Speak Properly

After packing her luggage and getting her documents, Sang Qianqian decided to head to the airport.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening. The flight to Yuecheng should be on its last flight in an hour, so she could still make it.

When she rushed downstairs, Aunt Zhao was opening the door. She turned around and said happily, "Miss Sang, look who's here."

Aunt Zhao opened the door. The man standing outside in the dark was illuminated by the light in the room. Shen Hanyu walked in with the chill of the winter night.

And so, Sang Qianqian met Shen Hanyu for the third time that day.

Before she could say anything, Shen Hanyu had already said, "Let's go. I'll send you back to Yuecheng."

Sang Qianqian was speechless.

He said that he would send her back to not the airport, but Yuecheng?

"You... You know that I'm going back to Yuecheng. But how are you going to send me back?"