I Can

Sang Qianqian was very happy to see such a Rong Yi.

Rong Yi really knew how to pick a place. The scenic spots he chose this time were more fascinating than the last time.

Rong Yan chattered and was as lively as a happy fruit.

She seemed to understand Sang Qianqian's problem this time and intentionally joked around with Rong Yi along the way, making Sang Qianqian laugh.

The complicated thoughts in her heart were also temporarily thrown to the back of her mind.

On the way back to the city, Yun Li called her.

Her tone was full of disappointment, "Qianqian, you moved? I couldn't find you in school because they said you took the day off..."

Sang Qianqian was surprised. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming to Ming City?"

Yun Li sighed. "Didn't I mention last time that I'd surprise you next time I visit?"