C28: Shawn

[Monday, October 24 ]

A couple of days ago, Summer texted me and told me to come to her office today at noon. She didn't say things in detail, but the idea was, she got asked by her father about the things that have something to do with me. I can't say I'm surprised. After all, this is where we're supposed to go. It's time for us to reveal the secret relationship that we've kept for years.

I knocked on her office's door when I arrived at The Crown and she gently opened it. It surprises me that I can't feel any hint of nervousness about the matter, that I'm too cool about it. Not even having any negative thoughts that we'll get scolded, judged or whatsoever.

Amethyst mentioned how strict Gabriel Monteverde is when it comes to his daughters' suitors and it took Vaughn a couple of years before having the permission for them to formally date. Will that be my case too? Will I get through the hole of the needle before he allows this relationship?

"Have a seat," Summer said as she gestured me to enter her office and I sat down to the couch like what I've done recently when we talked.

"So, you seem to be all cool about this." Summer commented, pursing her lips as she picked up her cat Shawn from the carpeted floor. She caressed the cat's fur and the cat played along, showing its affection to her.

"You noticed," I replied confidently, leaning my back on the couch. "I don't know why either. I'm not really nervous and I have no idea why. You know that I'm not an outgoing person, so I'm not likely to greet your dad in a very welcoming way. Anyway, what will be, will be." I shrugged.

What am I even saying? I'm being too spontaneous. If this won't work, what should I do? Just go back home there at the island or just get a decent job and live here in the city? My heart was broken enough when we got separated. I can't imagine that happening again. My world doesn't revolve around Summer but losing her just feels like something in my life is missing. She's not my wife – at least not yet – but it feels like she's my other half.

Summer pulled the door open when another knock was heard from the door, revealing the man that we're both waiting for – Gabriel, her father. I stood up and gave a slight nod, not showing any hint of emotion. I don't even know if I'm giving a good impression or not. Perhaps I should do the traditional honoring-gesture, 'mano' too? But … won't he be insulted when I do that? Because usually, it's only for old people. I think I shouldn't.

"Shawn Barron, isn't it?" Gabriel began, not showing any hint of emotion like I did. Is he making it hard for me to read him?

Gabriel and I sat down while Summer brought out her phone to call someone. Isn't that a wrong timing, leaving just the two of us alone here in an awkward atmosphere? She could've at least stayed for a while to break the ice.

"So, let's face it. You and my daughter have been together for a couple of years."

I looked into his eyes as I answer, "Two years, to be precise. We met at a social event where you and my father are invited. I befriended her back then and that's how our friendship started."

Summer entered the room and sat on the couch across my seat. "Sorry I was gone, I ordered some pizza because I'm craving for one. I hope you won't mind."

"I love pizza," Gabriel and I chorused, which is quite surprising and at the same time, a good thing that we share the same interest when it comes to this food. Summer's mouth threw open as she heard the two of us say the same thing and showed a pleasing smile as if to say that it's a good start.

Gabriel leaned his back on the couch and crossed his arms to his chest. "Just in case you're curious, so far, I only asked him how the two of you met."

"Oh, that night when he approached me in an event, we talked a bit and I asked him his number," Her father's eyes widened a bit upon hearing Summer's confession, not to mention she said it with pride. His father's reaction isn't surprising, because normally, a girl won't make the first move. "Wait, you're the one who asked for Shawn's number?"

Summer shrugged and pouted. "Yeah, why not? I was being friendly. I don't see that it's forbidden. It's not like it's a long event where we can talk for an entire day so just in case I want to keep in touch, we can contact each other, right?"

"Right," Gabriel surrendered, agreeing that there's nothing wrong about what Summer did, however, I can't blame him for being surprised about that. If I were him, I'd be surprised that my daughter was the one who initiated. If we'll be too traditional, the efforts are mostly made by the guy but Summer made it too easy for me. That makes me think that she's interested in the very first place because she almost asked me out that time.

"Not gonna lie, I almost asked him out that time," She confessed, saying exactly what I have in mind. Impressive. It feels like telepathy.

"You're way too friendly," he commented. "Anyway, this isn't a job interview and James, your father," Gabriel fixed his eyes on mine. "Basically, told me what his son is up to. I can't remember any meeting of ours that he didn't tell me about you. I'm actually impressed, what you did was something heroic. Leaving your great life here for the sake of helping the people who are in need, that's something life is worth spending for. You're too kind and passionate for those people, aren't you? I'm not really surprised that James is too proud of you even if that leaves him alone in your home." Hearing those of appreciation made my heart sank. It's something that I wasn't expecting for him to say and it surprised me to know that dad always talked about me. Yet there's me, who hated him a lot for so long. What kind of son am I? I don't even know how to forgive myself knowing how rebellious I've been.

