bo would think he had suppressed it."

Sect elder Bo was dumbfounded by hearing it. He does not agree! Even with this fakery, he would not let it overwhelm his judgement! It is utterly absurd since he could die if he tries to offend Lucas.

He could only gulp as he slowly left the location. When he finally left the room, he was blocked by the Wong faction.

"Greetings seniors!"

"Have you called the Sect Leader? You were in charge of notifying him if Lucas left the field. Where is the monitor? Bring it and show it to him quickly." Mike Wong ordered.

"Yes!" Sect Eelder Bo immediately took the monitor treasure from his spot earlier and ran away. This monitor shows what was happening inside the personal field, but only the sect leader would know how to operate it.

Meanwhile, inside the personal field, Lucas was meditating, trying not to be disturbed by their presence. They were noisy, but he cared less. What he was nervous about was the presence they had, as it gave off their personalities and aura.

Lucas's face turned sour and disturbed, and when they noticed it, they tried to use it as their stepping stone for another mockery.

"Look at that. You are nervous, right? Hah!"

Lucas let out a sigh and then uttered, "Is the use of your mouth only available for spouting nonsense? It truly shows how you disrespect the disciple of the sect leader."

Not all of the sect elders oppose Lucas, but only the majority, since they haven't seen Lucas before but only heard some rumors about him.

They were infuriated at how Lucas opened his mouth to speak, and not holding it anymore, this certain sect elder gripped Lucas's robe collar.

Then again, Lucas let out a sigh.

"You must be too drowned by your political power? Do you think that the Sect Leader would let you go with this?"

Nerves appeared on the forehead of the sect elder as he spoke for another time.

"You are only a kid, and your talent is not that surprising to find. Unless you have a good physique, you are nothing."

"But what if I have? Did you think of that possibility before grabbing my collar?"

The sect elder was muted for a second. He hadn't thought of that variable before grabbing him. This must be the source of Lucas's confidence.

Lucas then slowly opened his eyes after meditating. His eyes were still uninterested and spiritless. And when they fell to the sect elder, he was frozen for a short time.

"That is only a bluff. You don't have a good physique. If you had, I would know it…"

"Indeed, I don't have such a commendable physique. But what else is the reason why you are grabbing my collar?"

"Ah! It is because you are disrespectful to your elders! Show your respect to your seniors! You may have a higher position than me, but I hold the real seniority here!"

Then Lucas looked directly into his eyes.

"Seniority always just about age. All age gives you is responsibility, not knowledge. You could be old but stupid, or you could be young but a genius. Now, you tell me about your seniority."

"This impudent!"

"Stop!" A voice reverberated that instantly made everyone freeze in their positions. The sect elders shifted their attention to the door and saw the sect leader entering the personal field.

"Sect Elder Yue, I do not like this attitude you are showing."

"Gukh! Patriarch Guangchang! I apologize for this imprudence, but I cannot take it anymore. This kid should be punished-!"

Before Sect Elder Yue could continued, Wilford already slapped him, making him stop his talk and stood in his position surprised of what had just happened.


"I order everyone to leave this place immediately! Leave!"

They were all silent, and without other choice, they left the personal field, giving Lucas the peace he wanted.

"I apologize, Senior Brother Lucas, for what has just happened. Their sincerity is so overbearing that they get blinded by their love for the sect."

Lucas shoved his hand away and said, "It is okay. It was helpful, if I must say. I already proved my speculation, but may I ask, why are you calling me "Senior" again?"

Wilford gulped and lowered his head.

"You have changed, so I cannot call you my junior again. It would take over my ego. You have already surpassed me, Senior Lucas."

Lucas was only sitting still while inspecting Wilford's expression. He then said, "I understand.. It seems that I have already passed the standards of your eyes, Sect Leader."

Chapter 132 - Predicament

"I have really changed, Sect Leader. But why does it seem you are not curious about what has just happened?" Lucas asked and ignored what had just happened earlier as if it was nothing to him. He had already benefited from that event.

Lucas's speculation that his unstable mind is also influenced by the people he interacts with was real. But, just like with the presence of the sect elders earlier, he also came to realize that his mind was more stable than before.

He was calm and could easily throw words at anyone. This was enough for him, and it is not a big deal anymore to tackle since he wasn't harmed.

Well, technically, talking about harm is the tranquility of his mind. He was still at peace. That is enough.

"I am curious. But I have an idea. I have been watching you since the day you went into seclusion and I can say that you have done great. What kind of array formation have you created to produce such profundity?"

Wilford had been watching Lucas from the monitor treasure. He had to see what was inside his personal field. And throughout the days he had been watching him, he noticed that around Lucas, in that long cultivation, he was surrounded by beautiful lights.

These lights were green as if healing someone with a treasure made by nature. It was kind of a light that had sparkling effects around Lucas. Even though he speculated that Lucas was intending to create it, he was too mesmerized.

The majestic feeling it gave him was too amusing. How should he put it? It was too divine.

However, Wilford still intently observed Lucas's progress. Even though he didn't know when he would stop, he knew that Lucas would be on time since his trust was in him.

"Profundity around me? I don't know what was happening around me, but I was aware of what was happening to me. I knew why I had to take much of that time to cultivate."


Six months ago, as soon as Lucas absorbed his first personality, his will became two. He doesn't know why it happened, but it was as if his focus was on two different channels. He could continue to cultivate while the other one was searching for another personality.

