He's The Best

Li Zexuan felt like he had been reduced to a pawn in his father's games. His father was quite good at shifting the blame to him. He even said that his comprehension ability was bad.

"But I—" Li Zexuan tried to clarify.

"Hurry up! Two hours a day from today," Li Yanchen urged.

Li Zexuan rolled his eyes at his father as he walked to the backyard.

In Feifei's broadcast room, Tao Jinguan had downloaded an image recognition software that identified types of grass and weeds. She then explained it to Feifei.

"Mom, don't they look different?" Feifei looked at the grass on the table.

After teaching him for a while, Tao Jingyuan realized that her son couldn't differentiate between different types of grass. "Feifei, you just need to know that these are all grass. If you can't remember, I can stick it on the bag for you to compare."

"Okay, mom. Can I play with Jiejie?" Feifei was impatient.