Lying And Running Back Home

Even though Auntie Huang tried to console Li Yanchen by telling him that his children just didn't know how to express themselves but loved him all the same. But the truth was that the children never asked about him when he wasn't at home.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell him. I was just asking," said Li Zexin.

"Ms. Lin, Preserved Egg and the others are coming here again tomorrow. I tried my best to refuse, but they keep pestering me," said Li Zexin while chewing his food. "They are as annoying as flies, whining in my ears. So, in the end, I had no choice but to accept."

"Madam, Xuanxuan is also coming home tomorrow. He called last night. He said he would be here for dinner. He asked me if I could make him pig trotters, too," said Auntie Huang.

"What? Why is my brother coming here? Isn't he supposed to be in boarding school?" said Li Zexin.

"He is working very hard," said Auntie Huang with a smile. "He is coming to get some study materials."