I Thought You Were a Tsundere

Li Yanchen watched Lin Wan being very focused in the live stream.

An evil thought emerged in his mind. Li Yanchen thought that only a child would make their relationship permanent. If they had a daughter, she would definitely side with Lin Wan. But if they had a son, maybe Lin Wan would hold on to him forever.

The corners of his mouth turned up into an imperceptible smile. 'How will I convince her?' he thought. His face darkened at the thought.

He rested his chin on one hand and seemed to be deep in thought.

At Wheatley's house., she played with her dollhouse for a while after lunch. She felt very bored, so she told Nannan that she was going to Li Zekai's house.

The sandpit in the Li family's backyard became more and more lively.

Li Zexuan, who was playing guitar in his bedroom, heard the noise and couldn't help but walk to the backyard to join his brother.