It was confusing at first, but as soon as he got used to it as if using them as arms, he continued his purpose. Lucas continued walking along this shore to look for another personality.

A few fragments of time later, he met an old man. It was him as an old man, and as he approached it, the old Lucas was calm.

"Hello, you must know why I am approaching you. Will you come and be bound with me?" Lucas asked but the old Lucas was as if deaf that he ignored his question.

"Life is too amusing, isn't it? We start to learn, then, later on, dream. After that, we face challenges and believe in fate whether we will succeed or not." The old Lucas uttered.

But Lucas wasn't confused. He only looked at his old version and then listened to the other words he would utter.

"However, in this life, we tend to forget the purpose of it. It was meant to be fun. But even enjoying needs time to understand since everyone has a different taste of what they like."

"You mean preferences?" Lucas asked but again, the old Lucas didn't pay any attention to him.

"I have come to an end, but still, I am not content. Why? Because I learned that enjoying life is only a luxury. If you are not fated to have what you want to enjoy, you don't have to be sad. You just need to wait till the time comes. It will be for you." The old Lucas uttered again.

"I don't know why you are talking like this, but can you merge with me now?"

The old man stopped talking and looked at Lucas. Lucas was delighted by it. This neutral version of himself was like a normal person, impatient with things.

"You are an impatient young one. Even though I know that you are me when I was young, the normal me, I can say that you are impatient."

What the old Lucas was doing was getting out of hand. They weren't connected with what he stated first and so on. He turned his face away from Lucas and continued talking.

"That is why enjoying life is a luxury since not everyone can decide when to enjoy their life. So, if I were you, I'd follow the flow of life. Wait for it, and just pursue it with effort, since effort and fate are friends."

'The fuck this old me saying.' Lucas sneered, then grumbled.

"Forget about it. I will just search for another one. You seem to be difficult to understand." Then Lucas decided to search for another.

Slowly, as he continued walking, the scenery changed. In front of him now was a small hut, but still near the seashore.

Curious about it, Lucas climbed onto the front balcony and knocked on the door.

"Hello? Is anyone inside?"

Later on, the door opened with a lady inside.

"The fuck?! I have a female version of myself? What kind of trash personality is this?" As he saw a beautiful lady version of himself, Lucas couldn't help but curse. He looked at her from bottom to top and then spoke again.

"Why are you a lady?"

"Why? Do I have any choice? Dumbass." Then she shut the door without another word.

Lucas was about to ask her if she would like to merge with him, but he stopped midway. She'll become part of him on the surface, right? Lucas knew that he didn't have the time to finish absorbing all of his personality. At least, if he doesn't complete it, he could just bury them.

And it doesn't mean he had to absorb everything; it only means he had to think of adding what was essential. So, since being a female or wanting to be a female is not really that important to his main personality, he then left the hut and went back on his way to the old man.

"I need to have some insights into life, and the great personality is the old version of myself. Was it a personality trait of seeing life as a life seeker was it?"

After finally seeing the old version of himself again, without wasting any time, he called for the old Lucas again.

"Excuse me, but can I have a talk with you? It is an urgent matter." Lucas said.

"Talking is like walking. If you lose the sense of direction, the way you talk would have a different ending. It could be bad, good, or nothing."

Lucas clicked his tongue as he still couldn't get a hold of this life seeker. Then, what he must do is persuade him or push him into merging with him without asking.

"You've asked for this old man." Lucas tried to pull the old man, as he wasn't expecting it, this old version of him started talking again, and it was connected with his purpose.

"I will give you some advice. Get a calm one, slightly murderous, slightly talkative, and one who has a light aura."

Instantly, without Lucas's will, the personality merged with him so that he wasn't able to ask what the advice was all about. And just as he was speculating, his will became three, but the main will he had was as if it was consciousness, and the other two were from the subconscious.

The other will he had was cultivating, and he didn't really care about the cultivation since his purpose was his mind.

Leaving the other two wills, he continued searching for another personality.


Lucas is currently contemplating something inside his living quarters. He already told Wilford that he was ready for the competition since he had already practiced inside his cultivation. He had absorbed a personality where he knew everything about array formations.

Indeed, Lucas had already read mostly everything about arrays in this Heaven, and he didn't expect that there was such a hidden personality within him that was a geek in array formations.

It was confusing if other people would think of it. A personality out of nowhere? And do these personalities have different talents, to mention them? Well, it is absurd, but for Lucas, every personality is a representation of his desires.

Unbeknownst to him, the numerous desires he had in the past had evolved into a hidden personality. With Mind abilities in his core, even sealed, there were still functioning and one of them is the Personality Holder Mind ability.

Lucas could store his other personalities as there was a predicament for him in the past in his previous world where he created plenty of personalities out of nowhere. It was because of the darkness he had faced that made him create personalities to fix himself.

But instead of fixing himself, he became such a dangerous being that his main personality searched for an answer to fix himself. Instead of merging them, he had stored them in one place and would just take some of the knowledge they had to act as his attitude at the surface.

It was confusing for others, but for Lucas, it was normal.

"Then… I could say that my core wasn't entirely sealed. Instead, they were only hibernating. What a funny term to use for abilities…"

Lucas went back to contemplating with a smirk on his face. He had already faced plenty of challenges, and merging with his personality was one-of-a-kind.

"Hah… amazing… uninterested, old man with insights of life, calm one, slightly murderous, slightly talkative, light aura, slightly nerd, swordmaster, array master, and dealer.. These personalities, they were at least helpful, huh."