Is It Weeding or Wasteland Reclamation?

The corn had already been harvested. There were only cornstalks left in the field. The ground was almost barren. There was no grass or weeds.

The guests all looked at their feet.

Li Zexuan whispered into his father's ear, "Dad, did we hear it wrong? Maybe we aren't weeding. Maybe we are plowing the fields. There is no grass here."

While everyone was still wondering, the staff member said, "We are only gathering here. The mission is supposed to take place over there."

Everyone looked in the direction where the staff member pointed.

The ground was verdant. The plants were about half as tall as them. They were standing too far to see what sort of grass they were. The staff led them to the venue.

Xia Mo took a deep breath. "Is this the place we will have to weed? The field is overgrown with weeds."

She bent down and pried apart the straw, only to see the sparse mung bean stalks below.