Do You Have Something to Say to Me?

"If i had talked to you earlier, the matter would have been resolved."

Guo Muyang's mood was much more relaxed now. "But it's not too late now. I'll be able to return in three to five days at most."

He paused. "Hanyu, how are you and Miss Sang?"

"Of course we're fine. Why do you ask?" Shen Hanyu asked.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, I'm just asking. Anyways, there are some clues about the shooting. When I come back, I'll discuss with you what to do."

Although Guo Muyang wasn't in the country, he had sent people to the capital to investigate Xie Shi'an's matter and found out a lot.

However, this matter involved Sang Qianqian, so it wasn't appropriate to talk about it over the phone. It was better to talk face to face.

He didn't wait for Shen Hanyu to ask anything and hung up.

Shen Hanyu furrowed his brows. This was the first time Guo Muyang had hung up so quickly.