I Can Afford to Wait

That nightmare had strangely overlapped with many things in reality. As a result, she found it difficult to treat this dream as just a dream.

Sang Qianqian recalled the words that the girl had said before she jumped off the building in the dream.

At that time, her heart felt empty and cold. It was as if she was actually in that cold wind and rain, with nowhere to hide. She was completely drenched, and the coldness seeped into her heart.

She didn't know why she suddenly had such a dream. She didn't know how the girl in her dream was related to her.

Before the dream occurred, she had always thought that Shen Hanyu was the one who had caused her to be locked up and tortured in the mental hospital.

However, from what she had said, she didn't seem to hate Shen Hanyu. Instead, it was a deep longing, reluctance, helplessness, and a sad and heartbroken farewell.