"If you were at Edevieth for a year, it means that you and Summer didn't meet, isn't it? How did the two of you make things work?"

"Actually, we didn't end well that time. We're not going to hide this matter because we're telling you everything. It wasn't clear if we're done or not because none of us have the courage to break up. We wanted to talk but it's just hard." Summer admitted.

"But with Amethyst volunteering to come with me, our paths crossed again. Things … happens for a reason. When Amethyst had the courage to contact Summer, we were able to talk when she visited the neglected island. Now, this is … what we are now." Saying those words feels like I got my freedom from hiding all those facts deep inside me.

Secrets that turns out to be suffocating but now we're both free. The question is, where will this go? I don't have any plan B if he rejects me or whatnot. If I'll be honest, I don't even have a plan A. Planning is just … not my thing which I know is improper.

"How about now, what are your plans?" Summer and I exchanged confused glances as we heard his question, clueless on where to start. I can't just say that I'm planning to propose since it looks like it's too early for that. I want to prove myself that I'm worth to spend the rest of my life with her.

"We're in the right age," Summer said softly, but loud enough for us to hear.

"And?" Gabriel asked, hoping for Summer to be more precise.

"I don't want to rush things, sir," I clarified. "I want to prove myself first before things escalate. I want to know you and your family better. It would be better if our families will spend time together to know each other better, at least in my opinion." I suggested. I looked at Summer to see her reaction, but her expression is blank, her eyes focused on nowhere, as if deep in thought. If I can only read minds, I'd love to know her opinion about what I said.

I can't help but wonder if she wants us to get married already because I got disturbed when she wanted me to stay in her room a little longer a few days ago. It was too tempting, however, I do know my limits. We can't do that unless we're married. It feels like a sin and it certainly is. Things… should be done after marriage.

"I'd appreciate that and it's for the best. I'm glad that you –" long before he finished his sentence, someone knocked on the door and Summer opened it, revealing a pizza delivery boy, carrying Summer's orders.

Summer grinned widely as she saw the man and let him enter to drop it on our table. She paid the man and he slightly nodded. Gabriel and I looked at each other and we looked at Summer after, as if everyone's shy who will open the pizza first.

She rolled her eyes as she sees us staring at her and she lifted the box open, revealing a Tomato Alfredo pizza topped mainly with chicken, spinach, bacon, garlic herbs, tomato sauce, Italian and parmesan cheese. I can imagine my mouth water for this is one of my favorites when it comes to pizzas. Summer surely knows what my soft side is. Although as far as I know, she's supposed to be pleasing her dad and I should make a good impression. Is she doing this for me?

"Dad, here's your favorite pizza," she winked at her dad and smiles teasingly as she sits down and pours the soft drinks in the paper cups provided by the pizza guy.

My mouth threw open, surprised upon hearing Summer say those words. "Really? This is my favorite too." I commented.

"Exactly. Dad and Shawn's favorite, so it's the perfect pizza for us."


[ Sunday, October 30 ]

Dad and I entered the church as we arrived, seeing Summer's family seating on the third row of the pews. Amethyst, Vaughn, Summer, Sasha, Jasmine and Gabriel Monteverde are seated there with two people around their late 50s, which I suppose Vaughn's parents. Do they always go to church together as a whole family? That's a great deed if I were to be asked. How I wish that my mother's here with us, too. I miss the island life. It could be more fun if the kids are also here. Being here in the city makes me feel a little homesick.

Dad shook the hands of his friend Gabriel with a welcoming grin flashed on his face, and shook the hand of Summer's mom, Jasmine, after. They seemed to be pleased to see each other for they are friends, after all. Lastly, dad shook Summer's hand with an approving smile. I don't really know what to conclude about it.

I took the hand of Gabriel and did the honoring-gesture and did the same to Jasmine. Vaughn's parents moved a bit away from dad, giving dad a space to sit on next to Gabriel. Summer, on the other hand, moved away from Vaughn to give space to me. Now I'm sitting next to Vaughn and Summer. It's my first time to see Vaughn, and I guess it's a good idea to be a bit friendly. However, greeting people isn't my thing, I rarely initiate. I feel uncomfortable doing it, making me end up as someone reactive.

"I suppose you're Shawn?" Vaughn asked plainly and offered a handshake eventually. "Pleased to meet you."

I reached his hand, accepting the handshake. "Yeah, that's me. Pleased to meet you, Vaughn."

"I'd be happy to talk to you after the church service. I can be wrong, but it seems like you're the kind who hates small talks." Vaughn assumed, and I narrowed my eyes a bit upon answering.

"That's true. I hate nonsense talks. It's an introvert thing. Did Amethyst tell you that?"

