There Is Something Wrong With You

The Auntie placed the phone on the glass counter and got the toothpaste for Big Mouth.

Li Zexin saw the children in the vegetable field. He stared at the screen without moving.

"Your toothpaste. 16 yuan," said the Auntie.

"Li Zexin? I was wondering why you looked so familiar. I finally remember. I watched your live broadcast before. Aiyo, your little brother is so obedient and sweet," the Auntie complimented him and his brother.

"Auntie, can I watch it for a while?" Li Zexin pointed at the phone screen.

"Sure, if you're not in a hurry." The Auntie immediately turned the phone around. "They are in the middle of a weeding competition. The winner gets the Aihua Sportswear endorsement."

"Xinxin, I am done," said Big Mouth. "Let's go play basketball for a while." He pulled at Li Zexin's sleeve.