I Didn’t Do That for You

Sang Minglang's attack was very heavy, and that person screamed repeatedly. In a short while, he was beaten up so badly that his head and face were covered in blood.

"It's just a woman. If you just said so, I would've let you have her. Is there a need to fight?"

That person realized that Sang Minglang was being serious and his tipsy state was long gone from fright, "Sang Minglang, we've been partners for so many years. Do you not want to do business anymore?"

Before he could finish his words, Sang Minglang's fist landed on his face, making him let out another shrill cry.

"I don't need to do business with trash like you."

Sang Minglang's punches were even heavier, hitting the other party until he begged for mercy before he stopped.

The man ignored the pain and immediately crawled out of the room. When he was out of the door, he turned back and said sternly, "Sang Minglang, just you wait. I'm not done with you for this matter today!"