"Not really, but I already guessed that you're an introvert because you didn't initiate." He said, shrugging. It was like earlier, I was thinking about that. He doesn't have the ability to read minds, doesn't he? "I'm an introvert too, only that I'm a bit sociable than the typical ones."

"Oh," I replied, nodding. "Right, I see." Surprisingly, Vaughn's fiancée, Amethyst is an extrovert and that same goes for Summer too. Our significant others are extroverts. I guess opposites do attract as long as they'll embrace their differences.

The congregation started singing songs as the song leader led the crowd, together with the pianist, drummer, guitarists, bassist, and the other backup singers. Their music and the voices of the singers and congregation filled the church – not everyone's voice are pleasing to the ears, but some voices are beautiful, good enough to lighten up the mood of the entire place.

As we were told to sit down, the pastor began stating his sermon about spiritual sickness and defined sin like cancer in a person's life. It is unpleasant, controls a person's life darkens the thoughts, leads to greediness, hardens the heart and alienates the life of God. Nowadays, people do sin intentionally or unintentionally without knowing that what they're doing is wrong because they became numb. Not everyone knows that what they're doing is a sin because it feels good or it feels right. All the Biblical laws are summarized into two things – love the Lord your God and love your neighbors. Considering all the roots, as long as those won't please God or won't do anything good to other people are considered as a sin.

Thinking about what dad did in the past – who made his job as a politician the center of his life, forgetting his family and didn't consider to help the poor even though we're fortunate enough was basically greediness and selfishness. However, on the other hand, my rebelliousness hurt his feelings too and so that also counts. I'm not an exception, but at least we managed to forgive each other about what happened.

Thankfully, there is such thing as the chance for sins to be forgiven. If Christ didn't die for the sin of the world, everyone's doomed and all that people have to do is to confess and repent for their sins in prayer and believe, make Jesus as the center of their lives as their Lord and Savior to be saved.

That is salvation.

Thinking about those reminds me of why forgiveness is a need and not an option. Christ once said, 'Forgive them, for they do not know what they're doing,' when he was nailed on the cross. Which, as I can see, applies to everyone.


In the evening, all the members of Summer's family and Vaughn's family, plus me and my dad had dinner at the villa of the Monteverde's – for they proposed to host this gathering as a whole – well almost. It's only my mom who's missing.

My dad talked mostly with Summer's parents – Jasmine and Gabriel – and probably talked about Summer and I. Vaughn's parents are busy talking to Amethyst, while Summer and Sasha are surprisingly talking unlike before where they interact like cats and dogs. Summer and Sasha really did change a lot which is good. For so long, I couldn't hear any positive thing about Sasha when I'm talking to Summer or Amethyst, but fortunately, people change. They learned to forgive each other and accepted their differences and made a fresh start. I don't know Sasha personally or even Summer's parents. I might as well talk to them later.

Vaughn walked towards me while holding two glasses of champagnes in his hands. He offered one of the glasses to me and I gladly accepted it.

"Cheers, for the new acquaintance." My voice sounded like a whisper, only loud enough for Vaughn to hear.

"How about brothers-in-law? We will soon, right?" Vaughn asked as he raised his glass like I did.

"I'll look forward to that. I have to know Summer's family a bit better and get their blessing after. It might take years like you, though. As much as I want to propose, I still can't."

Vaughn shrugged and flashed an assuring smile. "It's not easy but it's gonna be worth it. There's no need to rush. How old are you anyway? You look like someone who's just around my age which is 25."

I ducked my lips and shook my head. "I hate getting asked about my age, but I'm 27. I don't know, I just don't like being asked but there's no particular reason." I took a sip at my champagne glass as I rub my finger on it, thinking of a new topic that would make sense.

"I guess you're blessed to have Amethyst as your fiancée," I commented as I look at him and I see my reflection in his brown eyes. Vaugh seems to be in deep thought as if physically present and mentally absent. His eyes are fixed on mine but he doesn't seem to be listening at all. Is he zoning out?

I waved my hand in his face, hoping to get his attention back. He winced as if in pain, and squeezed his eyes shut. He put his hand on the wall to support himself. "I … I see two Shawns at the moment." He gulped, his eyes filled with worry. Double vision? Is this a symptom of his disease? I'm aware of the migraines but the double vision is something I'm not sure of. "My … My head hurts … like crap," he added.

This can't be it. What should I do? Does this mean, he's having another episode about his illness? I'm not a doctor and I don't know anything about medical conditions.

Vaughn held my arm, almost pouring all his weight on my arm. "Your head hurts. Uh, maybe you should get room to sleep? I don't know, is that how it should be? Should I call an ambulance? What?" I couldn't articulate my thoughts well; my instincts are telling me that something bad is going to happen.

A few seconds later, Vaughn's sense of self faded away, losing his consciousness. He fell on my arms which almost made me lose my balance.
