How Can He Tolerate It So Much?

When Shen Hanyu held the girl's hand, he realized that it was very cold.

The weather in late October was already a little chilly, but she was wearing very thin clothes.

Shen Hanyu took off his coat and draped it over the girl's shoulders. He pulled her into the car and raised the temperature a little.

He then looked at her with a smile. "What do you want to eat tonight?"

Sang Qianqian thought for a moment and said the name of a restaurant.

She had been to this restaurant with Shen Hanyu before, and he seemed to like the food there.

"I'm asking you what you want to eat."

"I'll cook tonight," Shen Hanyu said, "Ee'll eat at home."

Sang Qianqian was stunned. "You'll do it?"

"Didn't I promise to cook for you when I'm free?"

Shen Hanyu's eyes were smiling, and his voice was gentle. "I was afraid you wouldn't wait."

This sentence had a deep meaning.